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Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg.

2018; 47: 470–479, available online at

Clinical Paper
Orthognathic Surgery

SPECT bone scintigraphy for B. H. Chan, Y. Y. Leung

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of
Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong,
Prince Philip Dental Hospital, Sai Ying Pun,

the assessment of condylar Hong Kong

growth activity in mandibular

asymmetry: is it accurate?
B. H. Chan, Y. Y. Leung: SPECT bone scintigraphy for the assessment of condylar
growth activity in mandibular asymmetry: is it accurate?. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac.
Surg. 2018; 47: 470–479. ã 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abstract. The comparison of serial radiographs and clinical photographs is

considered the current accepted standard for the diagnosis of active condylar
hyperplasia in patients with facial asymmetry. Single photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT) has recently been proposed as an alternative method. SPECT
can be interpreted using three reported methods absolute difference in uptake,
uptake ratio, and relative uptake. SPECT findings were compared to those from
serial comparisons of radiographs and clinical photographs taken at the time of
SPECT and a year later; the sensitivities and specificities were determined. Two
hundred patient scans were evaluated. Thirty-four patients showed active growth on
serial growth assessment. On comparison with serial growth assessment, the
sensitivity and specificity of the three methods ranged between 32.4% and 67.6%,
and 36.1% and 78.3%, respectively. Analysis using receiver operating characteristic
(ROC) curves revealed area under the curve (AUC) values of <0.58. The average
Key words: condylar hyperplasia; SPECT bone
age (mean  standard deviation) of patients with active growth was 18.6  2.8
scintigraphy; serial radiograph tracing; sensitiv-
years, and average growth in the anteroposterior, vertical, and transverse directions ity; specificity.
was 0.94  0.91 mm, 0.88  0.86 mm, and 1.4  0.66 mm, respectively. With such
low sensitivity and specificity values, it is not justifiable to use SPECT in place of Accepted for publication
serial growth assessment for the determination of condylar growth status. Available online 9 October 2017

Facial asymmetry is an aesthetically and causes, condylar hyperplasia is a patho- ence, developmental causes, and heredity
functionally unsatisfactory condition that logical condition that presents as a pro- or genetics, have been suggested1. Pro-
may arise from a number of causes, such gressive and excessive growth of one or gressive condylar growth eventually
as joint resorption, infection-related both mandibular condyles3–5. It has an results in alterations to the dimensions
growth disturbances, and neoplastic unknown aetiology, although possible of the condylar neck, ramus, and body
changes, among others1–3. Amongst these causes including trauma, functional influ- of the mandible6. A gradual progression

0901-5027/040470 + 010 ã 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Diagnostic accuracy of SPECT 471

