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“Online Assignment Submission System”

Arslan Anwar
Roll No 170266

Muhammad Munir
Roll No.170274
MCS 4th
Session 2017-2019

Department Of Computer Science & IT

Allama Iqbal Science College Bahawalpur

Affiliated with
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Project Brief
Project Name:
“Online Assignment Submission System”
The main aim of the project is to develop a complete desktop application of sales and Purchase Management
System of Ali Traders which will facilitate the user to manage all the information regarding sales and purchase
of Ali Traders.

Undertaken By:
Muhammad Munir

Supervisor By:
Sir. Umar Farooq Shafi
Lecturer of Department of Computer Science & IT

Operating System:
Windows 10

Project Started:

Project Finished:

Source Language:
C # using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
It is here by certified that work presents by Muhammad Munir the Project Title “Online Assignment
Submission System”
has successfully presented / defended and is accepted in its present form as satisfying the requirement for the
degree of (MCS 2017-2019) in the Allama Iqbal Science College Bahawalpur affiliated with The Islamia
University of Bahawalpur.


External Examiner:

Coordinator of Department
Umar Shafi




My Loving Parents

Whose Support

Give Me Strength

And Determination

To Accomplish My Goal

First of all, my deepest gratitude to almighty ALLAH, the most beneficent, compassionate,
most merciful and most gracious whose favor and kindness made it possible for me to complete
this project works.

A very special thanks and appreciation goes to my parents and other family members for
always encouraging me. They really deserve me for enduring my problems with great patience
and love and whose endless prayers are source of determination for me.

I wish to thank to Mr. Umar Shafi Shb Head of Department for providing me the facility
and best environment to complete my task.

I am also greatly indebted to my respectable teacher Sir Waqas Shb for his supervision,
kind support, unforgettable devotion and encouraging behavior.
I am also thankful to all staff members of the Department of Computer Science & IT for
their coordination.
I am grateful to my friends for their cooperation and for providing best company.

Muhammad Munir
Table of Content
Chapter No. 1
Gathering & Analyzing Info ……………………………………………………………………………
1.1 Scope Of The Project ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
1.2 System Requirement ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
1.3 User Requirement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
1.4 Functional Requirement ……………………………………………………………………………………………
1.5 Use Case Diagram ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
1.6 Supplementary Requirement ……………………………………………………………………………………
1.6.1 Usability ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
1.6.2 Reliability …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
1.6.3 Supportability ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
1.6.4 System Requirement …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Chapter No 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Planning the project ……………………………………………………………………………………..
2.1 Introduction Of The Planning Phase…………………………………………………………………………
2.2 Methodologies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2.3 Reasons For Choosing The Methodologies…………………………………………………………………
Chapter No. 3
3.1 Overview (of Proposed System)………………………………………………………………………………….
3.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) (To Be Developed Using Microsoft Vision)………………………….
3.3 Sequence Diagram (Developed Using UML)…………………………………………………………………
Chapter No. 4
4.1 Introduction (Of Proposed System)………………………………………………………………………………
4.2 Class Diagram …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4.3 Interface Design …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Chapter No. 5
Deployment ………………………………………………………………………………..
5.1 Deployment diagram……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Chapter No.6 ………………………………………………
System Over view

Chapter No.7…………………………………………………………………………………..
System Architecture

7.1 Architecture Design

7.2 Scenario View

7.3 Logical view

7.4 Physical view

7.5 Implementation View

7.6 Process view

Chapter No.8…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Decomposition Description

8.1 Sequence Diagram

8.2 Class Diagram

8.3 Design Rationale

Chapter No.9………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Data Design

9.1 Data Description

9.2 Data Objects

9.3 Relation & Complete Data Model:

9.4 ER Diagram

9.5 Data Dictionary

Chapter No.10

Component level Diagrams

10.1 Component Diagram

Chapter No.11……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Human Design Interface

