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Chemical Physics Letters 730 (2019) 277–282

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Research paper

Tailoring the electronic properties of graphyne/blue phosphorene T

heterostructure via external electric field and vertical strain

Yusheng Wanga,c, , Nahong Songb,c, Xiaohui Yanga, Jing Zhanga, Bin Xua, Meng Lid,
Yafeng Zhengb, Dapeng Yanga
College of Physics and Electronics, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou, Henan 450046, China
College of Computer and Information Engineering, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou, Henan 450000, China
International Joint Research Laboratory for Quantum Functional Materials of Henan, and School of Physics and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001,
College of Science, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450007, China


• Graphyne/blue phosphorene heterostructures is a type-I semiconductor.

• Electric fields and biaxial strains can tailor the electronic structures.
• Transition of direct-indirect and semiconductor-metal.
• Transition of type-I and type-II.


Keywords: We design novel graphyne/blue phosphorene van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures (G/BP) under the external
Blue phosphorene electric fields (Efield) and strains. It is demonstrated that the G/BP is a type-I semiconductor with a direct band
Semiconductor gap of approximately 0.378 eV. The external Efield and strains not only have important effects on the band
Band alignment structure which undergoes a fascinating direct-indirect and semiconductor-metal transitions, but also influence
the band alignment which experiences transition from type-I to type-II. In brief, the features of tunable bandgap
and controllable band alignment endow G/BP with potential for application in future optoelectronic devices.

1. Introduction transistors [11], flexible optoelectronic devices [12] and so on. There-
fore, the heterostructures have provided new approaches for creating
Recently, interest in heterostructures composed of at least two dif- new materials and designing new devices both theoretically and ex-
ferent types of two-dimensional (2D) materials has been growing perimentally.
sharply. In terms of stacking methods, heterostructures can be divided As one of 2D carbon allotropes, graphyne has attracted much at-
into two types: vertical vdW heterostructures [1–7] and lateral het- tention since it is first proposed by Baughamn et al. in 1987 [13]. There
erostructures [8,9]. The vertical vdW heterostructures is fabricated by exist several different graphyne structures such as α-, β-, γ- and 6, 6, 12-
stacking a 2D monolayer material on another monolayer or few-layer graphyne, according to the various arrangements of acetylenic linkages
material, and the interaction between the layers is vdW force. In con- and percentage of the inserted acetylenic linkages (eC^Ce) [14–19].
trast to vertical vdW heterostructures, lateral heterostructure is formed Among the different types of graphyne, only γ-graphyne has an obvious
by standing side by side with different 2D materials in plane, and the direct bandgap and possesses the most energetically stable structure
interaction between the different 2D materials is the covalent bond. [20–24], which makes γ-graphyne more suitable than other graphynes
Generally, these heterostructures possess much better properties than for the future applications in optoelectronics and stimulates lots of
their parent materials. Many studies reported that the vdW hetero- theoretical and experimental researches. On the other hand, as the
structures can give rise to attractive physical phenomena and lead to rising star, blue phosphorus (blue P) exhibits outstanding properties
revolutionary future devices such as tunneling [10] and bipolar including exceptionally high carrier mobility and a tunable bandgap.

Corresponding author at: College of Physics and Electronics, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou, Henan 450046, China.
E-mail address: (Y. Wang).
Received 19 April 2019; Received in revised form 3 June 2019; Accepted 3 June 2019
Available online 05 June 2019
0009-2614/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Wang, et al. Chemical Physics Letters 730 (2019) 277–282

