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SEMESTER 02 (2020/2021)







Title Page

1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 Development Objectives 4
3.0 Development Challenges and Problems 4
3.1 Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) 4
3.2 Operations 5
3.3 Vicinity 7
3.4 Economic 9
4.0 Development Plan 11
4.1 Drilling and Production Site Selection 11
4.2 Risk Assessment 12
4.3 Drilling Considerations 13
4.4 Completions Considerations 15
4.5 Production Considerations 17
4.5.1 Dry Gas 17
4.5.2 Elemental Sulphur 18
4.6 Storage and Transportation 20
4.6.1 Dry Gas 20
4.6.2 Elemental Sulphur 21
5.0 Mind Map 22
6.0 Conclusion 23
7.0 References 24


A commercial gas layer with 40% hydrogen sulphide, H 2 S content is found at

10,000 ft below AEON’s building of Taman Universiti in the Malaysian state of Johor
and has been earmarked for development by PETRONAS as per the Petroleum Act
1974. The design and procedures for H 2 S – free dry gas production will need to be
prepared, while taking into consideration of PETRONAS’s aspiration to produce

elemental sulphur from the H 2 S gas. The production (both the dry gas and elemental
sulphur) was to be done without sacrificing the AEON’s buildings and infrastructure,
environment and community of the designated area.

Satellite imagery provides an aerial view of the designated area, AEON

building of Taman Universiti. It can be observed that the designated area is
surrounded by both residential and commercial estates in the southwest of the map. In
the northeast direction, there is large forestry area enclosed by the Skudai-Pontian
highway, Jalan Universiti and Jalan Pontian Lama (refer Figure 1.0).

Figure 1.0: Satellite Imagery of AEON Building and its Vicinity

This report will strive to highlight challenges and problems facing the
development while making relevant references to academic papers. A mind-map
illustrating the development plan will be presented.


Based on the project description in the Introduction section, the following

developments two objectives can be identified:

 Primary Objective: H 2 S – free dry gas production.

 Secondary Objective: Elemental sulphur production from produced H 2 S .

Both the objectives will need to be achieved with the following considerations:

 The drilling and production activity should not pose any serious threat to
life and environment, be it on the vicinity of AEON building and the
designated drilling and production site.
 There will be proper prevention, monitoring and control mechanisms in
place to address relevant drilling and production operational hazards.
 The existing infrastructure of AEON building and its surrounding vicinity
will not be compromised or vacated to accommodate the drilling and
production activities.
 The drilling and production activities should not cause any disturbance to
the socioeconomic affairs and livelihood of nearby residents e.g., noise,
dust, traffic diversion etc.


There are several development challenges and problems associated with the
project. These challenges and problems are highlighted in several sections below:


Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) is for all new exploration and

developments this shall also cover any impacts with respect to Social Responsibility.
An EIA provides a critical appraisal of the likely impacts of a project on the
environment. Typically impacts to populations and communities are considered rather
than impacts to individuals (Glasson, J 2012)

The objective of the EIA is to minimize the impact of residual effects to as low
as reasonably practical (ALARP). Recommendations are reviewed with reference to
best industry practice, economic, technical, and health and safety considerations to
determine practicability. The severity of consequence is graded according to defined
criteria which consider the nature and scale of sources and effects, the pathways of the

effects into the receiving environment and the potential impact or consequence.
(Glasson, J 2012)

Safety and hazard management policies shall be adhered to and always

implemented throughout the development as well as during the lifecycle of the
facility. The policies relating to the design of safety related systems shall be based on
a "Risk Based Design" approach, i.e., the risks shall be identified, quantified, and
reduced to As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP), by the implementation of a
Hazard Management Plan that shall be clearly auditable. (Glasson, J 2012)

Several “industry practice” techniques (e.g., HAZOP, QRA, HRA, HAZID,

Bow-Tie Analysis) shall be used as appropriate for systematically identifying and
assessing hazards before quantifying risk, instituting controls, and ensuring recovery
measures are in place to reduce the risk - likelihood vs. consequence - to a level which
is ALARP. One or more of these techniques shall be used to evaluate risks identified
with the design process. (Glasson, J 2012)


