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Capital University of Science and Technology,


Advanced Project Management for
Construction Projects
Week No. 02

Dr. Syed Shujaa Safdar Gardezi

Department of Civil Engineering

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• Major Characteristics of a Project
A Project has …


Specific budget

Defined life span

definite beginning and end
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• Major Characteristics of a Project
A Project has …

Owner/ Sponsor
Specific time, cost and
performance requirements

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• Major Characteristics of a Project
A Project has …

Involves a cross-the-
organizational participation
Produces specific

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• Major Characteristics of a Project

However a Project…
– Can vary vastly in size, complexity and duration
– May be a phase within a larger project or a phase within a program

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• Program

– A series of coordinated, related, multiple projects that continue over

an extended time and are intended to achieve a goal.
– A higher level group of projects targeted at a common goal.
– For Example:
• Project: completion of a required course in project management.
• Program: completion of all courses required for a business

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• Project Life Cycle

Defines different phases of a project life

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Project Life Cycle:

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Project Life Cycle :

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Project Management :

Project Management is
the act of directing and coordinating human and material resources
throughout the life of a project to achieve predetermined objectives of
 Scope
 Quality
 Effort
 Time

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Project Management :

Project Management is

the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and

closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific
success criteria at the specified time.

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Project Management :

Project Management is
The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project
activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations
from a project

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Project Management :
Meeting stakeholder needs and expectations involves balancing
competing demands among:
 Scope, time, cost, and quality.

 Stakeholders with differing needs and

 Identified requirements (needs) and unidentified
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Program Management:
Program management or programme management is
“the process of managing several related projects,
often with the intention of improving an organization's

In practice and in its

aims it is often closely
related to systems
engineering, industrial
engineering, change
management, and
business transformation

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Similarities b/w Project & Program Management

• Both manage resources and relationships to

achieve an owner’s desired outcome

• Both include budgeting, estimating,

scheduling and quality checks

• Both may use in house staff or

contracted Professionals

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Project Management :

• Project Management Groups – 05

• Knowledge Areas - 10

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Project Management :
• Project Management Groups – 05

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Project Management :
• Project Management Groups – 05

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Project Management :
• Knowledge Areas - 10

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Project Management Strategy:

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