Three-Dimensional Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Slopes

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J.-L. (1982). Gtotrchniqur 32, No. 1. 3140

Three-dimensional limit equilibrium analysis of slopes

R. H. CHEN* and J.-L. CHAMEAUt

A general method of three-dimensional slope stability limit equilibrium methods. The failure is assumed
analysis using the limit equilibrium concept is proposed. to occur along a known surface and a global factor
The failure mass is assumed to be symmetrical and of safety is then obtained by comparing the shear
divided into many vertical columns. The inter-slice forces
strength available with the shear strength required
have the same inclination throughout the mass, and the
for equilibrium. This simple theoretical approach
inter-column shear forces are parallel to the base of the
column and function of their positions. Force and has been used for several decades. It takes into
moment equilibria are satisfied for each column as well as account all of the major factors that influence the
for the total mass. The analysis is illustrated for several shearing resistance of an earth mass and is con-
slope angles, soil parameters and pore water pressure sidered to be reliable by most practitioners.
conditions. The factors of safety are compared with those Most stability methods are two-dimensional
obtained with two-dimensional stability analyses and the and assume plane strain conditions. Among these
ordinary method of columns. In addition, a three- methods, the methods of slices (Bishop, 1955;
dimensional finite element computer program is
Fellenius, 1936; Janbu, 1957; Morgenstern &
presented. This program can calculate the local factors of
Price, 1965; Spencer, 1967) are the most commonly
safety at selected points along a failure surface as well as
the mean factor of safety for a chosen failure mass. The used because they can handle complex geometries
results obtained by the two methods, limit equilibrium and variable soil and water conditions. Although
and finite element, are compared. there are more than a dozen methods of slices, only
L’article propose une mkthode g&n&ale pour I’analyse
a few three-dimensional methods have been
tridimensionnelle de la stabilitt: des talus baste sur I’idie proposed to study the end-effects which occur in
d’kquilibre limit,. On admet que le volume de rupture est actual slides (Baligh & Azzouz, 1975; Hovland,
symmitrique et divist-e en beaucoup de tranches 1977; Sherard, Woodward, Gizienksi & Clevenger,
verticales. Les efforts entre les tranchCs ont la m&me 1963). These methods are limited to simple
inclinaison dans la masse entiere, tandis que les efforts de problems with uncomplicated geometry and soil
clsaillement entre les tranches sont parall&les li la base de and water conditions.
la tranche et fonction de leurs positions. Les Cquilibres The work presented in this Paper provides
des efforts et des moments sont satisfaits pour chaque
engineers with a general methodology for three-
tranche, aussi bien que pour le volume total. L’analyse
est illustrCle pour plusieurs angles de talus. paramttres du
dimensional slope stability analysis. A three-
sol et conditions de pression de l’eau interstitielle. Les dimensional limit equilibrium analysis which
coefficients de st-curitt sont cornparts avec ceux obtenus relaxes the simplifying assumptions made by
par des analyses bidimensionelles de stabilitk et la previous investigators is presented. The analysis is
mCthode ordinaire des tranches. Un programme illustrated for several slope angles, soil parameters
d’ordinateur li elements finis tridimensionnels est aussi and pore-water pressure conditions. In addition, a
prCsentt. Avec ce programme on peut calculer les three-dimensional finite element computer
coefficients locaux de skcuritt en des points selectionn&
program is proposed to analyse the stability of
le long d’une surface de rupture, aussi bien que le
slopes and embankments. The results obtained by
coefficient moyen de s&curit& pour un volume de rupture
choisi. On fait une comparaison entre les rtsultats the limit equilibrium and finite element methods
obtenus par les deux mCthodes (kquilibre limite et are compared.
t-lbments finis).
INTRODUCTION The failure mass above the failure surface is
The stability of embankments, cut slopes, excava- divided into several vertical columns (Fig. 1). Fig. 2
tions and natural slopes is commonly analysed by shows the free body diagram of a column taken out
from the failure mass. The parameters included in
the analysis are the normal and shear forces acting
Discussion on this Paper closes on 1 June 1983. For
further details see inside back cover. on the sides (X-Y plane), ends (Y-Z plane) and
CCC article-fee code: base of the column, the points of application of
0016~8505,‘83/010031-4OS2.00. these forces and the overall factor of safety F.
*National Taiwan University, Taipei. Several assumptions are necessary to make the
i- Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. problem determinate.

