TEACHER S BOOK 5 Urte - 5 Años

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September: Colors, Numbers, Names, Classroom objects, Alphabet,

-Verbs: to be, to have, can, to go to school.

October: Seasons, Weather, intro. to Clothes, Days of week, Halloween.

-Verbs: to wear, to be hot/cold, to be, to have, can.
-Review: Classroom objects, Alphabet.

November: Places we play, Clothes, intro. to Body, Emotions.

-Verbs: to play, to dance, to sing, to draw, to put on, to take off, to be,
to have, can.
-Review: colors

December: Body, Physical description, Toys, Christmas.

-Verbs: to play, to be, to have, to touch, can.
-Review: Numbers.

January: Family, intro. to Pets + Animals.

-Verbs: to play, to swim, to walk, to climb, to be, to have, can, to fly.
-Review: Toys.

February: Pets, Animals, intro. to Food.

-Verbs: can, to swim, to walk, to climb, to fly, to eat, to drink, to jump,
to like, to be, to have.
-Review: Body, Physical description.

March: Food, Shapes, Prepositions of place.

-Verbs: to like, to eat, to drink, to cook, to be, to have, can, to put.
-Review: Clothes.

April: Nature.
-Verbs: to like, to live, to be, to have, can.
-Review: Animals, Weather, Seasons, Months, Days of the week.

May: House + Family.

-Verbs: to sleep, to draw, to eat, to cook, to watch TV, to brush teeth,
to have a bath, to play.
-Review: Toys, Games, Places we go, Prepositions, Animals.

June: Beach, Swimming, Summer, Sports.

-Verbs: to play, to swim, to run, to jump.
-Review: Places we play.
Year-long plan
3º Infantil

September: Colors, Numbers, Names, Classroom objects, Alphabet,

Songs: ¨What´s your favorite color?¨ Genki English. Vol. 2. Tr. 11.
¨How old are you?¨ Genki English. Vol. 2. Tr. 2.
Stories: Classroom objects. Laminated story.

Phrases: ¨Can I go to the bathroom, please?¨

¨How are you today?¨ - ¨Fine, thank you, and you?¨
¨How old are you?¨ - ¨I am ____¨
¨What´s your name?¨- ¨My name is____¨
¨Can I have_____?¨
¨How many____ are there?¨

October: Seasons, Weather, intro. to Clothes, Days of the week,

Seasons: spring, summer, winter, autumn
Weather: hot, cold, windy, sunny, rainy, snowy
Clothes: jumper, trainers, jacket, trousers, t-shirt, skirt, dress
Halloween: witch, wizard, bat, cat, ghost, haunted house, princess
Days of the week: ¨What day is it today? Today is…¨
Verbs: to wear, to be hot/cold, to have, can
Review: classroom objects
Songs: ¨What´s the weather like¨ Genki English. Vol. 1. Tr. 14.
Stories: Winnie in Winter. Edition for young learners

Week 1: Seasons + Weather (spring, summer, winter, autumn, hot, cold, windy,
sunny, rainy, snowy)
Week 2: Seasons + Weather, introduce days of the week.
Week 3: Clothes with seasons (I wear a jumper in winter, skirt in summer, etc.)
Week 4: Halloween (costumes: witch, wizard, ghost, princess….)

November: Places we play, Clothes, intro. to Body, Emotions.

Places we play: park, playground, patio, amusement park
Clothes: jumper, jacket, coat, trousers, trainers, shoes, socks, dress, shirt, t-shirt
¨What are your wearing? I am wearing…¨
Introduce body: head, eyes, nose, ears, hair, arms, hands, legs, feet, fingers, toes, tummy,
shoulders, knees. ¨I have color/number eyes, hair, legs, etc.¨
Emotions: happy, sad, angry, tired, hungry, ill, scared
Verbs: to play, to dance, to sing, to draw, to put on, to take off, to be, to have, can
Review: colors
Songs: ¨Clothes song¨ Three in a tree A+B Tr. 8
Stories: Gingerbread man. Big story book.

