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Turning a Cold War Scheme into Reality

Engineering the Berlin Tunnel

Fifty years ago, the CIA cubic yards of grout were con-
embarked on a project to inter- sumed. This was not a small
cept Soviet and East German operation!
messages transmitted via
underground cable. Intelli- Debate has swirled around the
gence was collected to net intelligence value of the
determine the best place to hit operation. 2 But the completion
the target, and then concrete of this demanding project—
planning for a new collection accomplished in secret and

The tunnel was
1,476 feet in length and
consumed 125 tons of
site was begun.

Early in 1951 when I was work-

ing in the Engineering Division
of the Office of Communica-
under exacting conditions—is a
tribute to the resourcefulness
and expertise of an outstand-
ing team of professionals.

steel liner plate and tions, I received a message from

some people in the office of the Learning as We Went
1,000 cubic yards of
Deputy Director of Plans—spe-
grout . . . This was not Prior to this project, my tunnel
cifically the chief of Foreign
a small operation! Intelligence/Staff D (FI/D), and experience was limited to sev-
a member of his team—request- eral night-shift visits to the

” ing a meeting. 1 The meeting

was short. The only question
they asked was whether a tun-
nel could be dug in secret. My
reply was that one could dig a
Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel as a
student civil engineer. Con-
structed in 1948 and somewhat
unique, the tunnel extended
from Battery Park in lower
tunnel anywhere, but to build Manhattan to South Brooklyn.
one in secret would depend on It was designed for two 18-foot
its size, take more time, and bores, which were mostly
cost more money. After the blasted and drilled in solid
meeting, I was transferred to rock. The East River crossing
FI/D. Thus began planning for presented a problem, however.
the construction of the Berlin
Tunnel. 2 Accounts of the tunnel project covering its
conception and execution, its compromise by
British spy George Blake, and Moscow’s delay in
We started building the tunnel
closing it down include: David C. Martin,
The author of this article served in in August 1954 and completed Wilderness of Mirrors (New York: Harper & Row,
the CIA Directorate of Operations. it in February 1955. It was 1980); Peter Grose, Gentleman Spy: The Life of
The article, originally classified, 1,476 feet in length; 3,100 tons Allen Dulles (New York: Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1994); David E. Murphy, Sergei A.
appeared in Studies 48, 2 (2004). It of soil were removed; 125 tons
Kondrashev, and George Bailey, Battleground
was reviewed and portions redacted of steel liner plate and 1,000 Berlin: CIA vs. KGB in the Cold War (New
for declassification by the Historical Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997); and
Collections Division of the David Stafford, Spies Beneath Berlin
Information Management Staff. 1 Staff D was a SIGINT component. (Woodstock, NY: The Overlook Press, 2003).

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 52, No. 1 (Extracts-March 2008) 1

Berlin Tunnel

Soil from the tunnel
would fill more than
20 living rooms in an
At the confluence of the East cal analysis of the tunnel
River and the Hudson River, average American structure.
there was a deep submarine home!
canyon, a leftover from the

