AA Semester Guide 2S FY20 21

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SEMESTER GUIDE for AA (2nd Sem SY 2020-2021)

1. Star=ng the course

• Before the class starts students should have:
Joined the DISCORD server (NOTIFICATIONS should be TURNED ON) via: hDps://discord.gg/JWCwTDM4cC
Completed the course survey and student profile through Google Form: hDps://forms.gle/AUueEDD3YUiYU6wH8
Completed the expectaWons seXngs through Goggle Form: hDps://forms.gle/Rsc8Q424XknrCgcVA
Access to the ONLINE Class Record through Google Sheets: hDps://drive.google.com/file/d/1pFyAazE_Jtn4KRWXFIVWnzJNAIBG5i4R/
Access to the reading materials through Google Drive: hDps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1D-js-
Downloaded copies of the InstrucWonal Materials (+annex) and Semester Guide (available via email, Discord, Google drive)

2. Summary of requirements and deadlines


1 Midterm Exam 15% 22 May 2021 Through Google Form. Synchronized and will be for a limited Wme.
2 Final Exam 15% 17 July 2021
3 Memo 30% 24 April 2021 Through Google Form: hDps://forms.gle/aLn4NW3LoPERCwDo9
4 CriWcal Paper 30% 26 June 2021 Through Google Form: hDps://forms.gle/2bdqb2gPhFPSo76T6
(Dra%s may be submi.ed for checking before the deadline ONLY if you
want to get my ini>al inputs before final submission.)
5 ConsultaWon 10% To be determined (TBD) This will be iniWated by the student/s if needed

3. Demand-based ONLINE classes

• Generally, there will be only SIX (6) ONLINE CLASSES
• However, students may REQUEST the instructor for online classes as they feel necessary to clarify lessons, discuss topics, and share insights

4. Reminders
• Announcements
• PRIMARILY thru the Discord Server assigned
• Submissions
• ALL submissions will be made via GOOGLE FORM as much as possible
• For those who are NOT able to access the internet in any way, even if they turn the world upside down, physical submission to me can
be scheduled (e.g. text me, I’ll have grab get it; if you’re in the province, submission via courier like LBC/JRS/J&T should be 1 month
before the sem ends, text me if you need assistance in sending)
• Exams
• The exam will be done via GOOGLE FORM as much as possible
• For those who are NOT able to access the internet, text me, I’ll call you and we’ll do your exam. If you don’t have a phone, borrow. If
you can’t borrow and you’re in Metro Manila, I’ll come to you. If you’re in the province, beDer borrow a phone (hehehehe).

5. Grading Criteria (Rubrics)

Course Requirement Total Points Criteria Weight

Exams 100 This will be objective essays. If you’re faithful to answering the Student
Workbook, this will be relatively EASY for you.
Memo 100 Timeliness 10
Decent Grammar 20
Cohesive Thought 25
Critical Ideas 25
Experience-Based 20
Critical Paper 100 Timeliness 10
Coherence 65
Format 10
Integrity 15

*Integrity means you cited references and did not plagiarize

Mx. Karl ChrisWan D. Abalos

kcd_abalos@yahoo.com | 0956-792-7060 (Globe)

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