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2º Infantil year-long plan

September- colors, numbers, classroom objects, alphabet, emotions

(colors: blue, yellow, green, red, pink, purple, black, white, orange, grey)
(numbers: 1-10)
(Classroom objects: crayon, pencil, rubber, paper)
(emotions: happy, sad, angry, hungry, tired, surprised)

October- clothes, Halloween

(clothes: jumper, trousers, shirt, jacket, skirt, dress, socks, shoes)
(Halloween: haunted house, ghost, witch, bat, cat)

November- body, physical description

(body: eyes, nose, ears, hair, arms, legs, fingers, hands, feet)
(physical description: tall, short, fat, thin, ugly, pretty)

December- seasons, weather, Christmas

(seasons: summer, winter, autumn, spring)
(weather: hot, cold, windy, rainy, snowy)
(Christmas: tree, snow, presents, Santa Clause)

January- toys, shapes

(toys: car, doll, drum, trumpet)
(shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle)

February- family
(family: mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather)

March- pets + animals

(pets+ animals: dog, cat, turtle, snake, fish, tiger, lion, monkey)

April- house
(house: bedroom, living-room, kitchen, bathroom, garden, garage)

May- nature
(nature: tree, flower, sun, moon, ocean, jungle, grass)

June- summer
(summer: beach, swim, play, park)
Basic class format 2º infantil

60 min class:

-Warm-up questions and activities. 10 min.

(incorporating a review of previously studied vocabulary and phrases)

-Introduction to new theme (or complete review of previous theme). 10 min.

-Main activity. 15-20 min.

-Group activity

-Reinforcement. 10 min.
Drill and questions using the new and old material from Main activity.

-Wrap-up game. Finish class and have fun! This is a great time to review any
and all materials from any part of the year as well as to continue to reinforce
newly learned materials.

Warm-up questions- At the end of the year, students should be able to ask and
answer the following questions:
-How are you today?
-What is your name?
-How old are you?

Get students moving quickly and enjoying the beginning of class. Class will be
much more enjoyable and organized if you have their attention form the
beginning. After some basic warm-up questions and review of the emotions (I
am happy/sad, etc) You can start with a Simon says for example using the
vocabulary or the song from the current theme.

Introduction to new theme- It is best not to give the students the Spanish
translations, but to teach new material always through demonstration and drill.
For example, begin asking them questions using the new vocabulary. Make this
part as visual as possible by drawing everything possible on the board. Label all
of the words possible, even if they can´t all read. The majority will try and at
five years old they are just starting to learn to read in school. Use flashcards as
much as possible with immediate repetition from students. This is at least a fifty-
fifty use of time, where the students voices should be heard at least fifty percent
of the time and they should independently recognize and say the words as well.
Main activity- The main activity can include any number of stories, songs or
worksheets (one worksheet per week at the most). In every class new vocabulary
or activities should be introduced and practiced in the group.

-Sheets: Children so young will get very language acquisition out of anything
written. The only types of written activities that will be effective are ones that
include the student listening to the teacher’s instructions and following them, not
one’s where they are left to their own to write or draw.
Sheets are to be given out once every two weeks, no more than three per month
at the most.
-Songs: Song vocabulary should be pre-taught before even starting to listen to
the song. Songs should be studied for at least two weeks per song.
-Stories: Story vocabulary should be pre-taught and directly incorporate the
vocabulary and themes of the unit. Stories should be taught throughout classes
for at least two weeks to reinforce all vocabulary and expressions.
-Group activities: Activities will include card games, group projects, and pair
work. Group activities will be found in a box under the shelves.
-Movies: Movies are limited to one per trimester and should be focused on
throughout at least two classes, but only for up to 20 minutes of class time.
Movies will be described in each section of the program binder and are to be
used only when specified and outlined in the program. No videos are to be used
that are not found in the program. In showing a movie, all vocabulary will be
pre-taught and video stopped frequently for vocabulary recognition and review.

Reinforcement- This is a good time to review the work just completed, new
vocabulary, as well as to review past materials if possible. This is when students
should ask and answer questions, recognize words and repeat/recite vocabulary.
-This is also a great time for music.

