Wave Function For GL (N, R) Hyperbolic Sutherland Model II. Dual Hamiltonians

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Wave function for GL(n, R) hyperbolic Sutherland model II.

Dual Hamiltonians
arXiv:2108.05393v1 [math.RT] 11 Aug 2021

S. Kharchev ⋆ ♮ , S. Khoroshkin ⋆ ◦,♮ ,

Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia;

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS (Kharkevich Institute),Bolshoy
Karetny per. 19, Moscow, 127994, Russia;

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.

Recently we found Mellin-Barnes integrals, representing the wave function for GL(n, R)
hyperbolic Sutherland model. In present paper, we establish bispectral properties
of this wave function with respect to dual Ruijesenaars-Macdonald operators.

1 Introduction
1. In [KK] we found Barnes type integrals presenting the wave function for GL(n, R)
hyperbolic Sutherland Hamiltonian with arbitrary coupling constant g > 0
X ∂2 X g(g − 1)
H2 (x1 , . . . , xn ) = − 2
+ 2 . (1.1)
∂xi i6=j
sh (xi − xj )

It has a form
(g) (g)
Ψλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ) = shg |xj − xk | × Φλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ), (1.2)

Φλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ) =
i i+1
Q Q  γi,j −γi+1,k +g   γi+1,k −γi,j +g 
n−1 Γ 2
Γ 2 n−1 (1.3)
Z Y j=1 k=1 Y
  e i,j=1 (γi,j −γi−1,j )xi dγi,j .
Q γi,r −γi,s  γi,r −γi,s +2g
n(n−1) i=1
Γ 2
Γ 2 i=1
ıR 2 1≤r6=s≤i j≤i

Here λi = γn,i , λi ∈ ıR, g > 0, and γi,j = 0 if i < j. The function Φλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ) is
analytical in a strip around Rn ⊂ Cn and presumably coincides with the corresponding
Heckman–Opdam hypergeometric series, invariant with respect to permutations of the

coordinates xk . Relations (1.3) supplement integral formulas by M. Hallnäs and S. Ruije-
senaars [HR1], where the wave functions for GL(n, R) hyperbolic Sutherland system are
given by integrals over space variables.
2. On the other hand, it is known that spectral problems for integrable systems
with Hamiltonians expressed via Sekiguchi-Macdonald operators [M, S] admit bispectral
extensions. In the paper [Ch] O. Chalykh posed a bispectral problem for the hyperbolic
Sutherland problem with integer coupling constant and found its solution in a form of
Baker–Akhiezer function (see [CE] for the further development). Later M. Noumi, J.
Shiraishi [NS] set a bispectral problem for Ruijsenaars–Macdonald q–difference operators.
They proved the existence of a solution of this problem in a form of basic hypergeometric
series in a region |x1 | ≫ |x2 | ≫ · · · ≫ |xn | and studied analytical problems of this
solution. Besides, they observed certain invariance properties of their solution under the
change t ↔ qt−1 of Macdonald parameters. In [LNS] these results were generalized to
elliptic Ruijsenaars difference operators.
3. Set
X Y λi − λj + 2 − 2g Y
Hr(g) (λ1 , . . . , λn ) = (−1)r(n−1) · Tλi , (1.4)
λi − λj i∈I
Ir ⊂[n] i∈Ir ,j∈[n]\Ir r

where the sum is taken over all subsets Ir of the set [n] = {1, . . . , n} of cardinality r; and
Tλk f (λk ) = f (λk + 2). Commuting operators (1.4) are known as Ruijsenaars–Macdonald
difference operators [M, R], describing Ruijsenaars rational relativistic generalization of
Calogero-Sutherland model. Our main result is
Theorem 1 The function (1.2) solves the spectral problem for Ruijsenaars–Macdonald
difference operators (1.4) with arbitrary coupling constant g > 1, namely,
(g)  (g)
Hr(g) (λ1 , . . . , λn )Ψλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ) = er e2x1 , . . . , e2xn Ψλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ). (1.5)
Here er (y1 , . . . , yn ), r = 1, . . . , n is r-th elementary symmetric function,
er (y1 , . . . , yn ) = y i1 · · · y ir . (1.6)
i1 <...<ir

