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1) Open your book again and do the exercises 4 and 5. Pag. 103

I. Match phrasal verbs a-g with definitions 1-7. Write in your notebook.
1. Start to love someone.-d-
2. Call someone.-c-
3. Have sex with someone.-g-
4. Be in a romantic relationship.-f-
5. have a friendly relationship.-a-
6. Wait happily for a future event.-b-
7. Say you want to be someone’s boyfriend/girlfriend for the first time.-e-

II. Which sentence is correct?

a. Karen fell for Alan.
b. I don’t get on with her
c. I’m looking forward to the party.
d. Nick asked out me!
e. I’m not ready to sleep with you.

2) Check the grammar Focus and open your book on page 104 and do the exercise 8 and 9.

III. Look at the sentences from the listening. Are they in the simple or continuous form?
Simple form Continuous form
 I don’t want to go on my own.  I hate going to the doctor
 I like all the doctors there.  I’m reading a leaflet.
 How do you feel about the possibility of  I’m doing a lot of research at the moment.
 I don’t understand.
 Do you know how to use a condom?
 I love you.

IV. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

a. I’m not going out with anyone at the moment.
b. I don’t want to sleep with my boyfriend because I’m not ready yet.
c. I think couples have to use a condom to prevent sexual diseases.
d. I don’t believe sex before marriage.
e. Tom and his girlfriend are visiting the family planning clinic at the moment.
f. Many people don’t understand how to use a condom properly.
g. I feel embarrassed when I buy condoms, but I know the pharmacist sells thousands
of them a week.

3) Do the exercise 11 page 109. Use Complete the text with the correct article: a, an or the.

V. Complete the text with the correct article: a, an or the.

I’m Clara. I’m a High School student and a mother. I didn’t expect to get pregnant
and the news was a shock for everyone in my family. My boyfriend wanted to put
the baby up for adoption, but I wasn’t sure. It was an enormous decision for me and
I’m only 17. Who knows what will happen in the future? Fortunately, I spoke to a
counsellor to get advice. I’m worried about my studies. We talked about adoption
and we agreed it was the best option for me. They found a married couple to be
parents and they desperately wanted a child. I thought they were the perfect people
to look after my baby. Of course, I feel bad about my decision, but I know my child
will grow up in a kind and loving home.

Create a sketch on the theme of relationship, be creative and include all the topics of the
1) Study skills help you improve in any school subject. Say how often you use these study
Study skills Always Sometimes Never
Relate new material to what I already know. x
Organise my thoughts and ideas before starting an activity x
Use new vocabulary learnt when I express my ideas. x
Review my notes and texts after I write them. x
Speak English in class. x

2) Look back over the module then complete the sentences.

My favourite activity was … This activity
The most useful words or expressions were … Because, I think, yes, no
I enjoyed learning about … Relationship
I need to practise … Speaking, writing

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