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CHEAT: stays in the default value if cheats are not disabled

REQUIRE_NET_SYNC: cannot be changed on client and when connecting it´s sent to th

e client
SAVEGAME: stored when saving a savegame
READONLY: can not be changed by the user
Command: _TestFormatMessage
Command: ag_reload_ag
help: Reloads all Animation Graphs from their ag files
Command: ag_reload_xml
help: Reloads all Animation Graphs from their xml files
Command: ag_step
Command: ag_testplanner
Command: ag_variationInput
help: Set this Variation Input once
Command: ai_CheckGoalpipes
help: Checks goalpipes and dumps report to console.
Command: ai_commTest
help: Tests communication for the specified AI actor.
If no communication name is specified all communications will be played.
Usage: ai_commTest <actorName> [commName]

Command: ai_commTestStop
help: Stop currently playing communication for the specified AI actor.
Usage: ai_commTestStop <actorName>

Command: ai_dumpCheckpoints
help: Dump CodeCoverage checkpoints to file
Command: ai_Recorder_Start
help: Reset and start the AI Recorder on demand
Command: ai_Recorder_Stop
help: Stop the AI Recorder. If logging in memory, saves it to disk.
Command: ai_reload
help: Reload AI system scripts and data
Command: ai_reload_voicelib
Command: ai_resetCommStats
help: Resets current communication statistics.
Usage: ai_resetCommStats

Command: ai_start_coordination
help: Starts the specified coordination.
Usage: ai_start_coordination groupId coordinationName
Command: ai_voiceTest
Command: ai_voiceTestStop
Command: ai_writeCommStats
help: Dumps current statistics to log file.
Usage: ai_writeCommStats

Command: ban
help: Bans player for 30 minutes from server.
Command: ban_remove
help: Removes player from ban list.
Command: ban_status
help: Shows currently banned players.
Command: Bind
Command: cc_cacheall
help: Cache All Compound Characters
Command: cc_cleanupcache
help: Clears characters cache
Command: cl_comment
script: g_cl_comment=tonumber(%1)
help: Hide/Unhide comments
Command: connect RESTRICTEDMODE
help: Start a client and connect to a server
Command: ConsoleHide
Command: ConsoleShow
Command: demo
help: Plays a time demo from file.
Usage: demo demoname

Command: demo_StartDemoChain
help: Load's a file at 1st argument with the list of levels and play time demo o
n each

Command: demo_StartDemoLevel
help: Prepares and starts time demos for the specified set of level names

Command: disconnect
help: Stop a game (or a client or a server)
Command: disconnectchannel
help: Stop a game (or a client or a server)
Command: ds_Dump
Command: ds_DumpSessions
Command: ds_Reload
Command: dump_action_maps
Command: dump_maps
help: Dumps currently scanned maps
Command: dump_stats
help: Dumps some player statistics
Command: DumpCommandsVars
help: This console command dumps all console variables and commands to disk
DumpCommandsVars [prefix]
Command: DumpLoadingMessages
help: List all messages which could appear during loading
Command: dumpnt
help: Dump ItemString table.
Command: dumpss
help: test synched storage.
Command: e_ParticleList
help: Writes all effects used and counts to log
Command: e_ParticleListEmitters
help: Writes all emitters to log
Command: e_ParticleMemory
help: Displays current particle memory usage
Command: e_ReloadSurfaces
help: Reload physical properties of all materials
Command: echo
help: Echo's the text back to the console and log files.
Command: eqp_DumpPacks
Command: es_compile_area_grid
help: Trigger a recompile of the area grid
Command: es_dump_bookmarks
help: Dumps information about all bookmarked entities
Command: es_dump_entities
help: Dumps current entities and their states!
Command: es_dump_entity_classes_in_use
help: Dumps all used entity classes
Command: exec
help: executes a batch file of console commands
Command: ffs_PlayEffect
help: Play force feedback effect, passed by name as first parameter
Command: ffs_Reload
help: Reload force feedback system data
Command: ffs_StopAllEffects
help: Stop force feedback effect, passed by name as first parameter
Command: fg_InspectAction
help: Inspects the specified AIAction graph
Command: fg_InspectEntity
help: Inspects the specified Entity graph
Command: fg_Inspector
help: Toggles FlowGraph System DefaultInspector.
Usage: fg_Inspector [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
Command: FlyCamPlay
help: Plays the flycam path
Command: FlyCamSetPoint
help: Sets a fly cam point
Command: FreeCamDisable
help: Disable the freecam
Command: FreeCamEnable
help: Enable the freecam
Command: FreeCamLockCamera
help: Stay in freecam but lock the camera, allowing player controls to resume
Command: FreeCamUnlockCamera
help: Stay in freecam unlock the camera, stopping player controls
Command: g_battleDust_reload
help: Reload the battle dust parameters xml
Command: g_bodyDamage_reload
help: Reloads bodyDamage for the specified actor, or for everyone if not specifi
Command: g_bodyDestruction_reload
help: Reloads all body destruction data files
Command: g_dump_stats
Command: g_giveCollectableEnergyPoints
help: Give alien energy points to the player
Command: g_hitDeathReactions_dumpAssetUsage
help: Dumps information about asset usage in the system, streaming, and so.
Command: g_hitDeathReactions_reload
help: Reloads hitDeathReactions for the specified actor, or for everyone if not
Command: g_impulseHandler_reload
help: Reloads the parameters for the impulse handler of every actor
Command: g_loadMod
Command: g_loadSave
help: Load all profile & game data for use with bug reporting
Usage: g_loadSave [filename, default=SaveGame.bin] 0/1
0=without executing resume game
1=execute resume game
Command: g_movementTransitions_reload
help: Reloads all movementTransitions
Command: g_nextlevel
help: Switch to next level in rotation or restart current one.
Command: g_reloadActionMaps
help: Reloads action maps
Command: g_reloadGameRules
help: Reload GameRules script
Command: g_saveLoadDumpEntity
help: Print to console the xml data saved for a specified entity
Command: g_setcontrollerlayout
help: Sets controller layout (params: type(button,stick) name(default,lefty, etc
.. See Libs/Config/controller
Command: g_setlevelstat
help: Sets level stat (Used to unlock collectables in extras menu)
Usage: g_setlevelstat [keyname, stattype, statvalue]
Or: g_setLevelstat all lock
Or: g_setLevelstat all unlock
Example: g_setlevelstat BatteryPark souvenirs 1 -- Sets batterypark photogallery
to newly unlocked
statvalue=0(Not found)/1(Newunlocked)/2(Unlocked)
Command: g_spectacularKill_reload
help: Reloads the parameters for the spectacular kill class for every actor
Command: gamedata_playback
Command: gamedata_record
Command: gamedata_stop_record_or_playback
Command: gamespy_accept_friend_request
help: Accept a GameSpy friend request
Command: gamespy_accept_invite
help: Accept a GameSpy invite
Command: gamespy_block_profile_id
help: Block a profile id
Command: gamespy_find_user
help: Gets the ID of a profile with the given unique nick
Command: gamespy_get_name
help: Gets the unique nick of a profile with the given ID
Command: gamespy_get_profile_id
help: Get GameSpy profile ID for user 0
Command: gamespy_is_profile_id_blocked
help: Checks if a profile is blocked
Command: gamespy_is_user_friend
help: Checks if a profile is a friend
Command: gamespy_list_friends
help: List GameSpy friends
Command: gamespy_log_friend_events
help: Log GameSpy friend events
Command: gamespy_log_invites
help: Log GameSpy invites
Command: gamespy_revoke_friend_status
help: Revoke GameSpy friend status
Command: gamespy_send_friend_request
help: Send a GameSpy friend request
Command: gamespy_send_invite
help: Send a GameSpy invite
Command: gamespy_unblock_profile_id
help: Unblock a profile id
Command: gl_advancePlaylist
Command: gl_dumpValidMaps
Command: gl_GameRules
help: Set the game rules for the lobby
Command: gl_Map
help: Set map for the lobby
Command: gl_say
help: Send a chat message
Command: gl_StartGame
help: force start a game
Command: gl_teamsay
help: Send a chat message to team
Command: gl_Vote
help: Vote for next map in lobby (left or right)
Command: goto
help: Get or set the current position and orientation for the player
Usage: goto
Usage: goto x y z
Usage: goto x y z wx wy wz

Command: gotoe
script: local e=System.GetEntityByName(%1); if (e) then g_localActor:SetWorldPos
(e:GetWorldPos()); end
help: Set the position of a entity with an given name
Command: http_startserver
help: Starts an HTTP server
Command: http_stopserver
help: Stops an HTTP server
Command: HUD_setCustomSafeArea
help: Set a custom safe area 0->1 is proportion or, >1 is an ID.
Command: i_dropitem
help: Drops the current selected item!
Command: i_dump_ammo_pool_stats
help: Dumps statistics related to the weapon ammo pool.
Command: i_giveallitems
help: Gives all available items to the player!
Command: i_giveammo
help: Gives specified ammo to the player!
Command: i_givedebugitems
help: Gives special debug items to the player!
Command: i_giveitem
help: Gives specified item to the player!
Command: i_listitems
help: List all item names matching the string provided as paramater.
Command: i_reload
help: Reloads item scripts.
Command: i_saveweaponposition
help: Saves weapon offset
Command: IgnoreAllAsserts
help: Ignore all asserts
Command: join_game RESTRICTEDMODE
help: Enter the current ongoing game.
Command: kick
help: Kicks player from game
Command: kickid
help: Kicks player from game
help: Kills the player.
Command: lastinv
help: Selects last inventory item used.
help: Load game
Command: loadactionmap
help: Loads a key configuration file
Command: LoadConfig
help: Load .cfg file from disk (from the {Game}/Config directory)
e.g. LoadConfig lowspec.cfg
Usage: LoadConfig <filename>
Command: loadLastSave
help: Loads the last savegame if available.
Command: loadOnlineAttributes
help: Loads online attributes
Command: loadProfile
help: Load current user profile
Command: lua_debugger_show
help: Shows the Lua debugger window
Command: lua_dump_coverage
help: Dumps lua states
Command: lua_dump_state
help: Dumps the current state of the lua memory (defined symbols and values) int
o the file LuaState.txt
Command: lua_garbagecollect
help: Forces a garbage collection of the lua state
Command: lua_reload_script
help: Reloads given script files and their dependencies
Command: map
help: Load a map
Command: mfx_Reload
help: Reload MFX Spreadsheet
Command: mfx_ReloadFGEffects
help: Reload MaterialEffect's FlowGraphs
Command: mov_goToFrame
help: Set specified sequence to given frame time.
Command: mov_useCam
help: Set specified sequence to given frame time.
help: Sets player name.
Command: net_check_for_patch
help: Check whether a patch is available for download
Command: net_download_patch
help: If patch available, starts it downloading
Command: net_dump_object_state
Command: net_install_patch
help: Quits Crysis and installs a downloaded patch
Command: net_next_map
help: Notify clients of the next map to play
Command: net_pb_cl_enable
help: Sets PunkBuster client enabled state
Command: net_pb_sv_enable
help: Sets PunkBuster server enabled state
Command: net_set_cdkey DUMPTODISK
Command: open_url
Command: perk
help: Enable and disable perks for local player
Command: perkActivateTeamPerk
help: Activate the current team perk
Command: perkLock
help: Lock perk availability (server only)
Command: perks
help: See what perks you have and their descriptions
Command: perksClear
help: Clear perks for local player
Command: perkTier
help: Get or set Perk tier
Command: perkUnlock
help: Unlock perk availability (server only)
Command: pl_health
help: Sets a player's health.
Command: pl_pickAndThrow.reloadProxies
help: Reloads the parameters for the pick and throw proxies
Command: pl_reload
help: Reload player's data including nanosuit.
Command: play
help: Play back a recorded game
Command: playerGoto
help: Get or set the current position and orientation for the player - unlike go
to it actually sets the player rotation correctly
Usage: goto
Usage: goto x y z
Usage: goto x y z wx wy wz

Command: preloadforstats
script: PreloadForStats()
help: Preload multiplayer assets for memory statistics.
Command: q_Quality
help: If called with a parameter it sets the quality of all q_.. variables
otherwise it prints their current state
Usage: q_Quality [0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high]
script: System.Quit()
help: Quits the game
Command: r_ColorGradingChartImage
help: If called with a parameter it loads a color chart image. This image will o
the dynamic color chart blending result and be used during post processing inst
If called with no parameter it displays the name of the previously loaded chart.
To reset a previously loaded chart call r_ColorGradingChartImage 0.
Usage: r_ColorGradingChartImage [path of color chart image/reset]
Command: r_MergeShaders
Command: r_OptimiseShaders
Command: r_OverscanBorders
help: Changes the size of the overscan borders for the left/right and top/bottom
of the screen for adjusting the title safe area. This is for logo placements
and text printout to account for the TV overscan and is mostly needed for consol
If only one value is specified, the overscan borders for left/right and top/bott
are set simultaneously, but you may also specify different percentages for left/
and top/bottom.
Usage: r_OverscanBorders [0..25]
r_OverscanBorders [0..25] [0..25]
Default is 0=off, >0 defines the size of the overscan borders for left/right
or top/bottom as percentages of the whole screen size (e.g. 7.5).
Command: r_PrecacheShaderList
Command: r_PrecacheShaders
Command: r_PrecacheShadersLevels
Command: r_StatsShaderList
Command: r_StatsShaders
Command: rcon_command
help: Issues a console command from a RCON client to a RCON server
Command: rcon_connect
help: Connects to a remote control server
Command: rcon_disconnect
help: Disconnects from a remote control server
Command: rcon_startserver
help: Starts a remote control server
Command: rcon_stopserver
help: Stops a remote control server
Command: readabilityReload
help: Reloads readability xml files.
Command: record
help: Starts recording of a time demo.
Usage: record demoname
File 'demoname.tmd' will be created.
Command: ReloadDialogData
help: Reloads all localization dependent XML sheets for the currently set langua
Command: removeDummyPlayers
help: Remove all dummy players.
Command: restartgame
help: Restarts Crysis completely.
Command: revive RESTRICTEDMODE
help: Revives the player.
Command: RunUnitTests
help: Execute a set of unit tests
help: Save game
Command: save_genstrings
Command: saveOnlineAttributes
help: Saves online attributes
Command: saveProfile
help: Save current user profile
Command: Screenshot
help: Create a screenshot with annotation
e.g. Screenshot beach scene with shark
Usage: Screenshot <annotation text>
Command: setDummyPlayerState
help: (<entityName>, <state(s)>) Set the state of a dummy player.
Command: spawnActorAtPos
help: (<actorName>, <x>,<y>,<z>) Spawn an actor of class <actorName>, at positio
n (<x>,<y>,<z>).
Command: spawnDummyPlayers
help: Spawn some dummy players for profiling purposes.
Command: spectator
help: Sets the player as a spectator.
Command: startKickVoting RESTRICTEDMODE
help: Initiate voting.
Command: startNextMapVoting RESTRICTEDMODE
help: Initiate voting.
Command: status
help: Shows connection status
Command: stopdemo
help: Stop playing a time demo.

Command: stoprecording
help: Stops recording of a time demo.
Usage: stoprecording
File 'demoname.?' will be saved.
Command: sv_moveClientsTo
help: Get or set the current position and rotation for connected players
Usage: sv_moveClientsTo x y z
Usage: sv_moveClientsTo x y z wx wy wz

Command: sv_restart
help: Restarts the round.
Command: sv_say
help: Broadcasts a message to all clients.
Command: switch_game_multiplayer
help: Switches game between single and multiplayer
Command: sys_crashtest
help: Make the game crash
1=null pointer exception
2=floating point exception
3=memory allocation exception
4=cry fatal error is called
5=memory allocation for small blocks
Command: sys_LvlRes_finalstep
help: to combine all recorded level resources and create final stripped build (p
ass directory name as parameter)
Command: sys_LvlRes_findunused
help: find unused level resources
Command: sys_RestoreSpec
help: Restore or test the cvar settings of game specific spec settings,
'test*' and 'info' log to the log file only
Usage: sys_RestoreSpec [test|test*|apply|info]
help: Sets player team.
Command: telemetry_getsessionid
help: Outputs the current telemetry session id to the console
Command: telemetry_submitlog
help: Saves the Game.log to the gamelogger server
Command: test_delegate
help: delegate test cmd
Command: test_nsbrowse
Command: test_nschat
Command: test_nsnat
Command: test_nsreport
Command: test_nsstats
Command: test_playersBounds
Command: test_profile
Command: test_reset
Command: test_timeout
Command: testOnlineAttributes
help: Tests online attributes
Command: unload
help: Unload current map
Command: v_exit_player
help: Makes the local player exit his current vehicle.
Command: v_kill
help: Kills the players vehicle.
Command: v_reload_system
script: VehicleSystem.ReloadVehicleSystem()
help: Reloads VehicleSystem script
Command: version
help: Shows game version number
Command: viewnote
help: View Note
Command: VisRegTest
help: Run visual regression test.
Usage: VisRegTest [<name>=test] [<config>=visregtest.xml] [quit=false]
Command: voice_mute
help: Mute player's voice comms
help: Vote on current topic.
Command: wait_frames
help: Forces the console to wait for a given number of frames before the next de
ferred command is processed
Works only in deferred command mode
Command: wait_seconds
help: Forces the console to wait for a given number of seconds before the next d
eferred command is processed
Works only in deferred command mode
variable: aa_maxDist
type: float
current: 10
help: max lock distance
variable: ac_animErrorClamp
type: int
current: 1
help: Forces the animation to stay within the maximum error distance/angle.
variable: ac_animErrorMaxAngle
type: float
current: 45
help: Degrees animation orientation is allowed to stray from entity.
variable: ac_animErrorMaxDistance
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Meters animation location is allowed to stray from entity.
variable: ac_clampTimeAnimation
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Time it takes for carry clamping to reduce the deviation to zero.
variable: ac_clampTimeEntity
type: float
current: 0.7
help: Time it takes for carry clamping to reduce the deviation to zero.
variable: ac_ColliderModeAI
type: int
current: 0
help: Force override collider mode for all AI.
variable: ac_ColliderModePlayer
type: int
current: 0
help: Force override collider mode for all players.
variable: ac_debugAnimEffects
type: int
current: 0
help: Print log messages when anim events spawn effects.
variable: ac_debugAnimError
type: int
current: 0
help: Display debug history graphs of anim error distance and angle.
variable: ac_debugAnimTarget
type: int
current: 0
help: Display debug history graphs of anim target correction.
variable: ac_debugCarryCorrection
type: int
current: 0
help: .
variable: ac_debugColliderMode
type: int
current: 0
help: Display filtered and requested collider modes.
variable: ac_debugEntityParams
type: int
current: 0
help: Display entity params graphs
variable: ac_DebugFilter
type: string
current: 0
help: Debug specified entity name only.
variable: ac_debugFutureAnimPath
type: int
current: 0
help: Display future animation path given current motion parameters.
variable: ac_debugLocations
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug render entity location (blue) and logical animation location (red).
variable: ac_debugLocationsGraphs
type: int
current: 0
help: Display debug history graphs of anim and entity locations and movement.
variable: ac_debugMotionParams
type: int
current: 0
help: Display graph of motion parameters.
variable: ac_debugMovementControlMethods
type: int
current: 0
help: Display movement control methods.
variable: ac_debugPrediction
type: int
current: 0
help: Display graph of motion parameters.
variable: ac_debugSelection
type: int
current: 0
help: Display locomotion state selection as text.
variable: ac_debugSelectionParams
type: int
current: 0
help: Display graph of selection parameters values.
variable: ac_debugText
type: int
current: 0
help: Display entity/animation location/movement values, etc.
variable: ac_debugTweakTrajectoryFit
type: int
current: 0
help: Don't apply any movement to entity and animation, but allow calculations t
o think they are moving normally.
variable: ac_debugXXXValues
type: int
current: 0
help: Display some values temporarily hooked into temp history graphs.
variable: ac_disableFancyTransitions
type: int
current: 0
help: Disabled Idle2Move and Move2Idle special transition animations.
variable: ac_disableSlidingContactEvents
type: int
current: 0
help: Force disable sliding contact events.
variable: ac_enableExtraSolidCollider
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable extra solid collider (for non-pushable characters).
variable: ac_enableProceduralLeaning
type: float
current: 1
help: Enable procedural leaning (disables asset leaning and curving slowdown for
entities with proceduralLeaningFactor>0).
variable: ac_entityAnimClamp
type: int
current: 1
help: Forces the entity movement to be limited by animation.
variable: ac_forceSimpleMovement
type: int
current: 0
help: Force enable simplified movement (not visible, dedicated server, etc).
variable: ac_frametime
type: int
current: 0
help: Display a graph of the frametime.
variable: ac_movementControlMethodFilter
type: int
current: 0
help: Force reinterprets Decoupled/CatchUp MCM specified by AG as Entity MCM (H/
V overrides override this).
variable: ac_movementControlMethodHor
type: int
current: 0
help: Overrides the horizontal movement control method specified by AG (override
s filter).
variable: ac_movementControlMethodVer
type: int
current: 0
help: Overrides the vertical movement control method specified by AG (overrides
variable: ac_templateMCMs
type: int
current: 1
help: Use MCMs from AG state templates instead of AG state headers.
variable: ag_action
type: string
help: Force this action
variable: ag_adjustToCatchUp
type: int
current: 0
help: Adjust requested move direction of animation to catch up with entity
variable: ag_averageTravelSpeed
type: int
current: 0
help: Average travel speed over a few frames
variable: ag_breakmode
type: int
current: 0
help: 1=Enable debug break mode; 2=also lock inputs
variable: ag_breakOnQuery
type: string
help: If we query for this state, enter break mode
variable: ag_debug
type: string
help: Entity to display debug information for animation graph for
variable: ag_debugAdditives
type: int
current: 0
help: Print log messages for Additives.
variable: ag_debugErrors
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays debug error info on the entities (0/1)
variable: ag_debugExactPos
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/disable exact positioning debugger
variable: ag_debugLayer
type: int
current: 0
help: Animation graph layer to display debug information for
variable: ag_debugMusic
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug the music graph
variable: ag_defaultAIStance
type: string
current: combat
help: Specifies default stance name for AI
variable: ag_drawActorPos
type: int
current: 0
help: Draw actor pos/dir
variable: ag_ep_correctMovement
type: int
current: 1
help: enable/disable position correction in exact positioning
variable: ag_ep_showPath
type: int
current: 0
variable: ag_forceAdjust
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable forced small step adjustments
variable: ag_forceInsideErrorDisc
type: int
current: 1
help: Force animation to stay within maximum error distance
variable: ag_fpAnimPop DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
variable: ag_humanBlending
type: int
current: 0
help: Ivo's debug stuff. Don't ask!
variable: ag_item
type: string
help: Force this item
variable: ag_lockToEntity
type: int
current: 0
help: Lock animation to entity (zero offsetting)
variable: ag_log
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable a log of animation graph decisions
variable: ag_log_entity
type: string
help: Log only this entity
variable: ag_logeffects
type: int
current: 0
help: AGAttachmentEffect logging
variable: ag_logselections
type: int
current: 0
help: Log animation graph selection results
variable: ag_logsounds
type: int
current: 0
help: AGSound logging
variable: ag_logtransitions
type: int
current: 0
help: Log animation graph transition calls to the console
variable: ag_measureActualSpeeds
type: int
current: 0
help: Measure actual travel speeds of entity and animation origins
variable: ag_nonDecoupledLeaning
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable procedural leaning when the movement style is not decoupled
variable: ag_queue
type: string
help: Next state to force
variable: ag_safeExactPositioning
type: int
current: 1
help: Will teleport the entity to the requested position/orientation when EP thi
nk it's done.
variable: ag_showmovement
type: int
current: 0
help: Show movement requests
variable: ag_showPhysSync
type: int
current: 0
help: Show physics sync
variable: ag_signal
type: string
help: Send this signal
variable: ag_stance
type: string
help: Force this stance
variable: ai_AgentStatsDist
type: float
current: 150
help: Sets agent statistics draw distance, such as current goalpipe, command and
Only information on enabled AI objects will be displayed.
To display more information on particular AI agent, use ai_StatsTarget.
Yellow line represents direction where AI is trying to move;
Red line represents direction where AI is trying to look;
Blue line represents forward dir (entity forward);
Usage: ai_AgentStatsDist [view distance]
Default is 20 meters. Works with ai_DebugDraw enabled.
variable: ai_AmbientFireQuota
type: int
current: 10
help: Number of units allowed to hit the player at a time.
variable: ai_AmbientFireUpdateInterval
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Ambient fire update interval. Controls how often puppet's ambient fire sta
tus is updated.
variable: ai_BannedNavSoTime
type: float
current: 15
help: Time indicating how long invalid navsos should be banned.
variable: ai_BigBrushCheckLimitSize
type: float
current: 15
help: to be used for finding big objects not enclosed into forbidden areas
variable: ai_BurstWhileMovingDestinationRange
type: float
current: 9999
help: When using FIREMODE_BURST_WHILE_MOVING - only fire when within this distan
ce to the destination.
variable: ai_CheckWalkabilityOptimalSectionLength
type: float
current: 1.75
help: The maximum segment length used by CheckWalkabilityFast when querying for
world geometry from physics.
Default: 1.75

variable: ai_CloakIncrementMod
type: float
current: 1
help: how fast cloak fades out
variable: ai_CloakingDelay
type: float
current: 0.55
help: Time it takes for AI perception to become effected by cloak.
Usage: ai_CloakingDelay 0.7
Default is 1.5.
variable: ai_CloakMaxDist
type: float
current: 4
help: closer than that - cloak starts to fade out
variable: ai_CloakMinDist
type: float
current: 1
help: closer than that - cloak not effective
variable: ai_CollisionAvoidanceAgentExtraFat
type: float
current: 0.025
help: Extra radius to use in Collision Avoidance calculations as a buffer.
variable: ai_CollisionAvoidanceAgentTimeHorizon
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Time horizon used to calculate an agent's collision free velocity against
other agents.
variable: ai_CollisionAvoidanceObstacleTimeHorizon
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Time horizon used to calculate an agent's collision free velocity against
static obstacles.
variable: ai_CollisionAvoidancePathEndCutoffRange
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Distance from it's current path end for an agent to stop avoiding obstacle
s. Other actors will still avoid the agent.
variable: ai_CollisionAvoidanceRange
type: float
current: 10
help: Range for collision avoidance.
variable: ai_CollisionAvoidanceSmartObjectCutoffRange
type: float
current: 1
help: Distance from it's next smart object for an agent to stop avoiding obstacl
es. Other actors will still avoid the agent.
variable: ai_CollisionAvoidanceTargetCutoffRange
type: float
current: 3
help: Distance from it's current target for an agent to stop avoiding obstacles.
Other actors will still avoid the agent.
variable: ai_CollisionAvoidanceTimestep
type: float
current: 0.075
help: TimeStep used to calculate an agent's collision free velocity.
variable: ai_CompatibilityMode
type: string
current: crysis2
help: Set AI features to behave in earlier milestones - please use sparingly
variable: ai_CompleteCloakDelay
type: float
current: 2
help: Time it takes the AI to decide cloaked target's position is lost.
Usage: ai_CompleteCloakDelay 2.0
Default is 0.5.
variable: ai_CoolMissesBoxHeight
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Vertical size of the box to collect potential cool objects to shoot at.
variable: ai_CoolMissesBoxSize
type: float
current: 10
help: Horizontal size of the box to collect potential cool objects to shoot at.
variable: ai_CoolMissesCooldown
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Global time between potential cool misses.
variable: ai_CoolMissesMaxLightweightEntityMass
type: float
current: 20
help: Maximum mass of a non-destroyable, non-deformable, non-breakable rigid bod
y entity to be considered.
variable: ai_CoolMissesMinMissDistance
type: float
current: 7.5
help: Maximum distance to go away from the player.
variable: ai_CoolMissesProbability
type: float
current: 0.35
help: Agents' chance to perform a cool miss!
variable: ai_CoverPredictTarget
type: float
current: 1
help: Enables simple cover system target location prediction.
Usage: ai_CoverPredictTarget x
Default x is 0.0 (off)
x - how many seconds to look ahead

variable: ai_CoverSpacing
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Minimum spacing between agents when choosing cover.
Usage: ai_CoverPredictTarget <x>
x - Spacing width in meters

variable: ai_CrouchVisibleRange
type: float
current: 15
help: Max perception range for AI when player is crouching
variable: ai_DebugAggressionSystem DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles AI's aggression system debug mode.

variable: ai_DebugBattleFront DUMPTODISK

type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles AI's battlefront system debug mode.

variable: ai_DebugBehaviorSelection
type: string
help: Display behavior selection information for a specific agent
Usage: ai_DebugBehaviorSelection <name>
variable: ai_DebugCheckWalkabilityRadius
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Radius to use for the per-frame debug CheckWalkability test.
variable: ai_DebugCollisionAvoidanceForceSpeed
type: float
current: 0
help: Force agents velocity to it's current direction times the specified value.
variable: ai_DebugDeferredDeath DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles debugging of deferred death on/off.

variable: ai_DebugDrawArrowLabelsVisibilityDistance
type: float
current: 0
help: Provided ai_DebugDraw > 0, if the camera is closer to an agent than this d
agent arrows for look/fire/move arrows will have labels.
Usage: ai_DebugDrawArrowLabelsVisibilityDistance [distance]
Default is 0.

variable: ai_DebugDrawAStarOpenList
type: string
current: 0
help: Draws the A* open list for the specified AI agent.
Usage: ai_DebugDrawAStarOpenList [AI agent name]
Default is 0, which disables the debug draw. Requires ai_DebugPathfinding=1 to b
e activated.
variable: ai_DebugDrawAStarOpenListTime
type: float
current: 10
help: The amount of time to draw the A* open list.
variable: ai_DebugDrawCollisionAvoidanceAgentName
type: string
help: Name of the agent to draw collision avoidance data for.
variable: ai_DebugDrawCoopReadabilities
type: string
current: none
help: Draw debug information of readability play session with named AI Actor
Usage: ai_DebugDrawCoopReadabilities AIName
Default is 'none'. AIName is the name of the AI
on which to focus.
variable: ai_DebugDrawFlight2
type: int
current: 0
help: Set AI features to behave in earlier milestones - please use sparingly
variable: ai_DebugDrawHashSpaceAround
type: string
current: 0
help: Validates and draws the navigation node hash space around specified entity
variable: ai_DebugHideSpotName
type: string
current: 0
help: Debug HideSpot Name!
variable: ai_DebugPinger DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles pinger debugging on/off.

variable: ai_DebugPingerCollision DUMPTODISK

type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles debugging of pinger custom collision (feet etc.) on/off.

variable: ai_DebugPlasma DUMPTODISK

type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles plasma debugging on/off.

variable: ai_DebugPressureSystem DUMPTODISK

type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles AI's pressure system debug mode.

variable: ai_DebugRangeSignaling
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable Range Signaling Debug Screen
variable: ai_DebugSearch DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles AI's search module debug mode.

variable: ai_DebugSignalTimers
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable Signal Timers Debug Screen
variable: ai_DebugSoftPing DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles debugging of the soft ping module on/off.

variable: ai_DebugStalkerJump DUMPTODISK

type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles debugging of Stalker jump attack on/off.

variable: ai_DebugTacticalPoints DUMPTODISK

type: int
current: 0
help: Display debugging information on tactical point selection system
variable: ai_DebugTacticalPointsBlocked DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Highlight with red spheres any points blocked by generation phase, e.g. oc
cupied points
variable: ai_DebugTargetTracksAgent
type: string
current: none
help: Draws the target tracks for the given agent
Usage: ai_DebugTargetTracksAgent AIName
Default is 'none'. AIName is the name of the AI agent to debug
variable: ai_DebugTargetTracksConfig_Filter
type: string
current: none
help: Filter what configurations are drawn when debugging target tracks
Usage: ai_DebugTargetTracks_Filter Filter
Default is 'none'. Filter is a substring that must be in the configuration name
variable: ai_DebugVisualScriptErrors DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles the visual signal when something goes wrong in the AI scripts.
Usage: ai_DebugVisualScriptErrors [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). ai_DebugVisualScriptErrors changes the alien model to a dog
modelwhen an error occurs. When that happens there should be an error descriptio
n in the log.

variable: ai_DrawAgentFOV
type: float
current: 0
help: Toggles the vision cone of the AI agent.
Usage: ai_DrawagentFOV [0..1]
Default is 0 (off), value 1 will draw the cone all the way to
the sight range, value 0.1 will draw the cone to distance of 10%
of the sight range, etc. ai_DebugDraw must be enabled before
this tool can be used.
variable: ai_DrawAgentStats
type: string
current: NkcBbtGgSf
help: Flag field specifying which of the overhead agent stats to display:
N - name
k - groupID
d - distances
c - cover info
B - currently selected behavior node
b - current behavior
t - target info
G - goal pipe
g - goal op
S - stance
f - fire
w - territory/wave
p - pathfinding status
l - light level (perception) status
D - various direction arrows (aim target, move target, ...) status

variable: ai_DrawAgentStatsGroupFilter
type: string
help: Filters Debug Draw Agent Stats displays to the specified groupIDs separate
d by spaces
usage: ai_DrawAgentStatsGroupFilter 1011 1012
variable: ai_DrawFireEffectDecayRange
type: float
current: 30
help: Distance under which the draw fire duration starts decaying linearly.
variable: ai_DrawFireEffectMaxAngle
type: float
current: 5
help: Maximum angle actors actors are allowed to go away from their aiming direc
tion during draw fire.
variable: ai_DrawFireEffectMinDistance
type: float
current: 7.5
help: Distance under which the draw fire will be disabled.
variable: ai_DrawFireEffectMinTargetFOV
type: float
current: 7.5
help: FOV under which the draw fire will be disabled.
variable: ai_DrawFireEffectTimeScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Scale for the weapon's draw fire time setting.
variable: ai_DrawGetEnclosingFailures
type: float
current: 0
help: Set to the number of seconds you want GetEnclosing() failures visualized.
Set to 0 to turn visualization off.
variable: ai_DrawNode
type: string
current: none
help: Toggles visibility of named agent's position on AI triangulation.
See also: ai_DrawNodeLinkType and ai_DrawNodeLinkCutoff
Usage: ai_DrawNode [ai agent's name]
none - switch off
all - to display nodes of all the AI agents
player - to display player's node
AI agent's name - to display node of particular agent
variable: ai_DrawNodeLinkCutoff
type: float
current: 0
help: Sets the link cutoff value in ai_DrawNodeLinkType. If the link value is mo
re than
ai_DrawNodeLinkCutoff the number gets displayed in green, otherwise red.
variable: ai_DrawOffset
type: float
current: 0.1
help: vertical offset during debug drawing (graph nodes, navigation paths, ...)
variable: ai_DrawPath
type: string
current: none
help: Draws the generated paths of the AI agents. ai_drawoffset is used.
Usage: ai_DrawPath [name]
none - off (default)
squad - squadmates
enemy - all the enemies
variable: ai_DrawPathAdjustment
type: string
help: Draws the path adjustment for the AI agents.
Usage: ai_DrawPathAdjustment [name]
Default is none (nobody).
variable: ai_DrawPerceptionHandlerModifiers
type: string
current: none
help: Draws perception handler modifiers on a specific AI
Usage: ai_DrawPerceptionHandlerModifiers AIName
Default is 'none'. AIName is the name of the AI
variable: ai_DrawRefPoints
type: string
help: Toggles reference points and beacon view for debugging AI.
Usage: ai_DrawRefPoints [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). Indicates the AI reference points by drawing
cyan balls at their positions.
variable: ai_DrawShooting
type: string
current: none
help: Name of puppet to show fire stats
variable: ai_DynamicVolumeUpdateTime
type: float
current: 0.000175
help: How long (max) to spend updating dynamic volume regions per AI update (in
0 disables dynamic updates. 0.002 is a sensible value
variable: ai_DynamicWaypointUpdateTime
type: float
current: 0.00035
help: How long (max) to spend updating dynamic waypoint regions per AI update (i
n sec)
0 disables dynamic updates. 0.0005 is a sensible value
variable: ai_emo
type: string
help: Emotional System Debug
variable: ai_EnablePressureSystem DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles AI's pressure system.

variable: ai_ExtraForbiddenRadiusDuringBeautification
type: float
current: 1
help: Extra radius added to agents close to forbidden edges during beautificatio
variable: ai_ExtraRadiusDuringBeautification
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Extra radius added to agents during beautification.
variable: ai_ExtraVehicleAvoidanceRadiusBig
type: float
current: 4
help: Value in meters to be added to a big obstacle's own size while computing o
size for purposes of vehicle steering. See also ai_ObstacleSizeThreshold.
variable: ai_ExtraVehicleAvoidanceRadiusSmall
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Value in meters to be added to a big obstacle's own size while computing o
size for purposes of vehicle steering. See also ai_ObstacleSizeThreshold.
variable: ai_FlowNodeAlertnessCheck
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable the alertness check in AI flownodes
variable: ai_ForceAGAction
type: string
current: 0
help: Forces all AI characters to specified AG action input. 0 to disable.

variable: ai_ForceAGSignal
type: string
current: 0
help: Forces all AI characters to specified AG signal input. 0 to disable.

variable: ai_ForceLookAimTarget
type: string
current: none
help: Forces all AI characters to use/not use a fixed look/aim target
none disables
x, y, xz or yz sets it to the appropriate direction
otherwise it forces looking/aiming at the entity with this name (no name -> (0,
0, 0))
variable: ai_ForcePosture
type: string
current: 0
help: Forces all AI characters to specified posture. 0 to disable.

