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Good evening!

Welcome back
to my assignment this week. I’m Tu and I am glad to be here to talk
about the topic that is my favorite.ư That is about a good employer
that the employee expects to have.
It is generally agreed today that being worked in an excellent
company with high salary, professional environment shows that you
are quite successful and many people admire you. After all, the most
important thing is how long you will remain in that position. Unless
you work with a genius employer who promotes your skills, you sure
that you will stay there for a long period. I am an employee, I made a
lot of questions when I have been working in an occupational
location. Therefore, the top of concern might be an employer who
helps me focus on my job.
So HOW TO BE A GOOD EMPLOYER? From my point of an
Let’s get started with the quote from WILLIAM RADUCHEL (an
independent director, angel investor)
That statement got a huge inspiration for me. Follow me to figure out
how valuable it delivers for us. Today, I’d like to talk about 3
essential qualities of a good employer that the employee expects to
One of the first things is how to listen. Not only communicate, but
also listen. They listen to employee complaints and offer well-
thought-out, empathetic responses. Listening and responding to
feedback is one of the top ways that employers can make their
workers feel empowered. Support the staff, involve them in all
activities and take the opinions on board. But most of all,
communicate with them regularly. Keep them updated on what is
going on, what to do and why. get feedback and share the culture,
mission with them so they feel a part of the organization. 
The next quality I mention is flexibility.
Require a bunch of hard and fast rules with no explanations. What do
you think about that? Of course, you will be upset and get a ton of
stress. A good employer is open to an alternative arrangement, Ensure
your potential employer has someone else to do your job if you are
sick or your kids get sick. Also, a company that provides
opportunities to work from home or flexible schedules can be
attractive. This sends a message that you want your employees to lead
well-rounded lives and that you trust them to do their work, even
when you're not watching.
And last but not least, I’d got an opportunity to work with an
excellent leader for 3 years. She is the person who sends me a huge
inspiration even though sometimes I think about quitting that position.
Do you know? She gives me a lot of distinct instructions. On the other
hand, she‘s pretty particular about training for the new employees.
She follows carefully and doubles checks often. She controls
everything where I work. Firstly, you may think that she is fastidious
in working, but she has a good relationship with all the staffs. Here is
a little bit I want to share about my story last time. But I have learned
numerous experiences in the position. I feel more confident than
before. What I want to say is the own work culture. That means when
the good employer sets a professional and clarify background for all
the employees that helps the company promote. the employees will
put their efforts to complete the mission perfectly.
So finally
Employees also love to be recognized and rewarded for their hard
work. They need to feel important in their role and appreciated
for what they do. You could offer annual bonus schemes or
“Employee of the Month” rewards. It will make your staff feel
valued and motivated and will encourage staff loyalty.
And I have a question for you guys do discuss.
Pick a job with a high salary or pick a boss who gives you
Which one do you choose?

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