Wrap-up game- (and attention-getters) Time to play! Kids should leave class
excited and energetic.
Use the vocabulary to play games which include:
-Hangman (always review the alphabet first and write it on the board for
-Tic-Tac-Toe with vocabulary
-Simon Says
-Draw a person/animal/robot, etc. on the board in a group. Each student is called
up one by one to add to the figure. Teacher says: ¨Draw a head (nose, eye, etc.)¨
-Fetch. Flashcards are placed around the room with tape and teacher calls out to
each student one object that they must run and fetch with a time limit.
-Dance stop. ¨Las estatuas¨ Music is put on and students dance. When music is
stopped (at any point during the song) students must all freeze.
Year-long plan

2º Infantil

September: Colors, Numbers, Names, Classroom objects, Alphabet,

Songs: ¨How are you?¨ Genki English. Vol. 1. Tr. 5
¨Classroom management songs¨ Three in a tree. Trks 1 + 2

Phrases: ¨Can I go to the bathroom, please?¨

¨How are you today?¨ - ¨Fine, thank you, and you?¨
¨How old are you?¨ - ¨I am ____¨
¨What´s your name?¨- ¨My name is____¨
¨Can I have_____?¨
¨How many____ are there?¨

October: Clothes, Halloween.

Clothes: jumper, trousers, shirt, jacket, skirt, dress, socks, shoes.
Halloween: haunted house, ghost, witch, bat, cat.
Verbs: to wear, to put on, to take off.
Review: colors, numbers, alphabet, emotions.
Songs: ¨Cookie put your trousers on¨ Treehouse CD Track 8

Week 1: Clothes
Week 2: Clothes
Week 3: Clothes
Week 4: Halloween

November: Body, Physical description.

Body: eyes, nose, ears, hair, arms, legs, fingers, hands, feet.
Physical description: tall, short, fat, thin, ugly, pretty, big, little.
Verbs: to touch, to have, to be.
Review: clothes.
Songs: ¨ Doctor, Doctor!¨ Genki English., Vol. 4. Tr. 5.
Stories: The Gingerbread Man. Big story book.

Week 1: Body
Week 2: Body
Week 3: Body + physical description.
Week 4: Body + Physical description + review.

December: Seasons, Weather, Christmas.

Seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring.
Weather: hot, cold, sunny, windy, snowy, rainy.
Christmas: toys, tree, snow, presents, santa clause.
Verbs: to be, to have.
Review: Classroom objects.
Songs: ¨Thank you!¨ Genki English. Vol. 1. Tr. 20.
¨Weather song¨ Three in a tree. Tr. 16.

Week 1: Seasons + weather

Week 2: Seasons + weather
Week 3: weather + Christmas

January: Toys, shapes & prepositions of place.

Toys: car, doll, drum, trumpet, bike.
Shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle.
Prepositions of place: in, on, under, near, next to, in front of, behind.
Verbs: to play, to have, to be.
Review: Body + physical description.
Songs: ¨Where is Mr. Monkey?¨ Genki English. Vol. 5. Tr. 22.

Week 1: Toys
Week 2: Toys + review
Week 3: shapes & prepositions

February: Family
Family: mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather.
Verbs: to have, to be, to live.
Review: seasons
Songs: ¨A Very Big Family¨ Othmane´s music. Tr. 16.

Week 1: family
Week 2: family
Week 3: family
Week 4: family + review

March: Pets & Animals

Pets: dog, cat, turtle, snake, fish, bird
Animals: tiger, lion, monkey, elephant, hamster, lizard, horse, gorilla.
Verbs: to walk, to run, to fly, to have, to be.
Review: numbers + body
Songs: ¨Do you have any pets?¨ Genki English. Vol. 6. Tr. 5.
¨Make a face¨ Genki English. Vol. 6. Tr. 2.