(end) force acts along the central vertical line of its

side (end)
b, j = b,j = b/2 (3)
bzi = hdi = l/2 (4)
The shear forces acting on the column sides
(Ri,j, Ri,j_ I in Fig. 2) are parallel to the bottom
face. The cohesion part of the mobilized shear
force (R,/F) acts at h/2 from the base (Fig. 3). The
cohesionless part of the mobilized shear force
Fig. 1. Threedimensional failure mass (&,/I) acts at h/3 from the base (the inter-column
normal stress distribution is assumed to be linear
with depth).
It is assumed that the failure mass is Parametric studies (Chen, 1981) showed that the
symmetrical. factor ofsafety was not sensitive to the distribution
It is also assumed that the direction of move- of inter-column shear stresses in the Z direction. A
ment is in the X-Y plane only (no movement in the linear distribution was assumed for simplicity: the
Z direction), and therefore the horizontal shear shear stresses take the largest value at the outmost
stresses acting on the base in the Y-Z plane at the point and decrease linearly to zero at the central
onset of failure are assumed to be zero. This section (no relative movement in the centre). The
assumption makes outmost shear forces R,,, and S,,,, assuming that
Pi,j = Pi_,,j = 0 the at rest condition prevails, are obtained from
R,,, = (0,5K, yh tan $I + c) bh cos s( (5)
z,i, j = 0 (2)
S,,, = R,,, tan E (6)
where Pi,jand Pi_,,j act on the ends of the column
and Z,i,j acts on the base of the column (Fig. 2). where K, is the coefficient of earth pressure at rest,
The length and width of the column are small 7 is the unit weight of the soil, h is the height of a
enough so that it can be assumed that each side soil column, 4 is the friction angle of the soil, c is

m columns 0)
Y ___.. _b


v I /
Fig. 2. Free body diagram of a column Fig. 3. Force system in a column (side view)

the cohesion intercept of the soil, h is the width of a examined for a mixed type of failure mass
soil column and r is the inclination of the shear composed of a cylinder in the central portion
surface with respect to the horizontal. attached to two semi-ellipsoids at the ends. The
It is further assumed that the inter-slice forces roller type of failure or spoon-shaped failure are
acting on the column sides have the same particular cases of this mixed type of failure.
inclination 0 throughout the whole failure mass The mathematical expression for an ellipsoid is
tan 0 = Xi, j/Ei. j = Xi_ ,,,/Ei_ ,, j (7)
where Xi, j and Xi_, j are the vertical shear forces
acting on ends i and i - 1 of a column, respectively, Each cross-section in the X-Y plane is assumed
and Ei, j and Ei_ i, j are the horizontal normal circular (a = h). Fig. 4 shows the free body
forces acting on ends i and i- 1 of a column, diagram of a column taking into account the
respectively. The resultant of these interslice forces previous assumptions. The subscripts c, c$, E, F, 1
is termed Q. The inclination of Q with respect and 2 stand for cohesion, friction, embankment,
to the horizontal is 0 (Fig. 3). . foundation, side 1 and side 2, respectively. The
With these assumptions the remaining method allows for different materials in the em-
unknowns are the horizontal normal stresses E bankment and the foundation. The vertical
acting on the ends of the columns, the normal dimensions of the column above and below the
forces N acting on the base of the columns, the horizontal plane (ground level) are h, (height of
factor of safety F and the angle of inclination 0. embankment) and h,, respectively. The force
The following procedure shows how the equations polygon of the column is given in Fig. 5. Resolving
of equilibrium are solved to obtain the factor of all forces in the X-Y plane leads to
safety F. N’tan b,‘+(c’/F) Ab-Q cos(x-0)
In narrow rotational slides the underlying
surface of rupture, together with the exposed
scarps, is spoon-shaped. However, if the slide -R,cos(a-CQ) = 0 (9)
extends for a large distance along the slope the N’+uA,+Qsin(r-O)-IVcosa
failure mass may approach the shape of a cylinder
with axis parallel to the slope (roller type of + R, sin (x2 - rl)
failure). In the present study, the stability is +R, sin(r-x,) = 0 (IO)