Lately, it is reported that the blue P with puckered honeycomb layered Fig. 1(c)–(e), labeled as A-, B-, and C-stacking. As for A-stacking, the
structure, was also successfully fabricated by molecular beam epitaxial hexagonal C ring of the bottom graphyne layer is surrounded by the
growth on the Au(1 1 1) substrate [25]. The experimental successful puckered hexagonal P ring of the top blue P layer as shown in Fig. 1(c).
preparation of blue P promoted a flourish of theoretical and experi- For B-stacking, one of the lower P atoms of the puckered hexagonal P
mental investigations into blue P-based materials, especially the BP- ring is located at the center of the hexagonal C ring of the bottom
based heterostructures, such as blue P/TMDs [26,27], blue P/graphene graphyne layer as shown in Fig. 1(d). For C-stacking, one of the lower P
[1,28], blue P/ GaN [29], blue P/arsenene lateral heterostructures [30] atoms of the puckered hexagonal P ring is placed above the C atom of
and blue P/Mg(OH)2 [31]. Hence, motivated by the above-mentioned the hexagonal C ring in Fig. 1(e). In order to compare the relative
studies, we constructed a novel vertical heterostructures that consist of stabilities of the A-, B-, C-stackings, we calculate the change of their
the γ-graphyne and blue P monolayers, named G/BP. Therefore, in this interface binding energies (Eb) with the interlayer distance. The results
paper, we first focus on structural and electronic properties of G/BP show that, with the change of interlayer distance, the lowest Eb of the
vdW heterostructure. Next, we investigate how biaxial strains and G/BP are −108.17 meV, −103.08 meV, −107.32 meV for A-, B-, and
electric fields tune the band gaps, band-edge positions of the G/BP vdW C-stacking, respectively. It is well known that a more negative value
heterostructure to increase the potential application in elec- indicates a more energetically favorable stacking. In addition, the cor-
tronic devices. responding interlayer distance d is 3.38 Å, 3.62 Å, 3.47 Å for A-, B-, and
C-stacking, respectively. Obviously, the A-stacking is the most favorable
2. Computational details configuration with the lowest binding energy and the shortest inter-
layer distance. Therefore, we focus on the most stable A-stacking in the
First-principles calculations based on density functional theory following. Moreover, the total energy varies with the variation of the
(DFT) were performed in order to investigate the properties of the G/BP interlayer distance of the heterostructure is shown in Fig. S1. It is found
vdW heterostructure by using the Vienna Ab-initio Stimulation Package that the value of interlayer distance is about 3.38 Å.
(VASP) [32–34].The generalized gradient approximation (GGA) with To further understand the interactions between blue P and gra-
the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) is utilized for the exchange-corre- phyne, the deformation charge density difference ((DCD, △ρ(z)) is vi-
lation potential [35]. Moreover, in order to take into account interac- sually depicted in Fig. 2(a). The isosurface of the charge density dif-
tions between blue P and graphyne layers, the DFT-D2 approach within ference is inserted in Fig. 2(a). The yellow and blue colors indicate the
the Grimme scheme is adopted to correctly describe the vdW correction charge accumulation and depletion of the G/BP heterostructure re-
[36,37]. The atomic structures and charge distributions are visualized spectively. One can see clearly from Fig. 2(a) that the blue P donates
by using VESTA package [38]. The atomic valence configurations are electrons to the graphyne layer, which leads to n-doping effect on
s2p2 for C, s2p3 for P in the G/BP, respectively. The plane wave energy graphyne layer. It is well known that the more electronegative an ele-
cutoff is set to be 500 eV to ensure the convergence of total energy. An ment is, the stronger its ability to gain electrons is. The C (2.55) atom
enough large vacuum layer of 20 Å along the z direction (perpendicular has greater electronegativity than P (2.19) atom, leading P atom do-
to the G/BP) is added to avoid the interaction between periodic images. nating electrons to C. To make a quantitative analysis of the charge
All of the structures are fully relaxed with a force tolerance of 0.01 eV/ transfer, we also perform the Bader charge analysis [41]. The results
Å. The first Brillouin zone is sampled with 17 × 17 × 1 and show that about 0.034 e is transferred from the blue P to graphyne
21 × 21 × 1 Monkhorst-Pack grids for structure optimization and layer. Such a small transferring charge indicates that the Coulomb in-
electronic state calculation. The band structures are calculated by em- teraction between blue P and graphyne is not strong. In addition, in
ploying the Gaussian smearing method along the high symmetric point order to explore its interlayer properties, we plot the plane-averaged
of Г(0 0 0), M(0 0.5 0), K(0.333 0.666 0), respectively. electrostatic potential along the perpendicular direction (z) of the G/
To evaluate the most stable stacking manner, the binding energy BP, graphyne and blue P in Fig. 2(b)–(d). The work function of the G/BP
(Eb) between the stacking layers in the G/BP was calculated as follows is 4.87 eV, which is smaller than the values of blue P (5.95 eV) and
Eb = [E(G/BP)-E(BP)-E(graphyne)]/n, where E(G/BP) is the total en- graphyne (5.08 eV). The tremendous potential drop across the G/BP
ergy of the G/BP vdW heterostructure, E(BP) and E(graphyne) is the heterostructure is found to be 16.18 eV, which is much larger than that
energy of the blue P and the graphyne monolayer, respectively. n is the of many other heterostructures, such as blue P/BSe (1.4 eV) [39], blue
total number of the C atoms in a graphyne primitive cell. The charge P/g-GaN (7.31 eV) [29], blue P/graphene (5.84 eV) [1], graphene/
density difference (△ρ(z)) along the z direction is defined as WSe2 (10.89 eV) [42] and so on. As everyone knows that the larger
△ρ(z) = ρ(G/BP)-ρ(graphyne)-ρ(BP), where ρ(G/BP), ρ(graphyne) and potential difference manifests the stronger electric field. Therefore,
ρ(BP) are the charge densities of the G/BP, isolated graphyne and BP there exists an enough electrostatic field between blue P and graphyne
monolayer, respectively. to be convenient for charge injection, resulting in better device per-
3. Results and discussion Next, to comprehensively understand the properties of the G/BP, we
analyze its band structure. The pure graphyne is a direct band gap
To test the validity of the above scheme and parameters, we first semiconductor with the VBM and CBM at the M point (see Fig. 3(a)),
calculate the structural parameters of pristine blue P and graphyne while the separate blue P monolayer is indirect band gap semiconductor
monolayers. After complete relaxation, the optimized lattice constants with the VBM and CBM at the K and A points respectively (see
of blue P and graphyne are 3.278 Å and 6.886 Å respectively, which are Fig. 3(b)). The corresponding bandgaps are 0.459 eV and 1.940 eV,
in good agreement with the previous results [39,40]. The G/BP is respectively, which are in agreement with the previous theoretical re-
constructed by placing a 2 × 2 blue P supercell above the graphyne sults [43,44]. Comparing with the band gaps of the pristine blue P and
primitive cell. To minimize the lattice mismatch between graphyne and graphyne monolayers, the band gap of the G/BP is reduced to 0.378 eV
blue P monolayers, we set the average lattice constant (6.721 Å) as the (see Fig. 3(c)), which is smaller than that of the value 0.831 eV calcu-
starting point. The lattice constant for graphyne is compressed from lated by more accurate hybrid functional method within HSE06 scheme
6.886 Å to 6.721 Å, while the 2 × 2 blue P supercell is stretched from [45]. However, HSE06 incurs extremely expensive computational costs.
6.556 Å to 6.721 Å, leading to an acceptable lattice mismatch of 2.45%, Furthermore, it is well-known that although DFT could not calculate the
which is small enough to form experimentally heterostructures with a band gap correctly, it is still able to predict the correct trend and to
precise stacking. There are many possible stackings obtained by moving properly demonstrate the physical mechanisms. Thus, the selected
the blue P layer along the x or y directions (Fig. 1). For the sake of functional of PBE is reliable for the following studies of G/BP. At the
simplicity, three typical configurations are considered as shown in same time, comparing with graphyne, the VBM and CBM of the G/BP

