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Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50

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Consolidating working memory: Distinguishing the effects

of consolidation, rehearsal and attentional refreshing in a
working memory span task
Donna M. Bayliss a,⇑, Jade Bogdanovs a, Christopher Jarrold a,b
Neurocognitive Development Unit, School of Psychology, University of Western Australia, Australia
School of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In a series of experiments, we demonstrated that manipulating the opportunity that indi-
Received 17 March 2014 viduals had to consolidate each memory item produced systematic differences in working
revision received 20 December 2014 memory span performance. In young adults, presenting an unfilled delay interval immedi-
ately following the presentation of each to-be-remembered item and before the onset of a
distractor processing activity produced enhanced working memory performance relative to
Keywords: when the same delay interval was presented after the processing activity. In addition, the
Short-term consolidation
beneficial effect of providing an opportunity for consolidation was unaffected by manipu-
Working memory
Attentional refreshing
lations of processing difficulty (Experiment 1), processing pace (Experiment 2), and artic-
Articulatory rehearsal ulatory suppression (Experiment 3). Finally, we demonstrated that RT functions consistent
with a process of short-term consolidation are evident at longer item presentation times
more commonly associated with working memory span tasks (Experiment 4). Together,
these results suggest that the process of consolidation is separable from articulatory
rehearsal and attentional refreshing. Moreover, these results are difficult to account for
in terms of cognitive load, temporal distinctiveness, and/or distractor removal and suggest
that current models of working memory may need to be modified to take into account the
temporal parameters associated with the initial consolidation of memory items.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction working memory have been the subject of extensive

research in the 40 years since the seminal model of
Working memory is thought to be responsible for the Baddeley and Hitch (1974) was first proposed. A central
active maintenance and management of information tenet of the Baddeley and Hitch model was that verbal
required to complete current task goals (Baddeley, 1986), information was maintained in working memory through
and is commonly measured using working memory span a process of rehearsal (Baddeley, Lewis, & Vallar, 1984),
tasks that require both the maintenance of a series of to- and extensive research has been devoted to understanding
be-remembered items and the completion of a concurrent this mechanism (Awh et al., 1996; Baddeley, 1986;
processing activity (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980). The Baddeley, Thomson, & Buchanan, 1975; Tam, Jarrold,
factors influencing the maintenance of information in Baddeley, & Sabatos-DeVito, 2010; Tan & Ward, 2008).
However, more recent conceptualisations of working
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Psychology, Mailbag M304, The memory have begun to suggest that other processes in
University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, addition to rehearsal may be important for the successful
Australia. Fax: +61 (0) 8 6488 1006. maintenance of information in memory (Camos, Lagner,
E-mail address: (D.M. Bayliss).
0749-596X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50 35

& Barrouillet, 2009; Cowan, 1999; Tam et al., 2010). In par- Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998) were one of the first to
ticular, a number of researchers have argued for a process provide a systematic investigation of the process of short-
of attentional refreshing that acts to maintain information term consolidation. They developed a paradigm for investi-
stored in working memory by focusing domain-general gating the time course of consolidation by combining a
attention on to-be-remembered items (Barrouillet, visual memory task with an auditory forced-choice reac-
Bernardin, & Camos, 2004; Barrouillet, Portrat, & Camos, tion time task. Participants were presented with a visual
2011; Johnson, 1992), with considerable evidence amassed stimulus item (a letter or symbol) which was quickly
to support this view (Barrouillet, Bernardin, Portrat, masked, followed by the forced-choice reaction time task,
Vergauwe, & Camos, 2007; Camos et al., 2009; Raye, which involved judging tones as being either high or low
Johnson, Mitchell, Greene, & Johnson, 2007; Raye, in pitch by making an appropriate keypress. Finally, partic-
Johnson, Mitchell, Reeder, & Greene, 2002). Additionally, ipants were required to recall the initial visual memory
some recent investigations have suggested that the process stimulus. The time interval between the presentation of
of consolidating information into working memory may the initial memory stimulus and the onset of the tone
also play a role in determining performance was varied systematically. The hypothesis was that if the
(Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014; Ricker & Cowan, 2014; memory stimulus was still being consolidated when the
Vergauwe, Camos, & Barrouillet, 2014). However, the nat- tone was presented, reaction times to the tone would be
ure of the consolidation process in the context of working slowed relative to a tone presented after consolidation
memory remains relatively underspecified and, impor- had finished, when an individual’s central attentional
tantly, little is known about how it relates to the more mechanisms would again be available. Results consistently
established processes of rehearsal and attentional refresh- showed that reaction times to the tone were slower when
ing. The current study aimed to address these issues by the interval between the initial memory stimulus and the
examining the effect of providing an opportunity for con- tone was short, and became increasingly faster as this
solidation in a working memory span task, and differenti- interval increased. This was taken as evidence of a process
ating this effect from those associated with attentional of consolidation. Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998) went on
refreshing and articulatory rehearsal. to demonstrate that this process of consolidation was
Short-term consolidation refers to the processing under conscious control, by including a condition in which
involved in transforming fragile, transient sensory input participants were still presented with the memory items,
into more durable memory representations (Chun & but were instructed to ignore these and to just respond
Potter, 1995; Jolicoeur & Dell’Acqua, 1998) and has been to the choice reaction time task, as recall was not required
distinguished from the more basic sensory and perceptual at the end of each trial. For this condition, reaction times to
encoding involved in the detection and identification of a the tone were unaffected by temporal proximity to the ini-
stimulus (Jolicoeur & Dell’Acqua, 1998; Nieuwenstein & tial stimulus, suggesting that the slowed reaction times in
Wyble, 2014; Ricker & Cowan, 2014). The transmission of the former condition were specifically associated with the
information during sensory and perceptual encoding is need to remember information and not simply the percep-
thought to be fast and to occur in parallel, with representa- tual characteristics of the task. Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua
tions formed during these stages subject to rapid forgetting (1998) concluded that consolidation is an important pro-
unless they undergo a process of consolidation. In contrast, cess involved in transferring information into short-term
the process of consolidation, which is thought to occur memory, and that it requires central processing resources.
after these basic encoding stages, is argued to be time-con- Although considerable research has been devoted to
suming and reliant on central attentional mechanisms establishing the basic parameters of the consolidation pro-
(Jolicoeur & Dell’Acqua, 1998). Consolidated memory rep- cess (Jolicoeur, 1999; Jolicoeur & Dell’Acqua, 1999;
resentations are thought to be available for later report Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014; Stevanovski & Jolicoeur,
in the absence of ongoing sensory input (Chun & Potter, 2007, 2011), it is not currently known whether the process
1995; Jolicoeur & Dell’Acqua, 1998), to be able to with- of consolidation is important for performance on a typical
stand interference from new information entering the sys- working memory span task. However, converging evidence
tem (Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014), and to be more from studies that have manipulated the time available for
resistant to forgetting (Ricker & Cowan, 2014). Ricker and post-encoding processing in other paradigms suggests that
Cowan (2014) have likened encoding to the sensory activa- it is likely to be a contributing factor. For example, a recent
tion of features in long-term memory and consolidation to study by Barrouillet, Plancher, Guida, and Camos (2013)
the entry of these features into Cowan’s (1988, 1995) focus showed that increasing the time available for the encoding
of attention. A number of frameworks have proposed a of memory items in a serial recall task, by presenting mem-
similar distinction between initial sensory encoding and ory items at a slow (i.e., 5000 ms per item) rather than a
the subsequent formation or consolidation of integrated fast (i.e., 500 ms per item) pace, led to better recall of the
representations in short-term memory (e.g., Chun & memory items. Moreover, recall of the memory items pre-
Potter, 1995; Jolicoeur & Dell’Acqua, 1998; Massaro, sented at a slow pace was more resistant to an increase in
1975; Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014) and we will follow the number of distractors presented during retrieval, sug-
suit in using this distinction and terminology. However, gesting that the memory traces may have been protected
we remain open to the possibility that what we and others to some extent from event-based interference, but were
have termed consolidation may in fact reflect the operation still affected by an increase in the attentional demand of
of other post-encoding processes and will return to this the distractors. Barrouillet et al. (2013) attributed the dif-
issue in the General Discussion. ference between the fast and slow paced conditions to
36 D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50