Fig. 4. Free body diagram (after assumptions)


(9). After rearranging the terms, it yields

Q = ((8/F) A,-MA, tan $,‘+ W cos LX
x(tan$,‘- tanr)+R,cos(r,--r)
x [ 1 -tan 4,’ tan (xZ - r)]
-R, cos(r-2,)
x [l +tan&‘tan(a-g(,)])/(cos(r-0)
x[l+tand,‘tan(a-0)]) (11)
If the whole system is in equilibrium, the sum of
the inter-slice forces in each section must be equal
to zero
~QcosO = 0 (12)
CQsinO = 0 (13)
Assuming that 0 is constant, equations (12) and
(13) can be reduced to a unique equation

IQ=0 (14)
Fig. 5. Force polygon of a column
The whole system is also in equilibrium with
respect to moment equilibrium. Thus the overall
where c’ is the effective cohesion intercept of the moment about any point 0 must be equal to zero
soil at the base of the column, A, is the base area of (Fig. 6)
the column, N’ is the effective normal force acting
~Qcos(O-~)(.~-/rhp~~~~) = 0 (15)
on the base of the column, u is the pore-water
pressure acting on the base of the column, W is the or
weight of the column, Q is the resultant of the
1 (Qrcos(O-x)-QphQcosrcos(O-a)) = 0
inter-slice forces X and E, R, and R, are the shear
forces acting on the two sides 1 and 2 respectively, (16)

9, ’ is the mobilized effective friction angle, 2, 2, where the value of Qha can be obtained by
and x2 are the inclinations of the base in the X-Y summing all the moments in a column at the centre
plane at the central section, side 1 and side 2 of the base of that column. The derivation of Qh, is
respectively, 0 is the inclination of the resultant Q given in Appendix I.
and F is the factor of safety. In equations (14) and (16) the only unknowns
The effective normal forces N’ can be obtained are the inclination of inter-slice force 0 and the
from equation (10) and substituted into equation factor of safety F. The problem is now determinate
and can be solved by using the secant method for
non-linear equations (Wolfe, 1959). A computer
program, LEMIX, has been developed to perform
the above operations.


Typical applications of the three-dimensional
model to slopes with different geometries and
material properties are now described. The soil is
assumed to be homogeneous. The three-
dimensional failure surface is composed of a
central cylinder attached to two semi-ellipsoids at
the ends. The cross-section of the central cylinder
is the most critical circle searched by the two-
dimensional computer program STABLY (Boutrup,
1977). The three-dimensional failure surface is
generated from the two-dim,nsional critical circle.
The cylinder has a length 21, and the minor axis of
Fig. 6. Moment induced by the resultant force the semi-ellipsoid has a length /, (Fig. 7).

Five combinations of the strength parameters

are considered: c’ = 0, b’ = 40’; c’ = 7.2 kPa
(1501bf/ft2), 4’= 30’; c’ = 14.4kPa (3001bf/ft2),
4’ = 25 : c’ = 21.6kPa (4501bfift2), 4’ = 20”;
c’ = 28.7 kPa (600lbf/ft’), 4 = 15”. The height of
the slope is 6.1 m (20ft) with three different angles:
33.7 (1,5,/l), 21.8‘ (2,5/l) and 16” (3,5/l). Cases
without water (r, = 0) and with water (r, = @5)
pressure conditions are studied. The pore-water
pressure parameter r, is defined as
ru = u/$l (17)
where u is the mean pore-water pressure at the base
of the column, 7 the unit weight of the soil and h
the mean height of the column. The three-
dimensional computer program LEMIX, based on
the proposed limit equilibrium method, is used in
this analysis. The factors of safety obtained with
LEMIX are compared with factors of safety derived Fig. 8. Most critical surfaces obtained by STABLZ
using Spencer’s ( 1967) two-dimensional method. k,,= 0)

