12 Humss 2 Quantitative Research Group 7

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A Baby Thesis Presented to the Faculty of

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
Camarines Sur National High School

In Partial
Fulfilment of the Requirements
In Practical Research 2 and Research Project
(Quantitative Research)
Bognalos, Jomar

Abarientos, Niza

Bondoc, Emerlou

Pesito, Rona

Porteria, Ederline

Tagle, Renna Lyn Yan

12 HUMSS 2

Group No. 7




The Problem and Its Background

It was undeniable that Philippines is one of the poorest countries in terms of

….. Poverty can really affect the studying of the students. Students nowadays

find different types of job or work to support their own studies to enter into

schools or universities because of lacking financial money or allowance. Some

students are working for their self-satisfaction or for their wants while others are

working to spend for their education.

Camarines Sur National High School is one of the biggest public secondary

schools in Bicol region and has also the biggest population with at least 12,000

students in school year 2019-2020. It was also undeniable that some of the

students there especially senior high school students were working in different

types of work just to support their own education and be able to have knowledge

while they were working.

According to Rokicka (2014), student’s employment can influence their

educational results. She also stated that a different type of employment

undertaken by the students reduces the time available for the educational activity

and therefore could lead to lower educational achievement or academic

performance and possibly resulting of school withdrawal.

However, Yanbarisova (2015) stated that employment or work becomes an

additional source of knowledge and skills, as well as motivation to learn. Works

gives new experiences that will help the students to learn more.

Furthermore, types of employment and the time spent while working can also

affect the educational achievement of the students just by reducing the time

available for their educational activity (Kalenskoki and Pabilonia, 2009).

There were a lot of factors affecting the studies of the student but lacking of

financial money or allowance was the main factor that really affects their

education. The employed part-time and full-time working students face a lot of

difficulties in different various ways: school requirements, balancing their time

between school and work loads, health problems, and thinking of their financial

budget. Some of the reasons of the working students for applying for a job is

because of their school necessities and expenses.

Identifying the types of employment and its effect on academic performance

of senior high school student is highly needed in order to know if their job or

employment is really affecting their studies. Having a job while studying only has

two outcomes; maintaining high grades or low grades. If the student did not

maintain their grades, one can conclude that they have to put an extra effort and

balance their time.

At present, the researchers, as a senior high school student who happens to

see a different scenarios of working students which their job or employment

really affects their academic performance conducted this study to determine the
different types of employment and its effect on the academic performance of the

working students.

The main purpose of this study is to raise the awareness of the working

students on the effects of their job or employment on their academic performance

and to help them cope in their educational activity while they are working.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the types of employment and its effect on academic

performance of selected senior high school working students at Camarines Sur

National High School for the second semester of academic year 2019-2020.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the students in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Type of employment

d. Time spent in working

e. Monthly income of parents

f. General average

2. What is the level of academic performance of the working students?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the types of employment and its

effects on the academic performance of the working students?

4. What developmental program can be formulated in the result of the study that

will promote academic performance?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses to the types of employment and its effect on academic

performance of selected senior high school working student at Camarines Sur

National High School for the second semester of academic year 2019-2020.

This study will also focus on its sub-variables which are full-time, part-time,

time spend on working, and performance in school.

In this study, the grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),

Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy

and Business management (ABM), General Academic Strand (GAS) and

Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) students of Camarines Sur National High

School are the respondents of the study because the researchers saw different

scenarios of how the student’s employment affects their academic performance.

The grade 11 students are not included as the respondents of the study

because they are not yet exposed on work and because grade 11 working

students have very small population that is not enough in the study.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that this study will be significant to the following:
Senior High School Working students. This study will help them to know the

effects of the types of employment in their academic performance. This will also

help them to assess themselves in the kind of job that they are taking.

Senior High School (SHS) Teachers. The findings of this study will help the

teachers to understand the working student’s situation. This will also serve as the

basis for them to formulate new programs that will help the working students.

Families and Friends of the SHS Students. This research will serve as guide

to help the families and friends of the senior high school students and give

knowledge of the effects of the types of employment of the students in their

academic performance.

School Guidance Counselors. The findings of this study will help them guide

and give proper or appropriate advice for the working students.

