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Stunts By Barak Blackburn

Bard the Bowman sinking the arrow into the one

weak spot of Smaug’s armored hide...a called
shot to a vampire’s heart...witty banter to catch
an opponent off-guard...the Kirk roll to sneak past
an opponent’s whirling sword and impenetrable
defense…all of these combat scenes are vital
parts of exciting narrative in media, but aside
from a GM describing action in a flowery way, are
not part of standard d20 combats.

With feats so valuable, characters are not likely to

be able to have more than one or two cool tricks
up their sleeve. But the one thing all players have
in common is skills. Most adventurers are likely
to have the standard listen, search and spot,
but what about the character who has invested
skill points into appraise? What about the
character with knowledge (religion) who has an
understanding of the weaknesses of undead?

Skillful stunts will not only spice up your combats,

but will give characters more options without
necessitating the need for new rules or yet
another laundry list of feats.

The basic mechanic for skillful stunts is a simple

one: when a character wants to perform a stunt,
the character declares the stunt (a stunt counts
as a standard action) and rolls a stunt check.
A stunt check DC is determined by the Characters might also request that they be
opponent’s Touch AC + the opponent’s Wis allowed synergy bonuses for skills normally not
modifier + the opponent’s BAB. If the stunt is associated with one another. Knowledge skills
successful, the character gets at least one Stunt offer great opportunities for synergy against
Point that can be allocated as they choose. There specific foes. For example, Rangers add their
is no penalty if a stunt is unsuccessful, although favored enemy bonus to any stunt roll against a
a character does have to follow through with their favored enemy. Again, it is an attacker’s request
action. Characters may not take 10 or take 20 on and a GM’s final ruling, but encouraging creativity
a stunt check. is sure to get characters more involved in their
skill selection.
A Stunt Point allows a character to do one of
three things: In order to not water down the coolness of
stunts, it is recommended that each player be
1) a character may add 1d10 damage to their given a cap for the number of stunts they can
ranged or melee attack (note that this damage attempt each session, perhaps one/ level (or for
is multiplied in the case of a critical hit); NPCs without levels, one/ HD). Stunts should
encourage creativity, not become yet another tool
2) a character may lower all the saves of an for min/ maxing.
opponent by 1 for any spell or effect by the
Stunt Example:
3) a character may lower the AC of an opponent
by 2 for the follow-up attack. Malin is facing off against a Cloud Giant.
Malin needs every advantage he can get,
Stunt effects generally work only for the so he tries to let the giant knows he means
stunter, and only last until the follow-up action business. He lets out a ferocious roar, flexes
immediately following the stunt. his muscles and raises his maul to take down
the giant. This is an intimidation stunt.
A character may also attempt to voluntarily
increase the number of Stunt Points with a stunt The DM (note: any DM would be well advised
by adding to the stunt DC. Every increment of 5 to figure out stunt DCs before the session
added to the DC adds an additional Stunt Point to as part of their prep) notes that the stunt DC
the total received if the stunt check is successful. against the giant is 24 (9 touch AC, + 12 BAB,
+3 Wis modifier).
However, although stunts are cool, opponents
are not likely to be fooled by the same stunt Malin has a +14 modifier to his intimidate
again and again. After the second stunt attempt check and rolls a 13. Success! The giant
against an opponent, the initial DC increases realizes there might be more to this dwarf
by 5 for each additional attempt. Why after the than he bargained for. Malin decides to use
second attempt? Canny combatants will often the Stunt Point to add 1d10 to his damage
attempt a stunt the first time to test the mettle of roll.
their opponent, and after gauging their opponent
will voluntarily increase the DC to do even more The following round, Malin really needs a big
damage. But remember, NPCs can stunt as hit, so he increases the DC by 10 hoping to
well…. add a total of 3d10 to his roll. Unfortunately,
Malin does not know that the stunt DC is now
a 29 (for a total of 39) and with only a +14
modifier, he is unlikely to make the roll…
Some stunts are so over the top and so detailed Sample Stunts:
that they require more than just one skill. Why not
try a combo-stunt? A combo-stunt is when more What follows is a list of sample stunts for many of
than one skill is used for a stunt attempt. the skills in a d20 game. Players are encouraged
to get descriptive when describing their stunts,
The base difficulty of each stunt DC increases by and come up with interesting new ways of using
2 for every additional skill used in the combo, but their skills.
damage is cumulative. If any roll in a combo stunt
is unsuccessful, the stunt itself is unsuccessful. Appraise:
Flawed Diamond Attack a character using
For example, Vysus wants to try a stunt he is appraise can look for a weakness in the armor
calling The Stare against the above Cloud Giant. of an opponent, either man-made armor or
The Stare is a combo-stunt using Concentration, natural armor.
Intimidation and Gather Information. The base
DC for a stunt against the giant is still 25, but for Balance:
the combo stunt, the DC for each skill check is 29 Body Like the Blade a character using balance
(25 plus 4 for the two additional skills).If all three often finds that approaching an opponent
rolls are successful, Vysus will get 3 Stunt Points. sideways (similar to a fencing stance) allows
them to get through their defenses.
If a combo stunt is attempted more than once
against an opponent or anyone who witnessed Bluff:
the combo, the DC automatically increases by 5. Kitten Claws a character will attempt to appear
weaker than they really are, but every kitten has

