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@ Strategic Vision of Pakistan's Foreign Policy » Me. Sarta Asie Advise to he Prime Minster Ntlona Scury & Foreign Ali June, 2014 State Vso of ks orcgn Policy Completion of the fist year of the new Goverment spre tine to evew its foreign policy scheverets and also ist the ‘ls nd challenges tht i aes. This eiew is reset under es inert sets 1, TheStaie Vision Th, The Man Achievements Ti, Toe Fue Challenges 1. Strato Vision sth PML(N) 201 elton Mais ceopaszed, "Pakistan oy ist war win, See ised brad. Is independence and Soverinty sand compromised ts economic ‘weaker fing ogo begzng bow in and, whl foegn ses undertake unistera sts oo is terior nd ota aos seit 1 sancaary to psu thee own agendas, ‘hvu to Pakistan's ational terest Keeping this perapective in view, the rst import oi poly objective sto safepuard Pakistan's svority and eliminate the growing tule of exerism, intolerance and violence fom the society toh concerted political nit tmiltry statgies anda policy of non ference inthe aflus of other cours. Henceforth, top sity will be accorded to ‘oun’ om security rater than the agendas nd priors of oder counties. ‘The second impatant objective i to make connie revival ant tained development be ‘fer pie of our foreign policy. A persistent Tow rate of growth, an average of less than 3 peroent ver the pasts years, as not only Ireresed ou dependence on bers but als widened the gap between expectations ani reality Tht is why, the Prime Miniter has Fepedodly emphasize tat external inflaence ‘ows from ine stengt. The Goverment therfore igo et oo pursing tree ‘najr prions expending investment and tae (not aid), resolving the energy eis, and dressing extremism and trie. “The sind important proity ofa peace eighbourood automaticaly ows fam these to objectives. Prime Minister's slogan of “peace for development” means bailing & peaceful external environment so that core tinal objetves of economic development oul be robustly advanced. A fourth pills of this vision isto sum Pakistan's stateie geognpbica lation from a abit ino an set ough tds, rasp and ray connect with China, Centra si nd West Asia. This in tum eould also belp to re-alance our go-saepe and go-econemic ‘The govemment is filly avare of the ‘complex and dict external envionment in ‘which thes policy objectives and piri ave tobe pursued but if theres clear vision, backed by trong politcal wil Pakitan can achieve aud’ dictum of “peace within and peace without” ina eaively shot period of tine, 1M, Achievements ‘One year is nota Jong period to expect all the tangle outcomes ofthe far-reaching changes Fntrdyced since June 2013. Yet he list of achievement, 50 fis impressive: L._Reinfrsing Strategie Partnership vith China: Our timetestd and all ‘weather relationship with China has ‘een transformed ino a strong strategic parethip, with facie on was, investment, fneray_ infrastructure and. connestiviy ‘Counter-‘ertorism cooperation continues to Strengthen, while Pakistan's support 0 China's core interest of Tibet and Taiwan remains unwavering Mutual collaboration in regional forums lke SCO, CICA and Heart of Asin has sepped up. ‘A monumental achievement the intation of the Chia-Pakstn Economic Contdor(CPEC), whichis considered io be "gamechanger" in terms of trade, investment, connectivity and regional fconomie integration, China is poised to ber investments and loans to the tune of 35 billion for energy and eter infin struct rojas aver the next #10 yar, i. Reaching ot to Afghanistan: Our ‘Afghan policy is almed at bulding ‘endl tnd good-cighborly relationship, in which awed concepts ofthe past Hike “Saratopic depth” have no place. ‘The key principles enncited bythe Prime Minister nce mal respect fr sovereignty and ‘err integrity non-interference and m0 favorites, The Prine Minster as had four rmeetngs with the Afghan President in the past one year. Our efforts are focused on Intensified polities dialogue, measures to prevent eof tervitoy agaist each oh, support for Afgan peace and reconciliation process, seamlinng transit trade issues, ‘p-scaling bilateral assistance, enhanced border Management, refugee retun, ‘ounternarotcs, and intensified dialogue ft regional” and inerational level Pakistan's constucsive engagement bas helped redice trnt deficit Pakistan's conributon to the roca of stabilization