#Ysystem: Panduan

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#YSYSTEM Air Condit*omers

SISTHruI gag Pendingin Udara

Ceilling Mounted eassette type {New Sensing Flow Modeli

Jenis Kaset yang ffiipasang ili l*angit-langit (Model Aliran Deteksi Baru)




Thank you for purchasing this product unit.
Care{uily read this operation manual to ensure proper
After reading the manuai, lile it away for luture
Furthermore, make certain that this operation manual
is handed to a new user when he takes over the
As this operation manual is dedicateci for the indoor
unit, refer to also the operation manuals attached to
the outdoor unit and the remote controlier.

Terima kasih telah mernbeli unit produk ini.

Bacalah panduan pengoperasian ini dengan saksama
untuk memastikan pengoperasian yang benar.
Seielah membaca panduan, simpanlah untuk
referensi kelak.
Lebih jauh, pastikan panduan pengoperasian ini
diserahkan kepada pengguna baru bila ia mengambil
alih pengoperasian.
Karena panduan pengoperasian ini ditujukan untuk
unit dalam-ruang, lihat juga panduan pengoperasian yang
disertakan pada unit luar-ruang dan remote-control.


Disposal requirements
Your air conditioning product is marked with this symbol. This means that
electrical and electronic products shall not be mixed with unsorted house-
hold waste.
Do not try to dismantle the system yourself: the dismantling of the air
conditioning system, treatment of the refrigerant, of oil and of other pafts
must be done by a qualified installer in accordance with relevant local and
national legistation.
Air conditioners must be treated at a specialized treatment facility for re-use,
recycling and recovery. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you
will help to prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and
human health. Please contact the installer or local authority for more
Batteries must be removed from the remote controller and disposed of
separately in accordance wrth relevant local and national legislation.


