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Product & Brand Management

Q.1 Convenience goods, shopping goods, speciality goods & unsought goods refers to the classification
of which type of goods?
(a) Consumer goods
(b) Industrial goods
(c) Business Goods
(d) None-of the previous options.
Q.2 News paper is an example of which type of goods?
(a) Staple
(b) Impulse
(c) Emergency
(d) Convenience goods
Q.3 Umbrella is an example of which type of goods ?
(a) Staple
(b) Impulse
(c) Emergency
(d) Convenience goods
Q.4 Product-mix “breadth” refers to what?
(a) Number of product lines.
(b) Number of brands in a products line.
(c) Number of varieties of a single brand
(d) None of the above
Q.5 Product-mix “depth” refers to what?
(a) Number of products in the product-mix
(b) Various models, colours and sizes available in each product lines.
(c) Distance of one product line from other product line.
(d) None of the above.
Q.6 A pharmaceutical company has a product line of anti-biotic.It has several dosage forms like
capsules, dispersible tablets vaginal suppositories, injections, ear drops, syrups. This is a perfect
example of what?
(a) Product-mix “breadth”
(b) Product-mix “depth”
(c) Product-mix “width”
(d) None of the above.
Q.7 Videocon has range of TVs in its product line, right from the budget TVs to premium TVs but later
on it has added the LCD version for the elite group customers. This is an example of what?
(a) Down-ward stretching of product line.
(b) Up-ward stretching of product line
(c) Side-way stretching
(d) Both-way stretching.
Q.8 Adding a new brand to a particular product line of same category, called as what?
(a) Line extension (b) Brand extension
(c) Product-mix extension (d) None of the previous
Q.9 Customer derived value refers to what?
(a) Total customer value – total customer cost
(b) Total customer value+ total customer cost
(c) Total customer value x total customer cost
(d) None of the above
Q.10 According to Philip Kotler, three dimensions like product leadership, operational excellence &
customer intimacy refers to what?
(a) Value delivery
(b) Value creation
(c) Value proposition
(d) Value disposition
Q.11 ‘Market analysis’, ‘segmentation and targeting’, ‘concept and product test’, ‘marketing’, ‘budget’,
‘implementation’ are the elements of what?
(a) Marketing plan
(b) Marketing Programmes
(c) Integeted marketing planning
(d) Marketing process
Q.12 General electric approach for industry analysis has which of the dimensions?
(a) Market attractiveness & business strength
(b) Market attractiveness & industry growth rate
(c) Business strength & industry growth rate
(d) Business strength & relative market share
Q.13 According to Al Ries & Jack Trout, positioning refers to which of the following statements?
(a) Positioning is what we do to the product and not what we do to the mind of the prospect.
(b) Positioning is not what we do to the product but is what we do to the mind of the prospect.
(c) Positioning is what we do to the services along the product and not to the mind of the prospect.
(d) Positioning is completely about the image of the company and nothing else.
Q.14 Explanation of product positioning does not include which of the following statements?
(a) Product positioning refers to sacrifice few segments of the market
(b) Product positioning refers to all products to all people
(c) Product positioning depends upon study of competition
(d) Product positioning deteriorates due to change in technology, consumer attitude and competitive
Q.15 Which of the following statements does not true about core strategy?
(a) Core strategy tells us why customers buy our product
(b) Core strategy broders on unique selling proposition
(c) Core strategy is broader than USP because it considers both external and internal
(d) Core strategy does not have any relation with positioning.
Q.16 Strategic business unites (SBUs) can not be explained by which of the following statements?
(a) SBUs has distinct set of competitors and customers
(b) SBUs has its own costing
(c) Each SBUs follows different strategy
(d) SBUs are equal to branches of corporate office of a company
Q.17 ‘Question mark’ position of any SBU or company in the BCG matrix can be explained by which of
the following combination?
(a) High industry growth rate & high relative market share
(b) High industry growth rate & low relative market share
(c) Low industry growth rate & high relative market share
(d) Low industry growth rate & low relative market share
Q.18 BCG expects marketer to develop strategies based on market share like ‘build’, ‘hold’, ‘harvest’ &
‘divest’. Here divest strategy mostly appropriate in which position?
(a) Star position
(b) dog position
(c) cash low position
(d) question mark position
Q.19 HLL has rationalised its set of brands which consists of 110 brands. It proposed to keep only 30
brands. The rest will be dropped, migrated or continue as regional brands. In short, HLL is
defocusing as much as 73 percent of the set of brands. This has done by which analysis?
(a) Brand analysis
(b) Product portfolio analysis
(c) Marketing planning analysis
(d) Product planning analysis
Q.20 Marketing strategies are designed keeping in mind the changing business environment in a
competitive world. The sequence of the strategies are in which order ?
(a) Market nicher, market challenger, market follower & market leader
(b) Market leader, market follower, market challenger, market nicher
(c) Market leader, market follower, market nicher, market challenger
(d) Market nicher, market follower, market challenger & market leader
Q.21 Various strategies like ‘frontal attack’, ‘flank attack’, ‘by-pass attack’, ‘encirclement attack’ &
‘guerilla attack’ are mostly applicable to which of the following marketer?
(a) Market leader
(b) Market challenger
(c) Market follower
(d) Market Nicher
Q.22 Which of the following characteristics do not refers to ‘maturity’ stage of PLC?
(a) Sales start falling
(b) Profit begin to decline even in latter part of maturity profit is negative
(c) Competition is very less
(d) Most brands have similar attributes, differentiation becomes difficult.
Q.23Which of the following statements is not true regarding ‘decline’ stage of PLC?
(a) Once there are no volumes the costs rise up
(b) The whole product is eliminated if it is unviable
(c) Heavy advertisement should be done
(d) Brand loyalty decelerate the rate of decline
Q.24 Which of the following sequence of stages is true regarding new product adoption process?
(a) Awareness, information, evaluation, trial & adoption
(b) Awareness, information, evaluation, adoption & trial
(c) Information, evaluation, trial, awareness & adoption
(d) Evaluation, information, awareness, trial & adoption
Q.25 What do you mean by ‘diffusion’?
(a) Diffusion is process of classifying the innovation
(b) Diffusion is the process by which the innovation is communicated within the social system
over time.
(c) Diffusion is the process innovation can be separated from adoption
(d) Diffusion is term to explain decline stage of PLC

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