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AGNA Marketing Onboarding Journey Map

Goals: Prepare everything needed for first day; make sure both NH and Manager have everything they need. Goals: Calm NH’s nerves and match their excitement; make them feel like we are prepared for them to be here. Goals: Get them trained and working on real tasks; keep them enthusiastic, excited and dedicated. Goals: Start to really dive into the role and understanding the teams, BU’s, the company; remove any lingering inconsistencies. Goals: Continue educating NH; keep excitement going with positive moments.

STEPS Make 1st NH 101 on our Role- Lunch Set up 1:1’s Learn Make a Meet with Follow up
Offer iCims Give info Gather Work with Set up NH Set up NH FB group day Welcome Dive in Take NH to Training dept with End of day NH 1st day 101 on Admin Work on NHs lunch Learn the Neighbor Tour OGSM Fill out 30 day Introduce Go to a Boot Team Deerwood
leer tasks to NH from NH Dawn computer desk NH introduces debrief beer cart staffing specific with with about the plan Digital with
agenda team lunch Buddy tasks buddy real tasks manager teams with Ed brands day Deerwood training goals check in to field branch Camps outing orientation
self training together team buddy

EXPERIENCE “There’s no way I’m “This is great! “Beer on my first “I’ve got more questions “I’m starting to “The CMO is taking
“What do I wear? Where do I going to remember They’re taking me day? This place is about random stuff.” understand what out us to lunch. This “I see how I can help
park? I don’t know where to all these names.” out to lunch!” awesome.” people do here.” is awesome!” the company in the
go when I get there.” “I understand more big picture.” “This is a great place
about how the corp to work! We do a lot
office works, now.” “I’m finally grasping of fun things.”
“I wonder what my what goes on in the
“What’s the deal “Cool, I’m ready to
coworkers are like.” branches.”
with X? Who can I start contributing.”
ask about that?”

“I don’t know anything about “AU Learn Center

“This system is really confusing. I “What if I forget “What if I forget
staffing. I don’t want to ask a is awful.”
dont know what I need to do.” this stuff?” this too?”
stupid question.”

ACTIONS • Manager • iCims starts • Parking info • Headshot for • Get laptop • Create new • Clean NH’s • Managers • 10am start time • Manager goes • Review agenda • Writes 2 • NH and • Add NH to • Meet NH • Manager • NH and • Designate • Sit in on calls • Complete • Buddy will • Depending • Create so • Manager • What to see • Ed takes all • NH checks • NH chooses • Once a • Sit with Sarah • Manager • Should be • Manager and • Manager • Can grab • With SME if • Used to be • Keep the • Scheduled
requests sending tasks ID badge and user on desk sends friend to meet NH truths and 1 immediate Box/WF Buddy and NH Buddy push staffing iCims tasks go over on role, goals schedules in the first 30 new hires out all of our who they quarter Walls for UTM shows NH done by 30 NH meet to does this lunch possible called HIT - momentum and run by
the offer to NH • What to wear peripherals laptop request to • Team lunch • Give NH all lie on wall team go to meet and beer cart SME’s • Have training culture manager informal days or so once a month websites want to training the OGSM day mark go over together now a large going HR
leer • T-shirt size • Add swag NH • Introduce NH digital files lunch • Box/WF • Buddy gives recap over together at on role- • AU Learn stuff again starts NH • Clear expect- team to lunch neighbor • Group outing sheet and what’s going • Need more • Group outing list of boot
• Manager • Time to • Give Dawn • Install all and local • Meetings w/ to everyone, • Posts a training NH culture the agenda end of day • NH watches specific tools Center off on ations of role meetings • Meet with • Sit with Anuj explains it all well, what’s info • Catch up and for all NHs camps • Manager
• NH signs sends NH arrive • DOB and last picture for soware goodies • Manager team walk them • The 101 on their picture of • Go to their with PM details staffing 101 (Marcomm, tasks • Buddy actual tasks • Ed talks someone • Meeting with to learn GA not going well discuss any (and anyone schedules
the offer email 4 of SS# badge relevant to adds NH to around role, things to the wall in favorite video etc) schedules • Manager talks • NH sits with about career from each main basics for the first new who wants to • Aer at least something
leer explaining • Where to go role • Set out FB group • Box/ WF know about FB group restaurant • They go on • Train NH on 30 day about them- each team growth and Creative to department: questions join) 3 months fun and
what to do • Favorite food • Parking pass supplies training • Tour of whole their job, etc or fav food beer run • NH reads • 1 on 1 trainings SNOW, check-in selves and bg, for 30 making your get overview HR, Legal, • Sit with Jess here simple
• Job posting • Lunch on first or restaurant • Set up NH (laptop, • Manager building • Reveals the through Connect, responsibilities Finance, Print to go over • Scheduled
minutes own path of each
is closed day nearby • SNOW form email on badge, introduces • Beer run with • Main POC’s lie during • Plan a lunch deck about • Manager sets etc shop, Google doc of every other • Need to meet
brand and
for phone NH’s laptop parking pass, NH in FB NH Buddy • Re-welcome for NH’s role beer cart together for staffing up meetings • Responsibilites • Split them • Alex joins Training, ad specs and month to decide
• Ignore any what they do
• Gmail address and email pens, etc) group in FB group later in the to explain of direct team up over the Procurement keyword tool which ones
other emails setup • End of day • Go over Trello week • Meeting is NH’s role week are relevant
they may be • Fun fact about • Leave • Manager debrief • Tells them org chart scheduled • Work/ life • Work into an • Modify to fit for us
geing themselves various mentions the about Trello with SME • Go over balance + WFH event or role
• Print and put board org • NH creates relevant
brand books fun fact orientation
on NH desk chart bio for Trello brand books

Email scripts for all managers Functional, saves time and effort Low, just need to type out Trello board org chart Functional/Social High, need to create from scratch List of Staffing SME’s Functional Medium, need volunteers Sheets for OGSM framework Functional Low, need to organize per brand _ _ -

T-shirts Social/Emotional, builds pride Medium time, medium cost Collection of digital files Functional Medium, need to organize per team Video about staffing Functional Low, need to find on YouTube Short deck about brands Functional, saves time Low, need to find one

Branded marketing notebooks, etc Social, sense of belonging Medium time, medium cost Small binder of main info for role Functional Medium/High, need to create per team Deck about staffing Functional Low/Medium, need to find one Agenda for Deerwood tour Functional, saves time Low, can leverage past agendas

T-minus 2020 swag Emotional None, need to assmble Box/WF training review sheets Functional Low, can work off existing

Brand books Functional None, need to assemble Fun welcome booklet for all NH’s Emotional/Functional High, need to design and print

Supplies Functional None, need to assemble Talking points sheet for Buddy Functional Low, need to type up

Agenda template for managers Functional, saves time and effort Low, need to create in Word List of NH Buddies Functional Medium, need to get volunteers

OPPORTUNITIES • Send NH a congrats of some • Have HR add a beer • Provide all links manager • Send NH schedule • Non-Monday start day • List of lunch spots • POC contact sheet • Back up plan if manager can’t be • Master list of programs for • Brand org chart • Send NH home early on • Login for SIA
kind, before first day explanation into iCims may need before 1st day there on day 1 each role tough days
• Large dept signage • Desk name tags • Living onboarding document • Acronym cheat sheet

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