11.1 User interface

11.2 Front end

11.3 Login

11.4 Assignment Submission

11.5 View Result

11.6 Search Next Institute

Chaptr No.12

Requirements Matrix

12.1 Matrix Details

Chapter No. 1
Gathering &
Analyzing Info

Scope Of The Project

This project based on a web application .the scope of the project is that a multi
assignment viewer software that provide an option, view submit delete update. It
well provide information all data of current system to user, it well display all the
assignment and each data it will , it awll also provide and option to user to see the
assignment and different style. It will provide total number of most common type of
assignment in current data
System Requirement
A system that will provide user a robust platform. It should provide information
about all directories of the current system. It should display the total number of
most common type of files in current folder. It should also provides option to user
to view files in different styles. It should provides an option to user to easily open
most common type of assignment like open assignment, view assignment, submit
assignment, delete assignment, and update.
User Requirement
 It should provides information about all your system.
 It should display the full path of the currently opened assignment.
 It should display all the assignment.
 It should display total number of assignment which submitted.
 It should display the total number of most common type of assignment in
current location
 It should provide an option to change view of listed assignment.
 User should be able to open assignment by double click.
 It should provides refresh option to user to refresh any open assignment in
web browser.
 It should provides exit button to user to close whole application.
Function requirement

The actor involve in the system are:

 User
 System


 User will be open any assignment by double clicking.

 User will be able to close the application by clicking ob exit button in web
 User will be able to view the page of any assignment
 User will be able to add the new assignment.

 System will provides information.
 System will display the total number of most common type of assignment
 System will display the total number assignment in current location
 System will display all assignment
 System will also display the full path of the currently opened/selected
assignment in web browser.
Functional Requirement:-
FR01: system will provide information about all data.
FR01-01 System should get the information about all data of the current
FR01-02 The System should display all data of the current system in list

FR02: System will display the total number of most common type of
assignment in current data.
FR02-01 System shall count the number of most common type of assignment
currently displayed in a list.
FR02-02 It will display the total number of most common type of assignment
current display in a web browser.

FR03: System will display the total number of assignment in current location.
FR03-01 System shall count all assignment in the current location.
FR03-02 System shall display the total number of assignment in list.

FR04: System will display all data in current software.

FR04-01 System will get the information about all assignment in currently
selected browser.
FR04-01 System will display all assignment in a currently selected location.

FR05: System will display the full path of currently opened/selected

FR05-01 System will get the full path of the currently selected/opened
assignment in web browser.
FR05-02 User will display the full path currently selected/opened assignment
in list.
Non Functional Requirement:-
NFR01: Performance:
NFR01-01 The average load time of the starting page of the system must be less
than 5 minutes.
NFR01-02 Average processing time taken by the system to complete a
transaction /request by a user should be less than 10 seconds.
NFR01-03 System must successfully run on a client machine with 256 MB
RAM or above
NFR01-04 System must be able to handle multiple requests over the internet of
100 user at the maximum.

NFR02: Documentation:
NFR02-01 User documentation must be done giving detail of all the
NFR02-02 Online help should be available in case of any problem.

NFR01: usability:
NFR01- The system should be easy to use for a novice user.
NFR01- Time to learn overall interface of the system should be minimal.
Use Case And Use Scenarios
Class Diagram:

Online Assignment Submission System

Display Data

Display Total


Show Full Path

Exit application
Usage scenario:

Use Case Title Display data

Abbreviated Disk Db
Use Case Id 1
Requirement FR01,1,2,3
Description: the view all data there must be user
Pre condition:
1 software must be opened
2 opened
Task Sequence: Exception
User View The Data: No
Post Condition:
1 User can see all data
2 User can open any assignment
3 User can close the application
Unresolved Issues:
Modification History:
5-Feb-2017: Use Case Created
Author: 820,826
Usage scenario:

Use Case Title System will display the total number of most common type of
Abbreviated Display total assignment
Use Case Id 2
Requirement FR02,1,2,3
Description: the view the total number of most common type of assignments.
Pre condition:
3 All Assignment Must Be Display
4 Assignment Will Display
Task Sequence: Exception
User clicks on any browser and show all assignments. No
Post Condition:
User can view the total number of most common type of assignments.
User cab also the assignment.
Unresolved Issues:
Modification History:
5-Feb-2017: Use Case Created
Author: 820,826
Usage scenario:

Use Case Title System will display the full path of the currently opened/selected
assignment in web browser.
Abbreviated Show fall path
Use Case Id 3
Requirement FR05,1,2,3
Description: view the user can full path of the currently opened assignments in web
Pre condition:
1 opened
4 user can view the full path of currently opened in web browser.
Task Sequence: Exception
User clicks on any assignment to view. No
Display the full path of the currently opened or selected assignment in No
web browser.
Post Condition:
Display the full path of the currently opened or selected assignment in web
User can close the application.
Unresolved Issues:
Modification History:
5-Feb-2017: Use Case Created
Author: 820,826
Usage scenario:

Use Case Title Exit application

Abbreviated Exit app
Use Case Id
Requirement FR11,1,2,3
Description: to exit the whole application
Pre condition:
1 software must be opened
2 assignment is opened
Task Sequence: Exception
System will allow the user to exit the whole application by clicking on No
“Login” button
Post Condition:
User can view all assignment
User can open any assignment
User can close the application
Unresolved Issues:
Modification History:
5-Feb-2017: Use Case Created
Author: 820,826
Supplementary Requirement

 The system should be easy to use for a novice user.
 Time to learn overall interface of the system should be minimal.

 This should be made sure that a proper recovery system exists in case of any
 In case of client/server crash all information/data should be recoverable within
30 minutes of the incidence.

 The system will be supported 24/7

System Requirements

Operating System: Window 7&8

Web Programming:

Ram 1 GB
Processor 1 GHz or higher
Chapter No. 2
Planning the
Introduction Of The Planning Phase
This document describes different existing project methodologies and their features.
Different pros and cons of these different existing project mythologies are
described. The select methodologies is also mentioned, the document also the
describe reason of selection of methodology. In the end plan of the project is
created with the help of Microsoft project.,
Existing methodologies
Mostly, the project methodology is selected well before the actual start of the
project, is some case, where project to be developed is also be complex and its user
requirement are quite lengthy and variable, then it is better have a good knowledge
of several different existing projects management methodologies, the strengths and
short comings of these different methodologies should be clearly understood
In the development of ORES, the following methodologies are taking into
consideration: _
 Rapid Application Development (RAD) Methodology
 Rational Unified Process (RUP) Methodology
 Scrum Methodology
 Spiral Methodology
 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
 Waterfall Traditional Methodology
A brief introduction of these methodologies, keeping in view the ORES, is given as
Rapid Application Development (RAD) Methodology
RAD (rapid application development) proposes that products can be developed
faster and of higher quality by:
 Using workshops or focus groups to gather requirements.
 Prototyping and user testing of designs.
 Re-using software components.
 Following a schedule that defers designs improvements to the next product
 Keeping review meeting and other team communication informal.
There Are The Commercial Products That Include Requirements
Gathering Tools, Prototyping Tools, Software Development Environment Such As
Those For The Java Platform, Groupware For Communication Among
Development Member And Testing Tools.RAD Usually Embraces Objects-
Oriented Programming Methodology, Which Inherently Fosters Software Re-Use.
The Most Popular Object-Oriented Programming Language C++ And Java Are
Offered In Visual Programming Packages Often Described As Providing Rapid
Application Development.
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
The system development life cycle(SDLC) is a conceptual model use an
project management that describe the stage involve in a information system
development project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the
completed application. Various SDLC methodology have been developed to guide
the processes involved, including the waterfall model rapid application system, joint
application development, the foundation model, the spiral model, build and fix
model, and synchronize and stabilize.
Often several models are combined into some sort of hybrid methodology.
Documentation crucial regardless of the type of model chosen or devised for any
application, and is usually done in parallel with the development process. Some
methods works better for the specific types of projects, but in the final analysis, the
most important factor for the success of a project may be how closely the particular
plan was followed.
In General, An SDLC Methodology Follows These Steps:
1) If there is an existing its deficiencies as identified. This is accomplished by
interviewing user and consulting with support personal.