Persyaratan pembuangan
Produk AC Anda diberi tanda dengan simbol ini. lni berarti bahwa produk
listrik dan produk elektronik tidak boieh dicampur dengan limbah rumah
tangga yang belum dipilah.
Jangan mencoba membongkar sendiri sistem ini: pembongkaran sistem
pendingin udara, penanganan refrigeran, minyak dan komponen lainnya
harus dilakukan oleh petugas pemasang yang berkompeien sesuai
dengan peraturan daerah dan nasional yang terkait.
AC harus ditangani di tempat penanganan khusus untuk digunakan kembali,
didaur ulang, dan pemulihan. Dengan memastikan produk ini dibuang secara
benar, Anda akan membantu mencegah kemungkinan konsekuensi negatif
terhadap lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Hubungi petugas pemasang
atau pihak berwenang setempat untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Baterai harus dikeluarkan dari remote-control dan dibuang terpisah sesuai
dengan peraturan daerah dan nasional yang terkait.
cor'{TEI{TS Beware of a {ire in ease of refrigerant leakage.
pRilCA|iTtOi.iS ..... ... .". if the air ccndilloner is noi operating correctly, i.e. not
1. SAFETY ... ...... i
generating coci o:'l'',,arm a!i', refrigerant ieakage couid be
2. NAMES AND FLJNCTIONS OF PARTS ," ..,..... ..,....,.. 3
the ca'r-rse. Ccrsuit i,our iocai dealer ior assistance.The
3. INSTALLATTCN S|TE ..."..........."...........4
r+:frigera.nt userj icr ihe air condiiioner is safe and normally
does noi ieak" Hcrnever, ii ihe refrigerant leaks and gets in
lmportant information regardinE the refrigerant used cciltact rr,,iih a. nakr:d hurner. heatel.or cooker, it may
This product contains {iuorinated greenirouse gases g€neraie h;:zardous compounds.Turn off the air
covered by the Kyoto Proiocol. ccnditiorer and cali your iocai dealer. Turn on the air
c,:irciilicner afier ile qualilied service person rnakes sure
Refrigerant type : R410A
to cc:'riirm inai ihe leakage is repaired.
GWPiI)value : 1975
GWP = giocal warrning pcierlt,ai
Consult your local dealer regarding what to do in
case of refrigerant !eakage.
Periodical inspeclions icr refrigerant leakage may be When the air-ccndltioner is instailed in a small room,
requireci oepending on Euror:ean cl iocal ieEisiatior. it is necessaryr to take proper measures so that the
Please contact your iocal deaiei'for mcre infornraiion. an"ount of any ieakecl i'eirigerant does not exceed the
ccnceniral!on iirnit in ihe event of a leakage. Otheruuise,
ihis ma"y iead tc an acciCent due io oxygen depleiion.
Contact professional personnel about attachment
To gain {ull advantage of the air condilioner''s functicns and to
of aceessories and be sure to use only accessories
avoid rnalfunction due io mrshandiing, piease reaci this
speeified by the manufacturer.
operation rnanuar caref,rlly hefore use
lf a defect results irom you!'own workmanship, it may
Read the precautions thcroLrghiy to avoid misuse o{ ihe
resuli ir r water ieaxage. electric shocks or a fire.
This product comes u;rder the term "applianees nci Consult your local dealer regarding relocation and
accessible to the general Bubiic". installation of the air conditioner. (Do not do installation
r This manual classifies the preeautions into WAENINGS cf the air eonditioner by yourseff.)
and CAtITIONS" Be sure to foliow aNl tlre preeautions impropel inslallaiion work ma-v i'esuii in ieakage, electrlc
below:They are all impcrtant for ensuring safety. shockscfafire,
. There are two klnds of safeiy preeautions and tips Be sure to use fuses with the correct ampere reading.
listed in the following" Do lrct use ir:rtrocer fuses. copper or other wiring as
a sui:slitute. as this nail resLrli in electric shocks, a fire
A wanrulruG,......,.lncicates a potentially hazardous
injtiry or clamage ic the air conditioner'.
situalion v;hich, if not avaided, cauid
result in cieaih cr serious injury. Be sure to earth the air conditioner.
Do not earth the air corditioner to a uiiliiy piping, lightning
A CnUftON.......... Indicates a poteniially hazarcous ccnductor er iele0hone earth lead.
sitiialion y,,hich. if noi ar"rcicied rray ln:perfect eai'ihing n:ay result in electr"ic shocks or a f ire.
resirit in irrinor or nlodeiaie tnlury. A high s.ri'ge currenl f rom lightning or other sources may
ii may also be used t0 alert againsi cause r: arnage to the a.ir ccnditioner.
unsafe practices.
Be sure to install an earth leakage breaker.
. After reading, keep this manual in a convenient place Faiiure to insiall an earth leakage breaker may result in
so that you can refer to lt whenever necessary. lf the eleciric sl.loct(s oi'a iire.
equipment is transferred to a new user, be sure also to
Cbnsult your local dealer if the air conditioner
hand over ihe manuai,
submerges owing to a natural disaster, such as a flood
er typhoon.
Do not operate the air eonditioner in that case, or'otherwise
Be aware that prolonged, dire*t exposure to cool or
malfunctlon. eiectric shccks, or'a iire may result.
warm air lrom the air eonditioner, or to air that is too
cool or too warm can be harmful to your physical Start or stop the air conditioner with the remote
condition and health. controller" Never use the power e ircuit breaker for this
When the air csnditioner is malfunetioning {giving
Otherwise, it may cause a iire or water leakage, Further-
off a burning odor, etc.), turn off the po$rer to the air
mcre. if an automatic i'estart ccntrol is provided against
conditioner and contaet your local dealer"
power faiiure anc the oov/er is recoyered. the fan nrill
Continued cperation i..rnde:' such circun:stanees may rotate succjer:.y a"d nay c:;se rnjury.
resuli in a fa,iure, electric shccks or a f ire.
Do not use lhe air conctitioner in the atmosphere
ionsult your Iocal dealer about installation work"
contarn;nated with oil vapor, such as cooking oil or
Do,ng the work yourself may result in i#etei ieakage,
rnachine eil vapor.
electric shocks or a fire.
Oi! vapcr nlav eause crack damaqe to the air ccndiiioner,
Consult your local deaier regardlng rnodifieatisr'!, electric shccks. 0r a {!re.
repair and maintenance of the air eondilioner^
Do not use the air eonditioner in places with excessive
lmproper workmanship rnay resuit in water ieakaEe.
cily s;'noke, gueh as coaking rooms, or in places with
electric shocks or a fire.
flammable gas: eorrosi\re gas' or metal dust.
Do not place objeets" ineluding rods, ysur {inEers, UsinE the air ccncJiticner in such places may cause a fire
etc., in the air inlet or outlet" or air ccndiiioner {ailures.
lnjury may result due to cantact with ihe air condiiione r's
high-speed fan i:lades"