The wave function (1.2), originally defined for imaginary values of parameters λi , is ana-
lytical in a strip around real subspace Rn ⊂ Cn and then analytically continued to other
values of parameters λi . On the other hand, shifts in difference operators (1.4) are per-
formed in real direction, which means that the relation (1.5) is understood in a sense of
analytical continuation or as an integral equation with Cauchy type kernels.
Besides, we have by [KK] the relations
(g) (g) (g)
H1 (x1 , . . . , xn )Ψλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ) = λp Ψλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ),
X  (1.7)
(g) (g) (g)
H2 (x1 , . . . , xn )Ψλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ) = − λ2p Ψλ1 ,...,λn (x1 , . . . , xn ),

(g) (g)
Here H2 (x1 , . . . , xn ) is Sutherland Hamiltonian (1.1) and H1 (x1 , . . . , xn ) is proportional
to the total impulse operator, H1 (x1 , . . . , xn ) = ∂x∂ 1 + . . . + ∂x∂n . Thus the function (1.2)

(g) (g)
solves the bispectral problem for operators Hr (x1 , . . . , xn ), r = 1, 2, and Hr (λ1 , . . . , λn ),
r = 1, . . . , n.
Note that M. Hallnäs and S. Ruijesenaars also obtained integral presentations for the
wave functions of relativistic Ruijsenaars system [HR2, HR3]. So far we did not establish
precise connection of the rational degeneration of these presentations with the formula
The plan of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we recall basic formulas of the theory
of Macdonald operators, describe certain gauge equivalent Macdonald operators, and
introduce the notions of dual Macdonald operators and bispectral problem for their wave
functions. Besides, we recall difference equations on the weights of measures, associated
to Macdonald operators, which guarantee symmetricity of these operators. In Section 3
we specialize these notions to hyperbolic Sutherland model, performing appropriate limit.
We describe corresponding dual Hamiltonians (closely related to Ruijsenaars integrable
system), and measures, related to them. Note that the measures we use do not coincide
with the formal limit of measures, used for Macdonald polynomials. The corresponding
weights differ by periodic functions and could be rather regarded as deformations of
Sklyanin measure [GKL]. Then we prove that the wave function constructed in [KK]
solves the spectral problem for dual Hamiltonians. The proof is a play with contours
in Mellin-Barnes integrals with the use of related identities on rational functions. Note
that here the restriction g > 1 appears, contrary to [KK], where the coupling constant is
arbitrary positive.
Finally, in Appendix we prove certain identities on rational functions which serve the
proof of our main result.

2 Macdonald operators
1. Measures and gauges. Recall some basic facts about Macdonald operators. For
q, t ∈ C× and zn = (z1 , . . . , zn ) the Macdonald operator Mr = Mr (zn |q, t), r = 1, . . . , n
is the operator in the space of analytical in (C× ) functions on n variables, given by the
X Y tzi − t−1 zj Y
Mr (zn |q, t) = · Tzi , (2.1)
zi − zj i∈I
Ir ⊂[n] i∈Ir ,j∈[n]\Ir r

where the sum is taken over all subsets Ir of the set [n] = {1, . . . , n} of cardinality r and
Tzi is a shift operator

(Tzi f )(z1 , . . . , zi , . . . , zn ) = f (z1 , . . . , q 2 zi , . . . , zn ).

These operators commute [M]:

[Mr , Ms ] = 0,
are invariant with respect to permutations of the coordinates, and Macdonald polynomials
form an eigenbasis for the action of these operators in the space of symmetric polynomials.

Assume that |q| < 1 and introduce the standard notations (z; q 2 )∞ = ∞ 2i
i=0 (1 − zq ).

Consider the function
Y (azj /zk ; q 2 )∞
φa,b (zn ) := (2.2)
(bzj /zk ; q 2 )∞

where a, b ∈ C× . It satisfies the relations

Y (zi − aq −2 zj )(bzi − zj )
Tzi ◦ φa,b (zn ) = φa,b (zn ) ◦ Tzi . (2.3)
(azi − zj )(zi − bq −2 zj )

