Unit 6 Managing A Successful Computing Research Project 2019

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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID F.Shaistha
Unit Title Unit 6 Managing a Successful Computing Project

Assignment Number 1 Assessor

3/11/19 Date Received 1st

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Date Received 2nd
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Assessor Feedback:

LO1. Assess risks to IT security

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1
LO2. Describe IT security
Pass, Merit & Distinction
Descripts P3 P4 M2 D1

LO3. Review
mechanisms to control organisational IT security.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
P5 P6 M3 M4 D2

LO4. Create and use a

Tes t Plan to review the performance and design of a multipage website.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 P8 M5 D3

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* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have
been agreed at the assessment board.


Higher Nationals in
Unit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project
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Student’s Signature: Date: 03rd November 2019
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Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number F.Shaistha/COL/A-061864
Unit Number and Title Unit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project

Academic Year 2017/2018

Unit Tutor Ms.sumudhu

Assignment Title Artificial Intelligence (AI)- Management Information System Project

Issue Date

Submission Date 03rd November 2019

IV Name & Date

Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings,
paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of references using the
Harvard referencing system.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme.

LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge to
support the project.

LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful
conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.

LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable
organizational performance.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Elements in a Management Information System (MIS) Project

Management Information Systems (MIS) plays a very important role in today’s organizations; it creates an
impact on the organization’s functions, performance and productivity. A Management Information
System (MIS) ensures that an appropriate data is collected from the various sources, processed and send
further to all the needy destinations. A system is expected to fulfill the information needs of an
individual, a group of individuals, management functionaries, managers and top management to improve
efficiency and productivity.

In order to uplift the operations efficiency and performance of a management information system, any
system can be enhanced using artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence covers computer systems that
are able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence. These tasks might include visual
perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages and many more. AI
impacts on every aspect of society and has the potential to be fully integrated into daily work and social
lives in the very near future.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is important in today’s organizations in order to succeed in competitive business
environments because AI automates repetitive learning and discovery through data - automating manual
tasks which is more frequent, high-volume with human inquiry that is essential to set up the system and
ask the right questions. AI adds intelligence to existing software products - smart machines can be
combined with large amounts of data to improve many technologies at the workplace, on business
intelligence and forecasting analysis. AI adapts through progressive learning algorithms finds structure
and regularities in data so that the algorithm acquires a skill: This algorithm can teach itself for example
what product to recommend next online and the AI model adapt when given new data. Back propagation
is an AI technique that allows the model to adjust, through training and added data, when the first
answer is not quite right. AI analyzes more and deeper data using neural networks that have many
hidden layers with incredible computer power and big data. There is a need of lots of data to train deep
learning models because they learn directly from the data. The more data you can feed them, the more
accurate they become. When algorithms are self-learning, the data itself can become intellectual
property. AI achieves accuracy through deep neural networks where AI gets the most out of data. The
answers are in the data in the management information system. It is all about just apply AI to get them
out. Since the role of the data is now more important than ever before, it can create a competitive
advantage through including AI elements in to the existing system.

Your role as a student researcher should focus on how AI elements can be included into an existing
system, to improve efficiency or performance. You are required to provide a full report on AI elements
that can be included into an existing system in order to improve efficiency or performance.
TASK – 01

• Describe aims and objectives for project which you’re introducing. Your explanation should
include a brief introduction about the company, the MIS and other relevant information to the
assessment project.
• Produce a comprehensive project management plan, the plan should include milestone schedule
and project schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project that
includes cost, scope, time, quality, communication, and risk and resources management.
• Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and stages for

TASK – 02

• Explain qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and

TASK – 03
• Analyze research data using appropriate tools and techniques.
• Describe appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to draw valid and
meaningful conclusions.
• Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy and authenticity to
support and justify recommendations.

TASK – 04
• Provide a reflection on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives with your
own learning and performance which includes a discussion of the project outcomes, its usefulness
to support sustainability of the given organization and its’ performance, the decision-making
process and changes or developments of the initial project management plan to support
justification of recommendations and learning during the project.

• Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality research to meet stated
objectives and support own learning and performance
Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on

the chosen theme

P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario.

P2 Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of

cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources.
P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to
provide timeframes and stages for completion.
M1 Produce a comprehensive project management plan,
milestone schedule and project schedule for monitoring and
completing the aims and objectives of the project.
LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and
data collection to generate knowledge to support the project

P4 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and

quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project
aims and objectives.

M2 Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of different research

methods applied.

D1 Critically evaluate the project management process and

appropriate research methodologies applied.
LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate
recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn from
the evidence findings and/or analysis

P5 Analyze research and data using appropriate tools

and techniques.
P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of
research and data analysis to draw valid and meaningful
M3 Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for
accuracy and authenticity to support and justify recommendations.
LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and
its usefulness to support sustainable organizational performance

P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet

stated objectives and own learning and performance.

M4 Evaluate the value of the project management process and use

of quality research to meet stated objectives and support own
learning and performance.
D2 Critically evaluate and reflect on the project outcomes, the
decision making process and changes or developments of the initial
project management plan to support justification of
recommendations and learning during the project.
Managing successful computing project


Firstly, I would like to thank my parents and my friends for helping me throughout this

And I’m also so grateful to my Lecturer at Esoft Computer Studies (Pvt.) Ltd, Colombo,
and Ms.sumudhu for giving me the proper guidance and help to do this assignment
without any hassle.

It was very interesting to learn about managing successful computing project, as I have
not had any previous knowledge about it. I thank Esoft Computer studies (Pvt.) Ltd for
giving me a wonderful opportunity to do this assignment.


HND in computing 15 | P a g e Batch- 84
Managing successful computing project

Tables of content

1. Task 1
 Task 1.1…………………………………………….23-31
 Task 1.2…………………………………………….32-36
 Task 1.3…………………………………………….37-39
2. Task 2
 Task 2.1…………………………………………….40-41
 Task 2.2…………………………………………….42-54
3. Task 3
 Task 3.1…………………………………………….55-63
 Task 3.2…………………………………………….64-65
 Task 3.3…………………………………………….66-67
4. Task 4
 Task 4.1…………………………………………….68-70
 Task 4.2…………………………………………….71

Appendix-A Performance review…………………………………..72-93

Appendix-B Project log Sheet………………………………………94-95
Appendix –C Project log book……………………………………...96-97

References ………………………………………………………………99
List of table

1. Figure 1 Ai digital grading………………………………….23

2. Figure 2 Ai software………………………………………...24
3. Figure 3 Ai point out the improvement……………………..25
4. Figure 4 Ai tutor…………………………………………….26
5. Figure 5 learning via Ai tutoring system……………………26
6. Figure 6 Ai digital feedback………………………………...27
7. Figure 7 Ai interacting information…………………………28
8. Figure 8 Ai robot lecture…………………………………….29
9. Figure 9 trial and learning Ai system………………………..29
10. Figure 10 data powered Ai…………………………………..30
11. Figure 11 Ai on fingertips……………………………………31
12. Figure 12 project management plan & milestone schedule…..32
13. Figure 13 project budget……………………………………..33
14. Figure 14 project time dependency…………………………..34

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Managing successful computing project

15. Figure 15 project task connection……………………………34

List of figure

16. Figure 16 work breakdown structure…………………………37

17. Figure 17 project Gantt chart…………………………………38-39
18. Figure planning tools………………………………………….47
19. Figure qualitative research methodology……………………..52
20. Figure 18 research analysis……………………………………55
21. Figure 19 research analysis……………………………………56
22. Figure 20 research analysis……………………………………57
23. Figure 21 research analysis……………………………………58
24. Figure 22 research analysis……………………………………59
25. Figure 23 research analysis……………………………………60
26. Figure 24 research analysis……………………………………61
27. Figure 25 research analysis……………………………………62
28. Figure 26 research analysis……………………………………62
29. Figure 27 research analysis……………………………………63
30. Figure 28 the research process and outcomes………………….69

List of table
Table 1 communication table…………………………………………….35
Table 2 quantitative Vs qualitative……………………………………….48

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Managing successful computing project

Task 01

1.1 Describe aims and objectives for project which you’re introducing. Your explanation
should include a brief introduction about the company, the MIS and other relevant
information to the assessment project.