of the asymmetry over a long period of ity since the early 1980s. The initial meth- SPECT bone scintigraphy when used in
time of several years has been observed to od of scintigraphy involved capture in patients with facial asymmetry arising
occur, but it may also occur within a short planar view, with the amount of uptake from condylar hyperplasia, and to identify
time span of weeks to months. The condi- by the condyles correlated to the T4 spine. general patterns of condylar growth in the
tion may present in early childhood at 6–7 This required separate imaging of the T4 study population according to sex and age
years of age, or at any time during the spine, as it could not be captured within groups.
patient’s adolescence growth period, and the condylar view. In recent years, single
even after the cessation of skeletal bone photon emission computed tomography
Materials and methods
growth7,8. This makes the timing of treat- (SPECT) has been proposed as a more
ment commencement crucial and possibly accurate and reliable form of bone scin- Patients with mandibular asymmetry
difficult to predict. The incidence has been tigraphy, as it allows the three-dimension- caused by condylar hyperplasia, who pre-
reported to be higher in females, with al evaluation of condylar uptake. The sented to the Discipline of Oral and Max-
more than 64% of those presenting with clivus bone, which is situated at the skull illofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry,
the condition being female according to a base, is considered to be metabolically sta- The University of Hong Kong between
systematic review by Raijmakers et al.9; ble after the fusion of the spheno-occipital January 2011 and July 2013, and who
however, other studies have not shown this synchondrosis. It is used as a reference point underwent SPECT bone scintigraphy for
sex difference10. for comparison of uptake values in the pre-treatment assessment, were recruited.
Condylar hyperplasia was first described condyles15,18,19. As the clivus is also cap- Patients who fulfilled the following cri-
by Robert Adams in 1836 and then, tured along with the condyles during the teria were included: (1) mandibular asym-
amongst others, by George Humphry in scan, there is no need for two separate metry as a result of condylar hyperplasia;
1856, who reported dentofacial deformity images to be captured. However, it has been (2) availability of lateral and postero-an-
with resultant chin deviation as the char- reported that bone scans are sensitive but terior cephalometric radiographs taken
acteristics of this condition. This is also not specific, and that conditions affecting around the time of SPECT bone scintigra-
correlated to dental malocclusion with a the joints, such as healing bone (post-sur- phy and 1 year afterwards.
non-incident dental midline and unilateral gery or trauma), joint infection, inflamma- Patients with the following conditions
crossbite or open bite3. In 1986, Obwegeser tion (arthritis), and neoplastic changes, can were excluded: (1) history of temporo-
and Makek classified condylar hyperplasia result in a positive scan value20–23. mandibular joint surgery; (2) presence
into two main types, namely hemimandib- The reported sensitivity and specificity of a neoplastic pathology of the temporo-
ular hyperplasia and hemimandibular elon- of SPECT scans has varied amongst stud- mandibular joint, e.g. osteochondroma;
gation11. These presentations may occur ies. Sensitivity values of between 78% and (3) presence of systemic diseases that
individually or in combination, to result 98%, with a pooled sensitivity of 90%, and could potentially affect the temporoman-
in the eventual dentofacial asymmetry. Nu- specificity values of between 60% and dibular joint, e.g. autoimmune conditions;
merous other classifications have been sug- 95%, have been reported13,19,24. In the (4) congenital conditions and syndromes
gested1,12, illustrating the difficulties faced study by Saridin et al., the optimal cut- that are associated with facial asymmetry,
in describing this condition. off value for comparison between the e.g. hemifacial microsomia.
While the condition is generally self- affected and contralateral condyles was
limiting, the extent of the gross asymmetry determined to be 55%, and the reported
SPECT bone scintigraphy and analysis
is dependent on the extent of condylar sensitivity and specificity were around
hyperplastic growth activity10,13. The con- 88%19. Another study suggested that the SPECT scans were performed 2–4 h after
dition may contribute to functional and optimal cut-off is 56%, with sensitivity of the intravenous administration of 20–25
aesthetic deficits, which may result in a 93% and specificity of 96%, based on the mCi technetium 99m-methylene dipho-
negative impact on the patient’s quality of area under the receiver operating charac- sphonate (99mTc-MDP). A region of inter-
life and function. A study conducted by teristics curve4. However, the results from est (ROI) of 16 pixels  3 slices was
Naini et al. showed that the patient’s desire these previous studies supporting SPECT drawn over both condylar heads. The in-
to seek surgical treatment for the correc- scans were obtained by deriving the out- dividual condylar counts within the ROIs
tion of this condition was correlated with comes from analyzing patients with con- were calculated and expressed as an aver-
the severity of the asymmetry14. It was dylar hyperplasia at a single clinical time age against the clivus bone count.
also found that a small 5 mm deviation is point only, and there was no additional The determination of active condylar
noticeable to the layperson. external validation or comparison of the growth from the condylar counts was
The use of serial observation of growth results to an accepted standard. Hence, assessed using three reported methods.
and serial cephalometric and dental model there is a knowledge gap regarding the The first was the absolute difference in
comparisons is considered as the current true sensitivity and specificity of SPECT uptake (i.e. active inactive)25, in which
accepted standard for the determination of as a diagnostic test. As it appears that there the condylar count of the inactive condyle
condylar growth status4,15,16. This tech- have been no previous studies comparing was subtracted from that of the active
nique requires a minimum period of time SPECT against a reliable standard, and condyle. A difference in scan values of
between observations (usually 6 months to with the reported wide range of sensitivity 0.34  0.40 (mean  standard deviation
1 year) in order to determine the status, and specificity values, it remains neces- (SD)) between the active and inactive
which is time-consuming. The findings sary to measure the accuracy and reliabil- condyles was considered to indicate
from the comparisons can only reveal past ity of SPECT. Such an evaluation is also active growth. The second method was
growth history, and they do not allow the required to justify exposing patients to the the uptake ratio, i.e. (active/inactive) 
future condylar growth potential to be additional radiation (4 mSv per exposure) 100%5,16,26, in which the ratio of the
determined15,17. of the SPECT scan. active condylar count against the inactive
Bone scintigraphy has been used to aid The aims of this study were to deter- condylar count was calculated as a per-
in the determination of bone growth activ- mine the sensitivity and specificity of centage. Growth was considered to be