the increased time allowed for consolidation of the mem- designing future studies, as unintentionally impeding the
ory items. However, the paradigm used by Barrouillet consolidation process may in turn affect working memory
et al. (2013) did not prevent articulatory rehearsal during span performance and relationships found between work-
presentation of the memory items and so it is unclear ing memory and other higher-level cognitive abilities.
whether the beneficial effects reported in their study really Moreover, studying consolidation within the context of a
reflect greater consolidation of the memory items or just a working memory span task will have important theoretical
greater opportunity for rehearsal. implications for current models of working memory that
Similarly, Ricker and Cowan (2014) showed that equat- do not incorporate such a process.
ing the time available for post-encoding processing, but Indeed, a key issue that is yet to be addressed is
not basic encoding time, led to equivalent rates of forget- whether the process of consolidation differs from other
ting in a visual probe recognition paradigm. In their para- processes such as attentional refreshing and articulatory
digm, participants were presented with three unfamiliar rehearsal that are known to be important for working
visual characters either simultaneously or sequentially, memory performance; it could certainly be argued that
followed by a mask and then a variable retention interval. consolidation is simply an extension of the same mainte-
When only the time available for sensory and perceptual nance processes that are known to operate once items
encoding was equated, the rate of forgetting across the are initially encoded in memory. There is some evidence
retention intervals was greater for the simultaneous condi- to suggest that this is not the case. Stevanovski and
tion than the sequential. However, when blank intervals Jolicoeur (2007) combined the Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua
were inserted into the simultaneous condition (by present- (1998) paradigm described above with an articulatory sup-
ing the whole memory array multiple times) to also equate pression task and showed a similar pattern of results as in
the free time available across the two conditions, the dif- the earlier Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua study. That is, RTs to a
ference in forgetting rates was eliminated. Ricker and choice RT task decreased as the time between the presen-
Cowan (2014) argued that this equated the amount of time tation of the memory item and the choice RT task
available for the consolidation of each memory item into increased. This suggests that the process of consolidation
memory, and concluded that consolidation time was an is independent of articulatory rehearsal. In addition,
important determinant of working memory performance. Stevanovski and Jolicoeur (2007) showed that the slope
Finally, using a Brown–Peterson paradigm in which par- of the consolidation function was unaffected by an increase
ticipants are presented with a series of items to remember in memory load from one to three items, even though RTs
followed by a distractor processing activity, Vergauwe increased overall. This suggests that although there is a
et al. (2014) showed that response times for the first pro- cost associated with the concurrent maintenance of a
cessing item increased linearly with memory load (cf. memory load, the efficiency of the consolidation process
Jarrold, Tam, Baddeley, & Harvey, 2011). This increase in appears to be independent of this cost. However, in terms
response times for the first processing item was evident of the relationship between consolidation and attentional
for both verbal and spatial memoranda and spatial and refreshing, no study has attempted to distinguish these
numerical processing tasks, and was estimated to be processes from one another, though different timescales
around 250 ms per item. Vergauwe et al. (2014) attributed have been suggested to be associated with each (e.g., see
this increase to the time required for consolidation of the Vergauwe et al., 2014).
memory items, which they argued was attentionally The current series of experiments was therefore
demanding and led to a postponement of the processing designed to investigate whether short-term consolidation
activity. Response times on subsequent processing items is important for working memory span performance and
(i.e., all processing items apart from the first within each to examine the distinction between consolidation, articula-
processing episode) also showed a linear increase with tory rehearsal and attentional refreshing. The first of these
memory load, however, the magnitude of this increase aims was addressed by manipulating the opportunity that
was estimated to be around 50 ms per item, which participants had to consolidate memory items in a working
Vergauwe et al. (2014) attributed to the cost associated memory span task. The tasks used here were modified ver-
with attentional refreshing. sions of the computer-paced complex span tasks used by
There is, therefore, good reason to believe that the pro- Barrouillet et al. (2004, 2007) and Lépine, Bernardin, and
cess of consolidation may be important for working mem- Barrouillet (2005), as these allow for the timing of opera-
ory performance, but crucially none of these studies have tions to be manipulated precisely. Each task involved a ser-
used a working memory span task in which the distracting ies of memory items, with an interleaved processing
processing activity is interspersed between the memory activity that was to be completed after the presentation
items. The rapid switching that occurs between the encod- of each memory item. In one condition, an opportunity
ing of each memory item and completion of an interleaved for consolidation was provided by presenting a blank delay
processing activity in a working memory span task would interval immediately following the presentation of each
suggest that a consolidation process may be particularly memory item and before the onset of the processing activ-
susceptible to interruption in these tasks (see Jarrold ity. The rationale was that in this condition, participants
et al., 2011, for evidence that memory performance is would be able to consolidate the memory representation
affected by the location of the distractor processing to some extent before switching their attention to the
activity). If the opportunity for consolidation does affect processing activity. In contrast, in a second condition, the
performance on commonly used working memory tasks, processing activity was presented immediately following
it will be important to take this into consideration when the presentation of each memory item, thus minimising
D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50 37

any opportunity for consolidation of the memory represen- a blank delay interval (delayed condition). This manipula-
tation prior to completing the processing activity. Impor- tion was combined with the manipulation of processing
tantly, this condition also included a delay interval to difficulty used by Camos et al. (2009, Experiment 1) to vary
equate the overall duration of the tasks, but this was pre- the opportunity for attentional refreshing, and thus, the
sented after the processing activity and before the next cognitive load of the memory task. This processing diffi-
memory item. If the process of consolidation is important culty manipulation involved either reading or performing
for working memory, then performance should be better simple mathematical calculations.
in the condition that provides an opportunity for this to It was hypothesised that allowing time for consolida-
occur prior to the presentation of the processing activity. tion would be beneficial for working memory performance,
To address our second aim of differentiating between resulting in better performance in the delayed processing
consolidation, rehearsal and attentional refreshing, we position condition overall. In addition, if consolidation pro-
controlled the opportunity that participants had to engage vides a protective effect for memory items against interfer-
in each of these processes and examined whether this ence from the concurrent processing task, then any effect
influenced any effects attributed to the process of consoli- of processing difficulty may be moderated by the position
dation. In Experiment 1, we manipulated the opportunity of the processing task. That is, memory items that have had
participants had for attentional refreshing by varying the more opportunity for consolidation may be less affected by
difficulty of the processing activity. Within the Time-Based an increase in the difficulty of the processing task. Further
Resource Sharing (TBRS) model of Barrouillet et al. (2004, to this, our experimental design allowed for consolidation
2007, 2011), the ‘cognitive load’ of a given working mem- and attentional refreshing to be disentangled. If consolida-
ory task is defined as the proportion of the total task time tion and attentional refreshing are separable processes, it
during which the processing activity occupies attention was expected that there would be main effects of both pro-
and as a consequence, prevents attentional refreshing of cessing difficulty and processing position, reflecting the
the memory items. In support of this claim, Barrouillet influence of attentional refreshing and consolidation,
et al. (2004, 2007) have shown that more difficult process- respectively. However, if short-term consolidation is not
ing tasks take longer to complete (thus purportedly important for working memory and performance can be
decreasing the time available for attentional refreshing best explained in terms of attentional refreshing, only a
and increasing the cognitive load of the task) and result main effect of processing difficulty would be expected, as
in poorer working memory performance. In Experiment the time available for attentional refreshing overall
2, we used a different manipulation of processing diffi- remained constant across both levels of processing
culty, and in Experiment 3, we blocked articulatory rehear- position.
sal by requiring participants to complete the tasks under
articulatory suppression. In all experiments, the manipula-
tions of processing difficulty were crossed with the manip-
ulation varying the opportunity for consolidation
described above to create four working memory tasks. This
Sixty-two undergraduate university students (18
enabled us to examine whether any effects of consolida-
males) aged between 17 and 52 years (mean age = 20.53 -
tion were evident independently of any effects of atten-
years) participated in the study. Participants received
tional refreshing and/or articulatory rehearsal. A final
either course credit or a small payment for participation.
experiment was also conducted to provide more direct evi-
dence of the involvement of a process of short-term con-
solidation in working memory span performance. Tasks and procedure
Working memory tasks. Four working memory tasks were
created by crossing two levels of processing difficulty
Experiment 1 (easy, difficult) with two levels of processing position
(immediate, delayed). Each working memory task involved
Experiment 1 was designed to examine whether short- the recall of lists of letters in the same order that they were
term consolidation is important for performance on a typ- presented. The pool of letter stimuli comprised 18 conso-
ical working memory span task by systematically varying nants (all consonants excluding Y, W, and Q). Lists were
the opportunity for consolidation. Processing difficulty, between three and seven letters in length, with four trials
and therefore, the cognitive load of the task, was also completed at each length, for a total of 20 trials for each
manipulated, allowing us to investigate whether consoli- working memory task. An additional three practice trials
dation and attentional refreshing are separate processes. were presented at the beginning of each working memory
By manipulating processing difficulty, we were also able task, all with a length of two items. Letter stimuli were ran-
to address the question of whether memory traces that domly selected without replacement for each trial. Experi-
have had time to consolidate are more resistant to interfer- mental trials were presented in a randomised order for
ence, as suggested by the results of Barrouillet et al. (2013). each participant. The presentation of the letters was inter-
The continuous operation span task used by Lépine et al. spersed with the processing task, which involved either
(2005) was modified in this experiment to include a reading digits aloud (easy condition) or performing simple
manipulation of the position of the processing activity, calculations aloud (difficult condition). All working mem-
which was presented either immediately after the presen- ory tasks were computerised and presented using the Rev-
tation of the memory item (immediate condition), or after olution Dreamcard programme.
38 D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50

