The Osirian Mysteries (AMORC, 1979)

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Special Discourse and Allegory The Ouinian Myslerios sicrucian Order AMORC YY-222 679 cAST OSIRIAN MYSTERY-INITIATION TWO PRIESTS - In Egyptian costume. These can be simple. See attached sketch. The leopard "skin" can be a simple yellow cloth with spots painted on it. It must be worn as shown on the attached page of illustration. ANUBIS- He is the jackal god. A simple mask similar to that shown on the attached page of illustration can be made. It ap~ pears half black and half gold, which are the colors of death and rebirth, His costume is just simple, no particu- lar design but all black. He has black gloves on his hands. MYSTAE - He has an Egyptian costume, simple, as shown in the il- lustration., The sacred mantel is a simple, inexpensive cloth with the symbols painted on it. See illustration attached. TECHNICIAN - To operate tape recorder and floodlights. Two may be needed for such operation. Not to be seen by member audience. APPURTENANCES Three orange floodlights--two blue lights--with dimmers if pos- sible. If not, use the lights anyway, they are necessary. To be placed as stated in script. One stand with a gong such as used in the Temple rituals. The Proper bong or hammer with it to be used as stated in the ritual. One simple tripod with a metal or pottery bowl of water. See TITustration. Place where stated in the ritual script. One tape recording of the narration where required in the ritual BEripts+ Osea tale voice with good clarity. Tt must be played loud enough for all to hear. The player of the recording, how- ever, must not be visible to the members. The vowel RA is to be recorded as stated in the ritual script. = One coffin. See illustration. It must be made low so the person can easily step into it. A blanket, perhaps, placed inside on the floor. The coffin needs no bottom, the floor will serve for that. It can be made out of Tight plywood or heavy cardboard to be painted as shown on the illustration sheet. Anubis a Mask of paper mache, folded paper, {\ /\ or cardboard, simulating jackal or WV dog face. Head and face painted black, Ke with the face details,inside of ears, \ =~ and head-cover painted gold. Full-length, long sleeve black leotards with legs could be used, with black gloves and socks. Simple wrap-around skirt should be black. “bald” cap or black wig, if available. Leopard skin of light imitation fur or cloth painted with black spots. Bracelet of gold color cloth or cardboard. All figures to wear sandals. Simple sandals of Egyptian design can easily be made with cardboard and cloth, or any open sandals worn. ae > Sandals Light gold or yellow clath. ‘Symbols painted dark blue. Tripod and Bowl should be pottery or metal. Height 28” (70 em When around the neck, it should reach to the waist. (4 (10 em) wide Simply constructed of thin wood strips. Sarcophagus ae or 40” (100 cm) wide Lege 20” (50 em) wide j a) 78” (195 cm) long 20” (50 cm! in height Black wig if available. Short-sleeve, long white robe with white cloth belt. Sandals (see other page) Made of light plywood or heavy cardboard {no bottom) Painted light brown with symbols pai in black on both Page One THE OSIRIAN MYSTERIES NOTE TO MASTE! The following should be read to the assembled menbers immediately preceding the ritual-drama, It is important for providing the historical facts and background, as well as the traditional legend. This ritual-drama should take the place of the Master's Message, if a Convocation is being held. (It is suggested that Pronaoi perform this ritual following their usual Convocation.) This ritual-drama may be performed in a place other than a Temple. Fratres and Sorores, on this occasion we are to see portrayed another of our series of ancient mystery school Initiations, They were performed as mystery-dramas in ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia, and Rome. A mystery-drama consists of rites and practices revealed only to Ini- tiates. Sacred objects were shown, formulas pronounced, and ritual acts performed. The purpose was to better the Initiates in this life and to assure them of a life to come with the particular deity they worshiped. The word mystery, as used in the mystery schools, meant Divine or Cosmic Myster: au; thet is, "hidden properties or knowledge" to be re- vealed. The events enacted in the Osirian mystery-drama depicted the life and death of Osiris, and the Initiations were held twice annually in the autumn and spring period. Great festivals accompanied these events. They were expressed in symbolism, singing, ritual, and pag- eantry. The oldest texts refer to Osiris as the