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472 Chan and Leung

active if the percentage was more than cephalometric radiographs that were taken horizontal plane using the crista galli as
10%, and vice versa. The third method 1 year after were then traced and com- the reference point, towards the inferior
was the relative uptake (condylar pared to the baseline radiographs of the border of the anterior mandible. The dis-
activity percentage), i.e. (active/(active same patient. Stable anatomical land- tance on the x-axis from menton to the
+ inactive))  100%5,10,16,19,27, in which marks on the radiographs were traced. vertical line was measured and compared
the active condylar count over the total For the lateral cephalometric radio- to detect any changes in the transverse
condylar count was calculated as a per- graphs, the base of the skull, orbital rims, direction (Fig. 2).
centage. Growth was considered to be and the condylar head were marked as the Additional comparisons were per-
active if the uptake value percentage reference landmarks. To determine the formed for patients with clinical photo-
was 55% or more. presence of growth, the posterior and in- graphs available that were taken at the
ferior borders of the mandible and the chin time of the SPECT scan and a year later.
region were traced. Any visible growth in Intraoral photographs of the same patient
Serial radiographic tracings and growth
the vertical and anteroposterior direction taken at a 1-year interval were also com-
was detected and measured from the men- pared. The frontal, profile, and intraoral
Lateral and postero-anterior (PA) cepha- ton and pogonion, respectively, with a photographs were overlapped using Dol-
lometric radiographs (magnification clear plastic ruler with 0.5-mm-interval phin Imaging software (version
1.23, Orthoralix 9200 X-ray system; markings (Fig. 1). Premium; Dolphin Imaging and Manage-
Gendex, Hatfield, Pennsylvania, USA) For the PA cephalometric radiographs, ment Solutions, Chatsworth, CA, USA)
were traced using an overlay ortho/ a horizontal reference plane (x-axis) was for correlation with the findings from
trace film 0.003 matte acetate for the drawn between the right and left lateral the serial radiographic tracings (Fig. 3).
baseline radiographs taken at the time orbitale (LO) landmarks. A vertical line Growth was considered to be active if
of the SPECT scan. The lateral and PA (y-axis) was dropped perpendicular to the any of the three assessments (lateral ceph-

Fig. 1. Tracing of a lateral cephalometric radiograph.

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Diagnostic accuracy of SPECT 473

against the findings of the serial growth

assessment. Receiver operating character-
istics (ROC) curves were also plotted to
compare the different methods, and the
method that had a curve closest to the
upper left quadrant had the best diagnostic
ability. The area under the curve (AUC)
was also calculated for each method.

