Volume 42, Issue 13 - April 1, 2011

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the lgbtq community news source

Studio’s election nightlife

Muse preview agenda
David Muse, Studio D.C.’s special election is Cherry weekend is
Theatre’s artistic set for later this month. here with a packed
director, on the new Political groups announce slate of DJs, including
season’s exciting lineup. ratings and endorsements. Alyson Calagna.
PAGE 23 PAGES 2 & 4 PAGE 25

washingtonblade.com • vol. 42, issue 13 • april 1, 2011 • Still sharp after 40 years

Frank skeptical about ENDA’s chances

Ready to introduce bill,
seeking more co-sponsors

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) announced on Wednesday that he’s

prepared to unveil the Employment Non-Discrimination Act for the
112th Congress but is still in the process of lining up additional co-
sponsors before formally introducing the bill.
During a news conference on Capitol Hill, Frank said the upcoming
introduction of ENDA would help educate lawmakers and the public
about the bill as he continued to express skepticism that it would ad-
vance with Republicans in control of the House.
“This is a chance to continue — not begin, but continue — a lob-
bying effort that I am convinced will be successful, frankly, next time
the Democrats take back the House of Representatives,” Frank said.
As it was introduced in the 111th Congress, ENDA would bar job
discrimination against LGBT people in most situations in the public
and private workforce. According to Frank’s office, job discrimination
on the basis of sexual orientation is legal in 29 states and legal in 38
states on the basis of gender identity.
Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), a planned original co-sponsor of
ENDA, called for continued lobbying and education on ENDA for at Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
least two years under GOP control to ensure its passage in later years.
Rep. Barney Frank said this week that he’s ready to introduce ENDA to help educate his colleagues about anti-
Continues on page 16 LGBT discrimination.

Md. lawmaker blasted

for derailing trans bill
socialagenda ‘Mike Miller wants it dead, it’s that simple’
Cherry Fund board member James Decker answers 20 questions.

The chief sponsor of a transgender non-discrimination bill in the Maryland Legislature took the un-
usual step of publicly criticizing the president of the State Senate on Wednesday, saying he was being
disrespectful to her and those who would benefit from the bill by seeking to kill it in committee.
Del. Joseline Pena-Melnyk (D-Prince George’s & Anne Arundel Counties) said she was dismayed
that Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller (D-Prince George’s & Calvert Counties) diverted the Gen-
der Identity Non-Discrimination Act to the Senate Rules Committee, where it will likely die without a vote
or hearing.
filmagenda “Mike Miller wants it dead, it’s that simple,” Pena-Melnyk told the Blade in an interview Wednesday.
Celebrating Elizabeth Taylor’s contributions to film, LGBT rights. “Out of 94 bills that the House passed and sent to the Senate in a timely fashion, this was the only bill
PAGES 19 & 30
Continues on page 4
2 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Stein Club endorses Pannell in school board race

Forum addresses city that there are those of us in the LGBT
community who put public education at
vote, preventing the club from making
an endorsement in that contest. Ward 4
larly fail to attend school, contributing
to what he called an unacceptably high
LGBT issues, bullying the top of our agendas.” educator An Almquist came close, cap- truancy rate in the school system.
Pannell, a longtime member of the turing 54.5 percent of the vote in a sec- “So many of our LGBTQ students find
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. Stein Club, received 62.5 percent of ond ballot runoff against Ward 4 activist that the school experience isn’t working
lchibbaro@washblade.com the votes cast, bringing him over the 60 D. Kamili Anderson, who received 39.3 for them,” he said.
percent vote threshold required for an percent of the vote. The other two Ward 4 In addition to improving programs
The Gertrude Stein Democratic Club endorsement under the club’s rules. His candidates who participated in the forum aimed at curtailing bullying, Pannell said
Tuesday night endorsed gay rights and closest rival was D.C. civic activist and were Andrew Moss and Bill Quirk. he would push for allowing students to
Ward 8 civic activist Phil Pannell for a LGBT rights supporter Eugene Kinlow, Adam Tenner, executive director of form LGBT-related student organizations
seat on the D.C. State Board of Educa- who received 34 percent of the vote. the local group Metro Teen AIDS, served and for encouraging them to serve as
tion for Ward 8 in the city’s April 26 spe- Ward 8 candidate Sandra Williams as moderator for the forum. Among the volunteers for LGBT-related organiza-
cial election. received 3 percent and the remaining questions he asked was how the can- tions in the city such as the Whitman-
The club made the endorsement fol- three Ward 8 candidates attending the didates would address the D.C. public Walker Clinic and Us Helping Us.
lowing a forum in which candidates run- forum – Tijwanna Phillips, Larry Pretlow school system’s high drop-out rate, which Each of the other candidates par-
ning for the Ward 8 and Ward 4 school II, and Cardell Shelton – did not receive Tenner said was believed to be high ticipating in the forum also promised to
board seats spoke to club members on any votes. among LGBT students. He also asked provide support in varying ways to LGBT
a wide range of issues, including issues Three other candidates running in the about HIV prevention programs, includ- students in the city’s schools.
related to LGBT youth. nine-candidate Ward 8 race – Trayon ing condom distribution in the schools. Pannell and the other candidates ex-
“I’m honored and humbled,” Pannell White, R. Joyce Scott, and Anthony Mu- Pannell said school bullying and ha- pressed support for age appropriate HIV
said following the endorsement vote. hammad – did not attend the forum. rassment of LGBT students was a con- prevention and sex education programs.
“This is an endorsement that I really In the Ward 4 race, none of the four tributing factor in students’ decision to All of the candidates said they would re-
wanted and that I really need. And I think candidates participating in the Stein drop out of school. He said many stu- strict condom distribution in the schools
it’s important for people to know in this Club forum received 60 percent of the dents, including LGBT students, regu- to parental consent.

GLAA activists grade D.C. City Council hopefuls

Modest ratings for nalizing, zoning, taxing, and regulating
prostitution in the District. GLAA noted in
Democrats Biddle, Weaver its questionnaire that marginalized groups
such as low-income LGBT and transgen-
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. der youth sometimes turn to prostitution as
lchibbaro@washblade.com a means of economic survival and often
are subjected to further difficulties if ar-
D.C. City Council candidates Sekou rested for engaging in the sex trade.
Biddle and Bryan Weaver, both Demo- Page and the other candidates said
crats, each received a rating of +5.5 this their favored solution to the problems of
week from the Gay and Lesbian Activists LGBT and trans youth is city-sponsored
Alliance, the highest score given by the job training, substance abuse counsel-
group for the nine Council candidates run- ing, and enforcement of non-discrimina-
ning in the city’s April 26 special election. tion laws that would eliminate the need
GLAA, a non-partisan political group, for marginalized groups to turn to prosti-
rates candidates on LGBT and some tution for survival.
non-LGBT issues on a scale of -10 to Washington Blade file photo
GLAA said Biddle’s questionnaire was
+10. The group says it bases its ratings GLAA awarded a +5.5 out of a possible +10 points to Sekou Biddle and Bryan Weaver, who are
“generally positive but offered limited
on responses given by candidates to a running for Council. substance and was often vague.” The
GLAA questionnaire and on their record Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, the
on LGBT and AIDS issues. city’s largest LGBT political group, en-
“No candidates in the April 26 special the questionnaire expressed support for along with the questionnaire. dorsed Biddle.
election for At-Large D.C. Council mem- LGBT rights, including support for the The subjects covered in the question- Mara, a member of the city’s board of ed-
ber approached the ‘perfect tens’ from city’s same-sex marriage law. naire, among other things, include mar- ucation from Ward 1, has expressed strong
the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance In a statement accompanying the re- riage and family, public health, public support for LGBT rights, including same-
that were earned in recent elections by lease of its ratings, GLAA acknowledged safety, human rights, youth, and protec- sex marriage. GLAA said he lost points on
Council members Jack Evans, David that the candidates indicated in their tion for LGBT consumers and businesses his rating, among other things, because
Catania, Jim Graham, and Phil Mendel- questionnaire responses that they support – all in connection to how they pertain to he lobbied Congress for a federal school
son,” the group said in a statement. Cat- GLAA’s positions on nearly each of the 14 the LGBT community, according GLAA. voucher program. The program pays D.C.
ania and Graham are gay. issues the group raised in its questions. One question asks what steps the students’ tuition in private, religious elemen-
Republican candidate Patrick Mara and It said most of the candidates lost points candidates would take to improve the tary and secondary schools that are exempt
Statehood-Green Party candidate Alan by not providing sufficient substance to performance of the city’s AIDS office. from the city’s human rights law, which bans
Page each received a +4 rating. Democrat their responses, which, according to the Another asks, “Do you support the right discrimination based on sexual orientation
Vincent Orange, a former Ward 5 Coun- group, would demonstrate a better grasp of adults in the District to choose adult- and gender identity.
cil member, received a +3.5 rating; and and understanding of the issues. oriented entertainment for themselves, In his questionnaire response, Mara
Democrat Joshua Lopez, an aide to former “We just don’t want yes or no an- and the right of appropriately licensed said he backs the program because it
Mayor Adrian Fenty, received a +2.5. swers,” said GLAA Vice President Rick and zoned businesses to provide it?” allows students from low-income families
Democratic candidates Tom Brown Rosendall. “We want the substance be- All of the candidates answering the to attend schools considered better aca-
and Dorothy Douglas and independent hind the answers.” questionnaire responded with a “yes” an- demically than city public schools.
candidate Arkan Haile each received a Rosendall said the substantive issues swer to the latter question, although they Mara this week received the endorse-
rating of “0.” GLAA said the three failed surrounding each of the questions asked gave differing explanations of their views ment of the Log Cabin Republicans of
to return the questionnaire and the group of the candidates are included in a 24- on the subject of adult businesses. Washington.
automatically assigns a 0 rating to such page GLAA “agenda” briefing paper for Each of the candidates except one — Copies of the candidates’ responses
candidates unless it can verify a record the D.C. LGBT community published on Statehood-Green Party candidate Page — to the GLAA questionnaire and a break-
on LGBT-related issues. the group’s website. He said the group gave a “no” answer to a question asking down of their ratings by points can be
Each of the candidates that returned sent each candidate a copy of the paper if they would consider supporting decrimi- viewed at glaa.org.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 3

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4 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Log Cabin endorses Mara for Council

Strong supporter of date race for the at-large seat.
Biddle has the backing of most of the
through the City Council for approval in
2009 and has been an outspoken backer of
tions surfaced that high-level officials in
Gray’s new administration hired relatives
LGBT rights, marriage city’s establishment politicians, includ- LGBT issues on the school board. to fill various city jobs in a possible viola-
ing Mayor Vincent Gray and D.C. Council But they acknowledge that Biddle tion of rules prohibiting nepotism.
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. Chair Kwame Brown (D-At-Large). He also could be hurt by his endorsements from Mara’s campaign initially seized on
lchibbaro@washblade.com received the endorsement of the Gertrude Gray and Brown following the sensational the scandals surrounding Gray and
Stein Democratic Club, the city’s largest revelations over the past two months that Kwame Brown, with Mara calling on
The D.C. chapter of the Log Cabin LGBT political group, and is backed by media reports have labeled as scandals voters to elect an “independent voice”
Republicans, an LGBT political group, many of the city’s prominent LGBT activists. swirling over the heads of Gray and Brown. to the Council to monitor what his cam-
voted unanimously last week to endorse “He is the only candidate who actu- Brown’s request for, and his deci- paign called an out-of-control Democrat-
GOP candidate Patrick Mara in the city’s ally testified in support of bringing mar- sion later to return, two city funded and ic political machine.
April 26 special election to fill an at-large riage equality to the District,” Turner said “fully loaded” Lincoln Navigator vehicles But Mara faced ethics questions about
seat on City Council. of Mara in the Log Cabin press release. for his use as Council chair drew wide- his own campaign when the D.C. Board of
Mara, a member of the city’s board of “Recent events have shown that the spread criticism from voters in all parts Elections and Ethics earlier this month dis-
education from Ward 1, expressed strong Council needs a watchdog looking out of the city. closed it had discovered at least 160 forged
support for LGBT rights, including same- for taxpayers, and we believe Patrick Gray, meanwhile, has come under in- signatures on Mara’s nominating petitions
sex marriage, in an unsuccessful race Mara will provide that oversight.” vestigation by the U.S. Attorney’s office required for placement on the ballot. Board
for a D.C. Council seat in 2008 and in his Robert Kabel, the gay chair of the over allegations that a top official in his officials said the forged signatures were
successful school board race last year. D.C. Republican Committee, called Mara election campaign allegedly paid anoth- found on petitions turned in by petition cir-
“Patrick is an amazing candidate and a “the only candidate for the April 26 spe- er candidate to denounce Mayor Adrian culators who were paid for their services by
great friend not only to Log Cabin, but also cial election who has a proven record on Fenty, Gray’s main rival in the election, at the D.C. Republican Committee.
to the entire LGBT community,” said Log gay and lesbian issues.” He noted that candidate forums across the city. Although the city’s election law gives
Cabin D.C. President Robert Turner II. Mara “vigorously” lobbied Republican Gray’s mayoral staff later hired the the election board authority to disqualify
Although Turner didn’t mention it in a members of Congress last year against rival candidate, Sulaimon Brown, for a all nominating petitions if some are “taint-
Log Cabin press release announcing the a Republican proposal to overturn the $110,000 city job before firing him from ed by fraud,” the board ruled that Mara
Mara endorsement, Mara has surfaced city’s same-sex marriage law. the job when news surfaced that Brown submitted more than 3,000 valid signa-
as one of the lead rivals to Democrat Gay Democrats backing Biddle note that had a record of more than one arrest, in- tures needed to place him on the ballot,
Sekou Biddle, considered by most pun- Biddle expressed strong support for the cluding an arrest for an assault charge and that he should not be penalized for
dits as the frontrunner in the nine-candi- city’s same-sex marriage law as it moved that was later dismissed. Other allega- the actions of the paid circulators.

Trans rights bill likely dead in Maryland

Continued from page 1 people like that in the State of Maryland?” committee,” he told the Sun, referring to
she said. “It’s so disrespectful.” the Judicial Proceedings Committee. “At
that went to the Rules Committee – the Miller and Sen. Brian Frosh (D-Mont- this point in time I’d say the chances of
only bill,” she said. gomery County), chair of the Judicial passage of that bill are next to none,” the
The Rules Committee has long been Proceedings Committee, have denied re- Sun quoted him as saying.
viewed as a “graveyard” for bills in the ports from some Annapolis insiders that Morgan Meneses-Sheets, executive
State Senate that are unpopular with the Frosh initiated the effort to derail the bill director of the statewide LGBT group
Senate leadership, especially the presi- by asking Miller to divert it to the Rules Equality Maryland, issued an alert to the
dent, during the closing days of the leg- Committee rather than sending it to Fro- group’s supporters and allies Wednes-
islative session. sh’s committee. day urging them to make phone calls
Neither Miller nor a spokesperson for One source familiar with the legislature and send e-mail messages to their sena-
his office immediately returned calls from said Miller appeared to confirm that Frosh tors demanding that the gender identity
the Blade seeking comment. asked him to send the bill to the Rules pan- bill be released from the Rules Commit-
The Maryland Legislature adjourns for el when he told Sen. Richard Madaleno tee. She said the group remains hopeful
the year on April 11. Bills like the gen- (D-Montgomery County) during a caucus that the bill has a chance of passing if it
der identity measure that are sent to the meeting of Senate Democrats on Tuesday reaches the Senate floor for a vote.
Rules Committee at such a late date are that he acted on Frosh’s suggestion. Equality Maryland joined LGBT activists
deemed “dead on arrival” unless Miller Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
Madaleno, who is gay and is a lead last week in hailing the bill’s passage in the
were to have a change of heart and supporter of the gender identity bill, told House of Delegates by a wide margin.
Sen. Brian Frosh denied reports from some
agree to send it to a standing committee the Blade Wednesday that Miller did, in- But the group Trans Maryland, which
Annapolis insiders that he initiated the ef-
for a required hearing and vote. fort to derail the trans rights bill by asking deed, tell him at the caucus meeting that is opposing the bill because a public ac-
Pena-Melnyk and LGBT supporters of the Senate president to divert it to the Rules Frosh favored sending the bill to the Rules commodations clause was stripped from
the gender identity bill expected Miller Committee rather than sending it to Frosh’s Committee. But Madaleno said Miller ap- the legislation this year, has sent out its
to follow normal Senate procedures for committee. proached him privately about 10 minutes own alert asking members and allies to
bills passed by the House of Delegates later to say he misspoke at the caucus contact the Rules Committee to urge that
by sending it to the Senate Judicial Pro- Pena-Melnyk said she sought to meet meeting and that Frosh did not ask him to the bill be killed unless the public ac-
ceedings Committee. The bill has died with Miller on Tuesday with the intent of divert the bill to the Rules panel. commodations provision is restored.
in that committee for the past four years, urging him to release the bill from the “He said it was his decision,” said Ma- Pena-Melnyk said she removed the
but supporters were hopeful it would Rules Committee and to send it to the Ju- daleno. public accommodations provision be-
clear the panel this year. dicial Proceedings panel. According to Madaleno, Miller’s expla- cause doing so was the only way the bill
They were optimistic because the “I waited an entire hour for him, a nation to him on why he diverted the gen- could clear a House of Delegates Com-
House of Delegates passed the bill by whole hour in his office, and he refused der identity bill was similar to Miller’s expla- mittee and reach the House floor. She
a vote of 86-52 on March 25, represent- to see me,” she said. nation to the Baltimore Sun on Tuesday. said the bill could never pass this year,
ing the first time a transgender non-dis- She called Miller’s action disrespectful to The Sun reported that Miller expressed even in the Senate, if the public accom-
crimination measure has passed in either her and to the transgender community and concern that the Senate had attempted to modations provision is added to the bill.
body of the Maryland Legislature. their allies who have worked hard to secure advance the gender identity bill several [See full coverage of the House of
The bill calls for prohibiting discrimina- passage of the bill for more than four years. times in the past four years and it has died Delegates debate and vote to approve
tion against transgender Marylanders in the “What message does that send? How due to lack of support in that chamber. the Gender Identity Non-Discrimination
area of employment, housing, and credit. does that speak of us that we can treat “There are not the votes to move it in Act at washingtonblade.com.]
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 5
6 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