Overview of Asian international (Pvt.) (ltd)

Asian International School combines Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary School into
one harmonious whole. It takes children from the playgroup age of 2 ½ and sees them
right through their school life until they reach the University Entrance classes. From the
start they are prepared, academically, to enter the University of their Choice anywhere in
the world.

AIS is recognized as a Teaching Institution by Edexcel, which allows the conducting of

exams within the school as a center eliminating any intermediary organizations like the
British Council for instance.

Sport is given an important place in the School’s curriculum. The school encourages
Swimming, Basketball, Netball, Tennis and Rowing. Music and Dance is taught as part of
the curriculum up to Grade 8. Clubs and Societies encourage further specialization.

It is the aim of AIS to provide students with a sound moral basis, a well-educated mind
with a solid academic foundation and, very importantly, to develop a balanced well
rounded person. Academic learning must go hand in hand with character development
and to this end we train our pupils at AIS.

AIS aims at producing the ‘Total Personality’. These are days of specialization but before
our pupils begin to do this the school makes every attempt to give them a well-rounded
and perfectly balanced education. This all-round education is available to any child who
To make use of the excellent opportunities to study in this school.

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Managing successful computing project

(P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario.)

Aims & objective

Aim of implementing an AI can help to eliminate boundaries. Technology brings drastic
transitions by facilitating the learning of any course from anywhere across the globe and
at any time. AI-powered education equips students with fundamental IT skills. With more
inventions, there will be a wider range of courses available online and with the help of AI,
students will be learning from wherever they are.

1. To make automate basic activities in education, like grading.

In school, grading homework and tests for large lecture courses can be tedious work, even
when TAs split it between them. Even in lower grades, teachers often find that grading takes
up a significant amount of time, time that could be used to interact with students, prepare for
class, or work on professional development.

Figure 1 Ai lectures digital grading

While AI may not ever be able to truly replace human grading, it’s getting pretty close. It’s
now possible for teachers to automate grading for nearly all kinds of multiple choice and fill-
in-the-blank testing and automated grading of student writing may not be far behind.
Today, essay-grading software is still in its infancy and not quite up to par, yet it can (and

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Managing successful computing project

will) improve over the coming years, allowing teachers to focus more on in-class activities
and student interaction than grading.

2. Educational software to be adapted according student needs.

From kindergarten to graduate school, one of the key ways artificial intelligence will impact
education is through the application of greater levels of individualized learning. Some of this
is already happening through growing numbers of adaptive learning programs, games, and
software. These systems respond to the needs of the student, putting greater emphasis on
certain topics, repeating things that students haven’t mastered, and generally helping students
to work at their own pace, whatever that may be.

Figure 2 software help

This kind of custom-tailored education could be a machine-assisted solution to helping

students at different levels work together in one classroom, with teachers facilitating the
learning and offering help and support when needed. Adaptive learning has already had a
huge impact on education across the nation, and as AI advances in the coming decades,
adaptive programs like these will likely only improve and expand.

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Managing successful computing project

3. To point out places where courses need to improve via Ai.

Teachers may not always be aware of gaps in their lectures and educational materials that can
leave students confused about certain concepts. Artificial intelligence offers a way to solve
that problem. Courser, a massive open online course provider, is already putting this into
practice. When a large number of students are found to submit the wrong answer to a
homework assignment, the system alerts the teacher and gives future students a customized
message that offers hints to the correct answer.

Figure 3 Ai point out some important place to improve

This type of system helps to fill in the gaps in explanation that can occur in courses, and
helps to ensure that all students are building the same conceptual foundation. Rather than
waiting to hear back from the professor, students get immediate feedback that helps them to
understand a concept and remember how to do it correctly the next time around.

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Managing successful computing project

4. Students could get additional support from AI tutors.

While there are obviously things that human tutors can offer that machines can’t, at least not
yet, the future could see more students being tutored by tutors that only exist in zeros and
ones. Some tutoring programs based on artificial intelligence already exist and can help
students through basic mathematics, writing, and other subjects.

Figure 4 Ai tutor

Figure 5 Learning lessons via Ai tutoring system

These programs can teach students fundamentals, but so far aren’t ideal for helping students
learn high-order thinking and creativity, something that real-world teachers are still required
to facilitate. Yet that shouldn’t rule out the possibility of AI tutors being able to do these
things in the future. With the rapid pace of technological advancement that has marked the
past few decades, advanced tutoring systems may not be a pipe dream.

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Managing successful computing project

5. AI-driven programs can give students and educators helpful feedback.

AI can not only help teachers and students to craft courses that are customized to their needs,
but it can also provide feedback to both about the success of the course as a whole. Some
schools, especially those with online offerings, are using AI systems to monitor student
progress and to alert professors when there might be an issue with student performance.

Figure 6 Digital feedback from Ai

These kinds of AI systems allow students to get the support they need and for professors to
find areas where they can improve instruction for students who may struggle with the subject
matter. AI programs at these schools aren’t just offering advice on individual courses,
however. Some are working to develop systems that can help students to choose majors based
on areas where they succeed and struggle. While students don’t have to take the advice, it
could mark a brave new world of college major selection for future students.

6. Ai for altering how we find and interact with information.

We rarely even notice the AI systems that affect the information we see and find on a daily
basis. Google adapts results to users based on location, Amazon makes recommendations

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Managing successful computing project

based on previous purchases, Sire adapts to your needs and commands, and nearly all web
ads are geared toward your interests and shopping preferences.

Figure 7 Ai to find interact information

These kinds of intelligent systems play a big role in how we interact with information in our
personal and professional lives, and could just change how we find and use information in
schools and academia as well. Over the past few decades, AI-based systems have already
radically changed how we interact with information and with newer, more integrated
technology, students in the future may have vastly different experiences doing research and
looking up facts than the students of today.

7. Ai make a highbred role of lectures

There will always be a role for teachers in education, but what that role is and what it entails
may change due to new technology in the form of intelligent computing systems. As we’ve
already discussed, AI can take over tasks like grading, can help students improve learning,
and may even be a substitute for real-world tutoring. Yet AI could be adapted to many other
aspects of teaching as well. AI systems could be programmed to provide expertise, serving as
a place for students to ask questions and find information or could even potentially take the
place of teachers for very basic course materials. In most cases, however, AI will shift the
role of the teacher to that of facilitator.

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Managing successful computing project

Figure 8 Ai robot lectures

Teachers will supplement AI lessons, assist students who are struggling, and provide human
interaction and hands-on experiences for students. In many ways, technology is already
driving some of these changes in the classroom, especially in schools that are online or
embrace the flipped classroom model.

8. AI can make trial-and-error learning less intimidating.

Trial and error is a critical part of learning, but for many students, the idea of failing, or even
not knowing the answer, is paralyzing. Some simply don’t like being put on the spot in front
of their peers or authority figures like a teacher. An intelligent computer system, designed to
help students to learn, is a much less daunting way to deal with trial and error. Artificial
intelligence could offer students a way to experiment and learn in a relatively judgment-free
environment, especially when AI tutors can offer solutions for improvement. In fact, AI is the
perfect format for supporting this kind of learning, as AI systems themselves often learn by a
trial-and-error method.