We use this function for two important particular choices of parameters a and b.
Set a = 1, b = t2 . The function φ1,t2 (z) coincides with the weight ∆q,t (zn )
Y (zj /zk ; q 2 )∞
∆q,t (zn ) = 2 z /z ; q 2 )
, (2.4)
(t j k ∞

for the scalar product in the space of analytical functions. (named ”another scalar prod-
uct” in [M]): I Y dzi
(f, g)q,t = f (zn )g(zn )∆q,t (zn ) (2.5)
|z|i =1 i
It is known [M] that for real q and t Macdonald operators (2.1) are symmetric with
respect to the scalar product (2.5). This follows from the relation
Y qzi − q −1 zj tzi − t−1 zj
Tzi ◦ ∆q,t (zn ) = · ∆q,t (zn ) ◦ Tzi . (2.6)
zi − zj qt−1 zi − q −1 tzj

Put a = q, b = q 2 t−2 and consider the function [NS]

Y (qzj /zk ; q 2 )∞
φ(zn ) = (2.7)
(q 2 t−2 zj /zk ; q 2 )∞

Lemma 1 Operators Mr (zn |q, t) and Mr (zn |q, qt−1 ) are gauge equivalent:

Mr (zn |q, t) ◦ φ(zn ) = φ(zn ) ◦ Mr (zn |q, qt−1). (2.8)

Proof. Direct calculation using the commutation relations

Y qt−1 zi − q −1 tzj
Tzi ◦ φ(zn ) = φ(zn ) ◦ Tzi , (2.9)
tzi − t−1 zj

which are particular cases of (2.3) 

2. Duality. Consider the spectral problem

Mr (zn |q, t)ΦΛn (zn ) = er (Λn )ΦΛn (zn ), (2.10)

where Λn = (Λ1 , . . . , Λn ) is a tuple of complex parameters, er (Λn ), (i = 1, . . . , n) are
elementary symmetric functions (1.6). It is known from the theory of quantum Knizhnik-
Zamolodchikov equation [C, MS, TV] that this problem may be extended to a bispectral
problem on meromorphic functions on complex variables zn and Λn . Moreover M. Noumi
and J. Shiraishi [NS] constructed by iterated summations of basic hypergeometric series
meromorphic solutions of the bispectral problem

Mr (zn |q, t)ΦΛn (zn ) = er (Λn )ΦΛn (zn ),

Mr (Λn |q, t)ΦΛn (zn ) = er (zn )ΦΛn (zn ),

where operators Mr (Λn |q, t) have the same form as initial operators Mr (zn |q, t)
X Y tΛi − t−1 Λj Y
Mr (Λn |q, t) = · TΛi , (2.12)
Λk − Λj i∈I
Ir ⊂[n] i∈Ir ,j∈[n]\Ir r

where difference operators TΛi are given by the relation:

TΛi f (Λ1 , . . . , Λi , . . . , Λn ) = f (Λ1, . . . , q 2 Λi , . . . , Λn ).

Due to equivalence (2.8) one may consider another bispectral system

Mr (zn |q, t)ΦΛn (zn ) =er (Λn )ΦΛn (zn ),

Mr (Λn |q, qt−1 )ΦΛn (zn ) =er (zn )ΦΛn (zn ),

X Y qt−1 Λi − q −1 tΛj Y
Mr (Λn |q, qt−1) = · TΛi . (2.14)
Λi − Λj i∈I
Ir ⊂[n] i∈Ir ,j∈[n]\Ir r

We call operators Mr (Λn |q, t) and gauge equivalent operators Mr (Λn |q, qt−1 ) dual Mac-
donald operators. In analogy with (2.8), they are connected by the relation

Mr (Λn |q, t) ◦ φ(Λn ) = φ(Λn ) ◦ Mr (Λn |q, qt−1). (2.15)

where the function

Y (qΛj /Λk ; q 2 )∞
φ(Λn ) = (2.16)
(q 2 t−2 Λj /Λk ; q 2 )∞

satisfies the commutation relations

Y qt−1 Λi − q −1 tΛj
TΛi ◦ φ(Λn ) = φ(Λn ) ◦ TΛi (2.17)
tΛi − t−1 Λj

The corresponding weight functions

Y (λj /λk ; q 2 )∞ Y (λj /λk ; q 2 )∞
∆q,t (Λn ) = , and ∆q,qt−1 (Λn ) = (2.18)
(t2 λj /λk ; q 2 )∞ k6=j
(q 2 t−2 λj /λk ; q 2 )∞

satisfy the difference equations
Y qΛi − q −1 Λj tΛi − t−1 Λj
TΛi ◦ ∆q,t (Λn ) = · ∆q,t (Λn ) ◦ TΛi ,
Λi − Λj qt−1 Λi − q −1 tΛj
Y qΛi − q −1 Λj qt−1 Λi − q −1 tΛj (2.19)
TΛi ◦ ∆q,qt−1 (Λn ) = · −1
∆q,qt−1 (Λn ) ◦ TΛi
Λ i − Λj tΛ i − t Λj

