Preventive Panchakarma

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Preventive Panchakarma

Article · April 2013


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3 authors, including:

Girish KJ Praveen Bs
SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology


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Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma, TAME Society’s Ayurveda College, Bhadravati, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, 3Professor, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda &
Hospital, Thanniruhalla, BM Road, Hassan-57320, Karnataka, India.

*Corresponding author-E mail address:

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Published by Atreya Ayurveda Publications, Ilkal-587125 (India) All rights reserved.

Received on: 16/02/2013 Revised on: 15/03/2013 Accepted on: 03/04/2013

Everyone strive for quality life rather just number of years without good health. Lifestyle has
contributed a lot in the manifestation and exacerbation of different disorders. Ayurveda has rightly
emphasized that health is not only the state of not having disease but, it is the state of normalcy of
Dosha, Dathu, Agni and Malakriya. Ayurveda also gives utmost importance for prevention. Dosha will
get provoked daily and seasonally when ever favorable condition arises. Whenever an individual
indulge in Ahara and Vihara which provoke a particular Dosha in its aggravated stage, may produce
respective disorders. So, Panchakarma becomes mandatory choice in order to eliminate the same and
maintain the healthy status. Rasayana and Vajikarana Drugs also play an incredible role in prevention
of disease prior administration of which Shodhana is obligatory. Benefits of Shodhana and Rasayana -
Vajikarana are almost similar. Moreover, effect of Rasayana and Vajikarana Dravya are enhanced if
performed after Shodhana.
Keywords: Panchakarma, Preventive Panchakarma, Shodhana

Introduction: converting from epidemic to a pandemic one. In

Life expectancy of the human fact, each year more than 3 million deaths
community has enhanced considerably due to attributed to diabetes. Every 10 seconds a person
advanced and sophisticated treatments invented dies from diabetes related causes in the world.2
and implemented by the medical science. Still Ayurveda has rightly emphasized that
everyone strive for quality life rather just health is not only the state of not having disease
number of years without good health. Lifestyle but, it is the state of normalcy of Dosha, Dathu,
has contributed a lot in the manifestation and Agni and Malakriya. It also includes the
exacerbation of different disorders. A study Prasanna Atma (soul), Indriya (sense organs)
conducted in 2004 showed that, 20% of all and Manas (mind).3 This explanation is similar
deaths of age 35 and above can be attributed to to that of world health organization which states
sedentary life style.1 that, health is a state of complete physical,
Life style hazards and profession related mental and social wellbeing and not merely the
diseases like, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, absence of disease or infirmity.4
cardio vascular diseases, chronic obstructive In order to achieve the same Ayurveda
pulmonary disease, stroke, obesity, low back has advocated certain regimens and treatment
ache and other spine related diseases are burning modalities such as Dinacharya, Rutucharya,
issues around the world especially in India. Vega Adharana, Rasayana–Vajikarana and
Studies have predicted that, India will become Panchakarma. Panchakarma is a unique way of
diabetes capital of the world by 2025 as it is

Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine | April, 2013 | Vol 1 | Issue 1

Joshi SS, Praveen BS, Girish KJ: Preventive Panchakarma

cleansing the body and thus keeping the body Snehapana (administration of large quantity of
healthy. Sneha), Virechana and Basti are considered best
Different Regimens for Prevention: in treating the complications.

