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HỌC KỲ II NĂM HỌC 2020 – 2021

(Phần dành cho sinh viên/ học viên)
Bài thi học phần: Tiếng Anh Thương Số báo danh: 11
mại 1.4
Lớp: 2136ENPR5111
Mã số đề thi: 01 Họ và tên: Ngô Thị Huệ
Ngày thi: 09/06/2021 Số trang: 3
Điểm kết luận: GV chấm thi 1: …….

GV chấm thi 2: …….


Câu 1 (5 điểm):

Write an essay to answer the question “How are mergers and acquisitions
perceived by employees, shareholders, customers, and the general public?” Give
specific examples to illustrate your point of view.

Bài làm

In today's competitive world, every business wants the optimum market share
over their competitors, so companies are trying to get optimum growth by using the
most common shortcut – Mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions have
already had a huge impact on employees, shareholders, customers, and the general

The impact of mergers and acquisitions on employees can be stressful. As

employees watch their co-workers laid off, they might face uncertainty. Employees
from the two organizations may compete instead of working together. Employee
motivation may drop as frustration with new roles and new co-workers or management
increases. Shareholders like mergers if it means that they will profit from mergers and
acquisitions but the shareholders of both companies may experience a dilution of
voting power due to the increased number of shares released during the merger
process. Customers sometimes worry about losing contact with the company as they
know it, especially if they are loyal, established customers. They might worry about a

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change in the quality of the company’s products or services. The general public can
view mergers and acquisitions with distrust or they may not even know that a
particular company has merged with or acquired another company.

In April 2016, Central Group (Thailand) officially acquired Big C Vietnam

from Casino Group (France). This decision has affected the employees, shareholders,
customers and the general public of both group but mostly Casino Group. The
employees working in Big C were afraid of being redundant, the shareholders worried
about the increased number of shares and voting power, the customers were also afraid
of the quality of the products and the decrease in hot deals. The general public at that
time didn’t believe in Central Group and they thought Central Group would bring Big
C down. However, Central Group did many things to assure the employees and
customers. They still kept the employees of Big C and just adjust some managers to
other fields, many deals were still made to attract customers.

In short, mergers and acquisitions may have an affect on employees,

shareholders, customers, and the general public. However, the long-term benefits for
management, stockholders and for the company's bottom line may outweigh the short-
term challenges. Therefore, a lot of companies still engage in mergers and acquisitions
as a strategic way to grow a budding business.

Câu 2 (5 điểm):
On December 3, Vietnam’s leading privately-run conglomerates Vingroup and
Masan agreed to merge some of their businesses to form the country’s largest retail
group in Vietnam, said Vingroup in a statement. According to the agreement,
Vingroup’s retail, VinCommerce and its agriculture unit, VinEco merged into Masan
Consumer Holdings, the retail consumer business of Masan. Additionally, Masan
would take over operations while Vingroup would become a shareholder.

How has been such merger perceived by:

 Employees?
 Shareholders?
 Customers?

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 The general public?
Bài làm
In 2019, the merger in the cooperation agreement between Vingroup and Masan
became the most notable mergers and acquisitions transaction of the year. Vingroup’s
retail, VinCommerce and VinEco merged into Masan Consumer Holdings. The
employees, shareholders, customers and the general public had perception of this
The shareholders might be the only ones who are happy about this. While the
shareholders of Vingroup were afraid of the decrease in shares, the shareholders of
Masan were happy because they would get profit from mergers and acquisitions. They
would get more shares and have more voting power in the decision. The shareholders
of Masan would have chances to develop the corporate in different fields and widen
their market. The shareholders would think about new strategies to widen the market
and get profit from new projects.
On the other hand, the employees, customers and general public were the ones
who worried about this agreement. The employees of both corporates were confused
of continueing to work or being unemployed. If they were kept, what should they do to
get on with the new corporate culture? The customers might worry about a change in
the quality of the company’s products or services. “Whether the quality of product is
still assured? When I got the problem about the products or services, which one would
stand up to solve the problem, Masan or Vingroup?”, the customers asked. The general
public also had a concern about this important decision. They wondered if Masan
could take over VinCommerce and VinEco in a good way or not. That’s the thing no
one else could make sure but wait.
In conclusion, the agreement between Masan and Vingroup has affected so
many sides but the advantages of this agreement may be outweigh the disadvantages.
Masan was doing very well to develop VinCommerce and VinCo and it promises to do
better in the future.


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