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Project Management Frame Work

Prepared by Presented by:

Engr. Mohamed Eid , PMP® Engr. Mohamed Abdulhaq , PMP®
Project Management frame work

Project Management
frame work
Project Management frame work

• Section Objectives
• What is a Project and What is Project Management?
• The Project Management Life Cycle vs. the Project Life
• Portfolio Management, Program Management, Project
Management, and Organizational Project Management
• Project Management, Operations Management, and
Organizational Strategy
• Business Value
• Organizational Influences on Project Management
• Project Stakeholders and Governance
• Project Team
• Project Lifecycle
Project Management frame work

a project has two defining characteristics: It is temporary

and it creates a unique product
What is a Project?
Project vs. operation
• Projects And Operations:
Projects Operations

•Characteristics of Projects
Characteristics of Operations
•Projects are temporary.
•Operations are ongoing and
•Projects create unique
product, service or result.
•Operations don’t terminate when its
current objectives are met.
•Projects have definite start and end
•Operations usually produce the
same result or product
•Projects terminate after achieving
its objectives
Characteristics of A Project

Two Contractors ,every one is working the construction of office

building , each of the them is performing a project ,each project
has its unique product .
Each building project remains unique with a different location,
different design, different circumstances and situations, different
Project vs. operation

• Develop an application and use it.

• Enhance Business Process and use it.
• Find a job and do the job.
• Get married and maintain the marriage.
• Start a new branch office and run it.
• Open new business and provide services.

Construction of data center is a project Working on data center every day after
startup successfully is an operation
Characteristics of A Project

• Characteristics of A Project
Tangible: Construction
of New Cairo City

Outcome of Project
could be
1-Making a project to increase
company reputation, customer
• Examples for Initiating Projects:

1-Market Demand: Electrical Car to overcome

Fuel Shortage

2-Buisness need: A Bank issue a

project to produce different type
of VISA card to increase its

3-Customer Request:
Increasing in electrical consumption needs to
build more substation for feeding new industry

4-Legal Requirements: Petrochemicals

Industry held a project to handle
chemical waste to avoid any penalty from
What is Project Management?

• The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet
project requirements
• project management is accomplished through the appropriate application and integration
of the 47 logically grouped project management processes comprising the five process

The five process groups are, in order:

• Initiating
• Planning
• Executing
• Monitoring and Controlling
• Closing

• Critical Note:
Many organizations implementing the PMI Project framework in their
organizations make the mistake of thinking that the five process groups
constitute project phases.
According to PMI:
• "The Process Groups are not project life cycle phases”
- The development of the project management plan is an iterative activity and is
progressively elaborated throughout the project’s life cycle. Progressive elaboration
involves continuously improving and detailing a plan as more detailed and specific
information and more accurate estimates become available.
Progressive elaboration allows a project management team to define work and
manage it to a greater level of detail as the project evolves.
Project Constraints

• Scope
• Quality
• Schedule
• Budget
• Resources
• Risk
What Are Programs, Portfolios and Sub-Projects?

A portfolio is a collection of projects or programs and other work that are grouped
together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business
The projects or programs in the portfolio may not necessarily be interdependent or
directly related.
A Program:
A program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain
benefits and control not available from managing them individually
Relationships Among Portfolio Management, Program Management,
Project Management, and Organizational Project Management

Program Management
A program is defined as a group of related projects, subprograms, and
program activities managed in coordinated way to obtain benefits not
available from managing them individually.

A portfolio Management refers to projects, programs, sub portfolios

, and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives.

Portfolio, program, and project management are aligned

with or driven by organizational strategies
The Relationships Among Portfolios, Programs,
and Projects

The relationship among portfolios, programs, and projects is such that a

portfolio refers to a collection of projects , programs, sub portfolios, and
operations managed as a group to achieve strategic Objectives.

• The purpose of the PMO

is a management structure that standardizes the project-related governance processes and facilitates the sharing of resources,
methodologies, tools, and techniques. The responsibilities of a PMO can range from providing project management support
functions to actually being responsible for the direct management of one or more projects.

the PMO will provide one or all of the following for a project:
- Managing shared resources across all projects administered by the PMO;
- Identifying and developing project management methodology, best practices, and standards;
Coaching, mentoring, training, and oversight;
- Monitoring compliance with project management standards, policies, procedures, and templates
by means of project audits;.