Policy Makers. The results of this study will help the Department of Education

staff to inform or educate the working students in order to promote academic


Future Researchers. The results of this study will be beneficial to them because

it will serve as their future reference in conducting a research, and it will serve as

a guide to future researchers as they can get knowledge and guide them to know

the effects of types of employment in the student’s academic performance.



This chapter presents the reviewed related literature and studies which

includes the gap-bridge-of-the-study, and conceptual and theoretical framework

of the study as well as the synthesis of state-of-the-art, hypothesis and

assumption of the study.

Review of Related Literature

Rokicka (2014), stated that student’s employment can influence their

educational results. She also stated that a different type of employment

undertaken by the students reduces the time available for the educational activity

and therefore could lead to lower educational achievement or academic

performance and possibly resulting of school withdrawal.

Hughes, et.al. (2015), indicated that students who spent in working more

hours could lead to declines in academic performance and results in less time for

studying. They also said that the time spent in working is connected into their

academic performance.

Villahermosa, et.al (2015), analyze that one of the best ways to earn a

degree and to fulfill dreams is to work while studying. The common strategies of

the students to earn money are employed in the fast food chain as service crew,

those with capital can invest in small business and the students can serve as

student assistants in colleges and universities.

Small Business Development Corporation (2019), mentioned that

there are five types of employment such as Full-time and part-time employment

where Full-time employees work 38 hours per week and Part-time employees

usually work less than 38 hours per week and generally have regular hours;

Casual employees where they are engaged on an irregular basis according to

business demands and have; Fixed term and contact employment where

employee renders service for a definite period of time and the employment

contract must be terminated after such period expires; Apprentice and Trainees;

and Commission and Piece rate employees where they are paid based on the

result they achieve instead an hourly or weekly pay rate.

Curtis & Shani (2010), stated that there is some adverse effect on study

in the form of missed lectures, and students' perceptions are that coursework

grades are lower than they would have been had when they not been working.

However, the students highlight the benefits of working, which are not only

monetary but include the development of skills, greater understanding of the

world of business and an increase in confidence, all of which are advantageous

to their studies, both at the present time and in the future.

Review of Related Studies

As studied by Yanbarisova (2015), showed that the effects of students’

employment in academic performance shows that only one type of study and

work combination—non-professional fulltime employment—has a negative effect

on academic performance.
PSU Education (2015), presented that there is a relationship between

work and academic performance. Low intensity jobs had positive effects like

increase independence, managing schedule, and gaining soft skills while high

intensity jobs have negative effects such as dropping out, delayed graduation

rates, and low academic performance. Full-time and part-time workers also have

less time in academic (15.7 hours) than non-workers (17.0 hours). Poor eating

habits and sleep deprivation can also be develop because working while studying

and stress is one of the factor. The study concluded that the students has higher

range of hours (8-30) they work per week than range of hours they studying (10-


Neyt, et.al (2017), mentioned that student employment seems to have a

more adverse effect on educational choices and behavior like study engagement

and the decision to continue studying than on educational performance in

particular, graduation.

According to UKessay (2018), in their study with 38 participants, students

who do not work or have a course related job are the most successful. The

highest number of students who achieved a distinction is the apprenticeship or

on-the-job training students. With respects to the group of students who work

more than 20 hours a week, only one out of eight managed to achieve a pass the

rest failed the module. The group who worked less than 20 hours a week

managed to obtain a Pass (14%) and half of the group even managed to obtain a

Merit (28%). This shows that if students manage to balance work and study.
Frigillano, et.al (2015), highlighted that student employment can also

be a positive experience. For example, some workers may gain experience from

their job that helps them in the classroom or in the labor market after college.

Conceptual Framework

The paradigm that shows in figure 1 is the conceptual framework of the


The top box shows the title of the research study, which is Types of

Employment and Its Effect on Academic Performance of Selected Senior High

School Working Students at Camarines Sur National High School, Naga city (S/Y


The first frame refers to the input which includes the working student as

respondents of the study described in terms of age, gender, type of employment,

time spent in working, monthly income of parents, and general average and the

effects of student employment on academic performance.

The second frame refers to the process which includes the construction

and validation of questionnaire on the effects of student employment on

academic performances, data gathering, analysis and interpretation of data.