3. Limit to Sutherland Let q = eπıτ , Im τ > 0, t = q g , g > 0, and tend τ to 0. Then

the expansion of M1 (z1 , . . . , zn |q, t) with respect to τ looks as follows

(g) (πτ )2 (g)

M1 (zn |q, t) = n + πıτ H1 (zn ) − H2 (zn ) + o(τ 2 ), (2.20)
H1 (zn ) =2 zi ∂zi ,
! (2.21)
X X zi + zj 1
H2 (zn ) =4 (zi ∂zi ) + g (zi ∂zi − zj ∂zj ) + g 2 n(n2 − 1)
i=1 i<j
zi − zj 12

After the change of variables

zi = e2xi (2.22)
formulas (2.21) transform to reduced Hamiltonians of hyperbolic Sutherland model:
H1 (xn ) = ∂xi ,
n (2.23)
X X 1
H2 (xn ) = ∂x2i + 2g cth(xi − xj ) (∂xi − ∂xj ) + g 2 n(n2 − 1).
i=1 i<j

The difference equations (2.7) on the weight ∆q,t (zn ) of the scalar product turns in this
limit to differential equations on the limiting weight ∆g (zn ):
X zi + zj
zi ∂zi ∆g (zn ) = g ∆g (zn ) (2.24)
zi − zj

which solution is
Y r zi r zj 2g

∆g (zn ) = zj − zi

so that in variables x, see (2.22)

∆g (xn ) = sh2g |xi − xj | (2.26)

which coincides with the direct limit of the measure weight function for integer g.

3 Dual Hamiltonians
1. Sutherland specialization of dual Macdonald operators. Set

Λi := eπıτ λi , Im τ > 0. (3.1)

Then in the limit τ → 0 the dual Macdonald operators (2.12) and (2.14) tend to dual
Sutherland Hamiltonians
X Y λi − λj + 2g Y
Dr(g) (λn ) = · Tλi (3.2)
λi − λj i∈I
Ir ⊂[n] i∈Ir ,j∈[n]\Ir r

X Y λi − λj + 2 − 2g Y
Dr(1−g) (λn ) = · Tλi (3.3)
λi − λj i∈I
Ir ⊂[n] i∈Ir ,j∈[n]\Ir r

where TΛk := Tλk = exp{2∂λk }.

Consider the function
Y  λp − λq + 2 − 2g 
ϕ(λn ) = Γ . (3.4)

This is the solution of equations

Y λi − λj − 2g + 2
Tλi ◦ ϕ(λn ) = (−1)n−1 ϕ(λn ) ◦ Tλi (3.5)
λ i − λj + 2g

which are the liming cases of relations (2.17).

In analogy with (2.8) there is the gauge transformation

Dr(g) (λn ) ◦ ϕ(λ) = ϕ(λ) ◦ Hr(g) (λn ) (3.6)

Hr(g) (λn ) = (−1)r(n−1) Dr(1−g) (λn ) =
X Y λik − λj + 2 − 2g Y (3.7)
= (−1)r(n−1) · Tλi ,
λ ik − λ j i∈I
Ir ⊂[n] i∈Ir ,j∈[n]\Ir r

It is known that these operators are gauge equivalent to Hamiltonians of the rational
degeneration of Ruijsenaars system constructed in [R].
In the limit τ → 0, the difference equations (2.19) become
Y λi − λj + 2 λi − λj + 2g
Tλi ◦ µ(g) (λn ) = · µ(g) (λn ) ◦ Tλi , (3.8)
λ i − λj λ i − λj + 2 − 2g
Y λi − λj + 2 λi − λj + 2 − 2g
Tλi ◦ µ(1−g) (λn ) = · µ(1−g) (λn ) ◦ Tλi . (3.9)
λ i − λ j λ i − λ j + 2g

These equations admit the solutions
λ − λ  λ − λ 
j k j k
µ(g) (λn ) = Γ−1 Γ−1 +1−g , (3.10)
2 2
λ − λ  λ − λ 
j k j k
µ(1−g) (λn ) = Γ−1 Γ−1 +g . (3.11)
2 2

We implicitly use the solution (3.11) for dual Hamiltonians (3.7) and denote it by µ(λn ).
Remark 1 Note that measure weights (3.10) and (3.11) differ by periodic functions from
formal limits of the measure weights (2.18).