Week 1: pets
Week 2: pets & animals
Week 3: pets & animals + review
Week 4: pets& animals + review
April: House
House: bedroom, living-room, kitchen, bathroom, garden, garage
Verbs: to walk, to run, to play, to have, to be.
Review: Haunted house, toys
Stories: Goldilocks. Story cards from Bugs 1.

Week 1: house
Week 2: house + review
Week 3: house + review

May: Nature
Nature: tree, flower, sun, moon, ocean, jungle, grass
Verbs: to live, to grow, to have, to be.
Review: animals
Songs: ¨Under the sea?¨ Vol. 6. tr. 8
¨Animals¨ Genki English. Vol. 4. Tr. 8.

Week 1: Nature + garden (from house)

Week 2: jungle (animal review)
Week 3: ocean (adding: fish, whale, shark)
Week 4: all of nature plus review all of themes

June: Summer, ocean + review themes

Weeks 1+2: Introduce summer and ocean themes.

Week 3+4: Review and summer games


September: Colors, Numbers, Names, Classroom objects, Alphabet,


Colors: red, black, blue, orange, green, grey, pink, purple, white, yellow.

Numbers: 1-10

Names: ¨What is your name?¨ - ¨My name is____¨

Classroom objects: book, pencil, pen, paper, crayon, rubber, pencil



Emotions: ¨How are you today?¨ - ¨I am happy/sad/angry/hungry/tired¨

Songs: ¨How are you?¨ Genki English. Vol. 1. Tr. 5

¨Classroom management songs¨ Three in a tree. Trks 1 + 2
How are you?
Genki English
Vol. 1. Tr. 5

Hello, how are you?

Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?

I´m hungry, I´m tired

I´m cold and I´m sad

Hello, how are you?

Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?

I´m happy! I´m great!

I´m good, I´m OK!

Hello, how are you?

Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?

October: Clothes, Halloween.

Clothes: jumper, trousers, shirt, jacket, skirt, dress, socks, shoes.

Halloween: haunted house, ghost, witch, bat, cat.

Verbs: to wear, to put on, to take off.

Review: colors, numbers, alphabet, emotions.

Songs: ¨Cookie put your trousers on¨ Treehouse CD Track 8


November: Body, Physical description.

Body: eyes, nose, ears, hair, arms, legs, fingers, hands, feet.

Physical description: tall, short, fat, thin, ugly, pretty, big, little.

Verbs: to touch, to have, to be.

Review: clothes.

Songs: ¨ Doctor, Doctor!¨ Genki English., Vol. 4. Tr. 5.

Stories: The Gingerbread Man. Big story book.

Doctor, Doctor!
Genki English
Vol. 4. Tr. 5.

Doctor, Doctor! My head hurts.

Doctor, Doctor! My arm hurts.
Doctor, Doctor! My leg hurts.
Doctor, Doctor! My stomach hurts.

Are you OK?

No, I´m not!
Are you OK?
Yeah, I´m OK!

Doctor, Doctor! My hand hurts.

Doctor, Doctor! My foot hurts.
Doctor, Doctor! My back hurts.
Doctor, Doctor! My tooth hurts.

December: Seasons, Weather, Christmas.

Seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring.

Weather: hot, cold, sunny, windy, snowy, rainy.

Christmas: toys, tree, snow, presents, santa clause.

Verbs: to be, to have.

Review: Classroom objects.

Songs: ¨Thank you!¨ Genki English. Vol. 1. Tr. 20.

¨Weather song¨ Three in a tree. Tr. 16.

Thank you!
Genki English
Vol. 1. Tr. 20

Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you! Thank you!

In the summer,
And the autumn,
In the winter,
And in the spring.

Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you!

Take care! Take care!

Take care! Take Care!

In the summer,
And the autumn,
In the winter,
And the spring.

Take care! Take care!

Take care!

Goodbye! Goodbye!
Goodbye! Goodbye!

In the summer,
And the autumn,
In the winter,
And the spring.

Goodbye! Goodbye!

January: Toys, shapes & prepositions of place.

Toys: car, doll, drum, trumpet, bike.

Shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle.

Prepositions of place: in, on, under, near, next to, in front of, behind.

Verbs: to play, to have, to be.