great God of the Dead. However, it is tacitly assumed that he returned to Earth at times to once again function in human form, The legend we are to briefly relate here has affected religious doctrines and literature throughout the centuries. Even certain accounts in the Old Testament, according to exegetical sources--that is, Biblical authorities--have been borrowed from elements of the Osirian legend. It is generally accepted by Egyptologists that Osiris was possibly an actual person. The legend goes back to predynastic periods, that is, to before the time of Menes, the first King of the First Dynasty, or about 3200 B.C. It is related that when Osiris reigned over the Egyptians, he made them reform their destitute and bestial form of living. He taught them the art of cultivation, how to worship, and gave them laws. It is said he traveled over the whole Earth, civilizing it. He condemned the use of arms and tamed mankind through persuasion and reasoning. While absent, his brother Seth, who was evil and jealous of Osiris, did not rebel because Isis, Osiris' wife, kept a vigilant watch over him, But after Osiris returned, Seth laid a plot against him with a conspiracy of seventy men. They secretly had Osiris' body measured to the size of a handsome and highly ornamental chest. The chest was Page Two carried into a banquet room. All expressed admiration at its appearance. Then Seth, the evil brother, apparently in sport said that whosoever should lie down within it, and it should exactly fit, he would make him a present of the chest. Each of the seventy men tried it; it fit none. Then Osiris got in, the conspirators rushed up and shut down the lid. They nailed it tightly and poured lead over the nails. It was carried by the conspirators to the river where it was swept out to sea. Isis, upon learning of the fate of her husband, sheared off her tresses and put on a mourning robe. Subsequently, she learned upon inquiry that the chest had been washed up by the sea at a place called Byblos, a city still exists on the Lebanon Coast. The surf had gently swept it beneath an Erica tree. This beautiful tree, growing larger, soon enfolded and concealed the chest in which was Osiris' body. The King of Byblos, astounded at the growth of the tree, had cut away the stump that concealed the chest. He ordered the stump to be set up as a pillar to support his palace roof. Isis learned of what had transpired through her divine nature. She went to Byblos and sat down beside a spring. She made friends of the Queen's maid-servants who came to the spring. She infused their bodies with a wonderful perfume out of herself, The Queen, noticing the fragance of her maid-servants, asked as to its source. She then asked to see this amazing person who exuded such a marvelous perfume. The Queen appointed Isis her child's nurse. Sometime later, Isis asked for the pillar of the roof in which the body of Osiris was con- cealed and of which the Queen had no knowledge, Having obtained the pillar, Isis secretly cut away the Erica wood and clasped the chest of Osiris and put it on board a ship bound for Egypt. When she had pri- vacy, she opened the chest and put her face upon the face of the corpse. Arriving in Egypt, Isis and her son Horus put the chest away. Seth, the evil one, hunting at midnight, came upon the body of Osiris. Legend relates that he tore it into fourteen pieces and scattered it about. Isis appealed to Thoth, God of Wisdom, to help her locate the parts. She traveled about the swamps in a papyrus boat, in her search to xecover the body. The various parts of the body, when found, it is related, were entombed at Abydos, a royal cemetery. The ruins of this tomb, called the Osireion, still exist, a photo of which appears in the book entitled The Tnitiatory Process in Ancient Egypt by Dr. Max Guilmot, Consultant for the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, and published by AMORC. Horus, the son of Osiris, sought out Seth to avenge his evil deed, and finally vanquished him in a series of battles. Through a series of solemn and mystical rites, the body of Osiris was resurrected. This is the first reference to a resurrection in history, Through the death of Osiris and his divine resurrection, it was said mankind gained their salvation of life eternal. Osiris then reigned as King of the Dead in Tuat (Dwat,) the undez- world. Page Three The Osirian Mystery School and the Initiations given therein were established to commemorate the events of Osiris' life and the Initiates to learn therefrom. The Initiate, called a Mystae, had to spend long hours in study and meditation. He was taught to see and hear sacred things before