Remark 2 At the point g = 1/2 when the wave function of the hyperbolic Sutherland
model can be given by GL(n, R) zonal spherical functions [GKL], both measures are pro-
portional to Sklyanin measure
µS (λn ) = Γ−1 (λj − λk ) (3.12)

due to Legendre duplication formula [BE]

22z−1  1
Γ(2z) = √ Γ(z)Γ z + .
π 2
Our main result, Theorem 1, states that the wave function (1.3) satisfies the system
of spectral equations with respect to Hamiltonians (1.4) and thus satisfies the system of
bispectral equations (1.5), (1.7)
2. Proof of Theorem 1. The basic formula (1.3) for the wave function of the reduced
Sutherland Hamiltonian can be written in inductive way
Φλn (xn ) = µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λn ,νn−1 )xn Φν(g)
(xn−1), (3.13)

λn = (λ1 , . . . , λn ) , νn−1 = (ν1 , . . . , νn−1 ) ,
xn = (x1 , . . . , xn ) , xn−1 = (x1 , . . . , xn−1 ) ,
X n−1
hn (λn , νn−1 ) = λj − νj ,
j=1 j=1
n−1 n    
YY νj − λk + g λk − νj + g
K(λn , νn−1 ) = Γ Γ , (3.14)
j=1 k=1
2 2
and µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 is modified Sklyanin measure (3.11). Here
−1 νr − νs −1 νr − νs + 2g
µ(νn−1 ) = Γ Γ . (3.15)
2 2

The important property of the integration contour in the integral (3.13): it separates two
series of poles:
νi = λj + g + 2k, k = 0, 1, . . . and
νi = λj − g − 2k, k = 0, 1, . . .
Proposition 1 For g > 1 and any r = 1, . . . , n we have the following relation
Hr(g) (λn )Φλn (xn ) =
2xN (g)
e µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λn ,νn−1 )xn Hr−1 (νn−1 )Φν(g)
(xn−1 )+
îRn−1 (3.17)
µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λn ,νn−1 )xn Hr(g) (νn−1 )Φν(g)
(xn−1 ).

Proof of Theorem 1 now consists of the (double) inductive use of Proposition 1. Indeed,
for n = 1 the wave function is an exponent
Φλ1 (x1 ) = eλ1 x1 ,
while the Macdonald operator H1 (λ1 ) = Tλ1 . Evidently,
(g) (g)
Tλ1 Φλ1 (x1 ) = e2x1 Φλ1 (x1 ).
Then, using successively (3.17) for r = 1, we get the equality
(g) (g)  (g)
H1 (λn )Φλn (xn ) = e2x1 + . . . + e2xn Φλn (xn ) (3.18)
(g) (g)
for any n ≥ 1. Then we proceed in the same manner for H2 (λn ), etc., Hn (λn ), using
the inductive relations for elementary symmetric functions,
er (z1 , . . . , zn ) = zn er−1 (z1 , . . . , zn−1 ) + er (z1 , . . . , zn−1 ).

Proof of Proposition 1. The left hand side of (3.17) looks as
Hr(g) (λn )Φλn (xn ) =
X Y λik − λj + 2 − 2g Y (g) (3.19)
(−1)r(n−1) · Tλi Φλn (xn ).
λ ik − λ j i∈I
Ir ⊂[n] i∈Ir ,j∈[n]\Ir r

Consider the summand corresponding subset Ir = {i1 , i2 , . . . , ir }. Denote this summand

by JIr :
Y λik − λj + 2 − 2g Y
JI r = · Tλi ×
λ ik − λ j i∈I
i∈Ir ,j∈[n]\Ir r
Z (3.20)
µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λn ,νn−1 )xn Φν(g)