Figure 9 trial and error learning

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Managing successful computing project

9. Data powered by AI can change how schools find, teach, and support students.

Smart data gathering, powered by intelligent computer systems, is already making changes to
how colleges interact with prospective and current students. From recruiting to helping
students choose the best courses, intelligent computer systems are helping make every part of
the college experience more closely tailored to student needs and goals.

Figure 10 data power Ai tech

Data mining systems are already playing an integral role in today’s higher-edu landscape, but
artificial intelligence could further alter higher education. Initiatives are already underway at
some schools to offer students AI-guided training that can ease the transition between college
and high school. Who knows but that the college selection process may end up a lot like
Amazon or Netflix, with a system that recommends the best schools and programs for student

10. AI technology use to change where students learn, who teaches them, and how they
acquire basic skills.

While major changes may still be a few decades in the future, the reality is that artificial
intelligence has the potential to radically change just about everything we take for granted
about education.

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Managing successful computing project

Figure 11 Ai can be used via figure tips

Using AI systems, software, and support, students can learn from anywhere in the world at
any time, and with these kinds of programs taking the place of certain types of classroom
instruction, AI may just replace teachers in some instances (for better or worse). Educational
programs powered by AI are already helping students to learn basic skills, but as these
programs grow and as developers learn more, they will likely offer students a much wider
range of services.

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Managing successful computing project

1.2 (M1) Produce a comprehensive project management plan, the plan should include
milestone schedule and project schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and
objectives of the project (P2) that includes cost, scope, time, quality, communication,
and risk and resources management.

Project management plan

To successfully accomplish a project the manager of the project must have a plan for that
project. A better project plan helps the project manager to achieve the objective of the project
in a better ways. The term project management plan is defined as the process of how the
management will execute, monitor and control the project.

In other word, a project

management plan is formal and established ways to manage a project. A good project manage
ment plan includes the following elements-
Risk and resources

A Project management plan is the main tool that shows the path to accomplish the task of
the project.so the manger of a project has to develop a Project management plan for getting th
e project successful. The Project management plan for Asian international school is given in
the following

Project & Milestone schedule

Figure 12 project & milestone schedule

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Managing successful computing project


To take a Project and to complete it, the manager of the Project has to consider some
important element of the project and cost is the most important element of project, so as a
manager of the Asian international institute I need to consider the cost of the project. The
total cost of a project can be classified in in the flowing ways-

The approximate cost needed for the project is the main concern of the project manager.so
I have set an approximate cost for the project. The cost of the project is stated in the

Figure 13 project cost


To complete a project successfully, as a researcher I have to consider the scope of the

project. The scope of the project includes some important aspects like project planning,
project designing, development, project’s hypothesis testing, and introducing some
hardware and software that are necessary for accomplishing the project. Side by side the
accomplishment of a project also considers the drawback of the project that is harmful for
the project. Asian international institute should avoid the changes in educating and
lecturing student in an efficient way, changing the target education process, taking new
plan frequently etc.

Scope of Ai is machine learning to automate rule-based tasks. Which is help

student to focus on the educational aspects of their area while leaving the routine
aspects to machines. Ai can range from data entry to complete process automation.
The reach of AI is also expected to blanket education system that are risky or
health-hazardous like bomb diffusion and welding.

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Managing successful computing project


For a computing project, specification of time is a must. Without the specific time the project
researcher cannot accomplish the task of the project.so, as the researcher of the Asian
international institute, I have set the time to start and end the project within the specified
time.so I have set the critical path of the project. The critical path is given below.

Figure 14 time dependency

Figure 15 task connection

So the project critical network or path is,

start=A1+B2+C3+D4+E5+F6+G7+H8+I9+J10+END=100days.so the project will be
accomplished within 3 month.

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Managing successful computing project

Project quality

Project quality is the main fact that the manager has to consider because if the manager
cannot maintain the quality of the project then the accomplishment of the project get in
trouble.so as a researcher I will consider the time limitation, resources, and make best
decision for the company.

Communication plan

Communication is the most essential part of a project. As the project researcher has to
maintain the regular communication with the related parties of the project. The manager of
the project set a strategy to communicate with the stakeholders of the company. Those who
are related to the project and can affect the accomplishment of the project should be taken in
consideration of themanager.so as a researcher of Asian international institution I will
maintain regular communication with the stakeholders as well as the general people related to
the project.
Stakeholders Communication Frequency Responsibility Notes

Esoft COO Project documents Start of project. Project holder  Include project
schedule, key
project deliveries,
Meeting minutes

Subject coordinator Newsletter Start of project & Project holder Review status
(Email) every Saturday
12.30 p.m.

MSCP Lecture Status report Lecturing Hours Project holder  Include project
(Documents) Saturdays schedule, key
project deliveries
 Meeting minutes
Change request
log and issues log

Sponsors Status report (project Monthly – first Project holder  Informal(monthly)

documents) week of Formal(end of
Wednesday each phase)

Organization holder Status document Start of project Project holder Review project
Table 1 communication (stakeholders)

Risk and resources

Any business project has some risks and resources. The project to get competitive
advantages through taking Ai implementation activities has also some problems or risks

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Managing successful computing project

and resources. The risks of the project are limitation of enough time,
money, volunteers, and critical situations of the nationalpolitics. And the resources of the
projecare skilled manpower, experience of the project manager, enough investment and
the positive attitudes of the management of the cmomapy.so as a researcher of the Asian
international; I can assure that the project will be accomplished within the time because
the project has enough resources than the risks at hand.

1.3 (P3) Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide
timeframes and stages for completion.

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Managing successful computing project

Work Breakdown Structure (E-Education)

(Education Process Modelling)

Initialize and Project charter and plan Execute and control Close project Evaluate project success
Research design Summarization of
Education Preparing activity plan
analysis research and The implementation an Ai
Design performance review
 Set of activities.
 Discussing about research Giving question to
Choosing the field Selecting targeted set of
Analysis  Design Preparation Evaluation and
on organization Implementation employee
Strategic education Designing plan to project success
plan  Obtaining a request letter conducting a small
conduct the Ai research A set of documents
Evaluation for
& project
 Filling request letter and project preparation interview in order to
Carrying out the Ai The final outcomes
 Going to the success obtain
Ai research project getting permission researchinformation
carry out the  Creating WBS about the Ai in the
research  Budget plan organization
 Getting approval from

organizationAsking questions
to carry to
out the  Research question
research targeted set of  Interview
employees questions
 Preparing  necessary
Conducting small
documents required
 Entire
interview for the
in order organization
research to obtain Research design
analyze questions
 Showing prepared documents
information about  Activity plan
to the MSCPthe Ai in the
lecture for  Scope
approval organization management
Figure  Confirming a convenient date  Time plan
16 work breakdown structure
time to conduct the research
 Going to the organization to
carry out the research
 Summarizing the conducted
Gantt research to the presentation

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Figure 17 project Gantt chart

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2.1. (P4) Explain qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for
meeting project aims and objectives.

What is quantitative research and the reason of using it to my Ai research project?

Quantitative market research tends to be more structured than qualitative research methods
due to its statistical nature.

Small businesses that are clear on what is quantitative research will obtain an accurate
snapshot of their target market by selecting a sizeable sample of respondents and giving them
a list of mostly closed questions to answer. These closed questions will also have a list of
possible answers, allowing businesses to rank responses and quickly determine preferences.