261 troops kicked out under

‘Don’t Ask’ in FY2010
Significant drop from
previous years, but
investigations continue

Recently released data from the Pen-

Photo courtesy of Universal/MCA tagon and the Department of Homeland
Farley Granger (left) plays a gay pianist opposite James Stewart in Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Rope.’ Security reveal that 261 troops were dis-
Granger, who was bi, died this week in New York. charged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in
fiscal year 2010, according to Service-
members United.
Bi actor Farley Granger dies at 85 The organization released the num-
NEW YORK — Actor Farley Granger, a star of two Alfred Hitchcock films, died bers for FY2010 — which spans from
Sunday of natural causes in New York. He was 85. In his 2007 memoir “Include Me October 2009 through September 2010
Out,” he wrote of affairs with both men and women and included several famous — last week after obtaining the data
names like Shelley Winters, Ava Gardner, Leonard Bernstein and others. His long through a Freedom of Information Act
relationship with producer Robert Calhoun ended with Calhoun’s death in 2008. request. According to Servicemembers
Granger starred in Hitchcock’s 1948 film “Rope” and in the 1951 classic “Strangers United, 250 service members were dis- Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

on a Train.” His other films included “Side Street,” “They Live By Night,” Edge of charged from services run by the Penta- ‘Despite this law clearly being on its death-
Doom” and “Our Very Own.” He also acted in many New York stage productions. gon and 11 service members were dis- bed at the time, 261 more careers were ter-
Granger remembered “Strangers” fondly during a 2008 Blade interview. “It’s one of charged from the Coast Guard. minated … because of this policy,’ said Alex
Hitch’s best really,” he said. “He knew just how to do it.” Granger was in town for a In a statement, Alex Nicholson, execu- Nicholson, executive director of Service-
screening of the film at the AFI Silver. tive director of Servicemembers United, members United.
said the numbers are lower than dis-
charges under the military’s gay ban in Gates further raised the bar for “Don’t
Del. Senate introduces civil unions bill previous fiscal years, but demonstrate Ask, Don’t Tell” expulsions by limiting the
DOVER, Del. — Gov. Jack Markell is backing a bill that would legally recog- that gay, lesbian and bisexual troops discharge authority to the military service
nize same-sex civil unions in Delaware, the Associated Press and other news continued to face expulsion under “Don’t secretaries “in coordination” with the un-
outlets reported this week. The bill unveiled Tuesday would make Delaware the Ask, Don’t Tell” through FY2010. dersecretary of defense for personnel
seventh state in the nation permitting civil unions. The bill restricts civil unions to “While this latest official discharge and readiness and the Pentagon’s gen-
same-sex couples, keeping marriage under Delaware law limited to opposite-sex number represents an all-time annual eral counsel, although this change took
couples. Couples that enter into civil unions would have the same rights and obli- low, it is still unusually high considering place in FY2011 and isn’t reflected in the
gations as married spouses, and most employers would have to extend the same that the Secretary of Defense issued a FY2010 numbers.
benefits offered to spouses of workers to partners of employees in civil unions. directive half-way through the fiscal year As a result of the changes in October,
The bill also calls for Family Court to have jurisdiction over the dissolution of civil to make it much harder for military units Nicholson told the Washington Blade
unions. Same-sex couples moving to Delaware from states that allow same-sex to discharge troops under ‘Don’t Ask, he expects to find no separations under
marriages would have such a marriage recognized in Delaware only as a civil Don’t Tell,’” Nicholson said. “Despite this “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” for FY2011 when the
union, the AP reported. law clearly being on its deathbed at the data from that period are made public.
time, 261 more careers were terminated “DOD has said a couple of times that
and 261 more lives were abruptly turned there have been no discharges since the
New magazine debuts for gay service members upside down because of this policy.” heightened restrictions were put in place
WASHINGTON — OutServe, a network of about 2,900 LGBT military personnel, The 261 number is significantly lower in October,” Nicholson said. “So I would
this week launched a magazine for gay service members. It will be in print and than separations under “Don’t Ask, Don’t expect the discharge numbers for FY11
available at select military bases and contain features about “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Tell” in previous fiscal years. According to to be zero. I would find it very odd if there
repeal implementation, OutServe chapters and other gay news. “Our first objec- Servicemembers United, 499 troops were was even one discharge in FY11 based on
tive with the magazine is to let all the gay, lesbian, bi and trans members currently discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in what the Pentagon has said several times.”
serving know that they are not alone,” said OutServe’s co-director, an active-duty FY2009, 715 in FY2008 and 696 in FY2007. According to Servicemembers United,
officer who goes by the pseudonym JD Smith. “And we also want to communicate In a statement, Aubrey Sarvis, execu- the official discharge statistics for “Don’t
to all troops that there are capable gay military members serving honorably, and tive director of Servicemembers Legal Ask, Don’t Tell” since its inception now
that accepting that and moving on will make our military stronger.” The magazine Defense Network, also noted the num- stands at 13,686. However, the organiza-
can be downloaded online through outserve.org. bers are lower than they have been in tion previously discovered that the Penta-
previous years, but added they demon- gon often omits from its official data Na-
strate the need for enacting “Don’t Ask, tional Guard separations, which are also
Anti-gay attack reported in New York Don’t Tell” repeal. excluded from the official FY2010 num-
NEW YORK — Police in New York are investigating an alleged gay bias attack “But these numbers underscore the bers. Therefore, the total number of service
that happened last weekend outside a McDonald’s in Manhattan’s West Village. need to accelerate the timeline for train- members discharged under “Don’t Ask,
Damian Furtch, 26, and a friend had just finished shifts at the nearby Pink Tea Cup ing and repeal,” Sarvis said. “The reality Don’t Tell,” according to the organization,
Restaurant in the West Village and were eating at the McDonald’s on Sixth Avenue is that investigations continue and ser- now stands at least 14, 316.
early Sunday when two men began to hassle them, NBC News reported citing vice members are still in danger of be- In December, President Obama signed
multiple sources. Furtch and his friend left but were followed and attacked, the ing discharged. … Until we achieve full legislation allowing for repeal of “Don’t Ask,
report said. Furtch, who was wearing pink, suffered serious head and eye injuries; equality for all LGBT service members, Don’t Tell,” but the repeal law won’t take ef-
his friend wasn’t hurt, NBC said. He posted photos of his bruises on his Facebook the job is not done.” fect until 60 days pass after the president,
page. Police are still looking for the alleged attackers. One of the suspects report- In March 2010, the Pentagon unveiled a the defense secretary and the chairman of
edly has a large tattoo of a Gothic cross under his left eye, NBC reported. Police new policy limiting third-party discharges the Joint Chiefs of Staff certify the military
have heightened their attention to potential hate-crime investigations after a spate under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and raising is ready for open service. Gates has said
of anti-gay attacks across the five boroughs in recent months. At least one teen- the rank of Pentagon officials who could he won’t issue certification until training for
ager has died as a result of what investigators believe to be a hate-crime beating. initiate investigations and separations. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal is implement-
In October, Defense Secretary Robert ed throughout the services.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 7

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8 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Most U.S. Catholics back civil marriage for gays

Support for LGBT rights
stronger than among
general public

U.S. Catholics are more support-

ive of LGBT rights, including same-sex
marriage, than the general public and
other Christians, according to a newly
released study analyzing public opinion
polls taken in 2010.
The study, conducted by the D.C.-
based Public Religion Research Institute
(PRRI), found that nearly three-quarters
of Catholics support either allowing
same-sex couples to marry (43 percent)
or allowing them to legalize their relation-
ships through a civil union (31 percent).
Just 22 percent of Catholics indicated
same-sex couples’ relationships should
not be legally recognized, the study found.
“If marriage for gay couples is de-
fined as a civil marriage ‘like you get at
city hall,’ Catholic support for allowing
gay couples to marry increases by 28
points, from 43 percent to 71 percent,”
a 22-page report describing the study’s
findings says.
“It may come as a surprise to many
that rank and file Catholics are more sup-
portive of rights for gays and lesbians
than other Christians and the public,”
said Robert P. Jones, PRRI’s chief execu-
tive officer. “But the best data available
paints this consistent portrait across a
range of issues, including same-sex
marriage, workplace non-discrimination,
open military service, and adoption
rights for gay and lesbian couples.” Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

PRRI released its study report, Catho- Phil Attey, executive director of Catholics for Equality, said poll findings showing Catholics are more supportive of LGBT equality than the general
lic Attitudes on Gay and Lesbian Issues: public are ‘heartening but not surprising.’
A Comprehensive Portrait from Recent
Research,” on March 22, four days after cent this year, the poll shows. It shows • “Compared to the general church- half (46 percent) believe it is not a sin.”
the release of an ABC News-Washington that support for marriage equality among going public, Catholics are significantly The PRRI study found that support for
Post poll showing similar views among white non-Evangelical Protestants in- less likely to hear about the issue of ho- same-sex marriage among Catholics varied
U.S. Catholics. creased from 41 percent in 2006 to 57 mosexuality from their clergy, but those greatly depending on how frequently they
The ABC News/Post poll, conducted percent in 2011. who do are much more likely to hear attend church. A PRRI poll conducted in
March 10-13 by landline and cell phone The Public Religion Research Institute negative messages.” September 2010 found that just 38 percent
among 1,005 adults — of all Americans, study is based on findings of six sepa- • “Compared to other religious groups, of Catholics respondents who reported at-
not just Catholics — found that an all- rate polls conducted between July and Catholics are significantly more likely to tending church weekly or more frequently
time high of 53 percent of those respond- December of 2010. Three were conduct- give their church poor marks for how it support legalizing same-sex marriage.
ing said it should be legal for gays and ed by PRRI and three were conducted by is handling the issue of homosexuality.” The poll found that 43 percent of those
lesbians to marry. other survey research organizations. Thirty-nine percent of Catholics give their saying they attend church “once or twice
The 53 percent support for legalized The sample size for the six polls own church or parish a grade of either a month” support legalizing same-sex
same-sex marriage represents an increase ranged from a little more than 1,000 to “A” or “B” on its handling of the issue of marriage. Among Catholics saying they
from 32 percent support for same-sex mar- just over 3,000. According to the report, homosexuality. attend church less often than once or
riage shown in a similar poll conducted in the Catholic “subsample” for the six polls • “Seven-in-ten Catholics say mes- twice a month, 59 percent support legal-
2004, the ABC News-Post pollsters said. ranged from just over 185 to a little over sages from America’s places of worship ized same-sex marriage, the poll found.
Forty-four percent of respondents in the 350, resulting in a margin of error ranging contribute a lot (33 percent) or a little (37 Phil Attey, executive director of the
March 2011 ABC-Post poll said they op- from plus or minus 3 percent to plus or percent) to higher rates of suicide among D.C.-based group Catholics for Equality,
pose legalizing same-sex marriage com- minus 7 percent, the report says. gay and lesbian youth.” said poll findings showing Catholics are
pared to 62 percent saying they opposed The PRRI study report lists these ad- • “Catholics overwhelmingly reject more supportive of LGBT equality than
such marriages in the 2004 poll. ditional findings: the idea that sexual orientation can be the general public are “heartening but
The ABC News-Post poll showed that • “Seventy-three percent of Catholics changed. Nearly 7-in-ten (69 percent) of not surprising.”
support for same-sex marriage among favor laws that would protect gay and Catholics disagree that homosexual orien- “American Catholics consistently poll
white Catholics increased by a dramatic lesbian people against discrimination in tation can be changed; less than 1-in-4 (23 higher on progressive social justice is-
23 points between 2006 and 2011, from the workplace; 63 percent of Catholics percent) believe that it can be changed.” sues – including the freedom to marry for
40 percent to 63 percent. favor allowing gay and lesbian people to • “A majority of Catholics (56 percent) all,” Attey said. “Our Catholic faith tradi-
Support for same-sex marriage serve openly in the military; and 6-in-10 believe that sexual relations between two tion is strongly based on social justice
among white Evangelical Protestants Catholics favor allowing gay and lesbian adults of the same gender is not a sin. and our duty to take care of those who are
rose from 14 percent in 2006 to 25 per- couples to adopt children.” Among the general population, less than unjustly oppressed and marginalized.”
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 9
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10 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Bob Barr to keynote Log Cabin convention

DOMA author now supports tional Republican respect for states’ rights,
and that DOMA should be repealed.”
repeal of anti-gay law Passed by Congress in 1996, DOMA
prohibits federal recognition of same-sex
By CHRIS JOHNSON marriage. Both President Clinton, who
cjohnson@washblade.com signed the bill into law, and Barr have since
come out in favor of repealing the law.
The author of the Defense of Marriage Cooper added that Barr’s new stand
Act, who has since come out for repeal of on DOMA demonstrates “what a real evo-
the anti-gay law, is set to headline the up- lution on marriage looks like” — presum-
coming national convention for the Log ably a dig at President Obama’s remark
Cabin Republicans. that his lack of support for same-sex mar-
In a statement to the Washington riage could “evolve” into a endorsement
Blade this week, Log Cabin announced — and said Log Cabin looks forward to
that former Congressman Bob Barr hearing the former lawmaker’s remarks
would be the keynote speaker for the or- at the convention.
ganization’s 2011 national dinner, which “As evidenced by the last election,
is set to take place at the Hilton Anatole in which gay and lesbian support for
Hotel in Dallas on April 30. Republicans nearly doubled and inde-
R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin’s execu- pendent voters helped sweep a GOP
tive director, called Barr’s attendance at majority into office, inclusion can and
the dinner “living proof that Republicans does win,” Cooper said. “Log Cabin will Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

are becoming more inclusive, and doing continue to work to expand the base of R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin’s executive director, called Barr’s attendance at the group’s national din-
so for conservative reasons.” the Republican Party, all the while gain- ner ‘living proof that Republicans are becoming more inclusive, and doing so for conservative reasons.’
“As a freshman member of Congress ing new allies in the fight for freedom.”
in 1996, Barr wrote DOMA,” Cooper said. Barr served as a Republican con- less than 1 percent of the popular vote U.S. Constitution. The measure failed to
“He has since come to the conclusion that gressman representing Georgia in the during the election. pass in Congress in 2004 and 2006.
‘DOMA’s language reflects one-way feder- U.S. House from 1995 to 2003. Following In addition to coming out for repeal According to Log Cabin, other guests
alism’ and that the law ‘has become a de his retirement from Congress, Barr left of DOMA, Barr in 2003 testified before at the national convention are set to in-
facto club used to limit, if not thwart, the the GOP and joined the Libertarian Party. Congress against the Federal Marriage clude Fox News contributor Margaret
ability of a state to choose to recognize In 2008, Barr was the Libertarian Party’s Amendment, which would have made a Hoover and gay former Republican Na-
49122-NIAIDunions,’ contrary
HCVRES to ad-Blade-v1
print the tradi- candidate
3/14/11 for president,
11:34 AM Page but1 captured ban on same-sex marriage part of the tional Committee Chair Ken Mehlman.


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12 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Polis backs exec order barring anti-LGBT job bias

Gay lawmaker skeptical
about ENDA’s prospects

Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) announced

support this week for an executive order
that would protect LGBT people against
bias in the workforce by prohibiting the
federal government from contracting
with companies that don’t have non-
discrimination policies based on sexual
orientation and gender identity.
“I would applaud that step,” Polis
said. “I think that would show a lot of
courage on behalf of the administration
and demonstrate that they’re committed
to moving to a discrimination-free work-
place environment.”
The executive order endorsed by Polis
during a Washington Blade interview has
been seen as an interim alternative to
passage of the Employment Non-Dis-
crimination Act — legislation that would
bar job discrimination against LGBT peo-
ple in most situations in the private and
public workforce — while Republicans
are in control of the House and progress
on the measure is unlikely.
Polis’ announcement comes as gay
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) announced
the House introduction of ENDA this week.
Polis has a dim view of the chances of
passing ENDA — as well as other pro-LG-
BT legislation — for at least the next two
years with House Speaker John Boehner
(R-Ohio) in charge of the chamber.
“ENDA had several Republican co-
sponsors, but I don’t think it’s likely the
Republicans will advance employment Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
non-discrimination,” Polis said
Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) expressed skepticism about the prospects for passing pro-LGBT bills during the 112th Congress in a wide-ranging Blade
In the meantime, Polis said support- interview this week.
ers in Congress should try to educate
the public on the issue of job protection
and grow the number of co-sponsors for publicans opposed,” Polis said. “It’s tied into the fate of ESEA reautho- istration to fine tune these bills and help
ENDA. Still, Polis expressed optimism about rization, and so if this Congress moves the administration deliver on its promise
“Nationally, we just need to continue to the Student Non-Discrimination Act — a forward with reauthorization of the feder- to reduce and end bullying,” Polis said.
educate other members of Congress and measure he introduced earlier in March al education law, I’m optimistic that we’ll Another larger vehicle that advocates
their staff on what it means,” Polis said. in the House along with Sen. Al Franken be able to implement protections against are hoping to use to pass a pro-LGBT
As he expressed skepticism about (D-Minn.) in the Senate. bullying in the bill,” Polis said. measure during the 112th Congress is
the prospects for passing pro-LGBT bills The legislation, which as of Monday Still, Polis said he couldn’t at this point comprehensive immigration reform.
during the 112th Congress, Polis said the had 103 co-sponsors in the House, estimate the chances for the success of As talks have reportedly begun again
LGBT community will instead for this pe- would prohibit discrimination, including passing education reform — with or with- on Capitol Hill related to immigration,
riod have to focus on beating back anti- harassment, against LGBT students in out anti-bullying or anti-discrimination LGBT rights supporters are seeking to
gay measures. public schools throughout the country. language. ensure this larger legislation would in-
“I think we’ll be playing defense,” Po- Polis predicted the number of co- Polis said while the Democratic-con- corporate language that would allow gay
lis said. “Certainly there are members of sponsors for the legislation would con- trolled Senate intends to pursue broader Americans to sponsor foreign partners for
the Republican caucus that want to go tinue to grow and would see increased education reform legislation, Republican residency within the United States. In the
after and attack some of the progress support from both Democrats and Re- leadership in the House is only “looking 111th Congress, standalone legislation
that’s been made [in the few] last years. I publicans. at a couple of changes rather than a full- that would have had this effect was known
wouldn’t be surprised if we have to work “I think it’s one thing that conserva- out reauthorization.” as the Uniting American Families Act.
hard to maintain that progress.” tives and liberals can agree on — people “It’s too early to tell whether the 112th But Polis dismissed the possibility
Among the anti-gay measures that Polis should feel safe in school,” he said. [Congress] will issue major changes in of passing comprehensive immigration
said could emerge during the 112th Con- Polis noted that supporters of the federal education policy,” Polis said. reform for the next two years — with or
gress is revocation of “Don’t Ask, Don’t legislation have been pushing for its in- President Obama has yet to enumer- without UAFA-like language — given the
Tell” repeal and repeal of hate crimes pro- clusion — along with the Safe Schools ate support for the Student Non-Discrim- current makeup of Congress.
tections legislation — both measures that Improvement Act, a measure requiring ination Act, even though the Obama ad- “I don’t see much hope for compre-
were passed during the 111th Congress schools to set up anti-bullying policies — ministration has taken steps to address hensive immigration reform given the
when Democrats had control of both the as part of education reform legislation, or bullying in schools, such as holding a fact that most of the members of the cur-
House and the Senate. Elementary & Secondary Education Act summit on the issue in March. Polis said rent majority ran against it, so it’s unlikely
“Those are the two main pieces of reauthorization, which President Obama he hopes to work with the White House to this Congress,” Polis said.
progress that we made in the last [Con- has been calling on Congress to pass obtain an endorsement for his bill.
gress], both of which nearly all the Re- this year. “We’re working closely with the admin- Continues on page 13
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 13