• Types of PMOs
Supportive: provide a consultative role to projects by supplying templates, best practices, training, access to
information and lessons learned from other projects. This type of PMO serves as a project repository. The
degree of control provided by the PMO is low.
Controlling: requires that support be used. Requirements might include adoption of specific
methodologies, templates, forms, conformance to governance, and application of other PMO
controlled sets of rules.
Directive: "takes over" the projects by providing the project management experience and
resources to manage the project
• Stakeholders
Operational stakeholders should Project stakeholders are individuals and organizations
be engaged and their needs whose interests are affected positively or negatively by the
project execution and completion. In other words, a project
identified as part of the stakeholder has something to gain from the project or lose
stakeholder register, and to the project. Accordingly, the stakeholders fall into two
their influence (positive or categories—
positive stakeholders who will normally benefit from the
negative) should be addressed as
success of the project and
part of the risk management negative stakeholders who see some kind of disadvantage
plan. coming from the project.

Organizational Group: Organizational groups are

Project sponsor :is the person or group who provides
internal stakeholders who are affected by the activities
resources and support for the project and is accountable for
of the project team. Examples of various business
enabling success. The sponsor could be outside or inside
elements of an organization that may be affected by
the organization of Project manager
the project include marketing and sales, human
The sponsor leads the project through the
resources, legal, finance, operations, manufacturing, and
initiating processes until formally authorized, and plays a
customer service. These groups support the business
significant role in the development of the initial
environment where projects are executed, and
scope and charter.
are therefore affected by the activities of the project.

Business Partner :Business partners are external Project Manager: The project manager is the person
organizations that have a special relationship with assigned by the performing organization to lead the team
the enterprise. It’s a kind of alliance between two that is responsible for achieving the project objectives.
Organizations and Project Management

*Project governance is an oversight function that is aligned with the organization’s governance
model and that encompasses the project life cycle. Project governance framework provides
the project manager and team with structure, processes, decision-making models and tools
for managing the project, while supporting and controlling
the project for successful delivery.

*Organizations use governance to establish strategic direction and performance parameters. The
strategic direction provides the purpose, expectations, goals, and actions necessary to guide
business pursuit and is aligned with business objectives.
(( Project management activities should be aligned with top-level business direction and if there is a
change, then project objectives need to be realigned ))

While many organizations implement projects to achieve specific goals,

there are some organizations whose work is project-based. These organizations are
known as PBO's or project based organizations.
The general characteristics of a PBO are outlined below:

1 Can exist in functional, matrix, or projectized organizations

2 Can diminish hierarchy and bureaucracy inside the organization because work is measured by
result rather than by position or politics
3 PBO's can reference the entire company, a multi-firm consortium, or a network
Organizations and Project Management

Note :
* the project manager be knowledgeable about organizational governance policies
that relate to the product or service as well as sustainability requirements as they
relate to project deliverables.

* the organizational strategy should provide guidance and direction

to the project management process.

* If the project manager observes that the goals of a project are in conflict with
established organizational strategy, it is the project manager's job to document and
identify these conflicts as early in the project life cycle as possible
Business Value

Business value is a concept that is unique to each organization. Business value is defined as the
entire value of the business; the total sum of all tangible and intangible elements.

Therefore, successful business value realization is a combination of strategic planning and effective
management. Bridging the gap between organizational strategy and successful business value
realization requires the use of portfolio, program, and project management techniques:

• Portfolio management aligns projects programs and/or operations to the organizational strategy
• Program management aligns multiple project for optimize and/or integrated cost, schedule,
effort, and benefits
• Project management enables the organization to apply knowledge, processes, skills, and tools
to enhance the likelihood of success over a wide range of projects. Projects are means of
achieving organizational strategy and objectives
The Project Manager's Role
Responsibilities and Competencies of the Project

• Knowledge

what the project manager knows about project management.

• Performance

what the project manager is able to do or accomplish while applying his or her
project management knowledge.

• Personal

how the project manager behaves when performing the project or related
Interpersonal Skills of a Project Manager

Effective project managers require a balance of ethical, interpersonal, and conceptual

skills that help them analyze situations and interact Appropriately such as :

• Leadership,
• Team building,
• Motivation,
• Communication,
• Influencing,
• Decision making,
• Political and cultural awareness,
• Negotiation,
• Trust building,
• Conflict management
• Coaching.
Project Management Body of Knowledge

• The PMBOK® Guide contains the standard for managing most

projects most of the time across many types of industries.
The standard, describes the project management processes
used to manage a project toward a more successful outcome.

• This standard is unique to the project management field

and has interrelationships to other project management disciplines such as program
management and portfolio management

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