Prevention is considered as one of the Rasayana and Vajikarana are unique

prime aim of Ayurveda. Ayurveda believes in treatment divisions which have a greater role in
the Pancha Mahabhuta Siddhanta. It is believed prevention of the disease as well as promotion of
that the internal milieu of the body changes daily the health.13 Vajikarana Chikitsa is essential in
as well as seasonally depends on the variation in getting a good healthy progeny.14 Shodhana is
environment. Different regimens are essential to Mandatory prior administering Rasayana and
maintain the equilibrium. In this regard, Vajikarana drugs. Effect of Rasayana and
Dinacarya, Rutucharya and Vega Adharana (Not Vajikarana Dravya are enhanced if performed
suppressing the natural urges) are advised as after Shodhana. For instance, Agatsya Hareetaki
mandatory ritual. Following of Panchakarma and Rasayana administered after Shodhana in the
allied procedures like Anjana, Navana Nasya, management of Tamaka Shvasa, not only
Pratimarsha Nasya, Dhumapana, Kavala and reduces the symptoms significantly, but also
Gandusha will prevent different diseases, which improves the quality of life. Ashwagandha
may occur in future. Prayogika Dhumapana Churna given after Shodhana improves the
(Medicated smoking) is advised to combat quality of semen and helps getting healthy
aggravated Vata and Kapha.5 Eight schedules for progeny.
Dhumapana are explained like after bath and Shodhana is a process by which vitiated
food6 which will prevent the aggravation of Vata Dosha are eliminated by means of Niruha Basti,
and Kapha. Abhyanga (massage) is advised to Vamana, Virechana, Nasya and Rakta
prevent ageing, activating the sense organs and Mokshana.15 Shodhana can be adapted for both
improving overall quality of life.7 types of prevention viz. primary and secondary.
Abhyanga is specially performed over Primary, in which the strategies intend to avoid
Shirah (head), Shravana (ears) and Pada8 (sole). the development of diseases. Secondary, in
Shiro Basti is one of the Murdhni taila advocated which the strategies attempt to diagnose and
in a healthy person for 1000 Matra kala which treat an existing disease in its early stage before
helps to prevent Urdhva Jatru Gata Vikara9 it results in significant morbidity.16
(diseases of head and neck). Udvartana (powder Panchakarma for Prevention:
massage) especially indicated in obese persons Panchakarma is plays an important role
for reducing fat and in others, it helps to improve in prevention of disease but also for curing the
colour and complexion by stimulating Bhrajaka existing disease thus maintaining good health.
Pitta situated in the skin. This therapy will Ayurveda advocates Shodhana on regular basis
strengthen the body parts and suppresses the as vitiation of Dosha sets in whenever favorable
Meda and Kapha.10 condition arises. It is explained that just as dirt
Rutuchrya (seasonal rituals) are advised developes on a Mani (diamond) kept undisturbed
in order to prevent seasonally aggravated in due course of time, Dosha accumulates inside
respective Dosha in order to maintain health.11 the body in due course of time, which needs to
Suppression of natural urges are contraindicated be cleaned time to time.
as they may result in to grave complications.12 Ayurveda has elaborately explained the
Today, it is one of the major contributor in different stages of Dosha in different Rutu.
causing the diseases especially of lower gastro Dosha, which is accumulated, will be pacified
intestinal tract. The urges like, flatus, defecation, automatically without interference of any
urine, sneezing, belching and cough should not treatment. This concept of self-conciliation is
be suppressed. Panchakarma plays a vital role in called as Rutu Kriyakala. The three stages of the
the management of complications arising due to different Dosha are explained as follows17 (Table
the suppression of natural urges. Avapeedaka 1)

Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine | April, 2013 | Vol 1 | Issue 1 8