Polis hopeful Colorado will enact civil unions

Continued from page 12 the course of the next two years. armed forces. The White House hasn’t issue. Many LGBT advocates have been
“I think it’s unfair that same-sex cou- explicitly endorsed or rejected the idea, calling on the president to continue his
Still, Polis said he welcomed the deci- ples have disparate treatment, but you’d but has noted policy guidance stating evolution and back marriage equality.
sion from U.S. Citizenship and Immigra- have to ask the question to the Repub- that harassment or abuse based on sex- Asked whether support for same-sex
tion Services to hold in abeyance the lican majority to see if they support it,” ual orientation would be unacceptable in marriage from the president would open
deportation of foreign nationals who are Polis said. the military. the door for gay nuptials in Colorado,
seeking green cards through a same-sex On “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal, Polis Despite this call, Polis stopped short Polis replied, “I think the president’s
American spouse, although he noted the said he’s awaiting certification for ending of endorsing such an executive order for journey is similar to the journey of many
limitation of this move. the law as the Pentagon implements train- the U.S. military. people here in Colorado. Many people
“It’s certainly a step in the right direc- ing for open service in the U.S. military. “The military is not my area of exper- aren’t quite sure what to think on this
tion, but keep in mind that those individu- The repeal law that President Obama tise,” Polis said. “I’ve been on the board issue. They’ve come a long way from
als would still be unable to work in this signed in December allows for repeal of the Air Force Academy for two years. where they are or were a decade or two
country and be unable to access various only after 60 days pass when the presi- I’m learning a lot more about defense is- ago, and, of course, the younger genera-
services legally, so it’s not really a solu- dent, the defense secretary and the chair sues, but I don’t really have an opinion tion is already there.”
tion,” Polis said. of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certify that the on that yet.” “Just as the president is wrestling with
Polis said he was unsure about pros- U.S. military is ready for open service. While expressing skepticism about this issue, many mainstream Americans
pects for another piece of expected leg- Servicemembers Legal Defense Net- the chances for federal progress on are wrestling with this issue,” Polis added
islation that would eliminate the federal work has called for expedited training LGBT issues in this Congress, Polis was Evaluating Obama’s work on LGBT is-
tax on employer-provided health cover- to implement repeal more quickly in the optimistic about the prospects for a pro- sues as a whole, Polis said the president
age for same-sex couples. In the previ- armed forces. LGBT bill in his home state of Colorado: a is “doing a great job” and emphasized
ous Congress, the legislation was known Asked whether he thinks the training is measure that would legalize civil unions. Obama can’t enact legislation that mem-
as the Tax Equity for Health Plan Benefi- proceeding at a satisfactory pace, Polis “It passed the Senate and has the bers of the LGBT community have been
ciaries Act. replied, “The proof will be in the pudding governor’s support, so hopefully it’ll pass pushing for on his own accord.
With the GOP in control of the House, and we all look forward to the certification the House,” Polis said. “Keep in mind that the president can’t
Log Cabin Republicans has said it would of the process — hopefully in the weeks Polis said lawmakers are pursuing civ- initiate legislation,” Polis said. “It has
push for the legislation and has main- or the very few months ahead when the il unions instead of same-sex marriage to pass the House and the Senate. But
tained it has a shot at passage because policy formally is repealed.” legislation because no lawmaker intro- with regard to his executive orders and
it relates to lowering taxes, an effort that LGBT advocates have been calling on duced a measure to expand marriage in his legal strategy — not defending [the
Republicans traditionally favor. President Obama to issue an executive the state to include gay couples. Defense of Marriage Act] — I applaud
Polis said he supports the legislation, order that would provide explicit protec- Obama hasn’t come out in favor of his efforts. I think this administration
but deferred to Republican leadership tions for gay service members who feel same-sex marriage, although in Decem- has been working closely with the LGBT
on the chances of the bill passing over they’ve experienced discrimination in the ber he said he’s been “wrestling” with the community on the issue of equality.”


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april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 15


House GOP to hold hearing

on ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal
Moved criticized as
‘ideologically driven’

A Republican-controlled House Armed

Services subcommittee on Friday is set to
hold a hearing to oversee the implemen-
tation of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal.
The witnesses scheduled to testify at
the hearing — slated to begin at 9:30 a.m.
in Room 2212 of the Rayburn House Of-
fice Building — are top Pentagon officials.
Undersecretary of Defense for Person-
nel & Readiness Clifford Stanley, who’s
charged with overseeing repeal of the
military’s gay ban at the Pentagon, and
Vice Adm. William Gortney, director of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, are set to testify. Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key
According to the committee website, Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel &
the title of the hearing is “Review of the Im- Readiness Clifford Stanley is charged with
plementation Plans for the Repeal of Law overseeing repeal of the military’s gay ban at
and Policies Governing Service by Openly the Pentagon.
Gay and Lesbian Service Members.”
The House Armed Services personnel team],” Cooper said. “In my capacity as
subcommittee, which will hold the hear- an officer, I have already provided input to
ing, is chaired by Rep. Joe Wilson (R- the [repeal implementation team] as well
S.C.), who gained notoriety after shouting as several Republican members of the
“You Lie!” at President Obama during the [House Armed Services Committee] and
2010 State of the Union address. Wilson [Senate Armed Services Committee].”
was a vocal opponent of “Don’t Ask, Don’t According to Cooper, a full House
Tell” repeal last year and cast a “no” vote Armed Services Committee hearing on
against ending the military’s gay ban. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal is sched-
The House Armed Services Committee uled for April 7. The Washington Blade
didn’t immediately respond to the Wash- couldn’t immediately confirm with the
ington Blade’s request to provide details committee that an additional hearing has
about the hearing or explain its purpose. been set for that day.
Eileen Lainez, a Pentagon spokes- “Both [House Armed Services Com-
person, said during the hearing Stanley mittee] hearings provide the necessary
will “provide an update on the progress transparency and accountability for De-
of training efforts and policy revisions partment of Defense leadership, training
supporting [‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’] repeal and implementation of open service and
implementation.” open recruitment,” Cooper said.
The hearing apparently has the en- Alex Nicholson, executive director of Ser-
dorsement of U.S. House Speaker John vicemembers United, said his organization
Boehner (R-Ohio). Asked via e-mail supports the routine practice of congressio-
whether the speaker supports the hear- nal oversight, but added the purpose of the
ing to oversee “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” House hearing is “rather transparent.”
repeal implementation, Michael Steel, a “Some House Republicans, including
Boehner spokesperson, replied, “That and especially the chair of the House
seems to be appropriate.” Armed Services Committee, would like
Drew Hammill, a spokesperson for nothing more than to derail the Defense
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D- Department’s thus-far successful plan-
Calif.), criticized Republicans for schedul- ning for repeal implementation, or at
ing the hearing after Congress completed least slow it down considerably,” Nich-
action to repeal the anti-gay law last year. olson said. “This cadre of reactionaries
“This issue has been resolved in the needs to understand once and for all that
Congress and in the minds of the Ameri- this issue is settled and no more time or
can people,” Hammill said. “The Ameri- taxpayer money should be wasted trying
can people want action on jobs not more to take us backwards on this.”
ideologically driven social policy from President Obama in December signed
right wing Republicans.” legislation that would allow for repeal of
But R. Clarke Cooper, executive direc- “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” but the gay ban
tor of the Log Cabin Republicans, said will remain in effect until 60 days pass af-
he backs congressional oversight to ter the president, the defense secretary
monitor the process of “Don’t Ask, Don’t and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Tell” repeal. Staff certify the military is ready for open
“As a current Army Reserve officer, service. Defense Secretary Robert Gates
I strongly support the congressional has said he won’t issue certification un-
oversight on the measured progress of til the training for open service is imple-
the Pentagon’s [repeal implementation mented throughout the military.
16 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Frank seeks co-sponsors before introducing ENDA

Continued from page 1 we are still collecting cosponsors.” insist upon sitting down with members of that would sign a discharge petition for
Fred Sainz, vice president of com- Congress and getting them to understand a bill that includes transgender,” Frank
“I think it’s very important we intro- munications for the Human Rights Cam- and recognize what is happening.” said. “If there were, frankly, we could have
duce this legislation, that we begin the paign, said HRC was told ENDA would With Republicans in control of the passed this bill in the [111th] Congress. ...
process anew, that we don’t have a big be introduced on Wednesday, but is be- House, a number of LGBT advocates There are not 218 members at this point
gap of activity on behalf on ending this hind Frank’s decision to hold off on intro- have been calling on President Obama ready to support it. We have an over-
discrimination,” Miller said. duction until additional support is found. to issue an executive order barring the whelmingly number of Democrats, but not
Miller, the ranking Democrat on the “If the congressman believes that the federal government from contracting all, and a number of Republicans.”
House Education & Workforce Commit- legislation would be best served by col- with companies that don’t have policies Frank said a number of House mem-
tee, said the process should begin again lecting more co-sponsors, then we would barring discrimination based on sexual bers in principle never sign a discharge
so that “we no longer continue to live in a completely support that,” Sainz said. orientation and gender identity. Earlier petition and predicted ENDA would
country where depending on where you “Their plan may have been to introduce this week, gay Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) lose about 15 or 20 supporters if an at-
live, your employers can legally fire, re- it today, but the congressman may have endorsed such a directive from the presi- tempt were made to pass the legislation
fuse to hire, demote or pass over you for made a very good decision to wait until dent (see related story). through that route.
promotion based upon your sexual orien- there are co-sponsors that have signed Asked by the Washington Blade “I think it’s a mistake to hold that out as
tation or gender [identity].” on, and I think that if that’s his judgement, whether he would also support such an a possibility because I don’t want people
A number of LGBT groups — ranging then we would concur with his judgment.” order, Frank said he would support the wasting their effort on urging people who
from the Human Rights Campaign, the Na- Both Frank and Miller during the news directive in principle, but would need to are already ready to vote for this to do
tional Gay & Lesbian Task Force and the conference noted that the transgender pro- examine the move further. something else, which isn’t going to ad-
National Center for Lesbian Rights —issued tections in ENDA contribute to the difficulty “I have to look at the legality of that,” vance it one iota,” Frank added.
statements praising Frank for introducing in passing the legislation. Miller said “great Frank said. “I would be in favor of it, but A number of LGBT advocates are frus-
ENDA on Wednesday even though he had strides” were made on ENDA in the 111th there are limits to what you can do by exec- trated that ENDA didn’t even see a House
yet to formally introduce the legislation. Congress, but added that more education utive order and we don’t want to overreach, committee vote — let alone a vote on the
Harry Gural, a Frank spokesperson, is needed on the gender identity language. but I support it in principle and I’ll look at it.” House or Senate floor — during the 111th
confirmed that ENDA had yet to be intro- “We went round and round on the is- Frank also dismissed the idea that a Congress when Democrats had control of
duced on Wednesday and said his boss sue of transgender and discussing it with discharge petition could move ENDA both chambers of Congress.
wants more support before going forward. members of Congress,” Miller said. “I just forward if House Speaker John Boehner Frank cited a “traffic jam” in the LGBT
“It was announced but not formally think it’s very important that the transgen- (R-Ohio) refuses to hold a vote on the legislative agenda with the passage of
introduced — the bill has not been der community just insist — as the school legislation in the 112th Congress. A dis- hate crimes protections legislation and
‘dropped,’” Gural said. “We have the bill lunch community does, or the Head Start charge petition requires the signature “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” as a reason why
text exactly as it will be [introduced] — community, or the community develop- of a majority of House members — 218 ENDA didn’t move in the 111th Congress.
which is exactly the same text as last ment block grant community, or the [Na- names — to advance legislation.
year. But before it is formally introduced, tional Rifle Association] or whatever it is — “I don’t think there are 30 Republicans Continues at washingtonblade.com


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18 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011

VIEWPOINT washingtonblade
Volume 42 • Issue 13

No pro-choice litmus test for Victory Fund

PO Box 73647
Washington dC 20056

Some out gay

But it needs to understand that
While abortion is a very important issue to being pro-life is not bad for the gay
politicians just many in the LGBT community, it is not, nor cause. And what would happen if

happen to be pro-life
science were to ever discover the
should it be, what defines us. The one thing “gay gene?” Would everyone in
PuBlished By
By ROBERT TURNER that should define us is our goal to bring full the community suddenly become
pro-life so parents don’t abort ba-
Brown naff Pitts Omnimedia, inc.

I had the pleasure of attend-

equality to all LGBT Americans. bies who have “it?” Again, silly.
My message to Victory Fund
lynne J. BrOWn
lbrown@washblade.com ext. 8075
ing the Victory Fund’s National is simple: Get rid of the pro-abor-
Champagne Brunch last week. onstrated a real path to electoral create the Victory Fund comes tion plank in your vetting process editOriAl
It was a day of firsts. success. There are not many, from EMILY’S List, that’s where and move on. Chuck Wolfe, Vic- editOr
It was my first time going, but Victory Fund does endorse a the similarities should end. tory Fund’s executive director, Kevin nAff
knaff@washblade.com ext. 8088
and it was their first time at the few Republicans each cycle. In limiting the scope of their field, said it best at the Sunday brunch
feAtures & multimediA editOr
Washington Hilton. They were Their mission is simple: “To Victory Fund risks circumventing its about the type of people we need JOey diGuGlielmO
celebrating their 20th anniver- change the face and voice of Amer- very own mission – electing more to help get elected: “Not just out joeyd@washblade.com ext. 8081
sary. There was a wonderful ica’s politics and achieve equality out LGBT people to office. candidates, but outstanding sr. neWs rePOrter
performance to start the day for LGBT Americans by increasing While abortion is a very im- candidates.” Some of them just lOu ChiBBArO Jr.
from the D.C. Cowboys. The the number of openly LGBT officials portant issue to many in the might be pro-life. And that should lchibbaro@washblade.com ext. 8079
speeches were good and not at all levels of government.” LGBT community, it is not, nor be OK. There should not be a neWs rePOrter
too long. And thanks to David However if you look closer, should it be, what defines us. litmus test other than being out Chris JOhnsOn
cjohnson@washblade.com ext. 8083
Perruzza and JR.’s, the Cham- in a bit of mission creep, they The one thing that should define and proud and having a credible
editOriAl intern
pagne was definitely flowing. add in a few caveats that are us is our goal to bring full equal- campaign with a chance of suc- Juliette eBner
The work that the Victory Fund limiting. They almost always en- ity to all LGBT Americans. cess. That’s the winning ticket.
PhOtO editOr
does is important. We need dorse pro-choice candidates. In What would be next in this miChAel Key
more gays and lesbians serv- fact, to my knowledge, they’ve mission creep? Only supporting mkey@washblade.com
ing in elective office. We need to only endorsed one pro-lifer in out gay and lesbian pro-choice
build leaders who today will run recent history — Dan Hill, who candidates who are pro-union, CreAtive
CreAtive direCtOr
for the city councils and state ran for the General Assembly in left-handed, recycle and support JAmes m neAl
houses so that tomorrow, they Nevada last year. federal funding for National Pub- jneal@washblade.com ext. 8074
can run for governor, Congress Now this column is not intend- lic Radio? Now that’s just silly. seniOr GrAPhiC desiGner
and even the White House. ed to start a discussion about Unlike other national organi- riChArd W.C. sKiPPOn
Victory Fund endorses can- abortion. Let’s save that for an- zations in our communities with
didates who have gone through other day. But is it wise to cou- big budgets, Victory Fund has Robert Turner is president of the d.C. sAles & AdministrAtiOn
a vetting process to ensure that ple being gay with being pro- done a good job showing that it’s chapter of log Cabin republicans and sr. ACCt. exeCutive
the candidate has a serious choice? Of course not. Although not a political arm of the Demo- can be reached at robert.turner@ BriAn Pitts
dclogcabin.org. bpitts@washblade.com ext. 8089
campaign and that they’ve dem- it is true that the inspiration to cratic National Committee.
ACCt. exeCutive
Jeryl PArAde