Quantitative research can either be paper-based – in the form of a postal survey – or

computerized – such as an online survey or telephone call. Sample size is everything; there
needs to be a minimum number of responses for any particular area of interest, with 100
responses said to be the bare minimum; although larger sample sizes will be needed for the
most reliable quantitative data.

Questionnaires and surveys

Quantitative questionnaires are the simplest way to gather numerical data that provides a
bigger picture of your industry. Numerical values are assigned to answers to closed questions,
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allowing you to quickly ascertain the most popular answers. Often, the results of
questionnaires are presented in a report format with graphs and bar charts, making it easy for
the results to be digested.

The most important aspect of any successful market research questionnaire or survey is that it
is straightforward and written in easy-to-understand, direct language. Ambiguous questions
have no place in a questionnaire. After all, you don’t want to invest time and effort in
preparing and distributing a survey only to find half of the responses are incomplete due to
confusing or misleading questions.

The benefits of quantitative research for small businesses

o Quantitative research gives busy entrepreneurs the ability to collect large volumes of
data quickly and efficiently, providing a generalized view of your target demographic
beyond your survey participants. The analysis and result of a survey can also be
processed with speed too.
o A comprehensive set of results from a quantitative survey can give your business the
utmost confidence when making plans for the future.
o A quantitative questionnaire can be anonymous, giving respondents the confidence to
discuss sensitive topics with complete honesty and transparency.

What is qualitative research and the reason of using it to my Ai research project?

Qualitative research is a methodology which focuses on how people feel; what they think and
why they make certain choices. For instance, if you are thinking of changing you’re branding,
you would carry out some form of qualitative research to understand the emotional reactions
people have to your new identity and what they associate it with.

Are you unsure what qualitative research is? Put simply, it’s a research method which is semi-
structured in its output, ensuring that the discussion – either one-on-one or within a focus
group – stays on track and relevant to provide the insight you are looking for.

One-on-one interviews

Direct one-to-one interviews are often carried out as part of qualitative market research,
either by telephone or face-to-face. It’s a more personal approach to getting the views of your
chosen participants, allowing them to talk more candidly and openly about their own
opinions. This can be a more suitable form of qualitative market research if the topic of
conversation is of a particularly personal or sensitive nature, allowing you to engage one-on-
one without any outside influences.

The benefits of qualitative research for my Ai research

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Managing successful computing project

o Qualitative research tends to be transcribed or recorded via audio or video, making it

easy to analyses responses at your convenience.
o Qualitative research gives you the ability to explore multiple topics in depth.
o Qualitative research tends to be cheaper to carry out than quantitative market research
as the need to recruit large volumes of participants or use extensive methods is not as great.
o Qualitative research can be undertaken at times to suit you – you don’t need to
interview large numbers of participants all in one go.

2.2. (D1) Evaluate the project’s management process and appropriate research
methodologies applied, (M2) the accuracy and reliability of different research
methods applied for the small scale research

(D1) Evaluation of Project’s management process

1. Grant Writing + Project Development

Gantt chart

 A Gantt chart is a popular project management tool; it is a type of bar chart that
illustrates a project’s schedule. The chart allows for organizing and viewing project
activities and tasks against pre-established timeframes.

Gantt chart Template

Gantt chart Instructions
Gantt Chart Example
High Level Process Map

 Graphic display of the flow or sequence of events that a product or service follows; it
shows all activities, decision points, rework loops, and handoffs.

Process maps allow the project to visualize the process and come to agreement on the steps of
a process as well as examine which activities are duplicated.
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Process maps are used to:

 Capture current and new process information

 Identify the flow of a process
 Identify responsibility of different business functions
 Clearly show hand-off between functions
 Identify value added and non-value added activities

Data Management Planning

 The Data Management Plan (DMP) defines the responsibilities related to the entry,
ownership, sharing, validation, editing, and storage of primary research data.

A data management plan must not only reflect the requirements of the project but also
comply with applicable institutional, state, and federal guidelines and regulations. The DMP
Tool details your agencies expectations, has suggested language for REDCap, and exports a
properly formatted plan.

DMP Tool
DMP Tool Instructions
Project Charter

 The Project Charter's purpose is to define at a high level what the Project Team will
deliver, what resources are needed, and why it is justified.

The Project Charter also represents a commitment to dedicate the necessary time and
resources to the project. It can be especially useful when organizing a multi-disciplinary,
internally funded team. The document should be brief (up to three pages maximum).

Project Charter Template

Project Charter Instructions
Project Charter Example
Milestones + Timeline

 Milestones are an effective way to track major progress in your research project.

A Gantt chart is an effective tool for setting and tracking milestones and deliverables. It is a
type of bar chart that illustrates a project’s schedule.


 The proposal budget should be derived directly from the project description.

The proposal budget should follow the format specified by the sponsor. The Office of
Sponsored Programs Budget Preparation webpages provide descriptions of the standard
budget categories, lists of typical components of those categories, OSU rates where
appropriate, and other details to help ensure your budget is complete.

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Budget Preparation Resources from Office of Research

The grant form from the NIH is a template that includes standard categories required for an
NIH grant (and many others) that you can use to develop a preliminary budget.
PHS Forms
PHS Budget form for Initial Project Period Template
PHS Budget Form for Entire Proposal Project Template
Risk Assessment + Mitigation Plan

 The Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan first assists the research team in
anticipating risk that may occur during the research project before it happens.

The plan then specifies when to act to mitigate risk by defining thresholds and establishing
action plans to follow. As a fundamental ethical requirement research risks are to be
minimized to the greatest extent possible for all research endeavors. This includes not only
prompt identification measures but also response, reporting, and resolution.

Risk Assessment + Mitigation Plan Template

Risk Assessment + Mitigation Plan Example
Work Breakdown Structure

 The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) organizes the research project work into
manageable components.

It is represented in a hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the research

project team. It visually defines the scope into manageable chunks that the team can

WBS Instructions + Template

WBS Structure Example

2. Implementation

Gantt chart

 A Gantt chart is a popular project management tool; it is a type of bar chart that
illustrates a project’s schedule.

The chart allows for organizing and viewing project activities and tasks against pre-
established timeframes. A Gantt chart can also be used for tracking milestones and major
progresses within your research project.

Gantt chart Template

Gantt chart Instructions
Gantt Chart Example
Project Charter

 The purpose is to define at a high level what the Project Team will deliver, what
resources are needed, and why it is justified.

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The Project Charter also represents a commitment to dedicate the necessary time and
resources to the project. It can be especially useful when organizing a multi-disciplinary,
internally funded team. The document should be brief.

Project Charter Template

Project Charter Instructions
Project Charter Example
Work Breakdown Structure

 The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) organizes the research project work into
manageable components.

It is represented in a hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the research

project team. It visually defines the scope into manageable chunks that the team can

WBS Instructions + Template

WBS Structure Example
Communications Plan

 A communications plan facilitates effective and efficient dissemination of

information to the research team members and major stakeholders in the research

It describes how the communications will occur; the content, security, and privacy of those
communications; along with the method of dissemination and frequency.

Communications Plan Template

Communications Plan Example
Data Management Plan

 The Data Management Plan (DMP) defines the responsibilities related to the entry,
ownership, sharing, validation, editing, and storage of primary research data.

A data management plan must not only reflect the requirements of the protocol/project but
also comply with applicable institutional, state, and federal guidelines and regulations. The
DMP Tool details your agencies expectations, has suggested language for REDCap, and
exports a properly formatted plan.

DMP Tool
DMP Tool Instructions
Data Management Services at the Ohio State University
Milestones + Timeline

 A Gantt chart is a popular project management tool; it is a type of bar chart that
illustrates a project’s schedule.