Y. Wang, et al. Chemical Physics Letters 730 (2019) 277–282

Fig. 1. The top view of (a) graphyne, (b) blue

phosphorene. The top view and side view of the G/
BP heterostructure with three different stacking: (c)
A-stacking, (d) B-stacking, (e) C-stacking. The wine
red and blue balls represent C and P atoms, re-
spectively. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)

Fig. 2. (a) The planar-averaged differential charge density of the G/BP het-
erostructure (△ρ(z)). The electrostatic potentials for (b) the G/BP hetero-
structure, (c) the monolayer graphyne, (d) monolayer BP. The inset in (a) shows
charge density difference with an isovalue of 0.0025 e/Å3. The yellow and blue
Fig. 3. Band structures for (a) monolayer graphyne, (b) monolayer BP, (c) the
regions denote the gain and loss of electrons, respectively. The green and purple
G/BP heterostructure, (e) PDOS of the G/BP heterostructure.
dashed lines denote Fermi level (EF) and the vacuum level (EV). (For inter-
pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.) indicate that a controllable band gap in the G/BP heterostructure can be
obtained by this approach (see Fig. 4(a)). For the negative Efield, with
share similar characteristics, which indicates the formation of the type-I the Efield increase from 0 to −0.16 V/Å, the band gap slowly decreases
semiconductor. From the partial density of states (PDOS) of the G/BP, from 0.38 eV to 0.31 eV. Then, it declines approximately linearly and
eventually turns metallic at −0.26 V/Å. For the positive Efield, the band
as shown in Fig. 3(d), we can clearly see that C-2pz orbitals contribute
gap slightly increases to 0.387 eV at +0.18 V/Å, afterwards, it rapidly
entirely to the VBM and CBM of the G/BP, which is consistent with the
linearly decreases to zero at +0.3 V/Å. The negative threshold electric
analysis of the band structures.
fields of the G/BP is −0.26 V/Å, which is smaller than the positive
To gain further insight and explore the possible applications, it is
threshold +0.3 V/Å. The reason for different positive and negative
necessary to study how the electric field (Efield) tune the electronic
threshold electric fields may be that electrons and holes are localized
properties of the G/BP. Therefore, an external vertical Efield is applied in
separately at the C and P edges, respectively, leading to form a spon-
the G/BP. The direction of Efield from the graphyne layer to blue P is
taneous electric polarization along the negative direction in the inter-
taken as the positive direction (along the z direction). The results
layer spacing of the G/BP heterostructure.