Do not relocation and reinstallation ol the air Do not plaee objects that are susceptible to moisture
conditioner by yourself. direetly beneath the indoor or outdoor units.
lmproper installat,on r,vork may resuli in leakage, eiecirac Under ceftain conditions. cord*nsatrion on ihe unit or
shocks or a fire. re{rigerant piping, air iiiier dirt or cirain blockage may
Piease consult your local deaier. cause dripping, resuliing in iouling oi faiiure of the object
Do not use llammable n:aterials {e.9., hairspray or
concei'ne i.
insecticide) near lhe air cond!tioner. Do not piace appliances that produce naked flames in
places exposed to the airflow from the air conditioner
Do not clean the air conditioncr with organic solvents
as this may irr:pair combusiion of the burner.
such as paint thinner.
The use of organic solvents may callce crack damage ic Do not place heaters directly below the indoor unit,
the air conditioner, eieclric shocks, or a {ire. as resulting heat ean eause deformation.
Do not place burners or heaters in plaoes exposed Do not allow a child to mounl on the outdoor unit or
to the air flow from the unit as this may impair avoid placing any object on it.
combustion of the burner or heater. Failing or tumbting may rssuit in injury.
Do not wipe the controller panel with benzene or other Do not sit or place objects on the outdoor unit.
organic solvent. Falhng yourseif or falling objects ci:uld cause injury.
This will cause discoloraiicn anci/or peeling. li the panel
Be sure that children, plants or anirnals are not
needs cleaning, use a damp ctoiilu.r'ith some '.vater-diluted
exposed direetly to airflow frorn the indoor unit. as
neutral detergent. Wipe wlih a iry ciotf-r alter'/vards.
ariverse effects may ensue.
Do not operate with the control panel lid ouen. Do n6t wash the air conditioner with water, as this
lf vrater gets inside the panei, it may resr-ri: in eouipnrent
may resull in electrie shocks or a fire. {
failLrre or electric shock.
Do not place flammable sprays near the unit as this
Be sure to use a dedicated power supply for the air
can cause explosions. 3
The use of any other povrer suppllr rnay carse heat Arrange the drain hose to ensure smooth drainage.
generation, a fire, or air condrtioner iailures. impei'feci ilrarnage may 6s1;ss lve'lting of the building
fi;rniture etc.
Consult your local dealer regarding e leaning the
inside of the air eonditioner. Arrange the drain hose to ensure srnooth drainage.
lmproper cleaning n-1ay cause breakage o{ plastic parts. imperfect drainage niay cause u;etting.
water leakage and other elamage as weii as eiecltic shocks. Ensure that the remote controller is not exposed to
direet sunlight.
Thi; uriii caus* discoioratioi.r cf the LCD display lvith
-A cAUrroN
resuiting !oss of readabiliiy.
Do not use the air conditisner lor purposes other than
Never operate remote controller buttons with hard,
those for which it is intended. poirted objects.
Do not use ihe air conditioner ior cooling precisicn 1-his may resuil in i'erncte controller damage.
instruments, food, plants, anirnais or uiorks cf ad as rhis
may adversely affect the perl,rrmance, qualiiy andior Do not puli or tlvist the remote controller eord.
longevity of the object concei'ned. This may cause maifunctioning.