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The chart allows for organizing and viewing project activities and tasks against pre-
established timeframes.

Gantt chart Template

Gantt chart Instructions
Gantt Chart Example
Issue Management

 This tool helps you capture details of issues that arise so that the project team can
quickly see the status and who is responsible for resolving it.

Further, the Issue Management Tool guides you through a management process that gives you
a robust way to evaluate issues, assess their impact, and decide on a plan for resolution.

Issue Management Tool Template

Issue Management Tool Instructions
Issue Management Example
Pareto Chart

 A Pareto Chart is a graphical tool that helps break down a problem into its parts so
that managers can identify the most frequent, and thus most important, problems.

It depicts in descending order (from left to right) the frequency of events being studied. It is
based on the Pareto Principle or “80/20 Rule”, which says that roughly 80% of problems are
caused by 20% of contributors. With the Pareto Principle Project Managers solve problems
by identifying and focusing on the “vital few” problems. Managers should avoid focusing on
“people” problems. Problems are usually the result of processes, not people.

Pareto Chart Template

Pareto Chart Instructions
Pareto Chart Example

3. Closeout, Transfer + Application

Project Closeout Checklist

 Completing a project means more than finishing the research.

There remain financial, personnel, reporting, and other responsibilities. These tasks typically
need to be completed within a timeline that begins 60 to 90 days before the project end date
and 90 days after. Specifics will vary depending on the project and the funding source. The
Office of Sponsored Programs “Project Closeout” webpage provides a description closeout
issues, a list of PI Responsibilities, and other details to help ensure your project is in fact

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Project Closeout Checklist

Project Closeout Resources from Office of Research
Communications Plan

 A communications plan facilitates effective and efficient dissemination of

information to the research team members and major stakeholders in the research

It describes how the communications will occur; the content, security, and privacy of those
communications; along with the method of dissemination and frequency.

Communications Plan Template

Communications Plan Example

4. Project Management Software

Open Project

 An open-source project management software similar to Microsoft Project.

Open Project has tools to create dashboards, Gantt Charts, budgets, and status reports.
Activities can be assigned to team members and progress monitored. Open Project also has a
tool for Agile Project Management. While the software is free, Open Project must be installed
and maintained on a local server, and there will probably be costs associated with this. Talk to
your departmental or college IT staff.


 A secure, web-based project management system.

Basecamp offers an intuitive suite of tools at a minimal cost: ~$20/month or free for teachers.
Basecamp facilitates collaboration between research team members with features such as to-
do lists, messaging, file sharing, assignment of tasks, milestones, due dates, and time


 A project management tool that organizes tasks, activities, responsibilities and

people on projects.

Trello can help manage research projects by keeping everyone on time and on task. It uses a
distinctive interface based on cards and lists and may be especially useful for smaller

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Figure planning tools

(M2) the accuracy and reliability of different research methods applied for the small
scale research

Characteristics Quantitative Research Qualitative Research

Type of Data Phenomena are described Phenomena are described in

numerically a narrative fashion
Analysis Descriptive and inferential Identification of major
statistics schemes

Scope of inquiry Specific questions or

Broad, thematic concerns

Large sample, statistical Rich, in-depth, narrative

Primary Advantage validity, accurately reflects description of sample
the population
Table 2 Accuracy and reliability of research methods

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Reliability of quantitative research method

The dependability of the form may be a manner of assessing the standard of the measuring
procedure accustomed collect information. So as to contemplate a result valid, the measuring
procedure should 1st be reliable. Select a life whereas examining the construct of a study.
Construct is that the theoretical variable that's being measured and questionnaires area unit
one in every one of the mediums.
These questionnaires area unit a part of the measuring procedure. As a result, this measuring
procedure ought to give an associate the correct illustration of the construct, to be thought-
about stable or constant.
For example, if we would like to live intelligence, we want to possess a measuring procedure
that accurately measures a person’s intelligence.

Accuracy of quantitative research method

Most surveys typically have what's referred to as face validity, which may be a matter of
appearances. Do the queries look like an affordable thanks to acquiring the knowledge we
have a tendency to be trying to find, however, are they really?
There are alternative kinds of validity survey writers ought to attempt for.

 Content accuracy
 Internal accuracy
 External accuracy

Content accuracy

This is associated with our ability to form queries that replicate the difficulty we have a
tendency to be researching and check that that key connected subjects aren't excluded.

For example, we have a tendency to might want to find out however customers use hair
styling products and solely raise however they used them within the past week. During this
case, we have a tendency to are seemingly miss data concerning product usage below totally
different climate (given that humidness will offer you a foul hair day associate degree
exceedingly in a very} blink of an eye). Consequently, we have a tendency to might find
yourself with an incomplete image of consumers’ behavior during this class.

Internal accuracy

This asks whether or not the queries we tend to cause will very make a case for the end result
we would like to analysis. In our hair styling product example, we'd like to raise queries that
facilitate the USA to determine factors that influence the choice of hair styling product.
Here we tend to area unit trying to find a relationship between freelance variables (e.g., hair
type, hairstyle, etc.) and therefore the variable (e.g., chance to shop for the hair styling
External accuracy
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Managing successful computing project

This refers to the extent that the results may be generalized to the target population the survey
sample is representing. As we tend to all recognize, the method we tend to raise queries can
verify the solution we tend to get.
In alternative words, the queries ought to represent however the target population talks and
deem the problem beneath analysis, which frequently implies the requirement to conduct
exploratory qualitative analysis.
In our example, assume we would like to estimate the share of preference for our product
within the hairstyling product class. To realize this, we'd like to incorporate alternative brands
that represent this class, otherwise, we tend to can’t extrapolate the results to the class as an

Qualitative research methodology questions on my Ai research project


1. If to you had the choice to studying from an Ai lecture or a human lecture which would
you choose?

 Human lecture
 Robot lecture

2. How does the prospect of an AI education make you feel in future?

 Concerned
 Unsure
 Confused
 Neutral
 Enthusiastic

HND in computing 45 | P a g e Batch- 84
Managing successful computing project

 Excited
 Optimistic

3. Were you aware that some of the following applications use AI education-style provide
technologies? (Choose all that you are aware of)

 Aware of Ai
 Not aware of Ai

4. How Student use AI technology for education purpose?

 Create presentations and media

 Play educational games
 Use e-textbooks
 Access real time database
 Take tests online
 Use social media for collaboration

5. Which of the following options do you think would be the huge advantage of a future in
which AI education significantly impacts on human life?

 Advancing student mathematical and science knowledge

 Dangerous task done by robots
 Spending cost
 Less chance of human accident
 More free time for lectures and students

6. Which of the following ways would you want your AI devices to process and store
information/If we were to tell you that the performance of the AI education machine was
significantly better when linked to a cloud, which would you choose?

 Locally within the device

 Cloud

7. How AI education could improve your daily lifestyle... What kind of AI device
interactions would you be comfortable with over the next five years, to improve your
studying methodologies?