Closing gaps in health care for our community jparade@washblade.com ext. 8072
ACCt. exeCutive
Curtis dOrGAn
cdorgan@washblade.com ext. 8076
HHS report on LGBT And while discrimination
can be deadly, it is the more
professionals, so the mere exis-
tence of this report is a great step
truly historic moment.
But there is much to do. I
ACCt. exeCutive

concerns is an historic often the widespread igno- forward in prioritizing our health think of my vulnerable young
dAn hAZArd
dhazard@washblade.com ext. 8077

breakthrough rance that more often hurts

us. Does a doctor know how
disparities. The report reviews
the highest level of science avail-
queer nephew and cousin. I
don’t want them to take the path
ClAssified AdvertisinG
PhilliP G. rOCKstrOh
prockstroh@washblade.com ext. 8092
to prescribe hormones for a able about our health disparities I did, and try to commit suicide.
By SCOUT transgender person? Have and makes strong suggestions But I can see their isolation, I for distribution, contact lynne Brown
at 202-747-2077, ext. 8075
intake forms that don’t alien- for action at every level. know how they struggle to find
distributed by mediaPoint, llC
“Don’t ever call an ambu- ate LGBT people by asking One of the most important people who accept them. It’s
lance for me. I don’t care if I get about marriage? Have trained suggestions is the simplest, going to take a lot to change All material in the Washington Blade is protected by federal

hit by a car, let me die on the front-line staff who know to count us. When the Census or their reality. So, at the end of copyright law and may not be reproduced without the written
consent of the Washington Blade. the sexual orientation of
street. Just do not call an am- treat all with respect? Do the health surveys don’t ask who is the day we must remember this advertisers, photographers, writers and cartoonists published
herein is neither inferred nor implied. the appearance of names
bulance,” Arlene admonished staff understand what health LGBT, it’s like locking us in the Institute of Medicine Report on or pictorial representation does not necessarily indicate the
sexual orientation of that person or persons. Although the Wash-
me. I’d heard the horror story problems are more common closet. It effectively hides our LGBT health is just a book. The ington Blade is supported by many fine advertisers, we cannot

about the last time she went to for LGBT people? Do health lives and all evidence of the dis- real change will come when accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers.
unsolicited editorial material is accepted by the Wash-
a hospital so I couldn’t really care providers understand parities we struggle against. This federal officials, policymakers ington Blade, but the paper cannot take responsibility for its
return. the editors reserve the right to accept, reject or edit
blame her, but still, it was sad. how to talk to us without is one simple step that LGBT ad- and medical providers take this any submission.
A single copy of the Washington Blade is available from
No one should fear the medical stumbling and steering awk- vocates have been asking for book off their shelf and turn it authorized distribution points, to any individual within a 50-

system. But Arlene, like many wardly clear of any issues of ages and it is too long overdue. into action. Action that cannot mile radius of Washington, d.C. multiple copies are available
from the Washington Blade office only. Call for rates. if you
other transgender people, has sexual orientation or gender I applaud the National In- come a moment too soon. are unable to get to a convenient free distribution point, you
may receive a 52-week mailed subscription for $175 per year.
a learned and warranted fear identity? Lots of questions. stitutes of Health for commis- Checks or credit card orders can be sent to Phil rockstroh at
of the medical system. Yet fear And our community deserves sioning this prestigious and Postmaster: send address changes to the Washington

of the medical system isn’t the not answers but solutions. comprehensive study, for not Blade, PO BOx 73647 Washington, dC 20056. the Wash-
ington Blade is published weekly, on friday, by Brown naff
only problem out there. Well, I’m happy to say that leaving transgender people Pitts Omnimedia, inc. individual subscriptions are $175
per year for 52 issues (only $3.37 per issue mailed to you
As a cultural competency this week the federal govern- behind, for taking due care to usPs). rates for businesses/institutions are $350 per year.
Periodical postage paid at Washington, d.C., and additional
trainer, I know the stats all too ment made a major stride in both ferret out as much information mailing offices.

well. Doctors and nurses feel free acknowledging and prioritizing as possible on LGBT commu- editorial positions of the Washington Blade are ex-
pressed in editorials and in editors’ notes as determined by
to openly express their personal LGBT health disparities. The nities of color. Each of these the paper’s editors. Other opinions are those of the writers
and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Washing-
disdain for LGBT people. Far U.S. Department of Health and actions is a great stride. As Scout is the director of the network for ton Blade or its staff.
to submit a letter or commentary: letters should be fewer
from being a helping profession Human Services released the his- the director of the Network for lGBt health equity at the fenway in- than 400 words; commentaries should be fewer than 750
stitute. A longtime lGBt activist, scout
for us, accessing health care can toric Institute of Medicine Report LGBT Health Equity I’ve been
words. submissions may be edited for content and length,
and must include a name, address and phone number for
is an openly transgender person living
be a minefield where political ide- on LGBT Health. The Institute of advocating for LGBT inclusion in a small town in rhode island and
verification. send submissions by e-mail to knaff@wash-
ologies and personal prejudices Medicine imprimatur carries the in health policy for many years, struggling to get his three kids through
©2011 Brown naff Pitts Omnimedia, inc.
trump the Hippocratic oath. highest regard among health so trust me when I say, this is a the trials of being teenagers.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 19


Running for GOP nod a fool’s errand?

It’s only April, but One thing the frontrunners for the Republican
that Democrats have often had.
Democratic progressives of the
if their only role is to see who can
get more press or TV time. If the
2012 candidates are Party presidential nomination have in common more liberal persuasion make up talent at HRC, the Task Force,
already embarrassing is that they are all apparently uncomfortable
most of their primary voters and
conservatives of the most extreme
Equality Matters, and GetEQUAL,
among others could join hands,
themselves with the LGBT community and are
make up most of the Republican just think what they could accom-
primary vote. Add the Tea Party plish. I don’t expect Log Cabin or

against us getting married. members to the Republican pri-
mary mix and they can get a whole
Stonewall to join this sewing circle
because their roles are politically
bunch of Sharon Angles and “I’m defined by party. But the others
It’s April Fools’ Day 2011 and candidate for president will be. So is that they are all apparently not a witch” Christine O’Donnells as could combine resources and
we are at the starting line of the the entertainment will be watch- uncomfortable with the LGBT their candidates. Democrats could brain power and make a real dif-
2012 presidential campaign. ing the Republican candidates community and are against us then end up with a lot of accidental ference in our world.
Some people on both sides of fight it out. Rep. Michelle Bach- getting married. So much so that senators like Chris Coons (D-Del.). The world is changing and
the aisle may think it’s a fool’s man who thinks that Lexington they think it is a great idea to say Taking that race as an exam- I think the LGBT community is
errand but clearly there are and Concord and Paul Revere’s it loud and often. Now I know that ple I would suggest to the Demo- changing with it. Some are now
enough fools out there willing to ride occurred in New Hampshire President Obama isn’t for our cratic Senatorial Campaign Com- part of the establishment. But
put on their running shoes. and Sarah Palin, who thinks, well marrying yet either but at least mittee that they recruit strong for the next two years our goal
President Obama is on a tear to I guess she must at times. Tim he has come out for the repeal of candidates — rich ones if pos- shouldn’t be to support the few
raise another fortune but this time Pawlenty who has been testing the Defense of Marriage Act and sible — because we have seen in the establishment, but rather
it seems he will look to rich people the waters for months announced asked his Justice Department not in 2010 that anything can happen to make all of us free to live our
as well as the Internet. He is go- recently that he is going from dip- to defend it in the courts. We can on the way to the Senate. lives in dignity with our human
ing all out to appeal to business ping his big toe in the water to put- only hope he will fully “evolve” be- And then there are our LGBT and civil rights secured.
and even suggested bringing a ting his whole foot in — or is it in his fore the elections. Viewing 2012 organizations. Wouldn’t it be great
neighborly cake to the Chamber mouth? Then there are the Donald from this distance he is so tied to if they could play nice for two
of Commerce might have helped and the Newt. Those two would the LGBT community now that he years and work together? Maybe
earlier. So why not haul in some of make a great ticket; two adulter- might as well support full human they can call a truce to the com-
their money? Republican candi- ers, six wives between them, run- and civil rights for us because petiveness long enough to pro-
dates are beginning to set up ex- ning on a family friendly morality anyone who really continues to duce a comprehensive plan to
ploratory committees as the way ticket. Wouldn’t that be fun and it’s think we are the devil incarnate elect more members of Congress
to test the waters and see if they not even an April Fools’ joke. won’t vote for him anyway. who both believe in and will vote
sink or swim. Some of them better One thing the frontrunners for As we look beyond the presi- for our rights. There are so many Peter Rosenstein is a D.C.-based LGBT
have their lifevests on. the Republican Party presiden- dential primaries, the Republicans smart people in these organiza- rights and Democratic Party activist. He
writes regularly for the Blade.
Democrats know who their tial nomination have in common have the same problem this year tions but sometimes it seems as


Rest in peace, our own ‘Mother Courage’

Elizabeth Taylor period, we smiled. If Liz with
those great violet eyes was on
thetically about people with HIV.
Your straight grandmother has a
he e-mailed me. “I’ve seen a
number of Hollywood stars over
gay actor Montgomery Clift. Taylor
saved Clift’s life when he was in a
embraced us before our side, there was hope. queer BFF and it’s not newswor- the years, and she is the only one car accident. “He was my best
it was fashionable That is one of the memories
that came to my mind when I
thy that “Modern Family,” the
hit ABC sitcom has gay char-
who literally looked as if she’d just
stepped off the screen.”
friend,” Taylor said of Clift. “... I
loved Monty with all my heart and
learned that Elizabeth Taylor acters. But in the mid-1980s, Taylor’s cinematic presence ... knew that he was meant to be
By KATHI WOLFE died at age 79 on March 23. In the word AIDS was rarely men- was mesmerizing. Whether with a man and not a woman, and
this age of instant celebs and tioned in mainstream society. you’re watching Taylor in her I discussed it with him.”
One night in 1985, my gay reality TV clones, there aren’t In New York Times obituaries, best films “National Velvet,” “A The term brave is so often
friend John, his boyfriend Da- many true stars. But, with the people with AIDS were often Place in the Sun,” “Cat on a Hot overused that it’s become al-
vid and I ate Chinese takeout, passing of Taylor, it’s not hyper- reported as having died from Tin Roof” or “Who’s Afraid of Vir- most meaningless. Yet, Tay-
as we watched TV. We were bolic to say that a star has gone. a “long illness.” Then, LGBTQ ginia Woolf?” or in schlock like lor who didn’t flinch when the
far more terrified than hungry. Whether you remember laugh- people were much less visible “The Flintstones,” you can’t take Vatican denounced her love for
David had just learned that he ing and crying as Taylor be- than now and homophobia was your eyes off her. Yet we who are Richard Burton or the right wing
had AIDS, then a fatal illness came Martha in “Who’s Afraid of far more prevalent. queer, will most remember Tay- deplored her support for queers,
shrouded in stigma. John ago- Virginia Woolf”; the witty, steamy “People were telling me not to lor for her loyalty to and comfort truly was courageous. “I’m
nized over how to care for his romance of LizandDick; or Tay- get involved,” Taylor told a report- with our community (decades Mother Courage,” she so rightly
partner. Though queer, I had lor hugging someone with AIDS er speaking of that time. “I got before it was fashionable for called herself. R.I.P. Elizabeth.
to keep telling myself that you (when people feared touching death threats. I got angrier and straight women to have a gay
couldn’t get AIDS by sitting anyone with HIV), life without Liz angrier. So I put myself out there.” “plus one”); her AIDS advocacy
next to someone with HIV. (At is as unthinkable as Manhattan All sentient beings on this (prior to when red ribbons be-
the time, many feared that AIDS without the skyline or the U.S. planet, hetero or queer, will re- came ubiquitous); her embodi-
was spread through the air.) In Capitol without its dome. member Taylor’s ravishing, in- ment of camp and her honesty.
the midst of our despair, we saw It’s breathtaking to recall describable beauty both on and As William J. Mann reports in
Elizabeth Taylor on TV. She was how brave Elizabeth Taylor off screen. A gay male friend of “How to Be a Movie Star: Eliza-
speaking in support of her good was when she spoke out dur- mine saw her speak on AIDS beth Taylor in Hollywood” (one of
friend Rock Hudson who had ing the beginning of the AIDS research at the National Press the most illuminating of the more
died from AIDS and on behalf epidemic. Now, everyone from Club in Washington. than 50 books written about Tay- Kathi Wolfe is a writer, poet and regu-
lar contributor to the Blade. She can be
of everyone with the illness. For TV talk show hosts to clergy “She was the most incredibly lor), Elizabeth from her youth on- reached through this publication.
the first time during that terrible talk informatively and empa- beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” ward had queer friends, including
20 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


D.C. small businesses face worst-in-nation obstacles

LGBT entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship Council
again ranks the District of Co-
lence of our numbers engaged
in entrepreneurial activities.
consumer services and business
supply environments.
benefits to the local economy
has long proven easier than con-
disproportionately lumbia dead last among itself While difficult to quantify, it The National Gay and Les- fronting their profligate ways.
impacted and the 50 states when mea-
suring governmental barriers to
has been long and generally
accepted that the LGBT com-
bian Chamber of Commerce
(NGLCC) reports that an esti-
Until our local government
leaders reform these practices
community enterprise and inde- munity represents a higher per mated 10 percent of the nation’s and grasp the implications of their
By MARK LEE pendent professional activities. capita percentage than the LGBT consumers are them- all-too-eager reflex to hamstring
This is the same embarrassing general population of those en- selves entrepreneurs and busi- indigenous enterprises with ex-
When local community ac- position our local political lead- gaged in small business owner- ness owners. cessive regulation and taxation,
tivists gather to assess the po- ership has earned for as long as ship and operation, leadership For that reason alone, the the environment for entrepreneur-
litical environment in D.C. and anyone can recall, and a distinc- roles in entrepreneurial enter- D.C. government’s hostile po- ial success won’t improve.
reflect on their efforts to attain tion mirrored by other sources. prises, professional services litical culture and heavy-handed Our community has a unique
LGBT legislative equality and In its 15th annual “Small Busi- employment, sole proprietor- counterproductive policy pos- stake in the ability of local politi-
legal protections, they cele- ness Survival Index: Ranking ships, independent contractors, ture thwarting small business cians to discern what truly drives
brate the support received from the Policy Environment for En- work in creative class industries development and a healthy local economic development,
the District’s political establish- trepreneurship Across the Na- and artistic endeavors, tech- private sector economic envi- strengthens the economy, gener-
ment and the relative ease by tion” released recently, the SBE nical consultancies, personal ronment should be an issue of ates local jobs and creates en-
which civil fairness and equity Council’s widely reported and services and a wide range of concern to our community and hanced amenities for residents
are achieved. well-regarded measurement similar occupational categories. our advocates. as a result of policies expanding
In contrast, when local com- based on 38 critical areas of The available statistical and Of course, a shift in the opportunities for success among
munity small business owners government policy and gov- anecdotal evidence suggests that historically self-destructive local businesses.
and entrepreneurs hang out ernment-imposed costs, D.C. this has been and continues to be policies of local government Our message to them
together, they commiserate occupies last place. In fact, as the result of a higher proportion leaders more eager to extract should be a simple one: stop
with one another regarding the the report notes, if all measure- of gays and lesbians engaged in increasingly higher business killing the geese that lay all
legendary obstacles and seem- ments by which the 50 states are diversified professional paths due and consumer taxes and fees those golden eggs.
ingly incessant burdens of op- judged were included — some to factors such as a self-directed and impose burdensome over-
erating a commercial enterprise of which the study exempts D.C. desire to operate outside of con- regulation of which they are ill-
in Washington. due to its unique status — its ventional norms, foregoing a tradi- equipped to administer won’t
They do so with good reason. ranking would shoot through the tionally truncated career advance- be easy or quick.
Once again, D.C. has main- floor and register a far distance ment track historically outside of The D.C. Council’s propensity
tained its perennial notoriety as from the closest state jurisdic- reach, pursuing lines of work that for freewheeling and wasteful
the least-friendly environment in tions with the worst rankings. dictate or lend themselves to in- government spending has con-
the nation for the development This harsh day-to-day opera- dependent engagement, willing- tributed to the current budget
and success of small business tional reality for small business ness to take on challenges and crisis and financial emergency. Mark Lee is a local small business
endeavors. enterprises disproportionately confront risk, and a ready-made Plundering even more resources manager and long-time community
The latest annual survey and affects gays and lesbians due community “village” requiring from community small business- business advocate. Reach him at Our-
analysis by the Small Business to the significantly higher preva- and encouraging its own internal es and diminishing the inherent