3.2.1 Drilling Waste Management

There is a wide range of options available for onshore drilling waste

management, some wastes are managed onsite whilst others are removed to offsite
commercial disposal facilities. These options include evaporation, incineration and
other thermal treatment allowed under regulation, composting and recycling (Figure
2.0) . Waste burial onsite can be acceptable once the associated risks have been
assessed. (Ram, C 2015)

Figure 2.0: Schematic of Solid Control Management

Figure 3.0: Example of Waste Management for Onshore Drilling

3.2.1 Drilling Site

Based on the review of available G&G data and geochemical investigations,

several drillable locations can be identified for drilling to assess the hydrocarbon
potential of the study area. The project will ultimately, in case of discovery of
economically viable hydrocarbons, contribute to fulfilling the energy requirement of
country in addition to the royalty to state government.
Onshore drilling operations can be risky. Accidents and eloquent injuries,
waste spillages, and damage to the environment are results of risks associated with

onshore drilling operation that negatively influence the reputation of oil and gas
industry. The resulting impacts of these incidences pose a major threat to the future of
the industry due to the potential social, economic, and environmental consequences
associated with the drilling operations (Jong, 2021).

Figure 4.0: Flaring of excess gas that could be dangerous to the community


3.3.1 Petroleum Gases and Hydrogen Sulphide

Petroleum gases and vapors consist of harmful toxins like benzene, butane,

and methane. In the oil and gas industry, petroleum gases are often referred to as
“sweet gas” or hydrocarbon gas. Petroleum gases can cause both short-term and long-
term health effects. If employees are exposed to high concentrations, they can
experience acute toxicity to the nervous system, liver, and kidneys. Sudden exposure
to high levels of gases could kill you instantly.
Hydrogen sulfide, or H2S, can be one of the deadliest hazards in the oil and
gas industry. It is formed in the decay process of organic material. H2S is sometimes
referred to as “sour gas” because of its unmistakable odor of rotten eggs. However, in
high concentrations of H2S, the gas becomes odorless as it deadens the sense of smell.
So, employees should not rely on their sense of smell for detecting this type of gas.

Hydrogen sulfide is also considered to be a flammable gas and is explosive under
extreme conditions. Do not allow smoking or hot work in areas where H2S may be

3.3.2 Transportation

The biggest safety concern of land-based operations is the large number of

vehicles and operator personnel in the field, which gives exposure to road accidents.
Although logistic and transportation hardly ever leads to any major damages, it can
temporarily affect traffic circulation on roads as cars and inquisitive people passing by
making stop, look and inquire what is going on.

3.3.3 Explosive Handling

Both dynamite and vibriosis activities can lead to noise pollution and an
amount of discomfort for people and a disturbance to local wildlife habitats. In any
explosive handling, the operator is in a weak position and will face both rightful and
ridiculous damage claims to the environment and land access that need to be dealt
with hazardous explosive. During usage of dynamite, if not handle carefully and
pending the quantity at hand can cause havoc if it gets in the wrong hand or
significant damage to the building infrastructure if explosion occurred (Jong, 2021).

Figure 5.0: Explosive Storage Facility & Fly Camp (inset)


3.4.1 Low Gas Price

Over a decade ago, the based on the economic evaluation, the highest gas price
was 14$/MMBTU but because of the economic crisis in 2008, the gas price was drop
until below 5$/MMBTU. So, the latest gas price based on the past 3 years trend is
around 3.2$/MMBTU and in sensitivity analysis 4$/MMBTU was used in high case
scenario. As forecasted, the gas price in the latest few companies’ official assumption
is 2.7$/MMBTU flat until 2025 and slightly increase to 3.3$/MMBTU in 2030. (IEA,

Figure 6.0: US natural gas price forecast

3.4.2 Transportation of Production

For transportation of the production, as the location is located at densely

populated, and land transportation could be an issue for transporting the gas to the
nearest terminal. The potential solution is to tie-in to the nearest gas pipeline which is
more economic and faster return of investment (ROI).

