Basic Economic Problems and The Philippine Socioeconomic Development in The 21st Century

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Mercedes Bldg. P. Torres St. Lipa City, Batangas 4217

(043) 757-4445 / (043) 757-5944

12 - ABM
Learning Module
(SY. 2020-2021)

Jojie R. De Ramos

APPLIED ECONOMICS Basic Economic Problems and The Philippine Socioeconomic Development in the 21st Century

Basic Economic Problems and the Philippine Socioeconomic Development in the 21st Century

A nation's progress is measured by the quality of life of by the productivity of its citizens. Productivity in turn is
its citizens. Indicators such as GDP per capita income, determined in large part by the factors of production: land
health and education are among those used by or natural resources, labor, capital and technology.
economists to evaluate development. Challenges to
Human capital are the knowledge and skills workers
economic progress are addressed by an understanding of
acquire through education and training that enable them to
economic principles and its application to real-life
produce. Physical capital are the tools, machinery, and
situations, Knowledge of economic theories are useful in
equipment that are used to produce goods and services
formulating solutions to economic problems that a nation
For example, a man who does not know how to work or
produce cannot feed himself and so remains poor. If he is
Poverty is a significant socioeconomic problem in taught how to fish, then he can catch fish and feed himself.
the country. If he is provided with fishing equipment, then he can catch
more fish which he can sell to earn a living. If he invests
What is poverty?
some of his earnings on a fishing boat, can go to deeper
What are its causes? parts of the sea and catch even more fish. In this example,

How can a nation alleviate its people from the fish are the natural resources, the skill and know-how

poverty? to fish are human capital, the fishing equipment is physical

capital, and the fishing boat is technology. With each
In 1995, the United Nations adopted two
additional factor of production, his productivity increases,
definitions of poverty. 1. Absolute poverty is a condition
and he catches more fish which he can sell to increase his
characterized by severe deprivation of basic human
needs, such as food, safe drinking water, health, and
education. It depends on income as well as access to Another common cause of poverty is the unequal

services. 2. Overall poverty goes further to include factors distribution of wealth. The economy may be growing but

such as participation in decision making either in civil, not everyone benefits. Some may do well while others may

political, social, and cultural life. be left behind. For example, if there is an investment
opportunity that yields a high rate of return, it is only the
One common cause of poverty is low productivity.
capitalists or those with resources, who can invest and
A society's standard of living or quality of life is determined
profit from that opportunity. Meanwhile the poor, who

APPLIED ECONOMICS Basic Economic Problems and The Philippine Socioeconomic Development in the 21st Century
have no skills or resources, resort to borrowing and paying In the last six years, the Philippines recorded higher Gross
at exorbitant interest rates to make ends meet. This is a Domestic Product in comparison to preceding years, as a
case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. result of its program of inclusive growth and poverty
reduction. This is under the five-year development plan
In a study conducted by the Asian Development
from 2011-2016. However, many Filipinos complained of
Bank (ADB) in 2009, it was found that the country's
non-inclusive growth, claiming that they remain to live
economic growth does not translate to poverty reduction.
below the poverty line.

Source: World Bank









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Estimated Poverty and Subsistence Incidence in the Philippines for 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2013







APPLIED ECONOMICS Basic Economic Problems and The Philippine Socioeconomic Development in the 21st Century
2006 2009 2012 2013