Focus on facts in HIV prevention debate

Use of treatment among MSM worldwide.
Recently, a private health-
ceived during the study.
The group that received PrEP
second phase of the iPrEx study
will begin soon, in which all partici-
be taken less frequently to pre-
vent HIV infections. Additional
drug found to reduce care provider has begun a paid with Truvada in addition to con- pants who want PrEP will receive studies are underway or being
infection risk advertising campaign urging
the FDA not to even consider
doms had 44 percent fewer HIV
infections. This protective ef-
it. We are hoping to learn whether
knowing that PrEP works will help
planned to look at whether dif-
ferent dosing regimens (e.g.,
approving the use of PrEP – fect was seen across different participants achieve higher rates taking PrEP before and after
By DR. ROBERT GRANT & charging, among other things, groups in the study, including of pill use and protection in this sex, or on a regular schedule
DR. ALBERT LIU that MSM will stop using con- those of different age, ethnicity phase of the study. several times a week) would be
doms if PrEP is permitted. The and education level. Truvada is widely used for safe and effective.
A robust public debate is un- pros and cons of PrEP use Men in both study groups re- HIV treatment because it is The iPrEx study was paid for
derway about the potential use of should be vigorously debated duced their risk behaviors and in- generally well tolerated. Rates by the U.S. National Institutes of
anti-HIV drugs to prevent HIV in- — but that debate should be creased their condom use – dem- of side effects were very low in Health and by the Bill & Melinda
fection (also known as pre-expo- based on facts, rather than the onstrating that MSM can use PrEP the iPrEx study. A small amount Gates Foundation, and was not
sure prophylaxis or PrEP). assumption that MSM will not and condoms together. PrEP does of bone loss was seen among organized or run by any drug
Our study, called iPrEx, provid- act to protect themselves and not protect against other sexually those receiving PrEP, a finding company. IPrEx requested and
ed the first conclusive evidence others from infection. Here are transmitted infections and should commonly seen in HIV-positive received a donation of study
that the daily use of PrEP with the the facts about the iPrEX study: never be considered as a substi- individuals starting anti-HIV drug from Gilead Sciences, but
FDA-approved HIV treatment Tru- A diverse group of 2,499 HIV- tute for condom use or other safer treatment; these changes had Gilead had no other input into
vada® can significantly reduce negative MSM and transgender sex precautions. no apparent negative health the study.
HIV infection risk in gay, bisexual women on four continents with Ensuring daily pill use will impact. Studies to date also
and other men who have sex with a range of sexual practices par- be critical to the success of show no evidence of HIV drug Continues at
men (MSM) and transgender ticipated in iPrEx. All participants PrEP. While many iPrEx study par- resistance associated with PrEP washingtonblade.com
women, when delivered as part of received a comprehensive pack- ticipants used the pill consistently, use. HIV testing and medical
a comprehensive package of pre- age of HIV prevention servic- about 50 percent did not, which evaluation before starting PrEP
vention services, including con- es. Half also received Truvada, impacted the effectiveness of PrEP and while using PrEP are impor-
Dr. Robert Grant is iPrEx protocol chair.
doms. The protection provided while the other half received a in the study. Among those who tant to prevent resistance. Dr. Albert Liu is iPrEx medical officer and
by PrEP and condoms together placebo (blank pill). Neither the took the medication consistently, A daily PrEP dosing regimen San Francisco Site Researcher. This col-
could have a substantial impact study participants nor the inves- the level of protection PrEP pro- was used in the iPrEx study. It umn was co-signed by two additional site
tigators knew which pill they re- vided reached 72 to 95 percent. A is not known whether PrEP can researchers and two investigators.
in reducing new HIV infections
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 21
22 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011

Films with LGBT topics in this year’s

Filmfest DC
For 80 Days
Jon Garaño/José María Goenaga, Spain, 104 mins.
Two women who were best friends meet again
by accident 50 years later and reassess their
lives and the choices they’ve made — and
possibly make some difficult new choices.
Sunday, April 10, 7:30 PM
Monday, April 11, 8:30 PM
Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave., NW

Maryam Keshavarz, Iran/France/USA, 107 mins.
As a young Iranian woman experiments with
her burgeoning sexuality, her relationship with
her brother sours, and the two siblings become
entangled in a triangle of suspense, surveil-
lance, and betrayal.
Friday, April 15, 9:00 PM
Saturday, April 16, 6:00 PM
Regal Cinemas Gallery Place, 701 7th St., NW

Loose Cannons
Ferzan Ozpetek, Italy, 110 mins.
In this charming comedy, everyone is hiding or
ignoring something as the father of this lively
Italian clan attempts to pass the family pasta
business to his reluctant sons.
Friday, April 8, 9:00 PM
Saturday, April 9, 7:00 PM
AMC Mazza Gallerie, 5300 Wisconsin Ave., NW

We Were Here
David Weissman/Bill Weber, USA, 90 mins.
APRIL 7 – 17, 2011

The thriving tight-knit gay community in San

Francisco came under with the arrival of AIDS
in the early 1980s. Filmmaker David Weissman
reconstructs the era that saw unspeakable hor-
rors inspire courageous action.
Friday, April 8, 6:30 PM
Saturday April 9, 6:30 PM
Regal Cinemas Gallery Place, 701 7th St., NW

For Tickets And More

Information Visit
General Admission is $11.00.

For Information visit filmfestdc.org or call 202-234-film

arts & entertainment
washingtonblade.com • vol. 42, issue 13 • april 1, 2011 • Page 23

Studio’s Muse
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

David Muse, the new artistic director of the Studio Theatre.

New artistic director first to well as the new manager of Studio Theatre — may come
from Zinoman, who says, “David’s story is the classic,
ciate and invest in his own talent. Which is sizable.
Consider that he has amassed a glittering resume
succeed founder Zinoman American story of a smart, talented kid from a small as a director — including staging an all-male version of
town who finds his passion, pursues it with dedication “Romeo and Juliet” — since arriving in D.C. in 1996 to
By DAVID HOFFMAN and intensity, and manages to win friends and admirers teach calculus to kids at Eastern High School, when he
by virtue of his charm, sensitivity and intelligence.” was soon drawn to theater at Studio’s own acting con-
He has been labeled a “wunderkind,” but no one She has also said of the preternaturally calm and servatory, where first he was a student and then began
would mistake this young man who has taken the helm highly cerebral Muse, a vegan, a cyclist and a fitness to dabble part-time as a “juvenile,” the theatrical term for
of the Studio Theatre as a “wild child,” a Rimbaud on the buff, that “he’s very seductive and charming,” and Su- a male newcomer, enchanted by the stage, focusing on
rampage, scary, impudent, a feral genius in a state of san Butler, Studio’s board chairman, told the Washington acting at the beginning, one time even dressing as an os-
artistic nature. Post that “I hope he likes to raise money.” That’s a handy trich in size-13 high heels. He later tackled directing also.
For with David Muse, who became at age 36 Stu- charm in that rarefied realm of courting wealthy patrons, Today he is filling even bigger shoes, succeeding the
dio’s second artistic director when founder Joy Zinoman coaxing those birds from their tall trees and out of their trail-blazing Zinoman in command of about 60 staff in four
passed him the reins last September, the clearest im- mansions, just another talent for Muse to demonstrate. stages seating 900 in three buildings with about 60,000
pression is of a young man with artistic time and motion Muse must use persuasion to find new patrons just square feet set in the heart of D.C.’s Logan Circle neigh-
studies on his mind, with a bookkeeper’s talent for cut- as he has also found old patrons, key sponsors like Zi- borhood, anchoring in a former auto showroom at 14th
ting costs or adding a new line to the budget — either noman of course but also Michael Kahn at the Shake- and P Streets. With its more than $5 million annual bud-
way, it’s the temperament of a manager. speare Theatre Company who plucked Muse from New get, Studio is a major force on the local theater scene,
But that would be the wrong impression also. York City to return to Washington in 2004 to become his mounting major productions every year and with its new
The best explanation about what makes David Muse artistic aide-de-camp. His talent is in having talent and Continues on page 41
run — as an artist himself, Yale-educated twice over, as in inspiring others more senior also with talent to appre-
24 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011

QUEERY: 20 questions for James Decker


James Decker moved to Washington 10

years ago after a three-year stint in Flagstaff,
Ariz. He came, he says, “to change the world.”
“That really was it,” the Lansing, Mich., na-
tive says. “I’m not sure I believe that anymore,
but I’d always been an activist with my hand
in a lot of different pots. Civil rights, the envi-
ronment. It just seems like if you’re into acting
and film, you go to L.A. If you’re into the finan-
cial industry, you go to New York. But politics
is really the action here in Washington.”
Decker worked as a graphics designer at
Human Rights Campaign for six years, then
had a stint with Ralph Nader’s Public Citizen. Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
He’s freelance now (thinkdamnit.com).
Decker started attending Cherry as soon as he came to D.C. The nightlife/dance
music fan joined the board this year to help “put D.C. back on the map” as a destina-
tion spot for nightlife enthusiasts.
“It’s certainly been bigger in the past and kind of ebbed and flowed,” he says of
Cherry attendance. “There were a few years where it wasn’t quite where it needed to be.
When you think of Miami, New York, Dallas, L.A., Montreal — the places where people
travel to hear world-class DJs, I wanted to help D.C. be part of that circle again.”
He’s excited about the crop Cherry — which runs all weekend with a bounty of
events (go to page 25 or cherryfund.org for more information) — has attracted this
year. He says Oscar G., who’ll be at the main event Saturday night at Town, is one
of the biggest talents who’s been in the region “in years.”
“I have a saying among my friends — it’s really all about the music for me,” Decker
says. “That it’s also a charity, all the better, but for me it’s really to showcase the qual-
ity DJs. As far as the wow factor, Cherry really has no equal in Washington. If there
is anytime to go dancing here, it’s this weekend.”
Decker is single and lives in Dupont Circle. He enjoys hiking, camping, working
out, biking, dancing, film, art, painting and beer.

Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

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april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 25

celebrate the national
cherry blossom festival

prix fix mENu

Photo courtesy of the Cherry Fund

DJ Alyson Calagna says she likes to start her sets slow and work to a boil.

Gaining ‘Momentum’
DJ Alyson Calagna “I play a lot of circuit parties ... Cherry
is one of the ones that really still stands
kicks off Cherry with for something,” Calagna says. “I really
Apex party tonight like what they’re doing.”
Her style is house-based, but Calagna mENu
doesn’t stay in a single genre or follow a set
By JULIETTE EBNER list when she spins, rather going with the vibe torchon au foie gras
of the crowd, comparing what she does to a goose liver torchon
Cherry Fund’s annual charity circuit par- chef visiting another country and changing cherry orange compote
ty may have officially kicked off Thursday, regional recipes to fit his style of cooking.
but the party has barely started with more Don’t expect the music to be fast and
frisee salad warm brioche
events all day today, Saturday and Sunday. rocking right away tonight. That’s one of
The big party tonight is Momentum her biggest DJ pet peeves, time-appro- entrecôte grillée
hosted by Miss Foozie at Apex (1415 priate music.
22nd St., N.W.) with lesbian DJ Alyson “I start deeper and more soulful and char grilled ny strip
Calagna and DJ Steve Henderson. melodic in the beginning because I don’t roasted fingerling potatoes
With a line-up of mostly male DJs, like to bang out clubs until there’s a lot green asparagus cherry reduction
Calagna, who has been spinning for 19 of people in there,” Calagna says. “I like
years, kind of sticks out of the crowd, the music to start slow and kind of build.”
and she likes it that way. Calagna does get paid for her appear- panna cotta au vanille
“It feels pretty good ... now things ance at Cherry, but she gives the organizers
have changed and it’s a lot easier to be a big break and she donates a large por- vanilla bean panna cotta
a girl DJ,” Calagna says. “I have a much tion of the money she receives to the Cherry cherry crumble
more masculine essence so its good to Fund, which benefits AIDS charities. dark and white chocolate short bread
be among the boys.” Calagna is probably looking forward
She doesn’t stay at one club and spin, to seeing the other DJs on Saturday night
but tours and goes somewhere new ev- at the main event the most.
ery weekend, with fans sometimes travel- “I’ve always really enjoyed playing in
ing to hear her at the bigger parties. D.C.” she says. “I love the city ... I’m look-
Circuit parties don’t seem to be as big ing forward to having the next night off.”
as they once were, and Calagna thinks it’s DJs Oscar G, BennyK and Town’s own
just the way the club culture goes every Wess will be spinning at Town (2009 8th St.,
five or six years with peaks and drops. N.W.) from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. with performanc-
“Right now, I think we’re in a bit of a es by Macaviti and the Ladies of Town.
reorganizing phase, weeding out what’s Friday also has two other events, a
not working, changing things,” she says. fashion show at Caramel Boutique (1603
“There are some circuit parties that do U St., N.W.) with local designer Andrew
really, really well.” Nowell from 2 to 8 p.m. and a bachelor
Music has always been a part of
Calagna’s life.
auction at Town with DJ Bandit and D.C.
Bear Crue from 7 to 9 p.m. 03.26.11 — 04.10.11
When she was young, she wanted to After the main event on Saturday is an

café dupont
Plus tax & gratuity
be a radio DJ, until she started clubbing. after-hours party at Fur (33 Patterson St.,
She became a resident dancer at a N.E.) with DJ Peter Rauhofer from 4 to
teen club, getting close to the different 9:30 a.m.
DJs there. One night, she went up to the Sunday continues with a Tea Dance
DJ and just asked if he’d teach her. at Cobalt (1639 R St., N.W.) from noon by The Dupont Hotel
“The first time I went to his studio where to 4 p.m. with DJ Mike Reimer and Ova- 1500 New Hampshire Avenue, NW • Washington, DC 20036
he practiced, that was it ... I knew the mo- tion with DJs Stephan Grondin and Sin (202) 797-0169 • www.doylecollection.com/cafedupont
ment I touched a turntable, that was what Morera from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Ultrabar
I wanted to do,” Calagna says, adding (911 F St., N.W.). STAY CONNECTED!
she almost gave up dancing right there. For more information and to purchase Like us on Facebook – Follow us on Twitter
This isn’t Calagna’s first turn at Cherry. tickets to events, visit cherryfund.org.
26 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011

CALENDAR the Birchmere Dec. 17. (Photo courtesy of the Roches)

For more information, visit ad- Tickets are $42. Visit kennedy-
venturing.org. center.org for more information
and to purchase tickets.
Sunday, April 3 Conflict Solutions Interna-
tional is hosting an event on
Nicki Minaj will be perform- Islam and Western Society to-
ing tonight at 7 p.m. at the Ve- day at the Western Presbyte-
rizon Center (501 F St., N.W.) rian Church (2401 Virginia Ave.,
as part of Lil Wayne’s I’m Still N.W.) at 6:30 p.m.
Music tour also featuring Rick
Ross and Travis Barker with Wednesday, April 6
MixMaster Mike. Tickets range
from $49.75 to $125.75 and can The Tom Davaron Social
be purchased online at ticket- Bridge Club will meet at 7:30
master.com. p.m. at the Dignity Center (721
For the 2011 Kennedy Cen- 8th St., S.E.) for social bridge.
ter Spring Gala, the Kennedy No partner is needed. For more
Center (2700 F St., N.W.) pres- information, visit lambdabridge.
ents “Michael Kaiser at the Ken- com and click “Social Bridge in
Photo courtesy of Jive Records nedy Center: A Celebration of Washington, D.C.”
Britney Spears’ new album is the centerpiece of the ‘Femme Fatale Ball’ tonight at Apex. Ten Years” at 8 p.m. hosted by Green Lantern (1331 Green
honoree Smokey Robinson with Court, N.W.) will host the weekly
Today Pike) in Boonsboro presents Ten at midnight. There is $10 cover. performers like Joshua Bell, Poz D.C. happy hour upstairs
Queen. One Crown. The Journey Code has its monthly installment Barbara Cook, Audra McDon- from 8 p.m. to midnight. DJs,
RAW, hosted by DJs Bil Todd to Miss Gay Maryland: A Con- tonight at Green Lantern (1335 ald and dancers from various C-Dubz, Keith Hoffman, Jason
and Shea Van Horn with special testant Revue Show hosted by Green Court, N.W.). Gear, rubber, ballet companies. Tickets range Horswill and T-N-T Music facto-
guest DJ Joshua, will be at Green Onyx Revlon and Ashley Bannks. skin, uniform or leather dress code from $35 to $150. For more in- ry will be spinning. Jacob Pring
Lantern (1335 Green Court, N.W.) Doors open at 9 p.m. with a $5 will be strictly enforced. Music pro- formation and to purchase tick- will host and bartend.
tonight from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. cover until 11 and $8 after. The vided by DJ Frank Wild. Admission ets, visit kennedy-center.org.
Free entry before 11 p.m. with a show starts at 10:30 p.m. is $10. Code is an 18-and-older Thursday, April 7
$5 cover after. There will be an Touchstone Gallery (901 New event. There will be an open bar Monday, April 4
open bar from 10 to 11 p.m. At- York Ave., N.W.) is hosting an from 9-10. Team D.C. presents Spring
tendees must be 21 or older. opening reception tonight from DJs Will Eastman and Brian The Queer Network of the Sportsfest, a happy hour and
Cobalt (1639 R St., N.W.) pres- 6 to 8:30 p.m. for its newest ex- Billion return to the 9:30 Club (815 Women’s Information Network is “open house expo” for LGBT
ents the Femme Fatale Ball, a hibits, “Grasses” by Mary D. Ott V St., N.W.) with their No Scrubs: having a volunteer night at the athletes and newcomers in-
release party for Britney Spears’ featuring hand-pulled prints of ‘90s Dance Party tonight at 9 p.m. D.C. Center (1318 U St., N.W.) terested in joining a team this
new album, “Femme Fatale,” diverse images with grasses featuring music by Salt N Pepa, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. to make season today from 7 to 10 p.m.
from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. with DJs as their theme and “Nest with a Nirvana, Ace of Base and more. safer sex kits. at Room & Board (1840 14th
Randy White and Keenan Orr. At- Twist” by Janet Wheeler featuring Tickets are $15 and can be pur- Bears do Yoga at Green Lan- St., N.W.). More than 25 sports
tendees will have a chance to win mixed media pieces that depict chased online at 930.com. tern (1335 Green Court N.W.) groups have been confirmed as
a free copy of the album. nature’s endless cycle of renewal. Busboys & Poets is holding a tonight at 6:30 p.m. Class lasts being in attendance. For more
The D.C. Center (1318 U St., bake sale for Japan on the pa- for an hour and serves as an information, visit teamdc.org.
N.W.) has its open mic night to- Saturday, April 2 tio of its 5th and K Sts. location introduction to yoga for people Nellie’s (900 U St., N.W.) is
night from 8 to 10 p.m. featur- (1025 5th St., N.W.) at 10 a.m. of all different body types and hosting AIDS Walk 2011 Kick-
ing Avata J and hosted by Mike John Doe and Jill Sobule, the This is part of a simultaneous physical abilities. It’s taught by Off today at 6 p.m. There will
Brazell. This is a free event. singer of the original “I Kissed national bake sale. All money Michael Brazell. For more infor- be raffle prizes, free fries, free
AnniethingGoes and Forward a Girl,” will be performing at raised will be donated to Peace mation, visit dccenter.org. walk registration and fundrais-
Fest present Dory, Charles Mar- Rams Head On Stage (33 West Winds Japan. For more informa- ing guide and one free beer.
tin and vANNIEty Kills at Jimmy St.) in Annapolis today at 13:30 tion, visit bakesalforjapan.com. Tuesday, April 5 The Crime Victims’ Rights
Valentine’s Lonely Hearts Club p.m. Tickets are $15 and can be Adventuring, a D.C. gay and Week National Observance and
(1103 Bladensburg Rd., N.E.) purchased online at ramshead- lesbian outdoor group, will be “Shear Madness,” a comedy Candlelight Ceremony is tonight
tonight from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. onstage.com. hosting a cherry blossom day whodunit, will be performed at the U.S. Chamber of Com-
This is Dory’s D.C. debut. Cover Apex (1415 22nd St., N.W.) hike. The group will meet at twice tonight at the Kennedy merce (1615 H St., N.W.) from
is $5 or free with the FWD pass. presents RuPaul’s DragRace the station attendant’s kiosk Center Theater Lab (2700 F St., 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. featuring Judy
All attendees must be 21 or season three star, India Ferrah, at the Rosslyn Metro at 9 a.m. N.W.) at 5 and 8 p.m. “Mad- Shepard, mother of slain hate
older. For more information, visit tonight at 11 p.m. with Kristina and hike a trail to the cherry ness” takes place in present- crime victim, Matthew Shepard.
forwarddc.com. Kelly and Her Girls of Glamour. blossoms and back. The only day Georgetown, in the Shear This is a free event. For more in-
The Lodge (21614 National DJ Gigi will be spinning starting required cost is the $2 trip fee. Madness Hair Styling Salon. formation, visit ncvrw.org.


april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 27


Photo courtesy of Nervous

Michigan-based queer folk duo, Nervous but Excited, plays the Black Squirrel in Adams Morgan on Monday.