In the spring of 1953, I flew to
extensive land erosion caused Frankfurt, Germany, to meet
by the violent runoff of melt with a senior case officer at the
waters from the retreating Con-
CIA station. The officer told me
tinental Glacier. The canyon showed that the amount of soil that the tunnel site had not yet
was filled with the muck and expected to be brought out from been selected. He also advised
detritus of eons of erosion. This the tunnel and vertical shaft me that Lt. Col. Leslie M. Gross
fact required that a pressur- would fill to the brim more than had been selected as the tun-
ized shield, solely for the 20 living rooms in an average nel’s resident engineer. He
prevention of blowouts on the American home! Security and expressed regret that I had not
East River crossing, had to be silence dictated that not one been selected. I told him not to
moved the entire length of the cubic foot of soil be removed worry. 3
tunnel. The concept of such a from the site. A warehouse,
shield surfaced in design dis- with a basement for the stor-
cussions for the Berlin Tunnel age of the excavated soil and a The next subject we discussed
project. The Brooklyn-Battery first floor reserved for record- was a meeting with the British
Tunnel demonstrated the mag- ers and signal equipment, was in London. We would attend
nitude of the job of marshaling the solution. this meeting with Bill Harvey,
the experienced personnel, chief of our Berlin base. At the
materials, and equipment for My task began with an inspec- beginning of the meeting, I
the huge task of constructing a tion of existing tunnels in the started to discuss some notes I
tunnel and disposing of the Washington, DC, area, which had on the unfinished mathe-
excavated soil. Work on the 18- included utility bores, pedes- matical analysis of the tunnel
foot bore tunnel could not have trian walkways, storm drains, structure. Clearly the attend-
been done in silence. These and railroad maintenance tun- ees were not interested in
matters were a warning, nels. From this research, I mathematics. The discussion
because silence would be a top concluded that our tunnel turned to the matter of the form
priority in constructing the Ber- should be 6 feet in diameter of the tunnel design. The Brit-
lin Tunnel in secret. with a structure of steel-flanged ish proposed using heavy
corrugated liner plates—the 6- concrete blocks, which were
foot diameter would provide a common in the London Under-
Design Decisions comfortable working room at ground. I countered with the
the tunnel face. Next came idea of using steel liner plates,
Once the Berlin project received research at the Library of Con- which would be lighter and eas-
a green light, design specifica- gress to check the available ier to use in the tunnel and at
tions had to be determined; literature dealing with earth the tunnel face. This proposal
men and materials assembled; pressures on tunnels. I already was accepted.
and questions of site selection, had two textbooks and found
training, and transportation three relevant papers pub-
3 Time magazine of 7 May 1956 reported
answered. The big question lished by the American Society
that some Army people saw “friends whom
that loomed was how to dispose of Civil Engineers. Together, they knew to be engineers appearing in
of the tons of soil that would be these provided the procedures I Berlin wearing the insignia of the Signal
excavated! Rough calculations needed to start the mathemati- Corps.”

2 Studies in Intelligence Vol. 52, No. 1 (Extracts-March 2008)

Berlin Tunnel

The ‘circuit method’ of
computing earth
The next subject was a ques- pressures on tunnels of computing earth pressures
tion of using a shield. I did not required solving six on tunnels. It was a sort of cir-
offer an opinion because it was simultaneous cumferential calculus. The
a topic that I felt should be dis- equations. downside was that the circuit
cussed with Les Gross. Bill method of calculation required