 Using an Ai system to provide educational security

HND in computing 46 | P a g e Batch- 84
Managing successful computing project

 Ai powered biometric devices that constantly monitor your trial-and-error

learning less intimidating.
 Using an Ai device linked to educational profile to suggest different methods
for mathematical issues
 Providing intelligent parental control on all device content depending on who
is accessing it
 Using an Ai devices develop skills and testing system

8. Do the following scenario concern you?

 Ai becoming more intelligent than human lecture

 Ai lecture being unreliable
 Ai lectures cant realize student actual needs

9. Would you trust an Ai lecture?

 Trust
 Not trusted

10. Do you think that society will become better by increasing Ai education?

 Better / much better

 Worse / much worse
 Won’t change

Reliability and accuracy of qualitative research method using in Ai research

From the preceding discussion, the research of quantitative paradigm with qualitative
research through validity and responsibility has changed our understanding of the quality
meaning of responsibility and validity from the qualitative researchers’ views. Responsibility
and validity unit conceptualized as trait, rigor, and quality within the qualitative paradigm. It
is also through this association that the because of succeeding validity and responsibility of a
HND in computing 47 | P a g e Batch- 84
Managing successful computing project

hunt get affected from the qualitative researchers’ views that unit to eliminate bias and
increase the researcher’s honesty of a proposition regarding some social development using
triangulation. Then triangulation is printed to be “a validity procedure where researchers
search for convergence among multiple and whole totally different sources of information to
form themes or categories in a {very} very study”.

Therefore, responsibility, validity, and triangulation, if they are to be relevant analysis

concepts, considerably from a qualitative purpose of reading, ought to be compelled to be
redefined as we have seen in order to mirror the multiple ways in which of making truth.

Figure qualitative research methodology

Interview guide
Artificial intelligence in education

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Managing successful computing project

Increasing educating Profitability through Artificial Intelligence

Educational institutions must embrace the next generation of Artificial Intelligence-driven

insight to improve revenues and performance. We now see workflows being strengthened
by gathering unstructured data, such as data found within student Relationship
Management systems, news feeds, e-educations and more, combined with AI to identify
patterns, gain insights and drive action. Finding and acting on opportunities hidden
within alternative data is critical to the success of education institute today and into the

As a student of Esoft seeking to measure the industry’s opinion on the use of AI and
unstructured data in the educating workflow. Please take this short, anonymous survey to
register your views. All responses with be confidential and aggregated with those of your
peers. Participants of this survey will automatically be registered to win smart phone.
The drawing will be held upon the completion of the survey, with one winner selected.

1. Are you familiar with Machine Learning and/or Artificial Intelligence?

From a Data Science perspective.

From an educational Institution / education perspective.
Not familiar with these concept

2. Which you prefer as super advantages of an Ai system?

 Consistency
 Memory
 Diligence
 Logic
 Multiple expertise
 Ability to reason
 Fast response
 Unbiased in nature

3. On a scale of 1 to 4 (with 1 being Not Important) what alternative data sources do

you leverage or intend to leverage for machine learning and artificial intelligence

1.Not 2.Moderatly 3.important 4.very

important important important
HND in computing 49 | P a g e Batch- 84
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Call notes
Social media

4. How would you prefer to consume AI driven recommendations? Please choose one.

Stand-alone dashboards

Dashboards integrated in your CRM system

Dashboards integrated in your core educational system

Through alerts (e-mails)


5. How aware you think you are in terms of using AI enabled devices and services?

 Smartphones

 Social Media Feeds

 Media players

 Video games and many more areas.

6. Choose some of the branches of AI according to your needs

 Automatic Programming
 Knowledge representations
 Machine Learning
 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
 Neural Networks
 Robotics
 Speech recognition

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Task 03

3.1 (P5) Analyze research data using appropriate tools and techniques.

The above mention quantitative and qualitative research have been analyzed based
on appropriate tool.in the following the result of the research has been given.
Analysis of quantitative research of Asian international school

1. If to you had the choice to studying from an Ai lecture or a human lecture which
would you choose?


Human lecture Robot lecture

Figure 18 percentage of chose of human lecture and Ai robot lecture

Given the mountains of education data piling up around the world, the educational
industry stands to be one of the first great proving grounds for AI technology. The
idea of "robot lectures," capable of assimilating vast amounts of knowledge and
techniques in real time, is fast gaining credibility in educational circles

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2. How does the prospect of an AI education make you feel in future?

Figure 19 percentage of future expectation of students

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3. Were you aware that some of the following applications use AI education-style
provide technologies? (Choose all that you are aware of)

Ai Awarness


Fact Monstor


Ask kids


safe search

Quintora kids

Kids click

Yahoo kids

Wolframe Alpha
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

Aware of AI tech Column1

Figure 20 Ai awareness percentage

HND in computing 53 | P a g e Batch- 84
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4. How Student use AI technology for education purpose?

Figure 21 Ai usage according educational purpose

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5. Which of the following options do you think would be the huge advantage of a future in
which AI education significantly impacts on human life?

g the
tical and
ge 37%

dangeores task done by

robots 21%

spending cost 19%

Less chance of human accidents 11%

more free time for students and lectures 5%

Figure 22 Ai future advantage percentage

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6. Which of the following ways would you want your AI devices to process and store
information/If we were to tell you that the performance of the AI education machine was
significantly better when linked to a cloud, which would you choose?



locally within the device




Figure 23 Ai storage percentage

HND in computing 56 | P a g e Batch- 84
Managing successful computing project

7. How AI education could improve your daily lifestyle... What kind of AI device
interactions would you be comfortable with over the next five years, to improve your
studying methodologies?

Using an Ai system to provide educational security

Ai powered biometric devices that constantly monitor
your trial-and-error learning less intimidating.

Using an Ai device linked to educational profile to
suggest different methods for mathematical issues

Providing intelligent parental control on all device
F.Shaistha content depending on who is accessing it
HND in computing 57 | P a g e Batch- 84

Managing successful computing project

Figure 24 Ai education on daily lifestyle

8. Do the following scenario concern you?










Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Ai lecture cant realize student actual needs

Figure 25 Ai concern

 Ai becoming more intelligent than human lecture

 Ai lecture being unreliable
 Ai lectures cant realize student actual needs

HND in computing 58 | P a g e Batch- 84
Managing successful computing project

9. Would you trust an Ai lecture?

yes I would trust it yes I would trust it

Figure 26 trust on Ai

Students have tended to embrace learning technologies that take away the stress and
routine of education. In fact, autonomous education system promise not only to make
learning easier, they could revolutionize education and urban planning. 70% would trust
Ai lectures to whisk their families around school.

10. Do you think that society will become better by increasing Ai education?

Figure 27 Ai increasing

Conversations about artificial intelligence tend to go in one of two directions. Will it

bring us a rampaging-robot chaos, or will AI make the world a much better place? As
it turns out, 61% of people see artificial intelligence making the world a better place.

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3.2 (P6)Describe appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis

to draw valid and meaningful conclusions.

From the analysis of the research data using appropriate tools and techniques, I have
recommended some suggestions for the Asian international school. The recommendation
are given in the following-

 Implementing Ai lectures:
For academics, this rise in artificial intelligence, robotics and intelligent tutoring systems,
may well mean that having the required experience and teaching skills are no longer enough
and the already apparent lack of digital skills among some academics may make it easier for
universities to look to robots as an alternative.
The robot acts as a teaching assistant during lectures.it can get a sense of how students are
doing academically, and what kind of support them need.it can also have them take tests.
According to Some students of Asian international school have found robot lectures useful –
despite the fact he still requires some significant improvements to be fully functional.
To get competitive advantages through Ai program, a institute needs skilled and experienced
lecturer.so from my experience of the recent Ai project, I will recommend the institute to get
more skilled intelligence programmed robot for the institute who will contribute by
completing the program within time and budget limitation.

 Implement Ai tutors to provide helpful feedback to get correct ideas according to

students and educators learning purpose.

Robots, combined with artificial intelligence, are expected to improve teaching by providing
greater levels of individualized learning, objective and timely grading, as well as having the
ability to identify areas of improvements in degree programs. This may very well leave less
room for actual humans to carry out the job – and will no doubt have a major impact on the
job description of academics in universities.