Week 1: Clothes + Review

Week 2: Clothes + Places we play (What do you wear in the park? In the
playground? Etc.)
Week 3: Clothes + Body
Week 4: Body + Emotions
December: Body, Physical description, Toys, Christmas.
Body: head, eyes, nose, ears, hair, arms, hands, legs, feet, fingers, toes, tummy, shoulders,
knees. ¨How many xxx_ have you got?, I have got ###_ xxx_ ¨
Physical description: to be + tall, short, thin, fat, pretty, ugly, nig, little, short (hair), long
¨I am (she/he is) tall (short, fat, ugly, etc).¨
Toys: train, bike, boat, trumpet, car, robot, plane, doll, kite, guitar, ball, drum, scooter
Christmas: tree, Santa Clause, trumpet, car, robot, plane, doll, kite, guitar, ball, drum, scooter
¨I have x_ dolls (cars, robots, etc.) ¨
Verbs: to play, to be, to have, to touch, to give
Review: numbers
Songs: ¨My name is Mr Octopus¨ Genki English. Vol. 4. Tr. 20.
Stories: Toys. Bugs 2. Laminated story.

Week 1: Body + physical description

Week 2: Body + physical description + Review
Week 3: Toys + Christmas

January: Family, intro. to Pets & Animals

Family: mother (mummy), father (daddy), sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, (cousin,
aunt, uncle to be introduced if students seem able to learn more)
¨How many brothers have you got?¨
Pets + intro. to family: dog, cat, fish, snake, turtle, bird
¨What pets have you got?¨
Verbs: to play, to swim, to walk, to climb, to have, to be, can, to love
Review: Toys
Songs: ¨Baby Monkey Family¨ Genki English. Vol. 2. Tr. 20.
¨Do you have any pets?¨ Genki English. Vol. 6. Tr. 24
Stories: Nanny Dove. Laminated story.

Week 1: Family
Week 2: Family + Review
Week 3: Family + Pets & Animals

February: Pets & Animals, intro. to Food

Pets + Animals: dog, cat, fish, snake, horse, frog, crocodile, monkey, turtle, tiger, lion,
elephant, rabbit (bunny), bear, chicken (kids will want to introduce a few more which is fine
as long as they can be consistently included in the class).
Intro. to Food: vegetables, fruit, apple, orange, banana, tomato, lettuce, milk, water, cheese,
cake, candy/sweets, chocolate, yummy, yucky.
Verbs: can, to swim, to walk, to climb, to fly, to eat, to drink, to jump, to like, to be, to have.
Review: Body, physical description.
Sings: ¨Do you have any pets?¨ Genki English. Vol. 6. Tr. 24.
¨Do you like animals?¨ Genki English. Vol. 3. Tr. 26.

Week 1: Pets & Animals

Week 2: Pets & Animals
Week 3: Pets & Animals + Review
Week 4: Intro. to Food

March: Food, Shapes & Prepositions of place

Food: vegetables, fruit, apple, orange, banana, tomato, lettuce, milk, water, cheese, cake,
candy/sweets, chocolate, yummy, yucky.
¨Do you like….?¨ -¨Yes, I do/No I don´t ¨
Shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle
Prepositions of place: in, on ,under, behind
Verbs: to like, to eat, to drink, to cook, to be, to draw, to have, can
Review: Clothes
Songs: ¨Do you like…?¨ Genki English. Vol. 3. Tr. 27.
¨Left and Right¨ Genki English. Vol. 1. Tr. 8.

Week 1: Food
Week 2: Food
Week 3: Food + Shapes & Prepositions
Week 4: Shapes & Prepositions + Review

April: Nature
Nature: day, night, star, moon, sun, mountain, ocean, forest, jungle, tree, flower, leaves, river
Verbs: to live, to like, to have, to be, can
Review: animals, weather, seasons, months, days of the week.
Songs: ¨The months¨ Othmane´s CD. Tr. 11.
¨The jungle song¨ Othmane´s CD. Tr. 4.
Stories: Nature. Bugs 2. Laminated story.

Week 1: Nature
Week 2: Nature
Week 3: Nature + Review

May: House + Family

House: bedroom, living-room, bathroom, garden, kitchen, dining-room
House objects: bed, clothes, TV, telephone, sofa, toys, bath, toilet, flowers, phone, computer,
CD player
Family: mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, cousin, aunt, uncle
Verbs: to sleep, to draw, to eat, to drink, to cook, to watch TV, to brush teeth, to have a bath,
to play, to have, to be, can, to like
Review: toys, games, places we play, prepositions, animals, nature, food
Songs: ¨Where, where, where?¨ Genki English. Vol. 4. Tr. 14.
Stories: Goldilocks + the three bears. Bugs 1. Laminated story.
House story. Bugs 2. Laminated story.