A total of 265 patients were initially
recruited into the study, of whom 65 were
excluded based on the exclusion criteria.
Of the 200 patients included, 82 (41%)
were male and 118 (59%) were female,
giving a male to female ratio of approxi-
mately 1:1.43. The mean age of the
patients was 21.0  4.3 years; the mean
age of male patients was 21.7  4.0 years
and of female patients was 20.6  4.4
years. The general demographic data of
the 200 patients are presented in Table 1.
Serial tracings of the scans of 200
patients were analyzed, and 34 patients
(17%) were found to have active growth in
at least one of the three measured dimen-
sions; of these patients, 21 (61.8%) were
female and 13 (38.2%) were male.
The SPECT scans were analyzed and
the findings are presented in Table 2. With
regard to the absolute difference in uptake
measurement, 47 patients were found to
Fig. 2. Comparison of transverse growth on postero-anterior cephalometric radiographs. LO, have active growth. When the uptake ratio
lateral orbitale; CG, crista galli; Me, menton. was calculated, 129 patients were found to
have active growth, and when relative
uptake was measured, 68 patients had
alometric serial tracing, PA cephalometric culated as the percentage of true-negatives active growth. There were statistically
serial tracing, and clinical photographic over the total negative results. significant differences (P < 0.001) be-
changes) showed any changes. If none tween the proportions of active scan
of these assessments showed any changes results between the three methods of
Statistical analysis
across the 1-year interval, the subject was SPECT scan measurement, indicating
considered to be inactive for growth. The statistical analysis was performed poor validity amongst them.
using IBM SPSS Statistics version 23.0 The findings of the SPECT scans were
(IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). De- compared to those from serial growth
Comparison of SPECT bone scintigraphy
scriptive statistics, including the assessment, as illustrated in Table 3. Each
and serial growth assessment
mean  SD, were used to describe the SPECT analysis method was compared
The results from SPECT bone scintigra- demographic background of the samples. against the serial growth assessment,
phy were compared to the growth status The mean movements of menton and and the numbers of true active and inactive
results determined in the serial growth pogonion for patients with active growth findings were determined. The absolute
assessment. For each patient, the results were also obtained. difference in uptake measurement identi-
for the three SPECT analysis methods Significant differences in growth be- fied 11 true active patients, which was the
were compared against the findings of tween sex and age groups were determined lowest result among the three methods.
the serial growth assessment. The numbers using the parametric t-test for data follow- The uptake ratio identified 23 true active
of true-positives (where a positive SPECT ing a normal distribution, and the non- patients and the relative uptake identified
finding corresponded with a positive serial parametric Mann–Whitney U-test for data 14 true active patients.
growth status) and true-negatives (where a that did not. Significant differences in When the true inactive findings were
negative SPECT finding corresponded proportions of patients with active growth compared, the uptake ratio identified the
with a negative serial growth status) were according to sex and age groups were lowest number of true inactive findings
calculated. The sensitivity was calculated calculated with the Pearson x2 test. A with 60 patients; the absolute difference in
as the percentage of true-positives over the 5% level of significance was applied. uptake identified 130 true inactive patients
total positive results for each SPECT anal- The sensitivity and specificity of the and relative uptake identified 112 true
ysis method, and the specificity was cal- three assessment methods were calculated inactive patients.