The third frame refers to the plan of action to enhance the academic

performance of working students at Camarines Sur National High School.

Types of Employment and Its Effect on
Academic Performance of Selected Senior
High School Working Student at CSNHS,
Naga City(S/y 2019-2020)

Input Process Output

 Demographic profile of  Effect of student  Plan of action
the respondents in employment in to enhance the
terms of: academic academic
a. age performance
b. gender
performance of
a. class
c. types of the working
employment student.
b. task
d. time spent in performance
e. monthly income of
f. general average

Seminar for the students about time management

and learning concerns both from academic and
work task

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study

Theoretical Framework

The researchers applied three theories that was closely associated to the

study that identifies the types of employment and its effect on academic

performance namely the Human Capital Theory which is the main theory that

was used in the study. Human Capital Theory stated that student’s employment

can be a compliment to education due to additional skills and knowledge

obtained while working. As sited by Becker, employment could benefit the

students to think and to work to school better because they are used to do things

with all of their hard works that they applied to themselves while working.

The first Supporting Theory that was used in the study is Zero Sum

Theory. The Zero Sum Theory suggests that student’s employment and

education are substitutes. It is argued that student employment strongly contains

student’s use of time. Students got lack of time to do their school works because

they must have finish first their job as an employee and the last supporting theory

is Primary Orientation Theory. Primary Orientation Theory also stated that

the worse academic performance of working students is related to their primary

orientation being toward work rather than school. As Warren the author of theory,

it is true that some of the students got to be more focused on their job rather than

school that cause them a poor academic performance.

Human Capital Theory

Types of Employment and Its Effect on

Academic Performance of Selected Senior
High School Working Student at CSNHS,
Naga City (S/y 2019-2020)

Primary Orientation
Zero Sum Theory

Figure 2. Theoretical Framework of the study

Synthesis of State-of-the-art

The following literature and studies have relative connection with the

variables of the study. It deals with the types of employment, relationship of work

and academic performance, and how the types of employment affects the

student’s academic performance.

This related study has related connection with the variables of the study. It dealt

with the relationship of work and academic performance, types of employment

and how it affects the student’s academic performance.

The study conducted by PSU Education (2015) is the only study that has

similarities on the study because they mentioned about the two types of

employment students can take and its effect on the academic performance like

the full-time and part-time workers has only 15.7 hours while non-workers has

17.0 hours to spend in their academic performance.

Hypothesis of the Study

There is a significant difference on the academic performance of the working

students in terms of type of employment.

Assumption of the Study

The following are the assumption of the study.

1. The researchers assumed that the types of employment taken by the senior

high school students have negative effects on their academic performance.

2. The tiredness of the students makes them exhausted and cannot think and

focus clearly during recitation.

Gap-Bridge of the Study

The studies of Yanbarisova (2015), Essay in Education (2016), Neyt, et.al

(2017), and Frigillano, et.al (2015) are the gap of the study because it has

insufficient information and their studies only stated the negative and positive

effects of working while studying.

The study conducted by PSU Education (2015) is the bridge of the study

because it gives the sufficient information which is needed in the study.

Definition of Terms

Types of Employment - is a general term to represents the different types of

employment such as full-time or part-time.

Effects on Academic Performance of Selected Senior High School Students

– the term used to describe the change or consequence of types of employment

in the academic performance of selected senior high school students.

Selected Senior High School Students of CSNHS, Naga City - The

respondents of the study is from Grade 11 HUMSS AND Grade 12 HUMSS.


Rokicka, M. (2014). The impact of students' part-time work on educational

outcomes (No. 2014-42). ISER Working Paper Series. Retrieved from


Logan, J., Hughes, T., & Logan, B. (2016). Overworked? An observation of the

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Villahermosa, M., Oba-o, W., and Bagabaldo, J. (2015).Working Scholars: Life

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Small Business Development Corporation.(2019).Types of Employment.

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During Term-time on Students' Academic Studies. Retrieved on November 7,

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Yanbarisova, D. (2015). The Effects of Student Employment on Academic

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PSU Education (2015). The Effects of Working While in School: A Study of

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Essays, UK. (November 2018). The Impact of Part Time work towards Academic

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