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‫عنوان البحث‬

Xxx Yyyy Zzz

‫الهندسة االلكترونية بمنوف‬ : ‫كلـــــــــــــــية‬

: ‫الشعبة‬/‫القســم‬

: ‫المستوي‬/‫الفرقـة‬

: ‫اســــم المقـــرر‬

: ‫كــــود المقــــرر‬

: ‫اســـــم الطالب‬

: ‫الرقـــم القومي‬ ‫البريد األكاديمي‬

‫ حمدي عوض‬/.‫د‬.‫ أ‬: ‫اشـــــــــــــراف‬

Abstract: 7 lines, 60-7 words xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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1. Introduction
One page includes the objectives of the research xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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2. The measurement process
In you will talk about the measurement process, the measurement process is considered
one of the most important processes in industry and in the quality of the product, the
definition of measurement .. is to obtain the value of a physical quantity or a physical
variable using a suitable measuring device, in the case of using the standard device the
device is calibrated with a device with an approved calibration device It is
internationally agreed upon. It shall be preserved in the measuring laboratories and in its
suitable environment
In the case of comparison, the measured value is compared with a standard quantity. The
modern measurement process using electronic devices is done by sensing the value
through a sensor that converts it into an electrical signal. After that, the electrical signal
is purified and enlarged to be ready for display. There are many types of measuring
devices such as ( Analogue, digital)

1.1. Sub header one

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2.2. Sub header one

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2. Types of errors in measurement

The device’s error is one of the most important obstacles that affect the efficiency of the
measurement process. The error is defined as the difference between the measured value
and the correct value or the reference value. This ratio affects the accuracy of the

This error may be due to a problem with the device, or due to the human factor or the
surrounding environment. There are two types of errors
1- Systematic Error
2- Random Error

2.1. Systematic Error

Also called stereotypes, which are errors that are expected and can be corrected and
predictable and they affect the measurement with a fixed value and this error may be due
to the equipment used or because of the lack of experience of the human factor and
systemic error is divided into four types.

a- Environemental Error
This error is due to a malfunction in the measuring device or due to corrosion of the
mechanical parts in the device as a result of rotation, such as a twisting winding of
rotation or weakening of the spring coil due to measuring higher values than permitted
and is called a deformation error, and a malfunction may also occur due to the longevity
of the device such as the weakness of the permanent magnet in a device Galvano meter,
and regular maintenance and calibration of the device must be done in order not to cause
such kind of errors

b- Gross Erorr
Such errors occur due to the human factor, such as negligence in taking the correct
reading or wrong positioning during reading, the level of vision should be vertically
during the readers or because of the presence of the zero error or the displacement error
and is due to the failure to zero the device before use and one of the most important
mistakes of the human factor is the lack of appropriate selection of devices I mean, for
example, choosing an avometer device with a low resistance to measure a high
resistance voltage which leads to device damage, and these errors are due to the lack of

experience of the technician and to avoid this problem, the technician answers well
before using the measuring devices

c- Environmntal Error
Different environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, air pressure, electric
and magnetic fields affect the measuring devices, which may lead to expansion or
contraction of the components of the device, or the occurrence of interference to the
device signals. To avoid this error, the devices must maintain a special atmosphere away
from atmospheric factors.

d- Reading Error
Such errors are due to lack of clarity in the progressive device or due to errors in
performing calculations due to a lack of inefficiency of the worker as a result of a lack of
experience and the worker must be trained well in such errors

2.2. Random Error

An expected error, but the source is unknown and unpredictable, this type of error
primarily affects accuracy, when performing a measurement more than once in the
presence of controlled environmental conditions and a trained technician showing a
slight difference in the value between each measurement process, and may occur due to
the presence of noise Electronic or irregular changes in temperature, and this error can
be avoided by a statistical process such as finding the average value of more than one
reading or increasing the size of the sample or comparing the measurement values with
the values measured in a stable manner or with other devices or making a measurement
on reference values,

2. Conclusions
5 lines about 40-50 word, do not repeat the abstract xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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3. References
[1] Name of the authors, “Title of the paper or the book,” Publisher, Vol., PP., Year.
[1] Hamdi Awad, “neural networks and its applications,” IEEE Transaction in Control
systems, vol. 22, pp. 15-21, 2001.

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