Each trial of the working memory tasks began with a they achieved perfect performance on the processing task
fixation cross presented in the centre of the computer (for a maximum score of 20). Two participants (one male,
screen for 750 ms, followed by a letter presented in Arial one female) were excluded from the analysis for poor per-
font approximately 30 mm in height, which the partici- formance on the processing task, more than three standard
pants were required to read aloud. This letter was pre- deviations below the mean for the sample. The remaining
sented for 500 ms, followed by a blank screen for 200 ms 60 participants had a mean age of 20.52 years, and ranged
and a variable delay interval before the processing task. from 17 to 52 years old.
In the delayed condition, a blank screen was presented
for a further 2400 ms before presentation of the first pro- Data analysis
cessing item, while in the immediate condition, the first Means and standard errors for the four working mem-
processing item was presented directly following the ory tasks are presented in Fig. 1. A 2  2 repeated measures
200 ms inter-stimulus interval, with no delay. Participants ANOVA with the factors of processing position (immediate,
then completed the processing task. A single digit between delayed) and processing difficulty (easy, difficult) revealed
1 and 9 inclusive was displayed in the centre of the screen, significant main effects of processing position,
followed by the consecutive presentation of two simple F(1, 59) = 4.24, p = .04, gp2 = .067, with better performance
operations randomly selected for each trial (i.e., +1, 1, in the delayed condition (M = .51 and .54 for the immediate
+2, or 2). These digits were the same size as the letters, and delayed conditions respectively), and processing diffi-
but presented in colour, alternating between red and green culty, F(1, 59) = 62.04, p < .01, gp2 = .513, with poorer per-
for each successive operation. Each digit or operation was formance in the difficult processing condition (M = .59
presented for 1000 ms, with an inter-stimulus interval of and .45 for the easy and difficult conditions respectively).
200 ms, during which the screen was blank. Participants No significant interaction was found, F(1, 59) = 0.97,
were required to read the initial number aloud, and then p = .33, gp2 = .016.
perform the calculations presented, for example, ‘‘4, plus
2 is 6, minus 1 is 5’’. In the easy condition, the answer to Discussion
the arithmetic problem was presented next to the opera-
tion, so participants only needed to read what was on the Results from this first experiment showed that both the
screen (i.e., 4, +2, 6, 1, 5). In the difficult condition, the processing difficulty and processing position manipula-
answer was not presented, and participants needed to per- tions affected performance on the working memory task.
form the calculations themselves. Responses to the arith- Higher processing demands in the difficult processing con-
metic problems in the difficult conditions were recorded dition resulted in lower memory performance, and provid-
by the experimenter. Following the processing task was a ing a delay directly after the presentation of the to-be-
second variable delay (2400 ms in the immediate condi- remembered item (i.e., before the subsequent processing
tion, and 0 ms in the delayed condition), before the next activity) resulted in better memory performance. This sec-
letter in the trial was presented. This second delay ensured ond result is consistent with the concept of short-term
that the overall time for each trial remained constant consolidation described by Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua
across conditions. The storage and processing sequence (1998), as providing a delay directly after the presentation
was repeated between three and seven times, depending of the storage items, and thus allowing time for these items
on trial length. Immediately following the trial, partici- to be consolidated, did result in better memory perfor-
pants were presented with a screen containing all possible mance (see also, Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014). The finding
letters, and were asked to verbally recall the letters in the that the manipulations of processing position and process-
same order that they were presented. The experimenter ing difficulty – though both significant – did not interact,
clicked on the corresponding letters as they were recalled,
with letters recalled accurately and in the correct serial
position scored as correct. The proportion of letters 0.8 Easy
recalled correctly was calculated for each task. Difficult
Proportion Correct

Procedure. Participants completed all tasks over two ses- 0.6

sions with two working memory tasks completed in each
session. Tasks were counterbalanced across participants,
with the restriction that a participant complete tasks of
the same difficulty level within the same session. Partici-
pants were instructed that both parts of the working mem- 0.2
ory task (i.e., remembering the letters and reading/
performing the calculations) were equally important.
Immediate Delayed
Processing Position
Data screening
Fig. 1. Mean proportion of items correctly recalled for each working
Participants were screened based on their performance memory task formed by crossing processing position (immediate,
on the processing task for the difficult conditions, that is, delayed) with processing difficulty (easy, difficult). Error bars represent
participants were awarded one point for each trial where standard errors.
D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50 39

suggests that the processes of consolidation and atten- in our initial experiment. For example, the processing com-
tional refreshing are separate. According to Barrouillet ponent of the working memory task used was very fast
et al. (2011), the cognitive load of a task depends on the paced, faster even than the ‘fast paced’ condition in the
ratio of the time during which the processing activity cap- very similar processing task used by Camos et al. (2009).
tures attention to the total processing time available, with That being the case, it is possible that the memory traces
more executively demanding processing tasks requiring did enjoy some degree of protection from subsequent
attention for longer. In the current experiment, this cogni- interference as a result of being consolidated, but that
tive load ratio remained constant regardless of the position any evidence of this protection was obliterated by the
of the processing activity (i.e., immediate or delayed), and intensely demanding processing activity.
was only affected by the difficulty of the processing task. A second aspect to consider was that the delay interval
Nevertheless, a main effect of processing position was for the delayed processing position condition was rela-
found, with a delay immediately following the storage tively long at 2400 ms, compared to the maximum
items resulting in better overall working memory perfor- 1600 ms interval used by Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua
mance relative to if the same delay was presented after (1998). A 2400 ms interval was used to ensure that all par-
the presentation of the processing items. If the opportunity ticipants completing the delayed processing position con-
for attentional refreshing was the only factor affecting ditions had time to consolidate the information
working memory performance, we would not expect to presented. However, it is possible that this interval was
find this main effect of processing position, as the opportu- also long enough to encourage rehearsal of the memory
nity for refreshing was the same in both processing posi- items, either overtly or covertly. There was anecdotal evi-
tion conditions. Thus, the results of the current study dence to suggest that this was the case, at least for some
strongly suggest that the process of consolidation is sepa- participants. If participants were able to use verbal rehear-
rate from attentional refreshing and constrains perfor- sal during the delay interval, this adds a possible confound
mance on working memory span tasks. to these conditions in that rehearsal of the memory items
In terms of the process of consolidation itself, memory straight after their presentation (i.e., the delayed process-
traces that have been consolidated are assumed to be in ing position condition) might have been more beneficial
some way ‘protected’ from interference from other infor- for memory than rehearsal of the memory items following
mation subsequently entering the cognitive system (e.g., completion of the processing activity (i.e., the immediate
see Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014). While this could poten- processing position condition), when the memory traces
tially explain the better memory performance in the may have either decayed or been overwritten to some
delayed processing position conditions overall, if the mem- extent. Thus, while the opportunity for rehearsal (and for-
ory items were indeed more resistant to interference due getting) was the same in both processing position condi-
to being consolidated, then one would expect to see a tions, in reality, early rehearsal may have been more
reduced effect of processing difficulty in the delayed condi- useful than late rehearsal. These concerns were addressed
tions. This was not evident. Items in the delayed conditions in the following two experiments.
suffered the same degree of memory decrement from the
increase in processing difficulty as items in the immediate
conditions that had not had a chance to be consolidated. Experiment 2
One potential explanation for this is that the manipulation
of processing difficulty that we used may not have actually In Experiment 2, four working memory tasks were cre-
increased the amount of interference experienced because ated by crossing two levels of processing position (imme-
participants were required to name the same items in each diate, delayed) with two levels of a pace manipulation
condition and so, the number of interfering events was the (fast, slow) in which a simple digit naming task was pre-
same. Thus, it could be argued that the real difference sented at either a fast or slow pace (cf. Barrouillet et al.,
between the two conditions was that in the difficult condi- 2004). A pace manipulation was used in this experiment
tion, participants were required to generate their own rather than a difficulty manipulation, because it enabled
answers, and so, the time available for refreshing would the use of simpler processing stimuli and thus, a more
have been reduced in this condition relative to the easy straightforward manipulation of the attentional refreshing
condition. This is consistent with suggestion of involved in the task. The use of the same processing activ-
Barrouillet et al. (2013), that memory traces that have ity (i.e., reading digits) in both the fast and slow paced con-
had a longer time to consolidate are more resistant to ditions also allowed for a comparison of performance on
interference from distractors, but are still susceptible to the processing component of the task, across the manipu-
increases in attentional demand. Thus, while providing lations of both pace and processing position. According to
an opportunity for consolidation in a working memory the TBRS model, there is less opportunity for attentional
span task did lead to better memory performance, consis- refreshing when participants are required to complete pro-
tent with a consolidation account, the consolidated mem- cessing items at a fast pace. Thus, we expected a main
ory traces were still susceptible to increases in effect of pace such that memory performance would be
attentional demand. poorer in the fast paced condition. In addition, in this
However, at this point, it is worth noting that the pre- experiment, the length of the delay interval presented
dicted reduction in the effect of processing difficulty fol- either directly after the memory item or after the process-
lowing an opportunity for consolidation may have been ing activity was reduced to 1000 ms. This was done to
masked due to certain aspects of the methodology used reduce the opportunity for participants to engage in
40 D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50