2) The new system requirements are defined including addressing any

deficiencies in the existing system with specific proposals for improvement.

3) The purpose system is design. Plans are created detailing the hardware,
operating system, programming, and security issue.

4) The new system is developing. The new components and program must be
obtained and installed user of the system must be trained in its use, and all
aspects of performance must be tested
5) The system is put into use. This can be done in various ways. The new system
can phase in, according to applications or location, and the old system
gradually replaced.

6) Once the new system is up and running for a while, it should be exhaustively
evaluated. maintenance must be kept up rigorously at all time user of the
system should kept up-to-date concerning the latest modifications and
Waterfall Traditional Methodology
Waterfall model is a popular version of the system development life cycle
model for software engineering. Often consider the classes approaches it the system
development life cycle, waterfall model describe a development method that is rigid
and linear. Waterfall model has distinct goals for each phase of development where
each phase is completed for the next one is started and there is no turning back.
In practice, waterfall development often falls short of expectations as it does
not embrace the inevitable changes and revision that they become necessary with
most projects. Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go
back and change something that was not thought of in the concept stage.
Adopted Methodology
The methodology select for the online real estate system to (ORES) is the
combination of following methodologies:-
 Waterfall Model
 The Spiral Model

Each of the above methodology has it on pros and cons. These model are selected to
gets positive feature from each methodologies which support the ORES,
The reason due to which, process model are selected, are described in the next
Documentation Of Each Phase Is Required Separately
A clear client instruction is to develop documentation of each phase of the project
development. Water fall model provides this method regarding project
Project development is base on the planning and design
The project development (building and coding) is thoroughly based on the planning
and design elements. Therefore (SDLC) model chosen.

Designing the Project

The design phase of the project is basically divided into two steps. These steps:-
 Design phase 1
 Design phase 2
The design phase 1 document basically consists of different analytical diagrams.
These diagrams are data flow diagram (DFD). Activity Diagram, Sequence
diagram. The following sections describe each of these diagrams separately.

Data flow diagrams (DFD)

Context Level Diagram


User interface

Require Process 2 Show Files Process 1

Required Path For Show Assignments in Each

Opened Assignment Database


Required Process 1 Show Files Process 2

Required Path for Show Total No of
Database Assignment


Show Files Process 3

Show Common Type of

Assignment In Current
Web Browser


Save Database in System

Activity Diagram

List View

User Click Main Interface

Sequence Diagram (Developing Using UML)
Users User Interface System Responce

Click on Login

Show Login Page


Click on Student Panel

Show Assignment

Click on Selected

Open Selected

Exit System
Chapter No: 4

Introduction (of the document)
This project based on web application. The scope of the project is that it is multi
assignment viewer software that provides an option to user to easily open most
common type of assignments.
It will provide information about all current system to user.
It will display the entire file in each database. It will also provide an option to user
to the assignments.
It will provide total number of most common type of assignment in current web
In this document, the whole and clear picture of the system will provide a broad
picture of the system will be clear to use, as
Class diagram show the different object and their relationship to each other and also
which type of relationship this will be.
Development diagram show are system physical layout, revealing which pieces of
software run on what pieces of hardware. Development diagram are really very
simple, hence the short chapter.
UML Class Diagram

0..1 subject
subject 1..*

assignAssignment() viewProfile()
viewAssignments() viewAssignedAssigments()
submitted() viewSubmittedAssigments()



Interface Design
Chapter no: 5

UML Deployment Diagram



View and Add All Records


Assign and View Assignments



Solve Assignment
Chapter No.6

System Overview
6 System Overview:
This site of online working between two users (student & Teachers). These users
work on this site. Student submits their data or assignment on this site. We process it and then
send it to the relative teacher & institute. Then the teachers chase his data and then publish
his data result on the site. We chase these data and transform to the who’s student who send
it on the site.