Nervous but Excited to play the Squirrel

Michigan-based, queer folk duo Nervous but Excited play the Black Squirrel
(2427 18th St., N.W.) on Monday at 8 p.m. There is a $5 suggested donation.
The duo, comprised of Kate Peterson and Sarah Cleaver, has performed on-
stage with Ani Difranco, The Butchies, Melissa Ferrick and Girlyman.
This tour is in support of their latest project, a six song EP “Just the Two of Us
(Our Duo Doing Duos),” a collection of covers of other famous duos such as the Sunday, April 17 at 7pm
Indigo Girls and Tegan and Sara.
For more information, visit the duo’s website, nervousbutexcited.com. Kennedy Center Concert Hall
Ba’Naka hosts pie contest at Nellie’s
Nellie’s Sports Bar (900 U St., N.W.) is having a pie eating contest hosted by
“Smooth, rippling, perfectly
Ba’Naka on Wednesday from 7 to 10 p.m. The top three competitors will receive
their choice of Nellie’s gear. First place will also receive $100 and second place will manicured vocal and pianistic lines.”
also receive a $50 bar tab. The contest costs $10 to enter plus a $1 beer donation.
~ New York Times
‘Butterfly’ gets another local production
The Virginia Opera will have two performances of Puccini’s “Madama Butterfly”
starring Sandra Lopez as Cio-Cio San and Brian Jagde as Lt. Pinkerton, tonight at
8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. at the George Mason University Center for the Arts
Concert Hall in Fairfax.
The opera is performed in Italian with English supertitles.
There will be a free pre-opera discussion before each performance by Glenn
Winter, Virginia Opera’s community musical outreach director.

Photo courtesy of the Atlas Performing Arts Center

Christine Thompson as Sarah and John Simmons as Todd in Gross National Product’s pro-
duction, ‘The Sound of Palin,’ part of its new show, ‘State of DisUnion’ at Atlas.

Palin spoof opens at Atlas this weekend

Gross National Product comedy group presents “State of DisUnion” at the Atlas
Performing Arts Center (1333 H St., N.E.) on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. start-
ing today through April 22.
Featuring a condensed version of their last show, “The Sound of Palin,” GNP’s
new show features sketch comedy and improv mocking the members of Congress
and other politicians.
Tickets are $15 for students, $20 for seniors and $25 for general admission
and can be purchased online at atlasarts.org (listed as Gross National Product
Returns). (202) 785-9727 (WPAS) • WPAS.org
28 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Photo courtesy of Ted’s Bulletin

High style and inventive sweets make for a memorable dining experience at Ted’s Bulletin.

Ted’s Bulletin a stylish delight

Eastern Market eatery is can cooking they offer. I began to have
flashbacks to my childhood and other cu-
perfect for date night linary adventures I’ve had during travels
around the country and wanted to order
By TIMUR TUGBERK everything on the menu. After interrogat-
ing Jordan about our options, he patiently
Spring in Washington is an enchanting helped us with our selections and plan of
time. The smells, the colors and the warm attack. To start, we chose Bulletin’s gravy
weather combine to make the District a fries. Having spent time in Quebec, I im-
wonderful place for springtime romance. mediately thought of their “national dish,”
The neighborhoods in Washington each poutine (gravy-cheese fries). We asked
have their own unique charm perfect for the kitchen to add melted mozzarella to
a first (or 400th) date. Recently, I chose replicate the delicacy. “Not a problem,”
to explore what Southeast’s Eastern Mar- Jordan said, “in fact I may suggest to the
ket has to offer. This quaint neighbor- chef that we add cheese permanently,
hood has always had a welcoming vibe, sounds great!”
so what better place for an end-of-the- After savoring our starter, it was time
weekend dinner than there? for the main course. I chose the Ted’s
Eastern Market’s eclectic variety of Burgh, a “smash with hand” cheese-
bars, restaurants and boutiques entices a burger. Served on buttered and toast-
diverse array of visitors and residents. We ed white bread, with classic American
decided to try one of its newer delights, cheese, and an egg sunny-side up, it
Ted’s Bulletin, which was opened in May was impossible to resist. In lieu of fries,
2010 by the people who brought us Match- considering our appetizer, I had Brussels
box. Upon entry, I was immediately trans- sprouts with blue cheese (if you are not
ported back to an era of simple living. This drooling right now, I don’t know what to
early 20th century styled ice cream shop tell you). My date enjoyed Ted’s famous
meets tap room provides a comfortable grilled cheese and tomato soup, a dish
setting for a night out with your significant that instantly brought me back to Mama
other. Immediately, my eyes were drawn Tugberk’s favorite snow day treat.
to the guests perched on bar stools sip- When dessert time rolled around, we
ping decadent milkshakes and nibbling on were ready to indulge. Having passed
what looked like gourmet Pop-Tarts. Pass- the glass showcase 45 minutes prior,
ing through the adorable ice creamery, we I knew temptation would have the best
arrived in the dining room. of me. Per our delightful server Jordan’s
Styled as an authentic 1940s era up- recommendation, I selected the S’mores
scale diner, my eyes were instantly drawn Milkshake and my date chose the lemon
to a vintage projector, suspended from the meringue pie. Blended and baked to
ceiling, showing a black and white film on perfection, both the shake and the pie
the wall. We were immediately greeted by were delicious and the perfect end to
an enthusiastic server, Jordan. I asked for our meal. I did, however, sufficiently fill
a table for two and he promptly grabbed myself, and to my dismay was unable to
two newspapers, which I soon realized order the “Pop-Tart.”
were the menus, and escorted us to a I will return to Ted’s Bulletin, not only
comfortably sized booth. He welcomed because it is a perfect Sunday night date
us with vigor to Ted’s Bulletin, and allot- spot, but because I can’t wait to try some
ted us some time to review the fare. I was of the other delicious selections they
immediately impressed with the variety have to offer. From start to finish, we give
and allure of the classic homestyle Ameri- it four very perky thumbs up.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 29


Photo by Scott Suchman; courtesy of Signature Theatre

Alma Cuervo as Mme. Gimaud speaks on behalf of her French ballet troupe in ‘And the Curtain
Rises,’ the current production at Signature Theatre in Arlington. It runs through April 10.

Behind the ‘Curtain’

Gay-themed Signature to please both a disdainful playwright
Charles Barras (Sean Thompson) and
production explores 19th some unhappy actors while trying to turn
century musical creation a bad melodrama into a certain hit — is
essentially a drawn-out set up for the mu-
sical innovation that takes place later in
By PATRICK FOLLIARD the show. It can be tiresome.
After intermission, things improve
Signature Theatre’s “And the Curtain significantly: There’s a rousing can-can
Rises” is definitely a backstage story — number (quite the scandal in the 1860s)
and nothing reinforces this more than set and a budding same-sex romance be-
designer Beowulf Boritt’s clever rendition tween the company’s veteran actor
of a 19th century Manhattan theater. played by the excellent Erick Devine,
For much of the new musical comedy, who is gay, and the ballet troupe’s tal-
we observe the action from a traditional ented Hungarian accompanist (Brian
perspective; but at other times, when the Sutherland); as well as memorable mu-
set’s back wall opens to reveal a sea of sic including “Stay,” William’s balladic
red plush seating and the actors look up- plea to his production’s leading lady, Mil-
stage toward an imagined audience, sud- licent Cavendish (Rebecca Watson), an
denly we’re sharing their point of view. It’s aging ingénue with whom he’s falling in
a marvelous bit of stage magic that ups love. Overall, the pacing quickens con-
the immediacy of the experience. siderably and the jokes are less stale.
A tribute to the American musical, “Cur- “Curtain” was especially commis-
tain” revisits one of the first times music, sioned by Signature as part of its Ameri-
words and dance came together on a New can Musical Voices Project. As such
York City stage — the making of “The Black the work benefits from the Tony Award-
Crook,” an actual 1866 extravaganza that winning company’s full treatment: Boritt’s
enjoyed a long run at Niblo’s Garden The- clever set is beautifully lit by Colin Bills.
atre and toured the country for decades af- Kathleen Geldard’s post- Civil War peri-
terward. This groundbreaking musical pro- od costumes are impeccable — from the
totype resulted after a French ballet troupe men’s fine jackets and ladies’ hoop skirt
(stranded after the theater where they were dresses to the ballerinas’ pretty, Degas-
booked burnt to the ground) joined forces inspired dance gear.
with a cast of dramatic American actors Mostly young but peppered with a few
and came up with something entirely new. more seasoned performers (like the excel-
But as “Curtain’s” creators — com- lent Alma Cuervo as a resourceful ballet
poser Joseph Thalken, librettist Michael mistress), the energetic ensemble cast is
Slade and lyricist Mark Campbell (all of terrific and in very good voice, particularly
whom are gay, by the way) — relay in Dalton and Watson as William and Milli-
the program notes, while the trio has re- cent. Thalken’s melodic score (superbly
searched this post Civil War theater mo- executed by a small orchestra conducted
ment, they have totally re-imagined it in by Boko Suzuki) is contemporary for sure,
their own way, allowing them not only to but makes wonderful, sporadic reference
focus on collaboration and community, to the waltz and the lively march, popular
but also to contrive a backstage tale rid- musical forms of the era.
dled with duplicity, sex, love and rivalry. Uneven but fun and well-produced,
Staged by New York-based director “Curtain” offers glimpses into the first
Kristen Hangii, the action kicks off auspi- days of American musical theater, on-
ciously with Niblo’s cigar-chomping stage stage and off.
manager Timoney (William Diggle) casu-
ally lighting the stage’s gas footlights as
he takes us back to a time before “wrist- ‘AnD The CuRTAIn RIses’
watches and electric lights” when to- Through April 10
day’s idea of a musical didn’t exist. Soon Signature Theatre
4200 Campbell Avenue, Arlington
after however, things devolve, at least
temporarily. The first act with its plodding 703-573-SEAT
storyline — novice director/producer Wil- www.signature-theatre.org
liam Wheatley (Nick Dalton) struggles
30 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Photo courtesy of filmposter.net

A French poster for John Huston’s 1967 film ‘Reflections in a Golden Eye.’ In a career whose
films are liberally peppered with gay themes, this is perhaps Elizabeth Taylor’s gayest film.

Reflections in a queer eye

Taylor’s filmography dotted While on holiday together, he used her, in
a scandalous white bathing suit, to lure
with gay-themed storylines young local men for sex. They turned on
Ballston Metro By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO
him and killed him in a gruesome attack.
Taylor spends much of the film trying to
Entrance on n. stuart st. joeyd@washblade.com avoid a lobotomy. Sebastian’s mother, a
FrEE Parking! oPEn 7 Days a WEEk! Elizabeth Taylor was, of course, a gay
domineering and possessive woman bril-
liantly played by Katharine Hepburn, re-
4201 WILSON BLVD. #110 • Arlington, VA • (703) 522-4000 icon. And for many reasons. fuses to address her son’s homosexuality.
The legendary actress, who died of Taylor would do Williams again —
congestive heart failure last week at 79, 1968’s “Boom!” is an adaptation of his
was one of our few remaining ties to old play “The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here
Hollywood. Taylor’s part of the Golden Anymore.” It’s worth seeing as a curios-
Age because she started so young. She ity piece, but Taylor and then-husband
was only 10 when she made her first Richard Burton are both wildly miscast.

movie in 1942. The film mostly just made me yearn some
Her close friendships with her gay and record existed of what Tallulah Bankhead
bi costars have been well documented and gay actor Tab Hunter did with the ma-
— Montgomery Clift, Rock Hudson, terial during a very short Broadway run.
James Dean. And she seemed to have Gayer still — but sadly, not nearly as
Immigration Law Firm some kind of platonic Will-and-Grace good a film — is 1967’s “Reflections in a
thing going on with Michael Jackson. Golden Eye,” a tawdry and sensational
– Immigration and Nationality Law – Her AIDS activism, too, has also been John Huston-directed piece that finds
widely covered. Marlon Brando, in a wildly over-the-top
• Leaders in Deportation Defense But one of the curious Taylor gay re- performance, as a closeted, sadistic
• Specializing in employment and family curring themes, especially considering Army Major married to Taylor and, like
based immigration the era in which she made most of her Newman in “Cat,” not the least bit inter-
• Conveniently located in Dupont Circle films, is how many of their storylines are ested in her sexually.
gay. In two of the best — 1958’s “Cat on a I have the film on VHS but only watched
• Always up-to-date with the changing Hot Tin Roof” and 1959’s “Suddenly Last it once, years ago. It wasn’t particularly
immigration landscape… Summer,” that’s largely because gay memorable but researching this piece, I
playwright Tennessee Williams penned came upon the trailer on the film’s IMDB
202.293.3123 their source material. page. For the curious, that’s probably all
www.dcimmigrationattorney.com In “Cat,” Taylor plays Maggie to Paul
Newman’s depressed, alcoholic Brick,
you need to see. It offers a nice, compact
two-minute, unintentional laugh-a-thon as
who’s uninterested in his gorgeous wife Taylor purrs in a southern accent that her
sexually. His relationship with pal Skip- horse, “Firebird is a stallion” and Brando
ISSUE DATE: 04.01.11 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: BRIAN PITTS N (bpitts@washblade.com) per, who committed suicide, is left some- threatens to kill her during a scenery-
T A KO MA CE what vague in the film adaptation but chewing stairway confrontation.
Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
STRE for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be
only the most naive movie fans wouldn’t As the ostensible gay characters and
NS the date of proof. Revisions will not beAM accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts

omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users have been perplexed — and thus cued themes in Taylor’s work dried up, some of
can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
EVISIONS any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any — that any man not interested in the her later work still exhibited gay sensibili-
/LOGO REVISIONS copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair

competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation,
or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the ADVERTISER SIGNATURE ’50s-era Taylor had to have some homo ties. Definitely worth seeing is a hilarious
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred issues lurking.
By signing this proof you are agreeing to your contract obligations with the
washington blade newspaper. This includes but is not limited to placement, bitchfest Taylor made in 1980 with Kim
by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations
and warranties.
payment and insertion schedule.
A lot of it is coded of course, as was Novak and, again, old pal Hudson. The
In the Streets & Shops of Old Takoma
Thursday-Sunday, April 7-10, 2011 common for the time. For more on this topic, Agatha Christie adaption finds Novak
check out gay author William J. Mann’s bril- in deliciously rare form as a conniving
liant 2001 book “Behind the Screen: How actress co-starring with rival Taylor in a
Gays and Lesbians Shaped Hollywood.” costume epic.
Much gayer — and campier — is Tay- And then there’s Taylor’s swan song,
p s o f lor’s next film, “Summer,” a sordid-but-fas- the 2001 TV movie “These Old Broads,”
and sho . cinating Joe Mankiewicz (“All About Eve”)- in which she co-starred with Joan Col-
t h e s treets tists featured directed Williams adaptation that tells, in lins, Shirley MacLaine and old rival-
l a r t in 4 0 a r
b r a t e loca more than o m a .com a roundabout way, of Catherine’s (Taylor) turned-pal Debbie Reynolds. It’s another
Cele oma with ak
ld T a k . A r t HopT close friendship with her gay cousin Se- Hollywood-set backstory that, sadly, is
O www bastian (whom we only see in flashback). not nearly as much fun as it sounds.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 31