variable: ai_LayerSwitchDynamicLinkBump
type: float
current: 8
help: Multiplier for the dynamic link update budget when layer switch occurs.
variable: ai_LayerSwitchDynamicLinkBumpDuration
type: int
current: 60
help: Duration of the dynamic link update budget bump in frames.
variable: ai_lnmDrawAgentType
type: string
current: all
help: Determines which agent type nav mesh gets debug-drawn
variable: ai_lnmGetEnclosingExtraRange
type: float
current: 1
help: If LNM GetEnclosing() fails to find a node, it will try to get the nearest
node within this range. ATTENTION: if client code needs to rely on this it has
to be fixed to provide the range explicitly.
variable: ai_Locate
type: string
current: none
help: Indicates position and some base states of specified objects.
It will pinpoint position of the agents; it's name; it's attention target;
draw red cone if the agent is allowed to fire; draw purple cone if agent is pres
sing trigger.
none - off
squad - squadmates
enemy - all the enemies
groupID - members of specified group
variable: ai_MovementSpeedDarkIllumMod
type: float
current: 0.6
help: Multiplier for movement speed when the target is in dark light condition.
variable: ai_MovementSpeedMediumIllumMod
type: float
current: 0.8
help: Multiplier for movement speed when the target is in medium light condition
variable: ai_MovementSpeedSuperDarkIllumMod
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Multiplier for movement speed when the target is in super dark light condi
variable: ai_NoUpdate
type: int
current: 0
help: Disables AI system update when 1
variable: ai_ObstacleSizeThreshold
type: float
current: 1.2
help: Obstacle size in meters that differentiates small obstacles from big ones
so that vehicles can ignore the small ones
variable: ai_OverlayMessageDuration DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 5
help: How long (seconds) to overlay AI warnings/errors
variable: ai_PathfinderUpdateTime
type: float
current: 0.0005
help: Maximum pathfinder time per AI update
variable: ai_PathfindTimeLimit
type: float
current: 0.08
help: Specifies how many seconds an individual AI can hold the pathfinder blocke
Usage: ai_PathfindTimeLimit 0.15
Default is 0.08. A lower value will result in more path requests that end in NOP
although the path may actually exist.
variable: ai_perception.landed_baseRadius
type: float
current: 5
help: Base radius for the AI sound generated when player lands
variable: ai_perception.landed_speedMultiplier
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Multiplier applied to fall speed which is added on to the radius for the A
I sound generated when player lands
variable: ai_perception.movement_crouchMovingMultiplier
type: float
current: 2
help: Multiplier for crouched movement speed effect on footstep sound radius
variable: ai_perception.movement_crouchRadiusDefault
type: float
current: 2
help: Default value for crouching footstep sound radius multiplier (overridden b
y surface type)
variable: ai_perception.movement_movingSurfaceDefault
type: float
current: 1
help: Default value for movement speed effect on footstep radius (overridden by
surface type)
variable: ai_perception.movement_standingMovingMultiplier
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Multiplier for standing movement speed effect on footstep sound radius
variable: ai_perception.movement_standingRadiusDefault
type: float
current: 4
help: Default value for standing footstep sound radius (overridden by surface ty
variable: ai_perception.movement_useSurfaceType
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggle if surface type should be used to get the base radius instead of cv
variable: ai_ProneVisibleRange
type: float
current: 6
help: Max perception range for AI when player is proning
variable: ai_RadiusForAutoForbidden
type: float
current: 1
help: If object/vegetation radius is more than this then an automatic forbidden
area is created during triangulation.
variable: ai_RODAliveTime
type: float
current: 0.75
help: The base level time the player can survive under fire.
variable: ai_RODAmbientFireInc
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Increment for the alive time when the target is within the kill-zone of th
e target.
variable: ai_RODCombatRangeMod
type: float
current: 1
help: Combat-zone distance = attackRange * combatRangeMod.
variable: ai_RODCoverFireTimeMod
type: float
current: 2
help: Multiplier for cover fire times set in weapon descriptor.
variable: ai_RODDirInc
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Increment how the orientation of the target affects the alive time. 0=disa
variable: ai_RODFakeHitChance
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Percentage of the missed hits that will instead be hits dealing very littl
e damage.
variable: ai_RODKillRangeMod
type: float
current: 0.4
help: Kill-zone distance = attackRange * killRangeMod.
variable: ai_RODKillZoneInc
type: float
current: -0.5
help: Increment how the target is within the kill-zone of the target.
variable: ai_RODLowHealthMercyTime
type: float
current: 1
help: The amount of time the AI will not hit the target when the target crosses
the low health threshold.
variable: ai_RODMoveInc
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Increment how the speed of the target affects the alive time (the value is
doubled for supersprint). 0=disable
variable: ai_RODReactionDarkIllumInc
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Increase for reaction time when the target is in dark light condition.
variable: ai_RODReactionDirInc
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Increase for the reaction time when the enemy is outside the players FOV o
r near the edge of the FOV.
The increment is doubled when the target is behind the player.
variable: ai_RODReactionDistInc
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Increase for the reaction time when the target is in combat-far-zone or wa
In warn-zone the increase is doubled.
variable: ai_RODReactionLeanInc
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Increase to the reaction to when the target is leaning.
variable: ai_RODReactionMediumIllumInc
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Increase for reaction time when the target is in medium light condition.
variable: ai_RODReactionSuperDarkIllumInc
type: float
current: 0.4
help: Increase for reaction time when the target is in super dark light conditio
variable: ai_RODReactionTime
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Uses rate of death as damage control method.
variable: ai_RODStanceInc
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Increment how the stance of the target affects the alive time, 0=disable.
The base value is for crouch, and it is doubled for prone.
The crouch inc is disable in kill-zone and prone in kill and combat-near -zones
variable: ai_SightRangeDarkIllumMod
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Multiplier for sightrange when the target is in dark light condition.
variable: ai_SightRangeMediumIllumMod
type: float
current: 0.8
help: Multiplier for sightrange when the target is in medium light condition.
variable: ai_SightRangeSuperDarkIllumMod
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Multiplier for sightrange when the target is in super dark light condition
variable: ai_SmartObjectUpdateTime
type: float
current: 0.00125
help: How long (max) to spend updating smart objects per AI update (in sec)
default value is 0.002
variable: ai_SOMCloakMaxTimeCombat
type: float
current: 5
help: Time the AI cannot react to a cloaked target when the target is close enou
gh to be seen while alarmed.
Usage: ai_SOMCloakMaxTimeCombat 5.0
Default is 5.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when clo
aked relative to how close the enemy is.
variable: ai_SOMCloakMaxTimeRelaxed
type: float
current: 5
help: Time the AI cannot react to a cloaked target when the target is close enou
gh to be seen while relaxed.
Usage: ai_SOMCloakMaxTimeRelaxed 5.0
Default is 5.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when clo
aked relative to how close the enemy is.
variable: ai_SOMCrouchModifierCombat
type: float
current: 1
help: Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy if the enemy is
crouched while alarmed.
Usage: ai_SOMCrouchModifierCombat 1.0
Default is 1.0. A higher value will cause the AI to not see the enemy for a long
er period of time while the enemy is crouched.
variable: ai_SOMCrouchModifierRelaxed
type: float
current: 2
help: Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy if the enemy is
crouched while relaxed.
Usage: ai_SOMCrouchModifierRelaxed 1.0
Default is 1.0. A higher value will cause the AI to not see the enemy for a long
er period of time while the enemy is crouched.
variable: ai_SOMDebugName
type: string
current: none
help: Debug the threat modifier for the given AI
variable: ai_SOMDecayTime
type: float
current: 1
help: How long it takes to decay one bar when visual sighting is lost on the tar
Usage: ai_SOMDecayTime 1
Default is 1 second. A higher value means the AI will take longer to go aggressi
ve if they see the target again
variable: ai_SOMIgnoreVisualRatio
type: float
current: 0.35
help: Ratio from [0,1] where the AI will ignore seeing an enemy (keep the threat
at none).
Usage: ai_SOMIgnoreVisualRatio 0.35
Default is 35%. Putting this at a higher value will result in the AI first consi
dering a visual target to be non-threatening for a percentage of the SOM time pe
variable: ai_SOMMinimumCombat
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Minimum time that must pass before AI will see the enemy while alarmed, re
gardless of distance.
Usage: ai_SOMMinimumCombat 0.5
Default is 0.5 seconds. A lower value causes the AI to potentially react to the
enemy sooner.
variable: ai_SOMMinimumRelaxed
type: float
current: 0
help: Minimum time that must pass before AI will see the enemy while relaxed, re
gardless of distance.
Usage: ai_SOMMinimumRelaxed 2.0
Default is 2.0 seconds. A lower value causes the AI to potentially react to the
enemy sooner.
variable: ai_SOMMovementModifierCombat
type: float
current: 1
help: Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy based on the ene
my's movement speed while alarmed.
Usage: ai_SOMMovementModifierCombat 1.0
Default is 1.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner relative
to how fast the enemy is moving - the faster, the sooner.
variable: ai_SOMMovementModifierRelaxed
type: float
current: 10
help: Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy based on the ene
my's movement speed while relaxed.
Usage: ai_SOMMovementModifierRelaxed 1.0
Default is 1.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner relative
to how fast the enemy is moving - the faster, the sooner.
variable: ai_SOMSpeedCombat
type: float
current: 1
help: Time before the AI will see the enemy while alarmed.
Usage: ai_SOMSpeedCombat 0.15
Default is 0.15. A lower value causes the AI to react to the enemy faster.
variable: ai_SOMSpeedRelaxed
type: float
current: 4
help: Time before the AI will see the enemy while relaxed.
Usage: ai_SOMSpeedRelaxed 0.4
Default is 0.4. A lower value causes the AI to react to the enemy faster.
variable: ai_SOMUncloakMaxTimeCombat
type: float
current: 5
help: Time the AI cannot react to a target uncloaking when the target is at thei
r max sight range while alarmed.
Usage: ai_SOMUncloakMaxTimeCombat 5.0
Default is 5.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when unc
loaking relative to how close the enemy is.
variable: ai_SOMUncloakMaxTimeRelaxed
type: float
current: 5
help: Time the AI cannot react to a target uncloaking when the target is at thei
r max sight range while relaxed.
Usage: ai_SOMUncloakMaxTimeRelaxed 5.0
Default is 5.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when unc
loaking relative to how close the enemy is.
variable: ai_SOMUncloakMinTimeCombat
type: float
current: 1
help: Minimum time the AI cannot react to a target uncloaking while alarmed.
Usage: ai_SOMUncloakMinTimeCombat 1.0
Default is 1.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when unc
variable: ai_SOMUncloakMinTimeRelaxed
type: float
current: 1
help: Minimum time the AI cannot react to a target uncloaking while relaxed.
Usage: ai_SOMUncloakMinTimeRelaxed 1.0
Default is 1.0. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner when unc
variable: ai_SOMWeaponFireModifierCombat
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy based on if the
enemy is firing their weapon.
Usage: ai_SOMWeaponFireModifierCombat 0.1
Default is 0.1. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner if the e
nemy is firing their weapon.
variable: ai_SOMWeaponFireModifierRelaxed
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Modifier applied to time before the AI will see the enemy based on if the
enemy is firing their weapon.
Usage: ai_SOMWeaponFireModifierRelaxed 0.1
Default is 0.1. A lower value will cause the AI to see the enemy sooner if the e
nemy is firing their weapon.
variable: ai_StartupMode
type: string
current: default
help: Sets startup mode for AI system (supported values: "default"/"GDC09"). Imp
ortant: case-sensitive!!!
variable: ai_StatsTarget
type: string
current: none
help: Focus debugging information on a specific AI
Display current goal pipe, current goal, subpipes and agentstats information for
the selected AI agent.
Long green line will represent the AI forward direction (game forward).
Long red/blue (if AI firing on/off) line will represent the AI view direction.
Usage: ai_StatsTarget AIName
Default is 'none'. AIName is the name of the AI
on which to focus.
variable: ai_SteepSlopeAcrossValue
type: float
current: 0.6
help: Indicates slope value that is borderline-walkable across.
Usage: ai_SteepSlopeAcrossValue 0.8
Default is 0.6 Zero means flat. Infinity means vertical. Set it greater than ai_
variable: ai_SteepSlopeUpValue
type: float
current: 1
help: Indicates slope value that is borderline-walkable up.
Usage: ai_SteepSlopeUpValue 0.5
Default is 1.0 Zero means flat. Infinity means vertical. Set it smaller than ai_
variable: ai_SystemUpdate
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles the regular AI system update.
Usage: ai_SystemUpdate [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable ai system updating.
variable: ai_TacticalPointsDebugDrawMode DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Debugging draw mode: 1=sphere transparency, 2=sphere size
variable: ai_TacticalPointsDebugFadeMode DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 2
help: Debugging fade mode: 1=vanish, 2=alpha fade, 3=blink
variable: ai_TacticalPointsDebugScaling DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Scale the size of debugging spheres for visibility
variable: ai_TacticalPointsDebugTime DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 5
help: Time to display debugging spheres for (if not 'persistent'
variable: ai_TacticalPointsWarnings DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles TPS Warnings on and off
variable: ai_TacticalPointUpdateTime
type: float
current: 0.0005
help: Maximum allowed update time in main AI thread for Tactical Point System
Usage: ai_TacticalPointUpdateTime <number>
Default is 0.0003
variable: ai_TargetTracks_DeadForgetTime
type: float
current: 5
help: At most the length of time it takes for an agent to forget about a target
that has been killed
variable: ai_UnCloakingTime
type: float
current: 0.75
help: Time it takes the player to uncloak, after which he becomes visible to the
Usage: ai_UnCloakingTime 0.9
Default is 0.5.
variable: ai_UpdateInterval
type: float
current: 0.13
help: In seconds the amount of time between two full updates for AI
Usage: ai_UpdateInterval <number>
Default is 0.1. Number is time in seconds
variable: ai_UseSmartPathFollower_LookAheadDistance
type: float
current: 10
help: LookAheadDistance of SmartPathFollower
variable: ai_WaterOcclusion
type: float
current: 0.5
help: scales how much water hides player from AI
variable: AICollisions.dmgFactorWhenCollidedByObject
type: float
current: 1
help: generic multiplier applied to the dmg calculated when an object impacts in
to an AI.
variable: AICollisions.minMassForFallAndPlay
type: float
current: 5
help: Min collision mass that can cause a fall and play
variable: AICollisions.minSpeedForFallAndPlay
type: float
current: 10
help: Min collision speed that can cause a fall and play
variable: AICollisions.showInLog
type: int
current: 0
help: Logs collisions ( 0=no Log, 1=Only collisions with damage, 2=All collision
variable: aim_altNormalization.enable
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/disables alternative input code
variable: aim_altNormalization.hud_ctrl_Coeff_Unified
type: float
current: 1
help: Analog controller rotation scale
variable: aim_altNormalization.hud_ctrl_Curve_Unified
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Analog controller rotation curve
variable: aim_assistFalloffDistance
type: float
current: 50
help: The range at which follow autoaim starts to fall off. Set this as the same
value as aim_assistMinDistance for the old behaviour
variable: aim_assistGlidingMultiplier
type: float
current: 2
help: The intensity of aim assistance while gliding in power mode
variable: aim_assistInputForFullFollow_Ironsight
type: float
current: 1
help: The required deflection on the analogue stick for maximum follow autoaim t
o be applied
variable: aim_assistMaxDistance
type: float
current: 50
help: The maximum range at which autoaim operates
variable: aim_assistMaxDistance_IronSight
type: float
current: 50
help: The maximum range at which autoaim operates
variable: aim_assistMaxDistanceTagged
type: float
current: 50
help: The maximum range at which autoaim operates for tagged AI
variable: aim_assistMinDistance
type: float
current: 0
help: The minimum range at which autoaim operates
variable: aim_assistMinTurnScale
type: float
current: 0.45
help: The minimum turn speed as a fraction when aimed right at a target.
variable: aim_assistMinTurnScale_IronSight
type: float
current: 0.45
help: The minimum turn speed as a fraction when aimed right at a target.
variable: aim_assistSlidingMultiplier
type: float
current: 8
help: The intensity of aim assistance while sliding in power mode
variable: aim_assistSlowDisableDistance
type: float
current: 100
help: The maximum range at which autoaim operates
variable: aim_assistSlowDistanceModifier
type: float
current: 1
help: Modify the distance for slowing by this amount.
variable: aim_assistSlowFalloffStartDistance
type: float
current: 5
help: The minimum range at which autoaim operates
variable: aim_assistSlowStartFadeinDistance
type: float
current: 3
help: The distance at which the aiming slowdown starts to fade in
variable: aim_assistSlowStopFadeinDistance
type: float
current: 5
help: The distance at which the aiming slowdown is fully faded in
variable: aim_assistSlowThresholdOuter
type: float
current: 2.7
help: The distance in meters from the line the player is aiming along at which a
target starts to slow the player's aim.
variable: aim_assistSnapRadiusScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Scales globally snap radius (for difficulty settings)
variable: aim_assistSnapRadiusTaggedScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Scales globally snap radius on tagged enemies (for difficulty settings)
variable: aim_assistSprintMultiplier
type: float
current: 2
help: The intensity of aim assistance while sprinting in power mode
variable: aim_assistStrength
type: float
current: 0.5
help: A multiplier to the additional rotation added based upon controller input
variable: aim_assistStrength_IronSight
type: float
current: 0.5
help: A multiplier to the additional rotation added based upon controller input
variable: aln_debug_filter
type: string
variable: aln_debug_movement
type: int
current: 0
variable: autotest_enabled
type: int
current: 0
help: 1 = enabled autotesting, 2 = enabled autotesting with no output results wr
variable: autotest_quit_when_done
type: int
current: 0
help: quit the game when tests are done
variable: autotest_state_setup
type: string
help: setup string for autotesting
variable: autotest_verbose
type: int
current: 1
help: output detailed logging whilst running feature tests
variable: ban_timeout DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 30
help: Ban timeout in minutes
variable: c_shakeMult
type: float
current: 1
variable: ca_AMC_TurnLeaning
type: float
current: 0.35
help: lean stronger in curves
variable: ca_AttachmentCullingRation
type: float
current: 300
help: ration between size of attachment and distance to camera
variable: ca_CharEditModel
type: string
current: objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit_v2/nanosuit_v2.cdf
variable: ca_cloth_air_resistance
type: float
current: 0
help: "advanced" (more correct) version of damping
variable: ca_cloth_damping
type: float
current: 0
variable: ca_cloth_friction
type: float
current: 0
variable: ca_cloth_max_safe_step
type: float
current: 0
help: if a segment stretches more than this (in *relative* units), its length is
variable: ca_cloth_max_timestep
type: float
current: 0
variable: ca_cloth_stiffness
type: float
current: 0
help: stiffness for stretching
variable: ca_cloth_stiffness_norm
type: float
current: 0
help: stiffness for shape preservation along normals ("convexity preservation")
variable: ca_cloth_stiffness_tang
type: float
current: 0
help: stiffness for shape preservation against tilting
variable: ca_cloth_thickness
type: float
current: 0
help: thickness for collision checks
variable: ca_DeathBlendTime
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Specifies the blending time between low-detail dead body skeleton and curr
ent skeleton
variable: ca_DecalSizeMultiplier
type: float
current: 1
help: The multiplier for the decal sizes
variable: ca_FacialAnimationRadius
type: float
current: 30
help: Maximum distance at which facial animations are updated - handles zooming
variable: ca_GameControlledStrafing
type: int
current: 1
help: Use game controlled strafing/curving flag, instead of low level calculated
curving weight.
variable: ca_lipsync_phoneme_strength
type: float
current: 1
help: LipSync phoneme strength
variable: ca_lipsync_vertex_drag
type: float
current: 1.2
help: Vertex drag coefficient when blending morph targets
variable: ca_lod_ratio DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 6
help: Character LOD ratio
variable: ca_MemoryUsageLog
type: int
current: 0
help: enables a memory usage log
variable: ca_MotionBlurMovementThreshold
type: float
current: 0.001
help: "advanced" Set motion blur movement threshold for discarding skinned objec
variable: ca_ParametricPoolSize
type: int
current: 64
help: Size of the parametric pool
variable: ca_physicsProcessImpact DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Process physics impact pulses.
variable: ca_travelSpeedScaleMax
type: float
current: 2
help: Maximum motion travel speed scale (default 2.0).
variable: ca_travelSpeedScaleMin
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Minimum motion travel speed scale (default 0.5).
variable: capture_file_format
type: string
current: bmp
help: Specifies file format of captured files (jpg, bmp, tga, hdr).
variable: capture_file_name
type: string
help: If set, specifies the path and name to use for the captured frame
variable: capture_file_prefix
type: string
help: If set, specifies the prefix to use for the captured frame instead of the
default 'Frame'.
variable: capture_folder
type: string
current: CaptureOutput
help: Specifies sub folder to write captured frames.
variable: capture_frame_once
type: int
current: 0
help: Makes capture single frame only
variable: capture_frames
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables capturing of frames. 0=off, 1=on
variable: capture_image_scale
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Image size. [0-1] = scale value. >1 = actual pixels for image width
variable: capture_use_scale
type: int
current: 0
help: Specifies that the image scale cvar should be used
variable: cc_breast_gravity
type: float
current: -9
help: Gravity for breast simulation.
variable: cc_breast_lowerDamper
type: float
current: 1
help: Lower damper for breast simulation.
variable: cc_breast_lowerRestRatio
type: float
current: 1
help: Lower damper rest len ratio for breast simulation.
variable: cc_breast_maxDist
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Max distance when breast is fully corrected to base.
variable: cc_breast_minDist
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Min distance when breast is not corrected after simulation.
variable: cc_breast_simulation
type: int
current: 1
help: Enabled/Disables breast simulation.
variable: cc_breast_upperDamper
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Upper damper for breast simulation.
variable: cc_breast_upperRestRatio
type: float
current: 1
help: Upper damper rest len ratio for breast simulation.
variable: cc_cache
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables character cache.
variable: cc_GroinMaxWeightAngle
type: float
current: 15
help: Max angle when groin groin rotation is max.
variable: cc_GroinMinWeightAngle
type: float
current: 35
help: Min angle when groin groin rotation is max.
variable: cc_groinSimulation
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables groin simuation.
variable: cc_lod1GenMaxAngle
type: float
current: 15
help: Lod 1 generation max angle.
variable: cc_lod1GenSkinning
type: int
current: 0
help: Lod 1 handle less accuracte skinning.
variable: cc_lod1GenTexSplits
type: int
current: 0
help: Lod 1 handle texture splits.
variable: cc_lod2GenMaxAngle
type: float
current: 25
help: Lod 2 generation max angle.
variable: cc_lod2GenSkinning
type: int
current: 0
help: Lod 2 handle less accuracte skinning.
variable: cc_lod2GenTexSplits
type: int
current: 0
help: Lod 2 handle texture splits.
variable: cc_lod3GenMaxAngle
type: float
current: 60
help: Lod 3 generation max angle.
variable: cc_lod3GenSkinning
type: int
current: 1
help: Lod 3 handle less accuracte skinning.
variable: cc_lod3GenTexSplits
type: int
current: 1
help: Lod 3 handle texture splits.
variable: cc_lod4GenMaxAngle
type: float
current: 70
help: Lod 4 generation max angle.
variable: cc_lod4GenSkinning
type: int
current: 1
help: Lod 4 handle less accuracte skinning.
variable: cc_lod4GenTexSplits
type: int
current: 1
help: Lod 4 handle texture splits.
variable: cc_lod5GenMaxAngle
type: float
current: 90
help: Lod 5 generation max angle.
variable: cc_lod5GenSkinning
type: int
current: 1
help: Lod 5 handle less accuracte skinning.
variable: cc_lod5GenTexSplits
type: int
current: 1
help: Lod 5 handle texture splits.
variable: cc_lodGenNumLods
type: int
current: 3
help: lods count.
variable: cc_maxcachesize
type: int
current: 100
help: Max character cache size in MB.
variable: cc_mergerDisableAtlas
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disable atlas generation.
variable: cc_mergerUseDiffuseAtlas
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable diffuse atlas only.
variable: cc_neck_lowerDamper
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Lower damper for neck simulation.
variable: cc_neck_maxDist
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Max distance when neck is fully corrected to base.
variable: cc_neck_minDist
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Min distance when neck is not corrected after simulation.
variable: cc_neck_upperDamper
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Upper damper for neck simulation.
variable: cc_neckAngleBias
type: float
current: -5
help: Neck angle bias.
variable: cc_neckAngleMultiplier
type: float
current: 2
help: Neck angle multiplier.
variable: cc_neckAngleMultiplier_LR
type: float
current: 1
help: Neck LR angle multiplier.
variable: cc_neckSimulation
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables neck protection simulation.
variable: cc_profile
type: int
current: 0
help: Profiles compound character: 1-textures profile.
variable: cc_scale_head_factor
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Scale factor for head scaling.
variable: cc_verbose
type: int
current: 0
help: verbose mode.
variable: cl_actorsafemode
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/disable actor safe mode
variable: cl_AISystem REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Load and use the AI system on the client
variable: cl_bandwidth
type: int
current: 50000
help: Bit rate on client
variable: cl_bobHeight
type: float
current: 0.03
variable: cl_bobHud
type: float
current: 1
variable: cl_bobMaxHeight
type: float
current: 0.08
variable: cl_bobSprintMultiplier
type: float
current: 1.5
variable: cl_bobVerticalMultiplier
type: float
current: 4
variable: cl_bobWidth
type: float
current: 0.025
variable: cl_camera_nearz
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Overrides default near z-range for camera.
variable: cl_camera_noise
type: float
current: -1
help: Adds hand-held like camera noise to the camera view.
The higher the value, the higher the noise.
A value <= 0 disables it.
variable: cl_camera_noise_freq
type: float
current: 2.53262
help: Defines camera noise frequency for the camera view.
The higher the value, the higher the noise.
variable: cl_crouchToggle DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: To make the crouch key work as a toggle
variable: cl_debugSwimming
type: int
current: 0
help: enable swimming debugging
variable: cl_DisableCombatLog
type: int
current: 0
help: Turn off combat logging
variable: cl_DisableHUDText
type: int
current: 0
help: Force disable all output from HUD Debug text nodes
variable: cl_ETColorOverrideB DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Global color override (BLUE)
variable: cl_ETColorOverrideEnable DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Global color override
variable: cl_ETColorOverrideG DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Global color override (GREEN)
variable: cl_ETColorOverrideR DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Global color override (RED)
variable: cl_ETFontSizeMultiplier DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Global font size multiplier
variable: cl_ETHideAIDebug DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Hide AI debug tags
variable: cl_ETHideAll DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Hide all tags (overrides all other options)
variable: cl_ETHideBehaviour DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Hide AI behavior tags
variable: cl_ETHideFlowgraph DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Hide tags created by flowgraph
variable: cl_ETHideReadability DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Hide AI readability tags
variable: cl_ETHideScriptBind DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Hide tags created by Lua script
variable: cl_ETLog DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Logging (0=off, 1=editor.log, 2=editor.log + AIlog.log)
variable: cl_ETMaxDisplayDistance DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: -2
help: Max display distance
variable: cl_fov
type: float
current: 75
help: field of view.
variable: cl_fpBody
type: int
current: 2
help: first person body
variable: cl_gs_cdkey
type: string
help: CDKey for gamespy auth
variable: cl_gs_email
type: string
help: Email address for Gamespy login
variable: cl_gs_nick
type: string
help: Nickname for Gamespy login
variable: cl_gs_password
type: string
help: Password for Gamespy login
variable: cl_idleBreaksDelayTime
type: float
current: 8
help: Time delay between idle breaks
variable: cl_invertController DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Controller Look Up-Down invert
variable: cl_invertMouse DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: mouse invert?
variable: cl_logAsserts
type: int
current: 0
help: 1 = log assert only. 2 = log assert and callstack
variable: cl_motionBlurVectorScale
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Default motion blur vector scale
variable: cl_motionBlurVectorScaleSprint
type: float
current: 3
help: Motion blur vector scale while sprinting
variable: cl_mp_sensitivityControllerDefault READONLY, DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Multiplayer override for default sensitivity - this value will be poked in
to cl_sensitivityController when init'ing for a multiplayer game after the defau
lt profile XMLs have been loaded for a new player
variable: cl_nickname DUMPTODISK
type: string
help: Nickname for player on connect.
variable: cl_packetRate
type: int
current: 30
help: Packet rate on client
variable: cl_postUpdateCamera
type: int
current: 2
help: Apply post animation updates to the camera (0 = none, 1 = position, 2 = po
variable: cl_sensitivity DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 16.5
help: Set mouse sensitivity!
variable: cl_sensitivityController DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.8
help: Set controller sensitivity! Expecting 0.0f to 2.0f
variable: cl_sensitivityControllerMP DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.6
help: Set controller sensitivity! Expecting 0.0f to 2.0f
variable: cl_serveraddr DUMPTODISK
type: string
current: localhost
help: Server address
variable: cl_serverpassword DUMPTODISK
type: string
help: Server password
variable: cl_serverport DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 64087
help: Server address
variable: cl_shallowWaterDepthHi
type: float
current: 1.2
help: Shallow water depth high (above has full slowdown)
variable: cl_shallowWaterDepthLo
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Shallow water depth low (below has zero slowdown)
variable: cl_shallowWaterSpeedMulAI
type: float
current: 0.8
help: Shallow water speed multiplier (AI only)
variable: cl_shallowWaterSpeedMulPlayer
type: float
current: 0.6
help: shallow water speed multiplier (Players only)
variable: cl_speedToBobFactor
type: float
current: 0.35
variable: cl_strafeHorzScale
type: float
current: 0.05
variable: cl_suitModeSpecificScreenFX
type: int
current: 1
help: When enabled, it will trigger specific screen effects for the suit modes.
variable: cl_tokenid
type: int
current: 0
help: Token id expected from client player during connection
variable: cl_tpvDist
type: float
current: 3.5
help: camera distance in 3rd person view
variable: cl_tpvYaw
type: float
current: 0
help: camera angle offset in 3rd person view
variable: cl_useCurrentUserNameAsDefault
type: int
current: 1
help: Use the current user name instead of the default profile's name
variable: cl_ViewSystemDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets Debug information of the ViewSystem.
variable: cl_visualLog
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables Visual Logging.
variable: cl_visualLogFolder
type: string
current: VisualLog
help: Specifies sub folder to write logs to.
variable: cl_visualLogImageFormat
type: string
current: bmp
help: Specifies file format of captured files (jpg, bmp).
variable: cl_visualLogImageScale
type: float
current: 128
help: Image size. [0-1] = scale value. >1 = actual pixels for image width
variable: cl_voice_recording
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable client voice recording
variable: cl_voice_volume
type: float
current: 1
help: Set VOIP playback volume: 0-1
variable: cl_zoomToggle DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: To make the zoom key work as a toggle
variable: co_coopAnimDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable Cooperative Animation debug output
variable: co_slideWhileStreaming
type: int
current: 0
help: Allows the sliding while the anims are being streamed. Otherwise the slidi
ng step while wait until the anims are streaming
variable: co_usenewcoopanimsystem
type: int
current: 1
help: Uses the new cooperative animation system which works without the animatio
n graph
variable: con_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Log call stack on every GetCVar call
variable: con_display_last_messages
type: int
current: 0
variable: con_line_buffer_size
type: int
current: 1000
variable: con_restricted RESTRICTEDMODE
type: int
current: 0
help: 0=normal mode / 1=restricted access to the console
variable: con_showonload
type: int
current: 0
help: Show console on level loading
variable: controller_full_turn_multiplier_x RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 1.8
help: The multiplier applied when x rotation has been at full lock for the requi
red time
variable: controller_full_turn_multiplier_z RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 2.35
help: The multiplier applied when x rotation has been at full lock for the requi
red time
variable: controller_multiplier_x RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Vertical linear sensitivity multiplier
variable: controller_multiplier_z RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 2
help: Horizontal linear sensitivity multiplier
variable: controller_power_curve
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Analog controller input curve for both axes
variable: coop_respawn_time
type: int
current: 15
help: Time until player gets auto-respawned in Coop.
variable: credits_acceleration
type: float
current: 5
help: Credits game: player acceleration
variable: credits_max_speed
type: float
current: 0.003
help: Credits game: max player speed
variable: credits_shoot_delay
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Credits game: shoot delay
variable: credits_speed_decay
type: float
current: 3
help: Credits game: speed decay
variable: ctrlr_acceleration_horizontal_down RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 1600
help: How quickly gets to the desired control value when decelerating on curve 1
variable: ctrlr_acceleration_horizontal_up RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 255
help: How quickly gets to the desired control value when accelerating on curve 1
variable: ctrlr_acceleration_vertical_down RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 1500
help: How quickly gets to the desired control value when decelerating on curve 1
variable: ctrlr_acceleration_vertical_up RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 275
help: How quickly gets to the desired control value when accelerating on curve 1
variable: ctrlr_exponent RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 1.425
help: Sensitivity exponent
variable: ctrlr_maxspeed_horizontal RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 105
help: Max horizontal turn speed
variable: ctrlr_maxspeed_vertical RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 75
help: Max vertical turn speed
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable controller debugging.
variable: ctrlr_smooth_angular_velocity
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables smoothing of angular velocity for movement controlled by move-targ
variable: ctrlr_timeaccel_base_multiplier_horizontal RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 1.35
help: The base horizontal acceleration on curve 2
variable: ctrlr_timeaccel_base_multiplier_vertical RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 1.4
help: The base vertical acceleration on curve 2
variable: ctrlr_timeaccel_boost_time RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Time over which the boosted turn rate is lerped down
variable: ctrlr_timeaccel_multiplier_horizontal RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 5.5
help: The speed at which the horizontal acceleration drops with respect to time
on curve 2
variable: ctrlr_timeaccel_multiplier_vertical RESTRICTEDMODE
type: float
current: 4.5
help: The speed at which the vertical acceleration drops with respect to time on
curve 2
variable: cvDoVerboseWindowTitle
type: int
current: 0
variable: cvGameName DUMPTODISK
type: string
current: Crysis 2 (TM)
variable: d3d9_AllowSoftware REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
variable: d3d9_ClipPlanes
type: int
current: 1
variable: d3d9_debugruntime
type: int
current: 0
variable: d3d9_IBPools REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
variable: d3d9_IBPoolSize
type: int
current: 262144
variable: d3d9_NullRefDevice REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
variable: d3d9_NVPerfHUD
type: int
current: 0
variable: d3d9_rb_Tris REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 32768
variable: d3d9_rb_Verts REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 16384
variable: d3d9_ResetDeviceAfterLoading
type: int
current: 1
variable: d3d9_SafeDeviceLost
type: int
current: 0
help: Controls handling of lost d3d device.
Usage: d3d9_SafeDeviceLost [0/1/2]
0 = Legacy way to handle a lost device
1 = Block render thread until device reset or time out exceeded [default]
2 = Like (1) but falling back to (0) during loading (experimental)
variable: d3d9_TextureFilter DUMPTODISK
type: string
current: TRILINEAR
help: Specifies D3D specific texture filtering type.
variable: d3d9_TripleBuffering REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
variable: d3d9_VBPools REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
variable: d3d9_VBPoolSize
type: int
current: 262144
variable: dd_maxRMIsPerFrame
type: int
current: 3
help: Sets the maximum number of delayed detonation perk RMI's sent per frame
variable: dd_waitPeriodBetweenRMIBatches
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Sets delay before allowing more delayed detonation perk RMI's to be sent
variable: demo_ai
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable AI during the demo
variable: demo_file
type: string
current: timedemo
help: Time Demo Filename
variable: demo_finish_memreplay_sizer
type: int
current: 0
help: Add a crysizer tree to memreplay when demo is finished
variable: demo_finish_memreplay_stop
type: int
current: 0
help: Stop memreplay when demo is finished
variable: demo_fixed_timestep
type: int
current: 30
help: number of updates per second
variable: demo_game_state
type: int
current: 0
help: enable/disable the game state recording
variable: demo_max_frames
type: int
current: 100000
help: Max number of frames to save
variable: demo_noinfo
type: int
current: 0
help: Disable info display during demo playback
variable: demo_num_runs
type: int
current: 1
help: Number of times to loop timedemo
variable: demo_panoramic
type: int
current: 0
help: Panoramic view when playing back demo
variable: demo_profile
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable demo profiling
variable: demo_quit
type: int
current: 0
help: Quit game after demo runs finished
variable: demo_restart_level
type: int
current: 1
help: Restart level after each loop: 0 = Off; 1 = use quicksave on first playbac
k; 2 = load level start
variable: demo_save_every_frame
type: int
current: 0
help: Save timedemo every frame during recording, in case game crashes timedemo
will be reliable
variable: demo_savestats
type: int
current: 0
help: Save level stats at the end of the loop
variable: demo_screenshot_frame
type: int
current: 0
help: Make screenshot on specified frame during demo playback, If Negative then
do screen shoot every N frame
variable: demo_scroll_pause
type: int
current: 1
help: ScrollLock pauses demo play/record
variable: demo_time_of_day
type: int
current: -1
help: Sets the time of day to override in game settings if not negative
variable: demo_vtune
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables VTune profiling when running time demo
variable: designer_warning_enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: designer warnings are enabled
variable: designer_warning_level_resources
type: int
current: 0
help: Designer warnings about resource load during run-time
variable: dlc_directory
type: string
current: c:\users\jonasb\saved games\crysis2\dlc
help: Holds the path to the directory where DLC should be installed to and read
variable: ds_AutoReloadScripts
type: int
current: 0
help: Automatically reload DialogScripts when jumping into GameMode from Editor
variable: ds_LevelNameOverride
type: string
help: Load dialog assets from the specified level name instead of the current le
vel name.This var gets cleared after level the level is loaded.
variable: ds_LoadExcelScripts
type: int
current: 1
help: Load legacy Excel based dialogs.
variable: ds_LoadSoundsSync
type: int
current: 0
help: Load Sounds synchronously
variable: ds_LogLevel
type: int
current: 0
help: Set the verbosity of DiaLOG Messages
variable: ds_PrecacheSounds
type: int
current: 0
help: Precache sounds on Dialog Begin
variable: ds_WarnOnMissingLoc
type: int
current: 1
help: Warn on Missing Localization Entries
variable: dtp_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disables DogTag progression debug messages
variable: e_AutoPrecacheCgfMaxTasks
type: int
current: 8
help: Maximum number of parallel streaming tasks during pre-caching
variable: e_Brushes
type: int
current: 1
help: Draw brushes
variable: e_CacheNearestCubePicking
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable caching nearest cube maps probe picking for alpha blended geometry
variable: e_CameraGoto
type: string
current: 0
help: Move cameras to a certain pos/angle
variable: e_CharLodMin
type: int
current: 0
help: Min LOD for character objects
variable: e_Clouds
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable clouds rendering
variable: e_CoverageBuffer
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates usage of software coverage buffer.
1 - camera culling only
2 - camera culling and light-to-object check
variable: e_CoverageBufferAABBExpand
type: float
current: 0.007
help: expanding the AABB's of the objects to test to avoid z-fighting issues in
the Coverage buffer
variable: e_CoverageBufferAccurateOBBTest
type: int
current: 0
help: Checking of OBB boxes instead of AABB or bounding rects
variable: e_CoverageBufferBias
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Coverage buffer z-biasing
variable: e_CoverageBufferDebugDrawScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Debug
variable: e_CoverageBufferOccludersViewDistRatio
type: float
current: 1
help: Debug
variable: e_CoverageBufferReproj
type: int
current: 0
help: Use re-projection technique on CBuffer
variable: e_CoverageBufferResolution
type: int
current: 128
help: Resolution of software coverage buffer
variable: e_CoverageBufferRotationSafeCheck
type: int
current: 0
help: Coverage buffer safe checking for rotation 0=disabled 1=enabled 2=enabled
for out of frustum object
variable: e_CoverageBufferVersion
type: int
current: 2
help: 1 Vladimir's, 2MichaelK's
variable: e_CullerThread
type: int
current: 1
help: The hw thread number on XENON that the culler will run on, only read at st
variable: e_CullVegActivation
type: int
current: 50
help: Vegetation activation distance limit; 0 disables visibility-based culling
(= unconditional activation)
variable: e_Decals
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates drawing of decals (game decals and hand-placed)
variable: e_DecalsAllowGameDecals
type: int
current: 1
help: Allows creation of decals by game (like weapon bullets marks)
variable: e_DecalsDefferedDynamic
type: int
current: 1
help: 1 - make all game play decals deferred, 2 - make all game play decals non
variable: e_DecalsDefferedStatic
type: int
current: 1
help: 1 - switch all non-planar decals placed by level designer to deferred
variable: e_DecalsForceDeferred
type: int
current: 0
help: 1 - force to convert all decals to use deferred ones
variable: e_DecalsLifeTimeScale
type: float
current: 2
help: Allows to increase or reduce decals life time for different specs
variable: e_DecalsMaxTrisInObject
type: int
current: 8000
help: Do not create decals on objects having more than X triangles
variable: e_DecalsMaxUpdatesPerFrame
type: int
current: 4
help: Maximum number of static decal render mesh updates per frame
variable: e_DecalsNeighborMaxLifeTime
type: float
current: 4
help: If not zero - new decals will force old decals to fade in X seconds
variable: e_DecalsOverlapping
type: int
current: 0
help: If zero - new decals will not be spawned if the distance to nearest decals
less than X
variable: e_Dissolve
type: int
current: 2
help: Objects alphatest_noise_fading out on distance
variable: e_DynamicLightsFrameIdVisTest
type: int
current: 1
help: Use based on last draw frame visibility test
variable: e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights
type: int
current: 16
help: Set maximum number of lights affecting object
variable: e_Entities
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates drawing of entities and brushes
variable: e_EntitySuppressionLevel
type: int
current: 0
help: Defines the level at which entities are spawned.
Entities marked with lower level will not be spawned - 0 means no level.
Usage: e_EntitySuppressionLevel [0-infinity]
Default is 0 (off)
variable: e_FoliageBranchesTimeout
type: float
current: 4
help: Maximum lifetime of branch ropes (if there are no collisions)
variable: e_FoliageWindActivationDist
type: float
current: 25
help: If the wind is sufficiently strong, visible foliage in this view dist will
be forcefully activated
variable: e_GI
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/disable global illumination. Default: 1 - enabled
variable: e_GIAmount
type: float
current: 1
help: Multiplier for brightness of the global illumination. Default: 25.0 times
brighter (temporary)
variable: e_GIBlendRatio
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Ratio of overlapped region between nested cascades. 0.25 means 25% overlap
ping. Default: 0.25 Min: .1 Max: 2
variable: e_GICache
type: int
current: 7
help: Sparse temporal caching for RSM rendering. Measured in framed per generati
on. Default: 7 Min: 0 (disabled)
variable: e_GIIterations
type: int
current: 10
help: Maximum number of propagation iterations global illumination
The less number of propagation iterations the shorter the bleeding. Default: 6.
Max: 32
variable: e_GIMaxDistance
type: float
current: 100
help: Maximum distance of global illumination in meters.
The less the distance the better the quality. Default: 50. Max: 150
variable: e_GINumCascades
type: int
current: 1
help: Sets number of cascades for global illumination. Default: 1
variable: e_GIOffset
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Offset of GI in front of camera in percents[0;1]. Default: 0.4 Min: 0 Max:
variable: e_GIPropagationAmp
type: float
current: 3.3
help: Light amplification during each propagation iteration. Default: 3.3 Min: 1
Max: 5
variable: e_GsmCache
type: int
current: 0
help: Cache sun shadows maps over several frames 0=off, 1=on if MultiGPU is deac
variable: e_GsmCacheLodOffset
type: int
current: 3
help: Makes first X GSM lods not cached
variable: e_GsmCacheLodOffsetExtended
type: int
current: 6
help: How fast to update terrain GSM lod
variable: e_GsmCastFromTerrain
type: int
current: 0
help: Cast shadows from terrain
variable: e_GsmExtendLastLod
type: int
current: 0
help: Make last cascade bigger and use less frequent updates
variable: e_GsmLodsNum
type: int
current: 5
help: Number of GSM lods (0..5)
variable: e_GsmRange
type: float
current: 3
help: Size of LOD 0 GSM area (in meters)
variable: e_GsmRangeStep
type: float
current: 3
help: Range of next GSM lod is previous range multiplied by step
variable: e_GsmRangeStepExtended
type: float
current: 8
help: gsm_range_step for last gsm lod containing terrain
variable: e_GsmViewSpace
type: int
current: 0
help: 0=world axis aligned GSM layout, 1=Rotate GSM frustums depending on view c
variable: e_HwOcclusionCullingObjects
type: int
current: 0
help: Activates usage of HW occlusion test for objects
variable: e_levelStartupFrameDelay
type: int
current: 0
help: Set to number of frames to wait after level load before beginning fps meas
variable: e_levelStartupFrameNum
type: int
current: 0
help: Set to number of frames to capture for avg fps computation
variable: e_LodMax
type: int
current: 6
help: Max LOD for objects
variable: e_LodMin
type: int
current: 0
help: Min LOD for objects
variable: e_LodRatio
type: float
current: 20
help: LOD distance ratio for objects
variable: e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp
type: float
current: 1
help: 1 - use max view distance set by designer for very high spec
0 - for very low spec
Values between 0 and 1 - will lerp between high and low spec max view distances
variable: e_ObjectLayersActivation
type: int
current: 1
help: Allow game to activate/deactivate object layers
variable: e_ObjQuality
type: int
current: 4
help: Object detail quality
variable: e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio
type: float
current: 1
help: Skip per object occlusion test for very far objects - culling on tree leve
l will handle it
variable: e_OnDemandMaxSize
type: float
current: 20
help: Specifies the maximum size of vegetation objects that are physicalized on-
variable: e_OnDemandPhysics
type: int
current: 1
help: Turns on on-demand vegetation physicalization
variable: e_Particles
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates drawing of particles
variable: e_ParticlesEmitterPoolSize
type: int
current: 6144
help: Particles pool memory size in KB for sub-emitter
variable: e_ParticlesForceAnimBlend
type: int
current: 0
help: Blend animated textures for all particle effects (even if not enabled in p
article parameters)
Usage: e_ParticlesForceAnimBlend [0/1]
0 = Off
1 = On

variable: e_ParticlesForceGI
type: int
current: 0
help: Use global illumination for all appropriate particle effects (even if not
enabled in particle parameters)
Usage: e_ParticlesForceGI [0/1]
0 = Off
1 = On

variable: e_ParticlesHalfResCoverageTreshold
type: int
current: 3
help: Screen coverage treshold for particles that are to be half resolution rend
(the higher number the less probable the particle emitter will pass the coverage
test and thus won't be half res rendered)
Usage: e_ParticlesHalfResCoverageTreshold [n]
variable: e_ParticlesHalfResTreatAsForced
type: int
current: 0
help: Treat allowed half resolution particles as if they were forced (ie. non-co
ntinuous list of halfres particles)
Usage: e_ParticlesHalfResTreatAsForced [0/1]
variable: e_ParticlesLod
type: float
current: 1
help: Multiplier to particle count
variable: e_ParticlesMaxDrawScreen
type: float
current: 2
help: Screen size max per particle -- fade out earlier
variable: e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill
type: float
current: 128
help: Screen size max of total particles to draw
variable: e_ParticlesMinDrawAlpha
type: float
current: 0.025
help: Alpha cutoff for rendering particles
variable: e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels
type: float
current: 1
help: Pixel size min per particle -- fade out earlier
variable: e_ParticlesObjectCollisions
type: int
current: 2
help: Enable particle/object collisions for SimpleCollision:
1 = against static objects only, 2 = dynamic also
variable: e_ParticlesPoolSize
type: int
current: 12288
help: Particles pool memory size in KB
variable: e_ParticlesPreload
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable preloading of all particle effects at the beginning
variable: e_ParticlesQuality
type: int
current: 4
help: Particles detail quality
variable: e_ParticlesThread
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable particle threading
variable: e_ParticlesUseLevelSpecificLibs
type: int
current: 0
help: Allows searching for level-specific version of effects files
0 = Off
1 = Enabled