Pore-waler pressure parameter rU = 0

The most critical circles searched by STABLZ for for different slope angles. The following
conclusions can be drawn from these figures.
different strength parameters and slope angles are
When the width of the failure surface increases
plotted in Fig. 8. For low cohesion intercept c’ and
high friction angle $‘, the critical circle tends to be (increasing 1,/H ratio), the end effects are less and
shallow and is likely to pass through the toe of the the F,/F, ratio decreases.
slope. However, for high cohesion intercept c’ and When the length ratio /,/H increases, the
low friction angle rj’, the critical circle tends to be problem is closer to the plane strain condition and
deep and extends beyond the toe. the FJF, ratio approaches unity (the line
FJF, = I corresponds to the plane strain
Different /,/H ratios (0.5, 1, 2 and 4) with
different IJH ratios (0.5, I,2 and 4) are analysed. In condition and would be obtained for large values
Fig. 9 the ratio FJF, of the three-dimensional of IJH).
factor of safety to the two-dimensional factor of
safety is plotted against 1,/H, for different values of
the length ratio 1,/H and for several sets of strength 1.24
parameters. Similar results are presented in Fig. IO
~ c = 26.7 kPa, $ = 15”
Axis of rotation ---- c = 14.4 kPa. .$ = 25”
-.- c = 0, $ = 40”

,,, 1.16
t \
2’ Axisof rotation .?

6 0.96 c
Fig. 7. Front view of a mixed type of failure surface Fig. 9. Ratio FJF, (slope 25/l, r, = 0)
Table 1. Comparison between the factors of safety given by the ordinary method of columns and LEMIX

set of OMC - LEMIX
Relative difference between factors of safety: per cent

T” = 0.0 r, = @50

1,/H = 0.5 1,/H= 1 1,/H = 2 1,/H = 4 1,/H= 0.5 1,/H = 1 1,/H= 2 1,/H = 4

0.5 1 - 16.2 - 13.5 -11.8 - 10.8 -3.1 -0.1 1.9 3.0
2 -9.2 -8.3 -1.6 -7.3 - 3.6 t - 6.0 -5.8 - 5.1
3 -7.5 -7.6 - 7.8 -8.0 0.2 -0.7 - 1.5 -2.2
4 -2.0 -3.1 -4.3 -4.9 3.8 2.2 0.8 -0.2
5 0.1 - 1.7 -3.3 -4.5 4.5 2.3 0.1 - 1.8

1 1 - 14.9 - 12.5 -11.4 - 10.6 - 1.9 0.4 2.1 3.0

2 -8.7 -8.1 -1.6 -7.2 -7.2 -5.9 -6.0 -5.8
3 -8.3 -8.2 -8.2 -8.2 - 1.4 - 1.6 - 2.0 -2.3
-3.8 -4.2 -4.7 -5.2 0.2 1.1 0.3 -0.4
-2.3 -3.1 -4.0 - 4.6 1.0 0.1 -1.1 -2.3

-11.4 - 10.9 - 10.5 - 10.2 1.4 2.1 3.0 3.6

-7.2 -7.1 -6.9 -6.9 - 5.7 -5.6 -5.6 - 5.4
-7.8 -7.7 - 7.8 -8.0 - 1.9 -1.7 - 2.0 - 2.3
-4.1 -4.3 -4.7 -5.1 0.7 1.4 0 -0.4
-3.5 -3.8 -4.2 -4.8 -1.1 - 1.7 -2.1 -2.1

41 2
3 -6.9 - 7.0 -1.2 -1.6 - 1.0 -1.2 - 1.6 - 1.9
4 -3.8 -4.1 -4.4 -4.1 0.7 0.6 0.2 -0.3