receiving the secret and ineffable words, with their mystical meaning, from the High Priest. He had to submit to tests and trials to determine his worthiness to have such honors and knowledge. We shall now proceed with the Osirian initiatory rites. Page Four OSIRIAN MYSTERY-INITIATION RITUAL At Opening of Ritual - Lights in the Temple dim to a low level - all station lights off. - An orange spotlight slowly flushes onto the area of the threshold chamber door and where the gong has been sta tioned. Use dimmer if available. First - (He enters from the threshold door into the Temple. He Priest: walks ceremoniously to the gong, then turns and faces the threshold door raising his hands high, palms out toward the door in salutation and says:) "It is the twelfth hour of darkness." (Then removes the bong, the gong hammer, from the stand and ceremoniously strikes it twelve times. He then replaces the bong and again facing the threshold door raises his arms in salutation and says:) “The god 'RA' shall return from the darkness of night. His yays will fall upon the Earth and day again shall be reborn." (Then stretching his right hand toward the threshold door says dramatically:) "Come forth, Anubis, you opener of the paths." (Drops hands to sides while still facing the threshold door.) Technician: - (Be certain the floodlight is on threshold door also.) ights Anubis: - (He enters into the Temple from the threshold door. He walks a few steps, then while facing the Temple dramatically places his right hand on the left side of his chest and proclaims loudly:) "I am Anubis the Jackal God, the opener of paths. Who is the one who seeks entry into this sanctuary? Whence does he come, the one who wishes the ascent of his soul?" Technician: - (Plays tape recorded voice of Mystae, the Initiate:) tape recording) Mystae: © - (Dramatically narrated by a male voice.) (tape recorded "Open to me! Verily, I am someone worthy of esteem, I am voice) someone who knows how to keep a secret, I am servant in the Temple of Osiris. Open to me! What I may learn shall not be repeated to the uninitiated. Open to me!" Page Five First - (Addressing the door and raising his right arm in salutation Priest says:) “Come forth humble Mystae. Mystae: | - (The door opens slowly from the dark threshold chamber, It is closed from within as the Mystae takes a few steps into the Temple. He slowly raises and extends both hands as in amazement, then says with exuberance "For me, the gates of the Earth have opened wide; for me, the bolts of Geb, god of the sky, have been unlocked. (Addressing the Mystae:) "Before you may experience the Light of Osiris, you must be properly garbed (He now strikes the gong once loudly.) Second - (He enters from the threshold door carrying the gold mantle Priest He walks to the Mystae, and then facing him say: "Before opening your inner eyes to the Great Light you must travel a dark land where nothing alludes to earthly exis- tence. This sacred mantle shall protect you on your journey. (Now place the mantle around the neck and shoulders of the Mystae and then step to one side.) Two - (As Anubis and the Mystae start their journey, then both Priests: priests, walking side by side, go to the lustration stand-- the bowl of water--at the North Station. Then one priest stands on either side facing the West.) Anubis: - (Addresses the Mystae:) "Come forth into the abode of darkness. (Steps forward and takes him by the left arm and leads him to the South Station by way of the West. Both stand facing the dark South Station.) Mystae: | - (When in place in the South, the Mystae extends his arms toward the Station and says aloud as in lamentation:) "OQ divine Osiris, tell me why I must travel in the dark, I who seek the light." Technician: - (When the Mystae finishes speaking, flush on the blue flood- ‘(ights) light onto the Mystae and South Station.) Page Six Technician: - (A reply to the Mystae is made on tape and should im- {tape mediately follow his words. recording) Mystae: © - (Mystae looks up toward ceiling as voice comes on: (The god "Beloved Mystae, fear not, thou shalt live with thine replying heart at peace. I have prepared for you, if your soul impressively) is ready, the powers of mind; and if you pass through the darkness and its trials, there is that of you which shall live for eternity." Technician ights - (Dim out the blue floodlight when recording ends.) Anubis - (He now takes the Mystae by the arm and walking ceremoni- ously leads him to the North by way of the West, and he faces the two priests.) Technician: - (When Anubis and the Mystae arrive at the North, flush Tiights) on the orange light.) Anubis: - (He steps slightly back