variable: e_PhysMinCellSize
type: int
current: 2
help: Min size of cell in physical entity grid
variable: e_PhysOceanCell
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Cell size for ocean approximation in physics, 0 assumes flat plane
variable: e_PhysProxyTriLimit
type: int
current: 0
help: Maximum allowed triangle count for phys proxies
variable: e_ProcVegetation
type: int
current: 1
help: Show procedurally distributed vegetation
variable: e_ProcVegetationMaxObjectsInChunk
type: int
current: 512
help: Maximum number of instances per chunk
variable: e_ProcVegetationMaxSectorsInCache
type: int
current: 16
help: Maximum number of 64x64 meter sectors cached in memory
variable: e_RenderMeshCollisionTolerance
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Min distance between physics-proxy and rendermesh before collision is cons
idered a hole
variable: e_RNTmpDataPoolMaxFrames
type: int
current: 16
help: Cache RNTmpData at least for X framres
variable: e_ScreenShotDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: 0 off
1 show stitching borders
2 show overlapping areas
variable: e_ScreenShotFileFormat
type: string
current: tga
help: Set output image file format for hires screen shots. Can be JPG or TGA
variable: e_ScreenShotHeight
type: int
current: 1500
help: used for all type highres screenshots made by e_ScreenShot to define the
height of the destination image, 1500 default
variable: e_ScreenShotMapCamHeight
type: float
current: 4000
help: param for top-down-view screenshot creation, defining the camera height fo
r screenshots,
see e_ScreenShotMap defines the y position of the bottom right corner of the
screenshot-area on the terrain,
0.0 - 1.0 (1.0 is default)
variable: e_ScreenShotMapCenterX
type: float
current: 0
help: param for the centerX position of the camera, see e_ScreenShotMap
defines the x position of the top left corner of the screenshot-area on the terr
0.0 - 1.0 (0.0 is default)
variable: e_ScreenShotMapCenterY
type: float
current: 0
help: param for the centerX position of the camera, see e_ScreenShotMap
defines the y position of the top left corner of the screenshot-area on the terr
0.0 - 1.0 (0.0 is default)
variable: e_ScreenShotMapOrientation
type: int
current: 0
help: param for rotating the orientation through 90 degrees so the screen shot w
idth is along the X axis
see e_ScreenShotMap
0 - 1 (0 is default)
variable: e_ScreenShotMapSizeX
type: float
current: 1024
help: param for the size in worldunits of area to make map screenshot, see e_Scr
defines the x position of the bottom right corner of the screenshot-area on the
0.0 - 1.0 (1.0 is default)
variable: e_ScreenShotMapSizeY
type: float
current: 1024
help: param for the size in worldunits of area to make map screenshot, see e_Scr
defines the x position of the bottom right corner of the screenshot-area on the
0.0 - 1.0 (1.0 is default)
variable: e_ScreenShotMinSlices
type: int
current: 4
help: used for all type highres screenshots made by e_ScreenShot to define the a
of sub-screenshots for the width and height to generate the image,
the min count
will be automatically raised if not sufficient (per screenshot-based)
variable: e_ScreenShotQuality
type: int
current: 100
help: used for all type highres screenshots made by e_ScreenShot to define the q
0=fast, 10 .. 30 .. 100 = extra border in percent (soften seams), negative value
to debug
variable: e_ScreenShotWidth
type: int
current: 2000
help: used for all type highres screenshots made by e_ScreenShot to define the
width of the destination image, 2000 default
variable: e_Shadows
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates drawing of shadows
variable: e_ShadowsAdaptScale
type: float
current: 2.72
help: Shadows slope bias for shadowgen
variable: e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio
type: float
current: 0.8
help: View dist ratio for shadow maps casting from objects
variable: e_ShadowsClouds
type: int
current: 1
help: Cloud shadows
variable: e_ShadowsConstBias
type: float
current: 1
help: Shadows slope bias for shadowgen
variable: e_ShadowsMaxTexRes
type: int
current: 1024
help: Set maximum resolution of shadow map
256(faster), 512(medium), 1024(better quality)
variable: e_ShadowsOcclusionCulling
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/disable shadow-caster test against the occlusion buffer
variable: e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable shadows on alphablended
variable: e_ShadowsResScale
type: float
current: 2.8
help: Shadows slope bias for shadowgen
variable: e_ShadowsSlopeBias
type: float
current: 1
help: Shadows slope bias for shadowgen
variable: e_sketch_mode
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables Sketch mode drawing
variable: e_SkyUpdateRate
type: float
current: 1
help: Percentage of a full dynamic sky update calculated per frame (0..100].
variable: e_SQTestBegin
type: int
current: 0
help: If not zero - start streaming latency unit test
variable: e_SQTestCount
type: int
current: 0
help: If not zero - restart test X times
variable: e_SQTestDelay
type: float
current: 5
help: Time to stabilize the system before camera movements
variable: e_SQTestDistance
type: int
current: 80
help: Distance to travel
variable: e_SQTestExitOnFinish
type: int
current: 0
help: If not zero - shutdown when finished testing
variable: e_SQTestMip
type: int
current: 1
help: Mip to wait during test
variable: e_SQTestMoveSpeed
type: int
current: 10
help: Camera speed during test (meters/sec)
variable: e_SQTestTextureName
type: string
current: strfrn_advrt_boards_screen
help: Reference texture name for streaming latency test
variable: e_StatObjBufferRenderTasks
type: int
current: 0
help: 1 - occlusion test on render node level, 2 - occlusion test on render mesh
variable: e_StreamAutoMipFactorMax
type: float
current: 1
help: Debug
variable: e_StreamAutoMipFactorMaxDVD
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Debug
variable: e_StreamAutoMipFactorMin
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Debug
variable: e_StreamAutoMipFactorSpeedThreshold
type: float
current: 0
help: Debug
variable: e_StreamCgf REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable streaming of static render meshes
variable: e_StreamCgfDebugFilter
type: string
help: Show only items containig specified text
variable: e_StreamCgfMaxTasksInProgress
type: int
current: 32
help: Maximum number of files simultaneously requested from streaming system
variable: e_StreamCgfPoolSize
type: int
current: 24
help: Render mesh cache size in MB
variable: e_StreamPredictionMaxVisAreaRecursion
type: int
current: 9
help: Maximum number visareas and portals to traverse.
variable: e_StreamPredictionTexelDensity
type: int
current: 1
help: Use mesh texture mapping density info for textures streaming
variable: e_StreamPredictionUpdateTimeSlice
type: float
current: 0.4
help: Maximum amount of time to spend for scene streaming priority update in mil
variable: e_Sun
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates sun light source
variable: e_Terrain
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates drawing of terrain ground
variable: e_TerrainAo
type: int
current: 1
help: Activate deferred terrain ambient occlusion
variable: e_TerrainDetailMaterials
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates drawing of detail materials on terrain ground
variable: e_TerrainLodRatio
type: float
current: 1
help: Set heightmap LOD
variable: e_TerrainNormalMap
type: int
current: 1
help: Use terrain normal map for base pass if available
variable: e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist
type: float
current: 200
help: Max length of ray (for version 1)
variable: e_TerrainTextureStreamingPoolItemsNum REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: int
current: 64
help: Specifies number of textures in terrain base texture streaming pool
variable: e_texeldensity
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables texel density debug
1: Objects texel density
2: Objects texel density with colored mipmaps
3: Terrain texel density
4: Terrain texel density with colored mipmaps

variable: e_TimeOfDay
type: float
current: 0
help: Current Time of Day
variable: e_TimeOfDaySpeed
type: float
current: 0
help: Time of Day change speed
variable: e_Vegetation
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates drawing of distributed objects like trees
variable: e_VegetationAlignToTerrainAmount
type: float
current: 1
help: 0 - no align, 1 - full align
variable: e_VegetationMinSize REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: float
current: 0
help: Minimal size of static object, smaller objects will be not rendered
variable: e_VegetationSprites
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates drawing of sprites instead of distributed objects at far distanc
variable: e_VegetationSpritesDistanceCustomRatioMin
type: float
current: 1
help: Clamps SpriteDistRatio setting in vegetation properties
variable: e_VegetationSpritesDistanceRatio
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Allows changing distance on what vegetation switch into sprite
variable: e_VegetationSpritesMinDistance
type: float
current: 8
help: Sets minimal distance when distributed object can be replaced with sprite
variable: e_VegetationUseTerrainColor
type: int
current: 1
help: Allow blend with terrain color for vegetations
variable: e_ViewDistMin
type: float
current: 10
help: Min distance on what far objects will be culled out
variable: e_ViewDistRatio
type: float
current: 100
help: View distance ratio for objects
variable: e_ViewDistRatioCustom
type: float
current: 100
help: View distance ratio for special marked objects (Players,AI,Vehicles)
variable: e_ViewDistRatioDetail
type: float
current: 100
help: View distance ratio for detail objects
variable: e_ViewDistRatioLights
type: float
current: 50
help: View distance ratio for light sources
variable: e_ViewDistRatioVegetation
type: float
current: 100
help: View distance ratio for vegetation
variable: e_VoxelUpdatePhysics
type: int
current: 1
help: Physicalize geometry
variable: e_VoxTerActivateAll
type: int
current: 0
help: Actuate all terrain meshes and textures available marked as needed for gam
e play
variable: e_VoxTerAsyncPhysicalization
type: int
current: 1
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerDebugAreaSizeMax
type: int
current: 128
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerDebugAreaSizeRatio
type: int
current: 160
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerDebugLodRatio
type: float
current: 35
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerDebugNodesGenDepth
type: int
current: 3
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerDebugX
type: float
current: 0
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerDebugY
type: float
current: 0
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerIntegrateVegetations
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerLog
type: int
current: 1
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerMaxMeshBuildDepth
type: int
current: 5
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerMaxMeshBuildDepthLimit
type: int
current: 5
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerMaxMeshesInMem
type: int
current: 2000
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerMemWarning
type: int
current: 10
help: Show message box when allocations reach X GB
variable: e_VoxTerMeshSize
type: float
current: 2
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerPaintSleep
type: int
current: 10
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerRoadsCullDist
type: float
current: 4
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerTexBuildsPerFrame
type: int
current: 256
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerTexPoolSizeForEditor
type: int
current: 128
help: Maximum amount of re-mesh textures cached in memory (in MB)
variable: e_VoxTerTexRangeScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerTexResFinal
type: int
current: 256
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerTexResInternal
type: int
current: 256
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerTexTiling
type: float
current: 1
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerThreads
type: int
current: 3
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerViewDistRatio
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerViewDistRatioMeshActivate
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Debug
variable: e_VoxTerViewDistRatioPrediction
type: float
current: 1
help: Debug
variable: e_WaterOcean
type: int
current: 2
help: Activates drawing of ocean.
1: use usual rendering path
2: use fast rendering path with merged fog
variable: e_WaterOceanFFT
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates fft based ocean
variable: e_WaterTesselationAmount
type: int
current: 10
help: Set tessellation amount
variable: e_WaterTesselationAmountX
type: int
current: 10
help: Set tessellation on x axis - 0 means not used
variable: e_WaterTesselationAmountY
type: int
current: 10
help: Set tessellation on y axis - 0 means not used
variable: e_WaterTesselationSwathWidth
type: int
current: 10
help: Set the swath width for the boustrophedonic mesh stripping
variable: e_WorldSegmentationTest
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug only: simulates multi-segment behavior in the editor
variable: enable_memory_trace
type: int
current: 1
help: enable tracing of memory operations via a mtrace server: 1 to enable, 0 to
variable: es_activateEntity
type: string
help: Activates an entity
variable: es_bboxes
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles entity bounding boxes.
Usage: es_bboxes [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display bounding boxes.
variable: es_CharZOffsetSpeed DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 2
help: sets the character Z-offset change speed (in m/s), used for IK
variable: es_ClearPoolBookmarksOnLayerUnload
type: int
current: 1
help: Clear pool bookmarks when a layer is unloaded (saves memory and makes smal
ler saves)
variable: es_deactivateEntity
type: string
help: Deactivates an entity
variable: es_DebrisLifetimeScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Usage: es_DebrisLifetimeScale 1.0
variable: es_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable entity debugging info
Usage: es_debug [0/1]
Default is 0 (on).
variable: es_debug_not_seen_timeout DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: if true, log messages when entities undergo not seen timeout
variable: es_debugEntityLifetime
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug entities creation and deletion time
variable: es_DebugEntityUsage
type: int
current: 0
help: Draws information to the screen to show how entities are being used, per c
lass, including total, active and hidden counts and memory usage
Usage: es_DebugEntityUsage update_rate
update_rate - Time in ms to refresh memory usage calculation or 0 to disable
variable: es_DebugEntityUsageFilter
type: string
help: Filter entity usage debugging to classes which have this string in their n
variable: es_DebugEvents
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables logging of entity events
variable: es_DebugFindEntity
type: int
current: 0
variable: es_DebugPool
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable debug drawing of entity pools
variable: es_DebugPoolFilter
type: string
help: Filter entity pool debugging for just this pool and draw more info about i
variable: es_DebugTimers
type: int
current: 0
help: This is for profiling and debugging (for game coders and level designer)
By enabling this you get a lot of console printouts that show all entities that
receive OnTimer
events - it's good to minimize the call count. Certain entities might require th
is feature and
using less active entities can often be defined by the level designer.
Usage: es_DebugTimers 0/1
variable: es_DisableTriggers
type: int
current: 0
help: Disable enter/leave events for proximity and area triggers
variable: es_DrawAreaDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables debug drawing of Areas, set 2 for log details
variable: es_DrawAreaGrid
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables drawing of Area Grid
variable: es_DrawAreas
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables drawing of Areas
variable: es_DrawSoundProxyZRay
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables drawing of Z ray on check for Z visibility
variable: es_enable_full_script_save DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable (experimental) full script save functionality
variable: es_EnablePoolUse
type: int
current: -1
help: Force toggle the use of entity pools on/off.
Usage: es_EnablePoolUse 1
Default is -1, or normal behavior. 0 forces system off. 1 forces system on.
variable: es_FarPhysTimeout
type: float
current: 4
help: Timeout for faraway physics forceful deactivation
variable: es_helpers
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles helpers.
Usage: es_helpers [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to display entity helpers.
variable: es_HitCharacters
type: int
current: 1
help: specifies whether alive characters are affected by bullet hits (0 or 1)
variable: es_HitDeadBodies
type: int
current: 1
help: specifies whether dead bodies are affected by bullet hits (0 or 1)
variable: es_ImpulseScale
type: float
current: 0
help: Usage: es_ImpulseScale 0.0
variable: es_LayerDebugInfo
type: int
current: 0
help: Render debug info on active layers : 0 - inactive, 1 - active brush layers
, 2 - all layer info, 3 - all layer and all layer pak info
variable: es_LayerSaveLoadSerialization
type: int
current: 0
help: Switches layer entity serialization : 0 - serialize all, 1 - automatically
ignore entities on disabled layers, 2 - only ignore entities on non-save layers
variable: es_log_collisions
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables collision events logging
variable: es_MaxImpulseAdjMass
type: float
current: 2000
help: Usage: es_MaxImpulseAdjMass 2000.0
variable: es_MaxPhysDist
type: float
current: 200
help: Physical entities farther from the camera than this are forcefully deactiv
variable: es_MaxPhysDistCloth
type: float
current: 300
help: Cloth entities farther from the camera than this are forcefully deactivate
variable: es_MaxPhysDistInvisible
type: float
current: 25
help: Invisible physical entities farther from the camera than this are forceful
ly deactivated
variable: es_MinImpulseVel
type: float
current: 0
help: Usage: es_MinImpulseVel 0.0
variable: es_not_seen_timeout DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 30
help: number of seconds after which to cleanup temporary render buffers in entit
variable: es_profileentities
type: int
current: 0
help: Usage: es_profileentities 1,2,3
Default is 0 (off).
variable: es_removeEntity
type: string
help: Removes an entity
variable: es_SaveLoadUseLUANoSaveFlag
type: int
current: 0
help: Save&Load optimization : use lua flag to not serialize entities, for examp
le rigid bodies.
variable: es_SortUpdatesByClass
type: int
current: 0
help: Sort entity updates by class (possible optimization)
variable: es_SplashThreshold
type: float
current: 1
help: minimum instantaneous water resistance that is detected as a splashUsage:
es_SplashThreshold 200.0
variable: es_SplashTimeout
type: float
current: 3
help: minimum time interval between consecutive splashesUsage: es_SplashTimeout
variable: es_TestPoolSignatures
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable signature testing on entity classes the first time they're prepared
from an entity pool
variable: es_UpdateAI
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles updating of AI entities.
Usage: es_UpdateAI [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to prevent AI entities from updating.
variable: es_UpdateCollision
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles updating of entity collisions.
Usage: es_UpdateCollision [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable entity collision updating.
variable: es_UpdateCollisionScript
type: int
current: 1
help: Usage: es_UpdateCollisionScript [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: es_UpdateContainer
type: int
current: 1
help: Usage: es_UpdateContainer [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: es_UpdateEntities
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles entity updating.
Usage: es_UpdateEntities [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to prevent all entities from updating.
variable: es_UpdatePhysics
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles updating of entity physics.
Usage: es_UpdatePhysics [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to prevent entity physics from updating.
variable: es_UpdateScript
type: int
current: 1
help: Usage: es_UpdateScript [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: es_UpdateTimer
type: int
current: 1
help: Usage: es_UpdateTimer [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: es_UsePhysVisibilityChecks
type: int
current: 1
help: Activates physics quality degradation and forceful sleeping for invisible
and faraway entities
variable: es_VisCheckForUpdate
type: int
current: 1
help: Usage: es_VisCheckForUpdate [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: ExitOnQuit
type: int
current: 0
variable: ffs_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Turns on/off force feedback system debug.
variable: fg_abortOnLoadError
type: int
current: 0
help: Abort on load error of flowgraphs
2:abort, 1:dialog, 0:log only
variable: fg_default_preset
type: string
current: defaultMale
help: FaceGen default head preset.
variable: fg_iDebugNextStep DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Update flowgraph debug by one step.
variable: fg_iEnableFlowgraphNodeDebugging DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles visual flowgraph debugging.
variable: fg_inspectorLog
type: int
current: 0
help: Log inspector on console.
variable: fg_noDebugText
type: int
current: 1
help: Don't show debug text [0/1]
Default is 0 (show debug text).
variable: fg_profile
type: int
current: 0
help: Flow graph profiling enable/disable
variable: fg_SystemEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles FlowGraph System Updates.
Usage: fg_SystemEnable [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: g_actorViewDistRatio
type: int
current: 127
help: Sets the view dist ratio for actors.

variable: g_ageLimit
type: int
current: 15
help: Age limit required to be able to play the title, 0=no limit, PS3 only at p
variable: g_aimdebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/disable debug drawing for aiming direction
variable: g_alienPhysicsAnimRatio
type: float
current: 0
variable: g_allowCustomLoadouts
type: int
current: 1
help: Allow players to use custom loadouts
variable: g_allowDisconnectIfUpdateFails
type: int
current: 1
variable: g_allowExplosives
type: int
current: 1
help: Allow players to use explosives
variable: g_allowFatalityBonus
type: int
current: 1
help: Allow players to gain fatality bonuses
variable: g_allowSaveLoadInEditor
type: int
current: 0
help: Allow saving and loading games in the editor (DANGEROUS)
variable: g_allowSuitPerks
type: int
current: 1
help: Allow players to use suit perks
variable: g_allowTeamPerks
type: int
current: 1
help: Allow players to use team perks
variable: g_animateCameraOrientation
type: int
current: 0
help: Locks the player view to the camera bone's orientation
variable: g_animatorDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Animator Debug Info
variable: g_assertWhenVisTableNotUpdatedForNumFrames
type: int
current: 255
variable: g_autoAssignTeams
type: int
current: 1
help: 1 = auto assign teams, 0 = players choose teams
variable: g_autoReviveTime
type: float
current: 7
help: Time from death till the player is automatically revived
variable: g_avmine_limit
type: int
current: 3
help: Max avmines a player can place (recycled above this value)
variable: g_battleDust_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: 0: off, 1: text, 2: text+gfx
variable: g_battleDust_effect
type: string
current: misc.battledust.light
help: Sets the effect to use for battledust
variable: g_battleDust_enable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable battledust
variable: g_blinding_flashbangRecoveryDelayFrac
type: float
current: 0.29
help: For the first X fraction of the flashbang effect, no blindness recovery wi
ll take place
variable: g_blinding_timeBetweenFlashbangAndKill
type: float
current: 5
help: Time between flashbang and killing
variable: g_blood
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggle blood effects
variable: g_bodyDamage_log
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/Disables BodyDamage logging
variable: g_bodyDestruction_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/Disables BodyDestruction Debug info
variable: g_bodyDestruction_debugFilter
type: string
variable: g_breakage_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Turns on debug rendering for broken objects counted against g_breakage_mem
variable: g_breakage_mem_limit
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets a budget for procedurally breakable objects (in KBs)
variable: g_breakage_particles_limit
type: int
current: 250
help: Imposes a limit on particles generated during 2d surfaces breaking
variable: g_breakageFadeDelay
type: float
current: 6
variable: g_breakageFadeTime
type: float
current: 6
variable: g_breakagelog
type: int
current: 0
help: Log break events
variable: g_breakageMinAxisInertia
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Set this to 1.0 to force broken trees to have spherical inertia
variable: g_breakageNoDebrisCollisions
type: int
current: 0
help: Turns off all collisions for debris, apart from coltype_solid
variable: g_breakageTreeDec
type: int
current: 0
help: Please see comments in ActionGame.cpp
variable: g_breakageTreeInc
type: int
current: 0
help: Please see comments in ActionGame.cpp
variable: g_breakageTreeIncGlass
type: int
current: 0
help: Please see comments in ActionGame.cpp
variable: g_breakageTreeMax
type: int
current: 0
help: Please see comments in ActionGame.cpp
variable: g_breakImpulseScale REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: float
current: 1
help: How big do explosions need to be to break things?
variable: g_breaktimeoutframes
type: int
current: 140
variable: g_buddyMessagesIngame DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Output incoming buddy messages in chat while playing game.
variable: g_bulletPenetrationDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable bullet penetration debugging
variable: g_bulletPenetrationDebugTimeout
type: float
current: 8
help: Display time of debug messages
variable: g_bulletPenetrationEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables bullet penetration.
variable: g_CarryObjective_watchLvl
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug watch level for the CarryObjective gamerules module.
variable: g_charactersDbaManagementDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug information about currently loaded character dbas
variable: g_charactersDbaManagementEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable character dbas load/unload management
variable: g_claymore_limit
type: int
current: 3
help: Max claymores a player can place (recycled above this value)
variable: g_cloakBlendSpeedScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets cloak blend speed scale
variable: g_cloakRefractionScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets cloak refraction scale
variable: g_CombiCaptureObjective_watchLvl
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug watch level for the CombiCaptureObjective gamerules module.
variable: g_CombiCaptureObjective_watchTerminalSignalPlayers
type: int
current: 0
help: Watch the audio signal players attached to the objective terminals in the
CombiCaptureObjective gamerules module.
variable: g_combinedFire_maxTimeBetweenWeapons
type: float
current: 7
help: Time between last hit of previous weapon and kill for it count as combined
variable: g_corpseManager_hologramToCorpseRatio
type: float
current: 2
help: Number of corpses one hologram is worth
variable: g_corpseManager_maxNum
type: int
current: 6
help: Limit for number of corpses active at any time, includes holograms scaled
by the hologram to corpse ratio
variable: g_corpseManager_thermalHeatFadeDuration
type: float
current: 20
help: Time Duration it takes for corpses heat to fade in thermal vision mode
variable: g_corpseManager_thermalHeatMinValue
type: float
current: 0.22
help: Min heat value in thermal vision mode
variable: g_corpseMinDistance
type: float
current: 40
help: Distance in meters that the player has to be away from the ragdoll before
it can disappear
variable: g_corpseMinTime
type: float
current: 15
help: Minimum time in seconds that a corpse will be visible
variable: g_corpsePollTime
type: float
current: 1
help: Time in seconds where 'unseen' polling is done
variable: g_corpseUnseenTime
type: float
current: 2
help: Time in seconds that the player has to look away from the corpse before it
variable: g_craigNetworkDebugLevel REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Craig network debug options
variable: g_CTFScoreElement_watchLvl
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug watch level for the CTFScoreElement HUD module.
variable: g_dataRefreshFrequency
type: float
current: 12
help: How many hours to wait before refreshing data from web server
variable: g_deathCam
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables / disables the MP death camera (shows the killer's location)
variable: g_deathCamSP.dof_enable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables / disables the Depth of field effect in single player death camera
variable: g_deathCamSP.dofDistanceSpeed
type: float
current: 75
help: Speed the FocusDistance changes over time
variable: g_deathCamSP.dofRange
type: float
current: 20
help: FocusRange value used when focusing on the killer
variable: g_deathCamSP.dofRangeNoKiller
type: float
current: 5
help: FocusRange value used when not focusing on the killer
variable: g_deathCamSP.dofRangeSpeed
type: float
current: 10
help: Speed the FocusRange value changes over time
variable: g_deathCamSP.enable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables / disables the SP death camera
variable: g_deathCamSP.updateFrequency
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Update frequency for death camera dof effect values
variable: g_deathReloadDelay
type: float
current: 10
help: Time before reload after player dies and fades out (negative values disabl
e reloading on death)
variable: g_debug_entity_clustering
type: int
current: 0
help: debug RDC clustering code on all entities: Values: 0=off; 1:consider entit
ies; 2: consider actors
variable: g_debug_entity_clustering_radius
type: float
current: 10
help: radius to use for debug RDC clustering code on all entities
variable: g_debug_fscommand
type: int
current: 0
help: Print incoming fscommands to console
variable: g_debug_spawn_mode
type: int
current: 2
help: DEBUG - temporary enabling/disabling of new spawn modes: Values: 0=normal;
1=HQ spawn mode; 2=Frontline spawn mode
variable: g_debug_spawning_visually
type: int
current: 0
help: debug spawning visually. For use in the editor.
variable: g_debug_stats
type: int
current: 0
help: Enabled massive gameplay events debug
variable: g_debugaimlook
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug aim/look direction
variable: g_debugCollectableEnergyPoints
type: int
current: 0
help: Display current amount of collected points on screen
variable: g_debugCollisionDamage DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Log collision damage
variable: g_debugDirectMPMenu
type: int
current: 0
help: Jump directly to MP menu on application start.
variable: g_DebugDrawPhysicsAccess DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays current physics access statistics for the game module.
variable: g_debugHitReacts
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug the hit reacts
variable: g_debugHits DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Log hits
variable: g_debugMines
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable debug output for mines and claymores
variable: g_debugNetPlayerInput
type: int
current: 0
help: Show some debug for player input
variable: g_debugSaveLoadMemory
type: int
current: 0
help: Print debug information about save/load memory usage
variable: g_debugSpawnPointsRegistration
type: int
current: 0
help: Enabled extra logging to debug spawn point registration
variable: g_dedicatedClientInput_commitSuicide
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disable killing (and respawning) dummy players who've been alive fo
r too long
variable: g_dedicatedClientInput_showDebugText
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disable on-screen messages about dummy players
variable: g_defaultItemRespawnTimer
type: float
current: 5
help: Default amount of time to respawn an item - used if the actual timer lengt
h is lost in a host migration
variable: g_deferredviewsystemupdate
type: int
current: 0
help: Normally 0, 1 only for avoiding an attached view camera lagging issue in c
inematics recording
Usage: g_deferredviewsystemupdate [0/1]
Default is 0
variable: g_defiant_lowHealthFraction
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Fraction of max health that counts as 'low health'
variable: g_defiant_timeAtLowHealth
type: float
current: 1
help: Period of time in seconds that player must have been at low health before
making the kill
variable: g_delayQuitTime
type: float
current: 5
help: Frequency at which server should be allowed to try and write user updates
variable: g_demiGodRevivesAtCheckpoint
type: int
current: 1
help: Demi God Mode warps you to the last checkpoint
variable: g_detachCamera
type: int
current: 0
help: Detach camera
variable: g_detachedCameraDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Display debug graphics for detached camera spline playback.
variable: g_detachedCameraMoveSpeed
type: float
current: 6
help: Move detached camera
variable: g_detachedCameraRotateSpeed
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Move detached camera
variable: g_detachedCameraTurboBoost
type: float
current: 4
help: Move speed turbo boost when holding down (360) A button
variable: g_difficultyHintSystem READONLY
type: int
current: 2
help: Lower difficulty hint system (0 is off, 1 is radius based, 2 is save-game
variable: g_difficultyLevel
type: int
current: 5
help: Difficulty level
variable: g_difficultyLevelLowestPlayed
type: int
current: 4
help: Sets the lowest difficulty played (Used in completion for achievement dete
rmination)(Value is set to -1 in difficulty selection screen, becomes lowest dif
fculty 1,2,3,4 (Easy,Normal,Hard,Supersolder) when setting difficulty
variable: g_difficultyRadius READONLY
type: float
current: 300
help: Radius in which player needs to die to display lower difficulty level hint
variable: g_difficultyRadiusThreshold READONLY
type: int
current: 5
help: Number of times player has to die within radius to trigger difficulty hint
variable: g_difficultySaveThreshold READONLY
type: int
current: 5
help: Number of times player has to die with same savegame active to trigger dif
ficulty hint.
variable: g_disable_OpponentsDisconnectedGameEnd
type: int
current: 0
help: Stop the game from automatically ending when all opponents have disconnect
ed. Useful for debugging failed migrations, etc.
variable: g_displayDbgText_actorState
type: int
current: 0
help: Show information (health, current state etc.) about each actor
variable: g_displayDbgText_hud
type: int
current: 0
help: Show HUD-related debugging text on the screen
variable: g_displayDbgText_perk
type: int
current: 0
help: Show perk-related debugging text on the screen
variable: g_displayDbgText_plugins
type: int
current: 0
help: Show player plug-in-related debugging text on the screen
variable: g_displayDbgText_pmv
type: int
current: 0
help: Show list of 'player modifiable values' on the screen
variable: g_displayDbgText_psGuns
type: int
current: 0
help: Show info about Power Struggle Lite gun turrets on the screen
variable: g_displayDbgText_silhouettes
type: int
current: 0
help: Show silhouette-related debugging text on the screen
variable: g_displayIgnoreList DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Display ignore list in chat tab.
variable: g_displayPlayerDamageTaken
type: int
current: 0
help: Display the amount of damage being taken above a player who's getting inju
variable: g_distanceForceNoIk
type: float
current: 0
help: Distance at which to disable ground alignment IK
variable: g_distanceForceNoLegRaycasts
type: float
current: 5
help: Distance at which to disable ground alignment IKs raycasts
variable: g_dlcPurchaseOverwrite
type: int
current: 0
help: Cheat to unlock DLC content on PC without purchase
variable: g_droppedItemVanishTimer
type: float
current: 45
help: Number of seconds before dropped items vanish
variable: g_dummyPlayersFire
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disable firing on the dummy players
variable: g_dummyPlayersJump
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Control how often dummy players jump - 0.0 is never, 1.0 is whenever they'
re not crouching
variable: g_dummyPlayersMove
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disable moving on the dummy players
variable: g_ec_enable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable explosion culling of small objects. Default = 1
variable: g_ec_extent
type: float
current: 2
help: Explosion culling length of an AABB side which needs to be exceed for obje
cts to not be culled.
variable: g_ec_radiusScale
type: float
current: 2
help: Explosion culling scale to apply to explosion radius for object query.
variable: g_ec_removeThreshold
type: int
current: 20
help: At how many items in exploding area will it start removing items.
variable: g_ec_volume
type: float
current: 0.75
help: Explosion culling volume which needs to be exceed for objects to not be cu
variable: g_enableActorLuaCache
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable the caching of actor properties from Lua to avoid Lua access at run
variable: g_EnableDevMenuOptions REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable DEV menu options
variable: g_enableFriendlyAIHits
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables AI-owning bullet hit feedback for friendly actors.
variable: g_enableFriendlyFallAndPlay
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables fall&play feedback for friendly actors.
variable: g_enableFriendlyPlayerHits
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables Player-owning bullet hit feedback for friendly actors.
variable: g_enableInitialLoadoutScreen
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable the loadout screen when joining a game.
variable: g_enableInitialLoginScreen
type: int
current: 1
help: 1=Show login screen on startup
variable: g_enableitems
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/disable the item system
variable: g_enableLanguageSelectionMenu READONLY
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable the language selection menu.
variable: g_enableloadingscreen DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/disable the loading screen
variable: g_EnableLoadSave
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/disables saving and loading of savegames
variable: g_enablePoolCache
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable the caching of data associated with entities pooled e.g., equipment
pack, body damage, etc.
variable: g_enableSlimCheckpoints
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable the use of console style checkpoints instead of full save.
variable: g_energy_scale_income
type: float
current: 1
help: Scales incoming energy.
variable: g_energy_scale_price
type: float
current: 0
help: Scales energy prices.
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable Exclusive Playable Demo version
variable: g_explosion_materialFX_raycastLength
type: float
current: 1
help: Length of raycast for non-direct impact explosions to find appropriate sur
face effect
variable: g_fallAndPlayThreshold
type: float
current: 50
help: Minimum damage for fall and play.
variable: g_flashBangFriends
type: int
current: 0
help: Applies flash bangs to friends
variable: g_flashBangMinFOVMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.75
help: Set the minimum multiplier for the dot product comparison
variable: g_flashBangMinSpeedMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Set the minimum movement and rotation speed multiplier when stunned by a f
variable: g_flashBangNotInFOVRadiusFraction
type: float
current: 0.66
help: Set the radius fraction which will still blind a player even if not lookin
g at a flashbang
variable: g_flashBangSelf
type: int
current: 1
help: Applies flash bangs to your self
variable: g_flashBangSpeedMultiplierFallOffEase
type: float
current: 5
help: Alters the falloff curve for the flashbang multiplier
variable: g_flashrenderingduringloading
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable active flash rendering during level loading
variable: g_flushed_minDistanceActorTravelledSquared
type: float
current: 25
help: Distance actor has travelled from grenade bounce to current location
variable: g_flushed_timeBetweenGrenadeBounceAndSkillKill
type: float
current: 4
help: Time between grenade bouncing near someone and flushed skill kill
variable: g_flyCamLoop
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles whether the flycam should loop at the end of playback
variable: g_footstepSoundMaxDistanceSq
type: float
current: 900
help: Maximum squared distance for footstep sounds / fx spawned by Players.
variable: g_FootstepSoundsDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles debug messages of footstep sounds.
variable: g_FootstepSoundsFollowEntity
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles moving of footsteps sounds with it's entity.
variable: g_forcedReviveTime
type: float
current: 14
help: Time from death till the player is forced to revive by the server, without
any client request being received
variable: g_forceFastUpdate
type: int
current: 0
help: GameObjects IsProbablyVisible->TRUE && IsProbablyDistant()->FALSE
variable: g_forceItemRespawnTimer
type: float
current: 0
help: Override the amount of time it takes to respawn an item (0=disable overrid
variable: g_forceNetLimbo
type: int
current: 0
help: 1 = fake entering net limbo
variable: g_forceWeapon
type: int
current: -1
help: Force the loadouts to all use the same weapon, -1=disable
variable: g_fovToRotationSpeedInfluence
type: float
current: 0
help: Reduces player rotation speed when fov changes
variable: g_fpDbaManagementDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug information about currently loaded fp dbas
variable: g_fpDbaManagementEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable fp dbas load/unload management
variable: g_fraglead
type: int
current: 1
help: Number of frags a player has to be ahead of other players once g_fraglimit
is reached. Default is 1.
variable: g_fraglimit
type: int
current: 0
help: Number of frags before a round restarts. Default is 0, 0 means no frag-lim
variable: g_friendlyfireratio
type: float
current: 0
help: Sets friendly damage ratio.
variable: g_friendlyLowerItemMaxDistance
type: float
current: 10
help: Max distance a friendly AI needs to be before the player will lower his we
variable: g_frontEndRequiredEPD REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 3
help: If a UI element in the MenuData XML has 'EPD=true' set then the global g_E
PD value will need to match this value for the element to be enabled
variable: g_gameFXSystemDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles game effects system debug state
variable: g_gameIntersectionTestQuota
type: int
current: 6
help: Amount of deferred intersection tests allowed to be cast per frame by Game
variable: g_gameplayAnalyst REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disable Gameplay Analyst
variable: g_gameRayCastQuota
type: int
current: 16
help: Amount of deferred rays allowed to be cast per frame by Game
variable: g_gameRules_minPlayerWarningTimerLength
type: float
current: 15000
variable: g_gameRules_postGame_HUDMessageTime
type: float
current: 3
help: How long to show the endgame HUD message for
variable: g_gameRules_postGame_ScoreboardTime
type: float
current: 7
help: How long to show the full scoreboard for
variable: g_gameRules_postGame_Top3Time
type: float
current: 7
help: How long to show the top 3 scoreboard for
variable: g_gameRules_startTimerLength
type: float
current: 15
help: The N in 'Game will start in N seconds' (triggered once there are enough p
variable: g_gameRules_startTimerMinPlayers
type: int
current: 2
help: Min number of players to trigger countdown (deathmatch mode)
variable: g_gameRules_startTimerMinPlayersPerTeam
type: int
current: 1
help: Min number of players on each team to trigger countdown (team mode)
variable: g_gameRules_startTimerOverrideWait
type: float
current: 30
help: Override time in seconds to trigger countdown without min player limits me
variable: g_gameRules_startTimerPlayersRatio
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Percentage of players loaded to trigger countdown (0.0f -> 1.0f)
variable: g_gamespy_catalog_version
type: int
current: 1
help: GameSpy catalog version
variable: g_gamespy_cdkey
type: string
help: GameSpy CD key
variable: g_gamespy_email
type: string
help: GameSpy email address
variable: g_gamespy_loginCount
type: int
current: 0
help: Game must increment this every time the user confirms login credentials.
variable: g_gamespy_loginUI
type: int
current: 1
help: Whether to use the gamespy login UI, if set to 0 cfg file values are used.
variable: g_gamespy_password
type: string
help: GameSpy password
variable: g_gamespy_server_region
type: int
current: 1
help: GameSpy server region
variable: g_gamespy_unique_nick
type: string
help: GameSpy unique nick
variable: g_glassAutoShatter
type: int
current: 0
help: Always smash the whole pane, and spawn fracture effect
variable: g_glassAutoShatterMinArea
type: float
current: 0
help: If the area of glass is below this, then autoshatter
variable: g_glassAutoShatterOnExplosions
type: int
current: 0
help: Just smash the whole pane, and spawn fracture effect for explosions
variable: g_glassForceTimeout
type: float
current: 0
help: Make all glass break after a given time, overrides art settings
variable: g_glassForceTimeoutSpread
type: float
current: 0
help: Add a random amount to forced glass shattering
variable: g_glassMaxPanesToBreakPerFrame
type: int
current: 0
help: Max glass breaks, before auto-shattering is forced
variable: g_glassNoDecals
type: int
current: 0
help: Turns off glass decals
variable: g_godMode
type: int
current: 0
help: God Mode
variable: g_gotYourBackKill_FOVRange
type: float
current: 45
help: FOV range to be used in determining if actors are facing each other
variable: g_gotYourBackKill_targetDistFromFriendly
type: float
current: 5
help: Distance check for victim near friendly actor
variable: g_grabLog
type: int
current: 0
help: verbosity for grab logging (0-2)
variable: g_groundAlignAll
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable ground alignment for every character that supports it.
variable: g_groundeffectsdebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/disable logging for GroundEffects (2 = use non-deferred ray-casting
variable: g_guardian_maxTimeSinceLastDamage
type: float
current: 1
help: Max time in seconds since victim attacked a friendly
variable: g_hasWindowFocus
type: int
current: 1
variable: g_hideArms
type: int
current: 0
help: Hide arms in first person
variable: g_hitDeathReactions_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/Disables debug information for hit and death reactions system
variable: g_hitDeathReactions_disable_ai
type: int
current: 1
help: If enabled, it'll not allow to execute any AI instruction during the hit/d
eath reaction
variable: g_hitDeathReactions_disableRagdoll
type: int
current: 0
help: Disables switching to ragdoll at the end of animations
variable: g_hitDeathReactions_enable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/Disables Hit/Death reaction system
variable: g_hitDeathReactions_logReactionAnimsOnLoading
type: int
current: 0
help: Non-Release only CVar: Enables logging of animations used by non-animation
graph-based reactions. 0: don't log, 1: log anim names, 2: log filepaths
variable: g_hitDeathReactions_streaming
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/Disables reactionAnims streaming. 0: Disabled, 1: DBA Registering-
based, 2: Entity lifespan-based
variable: g_hitDeathReactions_useLuaDefaultFunctions
type: int
current: 0
help: If enabled, it'll use the default lua methods inside HitDeathReactions scr
ipt instead of the default c++ version
variable: g_HoldObjective_secondsBeforeStartForSpawn
type: float
current: 8
help: The first crash site starts coming in this many seconds before the start o
f the game.
variable: g_holdObjectiveDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Debugging for hold objective 1. Draw debug cylinder. 2. Fade ring in on
variable: g_hologram_initialNoMovementCheckTime
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Length of initial 'don't check for blocked movement' period
variable: g_hologram_maxBlockedTime
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Length of time movement must be blocked before hologram will stop running
variable: g_hologram_maxNumber
type: int
current: 10
help: Limit to number of holograms active at any time
variable: g_hologram_negligibleMovementSqrd
type: float
current: 0.001
help: Minimum speed squared used to check for blocked movement
variable: g_hologram_spawnOffsetDist
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Distance in front of player to spawn hologram
variable: g_hologram_spawnRayHeight
type: float
current: 2
help: Height of spawn raycast, to check floor height
variable: g_hostMigrationResumeTime
type: float
current: 3
help: Time after players have rejoined before the game resumes
variable: g_hostMigrationUseAutoLobbyMigrateInPrivateGames
type: int
current: 0
help: 1=Make calls to EnsureBestHost when in private games
variable: g_idleKickTime
type: float
current: 120
help: Time to wait before kicking a player for being idle for too long (in secon
variable: g_ignoreDLCRequirements
type: int
current: 1
help: Shows all servers in the game browser even if the DLC requirements are not
variable: g_immersive
type: int
current: 1
help: If set, multiplayer physics will be enabled
variable: g_infiniteAmmo
type: int
current: 0
help: Infinite inventory ammo!
variable: g_infiniteSuitEnergy
type: int
current: 0
help: Infinite nanosuit energy!
variable: g_instantKillDamageThreshold
type: float
current: -1
help: If positive, any damage caused greater than this value will kill the chara
variable: g_intervention_timeBetweenZoomedAndKill
type: float
current: 1
help: Time between ironsighting and killing
variable: g_inventoryExplosivesCapacity
type: int
current: 6
help: Capacity for explosives slot in inventory
variable: g_inventoryGrenadesCapacity
type: int
current: 3
help: Capacity for grenades slot in inventory
variable: g_inventoryNoLimits
type: int
current: 0
help: Removes inventory slots restrictions. Allows carrying as many weapons as d
variable: g_inventoryWeaponCapacity
type: int
current: 2
help: Capacity for weapons slot in inventory
variable: g_itemsLodRatioScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets the view dist ratio for items owned by AI/Player in SP.

variable: g_itemsViewDistanceRatioScale
type: float
current: 2
help: Sets the view dist ratio for items owned by AI/Player in SP.