articulatory rehearsal, while still providing an opportunity rate. Digits used were between one and nine inclusive,
for consolidation to occur. In line with Experiment 1, we and the letters used were the same as in Experiment 1.
expected that providing participants with an opportunity Items were selected randomly without replacement for
to consolidate their memory directly after the presentation each trial (for the letters) or memory item (for the digits).
of the stimulus would lead to better memory performance. All working memory tasks were computerised and pre-
Furthermore, if attentional refreshing and consolidation sented using the Revolution Dreamcard programme.
are separable processes, as was suggested in Experiment Each trial began with the presentation of a fixation
1, then we would expect both the pace (slow or fast) and cross in the centre of the computer screen for 750 ms, fol-
processing position (immediate or delayed) manipulations lowed by a letter presented in black Arial font approxi-
to affect recall performance on the working memory task mately 30 mm in height. This letter was presented for
independently. 500 ms, and followed by a blank screen for a delay interval
Having said this, if the process of consolidation does in of 100 ms for the immediate conditions, and 1000 ms in
some way insulate the memory representation from inter- the delayed conditions. After the delay interval the pro-
ference from subsequent information entering the cogni- cessing task began, which involved the presentation of
tive system (e.g., Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014), then the six individual digits, in red Arial font, also approximately
effect of pace should be reduced in the delayed processing 30 mm in height and presented in the centre of the com-
position conditions compared to the immediate processing puter screen. Each digit was presented for 500 ms, with
position conditions. Although the manipulation of pace is an inter-stimulus-interval of 100 ms for the fast condi-
not a difficulty manipulation per se, reading the presented tions, and 500 ms for the slow conditions. Directly follow-
digits at a fast pace is more difficult (Barrouillet et al., ing the presentation of the final digit of each processing
2004), and recent modelling investigations of this effect set, a blank screen was presented for 1000 ms in the imme-
have suggested that presenting processing items at a fast diate conditions and 100 ms in the delayed conditions to
pace might act to reduce the time available for other pro- keep the overall length of the immediate and delayed ver-
cesses that offset interference, resulting in greater interfer- sions constant.
ence in this condition (Oberauer, Lewandowsky, Farrell, Following each trial, participants were presented with a
Jarrold, & Greaves, 2012). Although this predicted interac- screen containing all possible letters, and were required to
tion was not evident in Experiment 1, it was thought that recall the letters in the same order that they were pre-
employing a simpler processing task might enable some sented, by clicking on them using the computer mouse.
evidence of this protective effect to emerge. Having said Responses were scored by calculating the proportion of let-
this, if the lack of an interactive effect is replicated in this ters recalled accurately in the correct serial position.
experiment, this would advance our understanding of the
nature of the consolidation process thought to be operating Fluid reasoning tasks. The Ravens Standard Progressive
within the short time-frame associated with working Matrices – Plus Version was administered using the stand-
memory. Participants’ accuracy in the processing task ardised instructions, with participants given a 20 min time
was also analysed to assess for any effects of processing limit to complete as many items as possible.1
position on processing performance.

Method Procedure. Participants completed all tasks over two ses-

sions with two working memory tasks completed in each
Participants session. Task presentation was counterbalanced across
Sixty-nine undergraduate Psychology students (24 participants. Participants were instructed that both parts
males) aged between 17 and 52 years (mean age = 21.37 - of the working memory task (i.e., remembering the letters
years) participated in the study. Participants received and reading the digits correctly) were equally important.
credit points or a small payment in return for taking part Following the working memory tasks in the second ses-
in the experiment. sion, participants completed the Raven’s Standard Progres-
sive Matrices – Plus Version.
Tasks and procedure
Working memory tasks. Working memory tasks were cre- Results
ated by crossing two levels of processing pace (fast, slow)
with two levels of processing position (immediate, Data screening
delayed). As in Experiment 1, all working memory tasks Participants were screened on their performance in the
involved recalling lists of letters in the same order that processing task. Performance on the processing task was
they were presented. In this case, lists were between two calculated by determining the number of trials (out of
and six letters in length, with 20 trials in total (four at each 20) in which the participant correctly named all digits as
list length). In addition to these, three practice trials were they were presented on the computer screen. This process-
given at the beginning of each working memory task, with ing score was calculated for each working memory task
a list length of two memory items. As for Experiment 1, the separately, and any participants with a score more than
order of presentation of the experimental trials was ran- three standard deviations below the mean were excluded
domised for each participant. The presentation of the let-
ters was interspersed with a processing task, which 1
The Raven’s Matrices were included for the purpose of comparing
involved reading single digits as they appeared at a fixed participants across Experiments 2 and 3.
D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50 41

from all subsequent analyses, as they were deemed to have Discussion

not completed the task correctly. Two female participants
were excluded on the basis of their processing perfor- The results from Experiment 2 are consistent with the
mance. The remaining 67 participants had a mean age of findings from Experiment 1. Decreasing the opportunity
21.37 years, with a range of 17–52 years. for attentional refreshing by increasing the pace of the pro-
cessing activity did lower recall performance, consistent
Data analysis with the findings of Barrouillet and colleagues
Descriptive statistics for all working memory variables (Barrouillet et al., 2004; Camos et al., 2009). However, pro-
are presented in Fig. 2. Results for the Ravens Progressive viding a delay interval directly after presentation of the
Matrices showed a mean score of 39.31 with standard storage items improved memory recall performance, con-
deviation 4.52. A 2 (processing position: immediate, sistent with a process of consolidation. These findings can-
delayed)  2 (pace: fast, slow) repeated-measures ANOVA not easily be explained in terms of a trade-off between the
was conducted on recall accuracy. This revealed significant memory and processing components as performance on
main effects of processing position, F(1, 66) = 14.75, p < .01, the processing activity was high (>90% in all conditions)
gp2 = .18, with better performance in the delayed condition and unaffected by processing position. Additionally, as in
(M = .55 and .61 for the immediate and delayed conditions Experiment 1, providing an opportunity for consolidation
respectively), and of pace, F(1, 66) = 58.06, p < .01, gp2 = .47, in the delayed conditions did not fully protect recall from
with poorer performance in the fast pace condition an increase in attentional demand as the effect of process-
(M = .63 and .54 for the slow and fast paced conditions ing pace was comparable across both the immediate and
respectively). No significant interaction was found, the delayed processing conditions. Thus, the processes of
F(1, 66) = 0.53, p = .47, gp2 = .01. Further to this, an analysis consolidation and attentional refreshing appear to be sep-
of accuracy on the processing task was conducted to inves- arable and both appear to be important for working mem-
tigate any differences between the conditions in perfor- ory performance.
mance on the processing task. A 2 (processing position: Even with the reduced opportunity for articulatory
immediate, delayed)  2 (pace: fast, slow) repeated-mea- rehearsal in this experiment, it is still possible that some
sures ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of pace, participants were able to rehearse during the delay inter-
F(1, 66) = 20.47, p < .01, gp2 = .24, with poorer performance val, and that this may have contributed to the improved
in the fast paced condition (M = .98 and .94 for the slow performance on the delayed conditions of the working
and fast paced conditions respectively), but no significant memory task. That is, the effect of processing position in
effect of processing position, F(1, 66) = 0.62, p = .43, Experiments 1 and 2 may reflect the beneficial effect of
gp2 = .01, and no significant interaction between pace and articulatory rehearsal performed early in the trial rather
processing position, F(1, 66) = 2.00, p = .16, gp2 = .03. than any true effect of consolidation. Having said this,

Experiment 2 Experiment 3
(no articulatory suppression) (articulatory suppression)
0.8 0.8
Recall task

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
Proportion correct

Immediate Delayed Immediate Delayed

1.0 1.0
Processing task

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

Immediate Delayed Immediate Delayed

Processing position

Fig. 2. Mean proportion of items correct for the recall task and mean proportion of trials correct for the processing task in each condition with standard
error bars for Experiments 2 and 3.
42 D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50