Week 1: House
Week 2: House + House objects
Week 3: House + Family
Week 4: House + Review

June: Summer, Beach, Sports

Summer: summer, hot, sun, summer clothes
Beach: beach, swim, ocean, swimming pool, swim-suit, ball
Sports: football, swimming, tennis
Songs: Review of songs
Stories: Cinderella story. Laminated story.
Weeks 1+2: Summer, Beach + any review possible.
Week 3+4: Sports + Summer
3º Infantil questions
By the end of the first trimester students should be expected to use these questions at
all times. It is difficult for them to learn the whole question at once so it can be most
effective to have them start by using the basic vocabulary and gradually learning the
whole question.

¨Can I go to the bathroom/toilet, please?¨

¨How are you today?¨ - ¨Fine/happy/sad/angry, etc., thank you, and you?¨

¨How old are you?¨ - ¨I am _____¨

¨What´s your name?¨ - ¨My name is _____¨

¨Can I have a pen/pencil/rubber, etc.?¨

Basic class format 3º infantil

60 min class:

-Warm-up questions. 10 min.

(incorporating a review of previously studied vocabulary and phrases)

-Introduction to new theme (or complete review of previous theme). 10 min.

-Main activity. 15-20 min.

-Group activity

-Reinforcement. 10 min.
Drill and questions using the new and old material from Main activity.

-Wrap-up game. Finish class and have fun! This is a great time to review any
and all materials from any part of the year as well as to continue to reinforce
newly learned materials.

Warm-up questions- At the end of the year, students should be able to ask
and answer the following questions:
-How are you today?
-What is your name?
-How old are you?

Introduction to new theme- It is best not to give the students the Spanish
translations, but to teach new material always through demonstration and drill.
For example, begin asking them questions using the new vocabulary. Make
this part as visual as possible by drawing everything possible on the board.
Label all of the words possible, even if they can´t all read. The majority will
try and at five years old they are just starting to learn to read in school. Use
flashcards as much as possible with immediate repetition from students. This
is at least a fifty-fifty use of time, where the students voices should be heard at
least fifty percent of the time and they should independently recognize and say
the words as well.

Main activity- The main activity can include any number of stories, songs or
worksheets (one worksheet per week at the most). In every class new
vocabulary or activities should be introduced and practiced in the group.

-Sheets: Sheets are to be given out once per week, no more than four per
-Songs: Song vocabulary should be pre-taught before even starting to listen to
the song. Songs should be studied for at least two weeks per song.
-Stories: Story vocabulary should be pre-taught and directly incorporate the
vocabulary and themes of the unit. Stories should be taught throughout classes
for at least two weeks to reinforce all vocabulary and expressions.
-Group activities: Activities will include card games, group projects, and pair
work. Group activities will be found in a box under the shelves.
-Movies: Movies are limited to one per trimester and should be focused on
throughout at least two classes, but only for up to 20 minutes of class time.
Movies will be described in each section of the program binder and are to be
used only when specified and outlined in the program. No videos are to be
used that are not found in the program. In showing a movie, all vocabulary
will be pre-taught and video stopped frequently for vocabulary recognition and

Reinforcement- This is a good time to review the work just completed, new
vocabulary, as well as to review past materials if possible. This is when
students should ask and answer questions, recognize words and repeat/recite
-This is also a great time for music.

Wrap-up game- (and attention-getters) Time to play! Kids should leave class
excited and energetic.
Use the vocabulary to play games which include:
-Hangman (always review the alphabet first and write it on the board for
-Tic-Tac-Toe with vocabulary
-Simon Says
-Draw a person/animal/robot, etc. on the board in a group. Each student is
called up one by one to add to the figure. Teacher says: ¨Draw a head (nose,
eye, etc.)¨
-Fetch. Flashcards are placed around the room with tape and teacher calls out
to each student one object that they must run and fetch with a time limit.
-Dance stop. ¨Las estatuas¨ Music is put on and students dance. When music
is stopped (at any point during the song) students must all freeze.

Colors: red, blue, grey, purple, white, black, yellow, green, pink, brown

Numbers: 1-20

Names: ¨What is your name?¨, ¨My name is _____?¨

Classroom objects: Can I have a _____? pencil, pen, paper, notebook,

folder, crayon, pencil sharpener, book, book bag, table, chair, blackboard.

