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Name: Aliyu Shu,aibu

Reg No: 402068

Today 26-05-2021 we are attended our field trip at Aldussar; Aldussar it consist
the several sections I aldussar like playing station, zoo.
Play station is a place whereby the people attend both boys, girls, men, women
they can arrived these place to make a games, and to getting a relieve without
tension to anyone or anybody.
Zoo: it is known as zoological garden, zoo park animal park, or manegary.
Zoo: is a place where animal being kept their activity they have different kind of
1. Terrestrial animal
2. Domesticated animal
3. Aquatic animal
- Terrestrial Animal: any animals that lives grow and reproduced on
terrestrial (or land) terrestrial animals: spend most of or their entire lifespan
on lad, in contrasts to animals that live predominantly in water animals
include cats, ants, dogs, rancorous, spider, kangaroo’s, tiger.
- Domesticated Animals: are animals that have been selectively bred and
genetically adapted over genetically to live alongside humans. They are
cousin example: donkey, pigs, camels, horses.
- Aquatic Animals: are those animals that live in the water like fish,
crocodile etc.
But in those animals terrestrial, domesticated, aquatic animals all these animals
they have a 10 – 15 years, cat 2 -16 years hippopotamus 40 – 50 years
1. For education
2. For recreation purpose
3. For incomes purpose
4. For conservation
1. Indicator for environment changes

2. For essential researchers

3. Wild plants are used for drugs

4. Wild plant for reducing tension

Aldusar was establish in 2019 by right honorable Aminu Belloi Masari and
Aldusar has over 35 species of animal such as lion tiger, hyher, hippopotamus,
crocodile, geeze etc. while all these animals have their symbols base on limit
location each symbol contain scientific name, common, lifespan, no. of young,
Aldusar is the one of the most biggest zoo in Nigeria, Katsina state.

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