Figure 7.0: Proposed well location and nearest facilities

3.4.3 Market for Elemental Sulphur

Sulphur is one of the most significant agricultural and industrial raw materials
and is considered a strategic product. Sulphur is a nonmetal that is an odourless,
tasteless, and polyvalent which is mostly in the form of yellow crystals and is
obtained from sulphide and sulphate.

As for the sulphur market value is down due to covid-19 pandemic, the
challenge is to sell the sulphur product to the market due to the crisis.

Figure 8.0: Sulphur price market from 2018 to 2020 (Data Intelo, 2021)


A development plan to highlight the value stream of drilling, completion,

production, storage and transportation of dry gas and elemental sulphur is crucial in
preparing a blueprint for PETRONAS. The essential steps in the development plan
would be converted to a mind map illustration later.


Since the existing AEON building and its surrounding infrastructure cannot be
tampered with for the purpose of the development, an offset, remote location would
have to selected to house the drilling equipment and subsequently, the production site.
For this reason, the following location is proposed as the drilling site:

Figure 9.0: Proposed Drilling and Production Site

The proposed drilling site is located 600m northeast in the forest encircled by
the Skudai-Pontian Highway, Jalan Universiti and Jalan Pontian Lama. The selection
of the proposed drilling site can be justified by the following reasons:

 The proposed drilling and production site is away from the vicinity of
AEON building and its surrounding residential and commercial estates
(600m displacement northwest). It is in the forest area as shown in Figure

 Since Skudai-Pontian highway passes through the forest, there would have
been prior Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) done to clear away
forest along the highway route. Findings from this EIA could be
complemented with this project’s separate EIA report.
 The proposed drilling and production site is close to the Skudai-Pontian
highway. This is advantageous from logistical standpoint as the highway
can be used for transportation of drilling and production equipment, as
well as transportation of dry gas and elemental sulphur.


Once the drilling and production site has been provisionally determined, risk
assessment on various elements of the development will need to be conducted. This
includes risk evaluation from operation, safety, environmental and economic
standpoints. The first two scopes of risk assessment; operation and safety can be done
via Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) template. FMEA. FMEA generates a
Risk Priority Number (RPN), which is a product of three ratings for a given risk:
severity, likelihood and effectiveness of present control measure (George et al., 2005).
Higher the RPN number, more pressing the risk is, therefore, adequate mitigation
action should be drafted and acted upon.

Figure 10.0: FMEA Table

As far as the environmental risk is concerned, Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) would need to be done not only at the proposed drilling site, but
also the vicinity surrounding the AEON building. For economic risk, financial risk
assessment should be conducted, primarily in market risk for elemental sulphur.

The information on the proposed drilling and production site, along with the
various risk assessment reports, should be provided to the Project Management Office
to aid in the preparation of feasibility study which upon its approval, would call into
action the development plan for the gas and elemental sulphur production.


Drilling a sour gas bearing zone has its own complex challenges in urban
areas. Since the well cannot directly be drilled from the top of the AEON’s building, a
directional well will have to be drilled from the proposed drilling site which located at
600m northeast from the AEON’s building. The diagram below shows the proposed
drilling site positioning and drilling trajectory (J-type well) with plan view:

Figure 11.0: Drilling Site Location, Trajectory and Plan View

The proposed drilling site location and drilling trajectory can be updated upon
the availability of geological and subsurface information. Drilling operation in a sour-
gas bearing zone requires considerate planning. as highlighted in API RP 49:
Recommended Practice for Drilling and Well Servicing Operations Involving
Hydrogen Sulfide. Firstly, from the standpoint of operations planning, a thorough
study of the geological and geographical of the pay zone area must be conducted to
obtain vital information about temperatures and pressures (only well depth and
hydrogen sulphide composition are provided at the time of writing). As hydrogen
sulphide can yield acidic reaction, the drilling mud which will need to be circulated
through the downhole will need to be maintained at alkaline PH level (10.5 to 11) and
treated with upon scavenger reaching the surface to prevent deterioration of quality
(Hossain and Islam, 2018). As the drilling site is located at an offset location from
AEON’s building, wind direction in that location should be considered for quick
dispersion of hydrogen sulphide in the event of leakage from surface equipment such
as shale shakers and mud tanks.
Secondly, from the standpoint of drilling equipment selection, the
metallurgical properties of equipment which comes into the production fluid must be
carefully considered. Blowout Preventer (BOP), a crucial equipment in well control,
must be rated for sour service condition and conform to National Association of
Corrosion Engineers (NACE) specifications such as NACE MR-01-75 and API RP 53
(Hossain et al., 2018). Apart from handling the toxicity of hydrogen sulphide which
would become a grave Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) concern in the event of
leakage, consideration will have to be given to potential hydrogen embrittlement or
sulphide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) due to direct contact of drill pipe with
hydrogen sulphide in the wellbore (Hyne, 2012). Hydrogen embrittlement can
weaken exposed metal components gradually and result in equipment failure.
Diagram below illustrates drill string fracture due to hydrogen embrittlement:

Figure 12.0 : Drill string fracture due to hydrogen embrittlement

It is observed that higher strength low-alloy drilling string and tubings

generally more susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement than low-strength grades.
Hence, use of Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRAs) with nickel, chromium and
molybdenum content should be considered in corrosive well environments (Hossain

and Al-Mejed, 2015). The diagram below shows the classification of CRAs as per
partial pressure of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide (both presently unknown at
the time of writing):

Figure 13.0: Empirically Estimated Boundaries of CRA Performance

Finally, hydrogen sulphide contingency planning should be established. The

drilling site should be equipped with monitoring equipment to detect leaked hydrogen
sulphide and trigger relevant alarms. Personnel training on the use of safety
equipment and escape procedures must be conducted periodically.


Tubular flow equipment which are exposed to formation fluid under prolonged
exposure such as production casing and tubing string will also need to be given
similar metallurgical considerations as in drilling operations. As the possibility for
hydrogen embrittlement is extremely high, the use of CRAs such as grades T-95 or
SS-110 is greatly advantageous in mitigating severe hydrogen embrittlement issues
(Mitchell and Miska, 2011). The selection of CRA as per NACE Sour Service
Definition is dependent on the formation fluid pH and the partial pressure of hydrogen
sulphide. This is illustrated in the diagram below under Domain 1: Severe Sour
Service (Marsh and Marsh, 2012):

Figure 14.0: NACE Sour Service Definition

Special consideration should be given to accommodate production packer

which is rated for sour service. The production packer should be able to withstand
differential formation pressure by maintaining its packing element sealing integrity,
thus containing the hydrogen sulphide exposure to production casing region below the
packer sealing depth. Apart from the production packer, subsurface safety valves
(SSSV) would need to be installed as part of the tubing string to provide a mechanism
to interrupt well production in the event of sudden pressure surges (McDermott and
Martin, 1992) .


The production can be segmented into dry gas and elemental sulphur
production as per the Development Objectives.

4.5.1 DRY GAS

Absorption on Glycol

15.0: TEG Dehydration Unit

The most-used glycols are diethylene glycol (DEG) and triethylene glycol
(TEG). In the glycol molecules, hydroxyl groups (–OH) and ether functional groups
(–CH₂-O-CH₂–) are present. These groups give rise to H₂ bonds, which explains
their remarkable hygroscopicity and their desiccant properties. (Steward, M et al,

Since their molecular weight is greater than water, the glycol molecules boil at
a comparatively higher temperature. Glycols can be easily regenerated by distillation.
It should be observed that both DEG and TEG are subject to thermal degradation;
therefore, the distillation temperatures must be kept below the initial decomposition
temperatures—i.e., 328°F (164°C) and 404°F (207°C), respectively—which are lower
than their normal boiling points. (Steward, M et al, 2011)

Generally, DEG is preferred in hydrates inhibition service where the

concentration of the lean glycol (i.e., the glycol coming from the regeneration unit) is

required to be in the 85%–95% range and can be regenerated at relatively low
temperature. TEG is preferred in gas dehydration service.