Spell Feint a character makes it appear there

is another target, or perhaps even another spell
that they will cast, lower the defenses of an

Spider Style if during a move action, before a
stunt, a character comes across a wall or other
obstacle, the character will easily cross it in
a show of their climbing prowess. Characters
have been known to run halfway up a wall
around an opponent and catch them off guard.

Channel the Inner Strength concentration
allows a character to avoid all the distractions
and focus solely on their opponent. As the drop
of sweat falls into their unblinking eye, they
focus their attack.

Secrets of the Trade for an appropriate Craft,
a skilled artisan can find the shortcuts his fellow
artisan made and exploit them.
Decipher Script: Heal:
Runic Disruption creatures reading from a Healing Touch one who knows how to heal,
scroll and constructs often suffer damage from probably also knows where to harm.
a skilled decipherer as they are able to sever
some of the magical ties that words bring them. Hide:
Strike From the Shadows leaping in and out
Diplomacy: of the shadows, an attacker uses the darkness
Friends Like Enemies perhaps there is a to mask their attack.
larger threat, perhaps an opponent’s anger is
misguided. Intimidate:
Furious Blow sometimes knowing your
Disable Device: opponent is bringing the beat-down makes it
The Nutcracker no, this is not meant as an hurt even more.
attack usable only against the manliest of
men, rather, against heavily armored foes, a Jump:
character skilled is Disabling Devices, is also Death From Above too often attackers stay on
skilled enough to sneak a blade in-between the ground, why not take to the air?
plates of armor.
Disguise: Learned Strike many of the knowledge skills
Instant Ally combat is chaotic. In a combat with allow someone to know a monster’s weakness
many combatants, a skilled disguiser is able to and vulnerabilities, use of this skill as a
use what is around her and trick an opponent stunt is a perfect example of exploiting them
into letting down their defenses thinking the (Arcana- constructs, dragons, magical beasts;
attacker is an ally (example: wrapping up in one Dungeoneering- aberrations, oozes; Nature-
of the cloaks of a recently felled Knight of the animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids,
Black Gate). plants, vermin; Religion- undead; The planes-
outsiders, elementals).
Escape Artist:
Flowing Like Water weaving through defenses Listen:
with limbs that must be double-jointed. The Sounds of Dying did your opponent
take a shot to the ribs, and is having trouble
Gather Information: breathing? Are they telegraphing their attacks
Confessional Strike witty banter or muttering under their breath? A listen stunt
psychological interrogation causes the allows a character to drown out the din of
opponent to reveal a weakness they probably combat to focus on their opponent.
didn’t want their opponent to know about.
Move Silently:
Handle Animal: Whisper Strike combat is loud, sometimes a
Bees with Honey entering combat with an silent blow can be quite deadly.
animal companion against a skilled animal
handler, is asking for trouble, both for the Perform:
animal and for the opponent. This skill breaks Bringing the House Down juggling knives, an
some of the link between animal and master, opponent is unlikely to know which one will be
even just for split-second, causing hesitation thrown, singing of an opponent’s demise might
and a drop of defenses. be unsettling, a poem detailing every blow....
Swine Posterior Attack some warriors believe
that there is a code of conduct in a combat,
others will do what they need to in order to
survive. While in close combat, an attacker
attempting this Ride stunt actually leaps onto
the back of their opponent for a brief moment,
catching them off guard and getting a great
opportunity to strike. Against larger foes, this
stunt coupled with a grapple check will actually
allow the attacker to use their stunt bonus
damage die (dice) in their grapple check!

