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Subjectivism, Relativism, Objectivism


What is really the basis of a morally good act? What if in ~ Illustration: Mrs. Reyes, a veteran businesswoman,
one country, bribery is considered immoral, while in believes that tax evasion is morally justifiable. On the
another country it is socially acceptable? What if other hand, Mr. Cruz, a neophyte businessman, is
abortion is legal and ethical in one country, while convinced that tax evasion is morally unacceptable.
punishable for being a crime in another country? What Now, as far as ethical subjectivism is concerned, Mr.
are the criteria used to determine the rightness or Cruz cannot declare that Mrs. Reyes does an immoral
wrongness of an action? Because of these crucial act. What Mr. Cruz can validly say is that Mrs. Reyes’ act
questions that may affect the decisions of people, it has of evading taxes is immoral according to his moral norm.
become worthwhile for many ethicists to discuss the
~ Disadvantages: Ethical subjectivism appears to
philosophical/ethical theories known as:
endorse human freedom from the dictates of the
1. Subjectivism authority, tradition, religion, and others. Consequently,
2. Relativism the moral agent becomes fully responsible for his or her
3. Objectivism actions. Furthermore, ethical subjectivism also seems to
endorse the value of respect and tolerance toward
another person’s opinions, tastes, personal decisions,
Subjectivism and actions. After all, who are we to judge the morality
of another person?
~ asserts that the basis of the goodness or badness of
~ Societal codes and rules of conduct are formed and
an act is the human agent himself—the one who decides
agreed upon by people because there are assumed to
to act, the subject of action
ensure harmony, order, and peaceful coexistence. But
~ asserts that moral judgments are really feelings, not ethical subjectivism invites the opposite: anarchy, chaos,
facts, that there are no right or wrong answers, and each fighting, mistrust, violence, and “a war of all against all.”
person is entitled to his or her own views It is a sure formula for a chaotic society. Therefore, it is
contrary to the noble aims of societal life—to have a
~ comes from the belief that every individual has his or
peaceful and harmonious coexistence.
her own set of experiences that forms his or her moral
values ~ Most ethicists reject subjectivism because it assumes
that there are no basic goods that need to be protected
~ what is good for one person may not be good for the
in society and because it utilizes a logic that is ultimately
other person
incapable of offering compelling arguments against
~ individuals need not to justify or explain their decisions abuses. If we were truly subjectivists, we would have to
or actions to anyone, since it is their subjective choice merely accept it if someone were to take our property,
inflict physical harm on us or those we care about, or
~ one cannot argue with the differences in taste or break their promises. Furthermore, subjectivism makes
judgment of beauty, not with judgments pertaining to it very difficult to resolve disputes, as it denies the
moral rightness and goodness compelling power of reasonable discourse with others,
arguing instead that what is right for others may not be
~ such that a cake which tastes good to me may taste
right for them. If there is no reason to believe that some
bad to you, we must also accept that goodness and
ethical arguments are better than others or that better
rightness is a matter of subjective taste
arguments should prevail and inform our decisions and
actions, then there is also no reason why individuals
should not simply do as they like.
Relativism In an article “The Challenge of Cultural Relativism”
by Rachels (2010):
Cultural relativism – a descriptive claim that ethical
practices differ among cultures, that, as a matter of fact, 1. Various societies have various ethical beliefs and
what is considered right in one culture may be codes
considered wrong in another culture; descriptive 2. There are no moral principles that are common in all
because it means that the claims of cultural relativism societies
are not based on speculations and prescriptions for 3. Moral standards are not moral absolutes. They are
moral behavior, but are rather anchored on direct dependent on the evolving and dynamic nature of
observations of the undeniable differences of mores, the society’s cultures, beliefs, and practices
practices, legal codes, and ethical beliefs of various 4. There are no objective moral values. The society
societies and cultures determines what is good and what is bad within its
particular society.
Illustration: Here in the Philippines, premarital sex is 5. It also follows that there is no privileged and special
unacceptable. However, in most western countries, it is culture that other cultures would look up to, emulate
normal; Here in the Philippines, we do not cease to and immolate.
debate on the moral acceptability of artificial 6. Every culture is unique unto itself.
contraceptives. In another country, abortion is perfectly 7. No society can brag about its morality. There is no
normal, more so on the use of artificial contraceptives; morally inferior culture; there is simple difference.
One culture punishes its offenders by stoning him or her
to death, while another culture finds this morally Weaknesses of Cultural Relativism
objectionable; Capital punishment is legal and
However, deeper analysis of cultural relativism would
considered ethical in one country, while it is illegal and
reveal that the said theory is not without inherent
morally unacceptable in the Philippines.
problems. Rachels sees that there is a serious lapse in
It is undeniable that that there are differences with the reasoning of the ethical relativist when it concludes
regard to the culture, mores, practices, beliefs, and even that there is no objective truth in ethics merely from the
the moral thinking of people. fact that there are disagreements about and differences
in moral beliefs, moral codes, and moral practices. When
Ethical Relativism – the logical result of the results of two people disagree about something, it does not follow
cultural relativism, and that culture is that which decides at once that both of them are correct or both of them are
the rightness or wrongness of one’s conduct; the claim wrong. When it comes to moral belief, it is possible that
that what is really right or wrong is what the culture says one belief is correct and the other one is misguided.
is right or wrong; claims that it is morally obligatory to act Rachel explains:
in accordance with the basic moral principles adopted
by a certain culture; “when in Rome, do as the Romans “The fact that different societies have different moral
do”; one has to abide by the ethical norms of the culture codes proves nothing. There is also disagreement from
where one is located; suggests that if one is in doubt society to society about scientific matters: in some
whether his or her action is morally acceptable, he or she cultures, it is believed that the earth is flat, and that
should check whether the said act is acceptable in the disease is caused by evil spirits. We do not on that
particular society where he or she is in; however, though account conclude that there is no truth in geography or
moral relativists accept cultural relativism as true, they in medicine. Instead, we conclude that in some cultures,
claim much more. people are better informed than in others. Similarly,
disagreement in ethics might signal nothing more than
Illustration: If bribery is acceptable in one society, that some people are less enlightened than others. At
then it is morally right; if not, then it is morally wrong. If the very least, the fact of disagreement does not, by
business bribery or tax evasion becomes customary in itself, entail that truth does not exist. Why should we
the society, then the moral rebel cannot criticize it assume that, if ethical truth exists, everyone must know
because rightness and wrongness are determined by it.”
the culture.
Georges Enderle (2005): “Cultural diversity does not 2. Truth-telling
necessarily mean ethical relativism.”
Imagine a society whose members are not governed
Weaknesses of Ethical relativism: by truth-telling. They may talk with each other but,
1. It makes an illogical leap of concluding that there are surely, they will not trust each other’s words.
no objective principles simply because there are Communication would eventually become
cultural differences. meaningless. The members of the society would find
2. It is possible that differences in moral practices are relationships as useless. The society would finally
just apparent and even rooted in principles that are disintegrate. Thus, “communicate truthfully” is a
also valued in other cultures. moral standard that is common to all societies.
3. There are some incoherent effects if we will espouse
ethical relativism as our guiding principle. 3. Prohibition against murder