Shifts do note touch the integration measure µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 , but act nontrivially on the
kernel K(λn , νn−1 ), exponent ehn (λn ,νn−1 )xn and on the integration contour. We have by
Y λi − νa + g
Tλi K(λn , νn−1 ) = K(λn , νn−1 ),
νa − λi + g − 2
i∈Ir i∈Ir a=1 (3.21)
hn (λn ,νn−1 )xn 2rxn hn (λn ,νn−1 )xn
Tλi e =e ×e

On the other hand, operator Tλi shifts the integration contour in (3.20) in such a way
that the conditions (3.16) are satisfied with the replacement of λi ≡ γn,i by λi + 2, that
is the shifted contour should separate set of poles:
νa = λj + g + 2k, k = 0, 1, . . . j∈
6 Ir ,
νa = λj + g + 2k + 2, k = 0, 1, . . . j ∈ Ir

νa = λj − g − 2k, k = 0, 1, . . . j∈
6 Ir ,
νa = λj − g − 2k + 2, k = 0, 1, . . . j ∈ Ir

Assume that all λj are pure imaginary (or have a small real part, Re λj < (g − 1)/2).
Then the contour

C : Re νa = c, −g + 2 < c < g, a = 1, . . . , n − 1 (3.24)

satisfies the conditions (3.23), (3.24) for any set Ir . Moreover, this contour may be
obtained by such continuous deformation of imaginary plane iRn−1 , which transforms the
original configuration (3.16) of poles into (3.22)–(3.23). The picture below demonstrate
the position of the poles in the integral JIr . Here i ∈ Ir and j 6∈ Ir . The grey region
describes the position of the contour C, specified for a variable νa . This position is
common for all possible subsets Ir ⊂ [n].

λj − g − 4 λj − g − 2 λj − g λj + g λj + g + 2 λj + g + 4

λi − g − 2 λi − g λi − g + 2 λi + g + 2 λi + g + 4 λj + g + 6

Re νa = −g + 2 Re νa = g

Fig. 1 Contour C for the variable νa

Since the contour C does not depend on a set Ir , we can permute integration and
summation procedures so that
Hr(g) (λn )Φλn (xn ) = JI r =
Ir ⊂[n]
Z (3.25)
2rxn hn (λ)xn
e Sr (λn , νn−1 )µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )e Φν(g)
(xn−1 ),

 
Y λi − λj + 2 − 2g NY−1
X Y λi − νa + g 
Sr (λn , νn−1 ) =  (3.26)
λi − λj λ − νa + 2 − g
a=1 i
Ir ⊂[n] i∈Ir j∈[n]\Ir

Note that we eliminate the sign in (3.19) by rewriting the fractions.

Define a similar sum,
 
Y νa − νb + 2g − 2 Y N
X Y λi − νa + g 
S̃r (νn−1 , λn , ) =  (3.27)
νa − νb λ − νa + 2 − g
i=1 i
Ar ⊂[n−1] r b∈[n−1]\Ar

We need the following generalization of recurrence relations on binomial coefficients.

Lemma 2 For any r = 1, . . . , n

Sr (λn , νn−1 ) = S̃r−1 (νn−1 , λn , ) + S̃r (νn−1 , λn , ) (3.28)

Proof is given in Appendix.

Using Lemma 2, we rewrite (3.25) as
Hr(g) (λn )Φλn (xn ) =
e S̃r−1 (νn−1 , λn , )µ(νn−1)dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λ)xn Φν(g)
(xn−1 )+
e2rxn S̃r (νn−1 , λn , )µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λ)xn Φν(g)

and apply to each occurring summand the same procedure in opposite direction. Namely,
for any subset Ar ⊂ [n − 1] of cardinality r in the integral
 
νa − νb + 2g − 2 λi − νa + g 
JA′ r = 
νa − νb λ − νa + 2 − g
i=1 i (3.30)

µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λ)xn Φν(g)

(xn−1 )

we perform the change of integration variables

νa → νa + 2, a ∈ Ar (3.31)

Functional relations on Gamma functions imply the relations
Y YY νa − λi + g
Tνa K(λn , νn−1 ) = K(λn , νn−1 ),
a∈Ar a∈Ar i=1
λi − νa + g − 2
Y Y νa − νb + 2 νa − νb + 2 − 2g
Tνa µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 = · µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 (3.32)
a∈Ar a∈Ar ,b6∈Ar
νa − νb νa − νb + 2g
hn (λn ,νn−1 )xn
Tνa e =e−2rxn × ehn (λn ,νn−1 )xn