Oo not remove the outdoor unit's outlet side grille. Do not operate the air conditioner when using a room
The guard protects againsi rile Linii's high-speed fan, f urnigation type insectieide.
which may car-lse inlury. Furnigaiion chemicals deposiied in the unit could endanger
ihe health cf those who are hypersensitive io tr:uch chemicals.
To avoid oxygen deficiency, ensure that the rcom is
adequately ventilated ii equipment sueh as a burner D* not place water eoritainers {ttower yases, etc.)
is used together with the air conditioner. on the indoor unit, as this may result in electric shocks
or a fire.
After prolonged use, check the unit stand and iis
mounts for damage. Do not irrstal! the air conditioner at any place where
lf left in a damaged condiiion, the ufiit may fall and cause there is a danger of flam*:able gas leakage.
ln ihe event cf a gas leakage, buiid-up of gas near the
aii condiiioner may resuli in a fire.
Do not place flamrnable sprays or operate spray
Arrange the drain to ensilre eomplete drainage.
containers near the air conditioner as this may result
lf pr'-oper rlrainage iron: tire outdoor drain pipe does not
in a fire.
occur during air candit!oner cperato'n, there could be a
Do not put flammable containers, such as spray eans, crlockage ciue te dii-t arid debris build-up in the pipe.
within 1 m from the air outlet. This nay result in a water ieakage from the indoor unit.
The containers may expiode because the r,n;arm a,r irofi Under these circumstances. stop air conditioner operation
the incioor or outdoor unit wr;i affecr inem. ancj consuli your dealer for assistance.
When maintenance, be sure tc stop the air esnditioner The appliance is not intended for use by unattended
operation, turn the power eircuit breaker off. young ehitdren Gr person$ who are incompetent to
Othenarise, an eiectric shocks and injury riay resuii. 0perate air eondit!oners"
it may result in injury or eiectric shocks.
To avoid electric shocks, do noi operate with rvet
hands. ehildren should be watehed so that they do not play
with the indoor unit or its remoie controller.
Acciden'iai operation by a child may result in injury or
eiectiic sirocks.

English 2
To avoid iniury, do not touch the air inlet or aluminum
tins of the air conditioner. 2. NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS
Do not plaee obiects in direct proximity of the outdoor
unit and do not let leaves and other debris accurnulate
around the unit.
Leaves are a hotbed for small animals which can enler the
unit. Once in the unit, such animals can cause malfunctions,
smoke or a fire when making contact with electrical parts.
Do not bloc* air inlets nor outlets.
lmpaired airflow may result in insufficient performance
or trouble,
Do not let children play on or around the outdoor unit
lf they touch the unit careiessly, injury may be caused.
Turn off the main power switch when lhe air
conditioners is not to be uesd for prolonged periods.
When the main power switch is left on, some electrical
power (watts) is still consumed even if the air conditioner
is not operating. Therefore, switch off the main power
switch to save energy. When resuming operation, to
ensure smooth running, turn on the main power switch
6 hours before operaling the air conditioner again,
Never touch the internal parts of the remote controller.
Do not remove the front panel. Touching certain internal
parts will cause electric shocks and damage to the remote
Remoie controller (optional accessory)
controller. Please consult your local dealer about checking a The remote controller may not be needed depending
and adjustment of internal parts.
on the system configuration.
Do not leave the remotg controller wherever there is a
risk of weiting. b Air ouilet
lf water gets inio the remote controller there is a risk of
Suction grille
electrical leakage and damage to electronic components. c
(Referto "4. MAINTENANCE" on page 4)
Be careful of scaffold when high-place work is
required. Air iilier (inside suciion grille)
If the scaffold is unstable, you may fall or topple down, thus (Refer to "4. MAINTENANCE" on page 4)
causing injury.
I nf rared presence sensor
Be sure to fix air filter certainly. e It detects whether or not someone is there by means
Be sure to fix suction grille at knobs. of four sensors corresponding to each air ouilet.
It may cause air filter and suction griile drop,
lnfrared fioor sensor
Take care of scaffolding and exercise caution when f It detects the average temperature of the floor surface.
working high above ground level.
Drain discharge device (built-in)
g Discharges indoor moisture removed during the
cooling operation.

h Drain piping
Air outlet identification mark
( -, :i, l-r '-, ::at.::)
I Use this mark as a reference for setting the air{low
i Horizontal bjade (at air ouilet)
k Refrigerant piping
I Transmission wiring
Earth wiring (N0te)
(Note) lt is a wiring to let electricity flow from the
indoor unit to the earth for prevention of electric
shocks or a fire in case of emergency.

