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Course:Issues in Guidance Counseling.

Question 1)What are the Ojectives of Educational,Vocation,and

Personal/Social guidance and Counseling.

1a)Objectives Relating to Educational guidance and Counseling.

Answers.Educational guidance is a process of assisting the individual

student to reach optimum educational development.

-Recognition,prevention and remedying of learning difficulties of


-Organizing a comprehensive testing programme.

-Providing for test information and interpretation.

Participating in curriculum development programme.

-Encourage students,academic,social, emotional and personal


-Referring the learners to appropriate experts if found necessary.

b)Objectives Relating to Vocation guidance Counseling.

It is the facilitative process,a service rendered to the individual to aid

him in choosing and adjusting to an occupation.
-To suggest measures with a view to enhancing the employability of
an individual or groups of individual.

-To offer assistance to an individual or groups in preparing to

choose,change and adjust to occupational life.

-To evaluate the strength and weaknesses of an individual and match

them with the job requirements.

-To generate awareness and appreciation of the realities of

employment market in the community.

-To collaborate or cooperate with other agencies in the field of

guidance to stimulate and promote join efforts.

-To promote self-employment.

-It also helps in the assistance in choosing a career or profession or in

making employment or training decisions.

C)Objectives Related to Personal/Social guidance and Counseling.

It is the assistance given to the individual to solve his

emotional,social,ethical,and moral as well as health
problems.Personal/social guidance deals with all those problems of
life which are not covered under educational and vocational guidance.

-Identification of learning difficulties of the learners.

-Assist the individual in understanding himself.

-Assist individual in solving problems related to his health.

-Assist the individual in his physical,social,moral, spiritual,and

emotional development.
-Assist the individual in developing the qualities of leadership.

-To assist the individual in making sound adjustment to different

problems faced in life.

-Prevention of learning difficulties of the learners.

Question 2;State Four Elements of Educational Guidance Showing

how they Influence Academic Achievements.

a)Study Skills:Many students fail to deal with educational activities

because they lack effective study skills and habits.They spend most of
their time playing on social media and only a small part of their time
on school activities.

b)Time - Tabling;It is necessary for a student to develop a formal time

schedule and a personal study time table so as to regulate his/her
movement.This is to avoid last moment work under pressure.Time
tabling will also help treat study times as serious commitments and to
respect times for home chores and recreation.

C)Note Taking;Many students have difficulty in taking down notes

during the class or presentation because of lack of note taking
skills.Some teachers always try to prepare notes and distribute to
students in class while others use student time to write notes on the
chalkboard.While this helps students to prepare for their
examination,it deprives them to acquire note taking skills and the
chance to select what is important from a lesson.

D)Sitting For Examination;It is a useful tool for evaluating the

effectiveness of educational programmes or measuring student
progress.Proper guidiance is necessary to help students acquire skills
and techniques required to pass examaminations.

QUESTION 3.What is the Scope of Vocational Guidance.

Vocational guidance and counseling is defined by the National

vocational guidance association as the process of assisting an
individual to choose an occupation,prepare for and enter upon and
progress in it.This implies that vocations differ in their requirements
and opportunities.

-Looking Forward For a Better Future;Young people need to be better

educated and trained for adult life.They must have a wide range of
opportunities in education and training.They must also have
information and guidance to allow them to make sound choices as
they go through school and beyond.

-Begging At Home;The process starts in the home.Families and friends

have a crucial role to play in shaping people's expectations and

-Vocational Success;From the primary years onward much can be

done to give children insights into the world of work and a
preparation for the decisions ahead which will affect the future
directions of their lives.

-Continuation of Schools;Schools play a vital part in developing

expectations and capabilites from the earliest age.Good school
encourage self awareness the ability to work with others and a sense
of initiative and enterprise qualities which are every bit as valuable in
adult life as examination certificates.

-Choice of Subjects;When choice of option for further study first have

to make around 13+ it is essential that the right decision are taken in
each case the crucial stage for which pupils must be fully prepared.

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