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I have done some research about this topic. E-commerce is the activity of electronically buying
or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. Did you know? In 2019, an
estimated 1.92 billion people purchased goods or services online and during the same year, e-
retail sales surpassed 3.5 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. So, what are the driving factor that
cause ecommerce to growth? One of the main key factor is because of its convenience.
Convenience is the backbone of e-commerce and a huge reason that online shopping has boomed
over the last few years. Shopping online let the customers have the opportunity to buy any
product from anywhere around the world without moving away from their workplace or home
through internet. In other words, E-commerce provides convenience to buy goods or services
without causing any physical constraints to the consumers.
There are steady increased of ecommerce sales worldwide since 2014 and global ecommerce
sales amounted to more than $3.5 trillion dollars worldwide in 2019. This number is expected to
continue growing over the next few years, proving that ecommerce is an increasingly lucrative
option for businesses. In addition, of the total global retail sales in 2019, 14.1 percent came from
online purchases. That is, more than $14 of every $100 spent on retail goods was done over the
internet. This figure is expected to continue increasing and take a larger piece of the retail pie.
By 2021, it’s estimated that total retail sales will hit more than $4.9 trillion US dollars.
The data show how convenience is vital in certain retail industries. Purchases that people make
on a more regular business – such as groceries and personal care – need to offer a greater level of
convenience in order to be worthwhile. Some 63% say that convenience is very important when
it comes to grocery shopping, with 66% saying they are willing to pay more to ensure their
purchase is more convenient. This can be anything from choosing a delivery or pick-up time to
getting an update of what items are unavailable or have been substituted. Clothing is the next
type of purchase where convenience is seen as important, with 47% of consumers stating this and
61% happy to pay for a convenient experience. Options like online sizing, varying delivery
options, and free returns all help to produce the best possible experience and could result in
customers becoming brand advocates. Other types of purchases where convenience is seen as
important are electronics (42%), personal care (41%) and pet supplies (41%).
My final thought on this topic is convenience is all part of the customer experience and should
always be at the forefront of strategies and plans for the retail brand. In a world where time is
short and there are so many options available, it takes more than price to beat competitors so it’s
vital for businesses to make consumers shopping with their brand as easy and convenient as

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