in Afghanistan is being acknowledged ‘regionally and internationals. ‘We have played a positive role in ‘Ahan elections, by helping with border ‘security and maintaining strong neualiy Pakistan now looks forward to. working closely withthe new democratic chive of Afghan people, manifested tough credible electoral proces, to build strong, Peaceful and fruitful relaonship between the ovo counties WL Improving ties with India: It is ‘manifestly clear that South Asia cannot have durable peace ad stability unless Pakistan land India make peace. ‘Ths requires building a qualitatively new environment in ‘which muta concerns are addressed in credible way and efforts made o promotes agenda of peace and development. Its in ‘his perspective that the Prime Minister has stressed thatthe main dm in South Asia shouldbe cooperation, not confanaton Me. Narendra Modi isthe choice ofthe Indian electorate, and we have already ted our interaction with the new fovernment. The Prime Minister's early ‘uteacho Mr. Meo congrats him on BP's electoral victory and later participation in the swearing-in ceremony in New Delhi are reflective of his sincere ‘commitment to turing a new page inthe ‘lationship. The Prime Minister's initiative ‘has been Widely commended atthe inter ‘atonal evel ‘The Government will continue to seek susiined and result-oriented dialogue, ‘meaningful progress towards resolution of ‘outstanding issues inluding Kashmir and enhanced cooperation on economic issues. The two Foreign Secretaries wl be meting shortly to evolve a roadmap for such alogue. Iv. Strengthening thes with the United tates: The strategic relationship with the US. is being reariented on the basis of ‘mutual interest and mata trast, The eat isto tansform the substantive content ofthe relationship, and to change the narrative The US. is a key pariner in trade and investment, counter-tenorism, and regional bly. We have endeavored to build on the positives while working sincerely and ‘meimingClly 10 address each others? soncems, Pakistan's deeeraictasition ‘playing an impo oe this context ime Mite’ vt o Washington in ether ast yeaa is iacton wilh President Obama at wel sci Amiisttor fil and Keyless ‘asotfarechinginporance, The ie Minister piss is coal cophasis on enced mare sosm US. vests incur and oer poet dene an ‘cry cooperation coum, nd ‘oplevopemnle exchanges, ‘The Prime Ministers visit was followed by a resumption ofthe State Dialog athe Miniter evel, which the ‘Adviser and Secretary Kery co-chared, The work of sever Joint Working Groups ‘was reviewed and anew group was erated nucation. Weal agreed ta stenthen ‘our dialogue and cooperation on regional issues, particulary working to advance common objectives of peace and stability in ost-2014 Afghanistan and sustinale Pe and pogress in South Asa While challenges remuin, we ae commited to deepening, mutial cola orton and making this important relationship uly Beneficial forthe socio conomie development of the poople of Paki, ¥ Conpreensivly up-rading rations trith EU: Our intensive engagement ith European countes-bth bilaterally and in the European "Union famework has produced ‘sigifeant ress Trade, Investment and cooperation in socal Sectors are on the upg, while oun Tero cooperation and seit ties contin to stengen. A mins level ‘rage dialogue was held in Marc 2014 tnd the next EUPakisan Summit is Planned before the end ofthis ea. ‘A major achiovemest for the Government has been the grat ofthe GSP status o Pakistan in Deoenber 2013, This ‘would help boost Pakisun’s exile exports, eacrate employment, and contribute 1 fons fr eeanomie revival This would lb help adress he sue of extremism and ‘eer by ceaing conic po Tuntes and Yeducing the appeal of ‘adam, vi Renvigorating relations with San ‘Arabia, Iran Turkey and other Islam nr: Slay withthe sme Work Iasalwaysbecnacetal net Pakistan's foreign policy Pakistan has long standing exemplayclaons wih the Kingdom of ‘Su Area. Tse relations wer furtber stongtened troegh several igh lve! exchanges inthe past yar. ‘Ou bist elton wih Tukey ave ‘so being atl ino conte poi {nd economic pormership. At rs ‘canoic cooperation with Trey ers {now thesld in the past 12 mons. Many Tush companies re making Import investnents in several Key sb seclo ‘ran sn important acighbor The Prime Mister’ wast Una in May nly provided an impetus bilateral