Stevanovski and Jolicoeur (2007, Experiment 3) showed Tasks and procedure

that consolidation functions similar to those observed in The tasks and procedure for this study were identical to
the earlier work of Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998) were those used in Experiment 2, with the exception that artic-
evident even when participants were required to perform ulatory suppression was also completed during each work-
an articulatory suppression task, suggesting that the con- ing memory task. This additional articulatory suppression
solidation and rehearsal of information involves separable task required participants to repeat ‘Monday, Monday’ in
processes (see also, Sun, Zimmer, & Fu, 2011, though it is the 1000 ms delay period either immediately before or
unclear in their paradigm whether they are measuring immediately after the processing task, depending on the
basic encoding, consolidation or a combination of the processing position condition. Working memory tasks
two). Moreover, Camos et al. (2009) and Jarrold et al. and the Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices – Plus Ver-
(2011) have shown that independently manipulating par- sion were administered according to the procedure
ticipants’ ability to engage in articulatory rehearsal and described in Experiment 2.
attentional refreshing produces separable effects on mem-
ory performance. Taken together, these studies suggest the Results
possibility of three independent processes that contribute
to the maintenance of verbal information in working mem- Data screening
ory, namely, attentional refreshing, articulatory rehearsal, Participants were screened on the basis of their perfor-
and consolidation. Experiment 3 was designed to investi- mance on the processing task, as in Experiment 2. Follow-
gate this possibility in the current experimental paradigm, ing this procedure, three female participants were
by impeding participants’ ability to engage in articulatory excluded from subsequent analyses on the basis of their
rehearsal through the use of articulatory suppression. If processing performance. The remaining 37 participants
providing a delay interval immediately following the pre- had a mean age of 19.69 years, with a range of 17 years
sentation of each storage item is beneficial for memory to 30 years.
performance, even when rehearsal is blocked by articula-
tory suppression, this will provide further support for the Data analysis
independence of the consolidation process from rehearsal Descriptive statistics for all working memory variables
processes, and the importance of memory consolidation are presented in Fig. 2. Performance on the Raven’s Pro-
for working memory performance. gressive Matrices task for these participants resulted in a
mean score of 38.89 with a standard deviation of 5.81. A
Experiment 3 2 (processing position: immediate, delayed)  2 (pace:
fast, slow) repeated-measures ANOVA conducted on recall
In Experiment 3, participants completed the same four accuracy revealed a significant main effect of processing
working memory tasks as in Experiment 2. However, in position, F(1, 36) = 15.66, p < .01, gp2 = .303, with better
this experiment, we blocked articulatory rehearsal by hav- performance in the delayed condition (M = .43) than the
ing participants engage in articulatory suppression during immediate condition (M = .36), but no significant effect of
the blank delay intervals that occurred between the pre- pace, F(1, 36) = 1.56, p = .22, gp2 = .042, and no significant
sentation of the memory item and the processing activity interaction between processing position and pace,
in the delayed conditions, and between the presentation F(1, 36) = 0.04, p = .85, gp2 = .001. An analysis of accuracy
of the processing activity and the next memory item in on the processing tasks revealed significant main effects
the immediate conditions. If the enhanced memory perfor- of pace, F(1, 36) = 13.09, p < .01, gp2 = .267, with better per-
mance evident in the delayed conditions of the previous formance in the slow pace condition (M = .92 and .86 for
experiments is due to the beneficial effect of early rehear- the slow and fast paced conditions respectively), and pro-
sal (as opposed to rehearsal performed after the presenta- cessing position, F(1, 36) = 17.86, p < .01, gp2 = .332, with
tion of the processing activity when the memory traces better performance in the delayed condition (M = .85 and
may have become degraded), then the memory advantage .93 for the immediate and delayed conditions respec-
for the delayed processing position conditions should be tively). There was no significant interaction between pro-
eliminated in this experiment. If, however, consolidation cessing position and pace, F(1, 36) = 1.99, p = .17, gp2 = .052.
and articulatory rehearsal are separable processes, then
we should replicate the pattern of performance evident Cross-group comparison
in Experiment 2. Participants’ accuracy on the processing The performance of the participants in Experiments 2
task was again analysed to assess any effects of processing and 3 was compared to investigate the overall effect of
position on processing performance. articulatory suppression, processing position and pace on
working memory performance. To ensure that there was
Method no difference in the ability of the two groups, performance
on the Ravens Progressive Matrices was compared across
Participants experiments, with no significant difference found,
Forty undergraduate Psychology students (10 males) t(102) = 0.41, p = .682. Following this, a 2 (experimental
aged between 17 and 30 years (mean age = 19.85 years) group: no articulatory suppression (Experiment 2), articu-
participated in this study. All students received credit latory suppression (Experiment 3))  2 (pace: fast,
points or a small payment in return for taking part in the slow)  2 (processing position: immediate, delayed) mixed
experiment. ANOVA was conducted. This revealed a significant main
D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50 43

effect of experimental group, F(1, 102) = 39.07, p < .01, previous evidence to the contrary (Camos et al., 2009;
gp2 = .277, with poorer performance when articulatory Tam et al., 2010), this seems unlikely. Instead, it is possible
suppression was required (M = .58 and .40 for Experiment that by requiring participants to perform articulatory sup-
2 and Experiment 3 respectively). Significant main effects pression during the delay interval, we have increased the
were also found for pace, F(1, 102) = 26.51, p < .01, cognitive load of the task to the point where retention
gp2 = .206 (M = .52 and .46 for the slow and fast pace con- duration becomes important and the longer retention
ditions respectively), and processing position, duration in the slow paced condition has reduced the recall
F(1, 102) = 28.17, p < .01, gp2 = .216 (M = .46 and .52 for advantage usually evident in this condition (see Barrouillet
the immediate and delayed conditions respectively). The et al., 2004, p. 90, for a description of the conditions under
only significant interaction effect found was between which such an effect might occur). Further research is
experimental group and pace, F(1, 102) = 7.43, p < .01, needed to clarify the limits of the effect of processing pace
gp2 = .068. As already shown above, increasing the pace on working memory performance.
of the processing activity had a detrimental effect on mem- Additional evidence to support a process of consolida-
ory performance for the participants in Experiment 2 who tion comes from performance on the processing activity
were not engaging in articulatory suppression. The same of the working memory task. Participants were more accu-
increase in pace had no reliable effect on the memory per- rate on the processing task in the delayed processing posi-
formance of participants in Experiment 3 who were engag- tion condition than the immediate condition. This is
ing in articulatory suppression, even though overall consistent with the idea that individuals in the immediate
memory performance for this group was poorer than that condition were still engaged with consolidating the mem-
of participants in Experiment 2, indicating that articulatory ory item when the processing activity was presented,
suppression was having an effect. resulting in impaired performance on the digit naming
task. Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998) found similar evi-
Discussion dence of an impairment in Task 2 accuracy when Task 1
required the encoding of a memory item (i.e., their Exper-
Consistent with Experiments 1 and 2, the findings from iment 7), however, these effects were highly variable and
this third experiment again showed that providing a delay were only evident at the shortest SOAs in their study.
after the presentation of each memory item resulted in Given that the effects of processing position on processing
better memory performance relative to when the same accuracy were also variable in the current experiments
delay interval was provided after the presentation of the (i.e., no significant effect in Experiment 2), further research
processing activity. Importantly, the beneficial effect of is required to determine the nature and extent of any
providing a delay after each memory item was evident effects that consolidating information has on the accuracy
even though participants were engaging in articulatory of subsequent processing. Nonetheless, taken together, the
suppression during the delay intervals in this experiment, results of Experiments 2 and 3 suggest that the process of
and thus, their ability to rehearse the memory items was consolidation is separable from both the process of rehear-
severely restricted. This provides strong evidence to sug- sal and attentional refreshing, and that all three are impor-
gest that the enhanced memory performance observed in tant for working memory performance.
the delayed condition of this experiment, and the previous
two experiments, is due to participants having the oppor-
tunity to consolidate their memory before completing the Experiment 4
processing component of the task, and is not due to a ben-
eficial effect of rehearsal performed directly after presenta- Experiments 1–3 have shown a beneficial effect of pro-
tion of the memory item (as opposed to rehearsal viding a blank delay interval after the presentation of each
performed after the processing activity). Articulatory sup- memory item, which we have interpreted as evidence of a
pression did reduce memory performance overall, indicat- consolidation process. However, it could be argued that the
ing that the manipulation was effective and that rehearsal timings that we have used in our experiments are rela-
processes appear to contribute to performance on these tively long compared to the timings used by Jolicoeur
working memory tasks. However, the finding that the and Dell’Acqua (1998) to assess short-term consolidation.
effect of processing position was unaffected by the intro- In their experiments, Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua showed that
duction of articulatory suppression suggests that the pro- the consolidation of a single letter appeared to be largely
cesses involved in rehearsal and consolidation are complete between 500 and 700 ms post-stimulus onset.
independent (cf. Stevanovski & Jolicoeur, 2007; Sun et al., In our experiments, in the immediate conditions, each let-
2011). ter was presented for 500 ms followed by a 100 or 200 ms
Surprisingly, in this experiment, the pace manipulation blank delay interval before the onset of the processing
did not affect memory performance. This is inconsistent activity (these timings, though brief for a working memory
with the results of Experiments 1 and 2, and also with span task, were chosen to try to capture the consolidation
the findings of many previous studies (e.g., Barrouillet process whilst still ensuring some generalisability to other
et al., 2004; Camos et al., 2009). The fact that the concur- working memory tasks). Consequently, it could be argued
rent performance of articulatory suppression eliminated that any consolidation would be complete prior to the
the effect of pace could be taken to suggest an overlap in onset of the processing activity, even in our immediate
the mechanisms or resources required for articulatory conditions. The final experiment was designed to address
rehearsal and attentional refreshing. However, given the this question.
44 D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50