Student sends his data on the site then we send it to the teachers Accounts or
Institute accounts. Then the teachers chase it and send its result to the back on site. Then we
process it show the result to student. Pass & fail criteria are meet and then produce the result
and send it to the student.

We make two sides of the Site Admin side and User side. In the admin side we
allow the admin to create, Delete, Edit, accept and Reject the data. Processing the data and
show the result on the site. In the front end side we provide the first login form. Teacher and
student first login on the site. Then student send his data to the teacher and teacher reply it
using this site.
Chapter No.7

System Architecture
System Architecture:
7.1 Architecture Design
In our site we working in 3 layers Players’ , Busness_layers and data Access Layers . User
see the front end and request for submit a data , then business roles layer filter the data and
send it to the teachers. Data Access layer store the data into the database.

Presentation Layer

Business Rules Layer

Data Access Layer


7.2Scenario View
Use Case Diagram
7.3Logical View
State Diagram
7.4 Physical View
Development Diagram
7.5 Implementation View

In this view, we discus about the over description of Assignment submission system. This
diagram shows the whole activity of the project.
7.6 Process View

Activity Diagram

List View

User Click Main Interface

These diagrams is shown the overall activity of the project which we can do in the
final exams
Chapter No.8

Decomposition Description
8.1Sequence Diagram
8.2Class Diagram

Design Rationale

 Must have a data base

 Must have primary key
 Must have different tables
 Must have a back end side
 Must have front side
 Must have teacher side protocol
 Must have institute side protocol
 Must have different protocol sides for student
Chapter No.9

Data Design
Data Design
9.1 Data Description
In this project all sites we make some functionality using programming
language like php, pyphon, html, css, and Ajax and sql languages. We can store
create update, delete, and manage the data using Php language. The manger part
of description is using some specific data symbol which can relate these languages.
In the common word we can say this symbol variable.

9.2 Data object

 Teacher
 Id
 Name
 Father name
 Qualifications
 Institute name
 Email
 Contract duration
 Address
 Gander

 Student
 S_Id
 S_Name
 S_fname
 S_address
 S_gender
 S_address
 S_Email

 Institute
 I_Name
 I_address
 I_Email
 I_id

 Date and time

 D_id
 D_s_id
 D_I_id
 D_T_ID
 D_C_Id
 D_P_id
 Country
 C_id
 C_name
 Location on stylize

 Province
 P-id
 P-name
 P-c_id
 P-location

 City
 Cty-id
 Cty-name
 Cty-institute name
 Cty-location

 Marks criteria
 S-id
 I-id
 Get marks
 T-id
 Total marks
 Non clear student data
 S id
 Tst date
 Time
 Location
 Name
 Address
 Marks
9.3 Relation & Complete Data Model:

9.4 ER Diagram
9.5Data dictionary
Chapter No.10

Component Level
Component Level Diagram
10.1 Component Diagram

In this chapter we discuss the major part of the project which is doing in our final
Chapter No.11

Human Design Interface:

Human Design Interface:
11.1 User interface:
11.2 Front_En
11.3 Log_in
11.4 Assignment Submission

11.5 View Result

11.6 Search Next Institute
Chapter No.12

Requirements Matrix
12.1 Matrix Details…com

These Can be User In Matric

Some Parts of the Books Are Referenced From the Following Online Links:-
Methodologies and other related work is referenced from this site.
For images and other

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