We also have
 
Y Y νa − νb + 2g − 2
Y Y λi − νa + g 
Tνa  =
a∈Ar a∈Ar
ν a − νb i=1
λ i − νa + 2 − g
  (3.33)
Y νa − νb + 2g Y N
Y λi − νa + g − 2 
 .
νa − νb + 2 i=1 λi − νa − g
r b∈[n−1]\Ar

Combining (3.32) and (3.33) we see that

′ rN 2rxN
JAr =(−1) e µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λ)xn

Y νa − νb + 2 − 2g Y
Tνa Φν(g) (xn−1)
νa − νb a∈A
a∈Ar b∈[n−1]\Ar r

where the contour C̃ is the deformation of the contour C according to the change of
variables (3.31). In the assumption g > 1 we may choose again C̃ = iRn−1 . Analogously,
for any subset Ar−1 ⊂ [n − 1] the integral
 
νa − νb + 2g − 2 λi − νa + g 
JA′ r−1 = 
νa − νb λ − νa + 2 − g
i=1 i (3.35)
C r−1 b∈[n−1]\Ar−1

µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λ)xn Φν(g)

(xn−1 )

evaluates as
JA′ r−1 = (−1) (r−1)N 2(r−1)xN
e µ(νn−1 )dνn−1 K(λn , νn−1 )ehn (λ)xn
Y νa − νb + 2 − 2g Y
Tνa Φν(g) (xn−1 )
νa − νb a∈A
a∈Ar−1 b∈[n−1]\Ar−1 r−1

Combining (3.28), (3.35) and (3.36) we arrive to the proof of Proposition 1. 

In this way we finish the proof of Theorem 1.

Remark 3 Note the difference on conditions for the coupling constant g which guarantee
the eigenfunction relations for Sutherland Hamiltonian H2 , see (1.1) and dual Hamilto-
nians Dr , see (3.2). According to [KK], the function (1.2)–(1.3) is an eigenfunction
for the Sutherland Hamiltonian H2 for any g > 0. In this paper the proof of Theorem 1
requires the condition g > 1, which guarantees the existence of the common contour C for
all summands JIr in (3.19) due to the condition (3.24) which is nonempty only for g > 1.

4 Example: Dual spectral problem for n = 2

From (1.4) in the case of n = 2 one has two dual Hamiltonians

(g) 1 n 2∂λ1 2∂λ2

H1 (λ1 , λ2 ) =− (λ1 − λ2 + 2 − 2g)e + (λ1 − λ2 − 2 + 2g)e ,
λ1 − λ2 (4.1)
H2 (λ1 , λ2 ) = e2(∂λ1 +∂λ2 )

In [KK] we consider the simplest case of (1.3):

Z n o
Φλ1 ,λ2 (x1 , x2 ) = exp (λ1 + λ2 − γ)x2 + γx
ıR (4.2)
γ − λ + g  λ − γ + g  γ − λ + g  λ − γ + g 
1 1 2 2
×Γ Γ Γ Γ dγ,
2 2 2 2
One can calculate integral (4.2) in explicit terms. Performing in (4.2) the shift γ = s + λ1
of the integration variable, we rewrite the wave function as
n1 o
(g) (g)
Φλ1 ,λ2 (x1 , x2 ) = exp (λ1 + λ2 )(x1 + x2 ) φλ1 −λ2 (x1 − x2 ), (4.3)
where the sl(2, R)–part φλ1 −λ2 (x1 − x2 ) has the form

g + s g − s g + λ + s g − λ − s
(g) λx
φλ (x) = e 2 Γ Γ Γ Γ exp{sx}ds. (4.4)
2 2 2 2

Calculation of (4.4) by residues yields up to numerical factor

(g) 1 −g
φλ (x) = Γ(g − λ2 )Γ(g + λ2 ) · sinh 2 −g x P λ2− 1 (cosh x), (4.5)
2 2

where P λ2− 1 (cosh x) is the Legendre function of the first kind. Thus the wave function
2 2
(4.2) acquires the final form
n1 o
(g) −g
Φλ1 ,λ2 (x1 , x2 ) = sinh 2 (x1 − x2 ) · exp (λ1 + λ2 )(x1 + x2 )
2 (4.6)
λ1 −λ2 λ1 −λ2 −g
× Γ(g − 2
)Γ(g + 2
)P λ21 −λ2 1 (cosh(x1 − x2 )).
− 2