Y. Wang, et al. Chemical Physics Letters 730 (2019) 277–282

Fig. 5. (a) The band gap of the G/BP heterostructure as a function of strain λ,
Fig. 4. (a) The band gap of the G/BP as a function of external Efield, (b) the band (b) the band edges of graphyne and blue P in the G/BP heterostructure as a
edges of graphyne and blue P in the G/BP as a function of external Efield. function of strain λ . VBMBP(G) and CBMBP(G) are the VBM and CBM of blue P
VBMBP(G) and CBMBP(G) are the VBM and CBM of blue P (graphyne) in the G/BP (graphyne) in the G/BP heterostructure. The band structures of the G/BP het-
heterostructure. (c)–(f) the band structures of the G/BP heterostructure under erostructure under different values of strain λ in the biaxial strain, (c) −10%,
different values of external Efield: (c) −0.26VÅ−1, (d) −0.16 VÅ−1, (e) + 0.2 (d) −8%, (e) −4%, (f) +8%. (For interpretation of the references to colour in
VÅ−1, (f) 0.3 V Å−1. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
tensile strain at +7%. When the strain tensile exceeds +7%, the band
Fig. 4(b) displays band edges dominated by blue P and graphyne gaps rapidly decline to 0.03 eV at +11%, then it cannot obviously
under various Efield. The CBM and VBM of blue P (graphyne) of the G/ change with the tensile strain increase to +15%.
BP are denoted as CBMBP and VBMBP (CBMG and VBMG) respectively. Interestingly, there exists a direct-to-indirect gap transition under
One can see clearly that the CBM and VBM of blue P decrease linearly different strains. More specially, the band gap remains direct with VBM
with Efield, while the CBM and VBM of graphyne manifest an invisible and CBM at M point under strain from −4% to +8%. However, The
change. Interestingly, the G/BP experiences a transition from type-I to VBM and CBM of the G/BP deviate from M point and moves towards Г
type-II under various Efield. In detail, in the case of the negative Efield, points gradually with an increase of compressive strain from −4% to
once the Efield exceeds −0.14 V/Å (see Fig. 4(d)), the CBM and VBM at −8%. What’s more, the VBM moves to Г point and the CBM lies still
M point are from the graphyne and blue P, respectively, leading a between M and Г points at −8%. Hence, the band gap becomes indirect
transition from type-I to type-II. In the case of the positive Efield, on the under compressive strain above −4% (see Fig. 5(d) and (e)). When the
contrary, the CBM comes from blue P, while the VBM is dominated by compressive strain reaches to −10%, the bandgap converts to zero,
the graphyne when Efield exceeds +0.2 V/Å (see Fig. 4(e)). Hence, the leading the G/BP heterostructure to being metal. For the tensile strain
G/BP heterostructure becomes to type-II semiconductor when Efield above +8%, the CBM is still at M point, while the VBM gradually
exceeds +0.2 V/Å. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing that the moves from M point towards the Г point, denoted as C in Fig. 4(f).
CBM moves from M to A point gradually with an increase of Efield, while Hence, the G/BP becomes an indirect band gap semiconductor once the
the VBM keeps at M point. Hence, the band gap becomes indirect when tensile strain exceeds +8%.
Efield is between +0.2 V/Å and +0.3 V/Å. In order to explore the band alignment of the G/BP heterostructure,
It has been reported that one-dimensional and two-dimensional the band edges of the G/BP heterostructure under different strains are
materials can sustain much larger strain than the corresponding bulk calculated and shown in Fig. 5(b). We can see that there exists the band
crystals [46]. Moreover, the electronic properties of blue P based het- arrangement transition. The VBM and CBM of the G/BP are only from
erostructures can be modulated effectively by applying external strains the graphyne when the strain is between −7% and 7%, resulting in the
[2,30,44]. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the effect of small biaxial G/BP still being a type-I heterostructure. The G/BP experiences a
strain on the electronic structures of G/BP heterostructure. When the transition from type-I to type-II when compressive strain reaches up to
biaxial strain ranges from −10% to +15% with an increment of 1%, −8%, due to the VBM and CBM are localized on blue P and graphyne,
namely, both compressive strain and tensile strain, are applied, the respectively. However, as for tensile strain, the G/BP is a type-II het-
geometrical structure integrity of the G/BP is well maintained, in- erostructure only in the small range of +8% to +10%. Furthermore,
dicating that the G/BP can withstand the biaxial strain and is stable in With the tensile strain increasing to above +10%, the type-II hetero-
the elastic regime. Fig. 5(a) presents the variation of band gap as a structure transforms to type-I with both the VBM and CBM being from
function of biaxial strain. One can see that the biaxial strain has an graphyne, which can be strictly confirmed in Fig. 5(b).
obvious influence on the band gaps. In the case of compressive strain, We also studied the electronic properties of G/BP under the vertical
the band gaps exhibit oscillating behavior. The band gap first decreases strain. The band gap varies with the variation of the interlayer distance
to 0.056 eV at −4% compressive strain. Then, the band gap increases to of the heterostructure (Fig. 6). When the interlayer distance is 2.0 Å, the
0.339 eV at −7% compressive strain. Finally, it rapidly reduces to zero heterojunction exhibits metallicity. With the increase of interlayer
at −10%. This peculiar oscillating phenomenon will be explained in distance, the bandgap increases gradually. When the interlayer distance
detail in the band edge states below. In the case of tensile strain, the increases to 2.4 Å, the bandgap reaches its maximum value of 0.47 eV.
band gap increases almost linearly to 0.614 eV with the increasing After that, the bandgap decreases gradually. When the interlayer