It may also mean that when the robots move in, conducting research and contributing to
knowledge creation might be the only way for academics to sustain their jobs and increase
the chances of employability, retention and career development.

 Implementing Ai provides safe and neutral learning environment:

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Elias will never judge or laugh at anyone for making mistakes. This is especially helpful for kids
who are shy or don’t learn as quickly as others, allowing them to focus on learning without any
shame or peer pressure.

 Ai does not get tired of repetition:

The Ai system allows children to feel free to learn at their own speed. Students can take all the
time they need to learn something new, making as many attempts to get something right as it
takes, and the robot will never make them feel like they are taking too long.

 Ai asks questions at student’s level:

Ai system can customize each child’s learning to their own personal level. This is typically quite
challenging, even for the most experienced teachers.

 Ai Inspires students to participate:

It encourages students to actively participate in learning. This feature is vital, as getting children
motivated and engaged helps them to reach their learning objectives much faster.

 Ai gives feedback to teachers:

Ai provides teachers with feedback on each student’s progress, keeping them better informed and
allowing them to make the appropriate adjustments. This helps teachers to do their jobs more
effectively, which improves the overall learning experience for the students.

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3.3 (M3) Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy and
authenticity to support and justify recommendations.

Respondent 1

As a researcher when I asked the first respondent about the quality of the Ai program and
the benefit of it, the respondent answered positively and told that the program is good for
all and the school will get special attention of the students who are conscious of education. I
asked him about the satisfaction .the respondent replied that the products meet his satisfaction
but not up to the mark and told that the recent activities of the school will suggest others to
purchase from the Asian international because the company is socially responsible.so the
overall image of the respondent was good about the institute.

Respondent 2

The second respondent was not happy about the outcome of the Ai implementation for
existing program because he thought this single program for a short time won’t be able to get
the attention of the student
When I asked the respondent about the requirements and what other things need to be done
then the respondent told that the institute has to do this on regular basis and should have good
education for it and told that he will suggest his friend and neighbors to study from the
institute. And the overall evaluation of the respondent about the Asian international school
Ai program was satisfactory.

Respondent 3

When the third respondent was asked about ability of Asian international to get attention of
students through the Ai implementation program, the respondent told that the company will
be able to get promoted. They think that the institution is logically responsible and the Ai
implementation program will help the institution to increase its educating process, then the
respondent told that the program is good for everyone and he will suggest others to study
from the Asian international because the institution is socially responsible and do better jobs
for society than the other schools.

Respondent 4

The forth respondent was a satisfied student of the Asian international. When I asked her
about her perception about the school Ai
program, she told that the schools good and she study from the school and she told her friends
to study from the Ai tutors and e-textbooks. Because, the institution is educating responsible
and the institution takes initiatives to make a sustainable educational environment which is
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good for all in Asian international student.so the overall judgment of the respondent was
positive and the respondent was a loyal student of the school.

Respondent 5

The last respondent was a prefect and she is a champion in sports. When I asked the
respondent about the effectiveness of the Ai implementation program that the Asian
international has taken then the respondent told that the Ai program initiative was good and
she likes Ai system who is responsible and does something better for the educating society in
different field and told that she will suggest his friend and neighbors to study from the Ai.
And the overall evaluation of the respondent about the Asian international school Ai
implementation.so the institution will get competitive advantages through the Ai activities

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4.1 (P7)Provide a reflection on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated
objectives with your own learning and performance which includes a discussion of
the project outcomes, its usefulness to support sustainability of the given
organization and its’ performance, (D2) the decision-making process and changes or
developments of the initial project management plan to support justification of
recommendations and learning during the project.

(P7)Provide a reflection on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives with
your own learning and performance which includes a discussion of the project outcomes, its
usefulness to support sustainability of the given organization and its’ performance

The research method taken by the Asian international school is the best method of research
for educating and business analysis. Both the qualitative and quantitative research method are
done efficiently to meet the objectives of the project. The researching educating institute
wants to know the feasibility to enter in the new educating system segment so the project
manager of the project has taken the above mention research to meet the requirement of the
project. The quantitative research has revealed that most of the customer want quality product
and they think that the price of the products of the Asian international is somewhat high. And
the quantitative research also suggest that the institution needs some institution in the best
locations and they have suggest that the organization ne3edsm to lessen the price of the Ai

The work breakdown will help the project manager to set specific task for the students and to
set the skilled people in their section.

The breakdown of the project task has lessened the work pressure of the project manager.
According to the structure, the manager will be able to accomplish the project tasks
within then time limitation. On the other hand, the Gantt chart of the project has specified the
time required for every task and how many students needed for that task.

The Gantt chart has also specified the duration of the task, so the manager will be able to
accomplish the task within the project time limitation.

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Figure 28 the research process and outcomes

The Ai research project guiding lecture was taught through a combination of classroom
lecture, group project execution, and project presentations. Most classroom times were
divided into two halves – the first half was a lecture, and the second half was the project
presentation. A schedule of presentation for all student groups was created at the
beginning of the semester. This helped students plan their project execution activities.
Towards the end of some classes, students were given time to discuss their group projects.
During the class, feedback was solicited from students on the lectures and presentations.
Students were welcome to ask questions during the lecture, as the instructor encouraged
student participation.

(D2) the decision-making process and changes or developments of the initial project
management plan to support justification of recommendations and learning during the

The Ai project provided a good mix of theoretical as well as practical learning of Ai

implementing Project Management processes. I felt that Ai research was an important
topic to take irrespective of the career choices made after graduation. Additionally, I
thought taking the research would enhance their resume by adding exposure to a
researching topic. The structure of the computing research allowed students to practice
the processes learnt through an Ai project.

The method of forming groups allowed students to interact and work with students other
than their friends. Also, the mix of students with work experience and those without
ensured each group would have varied opinions and working styles. The team agreed this
helped them work harder at their communication skills, some of us felt we learnt to be
more articulate and assertive. Working with new people also meant going beyond the
comfort zone some of us have with our friends at the university.

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When the team discussed the factors that helped us work effectively and efficiently for
the project, the majority of us agreed it was due to the open and regular communication
between team members. Regular updates on tasks helped to reduce Issues in plan and
reassign responsibilities. Additionally, the student of Asian international work motivated
everybody to work hard. The students felt that the process of preparing, presenting,
answering questions, and receiving feedback helped them gain skills essential to succeed
on the job. Additionally we learnt new Ai robots; the project required using Microsoft
Project to maintain updated work schedules. Finally, some members expressed an
improvement in their communicating skills due to the project. Since the Ai project
implementation on current system research data was collected using qualitative and
quantitative research methods. The students who responded noted an improvement in
their understanding and implementation of the technologies.

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4.2 (M4)Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality
research to meet stated objectives and support own learning and performance

Own learning and performances

Cost control:
As the researcher of the Asian international school, I have learnt the processes to control the
cost of the project. Control is the most important fact of a project and I have got huge idea
and techniques about cost control process of a project.

Negotiation skills:
When running the project, I had to communicate with so many people and delegates about the
project.so I have got the idea of how to manage the stakeholders and make good deals with
the clients.so this is a good lesson for me.

Communication skills:
The most important factor or quality of a manager is the communication skill. When I started
the project I had limitation to communicate with the students but after
the project I have got so many techniques and processes to easily communicate with the instit
ution students.
Risk management skills:
Any computing project has some risks, so the project managed must have some quality of
managing risk in the project.so as a researcher of the Asian international institution I have got
some lesson over controlling the project risks and this quality has helped me to successfully
accomplish the project and to meet the objective of the project.

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Appendix –A
Performance review

1. What was the project supposed to accomplish?

The aim and objective of this research project of Asian international institute were to,

 Implement Educational software according to student needs.