Since P λ2− 1 (cosh x) satisfies the relation
2 2

1n 2∂λ −2∂λ
o 1
−g 1
(λ + 2g)e + (λ − 2g)e P λ2− 1 (cosh x) = (ex + e−x )P λ2− 1 (cosh x) (4.7)
λ 2 2 2 2

(see for example [BE, 3.8(2)]), the function Φλ1 ,λ2 (x1 , x2 ) satisfies the spectral problem
(g) (g) (g)
H1 (λ1 , λ2 )Φλ1 ,λ2 (x1 , x2 ) = (e2x1 + e2x2 )Φλ1 ,λ2 (x1 , x2 ),
(g) (g) (g)
H2 (λ1 , λ2 )Φλ1 ,λ2 (x1 , x2 ) = e2(x1 +x2 ) Φλ1 ,λ2 (x1 , x2 ),
(g) (g)
where dual operators H1 , H2 are given by (4.1).

A Proof of Lemma 2
Rename first the variables. Put
ui = λi + 2 − g, va = νa , α = 2g − 2,
un = (u1 , . . . , un ), vn−1 = (v1 , . . . , vn−1 )

Then the identity takes the form

Sr′ (un , vn−1 ) = S̃r−1 (vn−1 , un , ) + S̃r′ (vn−1 , un , ) (A.2)

 
Y ui − uj − α NY −1
X Y ui − va + α 
Sr′ (un , vn−1 ) =  ,
ui − uj a=1 ui − va
Ir ⊂[n] r j∈[n]\Ir
  (A.3)
X Y Y va − vb + α Y ui − va + α 
S̃r′ (vn−1 , vn , ) = 
va − vb i=1 ui − va
Ar ⊂[n−1] r b∈[n−1]\Ar

We prove (A.2) by induction on the number n of variables ui . First we see that

Y ui − va + α
Sn′ (un , vn−1 ) = S̃n−1

(vn−1 , un ) = (A.4)
ui − va
i∈[n], a∈[n−1]

so that the equality (A.2) is valid for n ≤ r. Next assume that the equality (A.2) is valid
for any number of variables ui less than n (and any r) and prove it for the number of
variables equal to n. The difference of LHS and RHS of (A.2) is symmetric with respect to
permutations of ui and permutations of va . Thus the nominator of this rational function
it is divisible by
∆un = (ui − uj ) and ∆vn−1 = (va − vb )
1≤i<j≤n 1≤a<b≤n−1

and the only possible simple poles of this difference are

ui = va .

Consider the difference of LHS and RHS of (A.2) as the function of vn−1 and compute its
residue at the point
vn−1 = un = w.
Denote by En (w) the rational function
Y w − ui − α Y w − va + α
En (w) = (A.5)
w − ui 1≤a<n−1 w − va

One can observe the following equalities

Resvn−1 =un =w Sr′ (un , vn−1 ) = αEn (w)Sr−1

(un−1 , vn−2 ),
Resvn−1 =un =w S̃r′ (vn−1 , un ) = αEn (w)S̃r−1

(vn−2 , un−1)

These equalities together with induction assumptions imply that the residue of the dif-
ference of LHS and RHS of (A.2) at vn−1 = un equals zero. By symmetries between ui
and between va all residues at va − uj also vanish. Thus this difference is a polynomial,
symmetric with respect to ui and vj of degree zero, that is the constant.
To compute this constant, tend all the variables ui and va to infinity. It is equivalent
to tend α to zero. But in this limit the equality (A.2) reduces to the recurrence relation
on binomial coefficients,      
n n−1 n−1
= + (A.7)
r r−1 r
Thus the constant is zero. This proves the induction step. 

RFBR and NSFB according to the research project number 19-51-18006 (S.Kharchev);
Russian Science Foundation, project No. 20-41-09009, used for the proof of the statements
of Section 3 (S. Khoroshkin); section 2 was prepared within the framework of the HSE
University Basic Research Program (S.Khor.)

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