Harvey got the impression that solving six simultaneous equa-
I did not know the difference tions! Perhaps this
between a shield and a coat-of- sophisticated method was a bit
advantage of keeping the align-
arms. When we returned to of overkill; however, the design
ment of the tunnel on course.
Frankfurt, it was suggested assumptions called for precise
We selected a prime contractor
that I make a drawing of a planning. The tunnel not only
for the liner plates and shield,
shield. Normally, a shield— needed to be able to withstand
negotiated a classified con-
such as the one used on the a dead load of 10 or more feet of
tract, and work commenced.
Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel—
soil overburden, but also had to
would not be used in a tunnel
bear a potential surcharge
as small as 6 feet. Other meth-
Assembling Men and load—to wit, Soviet or East
ods, such as poling, would be
Materials German 60-ton tanks riding
used to prevent a collapse of the
down Schoenefelder Chausee or
tunnel roof. However, I drew an
Working out of an office in one maneuvering around the open
engineering plan for a 6-foot
shield, and Bill Harvey later of the World War II temporary field above the tunnel.
used the drawing in his request buildings along the Reflecting
for final approval of the Pool near the Lincoln Memo- While Les narrowed the search
tunnel. 4 rial, Les started the process of for a site to test the installa-
recruiting his team. He selected tion of the shield and liner
Corps of Engineers officers and plates to New Mexico, I flew
I had my first meeting with
non-commissioned officers. He back to London for a meeting
headquarters. A short confer- also began to look into a site
ence resulted in an agreement with Bill Harvey. We traveled
out West where the liner plates with one of Bill’s British col-
that a shield should be used. A and shield could be assembled
shield would have the added leagues to a location to view the
for training for the up-coming
operation of the vertical shield
real thing.
needed to gain access to the
4 A shield is made of a steel tube slightly
Soviet communications cables.
larger than the tunnel bore. Hydraulic Les left the structural analysis
jacks are fitted inside the outer rim oppo- The vertical shield was demon-
to me. Ordinarily, earth pres-
site the cutting edge. The shield, support- strated by the British sappers
ed by an external framework, is assembled sure on a tunnel is figured at
four points: the overhead, both who would operate it at the
in a shaft at the beginning of a tunnel. The
shield then makes its first shove forward, sides, and the invert. This tech- site. This was a process that
and the face is dug out until 12 or more nique did not seem adequate. I required extreme patience and
inches of soil have been removed. The skill. During the motor trip, I
jacks are retracted and liner plates are in- spent nearly a week at the
stalled in the space uncovered when the Library of Congress searching suggested that as a cover for
soil is removed. The flanges of the liner for a better way of analyzing the tunnel site, we should build
plates are bolted to a reinforced concrete earth pressures. I found two one or two communications sta-
wall and then bolted to each other, com-
pleting the first ring of the structure of the technical papers that offered a tions that would exchange false
tunnel. The shield is then moved forward better approach. The papers traffic. This idea was met by icy
for construction of the second ring. discussed the “circuit method” stares.

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 52, No. 1 (Extracts-March 2008) 3

Berlin Tunnel

Site Preparation quantity of water—but this was

not considered a problem.
Drawing on the clandestine
sources of the Berlin base, Bill We also used a newly devel-
Harvey decided to locate the oped electronic distance
operation in a rural area of the measuring system (EDMS). An
American Sector southwest of agent faked a flat tire on the
Berlin known as Altglienecke. side of the road by the aiming
The target cables—two esti- point. While working on the
mated to be in good shape, and tire, he placed a small device on
a third, in poor shape—ran in a the hood of the car. The device
ditch on the west side of Schoe- received and transmitted data
nefelder Chausee in the Soviet in the EDMS system. Thus, air
Sector. The aiming point for the photogrammetry and electronic
tunnel was about 300 yards measurement fixed the coordi-
north of a graveyard. nates of the target cables.

Tunnels are usually kept on Next, under the supervision of

line and grade by surveys con- a Berlin-based Corps of Engi-
ducted in the tunnel and on the beams ultimately would not be
neers unit, the requisite
ground above it by transits and necessary. The civilian engi-
“warehouse” was constructed on
calibrated steel tapes. A sur- neer who quit was not the only
the site, using mostly local con-
face survey, however, was one to raise an eyebrow. The
tractors and available
obviously inappropriate for a Army Chief of Engineers finally
materials. Keeping the plans
secret tunnel. Having no lasers, resolved the design contro-
secret was a constant chal-
we had to use other methods. versy. Calling it an
lenge. Time magazine reported
“experiment,” he ordered the
that a civilian engineer had
Drawing on the best technical warehouse built as planned,
quit the construction project in
resources of the time, several with a basement and no col-
disgust because the blueprints
photographic over-flights were umns and beams.
seemed crazy. “Why build a cel-
ordered. One flight used glass lar big enough to drive through
plates for maximum accuracy. with a dump truck?” he asked. 5
The glass plates were sent to From Training to Action
Good point. Warehouses were
the Agency’s fledgling air pho- usually built on reinforced con-
toanalysis unit. They conducted The two British sappers who
crete slabs poured on well- would play a key role in the
air-photogrammetry studies to drained, compacted sub-bases.
determine distance and eleva- tunnel construction were
A warehouse with a basement invited to the New Mexico test
tion. The engineering and normally would require col-
geologic analysis of the other site to observe the operation of
umns and beams, which were the shield in conjunction with
photographs showed the site to not incorporated into our plans.
be underlain by well-drained the liner plates. The time had
Our intention was to use the come to demobilize the test site
deposits of sandy loam. There basement for the storage of the
was a possibility of encounter- and ship all of the equipment to
excavated soil, so columns and Berlin. The last step was to
ing some “perched water
tables”—where a layer of pack up all of the unit’s files—
impervious clay traps a small 5 Time, 7 May 1956. consisting of requisitions,