variable: g_joint_breaking
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles jointed objects breaking
variable: g_KingOfTheHillObjective_watchLvl
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug watch level for the KingOfTheHill objective implementation.
variable: g_landingBobLandTimeFactor
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Fraction of the bob time to be at full compression
variable: g_landingBobTimeFactor
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Fraction of the bob time to release full compression
variable: g_language
type: string
current: English
variable: g_levelfadein_levelload
type: int
current: 4
help: Fade in time after a level load (seconds)
variable: g_levelfadein_quickload
type: int
current: 2
help: Fade in time after a quick load (seconds)
variable: g_loadoutServerControlled
type: int
current: 0
help: Perk/Weapon Loadout is handed to clients from the server.
variable: g_loadPlayerModelOnLoad
type: int
current: 1
help: Sets if the client player's model should be loaded on level load
variable: g_localPacketRate
type: float
current: 50
help: Packet rate locally on faked network connection
variable: g_logPrimaryRound
type: int
current: 0
help: Log various operations and calculations concerning the "primary" round and
round changes. FOR DEBUGGING
variable: g_logSuitActions
type: int
current: 0
help: Log suit action processing
variable: g_logSuitArmourDamageAbsorption
type: int
current: 0
help: Log the calculations and results of active Armour mode's damage absorption
and energy drain
variable: g_logSuitEnergyNetworking
type: int
current: 0
help: Log the operations to do with the networking of suit energy
variable: g_MatchmakingBlock REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Used to shift matchmaking version for QA and EA builds - please leave as z
variable: g_MatchmakingVersion REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Defines your matchmaking version (Only join games over the same version)
variable: g_maxGameBrowserResults
type: int
current: 32767
help: Maximum number of servers returned in game browser
variable: g_maxHealthMultiplier
type: float
current: 1
help: Player health multiplier
variable: g_maximumDamage
type: float
current: -1
help: Maximum health reduction allowed on actors. If negative it is ignored
variable: g_messageOfTheDay
type: string
help: message of the day
variable: g_minplayerlimit
type: int
current: 4
help: Minimum number of players to start a match.
variable: g_minteamlimit
type: int
current: 1
help: Minimum number of players in each team to start a match.
variable: g_modevarivar_disableKillCam
type: int
current: 0
help: Disables the kill cam
variable: g_modevarivar_disableNanosuit
type: int
current: 0
help: Disables nanosuit
variable: g_modevarivar_disableSpectatorCam
type: int
current: 0
help: Disables spectator cam when you die
variable: g_modevarivar_proHealth_frac
type: float
current: 0.75
help: Fraction to reduce max health to when g_modevarivar_proHealth is set
variable: g_modevarivar_proHud
type: int
current: 0
help: Cuts back HUD elements to essentials
variable: g_moveDetachedCamera
type: int
current: 0
help: Move detached camera
variable: g_movementTransitions_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/Disables on-screen debugging of movement transitions
variable: g_movementTransitions_enable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/Disables special movement transitions system
variable: g_movementTransitions_log
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/Disables logging of special movement transitions
variable: g_mp_as_DefendersMaxHealth
type: int
current: 180
help: Max health for Defenders in MP Assault gamemode
variable: g_mpAllSeeingRadar READONLY
type: int
current: 0
help: Player has radar that permanently shows all friends and enemies (for Attac
kers in Assault mode).
variable: g_mpAllSeeingRadarSv READONLY
type: int
current: 0
help: All players have radar that permanently shows all friends and enemies, con
trolled by server.
variable: g_MPCoverAndLean
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables cover & lean in MP
variable: g_mpCullShootProbablyHits
type: int
current: 1
help: Culls ProbablyHits in Shoot function, to avoid line tests
variable: g_mpDisableRadar READONLY
type: int
current: 0
help: Player has no radar (for Defenders when starting Assault mode).
variable: g_mpHeadshotsOnly
type: int
current: 0
help: Only allow damage from headshots
variable: g_mpKickableCars
type: int
current: 1
help: Turn on MP kickable car settings/Disable SP kickable car settings
variable: g_MPLedgeGrabbing
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables ledge grabbing in MP
variable: g_mpLoaderScreenMaxTime
type: float
current: 25
help: Max time mp loader screen is allowed to wait before timing out and abortin
g MP
variable: g_mpLoaderScreenMaxTimeSoftLimit
type: float
current: 15
help: Max time mp loader screen will wait for optional loading tasks before movi
ng on (eg patch and playlist updates) should be < g_mpLoaderScreenMaxTime or opt
ional tasks will cause an abort
variable: g_mpNoEnemiesOnRadar READONLY
type: int
current: 0
help: Player will not see any enemies on radar (for Attackers when Defenders are
at high alert level in Assault mode).
variable: g_mpRegenerationRate
type: int
current: 0
help: Health regeneration rate (0=slow, 1=normal, 2=fast)
variable: g_multikillTimeBetweenKills
type: float
current: 5
help: Time between kills needed for a multikill
variable: g_multiplayerDefault
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable multiplayer gameplay by default
variable: g_multiplayerEnableVehicles
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable vehicles in multiplayer
variable: g_multiplayerModeOnly
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets exclusively multiplayer. Will not allow switching to singleplayer
variable: g_muzzleFlashCull
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable muzzle flash culling
variable: g_muzzleFlashCullDistance
type: float
current: 30000
help: Culls distant muzzle flashes
variable: g_nanoGlassPostEffect
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles nano glass post effect
variable: g_nanoSuitDisableSprintDamageTaken
type: float
current: 20
help: Amount of damage needed to disable sprinting (MP only)
variable: g_nanoSuitDisableSprintTime
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Amount of time sprinting is disabled when damaged (MP only)
variable: g_nanoSuitEnableSuitShapeDeformation
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/Disables shape deformation on nano suit
variable: g_nanoSuitMenuToggleTime
type: float
current: 0
help: Time that you have to keep pressing suit menu button to enter the menu
variable: g_neverFlagging_maxMatchTimeRemaining
type: float
current: 10
help: (Secs.) The maximum amount of time allowed left on the clock in the last r
ound of CTF for the "Never Flagging" award to be awarded. (Remember that strings
will also need to be changed if this is changed!!)
variable: g_no_breaking_by_objects
type: int
current: 0
help: Prevents procedural breaking caused by rigid bodies
variable: g_no_secondary_breaking
type: int
current: 0
help: Prevents secondary procedural breaks (to keep down memory usage)
variable: g_numLives
type: int
current: 3
help: Number of lives in assault and all or nothing gamemodes
variable: g_objectivesTimeScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Time multiplier for multiplayer objectives
variable: g_officialServer
type: int
current: 0
help: If a server is shown as official or not
variable: g_persistantStats_gamesCompletedFractionNeeded
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Fraction of games that need to be completed so that you post on leaderboar
variable: g_playerEnableDedicatedInput
type: int
current: 1
help: dedicated clients do random movements and actions
variable: g_playerFallAndPlay
type: int
current: 0
help: When enabled, the player doesn't die from direct damage, but goes to fall
and play.
variable: g_playerInteractorRadius
type: float
current: 1.8
help: Maximum radius at which player can interact with other entities
variable: g_playerLodRatio REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: int
current: 80
help: Sets the lod ratio for players.

variable: g_playerLowHealthThreshold
type: float
current: 100
help: The player health threshold when the low health effect kicks in.
variable: g_playerMidHealthThreshold
type: float
current: 250
help: The player health threshold when the mid health feedback kicks in.
variable: g_playersWithDisabledDedicatedInputCrouch
type: int
current: 0
help: makes dedicated clients crouch (when g_playerEnableDedicatedInput is set t
o 0)
variable: g_playerUsesDedicatedInput
type: int
current: 0
help: player's will use the automated dedicated input
variable: g_post3DRendererDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable Post 3D Rendering debug screen. 1 = enable. 2 = draw grid
variable: g_post3DRendererDebugGridSegmentCount
type: int
current: 10
help: Number of segments in Post 3D Rendering debug grid.
variable: g_postEffect.FilterGrain_Amount
type: float
current: 0
help: Filter grain amount
variable: g_postEffect.FilterRadialBlurring_Amount
type: float
current: 0
help: Radial blurring amount
variable: g_postEffect.FilterRadialBlurring_Radius
type: float
current: 1
help: Radial blurring radius
variable: g_postEffect.FilterRadialBlurring_ScreenPosX
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Radial blurring screen position X
variable: g_postEffect.FilterRadialBlurring_ScreenPosY
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Radial blurring screen position Y
variable: g_postEffect.Global_User_Brightness
type: float
current: 1
help: Global brightness
variable: g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorC
type: float
current: 0
help: Global cyan
variable: g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorHue
type: float
current: 0
help: Global color hue
variable: g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorK
type: float
current: 0
help: Global luminance
variable: g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorM
type: float
current: 0
help: Global magenta
variable: g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorY
type: float
current: 0
help: Global yellow
variable: g_postEffect.Global_User_Contrast
type: float
current: 1
help: Global contrast
variable: g_postEffect.Global_User_Saturation
type: float
current: 1
help: Global saturation
variable: g_postEffect.HUD3D_FOV
type: float
current: 0
help: 3D HUD field of view
variable: g_postEffect.HUD3D_Interference
type: float
current: 0
help: 3D HUD interference
variable: g_pp_scale_income
type: float
current: 1
help: Scales incoming PP.
variable: g_pp_scale_price
type: float
current: 1
help: Scales PP prices.
variable: g_preroundtime
type: int
current: 8
help: Frozen time before round starts. Default is 8, 0 Disables freeze time.
variable: g_presaleUnlock REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Cheat to unlock the presale content without voucher
variable: g_presaleURL READONLY
type: string
help: url to redirect presale users to
variable: g_procedural_breaking
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles procedural mesh breaking (except explosion-breaking)
variable: g_ProcessOnlineCallbacks READONLY
type: int
current: 1
help: Process online callbacks in the gamelobbymanager.
variable: g_PSTutorial_Enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/disable powerstruggle tutorial
variable: g_punishFriendlyDeaths
type: int
current: 1
help: The player gets punished by death when killing a friendly unit.
variable: g_radialBlur
type: float
current: 1
help: Radial blur on explosions. Default = 1, 0 to disable
variable: g_rejectEffectCullDistance
type: float
current: 625
help: Culls distant shell casing effects
variable: g_rejectEffectVisibilityCull
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable reject effect culling
variable: g_requestPickupDelay
type: float
current: 1
help: Delay clients must incur before requesting to pickup the same item again
variable: g_resetActionmapOnStart
type: int
current: 0
help: Resets Keyboard mapping on application start.
variable: g_revivetime
type: int
current: 7
help: Revive wave timer.
variable: g_roundlimit
type: int
current: 30
help: Maximum numbers of rounds to be played. Default is 0, 0 means no limit.
variable: g_roundScoreboardTime
type: float
current: 5
help: Time spent on the end of round scoreboard (in seconds).
variable: g_roundStartTime
type: float
current: 10
help: Time between the round scoreboard being removed and the next round startin
g (in seconds).
variable: g_saveLoadBasicEntityOptimization
type: int
current: 1
help: Switch basic entity data optimization - remove this on C2 Alpha.
variable: g_saveLoadUseExportedEntityList
type: int
current: 1
help: Only save entities in the editor-generated save list (if available). 0 is
the previous behavior
variable: g_scoreLimit
type: int
current: 3
help: Max number of points need to win in a team game. Default is 3
variable: g_scoreLimitOverride
type: int
current: 0
help: Override for score limit - because score limit is set by the variant
variable: g_serverImageUrl
type: string
help: server image
variable: g_setActorModelFromLua
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggle if the actor model should be set from Lua or internally
variable: g_showIdleStats
type: int
current: 0
variable: g_showShadowChar
type: int
current: 0
help: Render the shadow casting character
variable: g_showUpdateState
type: int
current: 0
help: Show the game object update state of any activated entities; 3-4 -- AI obj
ects only
variable: g_SimpleEntityBasedObjective_watchLvl
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug watch level for the SimpleEntityBasedObjective gamerules module.
variable: g_skipAfterLoadingScreen
type: int
current: 0
help: Automatically skip the ready screen, that is shown after level loading in
variable: g_skipIntro
type: int
current: 1
help: Skip all the intro videos.
variable: g_spawn_conflict_clustering_radius
type: float
current: 7
help: the radius that the conflict detection algorithm uses when detecting clust
variable: g_spawn_ctfFlagAvoidDist
type: float
current: 30
help: minimum distance between new spawnpoint and any carried CTF flags
variable: g_spawn_enemyDistLevelSizeDivider
type: float
current: 6
help: calculate spawning enemy reject distance by scaling bounds of level's spaw
ns by this divider
variable: g_spawn_explosiveSafeDist
type: float
current: 7
help: minimum distance between new spawnpoint and any explosives
variable: g_spawn_lastKillerDist
type: float
current: 30
help: minimum distance between new spawnpoint and the player who last killed you
on spawn. May need changing to a divider as with enemy distance
variable: g_spawn_lastSpawnDist
type: float
current: 10
help: minimum distance between new spawnpoint and last spawnpoint you spawned at
variable: g_spawn_recentSpawnTimer
type: float
current: 2.5
help: How recently a spawn has to have occured for it to be considered 'recent'
and result in a subsequent spawn being denied.
variable: g_spawn_timeToRetrySpawnRequest
type: float
current: 0.4
help: Send spawn requests to the server this many seconds apart
variable: g_spawn_vistable_maxDistToAltSpawnEntity
type: float
current: 4
help: on the server - the maximum distance a non vistesting spawn can be away fr
om a vistesting spawn to automatically setup the vistesting spawn as its altSpaw
variable: g_spawn_vistable_numAreaTestsPerFrame
type: int
current: 20
help: on the server - the number of linetest replacing areatests the vistable sh
ould do per frame
variable: g_spawn_vistable_numLineTestsPerFrame
type: int
current: 10
help: on the server - the number of linetests the vistable should do per frame
variable: g_spawn_vistable_show
type: int
current: 0
help: on the server show the vistable visability - 1: show visibility of spawns;
2: show hierarchies of vistesting and non-vistesting spawns
variable: g_spawndeathdist
type: float
current: 20
help: TIA; reject spawn-points closer than this to death position.
variable: g_spectacularKill.debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/Disables debugging information for the spectacularKill
variable: g_spectacularKill.maxDistanceError
type: float
current: 2
help: Maximum error allowed from the optimal distance to the target
variable: g_spectacularKill.maxHeightBetweenActors
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Maximum height distance between killer and target for the spectacular kill
to be allowed
variable: g_spectacularKill.minKillerToTargetDotProduct
type: float
current: 0
help: Minimum dot product allowed between the killer look dir and the distance t
o target vector
variable: g_spectacularKill.minTimeBetweenKills
type: float
current: 1
help: Minimum time allowed between spectacular kills
variable: g_spectacularKill.minTimeBetweenSameKills
type: float
current: 10
help: Minimum time allowed between spectacular kills using the same animation
variable: g_spectacularKill.sqMaxDistanceFromPlayer
type: float
current: 900
help: Square of the maximum distance in meters allowed between the target of the
spectacular kill and the player. If set to a negative number is ignored
variable: g_spectate_cctv_RotScale
type: float
current: 5
help: Scaling applied to Spectator CCTV mode rotating
variable: g_spectate_DisableCCTV
type: int
current: 1
variable: g_spectate_DisableDead
type: int
current: 0
variable: g_spectate_DisableFollow
type: int
current: 0
variable: g_spectate_DisableFree
type: int
current: 1
variable: g_spectate_DisableManual
type: int
current: 1
variable: g_spectate_DisableSpawnOptOut
type: int
current: 1
variable: g_spectate_TeamOnly
type: int
current: 1
help: If true, you can only spectate players on your team
variable: g_spectatorcollisions
type: int
current: 1
help: If set, spectator camera will not be able to pass through buildings
variable: g_stanceTransitionSpeed
type: float
current: 15
help: Set speed of camera transition from stance to stance
variable: g_STAPCameraAnimation
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable STAP camera animation
variable: g_stapEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables the STAP system
variable: g_stapLayer
type: int
current: 5
help: Specifies the layer on with to apply the STAP assuming that we are using t
he multi-threaded, interleaved STAP system
variable: g_startFirstTime DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: 1 before the game was started first time ever.
variable: g_statisticsMode
type: int
current: 2
help: Statistics mode
0 - disabled
1 - enabled crysis mode
2 - enabled K01 mode

variable: g_stereoFrameworkEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables the processing of the game stereo framework. (2=extra debug output
variable: g_stereoIronsightEyeDistance
type: float
current: 0.0064
help: Distance of eyes when in ironsight
variable: g_stereoIronsightWeaponDistance
type: float
current: 0.375
help: Distance of convergence plane when in ironsight
variable: g_suddendeathtime
type: int
current: 30
help: Number of seconds before round end to start sudden death. Default if 30. 0
Disables sudden death.
variable: g_SuitModeSlowMotionRatio
type: float
current: 1
help: Causes a slow motion effect when opening nano suit menu. Default=1.0f (dis
abled) the lower the ratio value, the higher the slow mo
variable: g_SurvivorOneVictoryConditions_watchLvl
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug watch level for the SurvivorOneVictoryConditions gamerules module.
variable: g_syncClassRegistry
type: int
current: 0
help: syncronise class registry from server to clients
variable: g_teamDifferentiation
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable different character models for different teams
variable: g_teamlock
type: int
current: 2
help: Number of players one team needs to have over the other, for the game to d
eny joining it. 0 disables.
variable: g_telemetry_compress_gamelog
type: int
current: 1
help: Usage: g_telemetry_compress_gamelog <1/0>
With 1, game.log is gzipped and uploaded as game.log.gz to the server, otherwise
it is uploaded raw
variable: g_telemetry_compression_level
type: int
current: 2
help: zlib deflateInit2 level value
variable: g_telemetry_compression_mem_level
type: int
current: 3
help: zlib deflateInit2 mem level
variable: g_telemetry_compression_window_bits
type: int
current: 24
help: zlib deflateInit2 window bits
variable: g_telemetry_drawcall_budget
type: int
current: 2000
help: drawcall budget
variable: g_telemetry_enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: Usage: g_telemetry_enabled <1/0 - upload telemetry>
When set telemetry will be uploaded to the server configured in g_telemetry_serv

variable: g_telemetry_gameplay_copy_to_global_heap
type: int
current: 1
help: compressed gameplay telemetry is copied to global heap when the session is
ended to avoid corrupting the level heap
variable: g_telemetry_gameplay_enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: if telemetry is enabled are gameplay related telemetry stats being gathere
variable: g_telemetry_gameplay_gzip
type: int
current: 1
help: gameplay telemetry is gzipped before uploading to the server
variable: g_telemetry_gameplay_save_to_disk
type: int
current: 0
help: gameplay telemetry is uploaded to the server, set this to also save to dis
variable: g_telemetry_logging
type: int
current: 0
help: Usage: g_telemetry_logging <level>
Where level is 0, 1, or 2 - 0 is critical log messages only, 2 being verbose
Default is k_defaultTelemetryLogging
variable: g_telemetry_memory_display
type: int
current: 0
help: display some info on the memory usage of the gameplay stats circular buffe
variable: g_telemetry_memory_size_mp
type: int
current: 2097152
help: this is the size of the gameplay stats circular buffer used in bytes for m
ultiplayer, 0 is unlimited
variable: g_telemetry_memory_size_sp
type: int
current: 0
help: this is the size of the gameplay stats circular buffer used in bytes for s
ingleplayer, 0 is unlimited
variable: g_telemetry_mp_upload_delay
type: float
current: 5
help: How long to wait in seconds before uploading the statslog after the game e
nds in multiplayer
variable: g_telemetry_onlyInGame
type: int
current: 1
help: Only capture performance & bandwidth telemetry when in a real in game stat
variable: g_telemetry_port
type: int
current: 80
help: Usage: g_telemetry_port <port>
Default is k_defaultTelemetryServerPort
variable: g_telemetry_serialize_method
type: int
current: 1
help: method used to convert telemetry data structures to xml, 1 = chunked telem
etry serializer (new), 2 = class build xml tree (mem hungry), 3 = both (for comp
variable: g_telemetry_server
type: string
help: Usage: g_telemetry_server <ip or hostname>

variable: g_telemetry_serverPath
type: string
current: /mycrysislite_dev/telemetry
help: Usage: g_telemetry_serverPath <path prefix on server>

variable: g_telemetry_serverPathSP
type: string
current: /~steven/telemetry
help: Usage: g_telemetry_serverPathSP <path prefix on server for SP telemetry>
Default is /~steven/telemetry
variable: g_telemetry_transaction_recording
type: int
current: 0
help: Usage: g_telemetry_transaction_recording <2/1/0 - record condition>
Telemetry can be logged to a file in a format that can be uploaded to the server
0 - never log, 1 - only log if server is unreachable and telemetry is enabled, 2
- always log
Default is k_defaultTelemetryTransactionRecording
variable: g_telemetry_upload_errorlogs
type: int
current: 1
help: Usage: g_telemetry_upload_errorlogs <enabled>
With enabled=0 no error logs will be uploaded
With enabled=1 error logs from previous sessions will be uploaded to the previou
s session
variable: g_telemetry_upload_gamelogs
type: int
current: 2
help: Usage: g_telemetry_upload_gamelogs <enabled>
With enabled=0 no game logs will be uploaded
With enabled=1 game logs from previous sessions, and currently ending sessions w
here log_verbosity>0 will be uploaded
With enabled=2 only gamelogs from the previous session will be uploaded, and onl
y when the previous session has crashed
variable: g_telemetry_xp_event_send_interval
type: float
current: 1
help: How often in seconds the client should send its XP events to the server fo
r logging in the telemetry files
variable: g_telemetryConfig
type: string
current: SP
help: Sets the telemetry config to use (see Libs/Telemetry/).
variable: g_telemetryDisplaySessionId
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays the current telemetry session id to the screen
variable: g_telemetryEnabledSP
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables telemetry collection in singleplayer
variable: g_telemetryEntityClassesToExport
type: string
help: Specifies additional entity classes to export to minimap file
for viewing in StatsTool.
Seperate with commas, eg "AmmoCrate,MissionObjective"
variable: g_telemetrySampleRateBandwidth
type: float
current: -1
help: How often to gather bandwidth telemetry statistics (negative to disable)
variable: g_telemetrySampleRateMemory
type: float
current: -1
help: How often to gather memory telemetry statistics (negative to disable)
variable: g_telemetrySampleRatePerformance
type: float
current: -1
help: How often to gather performance telemetry statistics (negative to disable)
variable: g_telemetrySampleRateSound
type: float
current: 5
help: How often to gather sound telemetry statistics (negative to disable)
variable: g_tentacle_joint_limit
type: float
current: -1
help: forces specific tentacle limits; used for tweaking
variable: g_thermalVisionDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disable debugging info on entities with a heat controller
variable: g_timelimit
type: float
current: 60
help: Duration of a time-limited game (in minutes). 0 means no time-limit.
variable: g_timelimitextratime READONLY
type: float
current: 0
of time to use as Extra Time/Sudden Death Time (in minutes) for MP game modes t
hat support it. Default is 0, 0 means no extra time.
variable: g_tk_punish
type: int
current: 1
help: Turns on punishment for team kills
variable: g_tk_punish_limit
type: int
current: 5
help: Number of team kills user will be banned for
variable: g_tpdeathcam_camCollisionRadius
type: float
current: 0.2
help: The radius of the collision sphere used for the camera to stop the third-p
erson death cam from intersecting geometry
variable: g_tpdeathcam_camDistFromPlayer
type: float
current: 2.2
help: The distance between the third-person death camera and the player being wa
tched dying
variable: g_tpdeathcam_camHeightTweak
type: float
current: -0.02
help: By default the third-person death cam's height is at the centre-height of
the player dying, but this variable can be used to tweak it up (+) or down (-)
variable: g_tpdeathcam_collisionEpsilon
type: float
current: 0.001
help: A Small Number, used to pull collision spheres away from walls, etc.
variable: g_tpdeathcam_directionalFocusGroundTestLen
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Alternative method to find ground for focus pos, using directional test fr
om the direction of the camera. This is the length of that test. Needs to be sma
ll, to avoid penetrating walls
variable: g_tpdeathcam_lookDistWhenNoKiller
type: float
current: 10
help: When watching a third-person death but have no valid killer, an artificial
look-at pos is created at this distance away
variable: g_tpdeathcam_maxBumpCamUpOnCollide
type: float
current: 2
help: When the death cam collides with a wall it'll start to raise depending on
how close the collision was. This is the maximum it can rise by
variable: g_tpdeathcam_testLenIncreaseRestriction
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Restrict by how much the sphere test can be longer than the clear part of
the previous one. An attempt to stop back-and-forth glitchiness
variable: g_tpdeathcam_zVerticalLimit
type: float
current: 0.983
help: Stop the death cam from getting too vertical as it causes the rotation to
freak out
variable: g_translationPinningEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables Translation Pinning for the client player
variable: g_tree_cut_reuse_dist
type: float
current: 0
help: Maximum distance from a previously made cut that allows reusing
variable: g_trooperBankingMultiplier DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Trooper banking multiplier coeff (0..x)
variable: g_trooperTentacleAnimBlend DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0
help: Trooper tentacle physic_anim blend (0..1) - overrides the physic_blend AG
parameter when it's not 0
variable: g_TweakProfile DUMPTODISK
type: string
current: Standard
help: The currently active Tweak profile, used for all tweakable values and for
variable: g_updateRichPresenceInterval
type: float
current: 15
help: Interval rich presence should wait if it fails
variable: g_useDedicatedLeaderboards REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
help: Use the dedicated server leaderboards
variable: g_useHitReactController
type: int
current: 1
help: Use the hit react controller
variable: g_useHitSoundFeedback
type: int
current: 1
help: use hit sound feedback
variable: g_useNetSyncToSpeedUpRMIs
type: int
current: 1
help: Speed up hit and kill RMIs to reduce network lag
variable: g_useOnlineServiceForDedicated
type: int
current: 1
help: Use Online Service For Dedicated Server (defaults to off = LAN)
variable: g_useProfile
type: int
current: 1
help: Don't save anything to or load anything from profile.
variable: g_useSkillKillSoundEffects
type: int
current: 0
help: 'Headshot' and 'Denied' Audio on skill kills
variable: g_useXMLCPBinForSaveLoad REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: int
current: 1
help: Use XML compressed binary format for save and loads. DON'T CHANGE THIS DUR
variable: g_victoryConditionsDebugDrawResolution
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug the current draw resolution stats on the server
variable: g_visibilityTimeout
type: int
current: 0
help: Adds visibility timeout to IsProbablyVisible() calculations
variable: g_visibilityTimeoutTime
type: float
current: 30
help: Visibility timeout time used by IsProbablyVisible() calculations
variable: g_watchSuitAllEnergyLevels
type: int
current: 0
help: Watch all players' health and suit energy levels
variable: g_wavesLimit
type: int
current: 3
help: Max number of waves in a game of survival. Default is 3
variable: g_writeUserDataInterval
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Frequency at which server should be allowed to try and write user updates
variable: g_XMLCPBAddExtraDebugInfoToXmlDebugFiles
type: int
current: 0
help: When the xml debug files are activated, this option adds the name and enti
ty class name to every entity reference in the .xml .
variable: g_XMLCPBGenerateXmlDebugFiles
type: int
current: 0
help: Activates the generation, for debug purposes, of a text xml file each time
that there is a binary save (LastBinarySaved.xml) or load (LastBinaryLoaded.xml
variable: g_XMLCPBSizeReportThreshold
type: int
current: 2048
help: defines the minimun size needed for nodes to be shown in the xml report fi
variable: g_XMLCPBUseExtraZLibCompression
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables an extra zlib compression pass on the binary saves.
variable: g_xpMultiplyer
type: float
current: 1
help: XP multiplyer (for promotions)
variable: gamespy_search_ping_retry
type: int
current: 1000
help: GameSpy search ping retry interval in milliseconds
variable: gamespy_search_ping_timeout
type: int
current: 10000
help: GameSpy search ping timeout in milliseconds
variable: gl_allowEnsureBestHostCalls
type: int
current: 1
help: Set to 0 to stop the game doing pushed lobby-migrations
variable: gl_allowLobbyMerging
type: int
current: 1
help: Set to 0 to stop matchmaking games from attempting to merge
variable: gl_checkDLCBeforeStartTime
type: float
current: 20
help: When the server game start countdown gets to this time between games it wi
ll do DLC checks to make sure it has the DLC needed for both the levels being vo
ted on
variable: gl_enableOfflineCountdown
type: int
current: 0
help: Enabled the 'Game starts in X secs...' countdown in offline games, just to
make testing of voting easier
variable: gl_enableOfflinePlaylistVoting
type: int
current: 0
help: Enabled voting on offline games, just to make testing easier. Requires gl_
enablePlaylistVoting to also be set
variable: gl_enablePlaylistVoting
type: int
current: 1
help: Enabled voting on which level to play next within playlists that support i
t. Currently also needs gl_experimentalPlaylistRotationAdvance
variable: gl_experimentalPlaylistRotationAdvance
type: int
current: 1
help: Testing code that gets the first level from the playlist and advances it w
hen the server enters the lobby. Here so can be easily disabled! Currently neede
d for gl_enablePlaylistVoting
variable: gl_findGameIdealPlayerCount
type: float
current: 6
help: Minimum number of players required for full score in the player submetric
variable: gl_findGameLanguageMultiplyer
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Multiplyer for language submetric
variable: gl_findGameLobbyMultiplyer
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Multiplyer for lobby state submetric
variable: gl_findGameNumJoinRetries
type: int
current: 2
help: Number of times to retry joining before creating our own game
variable: gl_findGamePingMultiplyer
type: float
current: 2
help: Multiplyer for ping submetric
variable: gl_findGamePingScale
type: float
current: 300
help: Amount to divide the ping by before clamping to 0->1
variable: gl_findGamePlayerMultiplyer
type: float
current: 1
help: Multiplyer for player submetric
variable: gl_findGameRandomMultiplyer
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Multiplyer for random submetric
variable: gl_findGameSkillMultiplyer
type: float
current: 1
help: Multiplyer for skill submetric
variable: gl_findGameStandardVariantMultiplyer
type: float
current: 4
help: Multiplyer for variant submetric if standard variant
variable: gl_findGameTimeoutBase
type: float
current: 3
help: How long to wait for results when finding a game
variable: gl_findGameTimeoutPerPlayer
type: float
current: 5
help: Extension to findGameTimeout for each player in session
variable: gl_findGameTimeoutRandomRange
type: float
current: 5
help: Randomization for the findGameTimeout
variable: gl_gameTimeRemainingRestrictLoad
type: float
current: 30
help: Don't start loading a level if there's only a limited amount of time remai
variable: gl_hostMigrationEnsureBestHostDelayTime
type: float
current: 10
help: Time after a player joins before we call ensurebesthost
variable: gl_hostMigrationEnsureBestHostGameStartMinimumTime
type: float
current: 4
help: Minimum amount of time before the game starts that we're allowed to check
for a better host
variable: gl_hostMigrationEnsureBestHostOnReturnToLobbyDelayTime
type: float
current: 5
help: Time after the game countdown starts before we call ensurebesthost
variable: gl_hostMigrationEnsureBestHostOnStartCountdownDelayTime
type: float
current: 3
help: Time after the game countdown starts before we call ensurebesthost
variable: gl_ignoreBadServers
type: int
current: 0
help: Don't ignore bad servers (ones we have failed to connect to before)
variable: gl_initialTime
type: float
current: 10
help: How long you spend in the lobby on a newly created lobby
variable: gl_leaveGameTimeout
type: float
current: 10
help: Timeout for waiting for other players to leave the game before leaving our
variable: gl_maxGetOnlineDataRetries
type: int
current: 10
help: Max number of retries allowed before server gives up trying to get user's
online data
variable: gl_maxSessionNameTimeWithoutConnection
type: float
current: 5
help: Time a session name is allowed to persist before being removed
variable: gl_minPlaylistSizeToEnableVoting
type: int
current: 2
help: A playlist must contain at least this many levels for voting to be enabled
, even when gl_enablePlaylistVoting is set. Note that setting it to 1 and having
a playlist with 1 level in it will still work, but it'll present a vote with th
e same level as both voting candidates
variable: gl_skillChangeUpdateDelayTime
type: float
current: 3
help: Amount of time after detecting a change in skill ranking, before we call S
variable: gl_skip
type: int
current: 0
help: Skips the game lobby
variable: gl_startTimerMaxPlayerJoinResets
type: int
current: 8
help: Amount of times the start timer can be reset due to players joining before
they are ignored
variable: gl_startTimerMinTimeAfterPlayerJoined
type: float
current: 10
help: Minimum time before a game can start after a player has joined
variable: gl_time
type: float
current: 45
help: Time in lobby between games
variable: gl_timeBeforeStartOfGameForNoMatchMaking
type: float
current: 5
help: Amount of time at the end of the start countdown before we disable matchma
king (enabled after InGame is hit)
variable: gl_timeTillEndOfGameForNoMatchMaking
type: float
current: 120
help: Amount of game time remaining in which no matchmaking should occur
variable: gl_votingCloseTimeBeforeStart
type: float
current: 5
help: Playlist voting will close this many secs before game start countdown fini
variable: gl_writeLeaderboardDataRetries
type: int
current: 5
help: Max number of retries allowed before server gives up trying to write user'
s leaderboard data
variable: gpu_particle_physics REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable GPU physics if available (0=off / 1=enabled).
variable: h_drawSlippers
type: int
current: 0
help: Red ball when tentacle is lifted, green when on ground
variable: h_useIK
type: int
current: 1
help: Hunter uses always IK
variable: http_password
type: string
current: password
help: Password for http administration
variable: hud_alloc_show
type: int
current: 0
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/TeamInstantAction
variable: hud_allowMouseInput
type: int
current: 1
help: Allows mouse input on menus and special hud objects.
variable: hud_aspectCorrection
type: int
current: 0
help: Aspect ratio corrections for controller rotation: 0-off, 1-direct, 2-inver
variable: hud_battlelog_enableFlashReadback
type: int
current: 1
help: A
variable: hud_battlelog_iconOffset
type: float
current: 0
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_027/TimesCollected
variable: hud_battlelog_iconPadding
type: float
current: 5
help: h§/ø¼/ ½/¾/8Â/xÃ/è½/`Â/ Ä/
Å/PÃ/ÐÅ/øÅ/HÆ/ Å/ Ç/PÈ/hÉ/°Ç/ Ê/Síh±wL±w
variable: hud_battlelog_pause
type: int
current: 0
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_Levels/wars/cw2_alien_vessel
variable: hud_battlelog_queueSizeBeforeFast
type: int
current: 3
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_Levels/wars/cw2_alien_vessel_small
variable: hud_battlelog_timeMuliplier_fast
type: float
current: 1.3
help: The multiplier applied to the number of seconds the animation for battlelo
g plays. For large number of messages.
variable: hud_battlelog_timeMuliplier_slow
type: float
current: 2
help: XÎíüí
variable: hud_boot_enableForMP
type: int
current: 0
help: MP/Options/Extraction/TimeLimit
variable: hud_capturing_timeToExplode
type: float
current: 3
help: please add: variations for seeing player, being alone, sometimes addressi
ng the player
variable: hud_cgf_positionBase
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/Options/Assault/ScoreLimit
variable: hud_cgf_positionRightScale
type: float
current: 0
help: ëøÝ=| Øå\
variable: hud_cgf_positionScaleFOV
type: float
current: 0
help: MP/Options/Assault/DefaultMap
variable: hud_cgf_positionUpScale
type: float
current: 0
variable: hud_chatlog_pause
type: int
current: 0
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_026/TimesCollected
variable: hud_chatlog_queueSizeBeforeFast
type: int
current: 3
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_KillsByDamageType/stealthKill
variable: hud_chatlog_timeMuliplier_fast
type: float
current: 1.3
variable: hud_chatlog_timeMuliplier_slow
type: float
current: 2
help: ¨É[ Ë]`Ç]èÆ] BZ@Ø[Ñ\¨Å]È]°]P.]¸Zx‾]`] ²] Ä]x´]X±]h°]Ø[hæY ó[h Y@Ý[Ð \ õ\ò[ ]â\¸²
variable: hud_colorLine
type: int
current: 4481854
help: HUD line color.
variable: hud_colorOver
type: int
current: 14125840
help: HUD hovered color.
variable: hud_colorText
type: int
current: 12386209
help: HUD text color.
variable: hud_ContextualHealthIndicator
type: int
current: 0
help: Display the HealthBar directly on the enemy screen position when scanned.
variable: hud_controllerMouse_speed
type: float
current: 250
help: batterypark,2,intro,1,
variable: hud_Crosshair
type: int
current: 1
help: ° Ý=| øÉ[
variable: hud_Crosshair_blinkin_endrate
type: float
current: 0.05
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamesDrawn/PowerStruggleLite
variable: hud_Crosshair_blinkin_startrate
type: float
current: 0.1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamesDrawn/TeamInstantAction
variable: hud_Crosshair_blinkout_endrate
type: float
current: 0.05
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_025/TimesCollected
variable: hud_Crosshair_blinkout_startrate
type: float
current: 0.5
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_KillsByDamageType/gaussbullet
variable: hud_Crosshair_ironsight_fadeInDelay
type: float
current: 0.05
help: libs/hitdeathreactionsdata/hitdeathreactions_alienpinger.xml
variable: hud_Crosshair_ironsight_fadeInTime
type: float
current: 0.2
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_KillsByDamageType/pingerPing
variable: hud_Crosshair_ironsight_fadeOutTime
type: float
current: 0.12
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_KillsByDamageType/impulse_hit
variable: hud_Crosshair_laser_fadeInTime
type: float
current: 0.2
help: MP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/TeamInstantAction
variable: hud_Crosshair_laser_fadeOutTime
type: float
current: 0.2
help: MP/PersistantStats/EMPS_KillsByDamageType/alienDropPodBounce
variable: hud_Crosshair_shotgun_spreadMultiplier
type: float
current: 2.2
variable: hud_Crosshair_underradar_flashcount
type: float
current: 3
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_KillsByDamageType/punishFall
variable: hud_Crosshair_underradar_flashtime
type: float
current: 1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_KillsByDamageType/silentMelee
variable: hud_CrosshairHideOnReload
type: int
current: 1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_WeaponUsage
variable: hud_CrosshairHitIndicator_AfterSuitFailFadeoutMultiplier
type: float
current: 2
help: I
variable: hud_CrosshairMinSpread
type: float
current: 0.5
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_028/Unlocked
variable: hud_CrosshairSpreadMultiplier
type: float
current: 10
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_029/Unlocked
variable: hud_CrosshairUseSmoothSpread
type: int
current: 1
help: libs/hitdeathreactionsdata/hitdeathreactions_alienstalker.xml
variable: hud_ctrlZoomMode
type: int
current: 0
help: Weapon aiming mode with controller. 0 is same as mouse zoom, 1 cancels at
variable: hud_customtext_afterTextFadeAnimDelay
type: float
current: 0.5
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_AttachmentUnlocked/FlashBangGrenades
variable: hud_customtext_initialAnimDelay
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_teamcaptured
variable: hud_DeathRedScreen
type: int
current: 1
help: When the Player gets in the MercyTime health range, the screen turns red.
variable: hud_DebugFrontEnd
type: int
current: 0
help: Show Debug Informations for the FrontEnd.
variable: hud_detector_detonationDelayFlashRate
type: float
current: 3
help: MP/Options/BombTheBase/ScoreLimit
variable: hud_DMode
type: int
current: 0
help: íÝ=| È.]Xz_
variable: hud_dogtagsDbgDrawSpawnImpulseHelpers
type: int
current: 0
help: À4à 5àø3à85àÐ3à 4à
3àH4à03à 3àà2à 4à 2à¨3àÈ1àX3àð1à¸2à 1à@2àP1àh2à ûö°A0ÖßÐÖßàÕßXÖßhø߸
variable: hud_dogtagsEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: Þ=| ` ](j_
variable: hud_dogtagsHUDPopupEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: MP/Options/PowerStruggleLite/ScoreLimit
variable: hud_dogtagsSpawnDirectionalBump
type: float
current: 0.25
help: T
variable: hud_dogtagsSpawnHeightBump
type: float
current: 0.8
variable: hud_dogtagsSpawnImpulseAngDegZ
type: float
current: 0
help: Ð3âp4â
3â 3âà2â03â@2âp%âð1â 2â
variable: hud_dogtagsSpawnImpulseMag
type: float
current: 3
help: {àØ{à°{à8{à`{àÀzà{àèzàHzà zà zàpzà¨yàXyàà}àÐyààxàøyà xàyà@xà yà0¿öHA0Cà`5àÀ4à 5àø3à85
variable: hud_double_taptime
type: float
current: 0.25
variable: hud_DPad_visual_time
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/Options/PowerStruggleLite/TimeLimit
variable: hud_enable_tutorial_box
type: int
current: 1
help: ûÝ=| 
variable: hud_faderDebug
type: int
current: 0
help: Show Debug Information for FullScreen Faders. 2 = Disable screen fading
variable: hud_findDeepestWorkingPathOnGetVariableFail
type: int
current: 0
help: ìQ¸> Âõ<ÍÌÌ>
×£½ÍÌÌ> Âu>¤p½>ffæ>ÍÌÌ>ÍÌL>®Ç> Âõ½®Ç>Ãõ¨¾ÍÌÌ>
×£½\ Â>ÍÌL>ÍÌÌ> Âõ½¤p½>®Ga>®Ç>)\ ½ÍÌÌ>
×#=ÍÌÌ> Âu¾ìQ¸> Âõ<ÍÌÌ>
×£½ÍÌÌ> Âu>¤p½>ffæ>ÍÌÌ>ÍÌL>®Ç> Âõ½®Ç>Ãõ¨¾ÍÌÌ>
×£½\ Â>ÍÌL>ÍÌÌ> Âõ½¤p½>®Ga>®Ç>)\ ½ÍÌÌ> óu
variable: hud_hide
type: int
current: 0
help: 98$
variable: hud_hitIndicators_depth
type: float
current: 0.4
help: MP/Options/Extraction/NumberOfRounds
variable: hud_hitIndicators_forceShow
type: int
current: 0
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_005/TimesCollected
variable: hud_hitIndicators_timeOnScreen
type: float
current: 1.5
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_KillsByDamageType/alienDropPodBounce
variable: hud_inputprompts_dropPromptTime
type: float
current: 3
help: Time|À 
variable: hud_inputprompts_enabled
type: int
current: 1
variable: hud_InterestPointsMaxDist
type: float
current: 60
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesTime/PowerStruggleLite
variable: hud_InterestPointsMaxDistSize
type: float
current: 0.75
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_022/Unlocked
variable: hud_InterestPointsMinDist
type: float
current: 2
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesTime/TeamInstantAction
variable: hud_InterestPointsMinDistSize
type: float
current: 2
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_023/Unlocked
variable: hud_InterestPointsPingDistance
type: float
current: 80
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_021/Unlocked
variable: hud_InterestPointsQueryRate
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_024/Unlocked
variable: hud_InterestPointsRadius
type: float
current: 50
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_024/TimesCollected
variable: hud_lockless_buffer_size
type: int
current: 300000
help: ¸Ô% Ô%øÒ%øÖ%8Ø%¸Ñ%âüÖ%øÔ% ×%
variable: hud_lowAmmoOn_timesOut
type: int
current: 0
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_teamcapturing
variable: hud_mapEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables the map (on m key and from the menu in mp)
variable: hud_messages_bracketsClosingSpeedScale
type: float
current: 1
help: C
variable: hud_messages_bracketsInterpolateMethod
type: int
current: 5
help: goto
variable: hud_messages_bracketsInterpolateScalar
type: float
current: 100
help: stabilize
variable: hud_messages_bracketsOpeningSpeedScale
type: float
current: 1
help: N
variable: hud_messages_queueSizeBeforeFast
type: int
current: 3
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_Levels/wars/cw2_cxp_liberty_mil
variable: hud_messages_speedScale
type: float
current: 1
help: H
variable: hud_messages_timeMuliplier_fast
type: float
current: 1.5
help: F
variable: hud_messages_timeMuliplier_slow
type: float
current: 1
help: W
variable: hud_minimapLevelsAlphaToUpdate
type: float
current: 0.05
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_020/TimesCollected
variable: hud_minimapLevelsEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/InstantAction
variable: hud_minimapLevelsZToUpdate
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/assault:mode_assault_newitemsready
variable: hud_mpHasOwnAssets
type: int
current: 1
help: MP/Options/CaptureTheFlag/DefaultMap
variable: hud_mpObjectives_atEdgeFixedDepthValue
type: float
current: 0
help: X~% ~%È~%
variable: hud_mpObjectives_atEdgeUseFixedDepth
type: int
current: 0
help: øÕà ÕààÔàÚàXÕàÕà¸Ôà ÔàhÔàÔà Óà@ÔàÈÓàðÓàxÓà(Óà°ÒàPÓàØÒà
variable: hud_mpObjectives_boxHeight
type: float
current: 0.9
help: 8JY8JY
variable: hud_mpObjectives_boxWidth
type: float
current: 0.775
variable: hud_mpObjectives_chamfering
type: int
current: 1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_008/TimesCollected
variable: hud_mpObjectives_chamferRadius
type: float
current: 0.3
help: DialogueVolume
variable: hud_mpObjectives_globalScale
type: float
current: 1.2
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_009/TimesCollected
variable: hud_mpObjectives_iconRotate
type: int
current: 1
variable: hud_mpObjectives_shrinkWithDistance
type: float
current: 0
help: Toggles FlowGraph System DefaultInspector.
Usage: fg_Inspector [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
variable: hud_mpObjectives_shrinkWithDistanceEdge
type: float
current: 0
help: @QH4lH4lH Ó Ô Ô 
variable: hud_navPath_autoClearAtEnd
type: int
current: 0
help: SP/PersistantStats/EIPS_ECMKills
variable: hud_navPath_autoClearDistance
type: float
current: 5
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_010/Unlocked
variable: hud_navPath_compassDistance
type: float
current: 12
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_weapondefused
variable: hud_navPath_enable
type: int
current: 0
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_011/Unlocked
variable: hud_navPath_maxPoints
type: int
current: 100
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_009/Unlocked
variable: hud_navPath_minSegmentLength
type: float
current: 0.5
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_017/TimesCollected
variable: hud_navPath_segmentLengthIncrease
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_008/Unlocked
variable: hud_navPath_smoothLevel
type: int
current: 4
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/Extraction
variable: hud_navPath_updateDistance
type: float
current: 2
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_018/TimesCollected
variable: hud_objectiveIcons_attachToAllBullets
type: int
current: 0
help: Create an objective icon for each bullet launched (for testing/debugging o
bjective icon code)
variable: hud_objectiveIcons_flashTime
type: float
current: 1.6
help: Time between icon changes for flashing objective icons
variable: hud_objectiveLeadingMode
type: int
current: 1
help: please add: variations for seeing player, being alone, sometimes addressi
ng the player
variable: hud_ObjectiveRangeDistance
type: float
current: 100
help: xi_v_attack1
variable: hud_onshot_enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:interface:multiplayer/mp_cctv_tag_fail_fp
variable: hud_onshot_radarEnabled
type: int
current: 0
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/assault:mode_assault_alertlevelup
variable: hud_perk_deploymentIconScale
type: float
current: 100
help: 8LY8LY
variable: hud_perk_iconFlashRate
type: float
current: 3
help: MP/Options/BombTheBase/DefaultMap
variable: hud_perk_speedMuliplier
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/Options/CaptureTheFlag/TimeLimit
variable: hud_posteffects_enable
type: int
current: 1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_026/Unlocked
variable: hud_radarNorthRotationMP
type: float
current: 0.57
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_013/Unlocked
variable: hud_radarNorthRotationSP
type: float
current: 0
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_014/Unlocked
variable: hud_radarOnShootTimeOnRadar
type: float
current: 3
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesMVP/PowerStruggleLite
variable: hud_radarScaleMP
type: float
current: 15
help: ¼Ý=|  Z _¸ _7
variable: hud_radarScaleSP
type: float
current: 35
help: ¼Ý=|  @Z
variable: hud_radarSpottedTimeOnRadar
type: float
current: 5
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/SinglePlayer
variable: hud_radarSweepSpeed
type: float
current: 0.7
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_015/Unlocked
variable: hud_radarSweepVisibleDistance
type: float
current: 200
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_021/TimesCollected
variable: hud_radarTypeMP
type: int
current: 1
help: G
variable: hud_scores_queueSizeBeforeFast
type: int
current: 3
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_Levels/wars/cw2_collided_buildings
variable: hud_scores_timeMuliplier_fast
type: float
current: 1.3
help: The multiplier applied to the number of seconds the animation for scores p
lays. For large number of messages.
variable: hud_scores_timeMuliplier_slow
type: float
current: 2
help: XÎí ÎíPÌípóí¨òíüí
variable: hud_skipLoadingAssets
type: int
current: 0
help: MP/Options/CaptureTheFlag/ScoreLimit
variable: hud_spotting_enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EIPS_QuinKills
variable: hud_startPaused
type: int
current: 1
help: The game starts paused, waiting for user input.
variable: hud_stereo_icon_depth_multiplier
type: float
current: 1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesTime/CaptureTheFlag
variable: hud_stereo_maxDist
type: float
current: 10
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:interface:multiplayer/mp_cctv_tag_fail_fp
variable: hud_stereo_minDist
type: float
current: 0.35
help: MP/PersistantStats/EMPS_WeaponHeadshotKills/FlashBangGrenades
variable: hud_stereo_multiplier
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_022/TimesCollected
variable: hud_stereo_objective_icon_depth
type: float
current: 500
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_020/Unlocked
variable: hud_subtitles
type: int
current: 1
help: Subtitle mode. 0==Off, 1=All, 2=CutscenesOnly
variable: hud_tagging_colour_alerted_b
type: float
current: 0
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_sentry_activate
variable: hud_tagging_colour_alerted_g
type: float
current: 0.761719
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_sentry_deactivat
variable: hud_tagging_colour_alerted_r
type: float
current: 1
help: v_nanosuit_toggleVision
variable: hud_tagging_colour_combat_b
type: float
current: 0
help: I
variable: hud_tagging_colour_combat_g
type: float
current: 0
help: S
variable: hud_tagging_colour_combat_r
type: float
current: 1
help: G
variable: hud_tagging_duration
type: float
current: 10
help: ¼³ <ÿ  L lü ¤ ¬û tr; ú 4û Ôú ¼  Tü e (\ äe(D \
variable: hud_tagging_duration_assaultDefenders
type: float
current: 10
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesMVP/TeamInstantAction
variable: hud_tagging_enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EIPS_QuadKills
variable: hud_tagname_rankTextColourEnemies
type: string
help: An enemy specific hex code colour string used for the rank text in tagname
variable: hud_tagname_rankTextColourFriends
type: string
help: A friend specific hex code colour string used for the rank text in tagname
variable: hud_tagname_rankTextColourFriendSquad
type: string
help: A friend on local player's sqaud specific hex code colour string used for
the rank text in tagnames.
variable: hud_tagnames_EnemyLockOnDuration
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: hud_tagnames_EnemyTimeUntilLockObtained
type: float
current: 0.4
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_baseexplode
variable: hud_tagnames_FadeInOutDuringEnemyLock
type: int
current: 1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/Countdown
variable: hud_tagnames_occludeAll
type: int
current: 0
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_full_oneshot
variable: hud_tagnames_occludeBoxTest
type: int
current: 0
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_AttachmentUnlocked/FragGrenades
variable: hud_tagnames_occludedEnemyShowArrows
type: int
current: 0
help: Sounds/a_stalker:stalker_voice:combat_contact_first_response
variable: hud_tagnames_occludedFriendlyShowArrows
type: int
current: 0
help: Sounds/physics_foleys:foleys/player:feedback_leave_low_health
variable: hud_tagnames_occlusionCylinderWidth
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_opponentcapturin
variable: hud_tagnames_RankFontSize
type: int
current: 14
help: SP/PersistantStats/EFPS_DamageTaken
variable: hud_tagnames_scale_farDist
type: float
current: 100
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_014/TimesCollected
variable: hud_tagnames_scale_farScale
type: float
current: 0.2
help: The
variable: hud_tagnames_scale_maxScaleGlobal
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/awards/Visible1
variable: hud_tagnames_scale_midDist
type: float
current: 20
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_015/TimesCollected
variable: hud_tagnames_scale_midScale
type: float
current: 0.8
variable: hud_tagnames_scale_minScaleGlobal
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_01_000/Unlocked
variable: hud_tagnames_scale_nearDist
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_016/TimesCollected
variable: hud_tagnames_scale_nearScale
type: float
current: 1
help: &
variable: hud_tagnames_showOverCorpses
type: int
current: 1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EFPS_DistanceRan
variable: hud_tagnames_ThroughGeom_dead
type: int
current: 0
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/AllOrNothing
variable: hud_tagnames_ThroughGeom_enemies
type: int
current: 0
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/BombTheBase
variable: hud_tagnames_ThroughGeom_friendies
type: int
current: 1
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/CaptureTheFlag
variable: hud_tagnames_useOcclusion
type: int
current: 1
help: Ø %$4 4»#"÷ã
variable: hud_tagnames_zoffset_farDist
type: float
current: 350
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_011/TimesCollected
variable: hud_tagnames_zoffset_farOffset
type: float
current: 0.18
help: Sounds/a_grunt:grunt_voice:idle_unknown_target_nothing_response
variable: hud_tagnames_zoffset_midDist
type: float
current: 8
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_012/TimesCollected
variable: hud_tagnames_zoffset_midOffset
type: float
current: 0.18
help: [PlayerProfiles] Login of user 'JonasB' successful.
variable: hud_tagnames_zoffset_nearDist
type: float
current: 1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_013/TimesCollected
variable: hud_tagnames_zoffset_nearOffset
type: float
current: 0.18
help: Sounds/a_stalker:stalker_voice:alert_see_unknown_target_first
variable: hud_threat_distanceAboveThreat
type: float
current: -0.1
help: P
variable: hud_threat_radius
type: float
current: 0.4
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_WeaponHeadshotKills/FlashBangGrenades
variable: hud_threat_showLocalPlayersAfterXTime
type: float
current: 1
help: O
variable: hud_threat_stopGrenadesExploding
type: int
current: 0
help: MP/Options/Assault/NumberOfRounds
variable: hud_threat_useRotationFromPlayer
type: int
current: 1
help: ÐÁüÂü@TÆ1ÏT v
variable: hud_threat_useScaledThreatLocation
type: int
current: 0
help: xi_v_attack2
variable: hud_UseFlashFrontEndLoading
type: int
current: 0
help: Use the flash front end loading screen instead of the texture front end lo
ading screen.
variable: hud_warningDisplayTimeMP
type: float
current: 0.1
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_003/TimesCollected
variable: hud_warningDisplayTimeMP_lowEnergy
type: float
current: 0.2
help: MP/Options/CaptureTheFlag/NumberOfRounds
variable: hud_warningDisplayTimeSP
type: float
current: 2
help: MP/DogTagProgression/dtu_00_004/TimesCollected
variable: hud_WeaponInfo_changeFiremodeDisplayTime
type: float
current: 3
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/assault:mode_assault_hacking_complete
variable: hud_WeaponInfo_changeWeaponDisplayTime
type: float
current: 3
help: SP/PersistantStats/EMPS_GamemodesHighscore/CrashSite
variable: hud_WeaponSelectDisplayTime
type: float
current: 2
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_pickupweapon
variable: i_auto_turret_target
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/Disables auto turrets aquiring targets.
variable: i_auto_turret_target_tacshells
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/Disables auto turrets aquiring TAC shells as targets
variable: i_bufferedkeys
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles key buffering.
Usage: i_bufferedkeys [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to process buffered key strokes.
variable: i_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles input event debugging.
Usage: i_debug [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to spam console with key events (only press and rel
variable: i_debug_itemparams_memusage
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays info about the item params memory usage
variable: i_debug_mp_flowgraph
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays info on the MP flowgraph node
variable: i_debug_projectiles
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays info about projectile status, where available.
variable: i_debug_recoil
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays info about current recoil
variable: i_debug_sounds
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable item sound debugging
variable: i_debug_spread
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays info about current spread
variable: i_debug_turrets
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable GunTurret debugging.
0: off
1: basics
2: prediction
3: sweeping
4: searching
5: deviation
6: Always Hostile (will shoot at you)