I -3.5 -3.8 -4.1 -4.8 - 1.9 -2.1 -2.5 -2.8



c (or c’) = 28.7 kPa
In the two-dimensional case, the ordinary
method of slices (OM!%) usually produces lower
values of factor of safety than more rigorous
methods of slices (Wright, Kulhawy & Duncan,
1973). Therefore, the OMS is generally considered
as a more conservative method. In the three-
dimensional case, the general method presented
here (LEMIX) can be compared with the ordinary
method of columns (OMC) proposed by Hovland
(1977). The results of such a comparison are
presented in Table 1 for a slope of 2,5/l. The
results indicate the following trends. The OMC
usually yields lower factors of safety, with
differences of the order of 10%. When there is no
water condition, the OMC is very conservative for
soils of high friction angle and low cohesion
intercept. For ru = 0.5, the OMC may produce
I.01 I 1
higher values of factor of safety depending on the
0 1 2 3 4
geometric and strength characteristics of the slope.
1*/H These results indicate that the ordinary method of
Fig. IO. Ratio F,/F, for various slope angles columns gives satisfactory results for homo-
geneous soils, but the computed factors of safety
are not necessarily on the conservative side.
For soils with cohesion, F, is greater than F,.
The end effects are essentially caused by the
geometry of the ellipsoids and result in a more COMPARISON WITH FINITE ELEMENT
stable slope. In a cohesionless soil, the resisting STUDIES
forces depend on the weight of soil columns, shear A three-dimensional finite element computer
forces on ends and sides of each column, pore- program, FESPON, was developed to analyse the
water pressures and geometry; in certam stability of embankments (Chen, 1981). The
circumstances the change in factor of safety program FESPON retains the main features of the
introduced by the end effects (ellipsoids) may be two-dimensional program ISBILD (Ozawa, 1973)
negative, resulting in a ratio FJF, less than 1. but is able to perform three-dimensional analyses
Further analyses and parametric studies are using non-conforming isoparametric elements.
needed to assess the practical implications of this These elements, which are more flexible than
finding. conforming elements, are used because they
The steeper the slope, the less the FJF, ratio usually provide more accurate results for the same
(Fig. 10). This is probably because the volume discretization (Wilson, 1971; Wilson, Taylor,
of the failure mass is larger in a gentle slope Doherty & Ghaboussi, 1973). The hyperbolic
(Fig. 8) and therefore more end-effect is produced. stress-strain relationship is combined with an
incremental technique to simulate the non-linear
Pore-water pressure pararneler r, = 0.5 behaviour of soils. The parameters necessary to the
In order to assess the effect of the pore-water analysis can be obtained from triaxial and
condition, the analyses presented in the previous consolidation test data. If such data are not
section were repeated with a pore pressure available, these parameters could be estimated
coefficient r, of 0.50. A detailed presentation of from values and relationships determined by
these results has been given by Chen (1981). The previous investigators. For an accurate estimation
failure circles go deeper into the foundation when of stresses and displacements, the analysis of an
pore-water pressures are present for all embankment is performed by dividing the
combinations of strength parameters and slope placement of fill into eight or more construction
angles, but the general trends are the same as those layers. The layer being placed is assigned very
obtained with no pore-water pressure. The ratio small modulus values to simulate the fact that a
FJF, obtained with r, = 0.5 is plotted in Fig. 10 newly added layer of fill on an embankment has
against the ratio 1,/H for several slope angles. This very low stiffness. The changes in stress, strain and
figure indicates that the water pressure may cause displacement during each increment are added to
the three-dimensional effects to be even more the stresses. strains and displacements existing at
significant. the beginning of the increment, These resulting

