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In this Section we will go over the Basics In-Game & out of Game Rules.

RPR 001: Do not speak about the rules/terms inside the city. (Includes words like OOC, Fail RP, Rules, Meta, Bug,
Lag, VDM, RDM, Streamer/stream, power gaming, admin, peacemaker, BAN, discord, youtube, outside world,
natchatram, stars, etc., )

RPR 002: NO Leaving to Avoid Punishments (LTAP) – Leaving the Server & Re-Joining at a later time to avoid a

RPR 003: NO Evading a Ban (Ban Evasion) – Getting your Account Banned & Re-Joining the Server with a Different

RPR 004: NO threatening to use Hacks, DDoS, Crash Server, Cheat, or Cause Physical Harm to another Player
outside the Server.

RPR 005: NO using any Hacks, Cheats, Scripts, Third-Party Software, Injectors, Etc.

RPR 006: NO abusing Exploits.

RPR 007: NO Impersonating a Fellow Player

RPR 008: NO saying anything Offensive or Inappropriate in Out of Character Chat.

Example: Cursing in OOC because you are unhappy/upset.

RPR 009: NO Mic/Chat Spamming.

Example: Screaming/Playing Music through Mic or Spamming the Same/Random Messages in Chat.

RPR 010: Microphone is a MUST have. Not using a Mic but instead using Chat to talk to other players is NOT
allowed. Players who don't have a Mic or Fail to use a Mic will be kicked.

RPR 011: IC Names but RP Names. NO RACIAL, PROFANE WORDS, or Nick Names

RPR 012: In-Character (IC) – It is the foundation of Role-Play & refers to Acting as your Character.

RPR 013: Out-Of-Character (OOC) – Out Of Character means you are writing as yourself, the player, in the chat, not
as your In-game Character.

RPR 014: NO Breaking RP – When in an RP Situation stopping RP to say/do something OOC is strictly punishable.

RPR 015: NO Random Death-Matching (RDM) – Killing someone without a Role-Play Reason.

RPR 016: NO Vehicle Death-Matching (VDM) – Randomly running people over in a Vehicle.

RPR 017: NO Car Death-Matching (CDM) – Running into other Vehicles (Demolition Derby).

RPR 018: NO Meta-Gaming (MG) – Abusing OOC Knowledge for IC Benefits.

RPR 019: No Power Gaming – Forcing another player into a Situation they can NOT Role-Play out of.

Note: Use common sense when encountering these types of Situations.

RPR 020: NO Minging/Trolling – Is a term used to refer disruptive and immature players. In Role-Play, many
Minges/Trollers attempt to break the Role-Play and cause chaos on purpose. THIS BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE

Note: Minging/Trolling can all be Considered Fail RP.

RPR 021: NO Fail RP – Failing to stick to In-Character Knowledge during Role-Play, usually due to not following the
rules. It is always important to note whether Fail RP was intentional or not.

Note: In general includes ignorance of rules regarding Fear RP, RDM, & as well as attempting to do
impossible/invalid actions.

RPR 022: NO Fear RP – Describes the IC character's fear of anything within the server. No matter how tough or self-
composed the character normally behaves, you must remain fearful of the danger, otherwise it counts as Fail RP.
ALL characters have Fear RP to an extent.

Note: Nearly every character would find themselves afraid if held at gunpoint or threatened with obvious death.
While you might play smart, you must still comply with the enemy's demands & avoid death for as long as
possible. If the situation changes, such as if the enemy no longer has Weapons Pointed at you, you can stop
being afraid.
Additionally, if death is certain (such as if the enemy declares their intent is to kill you), you may make a last
attempt to escape or fight back. Both Parties still must RP the situation out.

RPR 023: NO Breaking New Life Rule (NLR) – Means that the player's character forgets knowledge of various
information learned before dying, including Names, Characters, unusual locations or information gained from

Note: Players must follow NLR if the Die & Re-Spawn at a Hospital.

RPR 024: NO Combat Logging – Disconnecting & Re-Connecting to Avoid a Jail Sentence or Waiting for the Death
Timer to End also avoiding any present RP.

RPR 025: NO Cop Baiting – Taking actions in order to make the Police chase and/or engage with you, especially in
order to start a firefight.

Note: Players who are running from Cops most of the Time for unfit reasons will be Considered Cop Baiting.

RPR 026: No Whitelisted Job AFK – Going AFK as a Whitelisted Job.

Usually players do this to Earn extra money while they are gone.

Caught AFK as Whitelisted Job can result in Termination or Demotion.

RPR 027: Respect female characters regardless of the gender in real life

RPR 028: Can NOT Kill or Attack other players without Role-Play.
 Must have a reason or a benefit to their character when trying to kill or attack another player.
 Example: Yelling “hands up or die" without a reason is NOT valid role-play.

RPR 029: Players must value their lives.