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Remember Me Romeo and Juliet and
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Don’t miss this chance to see Remember Me,
a dynamic original modern ballet telling a Saturday, April 9 at 8 p.m.
compelling tale of jealousy and rivalry, and
featuring David Parsons’ electrifying chore- Swan Lake
ography, cutting-edge music from Grammy-
nominated East Village Opera Company, Sunday, April 10 at 4 p.m.
stunning costumes by Austin Scarlett Russian National Ballet Theatre founder and
(“Project Runway”) and dramatic multime- legendary Bolshoi dancer Elena Radchenko
dia special effects by Tony Award-winning has dedicated this company to preserving the
Howell Binkley. The Village Voice praised its national tradition of Russian ballet works, while
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32 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Charlie Parker and Strings, Artisphere.
Fri, Apr. 1 703-875-1100. Artisphere.com.
Green Sneakers, by Ricky Ian Gordon, Ar-
Stranger Blues, National Geographic. 202-
tisphere. 703-875-1100. artisphere.com.
857-7700. events.nationalgeographic.com.
Sat, Apr. 2 Toots Thielemans & Kenny Werner,
Glory Denied, by Tom Cipullo, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.
Artisphere. artisphere.com. kennedy-center.org.
Mon, Apr. 4 Sun, Apr. 3
One Destiny, Ford’s Theatre. Open Door Reading with Ellen Dorè
202-397-7328. fords.org. Watson and Carol Moldaw, The Writer’s
Tue, Apr. 5 Center. 301-654-8664. writer.org.
New York City Ballet, Kennedy Center. Mon, Apr. 4
202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. Creative Dialogue: Anthony de Mare,
Wed, Apr. 6 Clarice Smith. 301-405-2787.
The Walworth Farce, Studio Theatre. 202- claricesmithcenter.umd.edu.
332-3300. studiotheatre.org. Wed, Apr. 6
Stage Door, American Century Theater, Open Rehearsal: New York City
Gunston Theatre Two. 703-998-4555. Ballet, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.
americancentury.org. kennedy-center.org.
Thu, Apr. 7 Thu, Apr. 7
Divorciadas, Evangèlicas y Vegetarianas/ Acoustic Africa, Smithsonian Resident
King Lear, Synetic Theatre Divorcees, Evangelists and Vegetarians, Associate Program, Lisner Auditorium.
through Sun, April 24 GALA Hispanic Theatre. 202-234-7174. 202-633-3030. residentassociates.org.
galatheatre.org. Friday Morning Music Club: Chamber
Lansburgh Theatre. 202-547-1122. synetictheater.org.
National Symphony Orchestra: Dawn Music Concert, Friday Morning Music
The seventh installment of Synetic’s “Silent Shakespeare” series is a modern, pro-
Upshaw, soprano. Kennedy Center. Club, Strathmore. 301-581-5100. fmmc.
vocative take on one of the Bard’s greatest tragedies-King Lear. This eye-popping
202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. org.
production, packed with apocalyptic visuals, farce, knife-play, and acrobatics.
Potiche, Filmfest DC, Lincoln Theatre.
Le Corsaire, The Washington Ballet
LAST CHANCE filmfestdc.org.
Wed, April 6 through Sun, April 10 Sat, Apr. 2
The Kennedy Center. 800-444-1324. washingtonballet.org. National Symphony Orchestra: Jozsef ONGOING STAGE
Lendvay Jr., violin. Kennedy Center. Liberty Smith, Ford’s Theatre.
A swashbuckling adventure of pirates, pashas, and the slave girls who love them in
202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. 202-397-7328. fords.org.
this thrilling, new production of the 19th century classic by Marius Petipa.
Photograph 51, Theater J. 800-494-8497.
Sun, Apr. 3 washingtondcjcc.org.
National Cherry Blossom Festival 3rd Annual Jewish Film Festival, Jewish The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs
through Sun, April 10 Community Center of Greater Washing-
& Bootcandy, Woolly Mammoth.
nationalcherryblossomfestival.org. ton. 301-348-3805. jccgw.org.
202-393-3939. woollymammoth.net.
This weeks highlights include Ikebana International Annual Spring Flower Show on Penelope, Studio Theatre.
Protest and Passion, In Series, Atlas.
Friday; Cherry Blast: Art + Music Dance Party & National Cherry Blossom Festival 202-332-3300. studiotheatre.org.
202-204-7763. inseries.org.
Fireworks Show on Sat. Lantern Lighting Ceremony on Sun. Check website for The Trip to Bountiful, Round House
The Weir, SCENA Theatre, H Street Play-
information about these events and more. Theatre Bethesda. 240-644-1100.
house. 703-683-2824. ScenaTheater.org.
iMusical -- The Improvised Musical!,
The Capital City Showcase Tue, Apr. 5 Washington Improv Theater. 202-315-
Sat, April 2 Orpheus & Euridice, by Ricky Ian Gordon, 1318. washingtonimprovtheater.com.
DC Arts Center (DCAC). 202-462-7833. dcartscenter.org. Artisphere. artisphere.com.
DC-themed variety show that will feature any and all things DC, including local musi- ONGOING EXHIBITONS
cians, comedians and artists as well as interviews with local athletes and politicians. LIMITED ENGAGEMENT National Gallery of Art. Venice: Canaletto
Along with the various performers, there will also be skits and videos performed by Apr. 2 - Apr. 3 and His Rivals, Gauguin: Maker of Myth,
the Capital City Players. Human, Joe’s Movement Emporium. Lewis Baltz: Prototypes/Ronde de Nuit,
301-699-1819. joesmovement.org. In the Tower: Nam June Paik, From Im-
The Guide to Arts & Culture is provided by CultureCapital.com, Your Link to the Arts in Metro DC, a program
All Beethoven, National Philharmonic, pressionism to Modernism: The Chester
of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington. Photo courtesy of Synetic Theatre.
Strathmore. 301-581-5100. Dale Collection. 202-737-4215. nga.gov.
nationalphilharmonic.org. National Geographic. Great Migrations: A
Photography Exhibition, America I AM,
Apr. 6 - Apr. 7 Beyond the Story: National Geographic
Órla Fallon, formerly of Celtic Woman, Unpublished. 202-857-7700. events.
Wolf Trap. 1-877-WOLFTRAP. nationalgeographic.com.
wolftrap.org. Museum of Women in the Arts. Eye
Wonder: Photography from the Bank
ONE NIGHT ONLY of America Collection. 202-783-5000.
Fri, Apr. 1 nmwa.org.
All Roads Film Project: Professor Norman The Textile Museum. Second Lives: The
Cornett, National Geographic. Age-Old Art of Recycling Textiles. 202-
202-857-7700. 667-0441. textilemuseum.org.
Friday Night Eclectic: ilyAIMY & Primitiv- ONGOING GALLERIES
ity, Strathmore. 301-581-5100. Hamtdaa Together, Artisphere; Ishihara
strathmore.org. by Yoav Brill; Contra Sonic. Artisphere.
Roger McGuinn, Wolf Trap. artisphere.com.
1-877-WOLFTRAP. wolftrap.org. Knowing Science, Seeing Art, Montpelier
The Embassy Series Presents: Mendels- Arts Center. 301-377-7800. pgparks.com.
sohn Piano Trio, The Embassy Series, Try A Little Tenderness As Painful As It
Embassy of Austria. 202-625-2361. Seems, The Honfleur Gallery. 202-631-
embassyseries.org. 6291. honfleurgallery.com.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 33

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34 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

Jeffrey Johnson cited finances as the main reason for Ganymede’s closing.

Ganymede Arts to close

Board, Johnson to shutter space to open shows.
And because seasons couldn’t be an-
gay theater company nounced in full, establishing a subscrip-
tion base for patrons as many local the-
By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO ater outfits do, was impossible.
joeyd@washblade.com Johnson says he thinks the mental-
ity for gay Washingtonians is to support
Ganymede Arts, Washington’s only larger operations.
gay-specific theater and arts company, “People give a lot of money to HRC,
is closing. Board members and director you know, the bigger-name stuff,” he
Jeffrey Johnson cited finances as the said. “They always acknowledged us
main reason. and came to our shows. We were always
“Since I took over in 2003, artistically able to turn out a great audience when
it’s always been very successful,” John- we’d have celebrities. Karen Black is
son said. “But there’s never been anything still nuts about us to this day, but when it
left over after each production. It’s part of comes to larger donations, I think it goes
the reason the previous guy left. There to the Kennedy Center, Studio. This was
was no security, no savings or money our problem from the get go. We’ve nev-
pushed back that made it easier on the er been able to compete with the Arena
front end. We’d have ticket sales and sell Stages and those theaters. We’ll take
out most nights but after production ex- $2,000 and build a stage. They’ll put that
penses — and this was fairly across the into one costume.”
board — we were back to zero.” Johnson says he feels “no regret at
Ganymede was originally known all.” He’s proud of the work Ganymede
as Actor’s Theatre of Washington but produced but says he’ll now have time
changed names in 2007 to be an LGBT- to focus on his own endeavors. He per-
specific company with theater, dance, forms often in D.C. as Special Agent
music and art. For four years, it held a fall Galactica, his pink-coiffed drag persona
arts festival, which sometimes attracted who, last New Year’s, started singing live
well-known celebrities like Karen Black, after years of lip-syncing. Two Galactica
Charles Busch and Holly Woodlawn. shows are planned May 20-21 at the
The board suffered several setbacks. Black Fox in D.C.
Former board president Noi Chudnoff — Johnson says none of the big compa-
also a big financial contributor — died nies had gay nights or “pride nights” sev-
in 2007 and the stock market crashed in eral years ago. He thinks Ganymede’s
2008 affecting many arts organizations existence made them realize there was a
that rely on donations. Former board market for the local LGBT audience.
president Kevin Minoli said the board That also became part of the problem.
worked hard for the 2010 season — “It’s one of those interesting things,”
which included full-scale productions of Minoli said. “As gay people have gotten
“Naked Boys Singing” and “Falsettos” — more integrated in society as a whole,
in an effort to restore Ganymede to where more companies are doing gay-themed
it had been previously. shows. There’s the Albee festival going
“I feel we got there last year and we on right now. Gay people are going to
were hopeful that once we got to that full see gay theater and gay art all across
production schedule things would re- the city, so where there was a need for us
bound financially as well, but it took an at one point, maybe we’ve evolved and
enormous amount of work to make that integrated to the point that the need isn’t
happen and all of us on the board are as pressing now.”
volunteers,” Minoli said. “We mutually But isn’t there something to be said for
agreed that it made the most sense to gay art produced by gays for gays?
close the company.” “I think there is,” Minoli says. “We al-
Challenges dogged the organization ways said we were doing different things
over the years. Because the company in different ways than what Studio, or
lacked a permanent home — shows whomever, was doing. They might do
were often staged in storage spaces at one gay show a season. So it is a loss to
Miss Pixie’s and Go Mama Go, both on lose that, but I’m not blaming the com-
14th Street — seasons couldn’t be an- munity for not supporting us. We appre-
nounced in advance. The board never ciate the support and all of our donors
knew if it would have the money or the over the years.”
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 35

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Phone: 202.588.5889/202.588.5599 • Fax: 202.588.5788 • Email: info@tsushi.us
private room available for weddings & private events tsushi.us (full Website under construction, temporary menu available)
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**Please advise a member of our staff regarding any queries about allergies. *Prices subject to change without notice.
36 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011


Friday, April 1, 7:30 pm
Choral conductor Stephen Darlington
leads this world-renowned choir in
a program of sacred music including
Fauré’s great work.

inspiring music at washington national cathedral

Choir of Christ Church Cathedral,

Oxford, England
in a program featuring
De Profundis, Orlando di Lasso
Kyrie "Le Roy", John Taverner
In ieiunio et fletu, Thomas Tallis
Ave Maria, Robert Parsons
Miserere Mei, Gregorio Allegri Photo courtesy of Kevin Majoros
Requiem, Gabriel Fauré The gay sports teams in D.C. are year round but spring brings a bounty of activity.

Ready to play ball?

Tickets start at $25—visit
or call (202) 537-2228 today!

Local gay sports leagues ets to a Washington Kastles match, tennis

lessons and more. To learn more about
plan bevy of spring outings the group, go to www.capital-tennis.com.
MYOB Adventures is offering an after-
By KEVIN MAJOROS noon of ropes course and zipline on April
9 from 2-6 p.m. at Terrapin Adventures in
April is stocked full of things to do with Savage, Md. It will be four hours with 32
the sports groups in D.C. Here’s an over- adventures including a 350 foot zipline.
view of this month’s action: Carpooling is available from Dupont Cir-
Spring SportsFest, hosted by Team cle. For details, contact Kevin Norris at
D.C. will take place on April 7 from 7 to 10 kevinmnorris@aol.com.
p.m. at Room and Board at 1840 14th St., The Rainbow Climbing League of
N.W. This is an opportunity to meet and D.C. has several rock climbs coming up
mingle with about 25 LGBT sports teams in April. You can meet its members at
in the area and a perfect opportunity to SportsFest and read more about them on
see all the sports groups in one space. their Facebook page.
There will be a DJ, beer and soft The Adventuring Outdoors Group will
drinks and an outdoor deck for network- be hosting the Turkey Run Hike on Sun-
ing. Clint Khoury, the in-stadium host of day. The trail is approximately four miles
the Washington Nationals, will be the long and will take a little over two hours
special guest and there will be a raffle for to complete. There is an elevation gain of
signed Nationals memorabilia, theater 400 feet and the trail is marked as moder-
tickets and a $250 shopping spree from ately difficult. Dogwood trees should be in
Room & Board. Log onto the Team DC bloom along the trail and there is always
Facebook page for a complete list of the the possibility of sighting a bald eagle.
teams that are attending. They will meet at the Rosslyn Metro Sta-
Social volleyball has reemerged after tion (Blue/Orange Line) at 9:30 a.m. Bring
a six-month hiatus. It returns on Tuesdays water, lunch and the $2 trip fee. Those car-
beginning April 19 from 6-9 p.m. at the pooling from Rosslyn bring an additional
King Greenleaf Recreation Center at 201 N $3 for driver fees. Contact d.michael.da-
Street, S.W. Random teams will be drawn for vids@gmail.com for more information.
all skill levels and the cost is $5 per person. There are several “Night Out” events
Ultimate Frisbee has also returned. Ul- coming up this summer:
timate Out has joined forces with the Jol- Night Out at the Nationals VII will be held
ly Boozers of the Washington Area Fris- on June 21 v. the Seattle Mariners. Tickets
bee Club, a gay-friendly D League team. will go on sale at the Spring Sportsfest and
Men and women of all skill levels are wel- can be found at Nellie’s Sports Bar.
come. Contact Ben Schock at schockb@ Night Out at the Kastles is to be held
gmail.com for more information. in mid-July with details on the specific
The Capital Tennis Association will date to be announced soon.
take over the Duplex Diner on Tuesday Night Out at the Mystics will be held
from 6-8 p.m. There will be hot trainers on July 26 v. the San Antonio Silver Stars.
and a raffle with prizes including personal Information will be posted at www.team-
training packages from Results Gym, tick- dc.org in the coming months.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 37
38 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011

washington, dc DELTA ELITE
3734 10th St. NE
nellie’s sPorts bar
900 U St., NW
30 Degrees Washington, DC 20017 Washington, DC 20001
1639 R St., NW 202-546-5979 202-332-6355
Washington, DC 20009 thedeltaelite.com nelliessportsbar.com
202-462-6569 Longtime bar popular with African-Ameri- Sports bar featuring poker
cobaltdc.com can men in Brookland events, drag bingo, trivia contests
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men neighborhood; hosts regular ladies night. and other specials. Popular bar
but check schedule for other events. Check web site for special events. with massive outdoor deck
and plenty of TVs f
1409 Playbill Café DiK bar or watching sports.
1409 14th St., NW 1637 17th St., NW
Washington, DC 20005 Washington, DC 20009 OmEGA
202-265-3055 202-328-0100 2122 P St., NW
Logan Circle area restaurant and bar (Du- dupontitaliankitchen.com Washington, DC 20036
pont Circle Metro) popular with the theater In Dupont Circle area, above 202-223-4917
crowd and featuring open-mike nights, ka- Dupont Italian Kitchen. omegadc.com
raoke and other special events. Dupont Circle area bar and club popular
DUPlex Diner with men featuring dancing, drag and
aCaDemy of Washington 2004 18th St., NW other special events.
thewashingtonacademy.com Washington, DC 20009
Longtime organizers of drag events in the 202-265-9599 Phase 1
city; most events held at Ziegfeld’s. See duplexdiner.com 525 8th St., SE
web site for full list of upcoming events. Popular restaurant and bar in the Washington, DC 20003
Adams Morgan area; happy hour phase1dc.com
annie’s ParamoUnt specials and many other special events. twitter.com/phase1dc
steaK hoUse See web site for updated schedule. The Phase opened in 1970 and remains
1609 17th St., NW a popular lesbian bar and club. Features
Washington, DC 20009 FAB LOUNGE regular special events, including Jell-O Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

