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Which of the following is NOT an example of communicative tool?

A. multimedia encyclopedia B. teleconferencing C. electronic mail D. Chat

An unauthorized person who secretly gains access to computer files.

A. Hacker B. Cracker C. Phisher D. Miner
Internet consists of thousands of connected computer networks around the world.
Which term does NOT refer to Internet?

A. NET B. On-line C. Cyberspace D. Information Superhighway

Which technology tool can Prof. Lovely use to communicate asynchronously with your

A. chat and blog B. instant messaging C. blog D. electronic bulletin board

and email

In your computer subject, you allow your class to chat as a part of your motivation
before discussing them the roles of computer as a tool. How is chat used in this

A. Informative tool B. Communicative tool C. application tool D. situating tool

Your mother wanted to finish her long dreamed course but she wanted to do it at home
during her free time. How could you help your mother in pursuing her dream?

A. Encourage her to hire a helper so that she can attend regularly to her class.

B. Give up your study so that your mother can attend her classes.

C. Enroll her to the school where you enrolled.

D. Enroll her in distance education.

Which statement is incorrect about computer conferencing?

A. It refers to live student interaction with an expert.

B. It also known as discussions, forum or bulletin board.

C. It also refers to online class discussions, forums or debates.

D. It permits two or more individuals to engage in asynchronous text-based dialogue.

Which instructional tool application will you introduce to your class if your objective is to
help them find and use information resources available in the internet?

A. Webquests B. Hybrid course C. Scavenger hunt D. Distance education

Reinalyn is looking for an organized instructional program in which the teacher and
learners can be physically separated. Which of the following will she choose?

A. Distance education B. Uniform Resource Locator C. Web Quests D. Computer-

Based Instruction

You were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional game after using it in
teaching a lesson in high school science. Which of the following should you avoid?

A. Present problems which are relevant to learning objectives

B. Allow learners to select different content materials

C. Provide a cooperative learning atmosphere

D. Provide a scoring system.

Mr. Sanheza would like to integrate technology in writing a friendly letter. Which of the
following is the most effective way of doing it?

A. let the pupils surf a friendly letter from the internet.

B. have the pupils write a friendly letter and send it through an email.

C. have the pupils forward a downloaded friendly letter to the others via email.

D. let the pupils write a friendly letter using word processing and have it critiqued by
their peers.

Which of the following computer-based instructional materials can be used to learn new

A. games B. tutorial C. simulation D. drill and practice

Teacher Lulu would like to create a presentation material for his lesson on the types of
computer-assisted Instruction. To make his presentation effective, which tool should he

A. communicative tool B. informative tool C. productivity tool D. situating tool

Prof. Cyries is thinking of an online learning approach by which content provides links to
information at other locations and serves as a focal point for a distance education
experience. Which of the following should he use?

A. computer-aided instruction B. web-based instruction C. self-paced program D.


Which is not a basic consideration in selecting and evaluating the content of an educational
technology tool?

A. Will it motivate and maintain interest? C. Is there evidence of its effectiveness?

B. Can it be easily dismantled? D. Does it match the content?

Mr. Samson is planning to integrate the use of technology in his Science class. Which of the
following would be his second step?

A. Set the objectives C. Analyze the learners

B. Utilize the materials with showmanship D. Evaluate the performance of the students

Which of the following should Ms. Mesina primarily consider in determining her teaching-
learning objectives and use of instructional media?

A. the learner B. the teacher C. instructional activity D. instructional strategy

Which is the best reason why teachers state the objectives before using instructional

A. To be able to practice how to operate the equipment. C. To determine which media

to use the best.

B. To prepare the materials beforehand D. To secure available


Ms. Delmo is thinking of an educational technology that can relay information clearly to
her class. Which principle will guide in her in the selection of the material?

