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Conduction Medium

Convection Flow or contact

Radiation No Medium

RADIATION: - Radiation is the mode of heat transfer where transmission of

energy takes place between two objects without having any contact.



Heat Transfer by Radiation is the Best


Ques: - from the concept of thermodynamics, Heat transfer takes place from a
body of higher body temperature to lower body temperature. In conduction,
was the temperature difference responsible for heat transfer? Or something

Solution: It is Temperature Gradient (which can roughly used as Temperature


Because when we write this formula Q =∆T/∑Rt

cond ; we

write ∆T as temperature difference.

In convention again we write ∆T as temperature difference,


 If no medium is required, how the mechanism of heat transfer

take place.



Concept (1) – some packets of energies is travel from sun to earth.

During travelling, these packets of energy take the shape of thermal
energy, when they fall on the surface. Some packets of energy which is
not a continuous phenomenon reaching on surface are called photons.

Concept (2) - Some waves are generated around the sun because of
oscillations, vibrations movements of the molecules because of the
temperature. Electromagnetic wave starts to travelling without affecting
the medium in between reaches here.

Velocity of light 2.998 × 108 m/s

EMW are travelling Qi


These EMW are travelling. They are incident over a surface, a part of it shall be
reflected, part of it shall be absorbed and part of it will be transmitted on the other

Qi – Total energy falls on the surface

Qr – Reflected energy

Qa – Absorbed energy
Qг – Transmitted energy

Qi = Qr + Qa + Qг

Divide by Qi on both sides and we get

1 = Qr/ Qi + Qa/ Qi + Qг/ Qi

1 = ρ + α + г

 Qr/ Qi = ρ = Reflectivity
 Qa/ Qi = α = Absorptivity
 Qг/ Qi = г = Transmissivity.

In thermodynamics, there is a concept of IDEAL GAS, similarly in

radiation; there is a concept of BLACK BODY.

A black body is one which all the incident radiation is absorbed.

i.e α = 1 & ρ = г=0

 α varies with wavelength of the EMW, temperature(of surface),

structure of the surface.

Ques (1) - Example of black body where we think α = 1 ?

Answer – Lamp black (α = 0.985). When there is no power i.e
electricity, we use Lamp. Carbons are stick inside the glass of lamp and
those black layers were called as Lamp black.

Ques (2) – Name any surface whose α value is maximum?

Answer – Snow (α = 0.95).

Ques (3) – Does a black body means which looks likes black?

Answer – At normal temperature, all the black body looks blacks.

 Painted with carbon black- Lamp black.

 Dark rough coloured paint – behave very closely to black body.

Practical example of black body: - HOHLRAUM

Long cylinder or sphere having a very very little opening and inside
surface, there is a layer of lamp black whose α value is 0.985. When a
ray enters, 0.985 is absorbed and remaining 0.015 which is not absorbed
will gets reflects. Out of 0.015, its 0.985 again gets absorbed and
remaining continues and practically it’s all gets absorbed.


Fixed % of α is absorbed.

Fixed means remains constant and independent of wavelength &

temperature. It is called GRAY BODY

A gray surface is one which absorptivity is independent of


 OPAQUE BODY- г=0 & α+ρ= 1

 TRANSPARENT BODY- г=1 & α=ρ= 0 ( and also
known as Diathermanous body)

(1) Specular body i.e ρ =1 here reflection is regular.

(2) Coloured body i.e ρ varies with wavelength ; diffused.

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