variable: i_debug_weaponActions
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays info about weapon actions that are happening (1 shows only new ac
tions, 2 shows you when duplicate actions are called)
variable: i_debug_weaponparams_memusage
type: int
current: 0
help: Displays info about the weapon params memory usage
variable: i_debug_zoom_mods
type: int
current: 0
help: Use zoom mode spread/recoil mods
variable: i_debuggun_1 DUMPTODISK
type: string
current: ai_statsTarget
help: Command to execute on primary DebugGun fire
variable: i_debuggun_2 DUMPTODISK
type: string
current: ai_BehaviorStatsTarget
help: Command to execute on secondary DebugGun fire
variable: i_dogtag_constantorientation
type: int
current: 0
help: dogtag orientation does not change
variable: i_dogtag_gravity
type: float
current: -9.8
help: dogtag particle gravity
variable: i_dogtag_lifetime
type: float
current: 60
help: time in seconds before dogtags despawn
variable: i_dogtag_minBounceVel
type: float
current: 0.3
help: minimum velocity for dogtag to bounce
variable: i_dogtag_minVel
type: float
current: 0.2
help: minimum velocity at which point physics will sleep
variable: i_dogtag_nopathalign
type: int
current: 1
help: dogtag does not align to velocity direction
variable: i_dogtag_normalX
type: float
current: 0
help: dogtag normal x
variable: i_dogtag_normalY
type: float
current: 0
help: dogtag normal y
variable: i_dogtag_normalZ
type: float
current: 1
help: dogtag normal z
variable: i_dogtag_noroll
type: int
current: 1
help: dogtag particle aligns to ground at all times
variable: i_dogtag_nospin
type: int
current: 0
help: dogtag particle doesn't spin in the air
variable: i_dogtag_pierceability
type: int
current: 15
help: particle pierceability for dogtag
variable: i_dogtag_size
type: float
current: 0.05
help: physics size for dogtag collisions
variable: i_dogtag_thickness
type: float
current: 0.05
help: thickness for dogtag used to position it above ground
variable: i_dogtag_useparticlephysics
type: int
current: 1
help: dogtag uses particle physics instead of rigid
variable: i_enable_auto_weapon_lowering
type: int
current: 0
variable: i_failedDetonation_lifetime
type: float
current: 1
help: Length of time from failed detonation until deletion
variable: i_failedDetonation_speedMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.15
help: Multiplier to current velocity upon a failed detonation
variable: i_fastSelectMultiplier
type: float
current: 4
help: Multiplier to use for deselecting prev weapon when switching to a fast sel
variable: i_forcefeedback
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable force feedback output.
variable: i_grenade_showTrajectory
type: int
current: 0
help: Switches on trajectory display
variable: i_hmg_detachWeaponAnimFraction
type: float
current: 0.55
help: Fraction of time through deslection animation to physicalise and detach we
variable: i_hmg_impulseLocalDirection_x
type: float
current: 1
help: x value for local impulse direction
variable: i_hmg_impulseLocalDirection_y
type: float
current: 0
help: y value for local impulse direction
variable: i_hmg_impulseLocalDirection_z
type: float
current: 0
help: z value for local impulse direction
variable: i_inventory_capacity
type: int
current: 64
help: Players inventory capacity
variable: i_itemSystemDebugMemStats
type: int
current: 0
help: Display item memory stats on screen
variable: i_laser_hitPosOffset
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Distance from hit to position the aim dot
variable: i_lighteffects DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable lights spawned during item effects.
variable: i_lying_item_limit
type: int
current: 64
help: Max number of items lying around in a level. Only works in multiplayer.
variable: i_mouse_accel DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0
help: Set mouse acceleration, 0.0 means no acceleration.
Usage: i_mouse_accel [float number] (usually a small number, 0.1 is a good one)
Default is 0.0 (off)
variable: i_mouse_accel_max DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 100
help: Set mouse max mouse delta when using acceleration.
Usage: i_mouse_accel_max [float number]
Default is 100.0
variable: i_mouse_buffered
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles mouse input buffering.
Usage: i_mouse_buffered [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to process buffered mouse input.
variable: i_mouse_inertia DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0
help: Set mouse inertia. It is disabled (0.0) by default.
Usage: i_mouse_inertia [float number]
Default is 0.0
variable: i_mouse_smooth DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0
help: Set mouse smoothing value, also if 0 (disabled) there will be a simple ave
between the old and the actual input.
Usage: i_mouse_smooth [float number]
(1.0 = very very smooth, 30 = almost instant)
Default is 0.0
variable: i_particleeffects DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable particles spawned during item effects.
variable: i_precache DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables precaching of items during level loading.
variable: i_ps3input_deadzone_handling
type: int
current: 1
help: deadzonehandling
Usage: i_xinput_deadzone_handling 0/1 (0 - old deadzone/ 1 - new deadzone)
Default is 1. Value must be >=0.
variable: i_rejecteffects DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable ammo reject effects during weapon firing.
variable: i_soundeffects DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable playing item sound effects.
variable: i_staticfiresounds DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable static fire sounds. Static sounds are not unloaded when idl
variable: i_useCharacterAttachments
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable use of character attachments for weapons.
variable: i_xinput
type: int
current: 1
help: Number of XInput controllers to process
Usage: i_xinput [0/1/2/3/4]
Default is 1.
variable: i_xinput_deadzone_handling
type: int
current: 1
help: deadzonehandling
Usage: i_xinput_deadzone_handling 0/1 (0 - old deadzone/ 1 - new deadzone)
Default is 1. Value must be >=0.
variable: i_xinput_poll_time
type: int
current: 1000
help: Number of ms between device polls in polling thread
Usage: i_xinput_poll_time 500
Default is 1000ms. Value must be >=0.
variable: kc_bulletCamOffsetX
type: float
current: 0
help: Camera offset for bullet time
variable: kc_bulletCamOffsetY
type: float
current: -0.3
help: Camera offset for bullet time
variable: kc_bulletCamOffsetZ
type: float
current: 0.06
help: Camera offset for bullet time
variable: kc_bulletHoverDist
type: float
current: 4
help: The distance at which the bullet slows down in a skill kill
variable: kc_bulletHoverTime
type: float
current: 1
help: The time for which the bullet slows down in a skill kill
variable: kc_bulletHoverTimeScale
type: float
current: 0.01
help: The time scale to use when the bullet slows down to a hover
variable: kc_bulletPostHoverTimeScale
type: float
current: 1
help: The time scale to use when the bullet speeds up after hover
variable: kc_bulletRiflingSpeed
type: float
current: 6.5
help: Speed bullets spin in the killcam
variable: kc_bulletSpeed
type: float
current: 100
help: The speed of a bullet for skill kill (in meters per second)
variable: kc_bulletTravelTimeScale
type: float
current: 0.5
help: The time scale to use when the bullet is moving towards its target
variable: kc_bulletZoomDist
type: float
current: 0.5
help: The distance the camera zooms in on impact in bullet time killcam
variable: kc_bulletZoomOutRatio
type: float
current: 1
help: The distance the camera zooms back out on impact in bullet time killcam as
a ratio of kc_bulletZoomDist
variable: kc_bulletZoomTime
type: float
current: 0.02
help: The time taken for the camera to zoom in on impact in bullet time killcam
variable: kc_cameraCollision
type: int
current: 0
help: Use the additional collision tests to ensure killcam doesn't clip through
variable: kc_cameraRaiseHeight
type: float
current: 1
help: Distance killcam should raytest upwards when trying to raise camera from t
he floor.
variable: kc_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables debugging of the KillCam with the P key
variable: kc_debugSkillKill
type: int
current: 0
help: Treats every kill as a skill kill
variable: kc_debugStressTest
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables stress testing of the killcam.
variable: kc_debugVictimPos
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables debug drawing of the victim position in KillCam
variable: kc_debugWinningKill
type: int
current: 0
help: Treats every kill as the winning kill
variable: kc_enable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables the KillCam
variable: kc_grenadeSmoothingDist
type: float
current: 10
help: Sets the distance at which camera smoothing kicks in for grenades
variable: kc_gunshipCamDist
type: float
current: 10
help: Camera offset for Alien Gunship killcam
variable: kc_gunshipCamHeight
type: float
current: 0
help: Camera offset for Alien Gunship killcam
variable: kc_kickInTime
type: float
current: 2
help: Sets the time the killcam will start replay after death (in seconds)
variable: kc_largeProjectileDistance
type: float
current: 0.625
help: Sets the distance behind which the killcam will follow large projectiles (
e.g. JAW)
variable: kc_largeProjectileHeightOffset
type: float
current: 0.18
help: Sets the height offset of the camera during large projectile (e.g. JAW) ki
llcam replay
variable: kc_length
type: float
current: 5
help: Sets the killcam replay length (in seconds)
variable: kc_maxFramesToPlayAtOnce
type: int
current: 10
help: The maximum number of frames that will be replayed at once if the killcam
is lagging
variable: kc_memStats
type: int
current: 0
help: Shows memory statistics of the KillCam buffers
variable: kc_perkCamOffsetX
type: float
current: -3
help: Camera offset for perk killcam (Microwave beam)
variable: kc_perkCamOffsetY
type: float
current: 0
help: Camera offset for perk killcam (Microwave beam)
variable: kc_perkCamOffsetZ
type: float
current: 18
help: Camera offset for perk killcam (Microwave beam)
variable: kc_playbackSyncDelay
type: float
current: 0
help: Additional delay added between remote killcam recording and local recordin
g to account for player interpolation
variable: kc_projectileDistance
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Sets the distance behind which the killcam will follow projectiles
variable: kc_projectileHeightOffset
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Sets the height offset of the camera during projectile killcam replay
variable: kc_projectileMinimumVictimDist
type: float
current: 4.3
help: Sets the minimum distance between the victim and the camera
variable: kc_projectileVictimHeightOffset
type: float
current: 0.65
help: Sets the height offset of the camera focus point during projectile killcam
variable: kc_skillKillLength
type: float
current: 4
help: Sets the killcam replay length (in seconds)
variable: kc_smoothing
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Sets the amount of camera smoothing to use during projectile replay (range
from 0 to less than 1)
variable: log_IncludeTime
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles time stamping of log entries.
Usage: log_IncludeTime [0/1/2/3/4]
0=off (default)
1=current time
2=relative time
3=current+relative time
4=absolute time in seconds since this mode was started
variable: log_Module
type: string
help: Only show warnings from specified module
variable: log_SpamDelay
type: float
current: 0
help: Sets the minimum time interval between messages classified as spam
variable: log_tick
type: float
current: 0
help: When not 0, writes tick log entry into the log file, every N seconds
variable: log_Verbosity DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: defines the verbosity level for log messages written to console
-1=suppress all logs (including eAlways)
0=suppress all logs(except eAlways)
1=additional errors
2=additional warnings
3=additional messages
4=additional comments
variable: log_VerbosityOverridesWriteToFile DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: when enabled, setting log_verbosity to 0 will stop all logging including w
riting to file
variable: log_WriteToFile DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: toggle whether to write log to file (game.log)
variable: log_WriteToFileVerbosity DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: defines the verbosity level for log messages written to files
-1=suppress all logs (including eAlways)
0=suppress all logs(except eAlways)
1=additional errors
2=additional warnings
3=additional messages
4=additional comments
variable: lua_CodeCoverage
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables code coverage
variable: lua_debugger
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables the script debugger.
1 to trigger on breakpoints and errors
2 to only trigger on errors
Usage: lua_debugger [0/1/2]
variable: lua_stackonmalloc
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/disables logging of the called lua functions and respective callst
acks, whenever a new lua object is instantiated.
variable: lua_StopOnError
type: int
current: 0
help: Stops on error
variable: MemInfo
type: int
current: 0
help: Display memory information by modules
1=on, 0=off
variable: MemStats
type: int
current: 0
help: 0/x=refresh rate in milliseconds
Use 1000 to switch on and 0 to switch off
Usage: MemStats [0..]
variable: MemStatsMaxDepth
type: int
current: 4
variable: MemStatsThreshold
type: int
current: 32000
variable: menu3D_enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable rendering of 3D objects over certain front end and in-game menus
variable: menu_cmdbuffer_DebugBuffer
type: int
current: 0
help: 8°8°¸°d5&8°8°¸°d5&X5&
variable: menu_cmdbuffer_FEBackground
type: int
current: 0
help: o
variable: menu_cmdbuffer_FEMainUI
type: int
current: 0
help:îáXîáðìáÈûáíáhíáÀêáxìá ìáÈìáð
variable: menu_cmdbuffer_FEWarnings
type: int
current: 0
help: ìQ¸> Âõ<ÍÌÌ>
×£½ÍÌÌ> Âu>¤p½>ffæ>ÍÌÌ>ÍÌL>®Ç> Âõ½®Ç>Ãõ¨¾ÍÌÌ>
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variable: menu_cmdbuffer_FriendsPopups
type: int
current: 0
help: A
variable: menu_cmdbuffer_VideoBuffer
type: int
current: 0
help: p X à ¸ ð x   P ( Ø©  8 Ð  X @ 0 à È ð   Ø 
variable: menu_dogtagsMenuEnable
type: int
current: 1
help: MP/Options/TeamInstantAction/RespawnDelay
variable: menu_dogtagsMenuLocalDurationOn
type: float
current: 2
help: Sounds/crysiswars2:gamemodes/powerstrugglelite:mode_power_opponentcaptured
variable: menu_dogtagsMenuLocalDurationWait
type: float
current: 15
help: àÕßXÖßhø߸Õß ÕßðÔßÈÔßhÕßxÔßPÔßÕßØÓß Ôß(Ôß
variable: menu_dogtagsMenuTempDurationOn
type: float
current: 2
help: Set a custom safe area 0->1 is proportion or, >1 is an ID.
variable: menu_dogtagsMenuTempDurationWait
type: float
current: 5
help: [GameProfiles]: Successfully activated profile 'default' for user 'JonasB'
variable: mfx_Debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Turns on MaterialEffects debug messages. 1=Collisions, 2=Breakage, 3=Both
variable: mfx_DebugFlowGraphFX
type: int
current: 0
help: Turns on Material FlowGraph FX manager debug messages.
variable: mfx_DebugVisual
type: int
current: 0
help: Turns on/off visual debugging for MFX system
variable: mfx_DebugVisualFilter
type: string
variable: mfx_Enable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables MaterialEffects.
variable: mfx_EnableAttachedEffects
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable attached effects (characters, entities...)
variable: mfx_EnableFGEffects
type: int
current: 1
help: Enabled Flowgraph based Material effects. Default: On
variable: mfx_ParticleImpactThresh
type: float
current: 2
help: Impact threshold for particle effects. Default: 2.0
variable: mfx_pfx_maxDist
type: float
current: 35
help: Max dist (how far away before scale is clamped)
variable: mfx_pfx_maxScale
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Max scale (when particle is far)
variable: mfx_pfx_minScale
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Min scale (when particle is close)
variable: mfx_RaisedSoundImpactThresh
type: float
current: 3.5
help: Impact threshold for sound effects if we're rolling. Default: 3.5
variable: mfx_SerializeFGEffects
type: int
current: 1
help: Serialize Flowgraph based effects. Default: On
variable: mfx_SoundImpactThresh
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Impact threshold for sound effects. Default: 1.5
variable: mfx_Timeout
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Timeout (in seconds) to avoid playing effects too often
variable: mov_debugCamShake
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable debug log for camera shaking.
variable: mov_debugEvents
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable debug output for Cinematic events
variable: mov_NoCutscenes
type: int
current: 0
help: Disable playing of Cut-Scenes
variable: mov_overrideCam
type: string
help: Set the camera used for the sequence which overrides the camera track info
in the sequence.
variable: mp_ctfParams.carryingFlag_SpeedScale
type: float
current: 0.8
help: Speed multiplier whilst carrying the flag in Capture the Flag game mode.
variable: mp_extractionParams.carryingTick_DamageAbsorbDesperateEnergyCost
type: float
current: 0.45
help: Energy cost used in nanosuit desperation armor mode whilst carrying the ti
ck in extraction game mode.
variable: mp_extractionParams.carryingTick_EnergyCostPerHit
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Energy cost used in nanosuit armor mode whilst carrying the tick in extrac
tion game mode.
variable: mp_extractionParams.carryingTick_SpeedScale
type: float
current: 0.8
help: Speed multiplier whilst carrying the tick in extraction game mode.
variable: net_backofftimeout
type: int
current: 360
help: Maximum time to allow a remote machine to stall for before disconnecting
variable: net_breakage_sync_entities
type: int
current: 1
help: Allow net syncing/binding of breakage entities
variable: net_bw_aggressiveness
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Balances TCP friendlyness versus prioritization of game traffic
variable: net_channelstats
type: int
current: 0
help: Display bandwidth statistics per-channel
variable: net_connectivity_detection_interval
type: float
current: 1
variable: net_defaultChannelBitRateDesired READONLY
type: float
current: 200000
variable: net_defaultChannelBitRateToleranceHigh READONLY
type: float
current: 0.001
variable: net_defaultChannelBitRateToleranceLow READONLY
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: net_defaultChannelIdlePacketRateDesired READONLY
type: float
current: 0.05
variable: net_defaultChannelPacketRateDesired READONLY
type: float
current: 50
variable: net_defaultChannelPacketRateToleranceHigh READONLY
type: float
current: 2
variable: net_defaultChannelPacketRateToleranceLow READONLY
type: float
current: 0.1
variable: net_disconnect_on_rmi_error DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Disconnect remote connections on script exceptions during RMI calls
variable: net_enable_tfrc
type: int
current: 1
variable: net_enable_voice_chat REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
variable: net_enable_watchdog_timer
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable watchdog timer. Not needed if CryLobby is being used.
variable: net_fullStatusOnClient
type: int
current: 0
help: Maximum number of rooms per world
variable: net_gamespy_voip_enable DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles whether GameSpy VOIP enabled or not
variable: net_gamespy_voip_logging
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles whether GameSpy VOIP logging is on/off
variable: net_gamespy_voip_loopback
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles whether GameSpy microphone capture is played back locally
variable: net_gamespy_voip_playback_volume DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.5
help: GameSpy VOIP playback volume
variable: net_gamespy_voip_ptt DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles GameSpy VOIP Push-to-talk mode
variable: net_gamespy_voip_threshold DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Sets the GameSpy VOIP capture volume threshold
variable: net_highlatencythreshold
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: net_highlatencytimelimit
type: float
current: 1.5
variable: net_inactivitytimeout
type: float
current: 3600
help: Sets how many seconds without receiving a packet a connection will stay al
ive for (can only be set on server)
variable: net_inactivitytimeoutDevmode
type: float
current: 3600
help: Sets how many seconds without receiving a packet a connection will stay al
ive for while in devmode (can only be set on server)
variable: net_keepalive_time
type: float
current: 10
help: Controls the length of time between keepalive packets.
variable: net_lan_scanport_first DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 64087
help: Starting port for LAN games scanning
variable: net_lan_scanport_num DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 5
help: Num ports for LAN games scanning
variable: net_lanbrowser
type: int
current: 0
help: enable lan games browser
variable: net_lobby_default_port DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 64090
help: Modify the default port for lobbies (effects LAN Lobby currently)
variable: net_lobby_gamespy_connection_wait_timeout DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 60000
help: Modify the connection wait timeout for GameSpy
variable: net_lobby_gamespy_online_port DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 64100
help: Modify the online port for GameSpy
variable: net_lobby_gamespy_server_ping_wait DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 10000
help: How long to wait for a server to acquire a valid ping value before reporti
ng it to the game without one
variable: net_lobby_gamespy_symmetrical_friends DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggle whether GameSpy friend relationships are bidirectional
variable: net_log
type: int
current: 0
help: Logging level of network system
variable: net_log_remote_methods DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Log remote method invocations
variable: net_maxpacketsize
type: int
current: 1000
help: Sets the maximum packet size we will attempt to send (not including UDP/ot
her headers)
variable: net_minMicrophoneNotificationInterval
type: float
current: 1
help: minimum interval between microphone status notification send/requests
variable: net_minTCPFriendlyBitRate
type: float
current: 30000
help: Minimum bitrate allowed for TCP friendly transmission
variable: net_new_queue_behaviour
type: int
current: 1
help: When set to 1, this will try to minimize the number of packets sent on a c
variable: net_packetsendrate
type: int
current: 10
help: per channel packet send rate (packets per second). sends whenever possibl
e if this is set to zero.
variable: net_phys_debug
type: int
current: 0
variable: net_phys_lagsmooth
type: float
current: 0.1
variable: net_phys_pingsmooth
type: float
current: 0.1
variable: net_ping_time
type: float
current: 5
help: Controls the length of time between ping packets.
variable: net_profile_budget_logging
type: int
current: 0
help: enable/disable budget logging
variable: net_profile_budget_logname
type: string
current: profile_net_budget.log
help: budget log name for net profiler
variable: net_profile_enable
type: int
current: 0
help: enable/disable net profile feature
variable: net_profile_logging
type: int
current: 0
help: enable/disable logging
variable: net_profile_logname
type: string
current: profile_net.log
help: log name for net profiler
variable: net_profile_show_socket_measurements
type: int
current: 0
help: show bandwidth socket measurements on screen
variable: net_profile_socket_budget
type: float
current: 256
help: maximum bandwidth budget for root node
variable: net_profile_worst_num_channels
type: int
current: 15
help: maximum number of channels expected to connect
variable: net_remotetimeestimationwarning
type: int
current: 0
variable: net_rtt_convergence_factor
type: int
current: 995
variable: net_safetysleeps
type: int
current: 0
help: Controls whether the network layer will perform safety sleeps between cont
ext establishment tasks.
variable: net_scheduler_debug
type: string
current: 0
help: Show scheduler debugger for some channel
variable: net_serverpingnotificationinterval
type: float
current: 10
help: minimum interval between server ping notification sends
variable: net_show_matchmaking_tasks DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles whether active matchmaking tasks are displayed on screen
variable: net_stats_login DUMPTODISK
type: string
help: Login for reporting stats on dedicated server
variable: net_stats_pass DUMPTODISK
type: string
help: Password for reporting stats on dedicated server
variable: net_UseDeprecatedVoiceSystem DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Use deprecated voice system
variable: net_voice_lead_packets
type: int
current: 5
variable: net_voice_proximity
type: float
current: 0
variable: net_voice_trail_packets
type: int
current: 5
variable: p_accuracy_LCPCG
type: float
current: 0.005
help: Desired accuracy of LCP CG solver (velocity-related, m/s)
variable: p_accuracy_LCPCG_no_improvement
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Required LCP CG accuracy that allows to stop if there was no improvement a
fter p_max_LCPCG_fruitless_iters
variable: p_accuracy_MC
type: float
current: 0.005
help: Desired accuracy of microcontact solver (velocity-related, m/s)
variable: p_approx_caps_len
type: float
current: 1.2
help: Breakable trees are approximated with capsules of this length (0 disables
variable: p_async_rwi_use_spu
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables asynchronous rwis to be executed on the spu
variable: p_break_on_validation
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles break on validation error.
Usage: p_break_on_validation [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). Issues DebugBreak() call in case of
a physics parameter validation error.
variable: p_CharacterIK
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles character IK.
Usage: p_characterik [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable inverse kinematics.
variable: p_collision_mode
type: int
current: 0
help: This variable is obsolete.
variable: p_cull_distance
type: float
current: 100
help: Culling distance for physics helpers rendering
variable: p_damping_group_size
type: int
current: 8
help: Sets contacting objects group size
before group damping is used.Usage: p_damping_group_size 3
Used for internal tweaking only.
variable: p_debug_explosions
type: int
current: 0
help: Turns on explosions debug mode
variable: p_debug_joints
type: int
current: 0
help: If set, breakable objects will log tensions at the weakest spots
variable: p_do_step
type: int
current: 0
help: Steps physics system forward when in single step mode.
Usage: p_do_step 1
Default is 0 (off). Each 'p_do_step 1' instruction allows
the physics system to advance a single step.
variable: p_draw_helpers
type: string
current: 0
help: Same as p_draw_helpers_num, but encoded in letters
Usage [Entity_Types]_[Helper_Types] - [t|s|r|R|l|i|g|a|y|e]_[g|c|b|l|t(#)]
Entity Types:
t - show terrain
s - show static entities
r - show sleeping rigid bodies
R - show active rigid bodies
l - show living entities
i - show independent entities
g - show triggers
a - show areas
y - show rays in RayWorldIntersection
e - show explosion occlusion maps
Helper Types
g - show geometry
c - show contact points
b - show bounding boxes
l - show tetrahedra lattices for breakable objects
j - show structural joints (will force translucency on the main geometry)
t(#) - show bounding volume trees up to the level #
f(#) - only show geometries with this bit flag set (multiple f's stack)
Example: p_draw_helpers larRis_g - show geometry for static, sleeping, active, i
ndependent entities and areas
variable: p_draw_helpers_num
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles display of various physical helpers. The value is a bitmask:
bit 0 - show contact points
bit 1 - show physical geometry
bit 8 - show helpers for static objects
bit 9 - show helpers for sleeping physicalized objects (rigid bodies, ragdolls)
bit 10 - show helpers for active physicalized objects
bit 11 - show helpers for players
bit 12 - show helpers for independent entities (alive physical skeletons,particl
bits 16-31 - level of bounding volume trees to display (if 0, it just shows geom
Examples: show static objects - 258, show active rigid bodies - 1026, show playe
rs - 2050
variable: p_enforce_contacts
type: int
current: 1
help: This variable is obsolete.
variable: p_ent_grid_use_obb
type: int
current: 1
help: Whether to use OBBs rather than AABBs for the entity grid setup for brushe
variable: p_fixed_timestep
type: float
current: 0
help: Toggles fixed time step mode.Usage: p_fixed_timestep [0/1]
Forces fixed time step when set to 1. When set to 0, the
time step is variable, based on the frame rate.
variable: p_fly_mode
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles fly mode.
Usage: p_fly_mode [0/1]
variable: p_GEB_max_cells
type: int
current: 800
help: Specifies the cell number threshold after which GetEntitiesInBox issues a
variable: p_gravity_z
type: float
current: -13
variable: p_group_damping
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Toggles damping for object groups.
Usage: p_group_damping [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Used for internal tweaking only.
variable: p_joint_damage_accum
type: float
current: 2
help: Fraction of damage (tension) accumulated by breakable joints
variable: p_joint_damage_accum_threshold
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Damage threshold (0..1) for p_joint_damage_accum
variable: p_joint_gravity_step
type: float
current: 1
help: Time step used for gravity in breakable joints (larger = stronger gravity
variable: p_jump_to_profile_ent
type: int
current: 0
help: Move the local player next to the corresponding entity in the p_profile_en
tities list
variable: p_lattice_max_iters
type: int
current: 100000
help: Limits the number of iterations of lattice tension solver
variable: p_limit_simple_solver_energy
type: int
current: 1
help: Specifies whether the energy added by the simple solver is limited (0 or 1
variable: p_list_active_objects
type: int
current: 0
variable: p_log_lattice_tension
type: int
current: 0
help: If set, breakable objects will log tensions at the weakest spots
variable: p_max_approx_caps
type: int
current: 7
help: Maximum number of capsule approximation levels for breakable trees
variable: p_max_contact_gap
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Sets the gap, enforced whenever possible, between
contacting physical objects.Usage: p_max_contact_gap 0.01
This variable is used for internal tweaking only.
variable: p_max_contact_gap_player
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Sets the safe contact gap for player collisions with
the physical environment.Usage: p_max_contact_gap_player 0.01
This variable is used for internal tweaking only.
variable: p_max_contact_gap_simple
type: float
current: 0.03
help: Specifies the maximum contact gap for objects that use the simple solver
variable: p_max_contacts
type: int
current: 150
help: Maximum contact number, after which contact reduction mode is activated
variable: p_max_debris_mass
type: float
current: 10
help: Broken pieces with mass<=this limit use debris collision settings
variable: p_max_entity_cells
type: int
current: 300000
help: Limits the number of entity grid cells an entity can occupy
variable: p_max_LCPCG_contacts
type: int
current: 100
help: Maximum number of contacts that LCPCG solver is allowed to handle
variable: p_max_LCPCG_fruitless_iters
type: int
current: 4
help: Maximum number of LCP CG iterations w/o improvement (defined by p_min_LCPC
variable: p_max_LCPCG_iters
type: int
current: 5
help: Maximum number of LCP CG iterations
variable: p_max_LCPCG_microiters
type: int
current: 12000
help: Limits the total number of per-contact iterations during one LCP CG iterat
(number of microiters = number of subiters * number of contacts)
variable: p_max_LCPCG_microiters_final
type: int
current: 25000
help: Same as p_max_LCPCG_microiters, but for the final LCP CG iteration
variable: p_max_LCPCG_subiters
type: int
current: 120
help: Limits the number of LCP CG solver inner iterations (should be of the orde
r of the number of contacts)
variable: p_max_LCPCG_subiters_final
type: int
current: 250
help: Limits the number of LCP CG solver inner iterations during the final itera
tion (should be of the order of the number of contacts)
variable: p_max_MC_iters
type: int
current: 6000
help: Specifies the maximum number of microcontact solver iterations *per contac
variable: p_max_MC_mass_ratio
type: float
current: 100
help: Maximum mass ratio between objects in an island that MC solver is consider
ed safe to handle
variable: p_max_MC_vel
type: float
current: 15
help: Maximum object velocity in an island that MC solver is considered safe to
variable: p_max_object_splashes
type: int
current: 3
help: Specifies how many splash events one entity is allowed to generate
variable: p_max_plane_contacts
type: int
current: 8
help: Maximum number of contacts lying in one plane between two rigid bodies
(the system tries to remove the least important contacts to get to this value)
variable: p_max_plane_contacts_distress
type: int
current: 4
help: Same as p_max_plane_contacts, but is effective if total number of contacts
is above p_max_contacts
variable: p_max_player_velocity
type: float
current: 150
help: Clamps players' velocities to this value
variable: p_max_spu_rwi_cells
type: int
current: 5
help: Could be used to balance RWI perfrmance on SPUs
variable: p_max_substeps
type: int
current: 5
help: Limits the number of substeps allowed in variable time step mode.
Usage: p_max_substeps 5
Objects that are not allowed to perform time steps
beyond some value make several substeps.
variable: p_max_substeps_large_group
type: int
current: 5
help: Limits the number of substeps large groups of objects can make
variable: p_max_unproj_vel
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Limits the maximum unprojection velocity request
variable: p_max_velocity
type: float
current: 100
help: Clamps physicalized objects' velocities to this value
variable: p_max_world_step
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Specifies the maximum step physical world can make (larger steps will be t
variable: p_min_LCPCG_improvement
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Defines a required residual squared length improvement, in fractions of 1
variable: p_min_MC_iters
type: int
current: 4
help: Specifies the minmum number of microcontact solver iterations *per contact
set* (this has precedence over p_max_mc_iters)
variable: p_min_separation_speed
type: float
current: 0.02
help: Used a threshold in some places (namely, to determine when a particle
goes to rest, and a sliding condition in microcontact solver)
variable: p_net_angsnapmul
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Multiplier to expand the p_net_minsnapdot based on the objects angular vel
variable: p_net_minsnapdist
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Minimum distance between server position and client position at which to s
tart snapping
variable: p_net_minsnapdot
type: float
current: 0.99
help: Minimum quat dot product between server orientation and client orientation
at which to start snapping
variable: p_net_smoothtime
type: float
current: 5
help: How much time should non-snapped positions take to synchronize completely?
variable: p_net_velsnapmul
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Multiplier to expand the p_net_minsnapdist based on the objects velocity
variable: p_num_bodies_large_group
type: int
current: 100
help: Group size to be used with p_max_substeps_large_group, in bodies
variable: p_num_jobs
type: int
current: 4
help: Specifies the number of jobs for phys.sim.(used by phys job simulation mod
variable: p_num_startup_overload_checks
type: int
current: 20
help: For this many frames after loading a level, check if the physics gets over
loaded and freezes non-player physicalized objects that are slow enough
variable: p_num_threads
type: int
current: 1
help: The number of internal physics threads
variable: p_penalty_scale
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Scales the penalty impulse for objects that use the simple solver
variable: p_players_can_break
type: int
current: 1
help: Whether living entities are allowed to break static objects with breakable
variable: p_pool_size
type: int
current: 1536
help: Specifies the size of the pool used for job based phys.sim.(used by SPUs)
variable: p_profile
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables group profiling of physical entities
variable: p_profile_entities
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables per-entity time step profiling
variable: p_profile_functions
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables detailed profiling of physical environment-sampling functions
variable: p_prohibit_unprojection
type: int
current: 1
help: This variable is obsolete.
variable: p_proxy_highlight_range
type: int
current: 800
help: Physics proxies with triangle counts >= p_proxy_highlight_threshold+p_prox
y_highlight_range will get the maximum highlight
variable: p_proxy_highlight_threshold
type: int
current: 200
help: Physics proxies with triangle counts large than this will be highlighted
variable: p_ray_fadein
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Fade-in time for ray physics helpers
variable: p_ray_peak_time
type: float
current: 0
help: Rays that take longer then this (in ms) will use different color
variable: p_rope_collider_size_limit
type: int
current: 0
help: Disables rope collisions with meshes having more triangles than this (0-sk
ip the check)
variable: p_single_step_mode
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles physics system 'single step' mode.Usage: p_single_step_mode [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to switch physics system (except
players) to single step mode. Each step must be explicitly
requested with a 'p_do_step' instruction.
variable: p_skip_redundant_colldet
type: int
current: 1
help: Specifies whether to skip furher collision checks between two convex objec
ts using the simple solver
when they have enough contacts between them
variable: p_splash_dist0
type: float
current: 7
help: Range start for splash event distance culling
variable: p_splash_dist1
type: float
current: 30
help: Range end for splash event distance culling
variable: p_splash_force0
type: float
current: 10
help: Minimum water hit force to generate splash events at p_splash_dist0
variable: p_splash_force1
type: float
current: 100
help: Minimum water hit force to generate splash events at p_splash_dist1
variable: p_splash_vel0
type: float
current: 4.5
help: Minimum water hit velocity to generate splash events at p_splash_dist0
variable: p_splash_vel1
type: float
current: 10
help: Minimum water hit velocity to generate splash events at p_splash_dist1
variable: p_sync_rwi_use_spu
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables synchronous rwis to be executed on the spu. Note: This is mostly u
sed for debugging
variable: p_tick_breakable
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Sets the breakable objects structure update interval
variable: p_time_granularity
type: float
current: 0.0001
help: Sets physical time step granularity.
Usage: p_time_granularity [0..0.1]
Used for internal tweaking only.
variable: p_unproj_vel_scale
type: float
current: 10
help: Requested unprojection velocity is set equal to penetration depth multipli
ed by this number
variable: p_use_distance_contacts
type: int
current: 0
help: Allows to use distance-based contacts (is forced off in multiplayer)
variable: p_use_unproj_vel
type: int
current: 0
help: internal solver tweak
variable: p_wireframe_distance
type: float
current: 40
help: Maximum distance at which wireframe is drawn on physics helpers
variable: performance_profile_logname
type: string
current: performance.log
help: Filename for framerate and memory logging.
variable: perk_alienGunship_debugInfo
type: int
current: 0
variable: perk_alienGunship_enemyIgnoreTime
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_alienGunship_enteringDecelerationRange
type: float
current: 210
variable: perk_alienGunship_idealWaypointAngleRange
type: float
current: 90
variable: perk_alienGunship_inOutSpeed
type: float
current: 80
variable: perk_alienGunship_lookToNextTargetDistance
type: float
current: 20
variable: perk_alienGunship_maxDamage
type: float
current: 0.075
variable: perk_alienGunship_optimum2DDistFromTarget
type: float
current: 25
variable: perk_alienGunship_roamingDecelerationRange
type: float
current: 25
variable: perk_alienGunship_roamingMaxSpeed
type: float
current: 12
variable: perk_alienGunship_roamingMinSpeed
type: float
current: 5
variable: perk_alienGunship_secondaryFireWaitTime
type: float
current: 0.1
variable: perk_alienGunship_spawnIgnoreTime
type: float
current: 5
variable: perk_alienGunship_targetCloakedSecondaryFireTime
type: float
current: 2
variable: perk_alienGunship_targetLerpSpeed
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_alienGunship_targetLockTime
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_alienGunship_targetting2DRangeSq
type: float
current: 2500
variable: perk_alienGunship_targettingFOV
type: float
current: 140
variable: perk_alienGunship_targettingMinSpeed
type: float
current: 0.75
variable: perk_alienGunship_timeBetweenRaycasts
type: float
current: 0.15
variable: perk_alienGunship_timeInLevel
type: float
current: 60
variable: perk_alienGunship_turretLerpSpeed
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_alienGunship_turretMaxAngleDiffForFiring
type: float
current: 35
variable: perk_antiSniperEffect
type: int
current: 1
variable: perk_antiSniperEffectDecreaseRate
type: float
current: 4
variable: perk_antiSniperEffectIncreaseRate
type: float
current: 8
variable: perk_antiSniperEnergyMinimum
type: float
current: -0.5
variable: perk_antiSniperEnergyRechargeRate
type: float
current: 0.1
variable: perk_antiSniperEnergyUseRate
type: float
current: 0
variable: perk_antiSniperScreenEffectAmount
type: float
current: 2.5
variable: perk_antiSniperSwayMult
type: float
current: 0.04
variable: perk_ArmorEfficiency_scaleEnergyDrain
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_ArmorEfficiency_scaleMovementSpeed
type: float
current: 0.25
variable: perk_chaffFOV
type: float
current: 5
variable: perk_chaffRechargeTime
type: float
current: 4
variable: perk_chaffSpread
type: float
current: 0.4
variable: perk_cloakAwareness_FlickerTime
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_cloakAwareness_Range
type: float
current: 20
variable: perk_cloakAwareness_TimeFromUncloakToKill
type: float
current: 3
variable: perk_cloakAwareness_TimeTillFlickerTierThree
type: float
current: 5
variable: perk_cloakAwareness_TimeTillFlickerTierTwo
type: float
current: 7
variable: perk_criticalEnergyDamagePerSecond
type: float
current: 30
variable: perk_deflection_damageMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.75
variable: perk_DetonationDelay_explosionDelay
type: float
current: 2
variable: perk_disable
type: int
current: 0
variable: perk_Dogtag_teamPerkTimeScale
type: float
current: 1.2
variable: perk_dolphinSpeedMult
type: float
current: 4
variable: perk_ECM_blendDistance
type: float
current: 5
variable: perk_ECM_height
type: float
current: 5
variable: perk_ECM_rangeTierOne
type: float
current: 10
variable: perk_ECM_rangeTierThree
type: float
current: 18
variable: perk_ECM_rangeTierTwo
type: float
current: 10
variable: perk_EnergyLeech_tier1RechargeFraction
type: float
current: 0.2
variable: perk_EnergyLeech_tier2RechargeFraction
type: float
current: 0.3
variable: perk_EnergyLeech_tier3RechargeFraction
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_EnhancedVisor_FlashBangScale
type: float
current: 0.1
variable: perk_EnhancedVisor_NanoVisionEnergyCostScale
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_FatalityBonus_deathStreakRequired
type: int
current: 5
variable: perk_FatalityBonus_killStreakToStop
type: int
current: 1
variable: perk_FragResistant_damageMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.67
variable: perk_FragResistant_suitLayerOverrideB
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_FragResistant_suitLayerOverrideG
type: float
current: 0
variable: perk_FragResistant_suitLayerOverrideR
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_FragResistant_suitLayerOverrideTimer
type: float
current: 3
variable: perk_HeavyArms_mountedWeapons_movementMultiplier
type: float
current: 1.5
variable: perk_HeavyArms_mountedWeapons_ripOffOverrideSpeed
type: float
current: 1.4
variable: perk_HeavyArms_reducedAttachmentWeight_selectSpeedMultiplier
type: float
current: 2
variable: perk_HeavyArms_reducedAttachmentWeight_zoomTimeMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_icon_pulse_time
type: float
current: 0.7
variable: perk_lockedPerksA
type: int
current: 0
variable: perk_lockedPerksB
type: int
current: 0
variable: perk_MapDeployment_timer
type: float
current: 7
variable: perk_MaximumFocus_shakeScale
type: float
current: 0.4
variable: perk_maximumFocus_zoomedSpeedScale
type: float
current: 1.6
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_deploymentHeight
type: float
current: 300
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_effectReleaseTime
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_explosionTimer
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_fireRate
type: float
current: 15
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_flashIconScale
type: float
current: 100
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_innerRadius
type: float
current: 2
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_innerRadiusDamage
type: float
current: 200
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_maxRotationAngle
type: float
current: 8
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_outerRadius
type: float
current: 6
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_outerRadiusDamage
type: float
current: 15
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_stage0Time
type: float
current: 2
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_stage1Time
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_stage2Time
type: float
current: 6
variable: perk_MicrowaveBeam_warningAudioDistance
type: float
current: 25
variable: perk_Mobility_fireFromSprintTimeMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.25
variable: perk_Mobility_scaleEnergyConsumption
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_Mobility_sprintToRunBlendTimeMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.25
variable: perk_particleBoneChoiceScale
type: float
current: 0.4
variable: perk_particleBoneEmitterSpawnRadius
type: float
current: 0.7
variable: perk_particleTypesGenerateOnWho
type: int
current: 0
variable: perk_particleTypesToHide
type: int
current: 0
variable: perk_Phantom_cloakDelay
type: float
current: 0.25
variable: perk_Phantom_cloakSpeedBlendScale
type: float
current: 2
variable: perk_Phantom_scaleEnergyConsumptionTierOne
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_Phantom_scaleEnergyConsumptionTierThree
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_Phantom_scaleEnergyConsumptionTierTwo
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_Phantom_timeFromCloakToKill
type: float
current: 7
variable: perk_Phantom_uncloakDelay
type: float
current: 0.25
variable: perk_proximityAlarm_height
type: float
current: 3
variable: perk_proximityAlarm_range
type: float
current: 30
variable: perk_proximityAlarm_scanSpeedTierOne
type: float
current: 15
variable: perk_proximityAlarm_scanSpeedTierThree
type: float
current: 60
variable: perk_proximityAlarm_scanSpeedTierTwo
type: float
current: 30
variable: perk_Regen_energyRechargeScale
type: float
current: 2
variable: perk_Regen_healthRechargeDelayScale
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_Regen_healthRechargeScale
type: float
current: 2
variable: perk_silentFeet_killRange
type: float
current: 25
variable: perk_silentFeet_scaleFootstepSounds
type: float
current: 0.25
variable: perk_Stamp_directFallSpeedIncrease
type: float
current: 3.2
variable: perk_Stamp_directHitDamage
type: float
current: 1000
variable: perk_Stamp_displayPromptUntilStampedThisManyTimes
type: int
current: 99999
variable: perk_Stamp_displayPromptUtilAirFrictionedThisManyTimes
type: int
current: 99999
variable: perk_Stamp_enableForFalling
type: int
current: 1
variable: perk_Stamp_enableForNormalJump
type: int
current: 1
variable: perk_Stamp_enableForPowerJump
type: int
current: 1
variable: perk_Stamp_fallspeed
type: float
current: 11.4
variable: perk_Stamp_maxDamage
type: float
current: 750
variable: perk_Stamp_maxDamageSpeed
type: float
current: 12.6
variable: perk_Stamp_maxRadius
type: float
current: 5
variable: perk_Stamp_minAirTime
type: float
current: 0.2
variable: perk_Stamp_minDamage
type: float
current: 500
variable: perk_Stamp_minDamageSpeed
type: float
current: 5
variable: perk_Stamp_minHeight
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_Stamp_minRadius
type: float
current: 3
variable: perk_Stamp_rechargeTime
type: float
current: 5
variable: perk_Stamp_zeroMovementInputsTime_tier1
type: float
current: 2.55
variable: perk_Stamp_zeroMovementInputsTime_tier3
type: float
current: 1.45
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_bouncinessScale
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_drainMultiplier
type: float
current: 30
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_drainRange
type: float
current: 15
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_effectAllPlayers
type: int
current: 0
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_effectTime
type: float
current: 1.5
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_flashIconScale
type: float
current: 100
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_interferenceMultiplier
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_launchSpeed
type: float
current: 12
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_selfDestructTime
type: float
current: 45
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_speedMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.7
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_vtolHoverTime
type: float
current: 2
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_vtolMaxSpeed
type: float
current: 40
variable: perk_SuitDisruptor_vtolSlowDistance
type: float
current: 20
variable: perk_teamPowerReductionArmour_scaleEnergyUse
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_teamPowerReductionDefault_scaleEnergyUse
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_teamPowerReductionStealth_scaleEnergyUse
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_teamRadar_timeUntilDeactivate
type: float
current: 30
variable: perk_teamRadarJammer_timeUntilDeactivate
type: float
current: 30
variable: perk_teamSuitBoost_damageScale
type: float
current: 0.2
variable: perk_teamSuitBoost_scaleEnergyUse
type: float
current: 0
variable: perk_teamSuitBoost_timeUntilDeactivate
type: float
current: 30
variable: perk_threatTrails_BulletFadeStartTime
type: float
current: 0.8
variable: perk_threatTrails_BulletOpacity
type: float
current: 0.01
variable: perk_threatTrails_BulletRenderRange
type: float
current: 6
variable: perk_threatTrails_BulletRenderTime
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_threatTrails_BulletThickness
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: perk_threatTrails_GrenadeRenderRange
type: float
current: 15
variable: perk_tracker_individualMinDistMovedTier1
type: float
current: 0.7
variable: perk_tracker_individualMinDistMovedTier3
type: float
current: 0.35
variable: perk_tracker_individualUpdateRateTier1
type: float
current: 0.6
variable: perk_tracker_individualUpdateRateTier3
type: float
current: 0.3
variable: perk_tracker_lifetimeStrength
type: float
current: 1
variable: perk_tracker_maxDistanceToSpawn
type: float
current: 25
variable: perk_tracker_updateRate
type: float
current: 0.1
variable: perk_weaponsTrainingReloadSpeedScale
type: float
current: 1.7
variable: perk_weaponsTrainingSelectSpeedScale
type: float
current: 2.5
variable: perk_weaponsTrainingZoomTimeScale
type: float
current: 0.5
variable: pl_aim_acceleration_enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: Aim Acceleration: Enable/Disable aim acceleration.
variable: pl_aim_assistance_enabled
type: int
current: 0
help: Aim Assistance: Enable/Disable aim assistance.
variable: pl_aim_cloaked_multiplier
type: float
current: 0
help: Multiplier for autoaim slow and follow vs cloaked targets
variable: pl_aim_near_lookat_target_distance
type: float
current: 0.65
help: Multiplier for autoaim slow and follow vs cloaked targets
variable: pl_airFrictionPerk_control.fall_activation_height
type: float
current: 4
help: Falling height (in meters) to be able to activate the glider
variable: pl_airFrictionPerk_control.fall_distance_for_full_upwards_force
type: float
current: 4
help: Falling height (in meters) at which the player gets given full upwards for
ce - triggering before falling this far gives a reduced upwards force
variable: pl_airFrictionPerk_control.fall_maxSeepd_height
type: float
current: 20
help: Falling height (in meters) to reach maximum falling speed when the glider
is active
variable: pl_airFrictionPerk_control.forward_speed
type: float
current: 5
help: Forward speed while gliding
variable: pl_airFrictionPerk_control.max_falling_speed
type: float
current: 17.5
help: Maximum falling speed with glider active
variable: pl_airFrictionPerk_control.min_falling_speed
type: float
current: 4
help: Minimum (start) falling speed, when glider activates
variable: pl_airFrictionPerk_control.triggerAutomatically
type: int
current: 1
help: 1 = trigger Air Friction perk automatically, 0 = trigger by pressing JUMP
while in mid-air
variable: pl_airFrictionPerk_control.view_pitch_shake
type: float
current: 15
help: View shake (up) when activating air friction perk
variable: pl_airFrictionPerk_control.view_recover_time
type: float
current: 1
help: Recover time from initial view shake
variable: pl_blendView
type: int
current: 0
help: Blend the player view as default
variable: pl_boostedMelee_allowInMP
type: int
current: 0
help: Define whether or not the boosted melee mechanic can be used in multiplaye
variable: pl_boostedMelee_threshold
type: float
current: 0.6
help: If melee button is released quicker than this threshold (in secs) then a n
ormal melee will be executed, if not it will trigger a boosted melee attack
variable: pl_cameraTransitionTime
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Time over which to transition the camera between modes
variable: pl_clientInertia
type: float
current: 25
help: Override the interia of clients
variable: pl_cover_and_lean.debug_draw
type: int
current: 0
help: Show debug information for cover and lean mechanic
variable: pl_cover_and_lean.enable
type: int
current: 1
help: enabled cover and lean
variable: pl_cover_and_lean.enable_view_clamp
type: int
current: 1
help: clamps the view to the detected cove and lean edges
variable: pl_cover_and_lean.num_detection_rays
type: int
current: 12
help: configures the number of rays needed to do the edge detection for each sid
variable: pl_curvingSlowdownSpeedScale
type: float
current: 0.7
help: Player only slowdown speedscale when curving/leaning extremely.
variable: pl_debug_aiming
type: int
current: 0
variable: pl_debug_aiming_input
type: int
current: 0
variable: pl_debug_energyConsumption
type: int
current: 0
help: Display debug energy consumption rate info
variable: pl_debug_filter
type: string
variable: pl_debug_hit_recoil
type: int
current: 0
variable: pl_debug_jumping
type: int
current: 0
variable: pl_debug_look_poses
type: int
current: 0
variable: pl_debug_movement
type: int
current: 0
variable: pl_debug_pickable_items
type: int
current: 0
help: Display information about pickable item at which the player is about to in
teract with
variable: pl_debug_suit
type: int
current: 0
help: Display debug Nanosuit debug info
variable: pl_debug_view
type: int
current: 0
variable: pl_debug_vistable
type: int
current: 0
help: View debug information for vistable
variable: pl_debugInterpolation
type: int
current: 0
help: Debug interpolation
variable: pl_doLocalHitImpulsesMP
type: int
current: 1
help: Do local hit impulses in multiplayer
variable: pl_enemy_ramming.fall_damage_threashold
type: float
current: 4
help: Damage threshold to activate fall and play
variable: pl_enemy_ramming.fatal_falling_speed
type: float
current: 10
help: the speed at where the falling is always fatal to the enemy
variable: pl_enemy_ramming.max_falling_damage
type: float
current: 250
help: the maximum hit damage to the enemy can receive from being rammed from a f
alling player
variable: pl_enemy_ramming.min_momentum_to_fall
type: float
current: 600
help: Minimum relative momentum to make an actor fall from the collision with an
other actor
variable: pl_enemy_ramming.player_to_player
type: float
current: 1
help: Max damage if both actors are alive (and in movement)
variable: pl_enemy_ramming.ragdoll_to_player
type: float
current: 50
help: Max ragdoll to player damage
variable: pl_enemy_ramming.safe_falling_speed
type: float
current: 6
help: the falling speed the player starts to hurt the enemy from falling
variable: pl_fall_intensity_hit_multiplier
type: float
current: 0.3
help: how much fall speed influences view shake intensity after a melee hit
variable: pl_fall_intensity_max
type: float
current: 1.5
help: maximum view shake intensity
variable: pl_fall_intensity_multiplier
type: float
current: 0.1
help: how much fall speed influences view shake intensity
variable: pl_fall_time_max
type: float
current: 0.05
help: maximum view shake time
variable: pl_fall_time_multiplier
type: float
current: 0.05
help: how much fall speed influences view shake time
variable: pl_freeFallDeath_cameraAngle
type: float
current: -30
help: Angle to aim camera when falling death begins
variable: pl_freeFallDeath_fadeTimer
type: float
current: 0.75
help: How long to wait before fading camera to black
variable: pl_grabOntoLedges
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable grabbing onto ledges (Set to '2' to enable debugging)
variable: pl_grabOntoLedgesFromSwimming
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable grabbing onto ledges from swimming
variable: pl_health.collision_health_threshold
type: int
current: 41
help: Collision damage will never put the player below this health
variable: pl_health.critical_health_thresholdMP
type: float
current: 10
help: If player health percentage drops below this threshold it's considered cri
variable: pl_health.critical_health_thresholdSP
type: float
current: 15
help: If player health percentage drops below this threshold it's considered cri
variable: pl_health.debug_FallDamage
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables console output of fall damage information.
variable: pl_health.enable_FallandPlay
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/Disables fall&play for the player
variable: pl_health.enableNewHUDEffect
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables new Health/Hits HUD effect (only on level reload)
variable: pl_health.fallDamage_CurveAttack
type: float
current: 2
help: Damage curve attack for medium fall speed
variable: pl_health.fallDamage_health_threshold
type: int
current: 1
help: Falling damage will never pu the player below this health, unless falling
above fatal speed
variable: pl_health.fallDamage_SpeedFatal
type: float
current: 17
help: Fatal fall
variable: pl_health.fallDamage_SpeedFatalArmor
type: float
current: 21
help: Fatal fall in armor mode
variable: pl_health.fallDamage_SpeedFatalArmorMP
type: float
current: 24
help: Fatal fall in armor mode (in MP)
variable: pl_health.fallDamage_SpeedSafe
type: float
current: 12
help: Safe fall speed.
variable: pl_health.fallDamage_SpeedSafeArmorMP
type: float
current: 16
help: Safe fall speed in armor mode (in MP).
variable: pl_health.fallSpeed_HeavyLand
type: float
current: 14
help: Fall speed to play heavyLand
variable: pl_health.fallSpeed_HeavyLandArmor
type: float
current: 17
help: Fall speed to play heavyLand in armor mode
variable: pl_health.fallSpeed_HeavyLandArmorMP
type: float
current: 15
help: Fall speed to play heavyLand in armor mode (in MP)
variable: pl_health.fast_regeneration_rateMP
type: float
current: 75
help: Fast regeneration rate in points per second
variable: pl_health.normal_regeneration_rateMP
type: float
current: 50
help: Regeneration rate in points per second
variable: pl_health.normal_regeneration_rateSP
type: float
current: 250
help: Regeneration rate in points per second
variable: pl_health.normal_threshold_time_to_regenerateMP
type: float
current: 5
help: Time between hits to start regeneration
variable: pl_health.normal_threshold_time_to_regenerateSP
type: float
current: 5
help: Time between hits to start regeneration
variable: pl_health.slow_regeneration_rateMP
type: float
current: 20
help: Slow regeneration rate in points per second
variable: pl_impulseCounterFactor
type: float
current: 0.9
help: Percentage of deflection to counter by rotation of the higher joints
variable: pl_impulseDuration
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Duration of impulse
variable: pl_impulseEnabled
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable procedural impulses
variable: pl_impulseFullRecoilFactor
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Tiume factor at which to apply maximum deflection (0->1)
variable: pl_impulseLayer
type: int
current: 2
help: Animation layer to apply impulse to
variable: pl_impulseMaxPitch
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Maximum angular pitch in rads
variable: pl_impulseMaxTwist
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Maximum angular twist in rads
variable: pl_inputAccel
type: float
current: 30
help: Movement input acceleration
variable: pl_jump_baseTimeAddedPerJump
type: float
current: 0.4
help: The amount of time that is added on per jump
variable: pl_jump_control.air_control_scale
type: float
current: 1
help: Scales base air control while in air
variable: pl_jump_control.air_inertia_scale
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Scales inertia while in air
variable: pl_jump_control.air_resistance_scale
type: float
current: 1.3
help: Scales base air resitance while in air
variable: pl_jump_currentTimeMultiplierOnJump
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Multiplier for the current timer per jump
variable: pl_jump_maxTimerValue
type: float
current: 2.5
help: The maximum value of the timer
variable: pl_jump_quickPressThresh
type: float
current: 0.25
help: If jump button is released quicker than this threshold (in secs) then the
jump will be flagged as 'quick'. In Power mode, this will do a normal (Tactical)
jump instead of a power jump
variable: pl_ledgeClamber.cameraBlendWeight
type: float
current: 0.6
help: FP camera blending weight when performing ledge grab action.
variable: pl_ledgeClamber.debugDraw
type: int
current: 0
help: Turn on debug drawing of Ledge Clamber
variable: pl_melee.angle_limit_from_behind
type: float
current: 60
help: Angle limit (in degrees) in which behind damage multiplier will apply (x2
for full range)
variable: pl_melee.damage_multiplier_from_behind
type: float
current: 1
help: Damage multiplier for melee attacking somebody from behind
variable: pl_melee.damage_multiplier_mpNoSuit
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Damage multiplier for melee attacking somebody who has no Nanosuit in Mult
iplayer (eg. the Defenders in Assault)
variable: pl_melee.debug_gfx
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disables debug gfx for melees
variable: pl_melee.impulses_enable
type: int
current: 2
help: Enables/Disables melee impulse handling. 0: Disabled, 1: Only impulses on
alive characters, 2: Only impulses on ragdolls, 3: All impulses enabled
variable: pl_melee.melee_snap_angle_limit
type: float
current: 90
help: Angle limit (in degrees) in which melee snap applies (x2 for full range)
variable: pl_melee.melee_snap_blend_speed
type: float
current: 0.33
help: Smooths transition to target direction. Range[0.0 - 1.0f]. Set to 1 for in
stant alignment
variable: pl_melee.melee_snap_end_position_range
type: float
current: 1
help: melee lunge target distance from player
variable: pl_melee.melee_snap_move_speed_multiplier
type: float
current: 5
help: Multiplier to distance to determine movement velocity
variable: pl_melee.melee_snap_target_select_range
type: float
current: 2.5
help: melee lunge target selection range
variable: pl_melee.mp_victim_screenfx_blendout_duration
type: float
current: 1.2
help: MP Only. Duration of the blend-out of the full-screen hit effects that aff
ect the victim when hit by a melee attack
variable: pl_melee.mp_victim_screenfx_dbg_force_test_duration
type: float
current: 0
help: MP DEBUG Only. Setting this to X will immediately trigger a full-screen me
lee hit effect for X secs, useful for testing the effect with just 1 player
variable: pl_melee.mp_victim_screenfx_duration
type: float
current: 2
help: MP Only. Duration of the full-screen hit effects that affect the victim wh
en hit by a melee attack
variable: pl_melee.mp_victim_screenfx_intensity
type: float
current: 1
help: MP Only. Intensity of the full-screen hit effects that affect the victim w
hen hit by a melee attack
variable: pl_mike_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Show debug information for MIKE weapon
variable: pl_movement.crouch_SpeedScaleWithoutNanosuit
type: float
current: 1
help: Crouch speed scale when not using a nanosuit
variable: pl_movement.nonCombat_heavy_weapon_crouch_speed_scale
type: float
current: 1
help: Crouch speed multiplier in non combat mode while carrying a heavy (ripped-
off) weapon
variable: pl_movement.nonCombat_heavy_weapon_speed_scale
type: float
current: 1
help: Base speed multiplier in non combat mode while carrying a heavy (ripped-of
f) weapon
variable: pl_movement.nonCombat_heavy_weapon_sprint_scale
type: float
current: 1.25
help: Sprint speed multiplier in non combat mode while carrying a heavy (ripped-
off) weapon
variable: pl_movement.nonCombat_heavy_weapon_strafe_speed_scale
type: float
current: 0.9
help: Strafe speed multiplier in non combat mode while carrying a heavy (ripped-
off) weapon
variable: pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov
type: float
current: 75
help: Fov while sprinting in power mode
variable: pl_movement.speedScaleWithoutNanosuit
type: float
current: 1.2
help: General speed scale when not using a nanosuit
variable: pl_movement.sprint_mpNoSuit_breatheSoundFreqSecs
type: float
current: 1
help: For MP characters with no NanoSuit (eg. Assault defenders). How frequentl
y the sprint breathe sound fx plays (once stamina's below the threshold, above)
variable: pl_movement.sprint_mpNoSuit_breatheSoundStaminaThresh
type: float
current: 0.5
help: For MP characters with no NanoSuit (eg. Assault defenders). Sprint breath
e sound fx will start playing when below this stamina fraction (and if stop runn
ing whilst below this fraction then the "catch breath" sound will play too)
variable: pl_movement.sprint_mpNoSuit_dbgWatch
type: int
current: 0
help: For MP characters with no NanoSuit (eg. Assault defenders). Display debug
values for the sprint stamina
variable: pl_movement.sprint_mpNoSuit_staminaDepleteRatePerSec
type: float
current: 0.2
help: For MP characters with no NanoSuit (eg. Assault defenders). This is how mu
ch of the (hidden) sprint stamina bar depletes per second whilst sprinting (the
stamina bar's range is 0.0->1.0)
variable: pl_movement.sprint_mpNoSuit_staminaRegenDelayExtremeSecs
type: float
current: 4
help: For MP characters with no NanoSuit (eg. Assault defenders). This is the le
ngth (in secs) of the delay between the (hidden) stamina bar completely depletin
g and it beginning to regenerate
variable: pl_movement.sprint_mpNoSuit_staminaRegenDelaySecs
type: float
current: 3.8
help: For MP characters with no NanoSuit (eg. Assault defenders). This is the le
ngth (in secs) of the delay between the player intentionally stopping sprinting
and the (hidden) stamina bar regenerating
variable: pl_movement.sprint_mpNoSuit_staminaRegenRatePerSec
type: float
current: 50
help: For MP characters with no NanoSuit (eg. Assault defenders). This is how m
uch of the (hidden) sprint stamina bar regenerates per second (the stamina bar's
range is 0.0->1.0) whilst not sprinting and once any regeneration delay is over
variable: pl_movement.sprint_SpeedScaleWithoutNanosuit
type: float
current: 1.8
help: Sprint speed scale when not using a nanosuit
variable: pl_movement.sprint_timeInAirToStopSprinting
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Amount of time (in seconds) the player can be in the air and still be cons
idered sprinting (helps you get over small bumps)
variable: pl_movement.strafe_SpeedScaleWithoutNanosuit
type: float
current: 0.9
help: Strafe speed scale when not using a nanosuit
variable: pl_nano_vision.max_distance_visible
type: float
current: 50
help: maximum distance the nano vision helper objects are still visible
variable: pl_netAimLerpFactor
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Factor to lerp the remote aim directions by
variable: pl_netSerialiseMaxSpeed
type: float
current: 9
help: Maximum char speed, used by interpolation
variable: pl_pickAndThrow.debugDraw
type: int
current: 0
help: Turn on debug drawing of Pick And Throw
variable: pl_pickAndThrow.delayPlayerAnimations
type: int
current: 1
help: Turn on/off the 1 frame delay for player animations.
variable: pl_pickAndThrow.useEnergy
type: int
current: 1
help: Turn on/off the use of nanosuit energy from GrabAndThrow actions
variable: pl_pickAndThrow.useProxies
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/Disables PickAndThrow proxies. Needs reload
variable: pl_power_sprint.foward_angle
type: float
current: 45
help: Power sprint: Stick angle threshold for sprinting (0.0 - 90.0f
variable: pl_refillAmmoDelay
type: float
current: 0.8
help: When refilling ammo from an ammo box, the weapon will be lowered and disab
led for this time
variable: pl_serialisePhysVel
type: int
current: 1
help: Serialise the physics vel rathe rthan the stick
variable: pl_shotgunDamageCap
type: float
current: 3.40282e+038
help: Shotgun damage cap when firing normally, MP ONLY
variable: pl_slealth_cloakinterference_onactionMP
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/Disable stealth interference effect on actions
variable: pl_slideCameraFactor
type: float
current: 1
help: Slide Camera Factor
variable: pl_slideMode
type: int
current: 1
help: Current sliding method (0=nonSTAP, 1=STAP+firing
variable: pl_sliding_control.deceleration_speed
type: float
current: 4
help: Deceleration while sliding (in m/s)
variable: pl_sliding_control.deceleration_speed_powerMode
type: float
current: 3
help: Deceleration while sliding (in m/s)
variable: pl_sliding_control.max_downhill_acceleration
type: float
current: 15
help: Extra speed added to sliding, when going down hill (scaled linearly to slo
variable: pl_sliding_control.max_downhill_threshold
type: float
current: 50
help: Slope angle threshold at which we reach maximum downhill acceleration
variable: pl_sliding_control.min_downhill_threshold
type: float
current: 5
help: Slope angle threshold for down hill sliding
variable: pl_sliding_control.min_speed
type: float
current: 2
help: Speed threshold at which sliding will stop automatically
variable: pl_sliding_control.min_speed_threshold
type: float
current: 4
help: Min sprinting movement speed to trigger sliding
variable: pl_sliding_control_mp.deceleration_speed
type: float
current: 2.2
help: Deceleration while sliding (in m/s) (for MP)
variable: pl_sliding_control_mp.deceleration_speed_powerMode
type: float
current: 4
help: Deceleration while sliding (in m/s) (for MP)
variable: pl_sliding_control_mp.max_downhill_acceleration
type: float
current: 0
help: Extra speed added to sliding, when going down hill (scaled linearly to slo
pe) (for MP)
variable: pl_sliding_control_mp.max_downhill_threshold
type: float
current: 50
help: Slope angle threshold at which we reach maximum downhill acceleration (for
variable: pl_sliding_control_mp.min_downhill_threshold
type: float
current: 5
help: Slope angle threshold for down hill sliding (for MP)
variable: pl_sliding_control_mp.min_speed
type: float
current: 7
help: Speed threshold at which sliding will stop automatically (for MP)
variable: pl_sliding_control_mp.min_speed_threshold
type: float
current: 8
help: Min sprinting movement speed to trigger sliding (for MP)
variable: pl_SnapToLedge
type: int
current: 0
help: fishies
variable: pl_spawnCorpseOnDeath
type: int
current: 1
help: Clone dying players to create longer-lasting corpses (in multiplayer)
variable: pl_stampTimeout
type: float
current: 3
help: Timeout for bailing out of stamp. Essentially a coverall in case of emerge
variable: pl_stealth_maxSpreadOnFire
type: int
current: 0
help: Apply maximum spread before firing when cloaked
variable: pl_stealth_maxSpreadOnFireMultiplier
type: float
current: 2
help: Multiplier to the maximum spread set when firing from cloak, only used if
the above cvar is true
variable: pl_stealth_shotgunDamageCap
type: float
current: 1000
help: Shotgun damage cap when firing from cloak, MP ONLY
variable: pl_stealthKill_aimVsSpineLerp
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Lerp factor between entity rotation and spine rotation
variable: pl_stealthKill_allowInMP
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable stealth kills in multiplayer
variable: pl_stealthKill_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Show debug lines for stealth kill angles
variable: pl_stealthKill_maxVelocitySquared
type: float
current: 16
help: Maximum speed of target for attempting stealth kill in multiplayer
variable: pl_swimAlignArmsToSurface
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable FP arms alignement to surface while swimming
variable: pl_swimBackSpeedMul
type: float
current: 0.8
help: Swimming backwards speed mul.
variable: pl_swimBaseSpeed
type: float
current: 4
help: Swimming base speed.
variable: pl_swimNormalSprintSpeedMul
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Swimming Non-Speed sprint speed mul.
variable: pl_swimNoSuitSprintSpeedMul
type: float
current: 1.4
help: Swimming sprint when you don't have a nanosuit
variable: pl_swimSideSpeedMul
type: float
current: 0.9
help: Swimming sideways speed mul.
variable: pl_swimSpeedSprintSpeedMul
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Swimming Speed sprint speed mul.
variable: pl_swimUpSprintSpeedMul
type: float
current: 2
help: Swimming sprint while looking up (dolphin rocket).
variable: pl_swimVertSpeedMul
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Swimming vertical speed mul.
variable: pl_switchTPOnKill
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/Disable auto switch to third person on kill in multiplayer
variable: pl_TacticalScanDuration
type: float
current: 0
help: Time in seconds it takes to scan a interest point object using the visor.
variable: pl_TacticalScanDurationMP
type: float
current: 0
help: Time in seconds it takes to scan a interest point object using the visor,
for MP.
variable: pl_targeting_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Targeting Assistance: Enable debugging of current target.
variable: pl_useItemHoldTime
type: float
current: 0.3
help: hold time to pick up an item
variable: pl_velocityInterpAirControlScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Use velocity based interpolation method with gravity adjustment
variable: pl_velocityInterpAirDeltaFactor
type: float
current: 0.75
help: Interpolation air motion damping factor (0-1)
variable: pl_velocityInterpAlwaysSnap
type: int
current: 0
help: Set to true to continually snap the remote player to the desired position,
for debug usage only
variable: pl_velocityInterpPathCorrection
type: float
current: 1
help: Percentage of velocity to apply tangentally to the current velocity, used
to reduce oscillation
variable: pl_velocityInterpSynchJump
type: int
current: 2
help: Velocity interp jump velocity synching
variable: pp_LoadOnlineAttributes REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
help: Load online attributes
variable: pp_RichSaveGames
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable RichSaveGame Format for SaveGames
variable: pp_RSFDebugWrite
type: int
current: 0
help: When RichSaveGames are enabled, save plain XML Data alongside for debuggin
variable: pp_RSFDebugWriteOnLoad
type: int
current: 0
help: When RichSaveGames are enabled, save plain XML Data alongside for debuggin
g when loading a savegame
variable: print_memory_trace
type: int
current: 1
help: dump memory traces to log: 1 to enable, 0 to disable
variable: profile
type: int
current: 0
help: Allows CPU profiling
Usage: profile #
Where # sets the profiling to:
0: Profiling off
1: Self Time
2: Hierarchical Time
3: Extended Self Time
4: Extended Hierarchical Time
5: Peaks Time
6: Subsystem Info
7: Calls Numbers
8: Standard Deviation
9: Memory Allocation
10: Memory Allocation (Bytes)
11: Stalls
-1: Profiling enabled, but not displayed
Default is 0 (off)
variable: profile_additionalsub
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable displaying additional sub-system profiling.
Usage: profile_additionalsub #
Where where # may be:
0: no additional subsystem information
1: display additional subsystem information
Default is 0 (off)
variable: profile_allthreads
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables profiling of non-main threads.