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474 Chan and Leung

was only slightly more than random

chance. An AUC of 0.50 is equivalent
to random chance.
Based on the findings of the primary
outcome of sensitivity and specificity, and
supported by the AUC calculations, the
three SPECT analysis methods proposed
are not suitable to be used as a diagnostic
tool for condylar hyperplasia.
Further analyses of the findings from
the serial growth assessment were per-
formed; the results are presented in Table
5. Thirty-four of the total 200 patients
(17%) had active growth. The average
age of the patients with true active growth
as determined from the serial growth as-
sessment was 18.6  2.8 years. The aver-
age age of the male patients with active
growth was 19.2  2.9 years, and the av-
erage age of the female patients with
active growth was 18.3  2.7 years. There
was no statistically significant difference
in the proportion of patients with active
growth between the male and female
patients (P = 0.719).
Further stratification of the sample pop-
ulation by age groups was done (Table 6).
Of the 34 patients with active growth, 10
were younger than 17 years old. Eleven
patients were aged 17 to <19 years, seven
were between 19 and <21 years old, and
six were 21 years old. Patients below the
age of 19 years accounted for more than
half (61.7%) of the patients with active
growth. The age group of <17 years had
the highest percentage of patients with
active growth (47.6%) when compared
to the other age groups; correspondingly,
the age group 21 years had the lowest
Fig. 3. Comparison of clinical photographs. (a) Frontal photographs showing vertical and percentage of patients with active growth
transverse growth. (b) Lateral photographs showing vertical growth at menton. (c) Frontal (7.6%). A general trend was observed, in
intraoral photographs of the dentition, using the upper anterior teeth as reference; growth is
which approximately half of the patients
noted from the difference in lower anterior teeth positions.
below 17 years of age had active growth.
This percentage then further halved in
each subsequent age group, with 7.6%
The sensitivity and specificity of the 67.5%, and the absolute difference in up- of patients with active growth in the
three methods are presented in Table 4. take had the highest specificity at 78.3%. 21 years age group (Fig. 5).
The absolute difference in uptake yielded The sensitivity and specificity of all three There were significant differences in the
the lowest sensitivity at 32.4% and the methods are considered to be low. proportions of patients with active growth
uptake ratio had the highest sensitivity The ROC curves for the three methods in those <17 years of age compared to the
at 67.6%; the sensitivity of relative uptake are presented in Fig. 4. All three methods other three age groups. A significant dif-
was 41.2%. With regard to specificity, the had low AUC values of less than 0.58, ference was also found between the 17 to
uptake ratio had the lowest specificity at indicating that the ability of the three <19 years group and the 21 years group
36.1%, relative uptake had a specificity of SPECT analysis methods to detect growth (P = 0.021). There was no other difference
in the proportions of patients with active
growth for the other comparisons.
The amounts of growth in the antero-
Table 1. Patient demographic characteristics.
posterior, vertical, and transverse direc-
Age (years), Active growth, tions in the 34 patients with active growth
Number (%) mean  SD number (%) were recorded; the results are presented
Male 82 (41) 21.7  4.0 13 (38.2) according to sex in Table 7. The average
Female 118 (59) 20.6  4.4 21 (61.8) growth was 0.94  0.91 mm in the ante-
Total 200 21.0  4.3 34 roposterior direction, 0.88  0.86 mm in
SD, standard deviation. the vertical direction, and 1.4  0.66 mm

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Diagnostic accuracy of SPECT 475