Dehydration with glycols is a regenerative absorption process. Generally, it

includes a high-pressure absorption column (contactor) where gas at high pressure
contacts, in counter current, with a stream of lean glycol. After absorbing the water
contained in the gas, the lean glycol becomes rich glycol and then water-diluted
glycol to be sent to the regeneration unit. (Steward, M et al, 2011)

The contacting internals may be trays, random packing or structured packing.

The latter is preferred for its specific gas capacity and low glycol entrainment, which
require a comparatively smaller contactor diameter. Free water and condensate
possibly entrained in the raw gas are knocked out in a separator upstream of the

As the regeneration step is carried out at near-atmospheric pressure, the high-

pressure rich glycol withdrawn from the contactor bottom is let down through a level
control valve. The resultant two-phase flow is then routed to the glycol flash drum,
where the absorbed hydrocarbons and part of the inert gas are separated from the rich
glycol. After filtration and pre-heating, the rich glycol is sent to the still column for
water-glycol separation.The cost-effective design of a gas dehydration unit is the
result of the optimum combination of the glycol circulation rate, the lean glycol
concentration, the contactor temperature, the stripping gas flowrate and the number of
contactor trays or the number of height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) for
structured packing. (Steward, M et al, 2011)


Thermal step

Figure 16.0: Clauss Process Unit

In the thermal step, hydrogen sulfide-laden gas reacts in a sub

stoichiometric combustion at temperatures above 850 °C such that elemental sulfur
precipitates in the downstream process gas cooler.

The H2S content and the concentration of other combustible components

(hydrocarbons or ammonia) determine the location where the feed gas is burned.
Claus gases (acid gas) with no further combustible contents apart from H 2S are burned
in lances surrounding a central muffle by the following chemical reaction:

2 H2S + 3 O2 → 2 SO2 + 2 H2O     (ΔH = -518 kJ mol−1)

This is a strongly exothermic free-flame total oxidation of hydrogen sulfide

generating sulfur dioxide that reacts away in subsequent reactions. The most
important one is the Claus reaction:

2 H2S + SO2 → 3 S + 2 H2O

The overall equation is:

2 H2S + O2 → 2 S + 2 H2O

The temperature inside Claus furnace is often maintained above 1050°C. This ensures
BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene and Xylene) destruction which otherwise
would clog downstream Claus catalyst Usually, 60 to 70% of the total amount
of elemental sulfur produced in the process is obtained in the thermal process step. (L.
Kohl et al, 1997)

The main portion of the hot gas from the combustion chamber flows through
the tube of the process gas cooler and is cooled down such that the sulfur formed in
the reaction step condenses. The heat given off by the process gas and
the condensation heat evolved are utilized to produce medium or low-pressure steam.
The condensed sulfur is removed at the liquid outlet section of the process gas cooler.
(L. Kohl et al, 1997)

Catalytic step

The Claus reaction continues in the catalytic step with

activated aluminum(III) or titanium(IV) oxide, and serves to boost the sulfur yield.
More hydrogen sulfide (H2S) reacts with the SO2 formed during combustion in the
reaction furnace in the Claus reaction, and results in gaseous, elemental sulfur. (L.
Kohl et al, 1997)