variable: profile_filter
type: string
help: Profiles a specified subsystem.
Usage: profile_filter subsystem
Where 'subsystem' may be:
variable: profile_filter_thread
type: string
help: Profiles a specified thread only.
Usage: profile_filter threadName
Where 'threadName' may be:
variable: profile_graph
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable drawing of profiling graph.
variable: profile_graphScale
type: float
current: 100
help: Sets the scale of profiling histograms.
Usage: profileGraphScale 100
variable: profile_network
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables network profiling
variable: profile_pagefaults
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable drawing of page faults graph.
variable: profile_peak
type: float
current: 10
help: Profiler Peaks Tolerance in Milliseconds
variable: profile_peak_display
type: float
current: 8
help: hot to cold time for peak display
variable: profile_sampler
type: float
current: 0
help: Set to 1 to start sampling profiling
variable: profile_sampler_max_samples
type: float
current: 2000
help: Number of samples to collect for sampling profiler
variable: profile_smooth
type: float
current: 1
help: Profiler exponential smoothing interval (seconds)
variable: profile_weighting
type: int
current: 0
help: Profiler smoothing mode: 0 = legacy, 1 = average, 2 = peak weighted, 3 = p
eak hold
variable: q_Renderer
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the quality of Renderer
Usage: q_Renderer 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderFX
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of FX
Usage: q_ShaderFX 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderGeneral
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of General
Usage: q_ShaderGeneral 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderGlass
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of Glass
Usage: q_ShaderGlass 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderHDR
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of HDR
Usage: q_ShaderHDR 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderIce
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of Ice
Usage: q_ShaderIce 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderMetal
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of Metal
Usage: q_ShaderMetal 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderPostProcess
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of PostProcess
Usage: q_ShaderPostProcess 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderShadow
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of Shadow
Usage: q_ShaderShadow 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderSky
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of Sky
Usage: q_ShaderSky 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderTerrain
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of Terrain
Usage: q_ShaderTerrain 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderVegetation
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of Vegetation
Usage: q_ShaderVegetation 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: q_ShaderWater
type: int
current: 3
help: Defines the shader quality of Water
Usage: q_ShaderWater 0=low/1=med/2=high/3=very high (default)
variable: r_AllowLiveMoCap
type: int
current: 0
help: Offers the LiveCreate MoCap Editor on Editor Startup when 1
variable: r_AnisoBlendWeight
type: float
current: 0.99
help: amount of change in the anisotropic settings, 1= no change, 0.01 slowly ad
variable: r_AnisoMax
type: int
current: 16
help: Max anisotropic level.
variable: r_AnisoMin
type: int
current: 0
help: Min anisotropic level.
variable: r_AnisoPasses
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables adaptive anisotropic filtering
0 - off
1 - opaque pass
2 - zpass
4 - transparent.
variable: r_AnisoRefDistance
type: float
current: 1
help: reference point infront the camera, used for rotational adaption, move it
further to make the system more sensitive for rotation
variable: r_AnisoScale
type: float
current: 1
help: this value is multiplied by the distance the camera have been moved betwee
n two frames and that is substracted from the max anisotropic
variable: r_ArmourPulseSpeedMultiplier
type: float
current: 1
help: Armour pulse speed multiplier - default = 1.0
variable: r_BatchType
type: int
current: 2
help: 0 - CPU friendly.
1 - GPU friendly.
2 - Automatic.