Example: If a player has a gun to their head they must act accordingly.

RPR 030: Players can NOT do something intentionally in front of police that wouldn't ordinarily be done. This is
known as “Cop Baiting".

RPR 031: Can NOT intentionally use aerial vehicles to collide into other players or vehicles

RPR 032: Can NOT Steal or Attempt to Steal Fire/Rescue, Staff, or Military Vehicles including Police/Rescue

RPR 033: During Policing Raids, Robberies, Etc the Police that are killed are allowed to go back to the location as
new Cops. They only know that the location is being Raided/Robbed/Etc.

RPR 034: Police/Paramedics can NOT be killed or kidnapped without sufficient In-Character reasoning to do so.

RPR 035: Character Models with nudity are permitted but please keep in mind that people do stream. In addition,
you can be arrested for Indecent Exposure (in real life).

RPR 036: Entering the Military Base is prohibited. This will be considered Fail RP as you would not realistically be
given entry.

RPR 037: Using a Phone while in Police Custody/Jail is considered “Fail RP" – this includes sending Messages in

RPR 038: If your Job has a Job Required Vehicle you must use that Vehicle. Realistically you wouldn't haul Job
Related items in a Personal Vehicle.

RPR 039: Players must Role-Play every Situation.

Example: “I ran the stoplight because of server lag" or similar situations is NOT allowed.

Exception: Players may only go Out Of Character when a Peacemaker asks you to explain a situation and/or
authorizes you to go OOC.

RPR 040: If you are being held at gunpoint you must (within reason) follow their demands. you can NOT pull a gun
out & shoot them. This is known as “Fear RP"

RPR 041: Players must Role-Play medical injuries correctly at all times. When revived by Emergency Services you
can NOT get up & run until released.

RPR 042: Players can NOT enter an apartment to avoid consequences or Role-Play.

RPR 043: Players can NOT intentionally Respawn, Log Out, or find another way to avoid Role-Play.

RPR 044: Players may remove another players Communication Device in a Role-Play manner. Players with removed
Communication Devices are expected to mute their Third-Party Communication Software. Example: TeamSpeak 3,
Discord, Skype, Etc.

RPR 045: Players can NOT use information gathered from outside the server while in-game. Knowledge &
Experiences should be learned & discovered by a player current character in-game only.

RPR 046: Players can NOT force another player into a situation that they cannot role-play out of. This is known as

RPR 047: Character Names must be close to a Real Name. Example: John Smith
RPR 049: Character Names are checked in database at Multiple times a Week. Failure to Setup your Character
properly can result in Name Change or sometimes character deletion. Reason: You Waste our Time; we Waste

RPR 050: Weapons must be holstered at all times. Brandishing any Weapon in City Limits is Illegal.

RPR 051: When driving a Vehicle at Night your Headlights must be used.

RPR 052: Must followed Posted Speed Limits. Going to slow on certain roads can result in a Slow Moving Citation.

RPR 053: When stopped at a Stop Sign or Turning Right at a Stop Light you must come to a complete Stop & wait 3
Seconds before Proceeding.

RPR 054: All vehicles must be driven on the Right Side of the Road.

RPR 055: All Jobs excluding Unemployed must use Job Related Vehicles. This is due to safety issues & insurance

RPR 056: Licenses:

If driving a Vehicle you must have the License for that Vehicle.
If you have a Weapon you must have the license for that Weapon.
All Vehicles must have at least a rear TN license plate.
If rear License Plate isn't shown you can receive a citation.
Weapon Attachments are Legal if you have your any Weapons License.

RPR 057: Failure to pay Fines will result in longer Jail Sentences.

RPR 058: Dark Window Tint is Illegal.

RPR 059: If you can't clearly see the driver in the front 2 windows its Illegal.

RPR 060: All Explosives are Illegal.

RPR 061: NO Racism or Discriminating against other Players.


Usually Warnings/In-Game Citations will be given out for NOT following the Rules. (Note: After Certain threshold, player
will be Kicked and/or Banned for a certain period of time.)

NOTE: If someone is Hacking/making threat please contact peacemaker to take necessary action against the person
ASAP. All punishments will be logged on the DISCORD/Website if it is Out of Game & in MDT if its In-Game.

Step 1: An OOC ticket needs to be raised in order to discuss any RP related issues.

Step 2: Once an OOC ticket is raised against a person, the visa role will be removed for first level of investigation.
Relevant proofs should be presented during peacemaker interaction only.

1. If the person found guilty, he will be penalised accordingly

2. If the person found to be not guilty, the person raised the ticket will be penalised accordingly.

Step 3: For an OOC discussion, both the parties must be present to discuss the scenario. Person failing to attend the
meeting will be considered as convicted and relevant punishment will be provided.

Note: We will give Various Kicks from Server/Channels as we see fit this may or may not come with an Offense

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