Questions of Computer Basics

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1/12/2021 Questions of computer basics

Questions of computer basics

From WikiEducator

QUESTION BANK-Computer Basics


Q1. What is a computer? What are the characteristics of computers?

Q2. State the different categories of digital computer?

Q3. How many computer generations are there till date? Explain them in brief.

Q4. Why is computer known as a data processor?

Q5. Draw a block diagram to illustrate the basic functional units of a computer and explain

Functions of each?

Q6. What do you mean by “word length” of a computer?

Q7. Differentiate between microprocessor and CPU?

Q8. What is the function of a control unit?

Q9. What do you mean by memory devices? Explain the difference between the primary and

Secondary memory.

Q10. What is a hard disk and how does it works?

Q11. Distinguish between a RAM, ROM and Auxiliary memory?

Q12. What are the different kinds of input devices?

Q13. What is ROM? Why is the data stored in the ROM not erased even after the power is

Switched off? Justify your answer with an example.

Q14. What is an output device? What are the major output devices for a computer?

Q15. What are peripheral devices? Why they are so called?

Q16. What kind of device is a keyboard? How many types of keyboard are available for use in 1/6
1/12/2021 Questions of computer basics


Q17. What is a computer program and what is running/executing a program?

Q18. What is firmware and what is its importance to a computer system architect?

Q19. List the different types of printers available. What technology does the laser printer use

Print a document?

Q20. Define the terms Hardware and Software.


Q1. What is FLOW CHART? How does a flowchart help a programmer in program


Q2. What is compiler? How are they different from interpreter?

Q3. What are assemblers?

Q4. What do you mean by decimal and binary number system?

Q5. What are programming languages? Explain the difference between machine, assembly

High level language.

Q6. What are 4 generation languages? Explain where these languages are different from

generation languages?

Q7. Explain the advantages of Assembly Language over Machine Language.

Q8. What are the Limitations of Assembly Language?

Q9. What is Data Flow Diagram?

Q10. Explain the salient features of the Classical Waterfall model for software development?

Explain the activities in which they are required in each phase? 2/6
1/12/2021 Questions of computer basics

Q11. What is LAN, MAN and WAN?

Q12.What is a computer network? How it is useful?

Q13. What do you mean by network topology? Explain the following in brief: Star topology,

Tree/ Bus topology, Ring topology.

Q14.Differentiate among Simplex, half duplex and Full duplex modes of data transmission.

Q15. What are the different types of transmission media? What are the basic elements of a

Communication system?

Q16. Describe the functions of the various basic flowcharting symbol.

Q17. What are the Rules of Flowcharting?

Q18. What are the advantages and Limitations of Flowchart?

Q19. What do you understand by Client-Server Architecture?

Q20. What is modulation?


Q1.What is internet? What are the different services provided by the internet?

Q2. What is the Web browser and URL?

Q3. What is HTML? Define it.

Q4.Explain TCP/IP protocol model. How does it works?

Q5. What is the use of Hypertext Markup Language?

Q6.What is World Wide Web?

Q7. Write short note on Gopher and telnet.

Q8.What is FTP and how does it work?

Q9. What is Search engine? What is the most popular search engine?

Q10. Who governs the internet users? List the various societies who are responsible for
laying 3/6
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the guidelines for internet users.

Q11.Explain how emails are important. Comment whether the e-mails are secure.

Q12. Write short note on DHTML.

Q13. What are attached files?

Q14. Explain the process of email delivery system.

Q15. Explain the component of URL with suitable example.

Q16.What is meant by browsing the web or net surfing and how is it performed?

Q17. How gopher service may be utilized to search an item or information on the internet?

Q18. What is an Archie? How is an Archie service used to search an FTP site?

Q19. What is Veronica? What are the similarities of Veronica with Gopher?

Q20. How an FTP session is established? Explain with suitable example.


Q1. What is an operating system? What are the different functions of operating systems?

Q2. Define data, information, database, database management system.

Q3. What is the need of Database management system?

Q4. What is batch processing, multi processing, multi tasking?

Q5. Differentiate between Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing

Q6. What is GUI and textual interface? Give an example of each.

Q7.Write short note on DOS.

Q8. How many types of commands are there in DOS? Write ten commands along with their


Q9. Write short note on MS Windows. How is it different from MS-DOS?

Q10. What are different kinds of operating systems? 4/6
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Q11. Draw logical architecture diagram of computer system.

Q12. What is Real time operating system?

Q13. Discuss the general architecture of DBMS?

Q14. How are the charts prepared in MS-Excel?

Q15. List the types of charts which are prepared in MS Excel.

Q16. Differentiate between Procedural DML and non-procedural DML.

Q17. What is the role of recycle bin? How it helps to prevent accidental deletes?

Q18. Give possible reasons that might crash Windows-98 in your system.

Q19. How would you carry out the following in MS Power Point:

1. To start slideshow
2. to create a new document
3. to change the formatting

Q20. Differentiate between instance and schema.


Q1. Explain various application of information technology.

Q2. Write short note on the development of IT in India.

Q3. Write short note on NICNET. What are the objectives of establishing of this network?

Q4. Write short note on ERNET.

Q5. What is E Commerce? How is E Commerce related to the Electronic business?

Q6. Explain various applications of E Commerce.

Q7. Explain various E Commerce categories.

Q8. Write short note on E Governance.

Q9.What is Multi media?

Q10. What is the role of multimedia in : 5/6
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1. Entertainment
2. Training
3. Education
4. Office work

Q11. Write short note on the following:

1. Digital media
2. Animation
6. MP3
7. AVI

Q12. Explain the impact of IT revolution in our daily lives.

Q13. Explain with suitable example, how IT revolution has effected our nation in the past 5

Q14.Explain the importance of multimedia in our daily lives.

Q15. What are the differences between E Commerce and Electronic data interchange(EDI)?

Q16. Explain the salient features of NICNET. List the other specialized and dedicated
networks existing in the country.

Q17. List and explain the various components of multimedia.

Q18. Explain the need for a image compression standard.

Q19. Explain the Information representation in Digital Media.

Q20. Define: Text, Image, and Graphics.

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