variable: r_Beams
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles light beams.
Usage: r_Beams [0/1/2/3]
Default is 3 (optimized beams with glow support). Set to 0 to disable beams or 2
use fake beams. Set 1 for real beams, full resolution (slower). Set to 3 to use
optimized and with glow support beams.
variable: r_BeamsDistFactor
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Distance between slices.
Usage: r_BeamsDistFactor [fValue]
Default is 0.01 (0.01 meters between slices).
variable: r_BeamsHelpers
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles light beams helpers drawing.
Usage: r_BeamsHelpers [0/1]
Default is 0 (disabled helpers). Set to 1 to enable drawing helpers.
variable: r_BeamsMaxSlices
type: int
current: 300
help: Number of volumetric slices allowed per light beam.
Usage: r_BeamsMaxSlices [1-300]
Default is 200 (high-spec).
variable: r_BeamsSoftClip
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles light beams clip type.
Usage: r_BeamsSoftClip [0/1]
Default is 1 (software clip beams). Set to 0 to enable hardware clipping.
variable: r_Brightness DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Sets the display brightness (not supported on PS3).
Usage: r_Brightness 0.5
Default is 0.5.
variable: r_CBStatic
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles per-instance CBs as static.
Usage: r_UseCBStatic [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to use dynamic update of CB's per-instance.
variable: r_CharacterEditorHotFix
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables hotfix for proper rendering in the character editor.
variable: r_CloakFadeByDist
type: int
current: 0
help: Cloak fade by distance - default = false
variable: r_CloakFadeLightScale
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Cloak fade light scale - default = 0.25
variable: r_CloakFadeMaxDistSq
type: float
current: 25
help: Cloak fade end distance squared - default = 25.0
variable: r_CloakFadeMinDistSq
type: float
current: 1
help: Cloak fade start distance squared - default = 1.0
variable: r_CloakFadeMinValue
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Cloak fade minimum value (between 0 and 1) - default = 0.2
variable: r_CloakHeatScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Cloak heat scale for thermal vision - default = 1.0
variable: r_CloakLightScale
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Cloak light scale - default = 0.25
variable: r_CloakMinLightValue
type: float
current: 0
help: Cloak min light value - default = 0.0
variable: r_CloakRefractionFadeByDist
type: int
current: 0
help: Cloak refraction fade by distance - default = false
variable: r_CloakRefractionFadeMaxDistSq
type: float
current: 25
help: Cloak refraction fade end distance squared - default = 25.0
variable: r_CloakRefractionFadeMinDistSq
type: float
current: 1
help: Cloak refraction fade start distance squared - default = 1.0
variable: r_CloakRefractionFadeMinValue
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Cloak refraction fade minimum value (between 0 and 1) - default = 0.2
variable: r_CloakRenderInThermalVision
type: int
current: 0
help: Render cloak in thermal vision - default = 0
variable: r_CloakTransitionLightScale
type: float
current: 1
help: Cloak transition light scale - default = 1.0
variable: r_ColorBits DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 32
help: Sets the color resolution, in bits per pixel. Default is 32.
Usage: r_ColorBits [32/24/16/8]
variable: r_ColorGrading
type: int
current: 2
help: Enables color grading.
Usage: r_ColorGrading [0/1]
variable: r_ColorGradingCharts
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables color grading via color charts.
Usage: r_ColorGradingCharts [0/1]
variable: r_ColorGradingChartsCache
type: int
current: 4
help: Enables color grading charts update caching.
Usage: r_ColorGradingCharts [0/1/2/etc]
Default is 4 (update every 4 frames), 0 - always update, 1- update every other f
variable: r_ColorGradingSelectiveColor
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables color grading.
Usage: r_ColorGradingSelectiveColor [0/1]
variable: r_ConditionalRendering
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables conditional rendering .
variable: r_ConsoleBackbufferHeight DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 720
help: console specific backbuffer resolution - height
variable: r_ConsoleBackbufferWidth DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1152
help: console specific backbuffer resolution - width
variable: r_Contrast DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Sets the display contrast (not supported on PS3).
Usage: r_Contrast 0.5
Default is 0.5.
variable: r_CoronaColorScale
type: float
current: 1
variable: r_CoronaFade
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Time fading factor of the light coronas.
Usage: r_CoronaFade 0.5Default is 0.5.
variable: r_CoronaSizeScale
type: float
current: 1
variable: r_DebugVoxTerrainX
type: float
current: 0
variable: r_DebugVoxTerrainY
type: float
current: 0
variable: r_DeferredShadingHeightBasedAmbient
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles experimental height based ambient.
Usage: r_DeferredShadingHeightBasedAmbient [0/1]
Default is 1 (enabled), 0 Disables
variable: r_DeferredShadingLightLodRatio DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets deferred shading light intensity threshold for PS3.
Usage: r_DeferredShadingLightLodRatio [value]
Default is 0.1
variable: r_DeferredShadingLightStencilRatio DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.21
help: Sets screen ratio for deferred lights to use stencil (eg: 0.2 - 20% of scr
Usage: r_DeferredShadingLightStencilRatio [value]
Default is 0.2
variable: r_DeferredShadingSortLights
type: int
current: 0
help: Sorts light by influence
Usage: r_DeferredShadingSortLights [0/1]
Default is 0 (off)
variable: r_DeferredShadingStencilPrepass DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles deferred shading stencil pre pass.
Usage: r_DeferredShadingStencilPrepass [0/1]
Default is 1 (enabled), 0 Disables
variable: r_DeferredShadingTiledRatio DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0
variable: r_DeferredShadingTilesX DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 16
variable: r_DeferredShadingTilesY DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 12
variable: r_DepthBits DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 32
variable: r_DetailDistance DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 8
help: Distance used for per-pixel detail layers blending.
Usage: r_DetailDistance (1-20)
Default is 6.
variable: r_DetailNumLayers DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 2
help: Sets the number of detail layers per surface.
Usage: r_DetailNumLayers 2
Default is 2.
variable: r_DetailScale
type: float
current: 8
help: Sets the default scaling for detail overlays.
Usage: r_DetailScale 8
Default is 8. This scale applies only if the object's
detail scale was not previously defined (in MAX).
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles debugging information display.
Usage: r_DisplayInfo [0=off/1=show/2=enhanced]
variable: r_dofMinZ
type: float
current: 0
help: Set dof min z distance, anything behind this distance will get out focus.
(good default value 0.4)

variable: r_dofMinZBlendMult
type: float
current: 1
help: Set dof min z blend multiplier (bigger value means faster blendind transit

variable: r_dofMinZScale
type: float
current: 0
help: Set dof min z out of focus strenght (good default value - 1.0f)

variable: r_DrawNearFarPlane
type: float
current: 40
help: Default is 40.
variable: r_DrawNearFoV
type: float
current: 75
help: Sets the FoV for drawing of near objects.
Usage: r_DrawNearFoV [n]
Default is 60.
variable: r_DrawNearZRange
type: float
current: 0.12
help: Default is 0.1.
variable: r_Driver DUMPTODISK
type: string
current: dx11
help: Sets the renderer driver ( DX9/DX11/AUTO/NULL ). Default is DX11 on Vista
and Windows 7 and DX9 otherwise.
Specify in system.cfg like this: r_Driver = "DX11"
variable: r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize
type: int
current: 64
variable: r_DynTexAtlasDynTexSrcSize
type: int
current: 16
variable: r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize
type: int
current: 64
variable: r_DynTexAtlasVoxTerrainMaxSize
type: int
current: 250
variable: r_DynTexMaxSize
type: int
current: 160
variable: r_DynTexSourceSharedRTHeight
type: int
current: 256
help: Height of shared RT for dynamic texture sources.
variable: r_DynTexSourceSharedRTWidth
type: int
current: 256
help: Width of shared RT for dynamic texture sources.
variable: r_enableAltTab
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles alt tabbing in and out of fullscreen when the game is not in devmo
Usage: r_enableAltTab [toggle]
Notes: Should only be added to system.cfg and requires a restart
variable: r_EnvCMResolution DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 2
help: Sets resolution for target environment cubemap, in pixels.
Usage: r_EnvCMResolution #
where # represents:
0: 64
1: 128
2: 256
Default is 2 (256 by 256 pixels).
variable: r_EnvCMupdateInterval DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.04
help: Sets the interval between environmental cube map texture updates.
Usage: r_EnvCMupdateInterval #
Default is 0.1.
variable: r_EnvLCMupdateInterval DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.1
help: LEGACY - not used
variable: r_EnvTexResolution DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 3
help: Sets resolution for 2d target environment texture, in pixels.
Usage: r_EnvTexResolution #
where # represents:
0: 64
1: 128
2: 256
3: 512
Default is 3 (512 by 512 pixels).
variable: r_EnvTexUpdateInterval DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Sets the interval between environmental 2d texture updates.
Usage: r_EnvTexUpdateInterval 0.001
Default is 0.001.
variable: r_ExcludeMesh
type: string
help: Exclude or ShowOnly the named mesh from the render list.
Usage: r_ExcludeShader Name
Usage: r_ExcludeShader !Name
Sometimes this is useful when debugging.
variable: r_ExcludeShader
type: string
current: 0
help: Exclude the named shader from the render list.
Usage: r_ExcludeShader ShaderName
Sometimes this is useful when debugging.
variable: r_EyeAdaptationBase
type: float
current: 0.1
help: HDR rendering eye adaptation base value (smaller values result in brighter
Usage: r_EyeAdaptationBase [Value]
variable: r_EyeAdaptationFactor DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.85
help: HDR rendering eye adaptation factor (0 means no adaption to current scene
luminance, 1 means full adaption)
Usage: r_HDREyeAdaptionFactor [Value]
Default is 0.5
variable: r_EyeAdaptationSpeed
type: float
current: 2
help: HDR rendering eye adaptation speed
Usage: r_EyeAdaptationSpeed [Value]
variable: r_FlashMatTexResQuality
type: float
current: 1
help: Texture resolution quality of flash materials.
Only used if flash asset is tagged CE_HQR!
variable: r_Flush
type: int
current: 1
variable: r_FogDepthTest
type: float
current: -0.0005
help: Enables per-pixel culling for deferred volumetric fog pass.
Fog computations for all pixels closer than a given depth value will be skipped.
Usage: r_FogDepthTest z with...
z = 0, culling disabled
z > 0, fixed linear world space culling depth
z < 0, optimal culling depth will be computed automatically based on camera di
rection and fog settings
variable: r_FogGlassBackbufferResolveDepthThreshold
type: float
current: 1
help: a difference in depth between ForceRefractionUpdate material shaders
of this amount will force a backbuffer resolve unless capped.
type: int
current: 0
help: Quality level used when multisampled antialiasing is enabled.
Usage: r_FSAA_quality N (where N is a number >= 0). Attention, N must be support
ed by given video hardware!
Default: 0. Please note that various hardware implements special FSAA modes via
certain combinations of
r_FSAA_quality and r_FSAA_samples. See config/FSAAProfiles*.txt for samples.
type: int
current: 4
help: Number of subsamples used when multisampled antialiasing is enabled.
Usage: r_FSAA_samples N (where N is a number >= 0). Attention, N must be support
ed by given video hardware!
Default: 4. Please note that various hardware implements special FSAA modes via
certain combinations of
r_FSAA_quality and r_FSAA_samples. See config/FSAAProfiles*.txt for samples.
variable: r_Fullscreen DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles fullscreen mode. Default is 1 in normal game and 0 in DevMode.
Usage: r_Fullscreen [0=window/1=fullscreen]
variable: r_Gamma DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1.0025
help: Adjusts the graphics card gamma correction (fast, needs hardware support,
affects also HUD and desktop)
Usage: r_Gamma 1.0
1 off (default), accepted range on PS3 is 0.8 to 1.25
variable: r_GeomInstancingThreshold
type: int
current: 0
help: If the instance count gets bigger than the specified value the instancing
feature is used.
Usage: r_GeomInstancingThreshold [Num]
Default is 0 (automatic depending on hardware, used value can be found in the lo
variable: r_GetScreenShot
type: int
current: 0
help: To capture one screenshot (variable is set to 0 after capturing)
0=do not take a screenshot (default), 1=save a screenshot (together with .HDR if
enabled), 2=save a screenshot
variable: r_GlowAnamorphicFlares
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles the anamorphic flares effect.
Usage: r_GlowAnamorphicFlares [0/1]
Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to enable.
variable: r_HDRBloomMul
type: float
current: 1
help: HDR bloom multiplier
Usage: r_HDRBloomMul [Value]
variable: r_HDRBlueShift DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: HDR rendering blue shift.
Usage: r_HDRBlueShift 0 to 1
Default is 0 (disabled). Set to 1 to use max blue shift strength
variable: r_HDRBrightLevel DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.85
help: HDR rendering level (bloom multiplier, tweak together with threshold)
Usage: r_HDRBrightLevel [Value]
Default is 0.6
variable: r_HDRBrightOffset DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 5
help: HDR rendering bright offset.
Usage: r_HDRBrightOffset [Value]
Default is 6.0
variable: r_HDRBrightThreshold DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 6
help: HDR rendering bright threshold.
Usage: r_HDRBrightThreshold [Value]
Default is 3.0
variable: r_HDRGrainAmount
type: float
current: 0.6
help: HDR camera grain amount
Usage: r_HDRGrainAmount [Value]
variable: r_HDRLevel DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 6
help: HDR rendering range level (color multiplier tweak together with hdr offset
Usage: r_HDRLevel [Value]
Default is 3.0f
variable: r_HDROffset DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 10
help: HDR rendering range offset (color multiplier tweak together with hdr level
Usage: r_HDROffset [Value]
Default is 10.0f
variable: r_HDRRangeAdaptationSpeed
type: float
current: 4
help: HDR range adaption speed
Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptationSpeed [Value]
variable: r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMax DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.125
help: Set range adaptation max adaptation for light buffers (improve precision -
minimize banding)
Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMax [Value]
Default is 0.25f
variable: r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMaxRange DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 2
help: Set range adaptation max range adaptation for light buffers (improve preci
sion - minimize banding)
Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptLBufferMaxRange [Value]
Default is 2.0f
variable: r_HDRRangeAdaptMax DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Set HDR range adaptation max adaptation (improve precision - minimize band
Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptMax [Value]
Default is 1.0f
variable: r_HDRRangeAdaptMaxRange DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 4
help: Set HDR range adaptation max adaptation (improve precision - minimize band
Usage: r_HDRRangeAdaptMaxRange [Value]
Default is 4.0f
variable: r_HDRRendering DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 2
help: Toggles HDR rendering.
Usage: r_HDRRendering [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable HDR rendering.
variable: r_Height DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 900
help: Sets the display height, in pixels. Default is 768.
Usage: r_Height [600/768/..]
variable: r_ImposterRatio
type: float
current: 1
help: Allows to scale the texture resolution of imposters (clouds)
Usage: r_ImposterRatio [1..]
Default is 1 (1:1 normal). Bigger values can help to save texture space
(e.g. value 2 results in 1/4 texture memory usage)
variable: r_ImpostersUpdatePerFrame
type: int
current: 6000
help: How many kilobytes to update per-frame.
Usage: r_ImpostersUpdatePerFrame [1000-30000]
Default is 6000 (6 megabytes)
variable: r_MaxSuitPulseSpeedMultiplier
type: float
current: 1
help: Max suit pulse speed multiplier - default = 1.0
variable: r_MeasureOverdrawScale
type: float
current: 1.5
variable: r_MeshPoolSize
type: int
current: 0
help: The size of the pool for render data in kilobytes. Disabled by default on
PC (mesh data allocated on heap).Enabled by default PS3. Requires app restart to
variable: r_MeshVolatilePoolSize
type: int
current: 0
help: The size of the pool for volatile render data in kilobytes. Disabled by de
fault on PC (mesh data allocated on heap).Enabled by default PS3. Requires app r
estart to change.
variable: r_MotionBlur
type: int
current: 2
help: Enables per object and camera motion blur.
Usage: r_MotionBlur [0/1/2/3]
Default is 1 (camera motion blur on).
1: camera motion blur
2: camera and object motion blur
3: debug mode

variable: r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist
type: float
current: 16
help: Sets motion blur max view distance for objects.
Usage: r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist [0...1]
Default is 16 meters
variable: r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed
type: float
current: 0.004
help: Sets motion blur camera shutter speed.
Usage: r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed [0...1]
Default is 0.004
variable: r_MultiGPU
type: int
current: 0
help: 0=disabled, 1=extra overhead to allow SLI(NVidia) or Crossfire(ATI),
2(default)=automatic detection (currently SLI only, means off for ATI)
should be activated before rendering
variable: r_NightVisionAmbientMul
type: float
current: 6
help: Set nightvision ambient color multiplier.

variable: r_NightVisionBrightLevel
type: float
current: 3
help: Set nightvision bloom brightlevel.

variable: r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseAmount
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Set nightvision noise amount based on camera movement.

variable: r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseBlendSpeed
type: float
current: 2
help: Set nightvision noise amount blend speed.

variable: r_NightVisionFinalMul
type: float
current: 3
help: Set nightvision final color multiplier for fine tunning.

variable: r_NightVisionSonarLifetime
type: float
current: 2
help: Set nightvision sonar hints lifetime.

variable: r_NightVisionSonarMultiplier
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Set nightvision sonar hints color multiplier.

variable: r_NightVisionSonarRadius
type: float
current: 32
help: Set nightvision sonar hints radius.

variable: r_NightVisionViewDist
type: float
current: 100
help: Set nightvision ambient view distance.

variable: r_NoDrawNear
type: int
current: 0
help: Disable drawing of near objects.
Usage: r_NoDrawNear [0/1]
Default is 0 (near objects are drawn).
variable: r_NormalsLength
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Sets the length of displayed vectors.
r_NormalsLength 0.2
Default is 0.2 (meters). Used with r_ShowTangents and r_ShowNormals.
variable: r_PostMSAA
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables amortized multisampling.
Usage: r_PostMSAA [0/1]1: 2x quincunx, 2: 4xmsaa
variable: r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables nvidia's edge filtering/fxaa algorithim.
Usage: r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV [0/1]
variable: r_PostMSAAMode
type: int
current: 2
help: Enables amortized multisampling.
Usage: r_PostMSAAMode [1: to enable 2x amsaa with linear blending, 2: to enable
2x amsaa with clamped reprojection]
variable: r_PostProcessHUD3DCache
type: int
current: 2
help: Enables 3d hud caching overframes.
Usage: r_PostProcessHUD3DCache [0/1/2/3]
Default is 0 (disabled). 1 Cache every 1 frame. 2 Every 2 frames. Etc
variable: r_PostProcessHUD3DGlowAmount
type: float
current: 1
help: Controls 3D HUD 'Glow' Amount.
Usage: r_PostProcessHUD3DGlowAmount [> 0.0]
Default is 1.0f, higher = more glow
variable: r_PostProcessHUD3DShadowAmount
type: float
current: 1.7
help: Controls 3D HUD 'Shadow' Amount.
Usage: r_PostProcessHUD3DShadowAmount [> 0.0]
Default is 1.7f, higher = darker
variable: r_PostprocessParamsBlendingTimeScale
type: float
current: 12
help: Sets post processing effects parameters smooth blending time scale
Usage: r_PostprocessParamsBlendingTimeScale [scale]
Default is 12.0f.
variable: r_PostProcessReset
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables post processing special effects reset.
Usage: r_PostProcessEffectsReset [0/1]
Default is 0 (disabled). 1 enabled
variable: r_RainAmount
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets rain amount
Usage: r_RainAmount
variable: r_RainDistMultiplier
type: float
current: 2
help: Rain layer distance from camera multiplier
variable: r_RainLayersPerFrame
type: int
current: 2
help: Number of rain layers to render per frame
variable: r_RainMaxViewDist
type: float
current: 32
help: Sets rain max view distance
Usage: r_RainMaxViewDist
variable: r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred
type: float
current: 100
help: Sets maximum view distance (in meters) for deferred rain reflection layer
Usage: r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred [n]
variable: r_RainOccluderSizeTreshold
type: float
current: 25
help: Only objects bigger than this size will occlude rain
variable: r_RC_AutoInvoke
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable calling the resource compiler (rc.exe) to compile TIF file to DDS f
iles if the date check
shows that the destination is older or does not exist.
Usage: r_RC_AutoInvoke 0 (default is 1)
variable: r_ReflectionsOffset
type: float
current: 0
variable: r_refraction
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables refraction.
Usage: r_refraction [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable.
variable: r_RenderMeshHashGridUnitSize
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Controls density of render mesh triangle indexing structures
variable: r_RenderTargetPoolSize
type: int
current: 0
help: Size of pool for render targets in MB.
Default is 50(MB) for PS3 & XBox 360.
variable: r_Scissor
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables scissor test
variable: r_ShaderCompilerDontCache
type: int
current: 0
help: Disables caching on server side.
Usage: r_ShaderCompilerDontCache 0 #
Default is 0
variable: r_ShaderCompilerPort
type: int
current: 61453
help: set user defined port of the shader compile server.
Usage: r_ShaderCompilerPort 61453 #
Default is 61453
variable: r_ShaderCompilerServer
type: string
help: Usage: r_ShaderCompilerIP localhost
Default is 8core5
variable: r_ShadersAsyncActivation
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable asynchronous shader activation
Usage: r_ShadersAsyncActivation [0/1]
0 = off, (stalling) synchronous shaders activation
1 = on, shaders are activated/streamed asynchronously

variable: r_ShadersAsyncCompiling
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable asynchronous shader compiling
Usage: r_ShadersAsyncCompiling [0/1/2/3]
0 = off, (stalling) shaders compiling
1 = on, shaders are compiled in parallel, missing shaders are rendered in yello
2 = on, shaders are compiled in parallel, missing shaders are not rendered
3 = on, shaders are compiled in parallel in precache mode
variable: r_ShadersAsyncMaxThreads DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
variable: r_ShadersCacheOptimiseLog
type: int
current: 0
variable: r_ShadersDX11
type: int
current: 1
variable: r_ShadersDX9
type: int
current: 1
variable: r_ShadersIntCompiler DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
variable: r_ShadersLogCacheMisses
type: int
current: 0
help: Log all shader caches misses on HD (both level and global shader cache mis
variable: r_ShadersPreactivate DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 3
variable: r_ShadersPS3
type: int
current: 0
variable: r_ShadersRemoteCompiler DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
variable: r_ShadersSubmitRequestline
type: int
current: 1
variable: r_ShadersUseInstanceLookUpTable
type: int
current: 0
help: Use lookup table to search for shader instances. Speeds up the process, bu
t uses more memory. Handy for shader generation.
variable: r_ShadersXenon
type: int
current: 0
variable: r_ShadowBlur DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 3
help: Selected shadow map screenspace blurring technique.
Usage: r_ShadowBlur [0=no blurring(fastest)/1=blur/2=blur/3=blur without leaking
variable: r_ShadowBluriness DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowBlur is activated.
Usage: r_ShadowBluriness [0.1 - 16]
variable: r_ShadowJittering
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Activate shadow map jittering.
Usage: r_ShadowJittering [0=off, 1=on]
variable: r_ShadowsBias DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 8e-005
help: Select shadow map blurriness if r_ShadowsBias is activated.
Usage: r_ShadowsBias [0.1 - 16]
variable: r_ShadowsDepthBoundNV
type: int
current: 0
help: 1=use NV Depth Bound extension
Usage: CV_r_ShadowsDepthBoundNV [0/1]
variable: r_ShowDynTexturesFilter
type: string
current: *
help: Usage: r_ShowDynTexturesFilter *end
Usage: r_ShowDynTexturesFilter *mid*
Usage: r_ShowDynTexturesFilter start*
Default is *. Set to 'pattern' to show only specific textures (activate r_ShowDy
variable: r_ShowDynTexturesMaxCount
type: int
current: 36
help: Allows to adjust number of textures shown on the screen
Usage: r_ShowDynTexturesMaxCount [1...36]
Default is 36
variable: r_ShowOnlyShader
type: string
current: 0
help: Render only the named shader, ignoring all others.
Usage: r_ShowOnlyShader ShaderName
variable: r_ShowRenderTarget_Filtered
type: int
current: 1
help: Use bilinear filtering when drawing render target on the screen
Usage: r_ShowRenderTarget_Filtered [0=off/1=on]
variable: r_ShowRenderTarget_FullScreen
type: int
current: 0
variable: r_ShowTexture
type: string
help: Displays loaded texture - for debug purpose
variable: r_ShowVideoMemoryStats
type: int
current: 0
variable: r_SSAO
type: int
current: 4
help: Screen space ambient occlusion:
0 - disabled
1 - SSAO technique with normals
2 - SSAO technique with normals and temporal accumulation
3 - Volumetric Obscurance technique with jittering
4 - Volumetric Obscurance technique with jittering and temporal accumulation
variable: r_SSAOAmount
type: float
current: 1
help: Controls how much SSAO affects ambient
variable: r_SSAOContrast
type: float
current: 1
help: SSAO contrast coefficient (higher contrast highlights edges)
variable: r_SSAODownscale
type: int
current: 0
help: Use downscaled computations for SSAO
variable: r_SSAOQuality
type: int
current: 3
help: SSAO shader quality[0 - Low spec, 1 - Medium spec, 2 - High spec, 3-3 High
est spec]
variable: r_SSAORadius
type: float
current: 1.5
help: Controls size of area tested
variable: r_SSAOTemporalConvergence
type: float
current: 0.7
help: Temporal SSAO update/convergence speed
variable: r_SSGIAmount
type: float
current: 1
help: SSGI effect multiplier
variable: r_SSGIRadius
type: float
current: 0.1
help: SSGI kernel radius
variable: r_StencilBits DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 8
type: int
current: 100
help: Sets stereo device (only possible before app start)
Usage: r_StereoDevice [0/1/2/3/4]
0: No stereo support (default)
1: Frame compatible formats (side-by-side, interlaced, anaglyph)
2: HDMI 1.4 (PS3 only)
3: Stereo driver (PC only, NVidia or AMD)
4: Dualhead (PC only, two projectors or iZ3D screen)
100: Auto-detect device for platform
variable: r_StereoEyeDist DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.02
help: Maximum separation between stereo images in percentage of the screen.
variable: r_StereoFlipEyes DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Flip eyes in stereo mode.
Usage: r_StereoFlipEyes [0=off/1=on]
0: don't flip
1: flip

variable: r_StereoGammaAdjustment DUMPTODISK

type: float
current: 0.12
help: Additional adjustment to the graphics card gamma correction when Stereo is
Usage: r_StereoGammaAdjustment [offset]0: off
variable: r_StereoHudScreenDist DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Distance to plane where hud stereo parallax converges to zero.
If not zero, HUD needs to be rendered two times.
variable: r_StereoMode DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets stereo rendering mode.
Usage: r_StereoMode [0=off/1/2]
1: Dual rendering
2: Post Stereo

variable: r_StereoNearGeoScale DUMPTODISK

type: float
current: 0.65
help: Scale for near geometry (weapon) that gets pushed into the screen
variable: r_StereoOutput DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 4
help: Sets stereo output. Output depends on the stereo monitor
Usage: r_StereoOutput [0=off/1/2/3/4/5/6]
0: Standard
1: IZ3D
2: Checkerboard (not supported on X360)
3: Above and Below (not supported)
4: Side by Side
5: Line by Line (Interlaced)
6: Anaglyph

variable: r_StereoScreenDist DUMPTODISK

type: float
current: 0.25
help: Distance to plane where stereo parallax converges to zero.
variable: r_StereoStrength DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Multiplier which influences the strength of the stereo effect.
variable: r_StereoSupportAMD REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Disables/Enables [0/1] stereo support on AMD hardware
variable: r_sunshafts
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables sun shafts.
Usage: r_sunshafts [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable.
variable: r_TexAtlasSize
type: int
current: 4096
variable: r_TexelsPerMeter
type: float
current: 0
help: Enables visualization of the color coded "texels per meter" ratio for obje
cts in view.
The checkerboard pattern displayed represents the mapping of the assigned diffus
texture onto the object's uv space. One block in the pattern represents 8x8 texe
Usage: r_TexelsPerMeter [n] (where n is the desired number of texels per meter;
0 = off)
variable: r_TexMaxAnisotropy REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: int
current: 16
variable: r_TexMinAnisotropy REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: int
current: 1
variable: r_TexSkyResolution DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
variable: r_TextureLodDistanceRatio
type: float
current: -1
help: Controls dynamic LOD system for textures used in materials.
Usage: r_TextureLodDistanceRatio [-1, 0 and bigger]
Default is -1 (completely off). Value 0 will set full LOD to all textures used i
n frame.
Values bigger than 0 will activate texture LOD selection depending on distance t
o the objects.
variable: r_TexturesFilteringQuality REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: int
current: 0
help: Configures texture filtering adjusting.
Usage: r_TexturesFilteringQuality [#]
where # represents:
0: Highest quality
1: Medium quality
2: Low quality
variable: r_texturesskiplowermips
type: int
current: 0
help: Enabled skipping lower mips for X360.

variable: r_TexturesStreamingDebugFilter
type: string
help: Filters displayed textures by name in texture streaming debug mode

variable: r_TexturesStreamingDebugMinMip
type: int
current: 100
help: Filters displayed textures by loaded mip in texture streaming debug mode
variable: r_TexturesStreamingDebugMinSize
type: int
current: 100
help: Filters displayed textures by size in texture streaming debug mode
variable: r_TexturesStreamingMaxRequestedJobs
type: int
current: 256
help: Maximum number of tasks submitted to streaming system.
Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMaxRequestedJobs [jobs number]
Default is 256 jobs
variable: r_TexturesStreamingMaxRequestedMB
type: float
current: 2
help: Maximum amount of texture data requested from streaming system in MB.
Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMaxRequestedMB [size]
Default is 2.0(MB)
variable: r_TexturesStreamingMipBias
type: float
current: 0
help: Controls how texture LOD depends from distance to the objects.
Increasing this value will reduce amount of memory required for textures.
Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMipBias [-4..0..4]
Default is 0.
variable: r_TexturesStreamingMipClampDVD
type: int
current: 1
help: Clamp the texture mip level to certain value when streaming from DVD. 1 wi
ll never allow highest mips to be loaded for example.
Usage: r_TexturesStreamingMipClampDVD [0..4]
Default is 1.
variable: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyThrottle
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Ratio for textures to become resident.
Usage: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyThrottle [ratio]Default is 0.5Max is 1.0 mean
s textures will become resident sooner, Min 0.0 means textures will not become r
variable: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyTime
type: float
current: 10
help: Time to keep textures resident for before allowing them to be removed from
Usage: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyTime [Time]
Default is 10 seconds
variable: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyTimeTestLimit
type: float
current: 5
help: Time limit to use for mip thrashing calculation in seconds.
Usage: r_TexturesStreamingResidencyTimeTestLimit [time]Default is 5 seconds
variable: r_TexturesStreamingSync
type: int
current: 0
help: Force only synchronous texture streaming.
All textures will be streamed in the main thread. Useful for debug purposes.
Usage: r_TexturesStreamingSync [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
variable: r_texturesstreampooldefragmentation
type: int
current: 0
help: Enabled CPU (1), GPU(2) and disable (0) textures stream pool defragmentati

variable: r_TexturesStreamPoolFragmentationCount
type: int
current: 0
help: Add warning message about texture pool fragmentation when pool is overflow

variable: r_TexturesStreamPoolSize
type: int
current: 128
help: Size of pool for textures streaming in MB.
If r_TexturesStreaming is set to 2, this parameter is chosen automatically for P
Default is 128(MB) for PC, 80(MB) for PS3 & XBox 360.
variable: r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFlickerMaxIntensity
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets thermal vision cloaked-object flicker random max intensity.
Usage: r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFlickerMaxIntensity [0.0+]
When looking at a refracting (cloaked) object sets the min scaling factor at whi
ch the object displays hot in thermal vision
variable: r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFlickerMinIntensity
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets thermal vision cloaked-object flicker random min intensity.
Usage: r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFlickerMinIntensity [0.0+]
When looking at a refracting (cloaked) object sets the min scaling factor at whi
ch the object displays hot in thermal vision
variable: r_ThermalVisionViewDistance
type: float
current: 150
help: Toggles thermal vision distance attenuation.
Default is 150 (meters)
variable: r_UseEdgeAA
type: int
current: 3
help: Toggles edge blurring/antialiasing
Usage: r_UseEdgeAA [0/1/2/3]
Default is 1 (edge blurring)
1 = activate edge blurring mode
2 = activate edge antialiasing mode (previous version)3 = activate Laplace edge
antialiasing mode
variable: r_UseMergedPosts
type: int
current: 3
help: Enables motion blur merged with dof.
Usage: r_UseMergedPosts [0/1/2]
Default is 1.
1: fastest mode - half res rendering
2: full res rendering mode (tbd)
3: quality mode, hdr + fullres (tbd)

variable: r_UseParticles_GIAmount
type: float
current: 0.15
help: Global illumination amount for particles without material.
Usage: r_UseParticles_GIAmount [n]
variable: r_UseParticlesHalfRes
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables rendering of particles that are close to the camera in half (1) or
quater (2) resolution.
Usage: r_UseParticlesHalfRes [0/2]
variable: r_UsePOM
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables Parallax Occlusion Mapping.
Usage: r_UsePOM [0/1]
variable: r_UseZPass
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles Z pass.
Usage: r_UseZPass [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable Z-pass.
variable: r_VarianceShadowMapBlurAmount DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Activate shadow map blur.
Usage: r_VarianceShadowMapBlurAmount [0=deactivate, >0 to specify blur amount (1

variable: r_VegetationSpritesTexRes
type: int
current: 128
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles vertical sync.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
2: Enabled, use asynchronous swaps on X360
variable: r_WaterCaustics
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles under water caustics.
Usage: r_WaterCaustics [0/1]
Default is 1 (enabled).
variable: r_WaterCausticsDeferred
type: int
current: 2
help: Toggles under water caustics deferred pass.
Usage: r_WaterCausticsDeferred [0/1/2]
Default is 0 (disabled). 1 - enables. 2 - enables with stencil pre-pass
variable: r_WaterCausticsDistance
type: float
current: 100
help: Toggles under water caustics max distance.
Usage: r_WaterCausticsDistance
Default is 100.0 meters
variable: r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Activates water reflections if visible pixels above a certain threshold.
variable: r_WaterReflectionsMinVisUpdateDistanceMul DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 10
help: Activates update distance multiplier when water mostly occluded.
variable: r_WaterReflectionsMinVisUpdateFactorMul DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 20
help: Activates update factor multiplier when water mostly occluded.
variable: r_WaterUpdateDistance
type: float
current: 0.01
variable: r_WaterUpdateFactor DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Distance factor for water reflected texture updating.
Usage: r_WaterUpdateFactor 0.01
Default is 0.01. 0 means update every frame
variable: r_WaterUpdateThread
type: int
current: 5
help: Enables water updating on separate thread (when MT supported).
Usage: r_WaterUpdateThread [0/1/2/3/4/n]
Default is 5 (enabled and on 5 hw thread).
variable: r_Width DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1440
help: Sets the display width, in pixels. Default is 1024.
Usage: r_Width [800/1024/..]
variable: r_ZFightingDepthScale
type: float
current: 0.995
help: Controls anti z-fighting measures in shaders (scaling homogeneous z).
variable: r_ZFightingExtrude
type: float
current: 0.001
help: Controls anti z-fighting measures in shaders (extrusion along normal in wo
rld units).
variable: rss_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Show debug info for the feed.
variable: rss_speed
type: float
current: 40
help: The speed, in pixels per second, for the RSS feed to scroll
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets maximum number of ADPCM Decoder.
Usage: s_ADPCMDecoders 32
0: <auto>, PC:32, PS3:0, X360:0
Default is 0 <auto>.
variable: s_AllowNotCachedAccess
type: int
current: 1
help: Controls whether to allow sound load requests that are not cached in the A
FCM or not.
Usage: s_AllowNotCachedAccess [0/1]
0: OFF (not allowing access to not cached data)
Default PC: 1, PS3: 0, XBox360: 0

variable: s_AudioPreloadsFile
type: string
current: AudioPreloads
help: Sets the file name for the AudioFileCacheManager to parse.
Usage: s_AudioPreloadsFile <file name without extension>
Default: AudioPreloads

variable: s_BlockAlignSize
type: int
current: -1
help: Internal minimum file block alignment in bytes.
Audio will read data in at least chunks of this size.
Usage: s_BlockAlignSize [0/...]
Default PC: -1, PS3: 16384, XBox360: -1
-1 is a FMOD default and results in 2048 bytes.

variable: s_CompressedDialog
type: int
current: 1
help: toggles if dialog data are stored compressed in memory.
Usage: s_CompressedDialog [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: s_Compression DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles which decoder should be preferred: <auto>, FSB, MP2, MP3, XMA, or
0: <auto>, PC:2, PS3:3, X360:4
1: Prefers FSB
2: Prefers MP2
3: Prefers MP3
4: Prefers XMA
5: Prefers WAV
Default is 0 (auto)
variable: s_CullingByCache
type: int
current: 1
help: Controls if sound name are cache to allow early culling.
Usage: s_CullingByCache [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: s_DebugMusic DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Changes music-debugging verbosity level.
Usage: s_DebugMusic [0/4]
Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 (up to 4) to debug music.
variable: s_DebugSound
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles sound debugging mode.
Usage: s_DebugSound [0/11]
0: Disables debugging.
1: Enables simple sound debugging.
2: Enables full sound debugging.
3: Enables sound event listener debugging.
4: Enables sound syncpoint debugging.
5: Enables simple memory debugging.
6: Enables FMOD logging into fmod.log.
7: Enables simple FMOD debugging into fmod.log.
8: Enables complex FMOD debugging into fmod.log.
9: Enables FMOD memory debugging into fmod.log.
10: Enables logging of all FMOD output into fmod.log.
11: Enables AudioDevice command logging to SoundCommands.xml.
11: Enables logging of information on Voice files which have programmersounds.
Default is 0 (off).
variable: s_DialogVolume DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets the volume of all dialog sounds.
Usage: s_DialogVolume 0.5
Default is 1, which is full volume.
variable: s_Doppler DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles Doppler effect on and off.
Usage: s_Doppler [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: s_DopplerScale DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets the strength of the Doppler effect.
Usage: s_DopplerValue 1.0Default is 1.0. This multiplier affects the sound veloc
variable: s_DrawObstruction
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles drawing of a blue radius around the sound's position and rays cast
ed to test obstruction.
Usage: s_DrawObstruction [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
1: Draws the ball and casts rays to show the obstruction tests.
variable: s_DrawSounds
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles drawing of a small red ball at the sound's position and additional
Usage: s_DrawSounds [0..4]
Default is 0 (off).
1: Draws the ball, filename and the current volume of the used channel for all a
ctive sounds.
2: Draws the ball, used channel, static volume, current volume, SoundID of the u
sed channel for all active sounds.
3: Draws the ball, all information for all active sounds.
4: Draws the ball, and information for all sounds (also unactive).
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles dummy(NULL) sound system.
variable: s_DumpEventStructure
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles to save a file of event structure.
Default is 0 (off).
1: dumps event structure to eventstructure.txt.
Usage: s_DumpEventStructure [0/1].
variable: s_ErrorSound
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles error sound playback.
Usage: s_ErrorSound [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: s_FileAccess
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles disk access on reading files.
0: direct file access via CryPak
1: indirect file access via StreamingSystem with wait
Default is 0.
variable: s_FileCacheManagerEnable REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables the use of the file cache manager to cache audio data that is set
in AudioPreloads.xml!
Usage: s_FileCacheManagerEnable [0/1]
0: OFF (no caching of audio data, AudioPreloads.xml is not parsed!)
Default is 1 (on).

variable: s_FileCacheManagerSize REQUIRE_APP_RESTART

type: float
current: 0
help: Sets the size in MB the file cache manager will have available.
Usage: s_FileCacheManagerSize [0..]
0: <auto>, PC: 80, PS3: 23, XBox360: 23
Default is 0 <auto>.
variable: s_FileOpenHandleMax
type: int
current: 30
help: Sets max of open file handles.
Usage: s_FileOpenHandleMax [1..]
Default PC: 30, PS3: 10.
variable: s_FindLostEvents
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles to find and stop lost events to prevent them from endlessly loopin
Default is 0 (off).
1: finds and stops lost events.
Usage: s_FindLostEvents [0/1].
variable: s_FormatResampler REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles internal resampling method.
Usage: s_FormatResampler [0..3]
0: none
1: linear
2: cubic
3: spline
Default is 1 (linear).
variable: s_FormatSampleRate REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 96000
help: Sets the output sample rate.
Usage: s_FormatSampleRate 44100
Default is 48000. Sets the rate, in samples per second,
at which the output of the sound system is played.
variable: s_FormatType REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 5
help: Sets the format data type.
Usage: s_FormatType [0..5]
0: none
1: PCM 8bit
2: PCM 16bit
3: PCM 24bit
4: PCM 32bit
5: PCM 32bit float
Default is 2 (PCM 16bit).
variable: s_GameDialogVolume
type: float
current: 1
help: Controls the dialog volume for game use.
Usage: s_GameDialogVolume 0.5
Default is 1, which is full volume.
variable: s_GameMusicVolume
type: float
current: 1
help: Controls the music volume for game use.
Usage: s_GameMusicVolume 0.2
Default is 1.0
variable: s_GameReverbManagerPause
type: int
current: 0
help: Allows for "pausing" the reverb manager, meaning the currently registered
reverb preset(s)
get saved and destroyed and recreated when unpaused again.
Usage: s_GameReverbManagerPause [0/1]
0: unpaused
Default: 0

variable: s_GameSFXVolume
type: float
current: 1
help: Controls the sfx volume for game use.
Usage: s_GameSFXVolume 0.5
Default is 1, which is full volume.
variable: s_HDR DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable and disable HDR sound
Usage: s_HDR [0..1]Default is 1 (on)
variable: s_HDRFade DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Range that HDR fades sounds
Usage: g_fHDRFade [0..1.0f]Default is 0.3f
variable: s_HDRFalloff DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: How quickly sound adjusts back from current loudness
Usage: s_HDRFalloff [0..1.0f]Default is 1.0f
variable: s_HDRLoudnessFalloff DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.002
help: Reduction in Loudness per meter Squared
Usage: s_HDRLoudnessFalloff [0...]Default is 0.002f
variable: s_HDRLoudnessMaxFalloff DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.3
help: Maximum loudness falloff due to distance, e.g something of loudness 0.8 ca
n only ever be as quiet as 0.5 due to HDR
Usage: s_HDRLoudnessFalloffMax [0..1]Default is 0.3f
variable: s_HDRRange DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.2
help: Full Volume range below loudest sound
Usage: s_HDRRange [0..1.0f]Default is 0.2f
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles extra lowpass filter for enhanced HRTF.
Usage: s_HRTF_DSP [0/1]
Default is 0 (on).
variable: s_InactiveSoundIterationTimeout DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: This variable is for internal use only.
variable: s_LanguagesConversion
type: int
current: 1
help: Controls conversion of legacy event name to direct wav files (only for lan
Usage: s_LanguagesConversion [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
variable: s_LoadNonBlocking
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles loading data non-blocking.
Usage: s_LoadNonBlocking [0/1]
Default is 1.
variable: s_MaxActiveSounds DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 100
help: Sets the maximum number of active sounds.

variable: s_MaxChannels DUMPTODISK

type: int
current: 64
help: Sets the maximum number of sound channels.
Default is 64.
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets the maximum number of sound hardware channels used./nSo even if you h
ave 256 channels only max of them will be used.
Default is 0.
variable: s_MemoryPoolSoundPrimary REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: float
current: 0
help: Sets the size in MB of the primary sound memory pool. This memory is alway
s located in main memory.
Usage: s_MemoryPoolSoundPrimary [0..]
0: <auto>, PC:60, PS3:12, X360:28
Default is 0 <auto>.
variable: s_MemoryPoolSoundPrimaryRatio
type: float
current: 0.7
help: Controls at what fill ratio sound data is unloaded.
Usage: s_MemoryPoolSoundPrimaryRatio [0..1]
Default is 0.7.
variable: s_MemoryPoolSoundSecondary REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: float
current: 0
help: Sets the size in MB of the secondary sound memory pool. On PS3 it is locat
ed in RSX memory, on Xbox360 its Physical memory.
Usage: s_MemoryPoolSoundSecondary [0..]
0: <auto>, PC:0, PS3:16, X360:4
Default is 0 <auto>.
variable: s_MemoryPoolSystem REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: float
current: 0
help: Sets the size in MB of the sound system memory pool. This memory is always
located in main memory.
Usage: s_MemoryPoolSystem [0..]
0: <auto>, PC:2.5, PS3:2.5, X360:2.5
Default is 0 <auto>.
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets the minimum number of sound hardware channels used.
Usage: s_MinHWChannels 16
Default value is 0. This is the number of hardware channels
used to play back game sound. If the hardware does not have
the required channels, the system will use software mixing,
resulting in reduced performance (no eax).
0 forces software mixing.