Classroom phrases: ¨Can I go to the bathroom, please?¨

Emotions: happy, sad, angry, tired, hungry,

(ill + scared -to be introduced gradually throughout the year)


Verbs: to be, to have, can, to go to school

3º Infantil

Introduction class- Hour 1

Basic warm-up and get to know you: 10 min.

Introduce the question:
Teacher: ¨What is your name¨
Student: ¨My name is _____¨

Emotions: 15 min.
With drawings, flashcards or faces, introduce the following emotions:
happy, sad, angry, hungry, tired

This can be done with students repeating after the teacher and
making the faces as well. Practice after introducing the
emotions by calling out an emotion and having the students
make the appropriate face.

Numbers: 10 min.
Introduce/practice the numbers 1-12.
Many of the students will already be able to count to ten. Start counting
off, showing the flashcards at the same time. Start out counting as a
group and then try to have them count off one by one.

Colors: 10 min.
Start with the color flashcards (you can also point to the student’s
clothing or objects around the classroom). There should be ten colors in
total. Go through all of them having the students repeat. You can drill
them individually after introducing them or as a group depending on
how well they already know the numbers.

Wrap-up: Finish class

Color + number fetch
With all students on one side of the classroom, push the tables aside if
necessary, making a space for them to be able to move around. Put the
color and number flashcards up on one end of the room. Divide
students into two groups.
Take one student from each group and stand them next to each other.
Call out a number or color and the first one of the two to grab the
flashcard wins a point for their team. You can write the names on the
board so that they can see their team earning points.
3º Infantil

Hour 2

Warm-up: 10 min.

Review the question from the day before by asking the question:
¨What is your name?¨- ¨My name is_____¨

Introduce: ¨How are you today?¨ - ¨I am happy/sad/angry/hungry/tired¨

Review the emotions as you ask and expect them to answer with
complete sentences. This will be difficult for them at first but
they will get it in a few days.

Numbers review: 5 min.

Review numbers 1-12. Go through numbers counting and reviewing
with flashcards or by writing them up on the board.

Numbers bingo: 10 min.

With big bingo number cards, play a game of bingo.

How old are you?: 5 min.

Introduce the questions ¨How old are you?¨ - ¨I am ___ years old¨

How old are you? Song: 10 min.

Introduce the song by having the students do a dance stop.
They know this as ¨Las estatuas¨ where you put the music on and the
students dance until you stop the music and they must stand still or
they are eliminated. Go through the song a couple of times until they
start to get a little tired.
After, in a circle, listen to song and try to identify the vocabulary. You
can do this by having them raise their hands when they recognize a
word or by shouting them out as they hear words they know. The
objective is to have students be able to sing along with the music.

Color review: Go through the color flashcards. You can start by
having students repeat after you and then play a game where the first
one to say the word keeps the card. At the end, they like to count and
see who has the most cards. If there are students who don’t have a card
or fewer than the others, give them a card even if someone else has said
the word first. All students should finish with a flashcard.
Tic-tac-toe/noughts and crosses:
Put a grid of three by three up on the board and place the flashcards in
the grid. Divide students into two groups and explain to them (or don´t
explain too much as they won´t really understand) the objective is to
have each group try and make line or row of three by identifying the
vocabulary. In Spanish it´s called ¨tres en raya¨.
3º Infantil

Hour 3

Warm-up: 10 min
Review the following questions:
¨How are you today?¨ -I am happy/sad/angry, etc.
¨What is your name?¨ -My name is ______.
(If students seem to be able to use them well and aren’t confusing them,
you can ¨How old are you?¨)

How old are you song: 15 min.

Musical chairs: With the song, set up chairs to play musical chairs.

Review song: In the group, try and sing along with the song, identifying the numbers
with fingers for example as they sing along.

Color review: 5 min.

With flashcards, drill colors. Hold up the colors (objects, crayons, etc.) and
have student identify them. Turn this into a game of being the first to identify the
color for example.
You can also play the repetition game where you go in a circle and each
student has a color. The first student says their color and then the second
student repeats the first student’s color and then says their own. The thirds
student then repeats the first and second’s colors and then says their own. Go
around and the last student to say all of the ten colors says them correctly (and the
teacher can help them along), give the class one point.

