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Kirwan J.

William, (1986), Biblical Concepts for Christian Counseling, Zondervan Bible

Publishers U.S.A.

NAME:- Julius Ali

ASSIGNMENT:- You are to Critique 3 books as listed below. Submit a 2 page Summary. Due

Date: 11 August 23:59.

BOOK:- Kirwan J. William, (1986), Biblical Concepts for Christian Counseling, Zondervan

Bible Publishers U.S.A.

AUTHOR:- William J. Kirwan Ph.D



William J. Kirwan, an adjunct professor of Pastoral theology and counselor at covenant

theological seminary and clinical counselor at Psychiatric Associates in St. Louis. A regular

faculty member first, at Covenant, then at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

The author was able to provide a biblical and philosophical concept for pastoral counseling with

emphases of integrating the biblical and philosophical concept of counseling in administering to

or treating an issue faced. He asserts that, the concept of inner change is not only the ultimate

goal of counseling but it is also a central concept of the gospel. He emphasize that the Biblical

counseling entails a scriptural understanding of the nature of change and aims at helping the

counselee change his/her inner life under the guidance of the holy spirit.
The author in what the researcher see’s as the strength of the book opined that we must

consider the biblical evidence regarding the relationship between Christianity and psychology. It

is to be noted first of all that scriptures designates human beings variously as soul, spirit, body

and mind. God’s words do not compartmentalize personhood, but presents a holistic view of

human nature. The Christians, therefore, must be careful to view the total person as God’s

creation. The bible reflects psychological realities, it does not ignore psychology.

In response, the researcher concur with the author view point of the Biblical Christianity

and psychology when rightly understood, there is no disagreement but stand for functionally

supportive positions. Especially in the emphases that by taking both spheres into account, a

mental health professional can help Christians avoid the inevitable results of violating

psychological laws structured into human personality by God. Our suicidal friend here was

exposed to all four approaches. She found lasting help, however, only from a counselor who used

an integrative approach.

An effort to pinpoint the weakness of this book without identifying the aspect of

conjecture of the correlation between Christianity and psychology is imbalanced, so in this

aspect we need to make a clear assessment of the differences between these views and of the

individual strength and weakness. So before doing these things we must identify the

presuppositions that are fundamental to each of the four basic counseling positions.

In a way of summary, the author advice his readers that prayer should involved in any situation

and also includes some other people in the prayer session over a situation with emphases that if
more hands are joined together the answers are expected, making reference to Peter and the

prayer done by the whole church which brings immediate church.

The researcher, recommend this material to be used by seminarians, and pastors and also

church leaders in all Churches to read this material in counseling their members who are facing

challenges in any way.

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