Y. Wang, et al. Chemical Physics Letters 730 (2019) 277–282

wavelength range of optical absorption from infrared to ultraviolet

(Fig. 7). The strong visible and ultraviolet light absorption will provide
obvious advantages for G/BP implied potential applications in devices
for photodetection and photovoltaic structures using in solar cells

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, by means of density functional theory computations,

we have systematically investigated the structural and electronic
properties of the G/BP heterostructure. Our calculations indicate that
the A-stacking with the largest binding energy and the shortest inter-
layer distance is the most stable. Moreover, we find that the G/BP is
direct bandgap semiconductor with type-I band alignment, due to CBM
and VBM of the G/BP at M point are uniquely from the graphyne layer.
Furthermore, we study the effects of the external Efield and strain on the
electronic properties of G/BP. Interestingly, the band gap is sensitive to
biaxial strain and the external Efield. More specifically, the semi-
conductor-to-metal transition is observed when the Efield of 0.3 V/Å and
−0.26 V/Å are applied. At the same time, a change of direct to indirect
band gap is found under a +0.2 V/Å Efield. In addition, the G/BP is
type-II semiconductor when the Efield is between −0.26%V/Å and
−0.16%V/Å (+0.2 V/Å and +0.3 V/Å). Similarly, the G/BP undergoes
Fig. 6. Band structures for G/BP with different interlayer distance. (a) 2.00 Å,
(b) 2.05 Å, (c) 2.45 Å, (d) 3.90 Å. (e) the band gap of the G/BP heterostructure
a transition from type-I semiconductor with direct bandgap to type-II
as a function of interlayer distance. semiconductor with indirect bandgap under different strains. A mod-
erate −4% compression strain and +8% tensile strain can trigger the
direct-to-indirect band gap transition. Moreover, the G/BP is type-II
semiconductor when the stains are between +8% to +10% and −10%
to −8%. In a word, the bandgap can be effectively modulated via
various Efield and strain. These results open a new avenue for applica-
tion of the G/BP vdW heterostructure in future spintronic and elec-
tronic devices.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial



Fig. 7. Optical absorption coefficients of G/BP. The work was support by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (Grant Nos. 11404112, U1604131, 61841702), Funding
scheme for young teachers in colleges and universities in Henan pro-
distance is greater than 3.9 Å, the bandgap remains constant at 0.37 eV.
vince (Grant No. 2017GGJS077).
This is because when the interlayer spacing is large, the interaction
between graphyne and BP is small and the electronic structure does not
Appendix A. Supplementary material
change. In addition, there exists an indirect-to-direct gap transition at
the interlayer distance of 2.4 Å.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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