4 Studies in Intelligence Vol. 52, No. 1 (Extracts-March 2008)

Berlin Tunnel

receipts, and disbursements—

for shipment to CIA headquar-

Two British sappers,
who would play a key started with a sequence of
push, dig, retract, assemble
ters, where they were locked in role in the tunnel liner-plate ring, and repeat. An
a safe. construction, were unanticipated messy problem
invited to the New developed about 10 feet beyond
All along, Les had planned to Mexico test site. the tunnel portal when the
send the equipment to a US shield passed under the leach

Army Quartermaster Corps field of the compound’s sani-
boxing facility near Richmond, tary system. The drainage
Virginia, for final packing for problem was quickly solved
most secret cargo was trans-
shipment to Berlin. Now he dis- with a pump. History does not
ported to West Berlin on an
covered that the boxing plant record what was used to allevi-
ordinary goods train—no armed
was due for closure and he ate the odor!
guards or security arrange-
quickly had to negotiate a 30-
ments of any kind. The cargo
day hold. At Richmond, the The dig proceeded. A wooden-
arrived in West Berlin without
metal parts were sprayed with rail track was built to keep the
a rubberized compound to elim- forklift on course. About one-
inate clanking as they were eighth of the spoil never left the
taken into the tunnel and The dig began in August 1954. tunnel. Sandbags were filled
assembled. We wanted to avoid A 10-foot-diameter vertical and stacked halfway up the
any kind of cowbell chorus deep shaft, 10 feet deep, was exca- sides of the finished tunnel.
in the tunnel. The shield, liner vated 15 feet inside the They were secured with steel
plates, conveyor belts, and a warehouse foundation. The cables and gave the tunnel
small, battery-powered forklift shield was assembled in this cross section a T-square look.
were shipped to Hamburg, Ger- shaft below the basement floor. The benches formed by the
many. From Hamburg, this The excavation of the tunnel sandbags were used to support
and store air-conditioning ducts
and power and message cables
running back and forth between
the equipment-room amplifiers
and the Ampex recorders,
which packed the first floor of
the warehouse.

The operation of the shield

resulted in an overcut of 2 1/ 2
inches. This provided space for
the liner plates, but left a 1/2-
inch void between the tunnel
and the undisturbed earth
above. This void had to be filled
in order to prevent subsidence
of the earth above the tunnel.
About every fourth liner-plate
ring had “grout plugs,”
threaded cores that filled holes
Tunnel interior with wooden rails for forklift and sandbag “benches” for utility lines
and ventilation ducts. used for pumping grout into the
void. The plugs were screwed

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 52, No. 1 (Extracts-March 2008) 5