Review: Body + physical description.

Songs: ¨Where is Mr. Monkey?¨ Genki English. Vol. 5. Tr. 22.

Where is Mr. Monkey?
Genki English
Vol. 5. Tr. 22.

Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is Mr Monkey?

Is he near the box?

(Is he near the box?)
Is he next to the box?
(Is he next to the box?)
Is he in front of the box?
(Is he in front of the box?)
Is he behind the box?
(Is he behind the box?)

Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is Mr Monkey?

Is he under the box?

(Is he under the box?)
Is he on the box?
(Is he on the box?)
Is he in the box?
(Is he in the box?)

Yes, I am!

Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is Mr Monkey?
Where is Mr Monkey?

February: Family

Family: mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather.

Verbs: to have, to be, to live.

Review: seasons

Songs: ¨A Very Big Family¨ Othmane´s music. Tr. 16.

A Very Big Family
Othmane´s music
Tr. 16.

My brother is short
My sister is tall
My mother and father love us all
I have a very big family
I love them and they love me
March: Pets & Animals

Pets: dog, cat, turtle, snake, fish, bird

Animals: tiger, lion, monkey, elephant, hamster, lizard, horse, gorilla.

Verbs: to walk, to run, to fly, to have, to be.

Review: numbers + body

Songs: ¨Do you have any pets?¨ Genki English. Vol. 6. Tr. 5.
¨Make a face¨ Genki English. Vol. 6. Tr. 2.

Do you have any pets?
Genki English
Vol. 6. Tr. 5

Do you have any pets?

Do you have any pets?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any pets?

I have a hamster.
I have a rabbit.
I have a turtle.
I have a goldfish.

Do you have any pets?

Do you have any pets?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any pets?

I have a lion.
I have a lizard.
I have a horse.
I have a gorilla.

Do you have any pets?

Do you have any pets?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any pets?
Make a Face
Genki English
Vol. 6. Tr. 2.

Make a face.
Make a face.
Make a face.
Make a face.

Put on the nose.

Put on the ears.
Put on the mouth.
Put on the eyes.

Make a face.
Make a face.
Make a face.
Make a face.

Put on the eyebrows.

Put on the cheeks.
Put on the hair.
Put on the tongue

April: House

House: bedroom, living-room, kitchen, bathroom, garden, garage

Verbs: to walk, to run, to play, to have, to be.

Review: Haunted house, toys


Stories: Goldilocks. Story cards from Bugs 1.


May: Nature

Nature: tree, flower, sun, moon, ocean, jungle, grass

Verbs: to live, to grow, to have, to be.

Review: animals

Songs: ¨Under the sea?¨ Vol. 6. tr. 8

¨Animals¨ Genki English. Vol. 4. Tr. 8.

Genki English
Vol. 4. Tr. 8

In my house, I have…..
In my house, I have…..

I have a dog. Woof, woof!

I have a cat, Meow!
I have a bird. Tweet, tweet!
I have a mouse, Squeak!
Squeak, squeak, squeak!

On my farm, I have….
On my farm, I have….

I have a chicken, Cluck, cluck!

I have a sheep. Baa, baa!
I have a cow. Moo, moo!
I have a pig.
Oink, oink, oink, oink!

In my zoo, I have…..
In my zoo, I have…..

I have an elephant.
I have a monkey.
I have a snake. Hiss, hiss.
I have a tiger.
Roar, roar, roar, roar!

June: Summer + Ocean

Summer: hot, fun, beach, sports.

Ocean: crab, fish, shark, whale, towel, sand castle, vacation, play.

Verbs: to swim, to run, to go, to have.

Review: animals

Songs: ¨Under the sea?¨ Vol. 6. tr. 8

Under the Sea
Genki English
Vol. 6. Tr. 8.

What can you see?

Under the sea?
What can you see?
Under the sea?

I can see a whale.

I can see a squid.
I can see a seahorse.
I can see a jellyfish.

What can you see?

Under the sea?
What can you see?
Under the sea?

I can see a crab.

I can see a dolphin.
I can see a shark.
I can see a starfish.

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