variable: s_MinRepeatSoundTimeout DUMPTODISK

type: float
current: 200
help: Prevents playback of a sound within time range in MS.
Usage: s_MinRepeatSoundTimeout [0..]
Default is 200.0.
variable: s_MPEGDecoders REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 32
help: Sets maximum number of MPEG Decoder.
Usage: s_MPEGDecoders 16
0: <auto>, PC:32, PS3:32, X360:0
Default is 0 <auto>.
variable: s_MusicCategory
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles adding the music sound under the music category of the eventsystem
Usage: s_MusicCategory [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: s_MusicEnable DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: enable/disable music
variable: s_MusicFormat DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Format used for streaming music data.Usage: s_MusicFormat 1.0
0: (AD)PCM
1: OGG
4: FSB
Default is PC: 1 (OGG), Xbox360: 4 (FSB), PS3: 4 (FSB)
variable: s_MusicMaxPatterns DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 12
help: Max simultaneously playing music patterns.
variable: s_MusicProfiling
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles profiling of music calls.
Usage: s_MusicProfiling [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
variable: s_MusicSpeakerBackVolume DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0
help: Sets the volume of the back speakers.
Usage: s_MusicSpeakerBackVolume 0.3Default is 0.0.
variable: s_MusicSpeakerCenterVolume DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0
help: Sets the volume of the center speakers (front and back).
Usage: s_MusicSpeakerCenterVolume 0.0Default is 0.0.
variable: s_MusicSpeakerFrontVolume DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets the volume of the front speakers.
Usage: s_MusicSpeakerFrontVolume 1.0Default is 1.0.
variable: s_MusicSpeakerLFEVolume DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Sets the volume of the LFE speaker.
Usage: s_MusicSpeakerLFEVolume 0.2Default is 0.5.
variable: s_MusicSpeakerSideVolume DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.5
help: Sets the volume of the side speakers.
Usage: s_MusicSpeakerSideVolume 0.2Default is 0.5.
variable: s_MusicStreaming
type: int
current: 0
help: Defines the way music is loaded and handled.
Usage: s_MusicStreaming [0..2]
0: <auto>, streaming is defined by pattern
1: Enforces streaming from disk for less memory usage
2: Enforces preloading to memory for less disk seeks/reads
Default is 0 (auto).
variable: s_MusicVolume DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.7
help: Sets the music volume from 0 to 1 in the games option.
Usage: s_MusicVolume 0.2
Default is 1.0
variable: s_NetworkAudition REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles network audition (opens port/needs restart).
Usage: s_NetworkAudition [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
variable: s_Obstruction REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles sound obstruction effect.
Usage: s_Obstruction [0..2]
0: off
1: DSP based obstruction
2: volume based obstruction
Default is 1 (DSP).
variable: s_ObstructionAccuracy
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles maximum obstruction effect.
Usage: s_ObstructionAccuracy [1..5]
1: test Direct
2: also test left side
3: also test right side
4: also test up
5: also test down
Default is 1 (for now)
variable: s_ObstructionMaxPierecability
type: float
current: 100
help: Normalizes accumulated pierecability value for obstruction.
Usage: s_ObstructionMaxPierecability [0..]
0: none
100: a sound that is obstructed by accumulated material pierecability of 50
gets half obstruction
Default is 100
variable: s_ObstructionMaxRadius
type: float
current: 500
help: Controls how much loud sounds are affected by obstruction.
Usage: s_ObstructionMaxRadius [0..]
0: none
500: a sound with a radius of 500m is not affected by obstruction
Default is 500m
variable: s_ObstructionMaxValue
type: float
current: 0.95
help: Toggles maximum obstruction effect.
Usage: s_ObstructionMaxValue [0..1.0f]
0: off
1.0f: total maximum obstruction
Default is 0.85f.
variable: s_ObstructionUpdate
type: float
current: 0.1
help: Controls how fast obstruction is re-evaluated in seconds.
Usage: s_ObstructionUpdate [0..]
0: every frame
0.5: every half seconds
Default is 0.1 (for now)
variable: s_ObstructionVisArea
type: float
current: 0.15
help: Controls the effect of additional obstruction per VisArea/portal step.
Usage: s_ObstructionVisArea [0..1]
0: none
0.15: obstruction per step
Default is 0.15
variable: s_OffscreenEnable
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables update of the 'offscreen_angle' parameter on sound events.
Usage: s_OffscreenEnable [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets up the preferred output configuration.
Usage: s_OutputConfig #
where # is a number between 0 and 3 representing
0: AutoDetect
1: DirectSound
2: WAV-Writer
3: WAV-Writer-NRT
Default is 0 (AutoDetect).
variable: s_PlaybackFilter
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles filter to select certain sounds to be played only.
Default is 0 (off).
1 : Only Voice Sounds
2 : No Voice Sounds
+a : Ambience
+b : Ambience Oneshots
+c : Collisions
+d : Dialog
+e : MP Chat
+f : Footsteps
+g : General Physics
+h : HUD
+i : Unused
+j : FlowGraph
+k : Unused
+l : Living Entity
+m : Mechanic Entity
+n : NanoSuit
+o : SoundSpot
+p : Particles
+q : AI Pain/Death
+r : AI Readability
+s : AI Readability Response
+t : TrackView
+u : Projectile
+v : Vehicle
+w : Weapon
+x : Explosion
+y : Player Foley
+z : Animation
Usage: s_PlaybackFilter [1,2,a..z].
variable: s_PrecacheData
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles precaching of static sounds on level loading.
Usage: s_PrecacheData [0/1]
Default is 0.
variable: s_PrecacheDuration
type: float
current: 15
help: Sets the duration of pre-caching data after level load in seconds.
Usage: s_PrecacheDuration [0...n]
Default: 15

variable: s_PreloadWeaponProjects
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles if weapon project files (w_*) are fully preloaded into memory to c
entralize allocations and reads.
Usage: s_PreloadWeaponProjects [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
variable: s_PriorityThreshold
type: int
current: 45
help: Controls rejection of sounds lower(higher) than this priority if 80% of vo
ices are used.
Usage: s_PriorityThreshold [0..128]
Default is 45, value of 0 disables priority rejection.
variable: s_Profiling
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles profiling of some sound calls.
Usage: s_Profiling [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets up the preferred record configuration.
Usage: s_RecordConfig #
where # is a number from 0 to x representing
0: AutoDetect (Control Panel Setting)
x: The index of a listed record driver
Default is 0 (AutoDetect).
variable: s_ReverbDebugDraw
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables reverb ray casting debug drawing. Needs s_ReverbDynamic to be not
Usage: s_ReverbDebugDraw [0/1]
Default: 0

variable: s_ReverbDelay
type: float
current: -1
help: Sets the current reverb's late reflection in seconds! (overrides dynamic v
Usage: s_ReverbDelay [0/0.1]
Default: -1
-1: Uses the value set within the reverb preset.

variable: s_ReverbDynamic
type: float
current: 0
help: If greater than 0 enables dynamic reverb-delay and reverb-reflection-delay
calculation dependent on the surrounding geometry!
The number than indicates a multiplier for the reverb-delay and reverb-reflectio
n-delay effect.(1.0 manipulates nothing)
Usage: s_ReverbDynamic [0/...]
Default: 0
0: Uses the static values set within the reverb preset.

variable: s_ReverbEchoDSP
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles Echo DSP effect. Works only with s_ReverbType set to either 2 or 3
Usage: s_ReverbEchoDSP [0/1]
Default: 1
0: Bypasses Echo DSP effect.
1: Enables Echo DSP effect. (~~~>Reverb~>Echo~>~~)

variable: s_ReverbInstances
type: int
current: 1
help: Number of reverb instances.
Usage: s_ReverbInstances [1]
Default is 1
1: One reverb instance is created.
(multiple reverb in development)

variable: s_ReverbReflectionDelay
type: float
current: -1
help: Sets the current reverb's early reflection in seconds! (overrides dynamic
Usage: s_ReverbReflectionDelay [0/0.3]
Default: -1
-1: Uses the value set within the reverb preset.

variable: s_ReverbType REQUIRE_APP_RESTART

type: int
current: 3
help: Toggles type of reverb effect.
Usage: s_ReverbType [0..7]
Default PC/Xbox360: 3, PS3: 2.
0: Disables reverb completely.
1: Enables HW I3DL2 reverb (EAX).
2: Enables SW I3DL2 reverb (low quality).
3: Enables SW I3DL2 reverb (high quality).
4: Enables DSP based FreeVerb Reverb.
5: Enables DSP based VST plugin: Classic Reverb.
6: Enables DSP based Princeton2016 (disabled).
7: Enables DSP based RoomMachine844.
variable: s_SFXVolume DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets the percentile volume of the sound effects.
Usage: s_SFXVolume 0.5
Default is 1, which is full volume.
variable: s_SoftwareChannels DUMPTODISK, REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 256
help: Sets the maximum number of software sound channels.
Default is 256.
variable: s_SoundEnable DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles sound on and off.
Usage: s_SoundEnable [0/1]
Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 to disable sound.
variable: s_SoundInfo
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles onscreen sound statistics.
Usage: s_SoundInfo [0..9]
1: simple list of playing sounds.
2: extended list of looping sounds.
3: extended list of oneshot sounds.
4: list of lost sounds.
5: list of event soundbuffers.
6: list of sample soundbuffers (dialog).
7: list of wavebanks.
8: displays music information.
9: displays sound moods.
10 shows Sound Moods values set within FMOD.
11 Shows memory usage by project.
12 Shows memory usage by project/group.
13 Shows memory usage by project/group:sound.
14 shows overall memory stats.
Default is 0 (off).
variable: s_SoundInfoLogFile
type: string
help: Writes a log file once in xml format with the current sound info setting.
Works currently only with s_SoundInfo 11, 12 and 13!
Usage: s_SoundInfoLogFile <file name without extension>

variable: s_SoundMoods
type: int
current: 1
help: Controls using sound moods for mixing.
Usage: s_SoundMoods [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: s_SoundMoodsDSP
type: int
current: 1
help: enables DSP effects being used in soundmoods.
Usage: s_SoundMoodsDSP [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: s_SpamFilterTimeout
type: float
current: 5
help: Sets the time in sec for entries in spam filter to time out.
Usage: s_SpamFilterTimeout 0 means spam filter is disables
Usage: s_SpamFilterTimeout [0..]
Default is 5 (on).
type: int
current: 2
help: Sets up the preferred speaker configuration.
Usage: s_SpeakerConfig #
where # is a number between 0 and 9 representing
0: AutoDetect
1: Mono
2: Stereo
4: Quad
5: Surround
6: 5Point1
8: 7Point1
9: Prologic
Default is 0 (AutoDetect).
variable: s_StopSoundsImmediately
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles to stop sounds without internal fadeout.
Default is 0 (off).
0: Stops sound with fadeout.
1: Stops sounds without fadeout.
Usage: s_StopSoundsImmediately [0/1].
variable: s_StreamBufferSize
type: int
current: 131072
help: Sets the internal buffer size for streams in raw bytes.
NOTE: This will only affect streams opened after this value has been changed!
Usage: s_StreamBufferSize [0/...]
Default PC: 131072, PS3: 65536, XBox360: 131072

variable: s_StreamDialogIntoMemory
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles if dialog are streamed into main memory or FMOD makes a copy for i
Usage: s_StreamDialogIntoMemory [0/1]
Default is 1 (on) on PC, and 0 (off) on XBox.
variable: s_StreamProjectFiles
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles if project files are streamed into memory or middleware loads them
Usage: s_StreamProjectFiles [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: s_UnloadData
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles unloading of sound data by the AssetManager.
Usage: s_UnloadData [0/1]
Default is 1.
variable: s_UnloadProjects
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles automatic unloading of a project if it was not in use for 20 secs.
Usage: s_UnloadProjects [0/1]
Default is 0.
variable: s_UnusedSoundCount
type: int
current: 64
help: Sets count of sound objects that get stored in the unused sounds list.
Usage: s_UnusedSoundCount [0/...]
Default is 64.
variable: s_VariationLimiter REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets limiter to control sound variation.
Usage: s_VariationLimiter [0..1]
Default is 1.0.
variable: s_VisAreasPropagation DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 5
help: Sets the vis area propagation number.
Usage: s_VisAreasPropagation 5
Default is 5. This number defines how far sound will
propagate, in vis areas from the player's position. A
value of 1 means the sound is only heard in the current
vis area, while 3 means sound is heard in adjacent areas
which are connected by one portal.
variable: s_Vol0TurnsVirtual REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
help: Toggles if sounds with zero volume force to go virtual.
Usage: s_Vol0TurnsVirtual [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: s_VUMeter
type: string
help: Enables audio volume debug drawing for the specified category.
Usage: s_VUMeter <category name>

variable: s_XMADecoders REQUIRE_APP_RESTART

type: int
current: 0
help: Sets maximum number of XMA Decoder.
Usage: s_XMADecoders 32
0: <auto>, PC:0, PS3:0, X360:48
Default is 0 <auto>.
variable: spu_debug
type: string
help: Enables debugging of a SPU Job.
Usage: spu_debug name
Where 'name' refers to the exact name of the SPU job, automatically deactivated
variable: spu_dump_stats
type: int
current: 0
help: Set to 1 to dump SPU job stats for current frame.
Gets automatically deactivated after current frame has finished.
variable: spu_enable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable SPU Jobs: 1 to activate, 0 to deactivate
variable: spu_filter
type: string
help: Filters a SPU Job.
Usage: spu_filter name
Where 'name' refers to the exact name of the SPU job, 0 disables it
variable: spu_max
type: int
current: 5
help: Specifies how many raw SPUs are to be used: 2..5
variable: spu_profile_mode
type: int
current: 0
help: SPU Profile Mode: 1 to display functions, 0 to display jobs
variable: spu_streaming
type: int
current: 1
help: Use SPU for stream decompression: 1 to activate, 0 to deactivate
variable: STAP_DEBUG
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable STAP Debug Rendering
variable: STAP_DISABLE
type: int
current: 0
help: Disable torso orientation
type: int
current: 0
help: Lock the STAP Effector Joint
variable: STAP_MF_All
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_Back
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_Down
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_Front
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_HeavyWeapon
type: float
current: 1.5
variable: STAP_MF_Left
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_Right
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_Scope
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_ScopeVert
type: float
current: 0
variable: STAP_MF_StrafeLeft
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_StrafeRight
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_Up
type: float
current: 1
variable: STAP_MF_VelFactorHoriz
type: float
current: 0.3
variable: STAP_MF_VelFactorVert
type: float
current: 0.4
variable: STAP_MF_VertMotion
type: float
current: 0.4
type: float
current: -1
help: Override the base anim tracking factor
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable STAP Translation Feathering
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable STAP Translation Fudge
variable: sv_AISystem REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 1
help: Load and use the AI system on the server
variable: sv_aiTeamName
type: string
help: Team name for AIs
variable: sv_autoconfigurl
type: string
help: Automatically download configuration data from a URL
variable: sv_bandwidth
type: int
current: 50000
help: Bit rate on server
variable: sv_bind REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: string
help: Bind the server to a specific IP address
variable: sv_cheatprotection
type: int
current: 0
variable: sv_check_cd_keys
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets CDKey validation mode:
0 - no check
1 - check&disconnect unverified
2 - check only

variable: sv_DedicatedCPUPercent
type: float
current: 0
help: Sets the target CPU usage when running as a dedicated server, or disable t
his feature if it's zero.
Usage: sv_DedicatedCPUPercent [0..100]
Default is 0 (disabled).
variable: sv_DedicatedCPUVariance
type: float
current: 10
help: Sets how much the CPU can vary from sv_DedicateCPU (up or down) without ad
justing the framerate.
Usage: sv_DedicatedCPUVariance [5..50]
Default is 10.
variable: sv_DedicatedMaxRate
type: float
current: 30
help: Sets the maximum update rate when running as a dedicated server.
Usage: sv_DedicatedMaxRate [5..500]
Default is 30.
variable: sv_dumpstats
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/disables dumping of level and player statistics, positions, etc. t
o files
variable: sv_dumpstatsperiod
type: int
current: 1000
help: Time period of statistics dumping in milliseconds
variable: sv_enableNetLimbo
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable NetLimbo state if network conditions not met
variable: sv_gamerules
type: string
current: SinglePlayer
help: The game rules that the server should use
variable: sv_gamerulesdefault
type: string
current: SinglePlayer
help: The game rules that the server default to when disconnecting
variable: sv_gs_report
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable Gamespy server reporting, this is necessary for NAT negotiation
variable: sv_gs_trackstats
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable Gamespy stats tracking
variable: sv_input_timeout
type: int
current: 0
help: Experimental timeout in ms to stop interpolating client inputs since last
variable: sv_lanonly DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Set for LAN games
variable: sv_levelrotation
type: string
current: levelrotation
help: Sequence of levels to load after each game ends
variable: sv_LoadAllLayersForResList
type: int
current: 0
help: Bypasses game object layer filtering to load all layers of objects for a m
ultiplayer level
variable: sv_map
type: string
current: nolevel
help: The map the server should load
variable: sv_maxmemoryusage
type: int
current: 0
help: Maximum memory a dedicated server is allowed to use
variable: sv_maxplayers DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 16
help: Maximum number of players allowed to join server.
variable: sv_maxspectators DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 32
help: Maximum number of players allowed to be spectators during the game.
variable: sv_netLimboTimeout
type: float
current: 2
help: Time to wait before considering a channel stalled
variable: sv_pacifist
type: int
current: 0
help: Pacifist mode (only works on dedicated server)
variable: sv_packetRate
type: int
current: 30
help: Packet rate on server
variable: sv_password DUMPTODISK
type: string
help: Server password
variable: sv_port DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 64087
help: Server address
variable: sv_ranked
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable statistics report, for official servers only.
variable: sv_requireinputdevice DUMPTODISK, REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: string
current: dontcare
help: Which input devices to require at connection (dontcare, none, gamepad, key
variable: sv_servername DUMPTODISK
type: string
help: Server name will be displayed in server list. If empty, machine name will
be used.
variable: sv_timeofdayenable DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables time of day simulation.
variable: sv_timeofdaylength DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets time of day changing speed.
variable: sv_timeofdaystart DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 12
help: Sets time of day start time.
variable: sv_timeout_disconnect
type: int
current: 0
help: Timeout for fully disconnecting timeout connections
variable: sv_voice_enable_groups
type: int
current: 1
variable: sv_voicecodec REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD
type: string
current: speex
variable: sv_votingCooldown
type: int
current: 180
help: Voting cooldown
variable: sv_votingRatio
type: float
current: 0.51
help: Part of player's votes needed for successful vote.
variable: sv_votingTeamRatio
type: float
current: 0.67
help: Part of team member's votes needed for successful vote.
variable: sv_votingTimeout
type: int
current: 60
help: Voting timeout
variable: sys_affinity
type: int
current: 0
variable: sys_AI
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables AI Update
variable: sys_asserts
type: int
current: 1
help: 0 = Disable Asserts
1 = Enable Asserts
2 = Fatal Error on Assert

variable: sys_budget_frametime DUMPTODISK

type: float
current: 50
help: Sets the upper limit for frame time (in ms) when monitoring budget.
variable: sys_budget_numdrawcalls DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 2000
help: Sets the upper limit for number of draw calls per frame.
variable: sys_budget_soundchannels DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 32
help: Sets the upper limit for sound channels playing when monitoring budget.
variable: sys_budget_soundCPU DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 15
help: Sets the upper limit for sound CPU (in Percent) when monitoring budget.
variable: sys_budget_soundmem DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 32
help: Sets the upper limit for sound memory (in MB) when monitoring budget.
variable: sys_budget_streamingthroughput DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 1024
help: Sets the upper limit for streaming throughput(KB/s).
variable: sys_budget_sysmem DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 512
help: Sets the upper limit for system memory (in MB) when monitoring budget.
variable: sys_budget_videomem DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 90
help: Sets the upper limit for video memory (in MB) when monitoring budget.
variable: sys_budget_xenon_estimation DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable Xbox 360 memory usage estimation.
variable: sys_DeactivateConsole
type: int
current: 0
help: 0: normal console behavior
1: hide the console
variable: sys_dll_ai
type: string
current: CryAISystem
help: Specifies the DLL to load for the AI system
variable: sys_dll_game
type: string
current: CryGameCrysis2.dll
help: Specifies the game DLL to load
variable: sys_dump_aux_threads
type: int
current: 1
help: Dumps callstacks of other threads in case of a crash
variable: sys_EarlyMovieUpdate
type: int
current: 1
help: 0 needed for game, 1 better for having artifact free movie playback
Usage: sys_EarlyMovieUpdate [0/1]
Default is 0
variable: sys_enable_budgetmonitoring
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables budget monitoring. Use #System.SetBudget( sysMemLimitInMB, videoMe
frameTimeLimitInMS, soundChannelsPlaying ) or sys_budget_sysmem, sys_budget_vide
or sys_budget_fps to set budget limits.
variable: sys_entities
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables Entities Update
variable: sys_FileAccessLog
type: int
current: 0
help: Log file access to TestResults/FileAccessLog.txt
variable: sys_FileReadSequencer
type: int
current: 0
help: Speedup files loading from DVD
0 = Off
1 = Load data from prepared sequence file
2 = Generate sequence file
variable: sys_FileReadSequencerBufferChunkSize
type: int
current: 16
help: Sequencer will load data in X MB blocks
variable: sys_FileReadSequencerBufferSize
type: int
current: 24
help: Size of temporary buffer (in MB) allocated during loading
variable: sys_FileReadSequencerFolderNameRead
type: string
current: d:\User
help: Specifies location of sequencer file
variable: sys_FileReadSequencerFolderNameWrite
type: string
current: e:\TestResults
help: Specifies location of sequencer file
variable: sys_FileReadSequencerInlineBlockMaxSizeKB
type: int
current: 128
help: Blocks smaller than X will be stored in sequencer file, bigger blocks will
be read from original files
variable: sys_FileReadSequencerProfile
type: int
current: 0
help: Print additional info into log
0 = Off
1 = Print more stats into log

variable: sys_firstlaunch
type: int
current: 0
help: Indicates that the game was run for the first time.
variable: sys_flash
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/disables execution of flash files.
variable: sys_flash_check_filemodtime
type: int
current: 0
help: Respect file modification time for Flash internal resource sharing.
Cached resources with same filepath but different file modification time are tre
ated as unique entities.
variable: sys_flash_curve_tess_error
type: float
current: 2
help: Controls curve tessellation. Larger values result in coarser, more angular
variable: sys_flash_debugdraw
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable debug drawing of flash files (1)
Also draw masks (2)
variable: sys_flash_debuglog
type: int
current: 0
variable: sys_flash_edgeaa
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/disables edge anti-aliased rendering of flash files.
variable: sys_flash_log_options
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables logging of several flash related aspects (add them to combine logg
1) Flash loading : 1
2) Flash actions script execution : 2
3) Flash related high-level calls inspected by the profiler (flash.log): 4
Please note that for (3) the following cvars apply:
* sys_flash_info
* sys_flash_info_peak_exclude
variable: sys_flash_newstencilclear
type: int
current: 1
help: Clears stencil buffer for mask rendering by drawing rects (1) as opposed t
o issuing clear commands (0).
variable: sys_flash_static_pool_size REQUIRE_APP_RESTART
type: int
current: 0
help: Specifies the size (in kb) of the static memory pool for flash objects.
Set to zero to turn it off and use a dynamic pool instead.
variable: sys_flash_stereo_maxparallax
type: float
current: 0.02
help: Maximum parallax when viewing flash content in stereo 3D.
variable: sys_flash_video_buffertime
type: float
current: 2
help: Sets buffer time for videos (in seconds)
variable: sys_flash_video_buffertime_loading
type: float
current: 2
help: Sets buffer time for videos during loading (in seconds)
variable: sys_flash_video_buffertime_startup
type: float
current: 7.5
help: Sets buffer time for videos during startup (in seconds)
variable: sys_flash_video_soundvolume
type: float
current: 1
help: Sets volume of video sound (0..1).
variable: sys_flash_warning_level
type: int
current: 0
help: Sets verbosity level for CryEngine related warnings...
0) Omit warning
1) Log warning
2) Log warning and display message box
variable: sys_float_exceptions
type: int
current: 0
help: Use or not use floating point exceptions.
variable: sys_force_installtohdd_mode
type: int
current: 0
help: Forces install to HDD mode even when doing DVD emulation
variable: sys_game_folder
type: string
current: GameCrysis2
help: Specifies the game folder to read all data from
variable: sys_initpreloadpacks
type: string
help: Specifies the paks for an engine initialization
variable: sys_intromoviesduringinit
type: int
current: 0
help: Render the intro movies during game initialization
variable: sys_keyboard
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables keyboard.
Usage: sys_keyboard [0/1]
Default is 1 (on).
variable: sys_keyboard_break
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables keyboard break handler
variable: sys_languages
type: string
current: english
variable: sys_limit_phys_thread_count
type: int
current: 1
help: Limits p_num_threads to physical CPU count - 1
variable: sys_localization_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles debugging of the Localization Manager.
Usage: sys_localization_debug [0..2]
1: outputs warnings
2: outputs extended information and warnings
Default is 0 (off).
variable: sys_LocalMemoryDiagramAlpha
type: int
current: 255
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Color alpha of the diagrams
variable: sys_LocalMemoryDiagramDistance
type: float
current: -5.5
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Distance of the diagram from the main debug object
variable: sys_LocalMemoryDiagramRadius
type: float
current: 2.5
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Radius of the diagram
variable: sys_LocalMemoryDiagramStreamingSpeedDistance
type: float
current: 2.2
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Distance of the streaming speed diagram from the st
reaming speed debug line
variable: sys_LocalMemoryDiagramStreamingSpeedRadius
type: float
current: 1
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Radius of the streaming speed diagram
variable: sys_LocalMemoryDiagramWidth
type: float
current: 0.5
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Width of the diagrams OBSOLATE
variable: sys_LocalMemoryDrawText
type: int
current: 0
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: If != 0, it will draw the numeric values
variable: sys_LocalMemoryGeometryLimit
type: int
current: 32
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Set the statobj geometry memory limit to check stre
aming (Mb/sec)
variable: sys_LocalMemoryGeometryStreamingSpeedLimit
type: int
current: 10
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Stat object geometry streaming speed limit (approx,
variable: sys_LocalMemoryInnerViewDistance
type: float
current: 100
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: View distance for detailed debug draw
variable: sys_LocalMemoryLogText
type: int
current: 0
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: If != 0, it will log the numeric values
variable: sys_LocalMemoryMaxMSecBetweenCalls
type: int
current: 1000
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Maximal time difference (MSec) between calls
variable: sys_LocalMemoryObjectAlpha
type: int
current: 128
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Color alpha of the debug objects
variable: sys_LocalMemoryObjectHeight
type: float
current: 2
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Height of the streaming buffer debug object
variable: sys_LocalMemoryObjectWidth
type: float
current: 6
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Width of the streaming buffer debug object
variable: sys_LocalMemoryOptimalMSecPerSec
type: int
current: 100
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Optimal calculation time (MSec) per secundum
variable: sys_LocalMemoryOuterViewDistance
type: float
current: 500
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: View distance for debug draw
variable: sys_LocalMemoryStreamingSpeedObjectLength
type: float
current: 10
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Length of the streaming speed debug object
variable: sys_LocalMemoryStreamingSpeedObjectWidth
type: float
current: 1.5
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Width of the streaming speed debug object
variable: sys_LocalMemoryTextureLimit
type: int
current: 64
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Set the texture memory limit to check streaming (Mb
variable: sys_LocalMemoryTextureStreamingSpeedLimit
type: int
current: 10
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Texture streaming speed limit (approx, Mb/sec)
variable: sys_LocalMemoryWarningRatio
type: float
current: 0.8
help: LocalMemoryUsage tool: Warning ratio for streaming
variable: sys_logallocations DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Save allocation call stack
variable: sys_main_CPU
type: int
current: 0
help: Specifies the physical CPU index main will run on
variable: sys_max_step
type: float
current: 0.05
help: Specifies the maximum physics step in a separate thread
variable: sys_MaxFPS
type: int
current: 0
help: Limits the frame rate to specified number
variable: sys_memory_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables to activate low memory situation is specific places in the code (a
rgument defines which place), 0=off
variable: sys_menupreloadpacks
type: string
help: Specifies the paks for a main menu loading
variable: sys_min_step
type: float
current: 0.01
help: Specifies the minimum physics step in a separate thread
variable: sys_no_crash_dialog
type: int
current: 1
variable: sys_noupdate
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles updating of system with sys_script_debugger.
Usage: sys_noupdate [0/1]
Default is 0 (system updates during debug).
variable: sys_PakInMemoryLayerPakSizeLimit
type: int
current: 8
help: Limit the size of the pak file to be loaded completely in memory for the l
ayer paks (in MB)
variable: sys_PakInMemorySizeLimit
type: int
current: 6
help: Limit the size of the pak file to be loaded completely in memory (in MB)
variable: sys_PakLoadCache
type: int
current: 1
help: Load in memory paks from _FastLoad folder
variable: sys_PakLogInvalidFileAccess
type: int
current: 0
help: Log synchronous file access when in game
variable: sys_PakLogMissingFiles
type: int
current: 0
help: If non-0, missing file names go to mastercd/MissingFilesX.log.
1) only resulting report
2) run-time report is ON, one entry per file
3) full run-time report
variable: sys_PakMessageInvalidFileAccess
type: int
current: 0
help: Message Box synchronous file access when in game
variable: sys_PakPriority READONLY
type: int
current: 0
help: If set to 1, tells CryPak to try to open the file in pak first, then go to
file system
variable: sys_PakReadAheadCache
type: int
current: 0
variable: sys_PakReadSlice
type: int
current: 0
help: If non-0, means number of kilobytes to use to read files in portions. Shou
ld only be used on Win9x kernels
variable: sys_PakSaveLevelResourceList
type: int
current: 0
help: Save resource list when loading level
variable: sys_PakStreamCache
type: int
current: 1
help: Load in memory paks for faster streaming (cgf_cache.pak,dds_cache.pak)
variable: sys_PakTouchDummyFiles
type: int
current: 0
help: If non-0, will touch dummy files during loading to generate logfile inform
variable: sys_PakValidateFileHash
type: int
current: 0
help: Validate file hashes in pak files for collisions
variable: sys_physics
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables Physics Update
variable: sys_physics_CPU
type: int
current: 1
help: Specifies the physical CPU index physics will run on
variable: sys_preload
type: int
current: 0
help: Preload Game Resources
variable: sys_ProfileLevelLoading
type: int
current: 0
help: Output level loading stats into log
0 = Off
1 = Output basic info about loading time per function
2 = Output full statistics including loading time and memory allocations with ca
ll stack info
variable: sys_ProfileLevelLoadingDump
type: int
current: 0
help: Output level loading dump stats into log

variable: sys_rendersplashscreen
type: int
current: 1
help: Render the splash screen during game initialization
variable: sys_root READONLY
type: string
variable: sys_SimulateTask
type: int
current: 0
help: Simulate a task in System:Update which takes X ms
variable: sys_spec
type: int
current: 4
help: Tells the system cfg spec. (0=custom, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high, 4=very high, 5
=XBox360, 6=Playstation3)
variable: sys_spec_Full
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_Full [4/x]:
... sys_spec_GameEffects = 4/4
... sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 4/4
... sys_spec_Particles = 4/4
... sys_spec_Physics = 4/4
... sys_spec_PostProcessing = 4/4
... sys_spec_Shading = 4/4
... sys_spec_Shadows = 4/4
... sys_spec_Sound = 4/4
... sys_spec_Texture = 4/4
... sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 4/4
... sys_spec_Water = 4/4

variable: sys_spec_GameEffects
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_GameEffects [4/x]:
... g_battleDust_enable = 1/1
... g_corpseMinDistance = 40.0/40.0
... g_corpseMinTime = 15.0/15.0
... g_corpseUnseenTime = 2/2
... i_lighteffects = 1/1
... mfx_Timeout = 0.01/0.01
variable: sys_spec_ObjectDetail
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_ObjectDetail [4/x]:
... ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 300/300
... ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1/1
... e_DecalsAllowGameDecals = 1/1
... e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = 2/2
... e_Dissolve = 2/2
... e_LodMin = 0/0
... e_LodRatio = 20/20
... e_Lods = 0/0
... e_MaxViewDistSpecLerp = 1/1
... e_ObjQuality = 4/4
... e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = 1/1
... e_ProcVegetation = 1/1
... e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistXY = 4096/4096
... e_TerrainDetailMaterialsViewDistZ = 256/256
... e_TerrainOcclusionCullingMaxDist = 200/200
... e_VegetationBending = 1/1
... e_VegetationMinSize = 0/0
... e_VegetationSpritesDistanceCustomRatioMin = 1/1
... e_VegetationSpritesDistanceRatio = 1.5/1.5
... e_ViewDistMin = 10/10
... e_ViewDistRatio = 100/100
... e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 100/100
... e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 100/100
... e_ViewDistRatioLights = 50/50
... e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 100/100
... e_streamCgf = 0/0
... es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 1/1
... sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 2/2

variable: sys_spec_Particles
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_Particles [4/x]:
... e_ParticlesEmitterPoolSize = 4096/4096
... e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 128/128
... e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 1/1
... e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 2/2
... e_ParticlesPoolSize = 8192/8192
... e_ParticlesQuality = 4/4
... r_UseSoftParticles = 1/1

variable: sys_spec_Physics
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_Physics [4/x]:
... e_CullVegActivation = 50/50
... e_FoliageWindActivationDist = 25/25
... e_PhysFoliage = 2/2
... e_PhysOceanCell = 0.5/0.5
... es_MaxPhysDist = 200/200
... es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 25/25
... g_breakage_particles_limit = 250/250
... g_joint_breaking = 1/1
... g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0/0
... p_gravity_z = -13/-13
... p_joint_damage_accum = 2/2
... p_joint_damage_accum_threshold = 0.2/0.2
... p_max_MC_iters = 6000/6000
... p_max_object_splashes = 3/3
... p_max_substeps_large_group = 5/5
... p_num_bodies_large_group = 100/100
... p_splash_dist0 = 7/7
... p_splash_dist1 = 30/30
... p_splash_force0 = 10/10
... p_splash_force1 = 100/100
... p_splash_vel0 = 4.5/4.5
... p_splash_vel1 = 10/10
... v_vehicle_quality = 4/4

variable: sys_spec_PostProcessing
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_PostProcessing [4/x]:
... r_Coronas = 1/1
... r_DepthOfField = 2/2
... r_Flares = 1/1
... r_GlowAnamorphicFlares = 1/1
... r_MotionBlur = 2/2
... r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 100/100
... r_UseEdgeAA = 2/2
... r_colorgrading = 2/2
... r_sunshafts = 1/1

variable: sys_spec_Quality
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_Quality [4/x]:
... q_Renderer = 3/3
... q_ShaderFX = 3/3
... q_ShaderGeneral = 3/3
... q_ShaderGlass = 3/3
... q_ShaderHDR = 3/3
... q_ShaderIce = 3/3
... q_ShaderMetal = 3/3
... q_ShaderPostProcess = 3/3
... q_ShaderShadow = 3/3
... q_ShaderSky = 3/3
... q_ShaderTerrain = 3/3
... q_ShaderVegetation = 3/3
... q_ShaderWater = 3/3
variable: sys_spec_Shading
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_Shading [4/x]:
... e_DynamicLightsMaxEntityLights = 16/16
... e_GI = 1/1
... e_GIMaxDistance = 100/100
... e_GINumCascades = 1/1
... e_ParticlesLights = 1/1
... e_SkyType = 1/1
... e_SkyUpdateRate = 1/1
... e_TerrainAo = 1/1
... e_TerrainNormalMap = 1/1
... e_VegetationUseTerrainColor = 1/1
... r_DetailDistance = 8/8
... r_DetailNumLayers = 2/2
... r_DetailTextures = 1/1
... r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 0.05/0.05
... r_EyeAdaptationBase = 0.1/0.1
... r_EyeAdaptationFactor = 0.85/0.85
... r_HDRBlueShift = 1.0/1.0
... r_HDRBrightLevel = 0.85/0.85
... r_HDRBrightOffset = 5/5
... r_HDRBrightThreshold = 6/6
... r_HDRFlaresCache = 0/0
... r_HDRLevel = 6/6
... r_HDROffset = 10/10
... r_HDRRendering = 2/2
... r_SSAODownscale = 0/0
... r_SSAOQuality = 3/3
... r_TexturesFilteringQuality = 0/0
... r_UsePom = 1/1
... r_refraction = 1/1
... sys_flash_edgeaa = 1/1
... sys_spec_Quality = 4/4

variable: sys_spec_Shadows
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_Shadows [4/x]:
... e_GsmCache = 0/0
... e_GsmLodsNum = 5/5
... e_GsmRange = 3/3
... e_Shadows = 1/1
... e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 0.8/0.8
... e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 1024/1024
... e_ShadowsOnAlphaBlend = 1/1
... r_ShadowBlur = 3/3
... r_ShadowJittering = 2.5/2.5
... r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0/0

variable: sys_spec_Sound
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_Sound [4/x]:
... s_MPEGDecoders = 32/32
... s_Obstruction = 1/1
... s_ObstructionAccuracy = 1/1
... s_ObstructionUpdate = 0.1/0.1
... s_ReverbType = 2/2
... s_SoundMoodsDSP = 1/1
... s_VariationLimiter = 1.0/1.0

variable: sys_spec_Texture
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_Texture [4/x]:
... r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 64/64
... r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 64/64
... r_DynTexMaxSize = 160/160
... r_EnvCMResolution = 2/2
... r_EnvTexResolution = 3/3
... r_ImposterRatio = 1/1
... r_TexAtlasSize = 4096/4096
... r_TexBumpResolution = 0/0
... r_TexResolution = 0/0
... r_TexSkyResolution = 0/0
... r_TexturesStreaming = 0/0
... r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 128/128

variable: sys_spec_VolumetricEffects
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_VolumetricEffects [4/x]:
... e_Clouds = 1/1
... r_Beams = 1/1
... r_BeamsDistFactor = 0.01/0.01
... r_BeamsMaxSlices = 300/300
... r_CloudsUpdateAlways = 0/0

variable: sys_spec_Water
type: int
current: 4
help: Console variable group to apply settings to multiple variables
sys_spec_Water [4/x]:
... e_WaterOceanFFT = 1/1
... e_WaterTesselationAmount = 10/10
... e_WaterTesselationSwathWidth = 10/10
... q_ShaderWater = 3/3
... r_WaterReflections = 1/1
... r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = 0.01/0.01
... r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 3/3
... r_WaterUpdateDistance = 0.01/0.01
... r_WaterUpdateFactor = 0.01/0.01

variable: sys_SSInfo
type: int
current: 0
help: Show SourceSafe information (Name,Comment,Date) for file errors.Usage: sys
_SSInfo [0/1]
Default is 0 (off)
variable: sys_streaming_CPU
type: int
current: 1
help: Specifies the physical CPU file IO thread run on
variable: sys_streaming_debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable streaming debug information
1=Streaming Stats
2=File IO
3=Request Order
4=Write to Log
5=Stats per extension
6=Xenon file cache info

variable: sys_streaming_debug_filter
type: int
current: 0
help: Set streaming debug information filter.

variable: sys_streaming_debug_filter_file_name
type: string
help: Set streaming debug information filter
variable: sys_streaming_debug_filter_min_time
type: float
current: 0
help: Show only slow items.
variable: sys_streaming_max_bandwidth
type: float
current: 0
help: Enables capping of max streaming bandwidth in MB/s
variable: sys_streaming_max_finalize_per_frame
type: int
current: 0
help: Maximum stream finalizing calls per frame to reduce the CPU impact on main
thread (0 to disable)
variable: sys_streaming_memory_budget
type: int
current: 10
help: Temp memory streaming system can use in MB
variable: sys_streaming_requests_grouping_time_period
type: int
current: 2
help: Streaming requests are grouped by request time and then sorted by disk off
variable: sys_streaming_resetstats
type: int
current: 0
help: Reset all the streaming stats
variable: sys_streaming_use_optical_drive_thread
type: int
current: 1
help: Allow usage of an extra optical drive thread for faster streaming from 2 m
variable: sys_TaskThread0_CPU
type: int
current: 3
help: Specifies the physical CPU index taskthread0 will run on
variable: sys_TaskThread1_CPU
type: int
current: 5
help: Specifies the physical CPU index taskthread1 will run on
variable: sys_trackview
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables TrackView Update
variable: sys_update_profile_time
type: float
current: 1
help: Time to keep updates timings history for.
variable: sys_usePlatformSavingAPI
type: int
current: 1
help: Use the platform APIs for saving and loading (complies with TRCs, but allo
cates lots of memory)
variable: sys_user_folder
type: string
current: Crysis2
help: Specifies the user folder where output data is stored
variable: sys_vtune
type: int
current: 0
variable: sys_warnings
type: int
current: 0
help: Toggles printing system warnings.
Usage: sys_warnings [0/1]
Default is 0 (off).
variable: sys_WER
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables Windows Error Reporting
variable: sys_xenonAsserts
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable 360 system message box for asserts
variable: t_Debug
type: int
current: 0
help: Timer debug
variable: t_FixedStep
type: float
current: 0
help: Game updated with this fixed frame time
0=off, number specifies the frame time in seconds
e.g. 0.033333(30 fps), 0.1(10 fps), 0.01(100 fps)
variable: t_MaxStep
type: float
current: 0.25
help: Game systems clamped to this frame time
variable: t_Scale
type: float
current: 1
help: Game time scaled by this - for variable slow motion
variable: t_Smoothing
type: int
current: 1
help: time smoothing
0=off, 1=on
variable: tracer_player_radiusSqr
type: float
current: 400
help: Sqr Distance around player at which to start decelerate/acelerate tracer s
variable: v_altitudeLimit
type: float
current: 600
help: Used to restrict the helicopter and VTOL movement from going higher than a
set altitude. If set to zero, the altitude limit is disabled.
variable: v_autoDisable
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/disables vehicle autodisabling
variable: v_debugMountedWeapon
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/disable vehicle mounted weapon camera debug draw
variable: v_debugSounds
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable/disable vehicle sound debug drawing
variable: v_disable_hull
type: int
current: 0
help: Disable hull proxies
variable: v_disableEntry
type: int
current: 0
help: Don't allow players to enter vehicles
variable: v_draw_slip DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Draw wheel slip status
variable: v_draw_suspension DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Enables/disables display of wheel suspension, for the vehicle that has v_p
rofileMovement enabled
variable: v_driverControlledMountedGuns
type: int
current: 0
help: Specifies if the driver can control the vehicles mounted gun when driving
without gunner.
variable: v_dumpFriction
type: int
current: 0
help: Dump vehicle friction status
variable: v_goliathMode
type: int
current: 0
help: Makes all vehicles invincible
variable: v_help_tank_steering
type: int
current: 0
help: Enable tank steering help for AI
variable: v_independentMountedGuns
type: int
current: 1
help: Whether mounted gunners operate their turret independently from the parent
variable: v_invertPitchControl DUMPTODISK
type: int
current: 0
help: Invert the pitch control for driving some vehicles, including the helicopt
er and the vtol
variable: v_lights
type: int
current: 2
help: Controls vehicle lights.
0: disable all lights
1: enable lights only for local player
2: enable all lights
variable: v_lights_enable_always
type: int
current: 0
help: Vehicle lights are always on (debugging)
variable: v_pa_surface
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables/disables vehicle surface particles
variable: v_profileMovement
type: int
current: 0
help: Used to enable profiling of the current vehicle movement (1 to enable)
variable: v_ragdollPassengers
type: int
current: 0
help: Forces vehicle passenger to detach and ragdoll when they die inside of a v
variable: v_rockBoats
type: int
current: 1
help: Enable/disable boats idle rocking
variable: v_set_passenger_tm
type: int
current: 1
help: enable/disable passenger entity tm update
variable: v_show_all
type: int
current: 0
variable: v_slipFrictionModFront
type: float
current: 0
help: if non-zero, used as slip friction modifier (front wheels)
variable: v_slipFrictionModRear
type: float
current: 0
help: if non-zero, used as slip friction modifier (rear wheels)
variable: v_slipSlopeFront
type: float
current: 0
help: coefficient for slip friction slope calculation (front wheels)
variable: v_slipSlopeRear
type: float
current: 0
help: coefficient for slip friction slope calculation (rear wheels)
variable: v_sprintSpeed
type: float
current: 0
help: Set speed for acceleration measuring
variable: v_stabilizeVTOL DUMPTODISK
type: float
current: 0.35
help: Specifies if the air movements should automatically stabilize
variable: v_transitionAnimations
type: int
current: 1
help: Enables enter/exit transition animations for vehicles
variable: v_treadUpdateTime
type: float
current: 0
help: delta time for tread UV update, 0 means always update
variable: v_vehicle_quality
type: int
current: 4
help: Geometry/Physics quality (1-lowspec, 4-highspec)
variable: v_wind_minspeed
type: float
current: 0
help: If non-zero, vehicle wind areas always set wind >= specified value
variable: vehicle_acceleration_curve
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Analogue controller vehicle acceleration curve
variable: vehicle_acceleration_curve_scale
type: float
current: 1
help: Analogue controller vehicle acceleration curve scale
variable: vehicle_deceleration_curve
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Analogue controller vehicle deceleration curve
variable: vehicle_deceleration_curve_scale
type: float
current: 1
help: Analogue controller vehicle steering deceleration scale
variable: vehicle_steering_curve
type: float
current: 2.5
help: Analogue controller vehicle steering curve
variable: vehicle_steering_curve_scale
type: float
current: 1
help: Analogue controller vehicle steering curve scale
variable: visual_spawn_team_A
type: string
current: Grunt
help: default actor class to consider as teamA (friendlies) when debugging spawn
ing visually
variable: visual_spawn_team_B
type: string
current: Pinger
help: default actor class to consider as teamB (enemies) when debugging spawning
variable: VisualConsole
type: int
current: 0
help: writes console to screen
variable: VisualConsoleSubStr
type: string
help: writes console to screen if it matches substr
variable: watch_enabled
type: int
current: 1
help: On-screen watch text is enabled/disabled
variable: watch_text_render_fxscale
type: float
current: 13
help: Draw2d label to IFFont x scale value (for calcing sizes).
variable: watch_text_render_lineSpacing
type: float
current: 9.3
help: On-screen watch text line spacing (to cram more text on screen without shr
inking the font)
variable: watch_text_render_size
type: float
current: 1.75
help: On-screen watch text render size
variable: watch_text_render_start_pos_x
type: float
current: 35
help: On-screen watch text render start x position
variable: watch_text_render_start_pos_y
type: float
current: 180
help: On-screen watch text render start y position

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