Color bingo: 10 min.

Introduce classroom objects: 5 min.

Introduce classroom objects with flashcards or the classroom object pieces.
Go though the classroom objects and introduce, ask how to say, each object.

Throw-up! 5 min.
Once students seem to be able to repeat the classroom objects, or recognize
them, throw the little pieces up in the air and have students run to pick them
Once they have collected all of he objects, they can organize them and then
repeat back to the class.
They are expected to say (with teacher’s help), ¨I have got # pencils¨
(for example)

Dance stop. With the How old are you song, play dance stop to finish the
3º Infantil

Hour 4

Warm-up: 10 min.
Review the following questions:
¨How are you today?¨ -I am happy/sad/angry, etc.
¨What is your name?¨ -My name is ______.
(If students seem to be able to use them well and aren’t confusing them,
you can ¨How old are you?¨)

Classroom object review: 5 min.

Review classroom objects from day before.

Can I have…?: 5 min.

Give out various classroom objects to different students and start asking them,
¨Can I have a pencil?¨, ¨Can I have a rubber?¨, etc.

From now on, the students will be expected to use this phrase whenever
possible. They will have difficulties and need constant reminding, but should
be using it throughout the year.

Pencil sharpener sheet: 15 min.

Students will need a lot of help from the teacher and constant supervision is
Put up the flashcards for: pencil sharpened, pencil, rubber, scissors and glue
on the board and write the word next to them. Students will write on the dotted
line and identify the objects within the picture.

Review objects one more time: 2 min.

Finish the class with pictionary/charades. Divide the students into two groups
and play a five-year-old friendly version of pictionary of charades, they can
draw and act but not say what it is. Their team has approximately one minute
to call out the object that they are drawing or using to get a point for their team.
3º Infantil

Hour 5

Warm-up: 10 min.
Review the following questions:
¨How are you today?¨ -I am happy/sad/angry, etc.
¨What is your name?¨ -My name is ______.
(If students seem to be able to use them well and aren’t confusing them,
you can ¨How old are you?¨)

Can I have a pencil?: 5 min.

Do the same activity with the classroom objects as the day before. Hand out
the classroom objects and start asking the students to give you specific objects.
Finish up by going thought the flashcards and reviewing all of the words itn eh

Play classroom object board game: 15 min.

Break students up into groups and have them play at the board games.
You will have to have dice and plastic game pieces prepared beforehand.

Review numbers 1-12: 3 min.

Practice the numbers with students.

Play How old are you song?: 5 min.

Have students sing along and dance.

Memory with classroom objects: 10 min.

Put classroom objects cards face down and student must pick up two one by
one and try to make a pair.

Finish the class with ¨duck duck goose ¨ but rotating the vocabulary from
¨pencil pencil rubber¨ etc.
3º Infantil

Hour 6

Warm-up: 10 min.
Review the following questions:
¨How are you today?¨ -I am happy/sad/angry, etc.
¨What is your name?¨ -My name is ______.

Colors: 3 min.
Review colors with flashcards or clothing.

Color bingo: 10 min.

Play bingo with the color bingo cards.

Introduce the alphabet: 5 min.

Write it up on the board or put the flashcards up.
Many of the students will already know it or have some control of it.

Alphabet memory game: 15 min.

With alphabet cards, put two pairs down on the table/floor and have students
try to make pairs.

Hangman: 10 min.
Write the alphabet up on the board and the lines to spell a word.
Students will have no real concept of spelling which is fine. The objective is to
get them recognizing the letters and using them out of order. They will need
prompting form the teacher.
As the students make mistakes, the teacher draws a person up on the board,
making it as funny as possible. This will be a great way later on in the year to
have them spelling as well as to introduce other themes such as the body,
clothing, etc.

Dance stop or musical chairs with the How old are you? Song.
3º Infantil

Review September themes

Hour 7

Warm-up: 10 min.
Basic warm-up questions
Review of alphabet

Alphabet sheet: 10 min.

Students can do the alphabet bear. It is important that they be able to refer to
the written alphabet on the board.

Classroom objects: 3 min.

Review classroom objects

Classroom objects tic-tac-toe: 10 min.

Put objects up on board, divide students into two groups and play tic-tac-toe.

Numbers bingo: 10 min.

Color fetch: 10 min.