Feiton, but also helped 1 remove 0 poepions and in evolving oud 0 ance istaluade and coomomic ‘ooperatin. The key aris offs emai fer seu, ward movereatn Pas Deine pret exploring praca as Dera tdeiathe fice of aneton a puraingDelaced relations in the Cull region obits trans relions with tear count ike UAE, Qatar ad Sabra sr expending thou dept pola deg wang ce ony Scenes nce treat of sled maapover 20 {Gocoad tos, Wehate ested rs toconclide a oe Trade Agree! with GEC comms ‘it, Promoting Reglonal Cooperation: Palistan’s close engagemeat with ECO, SAARC and OIC. remains crucially important. Inte fice of changing lab tnd relonal contest, Pakistan's alanesd fpprowch avoling interference in intra ‘Maso intemal as ht are not ‘ely of conser, Bas Deen wily " pres, “Theteviv ofthe Pain econ in the past one year, ley gid by ramty postive scone aay ad ao ‘eve eps oat fig investment In enemy and rome otber estos, have Sgniienly expanded prospect for dxpet ‘cones coopetion With ther cous, vil Safeguarding national security, clear programme and goostratele Interest: Pakistan's miler deterrence has serve to mainisin peace in vepion. Our plonats "hive elfectvely "defended Pakisa’s postion on static issues at muiltr fos, We bave see acesely ‘mobilized inernaonal sport fot Pakistan's countertenor for ‘The military operation tached in Noth Waziristan in Jets em, posed ‘by the operation in Karachi il tal ‘cable wit ofthe Ss i al prt of Pakistan but aso counter the growing caltr ofvlene and interac 2 fs. Looking after Pakistan! Diaspora td Promoting so image: As expect of {hy deinorat government thre is eon {scone erpars on Tooking afer the Palistan commasity abroad. In Saud "Rabi sasive effet wae undertake 0 fpotec intoress of Paxisanis during Shion campeion and onl ies febeinginpoved ie may counties. Overall there is & vstble trans- forme inthe Interaatonal image of Pakistan ich now feds Hse in the ‘nainstenm ofthe obl eommunly. 1, Future Challenges Intersect and sabi South Asi stand ata ered wih elecion ving taken ‘plc in Bangldet, aan Afpnstn, the Feet enouncement of US. pos-2014 miliary tinengngement in Afghanis, the process of Irem.S. rapprochement underway. and the ‘Shnging plea and security lanseape in he ‘Galan Middle East eo, Coming yews could witness many a tullenges tke twmeil sd isa a also ‘opportunities for new avenues of eoepeniion eooamie Comidor fom Gwadar to _meing fom poli changes stele, Khoo vl te friar arena nate slignmens. While conaiiting the guns made Central Asian Couns, and apart from ‘ver the past one year in Pakistan's toy sxpanding CASA-1000 eect import ‘eltionships, as numeral above, or fuse project addonal projects willbe the coming yea wold also be on Undertaken t0 import gas fom Iran, “Takenisan ud Get: ~ volving a joiatstratepy wih the now Ahan Government coro exten ~ Decpening engagement wih th Russian nd terrorism so that ue tepective Fern Riad Chin coopers temas are not used for ates oy in SCO tod other for, to integrate Subvenion aginst eachother and Eurrosia it the weed ecanony witht ‘expanding economic coopaionbetncon loge overtones ofthe cold ware, akin and Afphanisan, = Building deoper trade and economic Cnying forward te pease process with linkage with Souteast AsV ASEAN, tiene sre mph ae | ‘oncconomic revival and expand people ~ Reviving closets with an seking new ‘opempe contacts wile a he sre tine venues of cooperation with Afi and incastvng the dalgne nae thee sting es hs Kn Sa a Sete ~ Sein dp ein ‘rpc nso ton ~ Laat se se nite send oo yd crete Soe id Wen Ashe pa “he coe ln br agooch wold wean ()coatecve ares 1“ s interference; and (iii) advancement of trade, investment and economic cooperation. We would continue to maximize our diplomatic space and. enhance foreign policy options: — The barometer would be how to protect our security and promote the agenda of peace and development. — We would continue to pursue balanced relationships, and eschew involvement in issues where no direct interests are at stake. — In the internal context, de-radicalization and building a grand national narrative, would be the additional focus of these — Further improving Pakistan’s image abroad, which in tum will depend on more effective control of terrorism, movement on human rights, and positive image of a more tolerant society, ————

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