Regarding places for instalfation
. ls the air conditioner instalted at a welFventilated place
where there are no obstacles around?
. Do not use the air conditioner in the following places. ALLOWED TC PERFORM MAINTENANCE
a. Filled with much mineral oil such as cutiing oii
b. Where there is much salt such as a beach area -A wARNTNG

c. Where sulfured gas exists such as a hot-spring resort Do not use flammable gas {such as hair sprays and
d. Where there are considerable voltage fluctuations
insecticides) near the air conditioner.
such as a faclory or plant Do not wipe the air conditioner with benzine or thinner.
It may cause cracks, electric shocks or a fire.
e. Vehicles and vessels
Never put your fingers or rods in the air inlet, air outlet
f. Where there is much spray of oil and vapor such as a or horizontal blade.
cookery, etc.
The fan is rotating at high speed, so you would getiniured.
g. Where there are machines generating electromagnetic

h. Filled with acid and/or alkaline steam or vapor -A cAUnoN
ls a snow protection fneasure taken? Do not wash the air conditioner with water.
For details, consult your local dealer about snow protection It may cause electric shocks or a fire due to leakage.
hoods, etc. Make sure to fix the air filter.
Make sure to lix the suction grille at knobs area.
Regarding wiring Due to it may cause air fitter and suction grille drop.
. All wiring must be performed by an qualitied personnel. Make sure to turn off the air conditioner when taking
To do wiring, ask your iocal dealer. Never do it by yourself. care of the air conditioner and disconnect the power
. Make sure that a separate power supply circuit is suppty breaker.
provided for this air conditioner and that all electrical Unless the power supply is disconnected, it fflay cause
work is carried out by qualified personnel according electric shocks and injuries.
to local laws and regulations. When r*orking at a high place, give caution to your
Pay attention to running noises, too lf the scaffold is unstable, it may cause injuries due to fall
. Are the following places selected? and stumbling.
a. A place that can sufficiently withstand the mass of the
air conditioner with less running noises and vibrations. NOTE -iB,
b. A place where the hot wind discharged from the r Do not remove the air filter unless for cleaning.
air outlet of the outdoor unit and the running It may causefailure.
noises do not cause a nuisance to neighbours. . Do not attach substance (such as paper towels) other
. Are you sure that there are no obstacles near lhe than the specified air filter to the air inlet.
air outlet of the outdoor unit? The performance may drop and cause fieeze-uplwater
Such obstacles may result in declined performance and leakage.
increased running noises.
. lf abnormal noises occur in use, stop the operation When the remoie controller message "Time to clean filte/',
of the air conditioner, consult your local dealar. clean the air filter.
Regarding drainage of drain piping . lt indicates after running for a certain time.
. ls the drain piping carried out properly to ensure NOTE
complete drainage? . You may change the time of message "Time to clean filter".
lf drain piping is not carried out properly, diri and debris lf the unit is used in a space where the air is more
may be accumulated in the drain piping and cause water
contaminated, askyour local dealer for solution.
leakage. lf it occurs, stop the air conditioner and consult
with your local dealer lor assistance. Contamination Time until indication is displayed
Normal 2,500 hours (equivalent io one year)
System relocation
. Consult your Daikin dealer about remodelling and More contaminated 1 ,250 hours (equivalent to a half year)
relocation. . lf it becomes di{ficult to remove contamination from ihe air
filter, replace the air filter.
(Air filter {or replacement is an optioral accessory)

1. Open the suction grille.

Pull it downward siowly while pressing the buttons
provided on two knobs.

English 4
, Rernove ihe air fiiter" NOTE .;.:
Perforar the *peraiion in ihe order (1) ancl (2). . The $traps may be caught wtlen lhe suction grille is
closed. Betnre eiosing the suction grilte, ensure that
CI the straps are not Eetting out frorn the side of the
suction grille.
Q 1cooa1 X (Wrongi

Stra0 is Eetting
:-l out frofir the
suciion griie.