Table 2. Analysis of SPECT scans. A further analysis of the amount of

Method Number (%) growth exhibited by true active growth
patients was performed by stratifying
Growth status from serial growth assessment the patients into the age ranges. The
Active 34 (17)
findings are presented in Table 8. Patients
Inactive 166 (83)
<19 years of age appeared to have higher
Absolute difference in uptake yearly growth amounts as compared to
Active 47 (23.5) patients aged 19 years. However, there
Inactive 153 (76.5) was no significant difference between the
Uptake ratio mean anteroposterior (P = 0.169), vertical
Active 129 (64.5) (P = 0.552), and transverse (P = 0.193)
Inactive 71 (35.5) growth between the two age groups.
Relative uptake
Active 68 (34)
Inactive 132 (66)
The key findings of this study were (1) the
Differences in proportion of active counts
sensitivity of the three analysis methods of
Absolute difference versus uptake ratio P < 0.001a,* SPECT bone scintigraphy to determine
Absolute difference versus relative uptake P < 0.001a,* condylar growth ranged between 32.4%
Uptake ratio versus relative uptake P < 0.001a,* and 67.6%, and the specificity between
Significant difference (P < 0.05). 36.1% and 78.3%; and (2) the AUC of
Pearson x2 test. the ROC curves was low at <0.58. Both
key findings show that SPECT scans were
Table 3. Comparison of SPECT scans and serial growth assessment. poor for determining condylar growth sta-
tus. The proportions of patients with active
Serial growth assessment
condylar growth in the age groups <17
SPECT assessment Active Inactive Total years, 17 to <19 years, 19 to <21 years,
Absolute difference in uptake Active 11 36 47 and 21 years were 47.6%, 21.6%,
Inactive 23 130 153 14.3%, and 7.6%, respectively.
Total 34 166 200 The treatment of patients with condylar
hyperplasia is determined by the progres-
Uptake ratio Active 23 106 129
Inactive 11 60 71
sion of the individual’s condylar growth.
Total 34 166 200 There are advantages and disadvantages to
both commencing treatment earlier and
Relative uptake Active 14 54 68 adopting a watch-and-wait approach in
Inactive 20 112 132 the management of such patients. The
Total 34 166 200
condition tends to present during the
patient’s adolescence period and may con-
tinue even after the cessation of skeletal
in the transverse direction. For the the amount of anteroposterior growth bone growth. This gradual dentofacial
male patients, the average anteroposterior, between male and female patients asymmetry and its attendant dental mal-
vertical, and transverse growth was (P = 0.039), with male patients exhibiting occlusion will no doubt result in some
1.3  1.1 mm, 1.2  1.1 mm, and 1.3  significantly more anteroposterior growth negative impact on the patient’s self-
0.43 mm, respectively. For the female than female patients. Analysis of the image and confidence.
patients, the average anteroposterior vertical and transverse growth between The patients in this study presented with
change was 0.69  0.68 mm, vertical the sexes did not reveal any significant the condition at a young age – at an
change was 0.69  0.62 mm, and trans- difference (P = 0.232 and P = 0.753, re- average of 21.0  4.3 years. This is in
verse change was 1.5  0.78 mm. spectively). line with the findings reported by other
There was a significant difference in
Table 5. Serial growth assessment.
Factor Number (%)
Table 4. Sensitivity and specificity of SPECT
Growth status
Active 34 (17)
Number (%) Inactive 166 (83)
Absolute difference in uptake Patients with active growth
True-positive (sensitivity) 11 (32.4) Male 13 (38.2)
True-negative (specificity) 130 (78.3) Female 21 (61.8)
Uptake ratio Difference in proportion of active growth between the sexes P = 0.719a
True-positive (sensitivity) 23 (67.6) Mean age of patients with active growth, mean  SD
True-negative (specificity) 60 (36.1) Total: 18.6  2.8 years
Male: 19.2  2.9 years
Relative uptake Female: 18.3  2.7 years
True-positive (sensitivity) 14 (41.2)
SD, standard deviation.
True-negative (specificity) 112 (67.5) a
Pearson x2 test.

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476 Chan and Leung

Table 6. Age group characteristics—serial growth assessment. patients. There were also more females
Patients with active growth by age Number (%) within the active growth group, with 21 of
the 34 patients (61.8%) being female.
<17 years 10 (29.4) As determined in this study, the three
Male 3
SPECT methods had sensitivity between
Female 7
32.4% and 67.6%, and specificity between
17 to <19 years 11 (32.4) 36.1% and 78.3%. Further analysis using
Male 4 ROC curves revealed AUC values of
Female 7 <0.58, indicating that the methods are
19 to <21 years 7 (20.6) no better than random chance. This was
Male 4 corroborated by statistically significant
Female 3 differences between the findings of the
21 years 6 (17.6) three methods, indicating poor validity
Male 2 and accuracy. Such low sensitivity and
Female 4 specificity values would result in a large
percentage of false-positive and false-neg-
Proportion of patients with active growth in the age group n/N (%)
ative diagnoses, which would hinder and
<17 years 10/21 (47.6) potentially negatively affect the treatment
17 to <19 years 11/51 (21.6) outcomes of patients.
19 to <21 years 7/49 (14.3)
Two main treatment methods are cur-
21 years 6/79 (7.6)
rently proposed and practiced, namely
Differences in proportion of active counts high condylectomies and orthognathic
<17 years vs. 17 to <19 years P = 0.027a,* surgery, or a combination of both6,28,29.
<17 years vs. 19 to <21 years P = 0.003a,* These two methods are highly dependent
<17 years vs. 21 years P < 0.001a,* on the clinician’s ability to accurately
17 to <19 years vs. 19 to <21 years P = 0.343a determine the patient’s growth status, as
17 to <19 years vs. 21 years P = 0.021a,* high condylectomies are used to arrest
19 to <21 years vs. 21 years P = 0.223a
further growth of the affected condyle
Significant difference (P < 0.05). and orthognathic surgery should only be
Pearson x2 test. done after the cessation of growth.
However, with such low sensitivity and
specificity values, the use of SPECT scans
authors7,8. The average age of females was was younger, at 18.6  2.8 years. This is would result in a number of false-positive
generally younger than male patients by 1 approximately 3 years lower than the and false-negative cases, which would
year. This indicates that the condition is overall average. Females with active lead to unnecessary over-treatment (high
already present at an earlier age, as the growth also generally presented 1 year condylectomy or unnecessary growth
majority of the patients were already earlier than the male patients. reviews) for patients who are false-posi-
found to have ceased growing when This study also supports the higher in- tive, or premature commencement of
assessed (166 out of 200). The average cidence of the condition in females, as treatment (orthognathic surgery) for
age of the 34 patients with active growth 59% of the scans were done for female patients who are false-negative. Another