In Experiment 4, participants completed a serial recall ‘‘Monday’’ continuously from the onset of the fixation cross
task with an auditory choice RT task (judging whether a until they were asked to recall.
presented tone was high or low in pitch) inserted between The letter stimuli were the same as in the previous
each presentation of a memory item. Consistent with the experiments and were randomly selected without replace-
paradigm used by Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998), the ment for each trial. Each trial was five letters in length,
tones were presented at varying delay intervals following with a total of 50 trials. An additional four practice trials
the presentation of each memory item, and participants were presented at the beginning of the task. The delay
were required to respond as quickly as possible to the interval that followed the presentation of each letter was
tones without sacrificing accuracy on the tone judgement randomised with the constraint that each of the five delay
task. If participants are still consolidating the memory item intervals was used once within each trial, and each delay
when the tone is presented, then we should see reaction interval was presented an equal number of times in each
time functions consistent with those demonstrated by serial position. There were an equal number of high and
Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998). That is, reaction times to low tones presented for each delay interval in each serial
the tone should be slower when the interval between the position. The tones were presented through Sennheiser
offset of the memory item and the presentation of the tone headphones at a clearly audible level. The task was pro-
is short, and should become faster as this delay interval grammed using LiveCode and presented using a standard
increases. However, if consolidation is already complete computer and monitor.
by the time that the tones are presented, then reaction
times should be unaffected by variation in the delay inter- Results
val between presentation of the memory item and the
tone. By examining these reaction time functions across Data screening
serial position, we will also be able to address the question Participants were screened based on their recall accu-
of what happens to these reaction time functions as the racy performance. One female participant was removed
number of items maintained in memory increases, which on this basis as their recall accuracy was less than 20%,
will provide a better understanding of the processes that which was more than 2.5 standard deviations below the
are operating within a working memory task. mean for the sample. Reaction times for correct responses
on the tone task were trimmed to remove any responses
Method greater than 2000 ms as this was the maximum time
allowed for responses at the longest delay interval. These
Participants responses were coded as a timed-out error. Each partici-
Twenty-one undergraduate university students (9 pant’s individual reaction times were then assessed for
males) aged between 17 and 28 years (mean age = 19.24 - outliers for each delay interval at each serial position with
years) participated in the study. Participants received none identified. Accuracy on the tone task was also evalu-
either course credit or a small payment for participation. ated with all participants performing above 70%. The
remaining 20 participants had a mean age of 19.30 years,
Task and procedure with a range of 17–28.
The serial recall task involved remembering lists of let-
ters and responding to an auditory choice RT task pre- Data analysis
sented after each letter. Each trial began with the Mean RTs for the tone task are presented in Fig. 3. A
presentation of a fixation cross in the centre of the com- clear reduction in RTs with increasing delay interval is evi-
puter screen for 1000 ms, followed by a letter presented dent. This was confirmed by a 5 (serial position)  5 (delay
in black Arial font approximately 22 mm in height for interval) repeated measures ANOVA, which revealed a sig-
500 ms. Following a variable delay interval of either 50, nificant main effect of delay interval, F(4, 76) = 16.40,
150, 350, 750 or 1550 ms post stimulus offset, a tone that p < .01, gp2 = .463 (M = 813.73, 799.86, 770.65, 748.79 and
was either high (1000 Hz) or low (500 Hz) in pitch was pre- 718.51 for the 50, 150, 350, 750 and 1550 ms delay inter-
sented for 100 ms and participants were required to decide vals respectively), a significant main effect of serial posi-
if it was low or high and respond by pressing the ‘A’ and ‘L’ tion, F(4, 76) = 8.55, p < .01, gp2 = .310 (M = 768.60, 722.50,
keys respectively, as quickly as possible but without mak- 755.31, 793.62 and 811.50 for serial positions 1–5 respec-
ing mistakes. The inter-letter interval was fixed at tively), and no significant interaction (p > .10). Follow-up
3550 ms. This ensured that there was adequate time to contrasts revealed no significant difference between the
respond to the tone at the longest delay interval and that 50 and 150 ms delay intervals (p > .10), but a significant
the overall duration of each trial was the same for all par- reduction in RTs from 150 to 350 ms, F(1, 19) = 11.96,
ticipants. At the end of each trial, participants were pre- p < .01, gp2 = .386, from 350 to 750 ms, F(1, 19) = 4.79,
sented with a screen containing all possible letters and p = .04, gp2 = .201, and from 750 to 1550 ms,
were asked to verbally recall the letters in the same order F(1, 19) = 5.00, p = .04, gp2 = .208. For serial position, con-
that they were presented. The experimenter recorded their trasts showed that RTs were significantly faster for the sec-
responses and entered them into the computer. Responses ond serial position relative to the first, F(1, 19) = 5.83,
were scored by calculating the proportion of letters p = .03, gp2 = .235, but then showed a progressive slowing
recalled accurately in each serial position. In addition, par- with slower RTs for the third serial position relative to
ticipants were required to complete articulatory suppres- the second, F(1, 19) = 9.64, p < .01, gp2 = .337, the fourth
sion throughout each trial by repeating the word serial position relative to the third, F(1, 19) = 15.80,
D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50 45

950 for a process of short-term consolidation. Importantly, we

Serial Position 1
have demonstrated that similar RT functions are evident
Serial Position 2
over longer time frames such as those used in the current
Serial Position 3 experiment, where each memory item was presented for
Mean Reaction Time (ms)

Serial Position 4 500 ms and RTs were still decreasing up to 1550 ms post-
Serial Position 5 stimulus offset. This suggests that the process of consolida-
tion may be operating over a longer time period than orig-
inally proposed by Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998). Indeed,
in the more recent study by Stevanovski and Jolicoeur
750 (2007, Experiment 3), RTs to a secondary tone task pre-
sented at varying intervals following a memory item con-
tinue to decrease between 500 and 1600 ms post-
stimulus onset, similar to the findings of the present exper-
650 iment. Moreover, by combining the paradigm used by
Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998) with a serial recall task
to create a novel working memory task, we have revealed
0 another intriguing finding, namely, that RTs increased
0 500 1000 1500 2000
across serial position (with the exception of the first posi-
Delay Interval tion), but without an interaction with delay interval. While
Fig. 3. Mean reaction time to tones presented at each delay interval for
the slower RTs evident for the first serial position may
each serial position in Experiment 4. Error bars are omitted for clarity. reflect a cost associated with initiating a task set at the
beginning of each trial, the overall increase in RT across
the remaining serial positions suggests there is also a cost
p < .01, gp2 = .454, and no significant difference between of maintaining information in memory. Crucially though,
the last two serial positions (p > .10). serial position did not interact with delay interval, suggest-
Descriptive statistics for accuracy on the tone task are ing that the processes associated with initiating a task set
presented in Table 1. A 5 (serial position)  5 (delay inter- and maintaining items in memory are separable from
val) repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant main those involved in consolidating memory items. Finally, as
effect of serial position, F(4, 76) = 3.44, p = .01, gp2 = .153, participants completed articulatory suppression through-
but no significant main effect of delay interval and no sig- out the task, the findings from this experiment provide fur-
nificant interaction (all p > .10). Follow-up contrasts ther support for the separability of consolidation from the
showed that accuracy was better for the second serial posi- process of articulatory rehearsal. Thus, we have demon-
tion (.97) relative to the first (.94), F(1, 19) = 6.69, p = .02, strated that RT functions consistent with a process of
gp2 = .260, but no other significant differences between short-term consolidation are evident at the item presenta-
subsequent serial positions were evident (all p > .10). tion times used in Experiments 1–3, which provides con-
Descriptive statistics for recall accuracy are also presented verging evidence to support the interpretation of the
in Table 1 and show a typical serial position curve. effects of processing position demonstrated in the previous
experiments in terms of a process of consolidation.

General discussion
The results from Experiment 4 show a clear pattern of
decreasing RTs as the delay interval between the presenta- The current experiments were designed to investigate
tion of the memory item and the tone increases. This find- whether short-term memory consolidation contributes to
ing is consistent with those reported by Jolicoeur and performance on working memory span tasks. In addition,
colleagues (Jolicoeur & Dell’Acqua, 1998; Stevanovski & we aimed to differentiate between consolidation and two
Jolicoeur, 2007), which they have argued provide support previously identified processes that contribute to the

Table 1
Mean proportion correct and standard deviations for recall accuracy across serial position and tone accuracy for each delay interval across serial position.

Variables Serial position

1 2 3 4 5
Recall accuracy .87 .12 .82 .14 .71 .18 .62 .18 .64 .19
Tone accuracy
50 .92 .02 .98 .01 .95 .02 .97 .02 .97 .01
150 .95 .02 .97 .01 .95 .02 .95 .02 .93 .03
350 .94 .02 .95 .02 .97 .01 .97 .01 .93 .03
750 .93 .03 .97 .01 .98 .01 .95 .02 .97 .02
1550 .95 .02 .98 .01 .96 .02 .98 .01 .95 .02
46 D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50