and to one side of Mystae.) Technician: - (When orange light comes on in the North, the taped voice tape ~~ also comes on as follows:) recording) Mystae: © - (The Mystae looks up as the voice comes on.) Tape - "Harken unto me, Mystae, I am Osiris, God of the Dead. I Recorded speak to you from my abode. I am all that hath been, and Voice: is, and shall be; and my veil no mortal hath hitherto raised. But before you can know me your soul must be cleansed by the rite of lustration." First - He has the Mystae genuflect, that is, bend on right knee Priest: and bow his head.) Second _ (Dips fingers into the water and asperses (sprinkles) it Priest: on the head of the Mystae. He holds his hand dramatically over the head of the Mystae three times, each time sprin- kling three times.) Mystae: | - (Remains kneeling until raised by Anubis.) Technician: - (The following recording is played just as the aspersing Teape—=s is. completed.) recording) Tape - (Says impressively:) Recorded Voice: "Thou hast been purified but, as yet, thou hast not been reborn, First, thou must know death." Page Seven Two - (They step aside and face the East.) Priests: Anubi: - (He raises the Mystae by the left arm and walks ceremoni- ously with him to the Sanctum where the coffin has been placed. They then turn and face the West.) Two - (They follow behind Anubis and the Mystae walking two Priests abreast. Then one walks to the foot of the coffin, the other to the head. They stand facing each other.) Technician: - (When all have left the North Station, extinguish the (Uightsy «= orange light. Now flush on the blue spotlight onto the area where the coffin is as Anubis and the Mystae arrive.) Tape - (When all are assembled at the coffin, it is said impres- Recorded sively, and all look up toward ceiling when voice is heard!) Voice: "I am Osiris. I am yesterday and I am today, and I have the power to be born again. Let what should not live and which could stain the soul now die!" Figssts; ~ (They assist the Mystae over the low side of the coffin and eae have him assume a recumbent position. Then they take their former positions.) Anubis - (He steps back when the Mystae is lying in the coffin and he faces it and stretches his arms out toward it with palms down and says:) "O Osiris, speak unto the Mystae, tell him what this death doth impart." (Keeps hands in that position until the following recorded voice ceases.) Technician: - (After Anubis speaks, immediately play the following tape: tape recording) ALL - (They look up toward the ceiling when the recorded voice of Osiris is heard, as if it is coming from the sky.) Tape - "Cast off thy garment of earthly illusions, The body is Recorded but a shell of the immortal seed. For thee the doors of the Voice: horizon of the next world open up. Death is the threshold one must cross. Those whose soul is oriented to the light shall find it in rebirth. I, Osiris, have arisen from the dead, Therefore, Mortals, too, shall know salvation and that there is a life eternal. Arise!" Technician: - (Important---slowly extinguish the blue light and focus the (lights’ grange light on the coffin.) Mystae: Technician (lights) Page Eight - (He sits up slowly in the coffin when he has heard the word "arise." He places his right hand over the heart and the left over the right.) - (They assist the Mystae out of the coffin. He now faces the West.) - (With arms outstretched and looking toward the ceiling, he says:) "O Osiris! Lord of manifestations, Great and Majestic, here I have come! The paths in heaven, paths on Earth for me have been opened, and there is no one to oppose me." (He then drops arms to his side.) - (They face the West with arms outstretched, saying:) "Lord of manifestation, Great and Majestic, we have served thee." - (Takes the Mystae by the left arm and escorts him down the North side of Temple and they exit out the threshold door.) - (They follow Anubis and the Mystae walking abreast. They, the priests, stop at the gong and the first priest strikes the gong seven times. Then they both depart the Temple.) - (Dim out the orange light in the East when all have left.) (Flush on the orange light in the South as the priests arrive.) (Flush on the orange light at the threshold door as Anubis approaches with the Mystae.) (As all leave the East heading toward the threshold door, there should be a recording of the vowel ." It should be done slowly and loudly enough for all to hear.) (When all the cast have departed the Temple, extinguish all the flood lights. Resume the usual Temple lights and close the Convocation, if usual Convocation is being held.) - END -

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