202-232-0395 1805 Connecticut Ave., NW wrestling, ’80s theme nights and more. COBALT
In Dupont Circle area; popular longtime Washington, DC 20009 Check web site for details.
restaurant and steakhouse with recently 202-797-1122 Piano bar attracts a mostly male
renovated Upstairs Lounge. thefablounge.com
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men
LGBTQ NIGHT baltimore crowd, though welcoming to women
@ blaCK sqUirrel 1722 and straight patrons.
aPex but hosts regular women’s events. 2427 18th St., NW 1722 N. Charles St.
1415 22nd St., NW Washington DC 20009 Baltimore, MD 21201 leon’s/tyson PlaCe
Washington, DC 20037 firePlaCe Party featuring disco house, electro, indie Multi-level after-hours dance club 870 Park Ave.
202-296-0505 2161 P St., NW pop, dance and industrial every Friday attracts a mixed crowd but remains Baltimore, MD 21201
apex-dc.com Washington, DC 20037 night. gay-friendly. 410-539-4993
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men, 202-293-1293 leonsbaltimore.tripod.com
but check schedule regularly for other In Dupont Circle area; neighborhood bar remingtons baltimore eagle In business for more than 50 years,
events. popular with men. 639 Pennsylvania Ave., SE 2002 N. Charles St. Leon’s is the oldest gay bar in
Washington, DC 20003 Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore and among the oldest in
baChelor’s mill green lantern 202-543-3113 410-82-EAGLE the country. Friendly bar with juke-
1104 8th St., SE 1335 Green Court, NW remingtonswdc.com Longtime Levi/leather bar not far box gets especially busy on Sunday
Washington, DC 20003 Washington, DC 20005 twitter.com/remingtonsWDC from Mount Vernon offers friendly bar, nights. Tyson Place is a restaurant
202-544-1931 greenlanterndc.com Popular country/Western nightclub in billiards, outdoor patio, videos and a bar located behind Leon’s with a
Longtime bar popular with African-Ameri- twitter.com/greenlanterndc Capitol Hill neighborhood with more than full store for your leather needs. separate entrance.
can men in Capitol Hill area. Friendly bar for men hosts regular happy 6,000 square feet of space for dancing Mostly men, but welcoming to wom-
hours and special events, including ka- and billiards. One half block west of East- en. Port in a storm
banana Café raoke and shirtless drink special nights. ern Market Metro. 4330 E. Lombard St.
500 8th St., SE Check web site for details. McPherson ClUb Phoenix Baltimore, MD 21224
Washington, DC 20003 Square Metro. toWn 1 W. Biddle St. 410-534-0014
202-543-5906 Danceboutique Baltimore, MD 21201 Friendly neighborhood lesbian bar
bananacafedc.com Jr.’s 2009 8th St., NW 410-837-3906 gets especially popular when the Ra-
Popular Capitol Hill area restaurant and 1519 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20001 Mount Vernon-area downstairs bar vens play. Features billiards, music
bar (Eastern Market Metro) for both men Washington, DC 20036 202-234-TOWN attracts men and women; friendly and more.
and women. Features Cuban, Mexican 202-328-0090 towndc.com service.
and Puerto Rican cuisine. jrswdc.com Dance club and bar popular with men qUest
Longtime friendly Dupont Circle area bar and women, features regular drag perfor- DrinKery 3607 Fleet St.
bloWoff popular with men; videos, regular special mances. U Street Metro. 205 W. Read St. Baltimore, MD 21224
815 V St., NW events. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-563-2617
Washington, DC 20001 Ultrabar 410-225-3100 Neighborhood bar in Highlandtown
blowoff.us LACE 911 F St., NW Another of Baltimore’s friendly neigh- area is popular with men and women
Created by musicians Bob Mould and 2214 Rhode Island Ave., NE Washington, DC 20004 borhood bars in Mount Vernon featur- and offers billiards.
Richard Morel, Blowoff is an occasional Washington, DC 20018 ultrabardc.com ing
dance event popular with men. Events are 202-832-3888 twitter.com/UltraBar billiards, jukebox and welcoming
lacedc.com Large dance club with gay-friendly events service.
held in clubs around the country; D.C.’s 1001 N. Charles St.
Blowoff parties are held at the 9:30 club Every night is ladies night at Lace; and vibe located downtown near Metro
Baltimore, MD 21201
in the popular U Street corridor. features regular special events for women Center. gallery 410-752-7133
in Brookland neighborhood. Check web 1735 Maryland Ave. centralstationpub.com
COBALT site for details on happy hour specials. Where the girls go Baltimore, MD 21201 Part of the Grand Central complex,
1639 R St., NW wherethegirlsgo.com 410-539-6965 Sappho’s attracts a lesbian crowd
Washington, DC 20009 larry’s loUnge Queer women’s events in the D.C. area. Longtime bar and restaurant popular and offers comfy couches, outdoor
202-462-6569 1836 18th St., NW Check web site for latest info. with African-American clientele. patio and more in its second
cobaltdc.com Washington, DC 20009 floor location.
In Dupont Circle area; part of complex of 202-483-1483 ZiegfelD’s/seCrets granD Central
LGBT businesses at this address, includ- Dupont Circle area bar and restaurant 1824 Half St., SW 1001 N. Charles St.
ing Level One restaurant on
street level and 30 Degrees bar.
popular with both men and women. Washington, DC 20024
Baltimore, MD 21201
northern va
THE LODGE secretsdc.com centralstationpub.com freDDie’s
Beach Bar
CreW ClUb 21614 National Pike Featuring all-nude male dancers Wednes- Large entertainment complex featur-
555 23rd St. South
1321 14th St., NW Boonsboro, MD 21713 days-Sundays, drag performances, large ing friendly pub, lesbian bar Sap-
Washington, DC 20005 301-591-4434 dance floor and many regular special pho’s upstairs and a dance club on Arlington, VA 22202
202-319-1333 thelodgemd.com events, contests and more. Large parking the first floor. 703-685-0555
crewclub.net www.facebook.com/TheLodgeMD lot available; located in Buzzard’s Point Freddie Lutz’s Virginia establishment
includes a restaurant and friendly
Men’s 24-hour gym in Logan Circle area, Favorite for: Both Men & Women, Billiards, warehouse district. hiPPo bar, regular specials and is popular
featuring steam rooms, lounges, Dancing, Drag, Bear/Leather, Karaoke. 1 W. Eager St.
private dressing rooms and more. Local and guest dj’s play the latest Top 40, with men and women. Crystal City
Baltimore, MD 21201
House, Trance & Electro dance beats. Metro.
DC EAGLE clubhippo.com
mixtaPe Large club popular with men and
639 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001 Different locations women featuring billiards, top DJs/ laurel, md
202-347-6025 mixtapedc.com dancing, karaoke, videos and more. PW’s
dceagle.com twitter.com/MIXTAPEdc Opened in 1972, Hippo’s motto is 9855 N. Washington Blvd.
The popular Levi/leather bar’s origins date Alternative dance party for queer men and “where everyone is welcome.” Laurel, MD 20723
to the 1960s. Features billiards, regular women featuring electro, alt-pop, indie 301-498-8202
tournaments and other special events. rock, house, disco and New Wave. Check Jay’s on reaD pwssportsbar.com
Located near the convention center, two web site for 2010 schedule of events. 225 W. Read St. Restaurant and bar is popular with
blocks north of Gallery Place Metro. Baltimore, MD 21201 gay and lesbian sports fans and is
410-225-0188 known for its superb burgers.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 39

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40 washingtonblade.com • april 1, 2011

SOCIALAGENDA Washington Blade photos by Michael Key

More than 350 athletes in 16 teams played in the first round of games in the Stonewall Kickball League Sunday in Stead Park. Players began their pre-game socializing at JR.’s and wrapped the afternoon at Cobalt. Games
take place every Sunday culminating in championship games on May 15 and 22.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 41

Reserve Your Date Now!

Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

David Muse says Studio Theatre ‘is not a place that needed someone to come in, to save or reinvent it.’

Several gay edges to

Studio’s new season
Continued from page 23 that rabbit from out of that hat, emerging
from half a dozen finalists to step into her
and impressive 2011-2012 season just shoes there officially last September.
announced. And of course he is also in Asked about his artistic vision, he
charge, with Joy Zinoman still as its lead demures at first, saying that he finds it
faculty member, of the Studio Theatre Act- “challenging to say the least” to define
ing Company, where his serious career in such an overview “when the work here
theater began. is so purposefully eclectic, with so broad
Born in Appleton, Wis., he spent most a range of theatrical offerings.” He also
of his childhood in Fulton, Mo., a small offers what he calls “another disclaimer”
town (11,000). In high school he threw to having any “broad vision,” in that “you
himself into theater and graduated vale- need to leave room,” he insists, for the
dictorian. In 1992 he left Fulton, the first thespian Holy Spirit, “for what feels right,
student from his high school to attend an this year, or at any other moment.”
Ivy League school, for New Haven and Besides, Muse says, Studio “is not a
Yale University where he studied ethics, place that needed someone to come in,
politics and economics. Upon gradu- to save or reinvent it.” But that said, he
ation, Muse joined Teach for America has even so his own vision of course,
and headed for D.C., teaching math and which is why in addition to his manage-
also leading Outward Bound wilderness rial mindset he was chosen for this job.
programs for troubled youths during the “The challenge,” he says, is “to bal-
summer. But he also found his way to ance all the historic strengths of this
Studio’s acting school, to hone his pas- place with some new energy, and that’s
sion for drama, and in 2000 he returned what I aim to do.”
to Yale, this time to its drama school, to Those strengths, he says, include
earn a master’s in directing. that it stages what he rightly boasts are
Next he moved to New York City, but “plays of real literary and theatrical mer-
then he soon came back to D.C. when it.” He intends, he says, to build on that
summoned by Kahn to become his sec- Studio strong deck of cards by pulling
ond in command as associate artistic di- out some new ones — by “going in a little
rector at the Shakespeare Theatre Com- less familiar direction,” in part by bring- When the last sip of champagne is gone and the lights go dim,
pany, where he helped grow the company ing in more international productions but the enduring things left are your commitment, one other—and
from its single theater at the Lansburgh especially by “working with living writers,
with the addition of the new Harman Hall. and working with them on the creation your wedding photos. When you plan your wedding, invest in
He also was primary liaison for all the tal- of new work,” not generally seen as a photography that will keep your memories alive for decades.
ent. He also began to direct plays at Stu- strong card at Studio in the past.
dio’s smaller and edgier 2nd Stage. “We want to welcome these writers
The next year, 2006, also at Studio, he into the building as active collaborators,”
directed Bryony Lavery’s critically laud- he says, pointing to two world premieres
ed “Frozen.” Then, last year, while also slated for Studio in its just-announced
directing an electrifying version of Neil 2011-2012 season.
LaBute’s “Reasons To Be Pretty” there, This year, meanwhile, has included a
he also threw his hat into the ring to re- season of superb performances in pro-
place Zinoman. After a scrupulous na- ductions like the gay-themed “Marcus; or
tionwide search lasting a year, he pulled Continues on page 48

So you think you can negotiate: 10 how-to tips

reviewing contracts an extra day to give
REAL ESTATE them a chance to sit down and write an
offer. The sellers agreed and the buyers
By DONNA EVERS then asked if they could see the house
one more time. The sellers agreed and
The residential real estate market is the buyers then asked if the sellers would
challenging, but buyers can often get a hold financing and include some of their
lower price and better terms if they are a expensive furnishings as part of the list
skillful negotiators. price. Needless to say, these buyers did
Here are some strategies to keep in mind: not get the house.
1. Arm yourself. This means hiring 9. Stay in the game and don’t over-
the best real estate agent you can get to react. If you get a counteroffer from the
represent you in your purchase. This per- seller that is higher than you expected,
son should know what you want and how don’t give up. A slight increase in price
much you can afford. He or she should on your part and a change in terms that
be a person with whom you can com- pleases the seller can still allow you to
municate, who inspires your trust, knows reach your target price range.
the area where you want to buy, is ready 10. Be realistic; you never get every-
to do research for you and can help you thing you want. If the house is priced at
plan your strategy when you make the of- $900,000, you won’t get it for $750,000, no
fer. An added bonus to using an agent matter how clever you are. If the property is
is that your offer will be much better re- overpriced, it may eventually come down in
ceived when it comes through a third price, but as long as the sellers’ expectations
party, so let your agent do the talking. Photo courtesy of iStockphoto.com are so high, you are not going to be able to
2. Don’t be greedy. Here’s a good pull them far enough in your direction.
rule of thumb to follow: never make an records for all the properties “for sale” 6. Explain yourself. If you are asking Set your sights on the properties that
offer lower than the lowest price you think and “sold” in the area where the prop- for an unusual term, like a late settle- are fairly priced, plan your strategy, stay
the seller might actually accept. Any offer erty is located. Pay the most attention ment, make sure you explain why. Buy- calm and cool and you have a good
lower than that will only be considered an to the “sold” prices of similar properties ers and sellers can agree on terms more chance of saving money on your new
insult and when you make an insult in- that have changed hands in the past six easily if they understand the other party’s purchase.
stead of an offer, you end up having to months. Drive by the houses, if you can, objectives and needs.
overcompensate in your next counterof- and get the details on the interior fea- 7. Let them know you love it. It may
Founded in 1985 by Donna Evers, Evers &
fer because the seller is now mad at you. tures of each one. Compare like proper- sound corny, but you may want to accom- Co. Real Estate maintains its success through
3. Buying a home is an emotional ties; don’t think you can get a house with pany your offer with a letter telling the sell- a strong referral base and agents who enjoy a
buy. You are not buying stocks or bonds; a new kitchen for the same price as the er just how much you love their house and premier reputation for their expertise and in-
you’re buying a home for yourself. But, in one that needed renovation. why. Like buyers, sellers get emotional, depth knowledge of Washington Metro Area
homes and neighborhoods. Evers & Co. is
any case, it’s a statement of who you are 5. Concentrate on the sale rather and it won’t hurt to let them know that you home to 100 licensed real estate professionals
and how you want to live. So when you than the sellers. Buyers are often tempt- really appreciate their home. with decades of combined experience, who en-
find yourself getting excited or angry, get ed to assign all kinds of attributes to the 8. When you get an inch, don’t go joy access to a first-of-its-kind Agent Resource
advice from your buyer’s agent and from sellers, even if they have no idea of what for a mile. Most inexperienced nego- Center. The agency is the largest woman-owned
and-operated residential real estate firm in the
friends. Negotiations can fail before they the people are really like. They might tiators interpret any concession on the area and a member of Unique Homes Affiliate
begin when a buyers lose their cool. think the sellers are cheap or unreason- part of the seller as a total victory and Network, Who’s Who in Luxury Real Estate and
4. Get the facts straight and com- able or stubborn, and use up all their end up losing by making unreasonable FIABCI, the largest international real estate or-
pare apples with apples. Let’s say you energy second-guessing the sellers’ mo- demands and turning off the seller. For ganization in the world. In addition, the agency
has an alliance with My Home In Paris, a resi-
are interested in a certain property. Your tives, rather than focusing on how to get example, earlier this year, certain buy- dential real estate firm in Paris, France.
agent has access to the sales and tax the price and terms they want. ers asked the sellers if they could put off


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april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 43

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Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

David Muse says summer 2012 will bring ‘Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson,’ among others, to Studio
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Muse says Studio

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Continued from page 41 other world premiere comes next Febru-
ary and March in Studio’s 2nd Stage, in
the Science of Sweet” (though Muse is a new play, “Astro Boy and the God of
Joel C. Ang, M.D. Becky Carroll, Ph.D. straight and has a girlfriend), a season that Comics,” by Georgetown University the-
HIV Diagnosis & Treatment, Family Medicine Licensed Psychologist has been the result of his collaboration with ater professor Natsu Onoda Power, who
Sylvia R. Medley, M.D., M.P.H. Interactive Counseling, Zinoman, which will also later feature Anna also directs.
Internal Medicine, HIV, Women’s Health & Weight Psychotherapy and K. Jacob’s “Pop!” a new musical about Muse says she has been invited to
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Andy Warhol. Muses also draws attention come to Studio “to conceive of this new
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202.332.8477 to “The History of Kisses,” set for this sum- play” there. It takes on Japanese Manga in
Family Medicine & Primary Care B.Carrol@mac.com mer as an example of collaboration with its a highly visual performance that he calls “a
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Parking Available • Free Wi-Fi Affordable been away for about 10 years.”
But it is with next year’s slate of 11
life of his creator Osamu Tezuka.
Another play, set for November-De-

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come to the fore. First out of the gate, former “Daily Show” correspondent Lau-
Copies of records at each visit Plans for individuals, families, Sept. 7-Oct. 16, comes a new play in its ren Weedman, who has been called “a
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A D Disability,
V E R T I Life
Call for
S I NG PR OOF of the Oxford-Cambridge troupe of per- her solo performance she plays dozens
formers, “Beyond The Fringe.” of characters, switching from prostitute
TE: 01-21-11 Therapy
SALES for Adults,
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JERYL PARADE (jparade@washblade.com)
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Starring the great D.C. actor Ted to parole officer, addict to editor with
Adolescents & Couples van Griethuysen as the gay poet W.H. what Muse calls “nuance and empathy.”
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submittedComing Out
REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
the date of proof. Revisions will Concerns
not be acceptedAbout
for publication
after 12:01Intimacy,
if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
pm wednesday,Partner Choice,
the week of publication.Brown
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
naff pitts William J. McNamara Auden, it is set deep in the bowels of Other plays will also startle and stir
responsible for any legal liability arising outFamily, Relationship Stress,
of or relating
can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents
to the advertisement,
that itsDepression
and/or any material to which users
advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or 202.333.8325 London’s National Theatre as rehearsals audiences, he predicts, including “The
any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any
copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, Chronic Illness
or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair Since 1993 for a new play go on and the famed com- Golden Dragon” by German playwright
Douglas L. Romberg, Ph.D.
competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation,
or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
offer 25+
signing this plans.
proof you Weto your
are agreeing will help
contract youwith the
poser Benjamin Britten, also gay, and Roland Schimmelpfennig, in its U.S. pre-
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes 296-0033
of action, (703)
including reasonable legal fees and790-0038
expenses that may be incurred blade newspaper. This includes but is not limited to placement, Auden’s former lover, now troubled at miere in November-December. Called
by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations
and warranties. Dupont Circle Northern VA choose the plan that works best for you.
payment and insertion schedule.
work on a new opera, seeks out the poet both “poetic” and “brutal,” it is set in the
after a 25-year separation, to collaborate cramped kitchen of an Asian restaurant
again, this time artistically. Between visits where four cooks pull the tooth of a Chi-
Michael Deninger PhD by Auden’s rent-boy and a biographer — nese co-worker. His tooth ends up in the
Dream Plan Track ®
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two aging artists must wrestle with long- just the beginning of unexpected linkages
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buried desire and current jealousy and connected to the young Chinese man sans
6400 Goldsboro Rd Suite 550
• Coming Out • Depression seek to understand all the reasons their tooth. Muse calls it “fierce and vicious” but
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(301)320-1457 • Traumas • Family Issues
CA License #: 0G89743 • Anxiety • Intimacy Called both wistful and “filthily funny,” world,” where five actors “cross age, race
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. (703)212-8406 • DrMike@Deninger.com the play is what Muse calls “an imagi- and gender” to play 15 characters show-
nary meeting” between the two great art- ing “how intertwined our lives really are.”
ists, when after a quarter century Auden Also certain to draw attention, Muse
comes to talk about collaborating again, predicts, will be another of the 2nd Stage
Cognitive-Behavioral SAVE FOR YOUR FUTURE, but the rent-boy keeps returning” as the productions, coming in the summer of
Therapy NOT UNCLE SAM’S play progresses. 2012, “Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson,”
Results-Oriented q Affordable Looking to the new season, Muse by Alex Timbers, with music and lyrics by
Larry Cohen, LICSW I Will Teach You How to Pay LESS also points to two world premieres — Michael Friedman.
23 years serving the lgbt community Taxes, & Protect YOUR Assets one in the Lab Series Sept. 28-Oct. 16 “American history has never been this
202-244-0903 — “Lungs,” by Duncan Macmillan,” the sexy,” Muse says, “in this rowdy and ir-
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See website for NPR story on my work bcohen@secureretirementmetrodc.com
face their future in a time of global anxiety re-imagines President Andrew “Old Hick-
over terrorism and erratic weather. The ory” Jackson as a rock star.
april 1, 2011 • washingtonblade.com 49

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