maintenance of verbal information in working memory, refreshing, even if participants were able to engage in
namely rehearsal and attentional refreshing. In three some form of maintenance activities during the delay
experiments, we demonstrated that presenting a blank intervals, whether that be attentional refreshing or articu-
delay interval directly after the presentation of the mem- latory rehearsal, we believe the pattern of results is not
ory item and before the onset of the processing activity consistent with such an argument.
produced enhanced memory performance relative to when For example, let us assume that in the delayed process-
the same delay interval was presented after participants ing position condition, participants were able to maintain
had completed the processing activity. The pattern of per- the memory item, either through refreshing or rehearsal,
formance observed across experiments suggests that post- with a high level of fidelity until the onset of the processing
encoding processes have a beneficial effect on working activity, at which point the memory trace underwent a cer-
memory span performance, and is consistent with the pro- tain amount of forgetting while the participant was
cess of short-term consolidation described by Jolicoeur and engaged in the processing activity. This would be the final
Dell’Acqua (1998; see also Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014; activation level for this item as the next memory item
Ricker & Cowan, 2014). Importantly, the finding of an effect would then be presented. In the immediate condition,
of processing position in these experiments is novel and memory traces would begin from the same starting level
provides a challenge to a number of models of working of activation and would suffer the same degree of loss dur-
memory. ing the processing activity, however, in this condition par-
A second novel finding from this study is that whatever ticipants would then have the delay interval to refresh the
post-encoding processes are operating during the delay memory trace before the presentation of the next memory
interval appear to be separable from the processes item. Consequently, and paradoxically, this argument
involved in articulatory rehearsal. When the opportunity would have to predict either no difference between the
for participants to engage in rehearsal of the memory two processing position conditions (in the case when the
items was blocked by the imposition of articulatory sup- memory trace could not be reactivated after the processing
pression, the beneficial effect of consolidation remained activity because it was too degraded), or better perfor-
and was of a similar magnitude to the previous experi- mance in the immediate condition (in the case where the
ments that did not require articulatory suppression. These memory trace could be reactivated). The results from the
results are consistent with the findings of Stevanovski and current experiments are clearly not consistent with such
Jolicoeur (2007) showing that the consolidation functions a view. Together, the results of these experiments there-
evident in Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998) remain even fore suggest that there may be three mechanisms involved
when participants engage in an articulatory suppression in the maintenance of verbal information in working mem-
task to minimise any verbal recoding and rehearsal, and ory: articulatory rehearsal, attentional refreshing, and a
provide support for the claim of Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua separate mechanism, which we believe may be responsible
(1998) that short-term consolidation is not synonymous for the initial consolidation of information into working
with rehearsal. memory.
Another intriguing finding from this study is that the While we have interpreted the beneficial effect of pro-
post-encoding processes operating during the delay inter- viding a blank delay interval after the presentation of each
val also appear to be separable from attentional refreshing. memory item as evidence of a consolidation process, there
There were effects of processing difficulty (Experiment 1) may be other potential explanations of this effect. For
and processing pace (Experiment 2), indicating that the example, it could be argued that providing a blank delay
manipulation of cognitive load, which in turn varies the interval directly after the memory item allowed more time
opportunity for attentional refreshing, was successful in for sensory encoding. Saults and Cowan (2007) showed that
affecting performance. However, in Experiments 1–3, the interrupting sensory encoding through the use of postper-
beneficial effect of providing an opportunity for consolida- ceptual masks led to poorer performance on visual and
tion was unaffected by the manipulation of cognitive load. auditory array comparison tasks. However, Turvey (1973)
Moreover, providing an unfilled delay interval immedi- showed that the identification of trigrams was no longer
ately following the presentation of the storage item led affected by postperceptual masks presented approximately
to better memory performance than providing the same 200 ms post-stimulus onset. Thus, we assume that the
unfilled delay interval after the processing activity, even stimulus presentation times used in the current series of
though the cognitive load of these two conditions was experiments would have provided ample time for the sen-
identical. Of course, it could be argued that maintenance sory encoding of single letters. Moreover, Nieuwenstein
activities performed prior to the processing activity may and Wyble (2014) recently showed that whereas the con-
be more beneficial than maintenance activities performed solidation of a visual stimulus was disrupted by the presen-
after the processing activity because memory traces will tation of an attentionally demanding secondary task (i.e., a
have deteriorated more in the latter case. In relation to 2-alternative forced choice task; 2-AFC), it was unaffected
articulatory rehearsal, we would argue that the findings by the presentation of a mask. Taken together, these studies
of Experiment 3 provide strong evidence against this sug- provide converging evidence that the effect of processing
gestion because when rehearsal was blocked in this exper- position evident in the present study is most likely due to
iment, the same pattern of superior recall in the delayed the disruption of a later stage of processing, such as consol-
processing position condition was observed. Furthermore, idation. However, this in itself raises the question of
although the findings from these experiments do not allow whether the stimulus presentation times that we have used
us rule out this possibility with respect to attentional are so long that any consolidation would be complete prior
D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50 47

to the onset of the processing activity. Contrary to this in the immediate condition, and so, we should see poorer
suggestion, Experiment 4 clearly demonstrated that RT performance in the former case. The pattern of results does
functions comparable to those used by Jolicoeur and not support this suggestion. Third, it could be argued that
Dell’Acqua (1998) to argue for a process of short-term con- making a task-switch to a more difficult task should be
solidation were evident with the stimulus presentation more demanding (cf. Arbuthnott, 2008) and so, we might
times used in the current experiments (see also, expect to see a larger effect of delay in the difficult as
Nieuwenstein and Wyble (2014) who showed that the pro- opposed to the easy processing condition of Experiment 1.
cess of consolidation was still susceptible to disruption by a This would be evident as a measurable interaction between
2-AFC task for several hundred milliseconds after the stim- processing difficulty and processing position, but this was
ulus was masked). This suggests that the consolidation of a not observed. Finally, it could be argued that participants
single item may take longer than originally thought were required to complete additional task-switching in
(Jolicoeur & Dell’Acqua, 1998; see also, Stevanovski & Experiment 3 as they were required to switch to perform-
Jolicoeur, 2007, Experiment 3). Thus, although consolida- ing the articulatory suppression task and then to complet-
tion is almost certain to be underway by the time the pro- ing the processing task (or vice versa depending on the
cessing activity is presented in our immediate conditions, processing position condition). This means that even in
the findings from Experiment 4 equally provide strong evi- the delayed processing position condition of Experiment
dence to suggest that it would not be complete by this time. 3, participants would have been required to perform a
Another potential alternative explanation of the effect task-switch immediately following the presentation of the
of processing position evident in Experiments 1–3 is that memory item, and yet, this did not affect the magnitude
the positioning of the blank delay interval in the delayed of the processing position effect in Experiment 3 or indeed,
condition allowed more time for individuals to switch from across Experiments 2 and 3. Thus, it appears that a number
encoding (and perhaps also consolidating) the memory of aspects of the data are not consistent with an explanation
items to completing the processing activity in this condi- in terms of task-switching.
tion relative to the immediate condition. Oberauer and Importantly, however, even if we accept the possibility
Lewandowsky (2014) showed that response times to the of a task-switch cost on the first processing item, this does
first of a series of sequential processing items were signif- not impact on our explanation of the beneficial effect of
icantly longer than response times to subsequent process- providing a delay interval after the presentation of each
ing items (see also, Jarrold et al., 2011; Vergauwe et al., memory item in terms of a process of consolidation.
2014), which they attributed to a task-switch cost. They Assuming that there is a momentary surge in cognitive
then argued that if performing a task-switch demands load at the start of each processing activity, then this
attentional resources, this would lead to a momentary would presumably have its effect on the previous memory
surge in the cognitive load of the task at the point when item by drawing attentional resources away from, or inter-
individuals were required to initiate the processing task. fering with, some post-encoding process operating imme-
Thus, the better memory performance evident in the diately after stimulus offset. We have already
delayed conditions of our experiments could, potentially, demonstrated that these post-encoding processes are unli-
be explained by a temporary increase in the cognitive load kely to be articulatory rehearsal or attentional refreshing
of the task when participants are required to switch to the and so, we would argue that the most plausible candidate
processing activity, which is more easily accommodated in is a process of consolidation.
the delayed condition than the immediate condition. How-
ever, there are a number of reasons to believe that task- Implications for models of working memory
switching may not be an issue of concern in the current
experiments. First, in all experiments, participants were The results of the current experiments have important
required to name the memory items, which were letters, implications for a number of models of working memory.
and then name the processing items, which were digits. Although Barrouillet et al. (2013) acknowledged a possible
Arguably, any task-switch involved in switching from role for consolidation, they have yet to explicitly incorpo-
naming letters to naming digits would be minimal. Indeed, rate this process into their TBRS model or the mathemati-
in their seminal paper on the dynamics of task-switching, cal function governing the trade-off between processing
Allport, Styles, and Hsieh (1994, Experiment 4) showed and storage in working memory (cf. Barrouillet et al.,
that after the first few trials, alternating between naming 2011). However, given that the description of the process
the attributes of two different stimuli (i.e., words and dig- of consolidation given by Jolicoeur and Dell’Acqua (1998)
its) did not incur a task-switch cost. Thus, any task-switch shares many similarities with the attentional refreshing
costs occurring in the current experiments are likely to be mechanism described by Barrouillet et al. (2004, 2007,
small at best. 2011) in that both are thought to engage a central atten-
Second, in the tasks used in Experiments 1–3, partici- tional bottleneck and both processes act to strengthen
pants were required not only to switch from encoding to the memory trace, it would be more parsimonious if the
processing, but also from processing to encoding the next current results could be explained in terms of a single pro-
memory item. In terms of memory performance, if per- cess responsible for both. Indeed, in a recent computa-
forming a task switch is detrimental, it is reasonable to sug- tional instantiation of the TBRS, Oberauer and
gest that the most damaging task switch is likely to be from Lewandowsky (2011) included a processing rate variable
processing to encoding the subsequent memory item in the that governed the speed of both encoding and refreshing,
delayed condition, rather than from encoding to processing with differences in the overall duration of the two pro-
48 D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50

