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More on the Equilib s s

Concentration a nd Pressure Don't Affect

The value of the equilibrir*rn comst*nt, K., is {lxer:* at a given temperature. So if the concentration of one thing in the
equilibrium mixture changes then the concentrations of the others must change to keep the value of K. the same.

CH,COOH.T, + CrHrOH,,, + CH,COOC,H',,, + HrO,,

lf you'tncrease the concentration of CH,COOH then the equiibrium will move to the riqht to gel
r'td of the extra
CHrCOOH so more CH3C00C2H. and HrO are groduced. This keeps the equi ibrium constant the same.

(changing this only really affects eqr*i*ibria inva:iv!*g gas**)

in*r**si;tg the pressure shifts the equilibrium to the side with f*w,er gas molecules this
recrtlces the pressure. *]eereasirtgthe pressure shifts the equilibrium to the side with rfisr* gas - The removal of his
molecules. This rxisq:s the pressure again. X. stays the $a!?1*, no matter what you do to the pressure dummy was a
change Lhat
fhere are 3 moles on the left, but only 2 on the right. Maxwell always
So an increase in gressure would shift the equi lbrium to the r'tqht. +ortgr =2Sortgt opposed.
have on the *quilikn!*ea.
. lncrease 'ri but they I mean equilibrium is approached {ast*r

Practice Quesfions I

Q1 lf you raise the temperature of a reversible reaction, in which direction will the reaction move?

Q2 Does temperature change affect K.?

Q3 Why does concentration not affect K.?

Q4 What effect do catalysts have on the equilibrium of a reaction?

Eram Questions

1 The following equilibrium was established at temperature T,

2SOzrel * Or,*,= 2SOr,*, A11: 196 kJmol :.

K. at T, was found to be 0.67 mol I


a) When equilibrium was established at a different temperature, T", the value of K. was found
to have increased. State which of T, or T, is the lower temperature and expiain ivhy. -' _ -,,.
b) The experiment was repeated exactly the same in all respects at T,, except a flask of smaller volume
was used. How would this change affect the yield of sulfur trioxide and the value of K-?
Ii i: -,:.,...

The reaction between methane and steam is used to produce hydrogen. The forward reaction is endothermic

cHo,r, + Hro,*, = co,*, + 3Hr,*,

a) Write an equation for K" for this reaction. 12 marksl
b) How will the value of K
be affected by:
i) increasing the temperature,
ii) using a catalyst. [2 marks]
c) How will the composition of the equilibrium mixture be affected by increasing the pressure? [2 marksl

S\ift to the left, and then jump to the right...

-;ounds like there's a song in there somewhere. l'n getting an intage now ctf chemists in lab coats dancing at a Xntas
Let's not go there. lnstead iust make sure you realll, get
t/oLtr heacl round this concept of changing conclitions ar-tc
: i i i br i u nt sh ifti n g to compensate. Reread until you've definitely got it
I it makes this topic much easier to learn.
UNt 5: lilooutt 1 - R,+rs, Equtuantuivt AND pl1

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