A. interest B. meaningfulness C. cost effectiveness D. communication


Which is an incorrect statement about the contributions of technology to the learning


A. The quality of learning can be improved C. The delivery of instruction can be more

B. The role of the teacher can be changed into a demonstrator D. The method of teaching
and learning becomes more interactive

Mr. Alfredo students use cooperative learning, inquiry based and project-based learning
approaches in creating their digital units plans. What can be developed among the learners
through these approaches?

A. repetition and active learning C. repetition and information delivery

B. information processing and active learning D. construction of knowledge and

information exchange

Which of the following is inappropriate in using printed visuals such as charts, graphs, and

A. provide written or verbal cues to highlight important aspect of visuals C. allow the
students to pass the materials from one person to another.

B. use materials that everyone can see. D. present the material one at time.

Teacher Mueco would like to use audiocassette tape in teaching a lesson in English. In
which activity is audiocassette tape very effective in the teaching-learning process?

A. in developing listening skills C. in teaching creative writing

B. in composing poems D. in building concepts

Which of the following is NOT a rule listed in Computer Discovery's Ten Commandments
of Computer Ethics?

A. Thou Shalt not use a computer to lie. C. Thou shalt not copy copyrighted software
and materials

B.Thou shalt not let others borrow your computer. D. Thou shalt not use a computer to
plagiarize.Thou shalt respect other at all times when using the computer.

Which is NOT a consequence of plagiarism?

A. You can get kicked out of college. C. You can make a zero on your assignment.

B. You can get fired from your job. D. You could get a warning from your college

What are computer ethics?

A. An honest, moral code that should be followed when on the computer

B. A computer program about honesty

C. computer that fits on or under a desk

D. A list of commandments in the Bible

Which is an example of plagiarism?

A. Reading a paragraph online and retyping it in your own words.

B. Copying and pasting someone else's work into your paper using qoutation marks and
citing the author

C. Typing a paper in your own words

D. Copying and pasting a sentence from the Internet into your paper.

What is NOT an example of cyberbullying?

A. Creating an embarassing picture of your classmate and forwarding it to your friend's

email addresses

B. Sending someone a mean text

C. Bullying someone in the hallway

D. Threatening someone in an instant message

Check TWO ways to prevent or stop cyberbullying?

A. Forward a mean message about a bully to your friends

B. Tell a parent, teacher, or administrator

C. Not forwarding mean texts sent you about a classmate

D. Use instant messanger to talk to your friends about someone's outfit you did not like
that day at school

Controlling access to sensitive electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to
access it are allowed to do so is known as?

A. Piracy B. Ethics C. IT Security D. Accountability. Data

cannot be changed without authorization is an example of?

A. Confidentiality B. Integrity C. Availability D. Piracy

. Backups, Data Encryption, Data Masking, and Data Erasure are components of?

A. Incident management B. Digital forensics C. Data security D. IT Security

A. Personnel security B. Physical security C. Training and awareness D. Digital
fluency. ____________ raises employee awareness about basic information security, and to
train individuals with information security roles to increase their knowledge, skills and

A. Training and awareness B. Enterprise continuity C. Incident management D.

Physical security

A purchased, legal copy that is installed on more computers than the copy is licensed for is

A. End-User piracy B. Internet piracy C. Captain hookSoftware D. Counterfeiting

Which of the following is another IT Ethics issue that was not covered?

A. Viruses B. Fraud C. Spam D. Spyware

General Accepted standards of right and wrong in a society is called as ___.

A. Moral B. Ethics C. Guidelines D. Code of standard

provides norms and principles to the computer users and system professionals.

A. Code of ethics B. Guidelines C. Privacy D. Security

The use of invasive software such as__________ destructs the computer system

A. Unselect B. Worms's C. Microbes D. Bacteria

Accessing data without permission is known as_______.

A. Illegal Access B. Unauthourized Access C. Legal Access D. Without permission

___________provides legal recognition of tranaction carried out by means of eletronic


A. IT act B. Cyber crime C. Cyber law D. Fair use

detects and prevents known viruses which weakens the computer.

A. Web browser B. Email C. Record D. Anti-viru


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