Scholar’s Strike watch your opponent, learn
their weakness.

Sleight of Hand:
Snakebite an opponent can best defend
against a blow they know is coming, what about
one they do not see?

Speak Language: Tumble:

Battlefield Orders because there is no Monkey Strike tumble is often used to avoid
associated skill check with the Speak AoO, but what about using it strike from the
Languages skill, using this skill for a stunt is floor?
quite difficult, but not without benefit. To use
this skill, the character must speak a language Use Magic Device:
native to their opponent(s) (and generally Magical Defense Avoidance characters
not the Common tongue), and they will try who rely too much on magic items for their
and add to the chaos of battle with orders of power and defense (saves, strength, AC, etc)
their own by making an Intelligence check for should avoid a skilled user of magical devices,
their stunt roll. If they succeed at this difficult because they are often able to disrupt the
check, the attacker and his allies gain the stunt energies contained within to cause backlash to
bonus against all opponents within 30’ until the an opponent.
attacker’s next action!
Deactivation most effects from magic
Spellcraft: items can be deactivated, this type of stunt
Spellsight against an opponent with magic temporarily powers down a magic item,
enhancements, protections, etc this attack is lowering the defenses of an opponent.
able to counter some of the magic.

Perfect Timing seeing that one moment your
opponent is off-balance.