2 H2S + SO2 → 3 S + 2 H2O      (ΔH = -1165.6 kJ mol−1)

One suggested mechanism is that S6 and S8 desorb from the catalyst's active
sites with simultaneous formation of stable cyclic elemental sulfur. The catalytic
recovery of sulfur consists of three substeps: heating, catalytic reaction and cooling
plus condensation. These three steps are normally repeated a maximum of three times.
Where an incineration or tail-gas treatment unit (TGTU) is added downstream of the
Claus plant, only two catalytic stages are usually installed. (L. Kohl et al, 1997)


4.6.1 DRY GAS

The LNG flows through the pipelines that connect the loading arms on the
jetty to storage tanks. Tanks are usually of double wall construction with the inner
tank constructed of low-temperature alloy. This is surrounded by insulation to reduce
heat gain and an outer tank of conventional steel or pre-stressed reinforced concrete.
In-ground LNG tanks are also used; these are lined or unlined tanks beneath ground
level. The low temperature of the LNG freezes the soil and provides effective
containment. The tank is sealed with an aluminium alloy roof at ground level.
Historically there have been problems with some unlined tanks with the escape of
LNG into fissures, the gradual expansion of extent of the frozen ground, and ice heave
which have limited the operational capability of in-ground tanks. All piping connected
to the LNG tanks, whether above ground or in-ground, are routed through the top of
the vessel. This mitigates against loss of containment in the event off a piping breach.
Tanks may be situated within a bund wall to contain the LNG in the event of a rupture
of the tank. This is usually a steel or concrete wall surrounding the tank to half the
tank height. (Han Chonghun et al, 2012)

Heat transfer into the tanks causes vaporisation of the LNG. This boil-off gas
is routed to a boil-off gas holder. Gas may be returned to an unloading ship to make
up the vapor space volume. Alternatively, it may be compressed and fed into the local
gas network, or it may be routed to the liquefication plant and returned as liquid to the
LNG storage tanks. (Han Chonghun et al, 2012)

Figure 17.0: LNG storage vessel


Figure 18.0: Handling and storage of elemental sulphur

Figure 18 shows a simplified process flow diagram of a sulfur storage and load
out system. The molten sulfur storage tank has a working capacity in the range of
2000 to 3000 long tons. The tank is low-pressure, cone-top API 650 storage tank
made of carbon steel. It has the total height of around 30ft. Internal heating,
employing steam heating coils, for the tank is used to maintain a temperature in the
tank around roughly 143degC, although external heating can be valid alternative.
(Kenneth et al, 2015)

Tank operates at essentially atmospheric pressure. A steam-driven vapor

ejector is provided to continuously pull fresh air into the headspace of the tank and to
provide enough pressure downstream of the ejector to provide enough pressure
downstream of the ejector to route the vent stream from Claus combuster. This ejector
is use of continuous air sweep minimizes H2S vapors in the head space.Two molten
sulfur loading pumps are used to transfer the molten sulfur from the tank to the
railcars or truck. One pump is operated while other is a spare. (Kenneth et al, 2015)


Below is the mind map for the development plan until the final works. The
mind map encompasses critical steps and components of challenges and
considerations highlighted in this report:

Figure 19.0: Mind Map


Drilling and production of gas is always a complex operation which is even

more critical in an urban setting with sizeable residential and commercial population.
As such, compliance to EHS is of paramount importance throughout all times.
Managing stakeholders’ relationship especially with the local community and town
council will be an ongoing affair which has to be managed delicately.

The production of elemental sulphur is complementary to the production of

gas. That is to say that once the project economics for gas production is no longer
commercially viable, the production for elemental sulphur will also be affected.
Consideration should also be given to the development in the elemental sulphur
market and its price in the midst of the economic uncertainty due to COVID19

Hence, the development can only be approached with extreme caution due the
high risk of combustible (gas) and toxic (hydrogen sulphide and development waste)
production in the midst of urban environment.


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Hyne, N. (2012). Non Technical Guide to Petroleum Geology, Exploration, Drilling &
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IEA (2019), Global Energy & CO2 Status Report 2019, IEA, Paris

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Assessment 4th Edition

Ram, C. (2015) Environmental Waste Management 1st Edition


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