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The Benefits of Almond Oil for Skin,

Hair, and Cooking
Medically reviewed by Natalie Butler, R.D., L.D. — Written by Mandy Ferreira — Updated on
October 12, 2017

Almonds are nutritional powerhouses. They’re full of healthy fats, fiber, phytochemicals,
vitamins, and minerals.

Almonds were originally grown in the Middle East. Today, California is the largest producer
of almonds in the world. California’s almond production has doubled in the past 20 years.
That’s because more and more people are becoming aware of the health benefits. The
American Heart Association recommends almonds for their heart-healthy fats.

But what about almond oil? Here’s a look at the health benefits.


What is almond oil?

Nearly half of a dried almond’s weight is oil. Ripe almonds are pressed to extract the oil with
minimal heat.

This unrefined almond oil protects the nutrients and the flavor of the oil. High heat and
sometimes chemicals are used to create refined almond oil.

While refined almond oil is more heat-tolerant, it may lack the nutritional value of unrefined
varieties. Almond oil, which is also called sweet almond oil, is not the same as bitter almond

Bitter almond oil is made from a different variety of almonds. It is refined to remove toxins
that are naturally present in the skin of the almonds.

Almond oil general benefits

Almond oil is full of vitamin E, and it’s a great source of magnesium, phosphorus, and
copper. The antioxidant-rich oil is known for its free radical fighting abilities. It’s also anti-
inflammatory and boosts immunity.

Containing omega-3 fatty acids, almond oil might help you maintain healthy cholesterol
levels and improve your memory. It may help lower your risk for diseases like cancer and
heart disease.



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Benefits of almond oil for skin

Almond oil has been used for centuries to soothe the skin and treat minor wounds and cuts.
It has been used in ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic practices to treat skin conditions like
eczema and psoriasis.

More than soothing dry skin, almond oil can improve complexion and skin tone. It’s highly
emollient, which means it helps to balance the absorption of moisture and water loss.
Because it is antibacterial and full of vitamin A, almond oil can be used to treat acne. Its
concentration of vitamin E can also help to heal sun damage, reduce the signs of aging, and
fade scars.

Almond oil soaks in quickly and is a powerful moisturizer, so it can be used on the face or
body. You can apply it straight, or mix it with essential oils to get its benefits. Beyond
moisturizing your skin, almond oil is a great massage oil or skin treatment.

It also has powerful antifungal properties. Rub it on your feet to prevent athlete’s foot or to
help remove other fungal infections like ringworm. You can use almond oil as a cleanser or
to gently remove makeup as well.

Benefits of almond oil for hair

Your skin isn’t the only thing that can benefit from almond oil. The nourishing oil can soften
and strengthen your hair. It’s rich in vitamin B-7, or biotin, so almond oil helps to keep hair
and nails healthy and strong. It can also help protect your hair from sun damage, with a
natural SPF 5.

You can use almond oil as a scalp treatment. Its antibacterial and fungicidal properties
make it effective at balancing the yeast that causes dandruff. It easily soaks into the skin, so
almond oil works well at hydrating the scalp and cleansing the hair follicles.

You can also smooth frizz and heal damaged hair with almond oil. Apply a dime-sized
amount or less to the ends of your hair before drying to hydrate and decrease frizz.


Should you cook with almond oil?

Your heart will thank you for eating almond oil. Full of monounsaturated fatty acids, almond
oil can elevate the levels of “good” cholesterol, or high-density lipoproteins (HDL). It can
also lower levels of “bad” cholesterol, or low-density lipoproteins (LDL), when it replaces
saturated and trans fats.

Almond oil can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease because of its high levels of
antioxidants, its ability to decrease inflammation in the body, and its effect on cholesterol.

When cooking with almond oil, remember to keep unrefined or virgin oils at low heat to
prevent burning the oil and destroying the nutritional value. Almond oil is best used for
salad dressing, low-heat baking, or as finishing oil on top of a dish to add extra flavor and

Its mild flavor makes it perfect for slipping into dishes. Refined oil can be used for roasting
or sautéing because it has been processed to tolerate a much higher heat, up to 420°F

Next steps
Though whole almonds will provide the most nutrition, almond oil can be a healthy addition
to your diet.

Whether you’re putting it on your body or on your salad, look for unrefined or virgin almond
oil. Unrefined oil retains more of the nutrients that are beneficial for your skin, hair, and

If you’re unsure if you have a nut allergy, it’s best to get tested first before eating almond oil
or using it on your body.

If you don’t think you’re allergic, try a test small test patch of the oil on the inside of your
wrist before using it in your skin care routine.

Last medically reviewed on May 26, 2016

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