Divide student into two groups, put colors up on walls and have them compete,
one on one to be the first to grab the correct color from the wall.

What’s your favorite color? Song
With color flashcards, students should listen to the song and point to the color
when they recognize one.
Seasons: spring, winter, autumn, summer

Weather: hot, cold, windy, rainy, snowy

Intro. to Clothes: jumper, trainers, jacket, trousers, t-shirt, skirt, dress

¨What are you wearing?¨, ¨I am wearing____¨.

Days of the week: ¨What day is it today?¨, ¨Today is____¨.

Halloween: witch, wizard, bat, cat, haunted house

Verbs: to wear, to be hot/cold, to be, to have

Review: Classroom objects, Alphabet

What´s the weather like?
Genki English vol. 1.
Track 14

What´s the weather like?

What´s the weather like?
What´s the weather like,

What´s the weather like?

What´s the weather like?
What´s the weather like,

It´s rainy, it´s cloudy,

It´s windy and it´s snowy.
It´s rainy, it´s cloudy,
It´s windy and it´s snowy.

What´s the weather like?

What´s the weather like?
What´s the weather like,

It´s sunny, it´s fine.

It´s hot, it´s a beautiful day!
It´s sunny, it´s fine.
It´s hot, it´s a beautiful day!

What´s the weather like?

What´s the weather like?
What´s the weather like,
Places we play: park, playground, patio, amusement park

Clothes: jumper, jacket, coat, trousers, trainers, shoes, socks, dress, shirt,
¨What are you wearing?¨, ¨I am wearing ____.¨

Intro. to Body: head, eyes, nose, ears, hair, arms, hands, legs, feet,
fingers, toes, tummy, shoulders, knees
¨I have __color/number__ eyes, hair, legs, etc.¨

Emotions: happy, sad, angry, tired, hungry, ill + scared

Verbs: to play, to dance, to sing, to draw, to put on, to take off, to be,
to have, can

Review: colors

Songs: ¨Clothes song¨ Three in a tree A+B Tr. 8

Cookie put your trousers on
Track 8

Cookie put your trousers on,

Cookie put your trousers on,
Cookie put your trousers on,
Put your trousers on.

Cookie put your hat on,

Cookie put your hat on,
Cookie put your hat on,
Put your hat on.

Cookie put your shoes on,

Cookie put your shoes on,
Cookie put your shoes on,
Put your shoes on.

Cookie take your hat off,

Cookie take your hat off,
Cookie take your hat off,
Take your hat off.

Cookie take your shoes off,

Cookie take your shoes off,
Cookie take your shoes off,
Take your shoes off.

Cookie take your trousers off,

Cookie take your trousers off,
Cookie take your trousers off,
Take your trousers off.
Body: head, eyes, nose, ears, hair, arms, hands, legs, feet, fingers, toes,
tummy, shoulders, knees
¨How many _X_ have you got?¨, I have got _#_ _X_¨
(How many fingers have you got?, I have got ten fingers¨)

Physical description: to be + tall, short, thin, fat, pretty, ugly, big, little,
short (hair), long (hair)
¨I am(s/he is) tall (short/fat, etc.)¨

Toys: train, bike, boat, trumpet, car, robot, plane, doll, kite, guitar, ball,
drum, scooter
¨I have __#__ dolls (cars/robots, etc.)¨

Christmas: tree, Santa Clause, presents/gifts, snow, reindeer, sleigh,


Verbs: to play, to be, to have, to touch, to give

Review: Numbers

Songs: ¨My name is Mr Octopus¨ Genki English CD vol. 4. Tr 20

My name is Mr. Octopus
Genki English Vol. 4
Track 20

My name is Mr Octopus
My name is Mr Octopus
I´ve got 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 arms,
2 eyes, a mouth and a head.

But I haven´t got any legs.

No, no legs. But it doesn´t matter because I´ve got…

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 arms, 2 eyes, a mouth and a head.

My name is Mr Octopus
My name is Mr Octopus
I´ve got 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 arms,
2 eyes, a mouth and a head.

But I haven´t got any legs.

No, no legs. But it doesn´t matter because I´ve got…

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 arms, 2 eyes, a mouth and a head.

My name is Mrs Alien.

My name is Mrs Alien.
I´ve got 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 eyes
2 legs, a nose and a mouth.

But I haven´t got any arms.