Joshi SS, Praveen BS, Girish KJ: Preventive Panchakarma

Table 1 Dosha, improves colour and complexion and

Table showing Rutu Kriyakala Bhuddhi. It also improves the vigor and vitality
Rutu Chaya Prakopa Prashamana
Hemantha - Pitta and enables the person to live a long and healthy
Shishira Kapha - - life.25 These benefits of Shodhana are similar to
Vasantha - Kapha - the benefits of Rasayana and Vajikarana
Grishma Vata - Kapha
Chikitsa. Properly conducted Vamana removes
Varsha Pitta Vata -
Sharat - Pitta Vata aggravated Kapha and also makes the body light,
improves the functions of sensory organ and
Dosha will not get pacified always.
clears the channels of chest, flanks and the head
Whenever an individual indulge in Ahara and
region.26 Properly conducted Virechana,
Vihara which provoke a particular Dosha in its
removes aggravated Pitta and clears all channels
aggravated stage, may produce respective
of body, Jatharagni gets kindled and lightness
disorders. So, Shodhana becomes mandatory
sets in.27 Properly performed Basti Karma,
choice in order to eliminate the same. Shodhana
establish proper expulsion of the feces, urine and
is advocated periodically in order to prevent
the flatus, increases appetite, taste and creates
diseases like obesity, digestive disturbances,
euphoria28. Properly conducted Nasya Karma
diabetes mellitus, skin disorders, insomnia, and
removes the aggravated Dosha seated above
psychiatric illness. For instance, accumulated
Urdhva Jatru Pradesha (head and neck), clears
Kapha may produce disorders of Kapha if it is
the channels of circulation.29 Considering all the
not eliminated in Vasanta Ruthu. The vitiated
benefits of the Shodhana it is believed that
Dosha, if removed in their Sanchaya Avastha
Shodhana has action over almost all the systems
itself, they will not go to their next stages, where
of the body especially gastro-intestinal system,
they gain strength. If they are eliminated in time
endocrinal system and metabolic activities. It is
then they may unite with Dushya like Rasa and
believed that Shodhana will remove all the waste
produce grave disorders.
products of the metabolism and remove the free
Depending on the status of the Dosha, in radicals thus providing a platform from which
each Rutu, Nirharana Kala (time for elimination) the whole body rejuvenates. Improperly
has been mentioned. Aggravated Shleshma performed Shodhana may lead to grave
Dosha hampers the Kayagni, causing metabolic complications like Shotha (swelling) and
disturbances. Hence, Vamana Karma is indicated Kushtha (skin disorders). It convey that
in this Rutu.18 Due to the Rutu Swabhava, and assessment of different factors are essential prior
indulgence in Amla Rasa Pradhana diet in performing Panchakarma.30
Sharad Rutu leads to Pitta Prakopa. Hence,
administration of Ghee prepared with Tikta Rasa
Pradhana Aushadhi followed by Virechana Panchakarma is one of the unique
Karma and Rakta Mokshana are explained19. contributions to the health of human being.
Vata Dosha aggravated in Varsha Rutu needs to These modalities of treatments can create
wonder if performed judiciously. Improperly
be eliminated through Basti Karma.20 Different
administered Panchakarma treatments may lead
Basti formulations like, Madhu Tailika Basthi21
in to grave complications. Success of Shodhana
Bala Guduchyadi Basthi22 are administered for is dependent on properly performed Purva,
Swastha. In Varsha Rutu, Balya and Brumhana Pradhana and Paschat Karma. Before
type of Basthi like, Yapana Basthi23 also can be administering Shodhana, it is essential to
administered as Bala of an individual is Avara. examine the status of Dosha, Prakriti, Desha,
Marsha Nasya is advocated in Pravrut, Kala, Vaya and Koshtha are analysed.
Sharat and Vasantha Rutu, each year, for a week Rasayana and Vajikarana can be advocated
alternately in the dose of half Pala.24 only after proper Shodhana to gain expected
benefits. Rutu Shodhana are followed
Discussion: irrespective of Swastha or Atura in order to
Shodhana improves Kayagni, Cures the prevent the disease as well as promotion of
disorders, maintains the equilibrium of the health.

Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine | April, 2013 | Vol 1 | Issue 1 9

Joshi SS, Praveen BS, Girish KJ: Preventive Panchakarma

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Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine | April, 2013 | Vol 1 | Issue 1 10

Joshi SS, Praveen BS, Girish KJ: Preventive Panchakarma

25. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, edited by R K 29. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, edited by R K
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Sutra Sthana 16:17-19 : p 303. Siddhi Sthana 1: 51: p170.
26. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, edited by R K 30. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, edited by R K
Sharma, Bhagawan Dash: Edition- reprint: 2001: Sharma, Bhagawan Dash: Edition- reprint: 2001:
Chowkhambha Sanskrit series office, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit series office, Varanasi:
Siddhi Sthana 1: 15: p150. Siddhi Sthana 1: 42: p165.
27. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, edited by R K
Cite this article as : Joshi SS, Praveen BS, Girish KJ.
Sharma, Bhagawan Dash: Edition- reprint: 2001:
Preventive Panchakarma. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic
Chowkhambha Sanskrit series office, Varanasi:
Medicine. 2013;1(1):7-11.
Siddhi Sthana 1: 17: p151.
28. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, edited by R K
Sharma, Bhagawan Dash: Edition- reprint: 2001:
Chowkhambha Sanskrit series office, Varanasi:
Siddhi Sthana 1:41:p165.

Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine | April, 2013 | Vol 1 | Issue 1 11

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