Subsistence Incidence Poverty Incidence

Quality Education, Overpopulation, and actually risen, not fallen. In general, people now live longer
Unemployment and better than ever before. So, where did Malthus go
wrong? Malthus failed to account for the advances in
Poverty is closely linked to the lack of quality education,
technology which enabled the global economy to increase
aggravated by poor population management. Quality
productivity, that is, to produce more and better goods and
education is a form of human capital. The lack of quality
services with less resources. Technological
education coupled with a large population causes
advancements enabled societies not only to keep up with
unemployment, another socioeconomic problem the
the growing population but improve their quality of life."
country faces. Quality human resource corresponds to
productive workers. Labor productivity is dependent on the AmBisyon Natin 2040 and the Philippine Development
health and level of education or training of a worker. An Plan 2017-2022
educated or trained worker can generally easily adopt to
Having identified poverty and unemployment as
new technologies and make effective use of capital,
the main economic problems of the country, applied
For most developing countries, the rise in GDP is economics can be used to address the causes of these
accompanied by high birth rates. High population growth problems. To alleviate poverty, the government should
increases the total labor force which increases productivity increase the productivity of its people by providing capital-
in the long run. However, when the population grows too human, physical, and financial. It can raise human capital
rapidly, economic resources may not be enough to support by providing education, skills training, and livelihood
the population in the short run. The lack of job programs that will help workers find jobs or start a
opportunities, due to failure of the economy to sustain business. It can provide physical capital in the form of
growth, deprives the population of opportunity to earn machinery and equipment for agriculture and industry. It
income, making them susceptible to poverty. can provide financial capital in the form of collateral free,
low-interest loans. These initiatives come at a cost and can
Over two hundred years ago, the 19th century
be funded by taxing the rich and the middle class. Thus,
economist Robert Malthus argued that food supply
contributing to a more equitable distribution of the benefits
expansion is linear while human growth is exponential.
from economic growth.
Thus, there must be a point when food supply is not
enough to feed the growing population Malthus predicted The National Economic and Development
that continued population growth would doom mankind to Authority (NEDA), the country's socioeconomic planner,
poverty and starvation as there would not be enough released the five-year Philippine Development Plan (PDP)
resources to feed everyone. for 2017-2022 anchored on the 25-year long-term vision
called AmBisyon Natin 2040.
Fast-forward to the present, the world population
has risen more than sevenfold, and living standards have

APPLIED ECONOMICS Basic Economic Problems and The Philippine Socioeconomic Development in the 21st Century
AmBisyon Natin 2040: matatag, maginhawa, at 3. Becoming smarter and more innovative labor
panatag na buhay represents the collective long-term force through the K to 12 program, strong intellectual
vision and aspirations of the Filipino people for themselves property rights, and better research and
and for the country in the next 25 years: The country is a development program
prosperous middle-class society where no one is poor.
4. Building a high-trust society by ensuring a
People live long and healthy lives and are smart and
government that is people-centered, effective, and
innovative. The Philippines is a high trust society where
families thrive in vibrant, culturally diverse, and resilient
communities. The long-term plan aims to eradicate poverty
through sustained and inclusive strong economic growth, One goal of the 5-year PDP 2017-2022 is to
there are four areas of action cited in PDP to realize the reduce the poverty incidence by 7.6% from 21.6% in 2015,
vision. or alleviating about 6 million Filipinos from poverty. The
PDP 2017-2022 also aims to make the population more
1. Building a prosperous, predominantly middle-
resilient through risk exposure reduction, risk impact
class society where no one is poor by ensuring
mitigation, and risk recovery acceleration. Lastly, it intends
conditions for growth of enterprises that generate
to encourage innovation
high-quality jobs and produce high-quality goods
and services at competitive prices. The programs to achieve these targets are
grouped under three pillars: Malasakit or enhancing the
2. Promoting a long and healthy life, by providing
social fabric, Pagbabago or reducing inequality, and
quality and affordable universal health care and
Patuloy na Pag-unlad or increasing growth potential
social protection.

APPLIED ECONOMICS Basic Economic Problems and The Philippine Socioeconomic Development in the 21st Century

Activity 3


1. What is the basis of a nations progress?

2. What causes poverty?

3. Why do we perceive the idea that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer?

4. How is quality education, overpopulation and unemployment correlates with each other?

5. How these 3 factors (item #4) linked itself to poverty?

6. What is wrong in Robert Malthus’ prediction?

7. Do you think that AmBisyon Natin 2040 will meet its objective? Why or why not?

Specific Instruction:

1. Write in a yellow pad of paper

2. Minimum of 200 words each essay

Note: I will be deducting points for late submissions. (-5 points per day)

APPLIED ECONOMICS Basic Economic Problems and The Philippine Socioeconomic Development in the 21st Century

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