defined as
F, = (c + oNtan d)/~~ (18)
where g’N is the normal stress and ~~ the shear
stress. The normal stress, shear stress and local
factors of safety are given in Fig. 1I for different
sections of the failure surface (as a function of the Z
co-ordinate). Fig. 11 shows that the normal stress
is higher in the central portion of the embankment
and is very small at the two ends. The shear stress
distribution is similar to the normal stress
distribution. The maximum shear stresses are only
about 207” of the maximum normal stresses. As the
section is farther away from the centre line, both
the normal and shear stresses decrease at the same
rate and the local factor of safety increases. The
observed discontinuities of F, are due to the
2.2 discontinuity of stresses at the toe.
UC To compare the finite element results with the
m factors of safety obtained with the limit
% 1.8- equilibrium methods, a mean factor of safety F is
6 defined from the local factors of safety as
6 -
f 1.4- F _ C(c+%tan4)dA (19)
2 - Toe
l.O-. where the summation 1 is over the whole failure
surface and dA is the bottom area of a vertical
from toex: m
The results are presented in Table 3. The limit
Fig. II. Normal stress, shear stress and local factor of
equilibrium methods, Spencer’s method and LEMIX
yield factors of safety F, and F, of 1.59 and 1.90
respectively. The two-dimensional finite element
values are then used in the next increment. The computer program ISBILDgives a mean factor of
program is capable of handling embankments on safety F, of 1.62; FESPON leads to a mean factor of
rigid or compressible foundations. safety F, of 2.01. The ratio FJF, is 1.20 for the
The stability analyses were performed for an limit equilibrium methods and 1.24 for the finite
embankment of height 9m, and slope of 1,5/l in element solutions. The factors of safety obtained
as-compacted condition. The soil was assumed from limit equilibrium analyses are smaller than
homogeneous in both embankment and those from finite element analyses. The agreement
foundation. The foundation and embankment is good in this case with differences of 1,8’i,, and
were divided into two and eight layers respectively. 5.50, in two-dimensional and three-dimensional
The parameters of the hyperbolic soil model used cases respectively.
in FESPoN were generated from the results of
conventional triaxial and consolidation tests on CONCLUSIONS
highly plastic St Crois clay (Table 2). Local factors This study was directed at developing
of safety were computed along a spoon-shaped techniques of three-dimensional slope stability
failure surface defined by the critical circle analysis and comparing the results obtained using
obtained by STABLZand a minor axis of length these techniques with those given by conventional
12.2 m (40 ft). The local factor of safety F, is two-dimensional methods. The computer program
LEMIXbased on the limit equilibrium method was

Table 2. Hyperbolic parameters for as-compacted Table 3. Comparison of factors of safety obtained with
condition* the finite element and limit equilibrium methods

c: kPa &degrees K K,, n G d F R, Method

34.5 6 36 110 0.048 0.42 0.52 0,028 O-8 Limit equilibrium 1.59 I .90 1.20
Finite element I .62 2.0 I I.24
* G, = 2.79, M’= 26.8”,,, pd = 1450kg/m3

developed to assess the stability of three- after rearranging the equation

dimensional rotational slides. Typical applications 1
of three-dimensional slope stability analysis Qhv = ~
indicated the following.
x (cos r,[3R,,,(2h,, + h,, + I tan z).~)
(a) The three-dimensional effects are more signifi-
cant at smaller lengths of the failure mass. + 3R,,,(hFL + I tan rYz)
(h) For gentle slopes, the three-dimensional effects
+ R,,,(6h,, + 2h,, + 31 tan zy_)
are most significant for soils of high cohesion
intercept and low friction angle. + 3R,+,,,(2~,, + I tan a,.:)]
(c) In certain circumstances the three-dimensional
factor of safety obtained for cohesionless soils
may be slightly less than that for the two- + 3R,,,(h,, -I tan %v-_)
dimensional case. +R,,, (6h, I +2/l,, -3Itana,=)
(d) Pore-water pressure may cause the three-
dimensional effects to be even greater, +3R,,,(2~,, -Itanr,z)]j
especially for soils of high cohesion intercept with
and low friction angle.
R,, = ct h, h/b
(e) The ordinary method of columns gives satis-
factory results, but they are not always R,, = cF h, h,‘F
(f) The limit equilibrium and finite element R,, = k K,, y,‘h,’ tan &h/F
methods give similar results, with the finite
element method predictably yielding slightly R,, = K,(y,’ h, +0.5 y,.’ h,) h, tan &h/F
higher factors of safety.
The position of the horizontal force acting in the
The Authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful
suggestions of Professor C. W. Lovell at Purdue
;,t’h,+&’ h,
University. The research was administered
through the Joint Highways Research Project, REFERENCES
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