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Homework 2

Enterprise R P


Mohammad Imran Hossain Khandaker


Department of IBM
Business School of Sichuan University

Submitted to

Prof. Tomas Ling

Mold their perception

Mold their perception means you are trying to get people on the other side into their mindset in a
way that suits your campaign and the best method to do that is through the briefing. Perception is
described as a person’s view of reality.
When I started my online business, if a buyer was interested in buying my product or he was
indecisive about buying the product, then I would have a nice contact with them or talk to them. I
tried to know about the needs and demands of the buyers. I would try to listen to the words with
my mind and answer their questions nicely. If they returned a product to me I would ask them
why and if there was a problem I would try to solve it.
When I went to the servers and analyzes different markets to get an idea about the product, I
came back to know about customer perception. Through this, I got a good idea about the mindset
of my customer which has worked well in my business.
Elicit Congruent Attitudes
An elicit congruent attitude means an agreement or classification with a piece of particular
knowledge or product. An elicit congruent arrogances and try to excerpt some type of behavioral
motion. It’s mainly expressed through body language and behavior.
This is very important in any business field and it is very easy to get it This makes it very easy to
attract buyers and make the business dynamic. For all these behavioral reasons, my business
customers have been able to trust me, and they are making new deals with me every day, which
is very important for my business.
Trigger Social Pressure
This is largely approximately the importance of social evidence, it’s the concept that most people
follow the herd, and if people realize that everybody else is doing something, then they’ll be
extra willing to carry out that same action. That’s very important for any kind of business. What
everyone is doing is if the product of the business can be brought to the market in a way that
meets the needs of the people then the buyers will be able to recognize and know the other very
easily. No additional advertising is required for this. In this case, the business will be saved from
wasting money.
Habituate your message
This is ready to make your target extra acquainted together with your request thru repeated
exposure. A message we want to reach to our customers’ needs to be familiar. Communicating
with customers is a great challenge. But we get to analyze and know our customers; we become
familiar with their needs. This term is known as Habituate message which helps us to enhance
our business.
Optimize Your Message
we need to tweak the precise capabilities of our message to resonate together with our target
audience. When a message contains only positive support, people tend to believe that the
message is purposely excluding information, which causes them to be skeptical toward that
message. On the other hand, when a message contains a small amount of negative information,
people develop stronger attitudes because they believe that the information is more complete.
When the situation is suitable, you should include a small amount of negative information in
your message (as well as arguments to address and counter that negative information) because
people will assume that you’ve considered both sides of the topic, and as a result, you’ll be able
to persuade them more easily. 
Drive their momentum
What can you do after presenting your message that will further motivate your audience towards
compliance? Imagine you helped your friend move into his new house and he offers you 10$.
How would you feel? Now imagine instead that you received a bottle of wine that you would
both be sharing.
In most cases, social incentives like buying a bottle of wine or giving praise are more powerful,
because giving money is more likely to shift intrinsic motivation to external motivation.
Sustain their Compliance
 Sometimes you’ll want to persuade people toward some type of continuous long-term behavior
like eating healthy, so this is about presenting ways to sustain their compliance. Maintaining
compliances can ensure a sustainable business. Every organization must follow SOP’s (Standard
Operating Procedure), minimize compliance issues, and so on.

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