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Name: Princess Jean G.

Delos Reyes

Course Title: EDUC 107- Assessment of Learning 2

Course Code: 7614

Time: 6:30-7:30 P.M.

Course Teacher: Mr. Pedrito M. Castillo II

Let’s Analyze!

Activity 1. Knowing the shifts in the assessment methods and processes over time, discuss the

different roles and contributions of teachers, students, and administrators in achieving these



Teachers are important agents in delivering the curriculum of every educational

institution. This implies the significant role they play and contributions they impart in achieving

the changes in the assessment methods and processes. The following discuss these roles and


First, teachers as implementers of change. Teachers have an instrumental role in

materializing the changes in the instructional delivery especially in the methods of assessment.

For instance, as schools in the Philippines gravitate towards Outcome-Based Education (OBE),

alterations in gaining information about students’ academic performance follow. Teachers

dominantly use performance-oriented tasks in assessing students’ progress or achievement

instead of the traditional assessments such as the paper and pencil tests.

Second, teachers facilitate change. Teachers have an important contribution in terms of

aiding the changes on the process of assessment within the classroom. Their role is not limited to
teaching but also in providing the needed resources, information, and support in ensuring that the

changes in the assessment are understood by the students and parents. This way, teachers,

students, and parents are unified in achieving the educational outcomes predetermined in the

curriculum through adhering with the changes in the assessment process.

Third, teachers adapt to change. Another essential contribution a teacher partakes is

adapting to the changes and applying it in the process of assessment. In adapting, teachers learn

new knowledge and skills to gain sufficient assessment competencies in carrying out these shifts


Indeed, teachers have vital roles and contributions in attaining the continuous changes in

the assessment methods and processes. They primarily implement the alterations inside the

classroom, make the shifts less difficult, and become adaptable in order to achieve the changes.


The students are center to the educational efforts made by curriculum developers. They

are the reason of the shifts in the approaches of conducting the assessments and receive the most

of the benefits from the changes. Like teachers, students also have roles and contributions

important in realizing these changes because they are the subjects of the assessments.

First, students as active participants. The primary role played by every student in any

changes in the education system is to be an active participant. Their support for the shifts in the

assessment methods is crucial in the success of its implementation. Importantly, their full

participation is a means of measuring the validity of the new assessments employed as

manifested from their academic performance.

Second, students’ cooperation with the teachers. Students also contribute in attaining

the changes in assessments through working together with the teacher. In establishing changes in

the teaching and learning process particularly assessments, students should also be responsive to

their teachers about the change. This involvement is a joint effort of students and teachers to

fully acquire the intended shifts in the assessment process.

Third, students’ adjustments to the change. Another contribution of students in

achieving the changes in assessments is making adjustments about the change. It is important

that students have an open mind for the change to happen. This will enable them to be

conditioned in adapting to new forms of assessments that will generate more valid results

concerning their academic performance.

Students are the main reason for the continuous developments in the process of

assessments. These developments seek to improve students learning; however, students still have

roles and contributions for the change to happen. They should actively participate by supporting

the change, cooperate with their teachers, and make adjustments.


The administrators decide what changes would better the educational experiences offered

by schools. In terms of implementing shifts in the assessment process, their role and

contributions have a huge influence on its success. The following explain these role and


First, administrators as leaders of the change. The administrators of educational

institutions lead the implementation of changes in the educative process for the purpose of
addressing deficiencies within the system. As administrators, their role as leaders is important in

conducting the changes in the assessments because they are the planners, developers, and

primary implementers of the shifts.

Second, administrators manage difficulties along the implementation of change.

Administrators significantly contribute to the success of changes in the assessments by managing

the restraining forces that may occur upon the implementation of the shifts. They ensure that the

essential resources are available to support the change and enable it to happen.

Third, administrators monitor and provide feedback about the implementation of

change. The role of administrators in monitoring the course of changing the assessment methods

is helpful to confirm that every teacher adheres to the shifts. The feedbacks that they also provide

will provide teachers with information on the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation.

This can be a reference on what and how the shifts can be made more successful.

In enforcing changes in the curriculum, administrators have the biggest role and

contribution for the accomplishment of such plans. They spearhead the change, manage, and

keep track of the implementation. However, it is important to note that the success in achieving

these changes in the assessment process is a collective effort of teachers, students, and


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