Berlin Tunnel

out, grout under high pressure removed; then that slot was The electronic equipment room,
was pumped in, and then the closed and the next one opened. located under the roadway, was
plugs were replaced. The grout This sequence was repeated jammed with amplifiers, trans-
selected was called “Vollclay,” a until the target cables were formers, and tuners. All of
molecular composite of clay, reached, a process that required these devices used vacuum
minerals, and other ingredi- extreme patience and skill. tubes—“valves,” under British
ents. Once, a full boxcar of nomenclature—that were high
Vollclay disappeared between The tap of the first cable was heat generators. The maximum
Chicago and Baltimore! It took completed in May 1955. A team expected heat load of these gen-
five days for the Office of Logis- of British specialists started the erators had been used to
tics to find the shipment, but work of transferring the cable calculate the required level of
the grout reached Berlin with- voice and signal circuits to the air-conditioning. Something
out delaying the progress on recording equipment. The full was wrong, however, because
the tunnel. tapes were collected and sent to the temperature in the equip-
London and Washington. ment room was rising.
The British team of sappers
started—and completed in the This problem had to be solved
spring of 1955—the construc- Unexpected Development before winter set in. Some cold
tion of the vertical shaft needed morning, a frost-free black
to gain access to the Soviet On two occasions, I was invited mark might appear on the road-
communications cables. This to visit the tunnel site. I way over the equipment room,
was the most delicate and declined, suggesting that, with- perhaps extending into the field
tedious job in the entire pro- out a good reason for such a between the road and the ware-
cess. The vertical shaft was visit, we might be turning the house, calling attention to
carved out using a “window tunnel site into a tourist attrac- something strange occurring
blind” shield: A slot was opened tion. Then, a good reason below the surface. Emergency
and about an inch of soil was surfaced. action was needed.

6 Studies in Intelligence Vol. 52, No. 1 (Extracts-March 2008)

Berlin Tunnel

A chilled-water air-condition-
ing system was the only

The completion of this
demanding project is a
tribute to the
over the equipment room were
dropping, almost certainly due
solution because there was no to the supplemental cooling
room for extra ducts on the
resourcefulness and system.
sandbag benches. Such a sys- expertise of an
tem, including about 1500 feet outstanding team of Further monitoring of ground
of newly developed 3/4-inch professionals. temperatures became irrelevant
plastic irrigation tubing, was when the tunnel was discovered
shipped to the site. The tubing
fitted nicely alongside the exist-
ing air ducts.

We still needed a way to moni-

” in late April 1956. A team of
East German telephone work-
men unearthed the tunnel while
inspecting the cable system.
That spring had been unusually
used: one in the tap chamber,
tor the temperature in and four in the equipment room, wet and we had overheard
above the tunnel. With assis- three in the tunnel, and three numerous conversations about
tance from the Office of at the tunnel portal. The tun- flooded cable vaults and the
Logistics, we checked out a nel portal sensors served as need to fix the problems and
company in New Jersey named controls for comparative analy- restore communications.
Wallace and Tiernan Products, sis. When the sensors were in
Inc. Primarily a manufacturer place and the plugs restored
of altimeters and surveying and sealed, the connecting Reflection
equipment, the company also cables were run back to the
made a remote temperature entrance shaft.
recording system consisting of Over the years, the Berlin Tun-
sensors, a data-recording sta- nel project has been heatedly
The next step involved getting
tion, and connecting cables. We debated. Opinions have ranged
the cables up through the base-
purchased the system and widely—some favorable, some
ment floor of the warehouse
shipped it to Berlin. resentful of its success, some
and connected to the recording
political, and many just plain
station. This required pound-
As the Washington “expert,” I wrong. Most of the controversy
ing a hole through 16 inches of
followed with an engineering has centered on differing inter-
reinforced concrete with a star
drawing of the planned loca- pretations of net intelligence
drill and hammer! It took three
tions and elevations of the value of this costly, time-con-
days before the cables were con-
sensors that were to go into the suming, and technically
nected and operating.
earth above the tunnel. The challenging project. The simple
first job was to install the sen- The first readings showed that truth, however, is that Leslie
sors, since the plan called for the temperatures in the ground M. Gross and his Army Crops of
statistical analysis to deter- above the tunnel were in gen- Engineers staff, along with the
mine if observed differences in eral agreement with the British sappers, built the tun-
temperatures were random or readings from the sensors at nel and tap chamber in
significant. The grout plugs the tunnel portal; however, SECRET!!
now had a second purpose. A temperatures in the ground
number were removed and over the equipment room were Hand salute, gentlemen, hand
holes were drilled in each to indeed elevated. Later, data salute.
accommodate a sensor and its sent to CIA headquarters
cable. Eleven sensors were showed that the temperatures ❖❖❖

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 52, No. 1 (Extracts-March 2008) 7

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