cesses achieved by setting different criterion levels for interference with the preceding memory item. This would
required learning strength. Thus, in this model, a single lead to the prediction that performance should be better in
parameter was used for both consolidation and refreshing. the immediate conditions of Experiments 1–3 in the cur-
One other difference between encoding and refreshing in rent study as these conditions would provide maximal
this model is that refreshing is contingent on the retrieval time for distractor removal after presentation of the dis-
of the to-be-refreshed item, whereas encoding is not. To tractors. This was not the pattern of performance observed.
the extent that retrieval for refreshing is error-prone, this Moreover, while the strength of memory encoding in this
could potentially explain the advantage of an early over a model is a time-dependent process, and therefore consis-
late free-time period evident in the present results.2 How- tent with the notion of consolidation described in the cur-
ever, we feel that this suggestion is subject to the same line rent study, the instantiation reported in Oberauer et al.
of reasoning that we have used above to argue against the (2012) assumed that encoding strength would be maximal
suggestion that that attentional refreshing performed prior after approximately 500 ms, and so, it remains to be seen
to the processing activity may be more beneficial than atten- whether SOB-CS can reproduce the pattern of effects
tional refreshing performed after the processing activity. As reported in Experiments 1–3 that operate over a longer
Oberauer and Lewandowsky (2011) did not simulate the time scale. Of course, it is possible that mechanisms asso-
effect of varying encoding strength (which is presumably ciated with both consolidation of the memory traces and
the way in which the model would simulate an interruption distractor removal may be involved in working memory
to the process of consolidation), or the effect of varying the span performance. The extent to which evidence consis-
position of the processing activity within the inter-item tent with the operation of either mechanism is apparent
interval, it remains to be seen whether this model would in behavioural results may depend on the balance of these
be able to produce effects similar to the experimental data processes within any given task. Notably, evidence consis-
presented here. tent with the importance of consolidation is clearly dem-
Nonetheless, even if a single attentional activation pro- onstrated in the current experiments.
cess is responsible for both consolidation and refreshing, it The current results also appear not to be fully consistent
is clear that varying the opportunity for this activation to with a temporal distinctiveness account of memory (e.g.
occur in relation to the initial encoding of memory items Brown, Neath, & Chater, 2007). According to temporal dis-
affects memory independently of varying the opportunity tinctiveness models, memory items are partly represented
for this activation to occur in relation to refreshing the in terms of their locations along a temporal dimension in
memory items once they have been encoded. That is, the psychological space. Memory traces of items that are pre-
exact time point at which an opportunity for activation is sented close in time to one another are crowded along this
provided within the working memory span paradigm is temporal dimension and, consequently, are more difficult
important for memory performance. These findings indi- to discriminate from one another at the point of retrieval
cate that in order to provide a full account of working than temporally isolated items, resulting in poorer
memory span performance, the TBRS model of Barrouillet memory performance (Brown et al., 2007). A number of
et al. (2004, 2007, 2011) needs to be modified to take into studies have shown evidence of temporal isolation effects
account the temporal parameters associated with the ini- (e.g. Brown, Morin, & Lewandowsky, 2006; Geiger &
tial encoding of memory items as well as those associated Lewandowsky, 2008; Neath & Crowder, 1996), however,
with the maintenance of items. these effects are typically reduced and often non-signifi-
More recently, Oberauer et al. (2012) put forward an cant in paradigms that require forward serial recall
alternative computational model (SOB-CS) that explains (Morin, Brown, & Lewandowsky, 2010). In the current
working memory span performance without reference to study, a delay was presented either immediately after the
decay and/or attentional refreshing mechanisms. SOB-CS presentation of each memory item (delayed condition) or
instead explains working memory capacity limits in terms immediately before the presentation of the following
of interference that occurs due to the superposition of memory item (immediate condition), both of which should
associations in a distributed neural-network. In this model, have led to a similar degree of temporal isolation for the
distractors create interference by being encoded into memory items. However, a memory advantage was found
working memory and being associated with the memory in the condition where the delay was presented immedi-
item preceding the distractor. The strength of encoding of ately following the presentation of the memory item, sug-
both memory items and distractors is determined by both gesting that the post-item interval is more important for
the amount of time that attention is devoted to the item/ memory performance than the pre-item interval. This find-
distractor, and the novelty of the item/distractor. To pre- ing is difficult to accommodate in terms of a temporal dis-
vent working memory from becoming cluttered, SOB-CS tinctiveness account. However, having said that, it must be
also incorporates a mechanism responsible for the removal acknowledged that the current experiments did use a
of distractors from memory. Distractor removal occurs closed pool of memory items and used the repetition of a
during any free time that is available following encoding single distractor to block rehearsal in Experiment 3, two
of the distractor. Thus, longer time intervals following conditions that have been suggested to mask temporal
the presentation of a distractor item will enable that dis- isolation effects in serial recall tasks (Morin et al., 2010).
tractor to be removed more effectively, resulting in less Nevertheless, this argument does not discount the fact
that a significant effect of post-item interval was found
in the current experiments, consistent with a process of
We would like to thank Klaus Oberauer for this suggestion. consolidation.
D.M. Bayliss et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 81 (2015) 34–50 49

Implications for models of short-term consolidation and also performance on the processing activity. Although
the present results cannot be used to distinguish between
These findings also have implications for understanding a graded capacity-sharing and task-switching account of
the nature of the consolidation process itself and the central attentional processing, which is an important ave-
attentional constraints on performance. Jolicoeur and nue for future research, they do provide a challenge to
Dell’Acqua (1998) have argued that short-term consolida- attentional bottleneck models that hold the assumption
tion requires central mechanisms and that while consolida- that Task 2 processing is postponed until Task 1 processing
tion processes are engaged, any concurrent processing that is complete (see also, Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014, for fur-
also requires central mechanisms will either be postponed ther evidence against a central attentional bottleneck
or slowed due to some form of capacity-sharing. In the cur- model of this form). The present results also provide further
rent study, memory performance was impaired when the evidence that attentional limits place important constraints
processing activity was presented immediately following on working memory capacity.
the presentation of the memory item (see also,
Nieuwenstein & Wyble, 2014). It is difficult to see how this
could be explained by an attentional bottleneck model in
which the processing of the second task is postponed until
In conclusion, we have demonstrated that providing an
the first task is completed (cf. Jolicoeur & Dell’Acqua, 1998).
opportunity for consolidation immediately following the
According to these models, manipulating the onset of Task
presentation of each memory item in a working memory
2 should not affect Task 1 performance, as Task 1 should
span task leads to better working memory performance.
have access to the attentional bottleneck first (Tombu &
Moreover, the beneficial effect of providing an opportunity
Jolicœur, 2003). The fact that we see effects of distractor
for consolidation was independent of manipulations of pro-
processing (Task 2) on memory performance (Task 1) that
cessing difficulty, processing pace, and articulatory suppres-
are moderated by the timing of the onset of the distractor
sion. These results suggest that the mechanisms underlying
processing activity suggests that these two components of
the consolidation of information into working memory are
the task are not processed in a strict serial fashion. An alter-
separable from the mechanisms underlying attentional
native explanation is that the allocation of attention to each
refreshing and articulatory rehearsal and indicate that the
component of the task is under strategic control such that
temporal parameters associated with consolidating infor-
individuals may switch their attention away from consoli-
mation into working memory need to be acknowledged as
dation to focus on the processing activity. This would effec-
an important factor that contributes to working memory
tively interrupt the consolidation process resulting in a
performance and incorporated into current models of work-
weaker memory trace that is susceptible to interference
ing memory. Furthermore, the current results highlight the
from incoming information, and consequently, poorer
importance of manipulating or controlling the opportunity
memory performance. This explanation would seem to fit
for consolidation when designing experiments involving
well with the TBRS model discussed above.
working memory span paradigms as variation in the time
Alternatively, the current results could also, potentially,
allowed for consolidation can lead to differences in working
be accounted for by a central capacity sharing model such
memory performance that may mask the influence of other
as that proposed by Tombu and Jolicœur (2003). In this
variables on working memory. Finally, the results of these
model, the processing required for both Task 1 and Task 2
experiments may have practical implications in terms of
proceeds in parallel, but any central processing required
assisting those with working memory problems to improve
by each task must share the available processing capacity,
their working memory performance, which would be of
which is limited. When the delay between the two tasks
great benefit to educators and clinicians alike.
is short, there is an increase in the duration during which
the two tasks must share the available resources, which
leads to costs in performance on both tasks (Tombu & Acknowledgments
Jolicœur, 2003). Importantly, the proportion of the avail-
able resources allocated to each task can vary and may be This research was supported by Australian Research
influenced by task demands such that virtually all of the Council (ARC) Discovery Project DP0988288 and a Small
shared capacity could be allocated to one of the tasks if Research Grant from the University of Western Australia
the task demands encouraged this. This form of graded awarded to Donna Bayliss and Christopher Jarrold.
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