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The Science of Sight & Photography

1.) He simply alluded to the very definition of photography.

He conceptualized photography as an art or process of producing images by the action
of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface. It means “to draw with
light”. In that case, everyone is a photographer, because every day our eyes are
involved in this.
2.) The tip I used is using different kinds of light sources. The “before” picture is dark
while the “after” picture is much brighter because I used different lighting.
3.) Yes, computers may actually progressively and simply just degenerate and regress
humans socially, emotionally, and actually, even physically, because there is not
enough face to face interaction and if you are staring at computer all day, no exercise at

Food Photography: Laguna College of Art and Design

1.) I think it is important because it can be hard to capture food photos. Some foods like
apples shine off the light. Sheldon wanted his photographs to have perfect lighting.
2.) Why backlighting is used in so much of Sheldon's photography is so that you can
see the food better and it also brings out all of the food's features within the photograph.
3.) No, I think that getting the lighting correct is always important even if you have
access to great editing tools. Editing photographs is meant to fix them up a little bit in
places you did not notice need editing. Changing the lighting completely can cause the
photo to look very grainy and not natural at all.

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