Fig. 4. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for SPECT. AUC, area under the curve; CI, confidence interval.

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Diagnostic accuracy of SPECT 477

Fig. 5. Percentage of patients with active growth in each age group, as assessed using serial radiographs.

Table 7. Growth in the anteroposterior, vertical, and transverse direction according to sex; mean major drawback of using SPECT is the
 SD values. need to expose patients to the highly ra-
Anteroposterior Vertical Transverse dioactive 99mTc-MDP intravenous con-
trast during scans. The effective dose of
Growth in males 1.3  1.1 mm 1.2  1.1 mm 1.3  0.43 mm
a single SPECT scan is 4 mSv
Growth in females 0.69  0.68 mm 0.69  0.62 mm 1.5  0.78 mm
Average growth 0.94  0.91 mm 0.88  0.86 mm 1.4  0.66 mm (4000 mSv), which is the equivalent of
200 chest X-rays (0.02 mSv)30, or 1.8
Differences according to sex years of background radiation. In contrast,
Anteroposterior growth between males and females P = 0.039a,* a panoramic radiograph has an effective
Vertical growth between males and females P = 0.232b dose of only 36 mSv, and a cone beam
Transverse growth between males and females P = 0.753b computed tomography (CBCT) scan only
SD, standard deviation. 432 mSv31,32.
Significant difference (P < 0.05). Wu et al. performed a study to predict
a the cancer risks from dental computed
Parametric t-test.
Non-parametric Mann–Whitney U-test performed for data that did not follow a normal tomography and reported that the risk of
distribution. cancer induction was higher if the exposed
patient was younger, and also that females
were at a higher risk than males32. This
could be extrapolated to the use of 99mTc-
Table 8. Growth in the anteroposterior, vertical, and transverse direction according to age; MDP for the purpose of determining con-
mean  SD values. dylar growth activity. SPECT scans for the
Anteroposterior Vertical Transverse purpose of condylar growth determination
are typically done on younger patients,
<17 years 1.0  1.0 mm 0.9  0.77 mm 1.7  0.70 mm
and with the higher prevalence of condylar
17 to <19 years 1.2  1.0 mm 0.86  0.67 mm 1.0  0.38 mm
19 to <21 years 0.42  0.53 mm 1.4  1.3 mm 1.5  0.91 mm hyperplasia in females, the majority of
21 years 0.83  0.6 mm 0.33  0.4 mm 1.7  0.4 mm patients being exposed to radiation would
be young females.
Difference according to age group A more worrying trend that was noted
Anteroposterior growth between <19 years and 19 P = 0.169a during this study was the taking of the raw
years condylar scan results at face value, which
Vertical growth between <19 years and 19 years P = 0.552a led to the diagnosis of a condyle with a
Transverse growth between <19 years and 19 years P = 0.193a higher count as active. Such diagnoses of
SD, standard deviation. active condylar growth were found to be
Non-parametric Mann–Whitney U-test performed for data that did not follow a normal prevalent during the reporting of the
distribution. SPECT scans results. A small number of

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478 Chan and Leung

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