Gaia’s Ally: using your surroundings, you are
able to take advantage of your opponent’s
weakness and of utilize your inherent instincts.
Sample Combo Stunts: Backlash
(Disable Device, Use Magic Device, Spellcraft
The Stare (or Knowledge – Arcana); +3 Stunt Points)-
(Intimidate, Gather Information, Used against an opponent who relies far too
Concentration; +3 Stunt Points)- The stare much on their magical items, a Backlash stunt
occurs when an attacker seemingly freezes in turns some of those magical protections against
combat and locks eyes with their opponent. the user, almost as if directly channeling the
During this battle of wills, the attacker is sizing up magical energies contained within each.
the opponent and letting them know she means
business. Done effectively, the Stare is enough to Fearsome Display
make many opponents strongly consider whether (Perform, Sleight of Hand, Bluff; +3 Stunt
staying to fight the attacker is the best course of Points)- Sure, the guy in the heavy armor with
action. the huge sword looks like someone to avoid, but
what about the opponent calmly walking towards
Ghost Strike you, whirling his sword about his body almost
(Move Silently, Hide, Sleight of Hand; +3 Stunt too fast to be seen and as if it was an extension
Points)- What happens when the opponent you of their being. That opponent is demonstrating a
are fighting suddenly vanishes? But instead of Fearsome Display, and although they might not
them no longer being present, you can feel them be as bad-ass as the other opponent (because
right next to you, their hot breath on your neck… they are likely a bard) when they hit you after
It is far more terrifying knowing they are there and their display, you will feel it!
that you are helpless against them.
Blood Oath
Will O’ the Wisp (Concentration, Intimidate, Knowledge-
(Jump, Tumble, Climb; +3 Stunt Points)- appropriate to the foe, be it nobility against
Keeping track of an opponent, and knowing what a king, or religion against undead, Bluff,
they can and cannot do are keys to victory. When Diplomacy, Sense Motive; +6 Stunt Points)-
your opponent leaps forward, tumbles between You have dedicated your life to destroying this
your legs, runs up the wall next to you and strikes foe. This is the individual who killed your family,
while seemingly attached to the ceiling--- it is burned your village and ate your teddy bear. It
unnerving to say the least! all comes down to this. Best of luck making the
checks, but live or die, it will be the noteworthy!
Apollo’s Strike
(Spot, an appropriate Knowledge skill; +2
Stunt Points when combined with a ranged
attack)- Some battlefield philosophers claim
that the easiest way to victory is through the air,
others call these individuals cowards. Make them
pay for their cowardice! If an opponent won’t let
you get close, a spot check and an appropriate
knowledge roll will lead you straight to their
weakness, be it the dragon with on plate missing
from their armored hide, or attacking a vampire
with a wooden arrow right through the heart.
Note that all of these are just examples, players Stunts are a great way to make combat
and GMs are encouraged to come up with their more visual and interesting and also serve
own justifications for how a skill can be used to give attackers an extra edge against
in a stunt (maybe a player has some incredibly particularly tough opponents. In sacrificing
clever way of using Forgery against a city guard). extra attacks, and by requiring a skill roll, an
Be creative, name and describe your stunts, attacker gains a definite edge.
come up with cool combos, stunts should be

Final Example:
Randis, a 15th level fighter, faces off against his nemesis Infernum, the Mature Adult Red Dragon.
Randis knows that with his allies already beaten he doesn’t stand much chance, but he has to
do something. Although he gets 3 attacks with his great sword and even though it is designed
to take down dreaded wyrms, his 2nd and 3rd attacks are likely to do little. His to hit bonus with
all modifiers taken into consideration is +27, but he is certainly going to want to power attack in
order to take advantage of his two-handed weapon.

He considers a power attack loweing his to hit bonus by 10, this will give him +20 to his damage,
but his three attacks would be +17/ +12/ +7… the second and third attacks are very unlikely to
hit. Even his first attack will require a great roll. If he can lower the AC of the wyrm, that would
increase his chances to hit and do damage.

He attempts a combo stunt he is calling “Ride the Fire” it will be a combo of Climb, Jump and
Ride, and is described as Randis leaping up onto the dragon’s back and bringing his sword down
into the great beast. Fortunately for this example, Randis is a master with each skill. His Climb
and Jump modifiers are +25 and +32 respectively, and his Ride modifier is +23.

Randis has been hunting Infernum for sometime and has 7 ranks in Knowledge (Dragons) and
asks the GM if that would help with his Ride check. The GM likes the concept and gives Randis a
+2 synergy bonus. This improves his Ride modifier to +25.

The GM notes that the base DC for a stunt against Infernum is 37, with a three stunt combo this
increases to 43.

For the sake of Randis staying alive, let us presume he makes all three checks (requiring rolls of
18 for both Ride and Climb and 11 for Jump), he allocates all three Stunt Points to lowering the
beast’s AC.

The GM notes a normal AC of 33 drops to a 27. Given that he rolled 2 18s for the stunt, Randis is
feeling lucky and pours everything he has into the Power Attack, subtracting the maximum of 15
from his attack. This gives him a +12 to hit and he rolls, knowing he will do his base damage +30
with just this one blow. If he criticals that damage will be +60…..

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles
Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins,
and JD Wiker.
Skillful Stunts Copyright 2006, Adamant Entertainment.: Author: Barak Blackburn


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