But that´s OK because I´ve got
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, eyes,
2 legs, a nose and a mouth.
Family: mother (mummy), father (daddy), sister, brother, grandfather,
grandmother, (cousin, aunt, uncle- to be introduced if students don´t have difficulties with
other vocabulary)
¨How many brothers have you got?¨ - ¨I´ve got _#_ brothers¨

Pets + intro. to animals: dog, cat, fish, snake, turtle, bird

¨What pets have you got?¨, ¨I have got a bird, a dog, etc.¨

Verbs: to play, to swim, to walk, to climb, to have, to be, can, to live

Review: Toys

Songs: ¨Baby Monkey Family¨ Genki English CD vol. 2 Tr. 20

¨Do you have any pets?¨ Genki English CD vol. 6 Tr. 24
Pets + Animals: dog, cat, fish, snake, horse, frog, crocodile, monkey,
turtle, tiger, lion, elephant, rabbit (bunny) bear, chicken.

Intro. to food: vegetables, fruit, apple, orange, banana, tomato, lettuce,

milk, water, cheese, cake, candy, chocolate, yummy, yucky.

Verbs: can, to swim, to walk, to climb, to fly, to eat, to drink, to jump, to

like, to be, to have.

Review: Body, physical description.

Songs: ¨Do you have any pets?¨ Genki English CD vol. 6 Tr. 24
¨Do you like animals?¨ Genki English CD vol. 3 Tr. 26
Food: vegetables, fruit, apple, orange, banana, tomato, lettuce, milk,
water, cheese, cake, candy, chocolate, yummy, yucky.

Shapes: Square, circle, triangle, rectangle.

Prepositions of place: in, on, under, behind.

-This is to be done with the Elephant. The instructions being:
Draw a square behind the elephant, draw a circle under…etc.

Verbs: to like, to eat, to drink, to cook, to be, to draw, to have, can.

Review: Clothes.

Songs: ¨Do you like…¨(Choco Mix) Genki English CD vol. 3. Tr. 27

¨Left and Right¨ Genki English CD vol. 1. Tr. 8
Left and Right
Genki English vol. 1
Track 8

Left and right,

Forward and back,
Left and right,
Forward and back,
Left and right,
Forward and back,
Left and right,
Forward and back.

Sit down, Stand up.

Turn left, turn right.
And jump, jump
Jump, jump, jump!

Left and right,

Forward and back,
Left and right,
Forward and back,
Left and right,
Forward and back,
Left and right,
Forward and back.

Spin around,
Sit down,
Stand up,
Spin around,
And jump, jump,
Jump, jump, jump!
Nature: day, night, star, moon, sun, mountain, ocean, forest, jungle, tree,
flower, leaves, river.

Verbs: to live, to like, to have, to be.

Review: animals, weather, seasons, months, days of the week.

Songs: ¨The months¨ Othmane´s CD. Tr. 11.

¨The Jungle song¨ Othmane´s CD. Tr. 4
House: bedroom, living-room, bathroom, garden, kitchen, dining-room.

House objects: bed, clothes, TV, telephone, sofa, toys, bath, toilet,
flowers, phone, computer, CD player

Family: Mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, cousin,

aunt, uncle.

Verbs: to sleep, to draw, to eat, to drink, to cook, to watch TV, to brush

teeth, to have a bath, to play, to have, to be, can, to like.

Review: toys, games, places we play, prepositions, animals, nature, food

Songs: ¨Where, where where?¨, Genki English CD vol. 4 Tr. 14

Where, where, where?
Genki English
Vol. 4 tr. 14

Where, where, where?

There, there, there!
Where, where, where?

Where´s the toilet?

Over there.
Where´s the phone?
Over there.
Where´s the TV?
Over there.
Where´s the teacher´s room?
Over there.

Where, where, where?

There, there, there!
Where, where, where?

Where´s the computer?

Over there.
Where´s the piano?
Over there.
Where´s the CD player?
Over there.
Where are you?
I´m here!

Where, where, where?

There, there, there!
Where, where, where?
Summer: hot, vacation, sunny, sandals, shorts, t-shirts.

Beach: crab, towel, castle, sand, ball, swimming suit, ice cream.

Sports: football, swimming, volleyball, running, playing.

Verbs: review of all actions

(run, jump, play, swim, read, write, go, have, can, fly, etc.)

Review: all themes from year.

Songs: songs from throughout the year.

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