 Additional support for students from AI tutors.
 To provide helpful feedback to get correct ideas according to students and educators
learning purpose.
 Make trial-and-error learning less intimidating.
 Change the students learn, who teaches them, and how they acquire basic skills.

2. Did the project succeed in its aims? How do you know? Specifically, outline any
evaluation and assessment undertaken.

Yes, the research supported to understand the scope of the market and the company got
competitive advantages over its competitors in the digital society.

3. What things do you think worked well and why? Evaluate all aspects of the project (e.g.
initial inception, project activities and project outcomes) from a range of perspectives.

The main element or thing that supported or worked well to accomplish the project Ai
implementation and direct support of the top management. Initially, there were some
cognitive barriers but to complete the project the top board of institution were the best
influencer and supporter of the project.

4. What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was there timely
identification of issues and resolution during the project process?

The main problem was the lack of motivation and cognitive barriers from the
subordinates but with the help of the top management I identified the problem on time
and identified solution for implanting idea of an Ai on existing system.

5. What did you learn from undertaking the project?

I had to work with so many people whom I did not know before, so I got the chance to
meet many people and learnt how to collect information with correct way with different
tools and techniques.

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6. How would you rate your performance as project manager?

I want to rate my performance based on the tasks completed because I did every task
within time and budget specified.

7. What strengths and weaknesses of your performance did you identify?

To judge my performance, the main strength was the negotiation with new people and the
weakness was to motivate the subordinate. For this I took the support of the top

8. How will this inform and support your continuous professional development?

The main objective of the project was to get competitive advantages through taking and
implementing Ai activities and I did the project within the requirement of the college.so I
think the top management my college has got confidence on me and they will give me
bigger project and more responsibility

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1. If to you had the choice to studying from an Ai lecture or a human lecture which would
you choose?

 Human lecture
 Robot lecture

2. How does the prospect of an AI education make you feel in future?

 Concerned
 Unsure
 Confused
 Neutral
 Enthusiastic
 Excited
 Optimistic

3. Were you aware that some of the following applications use AI education-style provide
technologies? (Choose all that you are aware of)

 Aware of Ai
 Not aware of Ai

4. How Student use AI technology for education purpose?

 Create presentations and media

 Play educational games
 Use e-textbooks
 Access real time database
 Take tests online
 Use social media for collaboration

5. Which of the following options do you think would be the huge advantage of a future in
which AI education significantly impacts on human life?

 Advancing student mathematical and science knowledge

 Dangerous task done by robots
 Spending cost
 Less chance of human accident
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 More free time for lectures and students

6. Which of the following ways would you want your AI devices to process and store
information/If we were to tell you that the performance of the AI education machine was
significantly better when linked to a cloud, which would you choose?

 Locally within the device

 Cloud

7. How AI education could improve your daily lifestyle... What kind of AI device
interactions would you be comfortable with over the next five years, to improve your
studying methodologies?

 Using an Ai system to provide educational security

 Ai powered biometric devices that constantly monitor your trial-and-error
learning less intimidating.
 Using an Ai device linked to educational profile to suggest different methods
for mathematical issues
 Providing intelligent parental control on all device content depending on who
is accessing it
 Using an Ai devices develop skills and testing system

8. Do the following scenario concern you?

 Ai becoming more intelligent than human lecture

 Ai lecture being unreliable
 Ai lectures cant realize student actual needs

9. Would you trust an Ai lecture?

 Trust
 Not trusted

10. Do you think that society will become better by increasing Ai education?

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 Better / much better

 Worse / much worse
 Won’t change

Interview guide
Artificial intelligence in education

Increasing educating Profitability through Artificial Intelligence

Educational institutions must embrace the next generation of Artificial Intelligence-driven

insight to improve revenues and performance. We now see workflows being strengthened
by gathering unstructured data, such as data found within student Relationship
Management systems, news feeds, e-educations and more, combined with AI to identify
patterns, gain insights and drive action. Finding and acting on opportunities hidden
within alternative data is critical to the success of education institute today and into the

As a student of Esoft seeking to measure the industry’s opinion on the use of AI and
unstructured data in the educating workflow. Please take this short, anonymous survey to
register your views. All responses with be confidential and aggregated with those of your
peers. Participants of this survey will automatically be registered to win smart phone.
The drawing will be held upon the completion of the survey, with one winner selected.

1. Are you familiar with Machine Learning and/or Artificial Intelligence?

From a Data Science perspective.

From an educational Institution / education perspective.
Not familiar with these concept

2. Which you prefer as super advantages of an Ai system?

 Consistency
 Memory
 Diligence

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 Logic
 Multiple expertise
 Ability to reason
 Fast response
 Unbiased in nature

3. On a scale of 1 to 4 (with 1 being Not Important) what alternative data sources do

you leverage or intend to leverage for machine learning and artificial intelligence

1.Not 2.Moderatly 3.important 4.very

important important important
Call notes
Social media

4. How would you prefer to consume AI driven recommendations? Please choose one.

Stand-alone dashboards

Dashboards integrated in your CRM system

Dashboards integrated in your core educational system

Through alerts (e-mails)


5. How aware you think you are in terms of using AI enabled devices and services?

 Smartphones

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 Social Media Feeds

 Media players

 Video games and many more areas.

6. Choose some of the branches of AI according to your needs

 Automatic Programming
 Knowledge representations
 Machine Learning
 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
 Neural Networks
 Robotics
 Speech recognition

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(Project log sheet)

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Appendix - C
Project log book

Chosen organization: Asian international


Project Researcher: F.Shaistha Lecture : Ms. sumudhu

Project title: implementing an Ai for Date :01st of June 2019

existing system on organization

Description Comments

Update of weekly research/ tasks achieved

(Account for a minimum of six weeks with
dates) I have completed the Ai implementation
project on Asian international school which
provide Edexcel UK studies with Pearson
1. What have you completed?

2. Did you fulfil Task requirements? No

3. Are you on track and within deadlines


4. Did you need to make any changes to

your project management plan?

Any risk and/ or issues identified?

1. Did you identify risks with lack of skills No, I didn’t have any lack of skill risks.
required for undertaking research tasks?

2. Did you identify any additional risk that

have any impact on the project Yes, I faced risks related to the legislation
management plan? and promoting the Ai implementation

Problems encountered I faced several problems like

technical barrier, limited resources, and
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1. What barriers did you face? communication barriers.

I overcame them by consulting with the top
2. How did you overcome them? management and discussing with the

1. What have learn about myself this week? I have learn to control cost, communicate and
negotiate in a better way.
2. How did I feel when I had to deal First time I was depressed and then I tried to
problems and tasks? Did I find it useful to overcome
complete the tasks? Yes
I managed the whole project and performed
3. How well I have performed? well to complete it.
I can save more cost in the next project. This
4. What did I contribute? What can I might help to overcome hurdles quickly.
improve on next week?

5. How might this learning apply in the


Tasks planned for next week

1. Which tasks are priorities? 1. The most important task is to have a good
2. Have you set aside sufficient time for 2. yes

Project plan status to date (on, ahead, I completed on time (ON)

Supervise comment to address
Signature of supervisor and date:


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Project management is a process of accomplishing a task within a specific time. Project

management helps an organization to accomplish task successfully within the limited
budget to me, money and other resources.as a researcher of the Asian international school
I have accomplished the Ai project of entering in the digital society segment outside the
country of origin.so institute given the responsibility on me and I have taken the all the
responsibilities to complete the task.so I have use some tools and techniques to complete
the project within the time. In this document I have discuss the project management
process and techniques taken by the Asian international school.


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