6. Turn off the message "T[me to elean filter"

i rj Pull the ends of the air filter down anci remove the dispiayed on the rernste cor:iroller after tr.lrning on
holes ot the air iilter from the grille pro.iiusions. the power.
(Bo1h {efi and right sides.) . For detaiis. i'efer to the operatien manual atiacheij to
the remote coniroiier. The indication can be iurned
O'; ...-elhe, t Cief a:iL)- i.. ;I SIOJ


1. Open the suction grille.
Air fiiter Simultaneoitsly c;'ess the tylc knolrs, siowly down the
Holes Froirusic*s on griiie
suction grille.
(2) Lift the air {ilter and remove the h0les of the air i'ilter"
from the protrusions on the Lrpper *ide of ihe grilie.
(Both teft a*ei right sides.)

cn grille

Air filter Hries Proirrjsions an grrlie

2. Remove the straps of the suction grille.
3. elcan the {ilter. Remove the t'ri/o straps frutm the holciing parts on ti-re
Ciean the contaminaticn with a vacuum cieaner or wash panei rrain i:ody to w;ricir iire srraps aie aitae hed.
ii with water,
lf the air filter Aite r delvatering,
extremely ID;
lhe air iilter in
contaminated. €-
wash itwith tre the si:i:de.

o"i".gun, M
using so{t brush.

. Do r"!ot $rash th* air filter witft r.rfrtar of 50.C or higher.
it may caus* det;ciryrizati*rr ancl eleformation. 3. Remove ihe sticiion grille.
* Bo n*t he*t tir* filter witti a fir*. Open ihe suciion griiie 45" anc litt it.
l,i may rause bilrni:rg, Then, unhook ii fror:r tr"re siaee to hoox. {3 piaces)
u 0o ftr"rt use suelr a$ Sasoline, herzine, thinner,
polishing powder *nd liquid insecticide sold in the
It may cause discoicraiion and deformation.

4. Attaeh the air filter.

. Attae h ti:e air filt*r in the reverse order mentioned in
ihe elause l.
5. elose the s*ction grille.
$lowly lift tire suction grille, and finally, securely fasten it
ta the main body of the decoration panel, while pressing 4. Take oLtt the air filter.
the two kncbs. Hefer io ciause 2 fr-,r "HtfW'[0 CLEANTHE F.IR
FILTER". (Page.5)

Ciean the suction grille.
\ /ash the sucticn grille v-rith _E_ /
ireuir'ai detergeni using a Y /A
scii bn-ish and lhen ciewater. li
' 'tju -:/
/ l)
When the sucticn grille is I 1:.\Dt^Eri

exireir':eiv c0iltaminatec
. Spray the cieterge:rt lci a tentiiating lans and ranges
cilrectl;, ic lhe suction griile, and keep it under that
conciition for acoui 'lC rninutes.
Aftertirai, car"efuliv liash ine suctron Erille with water.

. po not wash the suction grille with water of 50"C or
It may eause discoloration and deformation.
. When drying the suction grille, do not heat it with fire.
It may cause burning.
. Do not use such as gasoline. benzine. thinner,
polishing power and liquid insecticide sold in the
It may cause discoloration and deformation.
6. Attach the air lilter.
fiefe r lo ciaiise 4 ior "HOWTO CLEANTHE AIF
FILTER". (Page- 5)
7. A,ttach the suction grilie. i

Aiiacn the suciron grille ir: 1ne reve!-se orcier n:entioned

in rhe clause 3.

8" Attach the siraps of the suction grille.

Attach the siiaos in the reverse order mentioneci in the
uidUSe Z.

c llYhen close suction grille, strap may get cauglrt in.
Make sure ta confirm that before elose, strap must
nct ecme off frcm side cf suctio* g*lle-
9. Closethesuctiongrille.
Referto clause 5 fcr "HOWTO CLEA!*THE AtR
FILTEFI"'. {Page.5}


. Wipe them with a dry softcloth.
. When the slai* cannct be wiped otl dip the ctoih in the
neutral detergent diluted wiih water and twisi the cloih.
After wiping olf stai* with this cloih, l,t/ipe them with dry

. Do not u*e such as gasoline, benzine,thin*er,
polishing powder and liquid insecticide sold in the
It may cause discoloration and delsrmation,
. Do notwash ihern with warm water of S0.C or higrher.
It may cause discolorization and deformaticn.
n Be careful noit to damage t*e sensor surface,
The sensors, if damage{ rnay nat provide correet
sensing performance.


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