Imagine if a society does not prohibit killing of its

members. It will be a chaotic society and bound to
extinction. In other words, it will not survive.
Objectivism Therefore, “do not kill” is a moral precept that is not
relative to a culture; rather, it is objective and
~ maintains that there are moral principles that have common to all cultures. The prohibition against
universal validity regardless of time, place, and culture murder is a necessary feature of a society.

~ claims that morality is neither subjective or culturally

relative, but rather objective in the sense that there are
ethical principles that are common in all societies Conclusion

Illustration: Objectivism claims that every society and The rightness or wrongness of an act ultimately lies on
culture agree that the torture and murder of the innocent universal ethical principles that humanity has
are morally unacceptable. It is important to remember discovered, developed, and cultivated for it to survive, to
that if accused of these acts no contrary would reply by have meaningful existence, and to form a more humane
saying that there is nothing wrong with it. Its leaders community of persons. One of the aims of business
would simply reply by saying that there is nothing wrong ethics is to discover, apply, and improve objective moral
with it. Its leaders would simply deny it or point an principles so that a businessperson who goes from one
accusing finger to other leaders who commit the same culture to the other may find the right balance between
acts. objectivity of values and respect toward another culture.

Rachels (2010) also argues that there are some values

common to all cultures and thus render moral
objectivism to be the more feasible theory. He
enumerates and explains at lease three of those values:

1. Care for the offspring

Imagine a community that does not require the

parents to care for their children. This community
will not continue to exist because the very survival is
dependent on the fundamental value of propagation
and transmission of its kind. This means that any
culture that continues to exist must care for its

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