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There are numerous debates regarding the number times that Jesus was
anointed by women.
Some contend that He was anointed only once, other contend thatbHe was
anointed twice and still others contend that he was anointed three times.

I hold to the latter view that He was anointed three times.

1 Luke 7:
a. At the home of Simon the Pharisee in Capernum. This took place
early in the ministry of Jesus
2 John 12:
a. At the home of Lazarus in Bethany. This took place 6 days before
3 Matthew 26 and Mark 14
a. At the home of Simon the leper in Bethany. This took place 2
days before Passover.

It is important for us to look at the practice of anointing in the Old Testament

times. This will help us understand the implications of the response of The Lord
Jesus when He was confronted by the onlookers.

These questions arise regarding anointing:

1 The reason for the anointing.
2 The person or thing being anointed.
3 The person that does the anointing.
I will not be addressing the concept of anointing of the surrounding nations.
That does not impact our understanding of anointing in the patriarhcal society.
The discussion below will evolve around the instruction of God in scripture
regarding anointing.


The act of anointing was to pour or rub aromatic oil or ointment over a person
or thing. The act of anointing symbolized sepeartion and consecration for a
purpose or prescribed assignment. It was not out of the ordinary to be anointed
more than once. David was anointed three times. DAVID was three times
anointed as king.
1 First among his brethren in secret by Samuel, at God’s direction (1
Sam. 16:13).
2 Second, David was owned as king by Judah (2 Sam. 2:4).
3 Third, he was anointed as king “over all Israel” (2 Sam. 5:3).
The first mention of anointing as an instruction from God is seen in Exodus 30.
Moses was instructed to anoint the tabernacle and all the furnishings an all the
altars. It is interesting to note that the laver had the legs and bowl anointed.
All these items was consecrated as holy unto the Lord. The Lord God instructed
Moses to anoint Aron and his sons as well. They were anointed for the position
of priest and high priest that would officiate in the Tabernacle.
We deduce that the anointing from its inception was for a specific purpose and
function. The anointing was carried out by a specific person. In this instance it
was Moses.
The oil used for anointing was a special mixture of oils. God forbade to
replication of this mixture for any other use other than that of anointing.

Prophets were also anointed. Elijah anoints Elisha.

Kings were anointed. Saul, David and Solomon.

General anointing as an act of hospitality. This anointing was carried out by the
host of the home or master of the house on the guest or stranger that was
invited into the home. The anointing oil was mixed with perfume. It is interesting
to note that this anointing was not carried out by a female or a servant. It was
carried out by the master of the house. This demonstrates the honouring of the

Jewish customs placed great value on hospitality in honouring of guests and

strangers. It is said that Jewish men did not like to eat their meals alone. They
used to announce that supper is ready so that passing strangers would feel
welcomed. Remember Abraham in Gen 18. He saw three men and ran to meet
them and bring them home with him. He made them a meal. This was not
uncommon in the Middle East. Tradition has it that Abraham used to keep all the
sides of his ten open so that all were welcomed from all sides.

We have one case recorded in the book of Judges 19. This was during the dark
days of Israel. Hospitality was turned into tragedy and brutality. The Levite said
to his servant let us not go into the territory of the Gentiles (Jebusites) but pass
by the way of Gibeah. He was confident to be taken in by someone of the city.
No one from the city welcomed them. Late in the evening an old man from the
hills of Benjamin invited them in. He took care of their physical needs. He
washed their feet and gave them water to drink. He also fed the animals as well.
Wicked men of the city stormed the man’s house and demanded that he release
the male guest to them so that they could sodomise them.
The master of the house offered up his virgin daughters and the guest concubine
so that his male guests would be protected. They took the concubine and gang
raped her for the night. The master of the house was willing to sacrifice his
daughters in order to protect his guests.
We see a similar event in the book of Genesis. Wicked men of the city young and
old came to Lots house and demanded that he give them his guests so that they
could sodomise them. What the men of the city did not know that these were
not men but angels send by God. The men of the city was struck with blindness.
Later the whole city of Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed.

The person or thing to be anointed was directed by God. God gave specific
instructions concerning the person to be anointed.
Isa 61:11 this is the proclamation of Jesus being the Anointed One.

God used Prophets and Priests to carry out the anointing.
Moses anointed Aaron and his sons. Samuel anointed Saul and David. Solomon
was privileged in that both prophet and priest was involved in his anointing. 1
Kings 1. Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet

It is interesting to notice that only men were tasked to do the anointing in

addition these were no ordinary men. They were either Prophets or priests or
prophets and priests. In most instances they were high priests. We do not read
of a women performing the task of anointing. Remember women were regarded
as second class persons with not privileges. They were always looked upon as


Isa 7:14 relates the sign of the Messiah. A virgin shall conceive and bear a son
and thou shall call his name Immanuel.
Isa 53 describes the suffering of Christ in great detail. Many other passages in
scripture deals with the coming Messiah. These passages was in no means
obscure to the scribes and Pharisees and the lawyers of the day. The scribes and
the Pharisees were well aware of the scripture description of the Messiah. They
read the Torah and the traditions over and over again to a point of
memorization. Yet they were blinded to the truth due to their unbelief and
Did you ever stop to think how the women at the well recognised the credentials
of the Messiah? How did the women, in our stories below, recognised the
credentials of the Messiah? Bearing in mind it was forbidden for a women to
read let alone touch the Torah. These details were told to them orally by the
priests, scribes and law givers.
When Jesus told the women at the well I am He. She said the Messiah will show
us these things. She knew what she was talking about because she heard this
more than once from the mouths of the scribes and priests. She recognised that
he was different and accepted His claim as the Messiah. His claim was consistent
with what she knew. She said, “He told me all about myself…”
There are subtle differences in the accounts of the anointing’s of Jesus. These
differences and its significance would surface as we deal with each account.
1 Luke records the anointing by a sinner women. This women washes
His feet with her tears and anoints His feet.
2 John records the anointing by Mary. Mary anoints Jesus feet 6 days
before Passover.
3 Matthew and Mark records the anointing of an unnamed women.
This women anoints Jesus head. This took place 2 days before the
pass over.
Each of these actions are rich in application and lessons, lessons that we
often miss.


Luke 7:36 And one of the Pharisees
desired him that he would eat with
him. And he went into the Pharisee's
house, and sat down to meat.
Luke 7:37 And, behold, a woman in
the city, which was a sinner, when she
knew that Jesus sat at meat in the
Pharisee's house, brought an
alabaster box of ointment,
Luke 7:38 And stood at his feet
behind him weeping, and began to
wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and
kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.
Luke 7:39 Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spake within
himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and
what manner of woman this is that toucheth him: for she is a sinner.
Luke 7:40 And Jesus answering said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say
unto thee. And he saith, Master, say on.
Luke 7:41 There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five
hundred pence, and the other fifty.
Luke 7:42 And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell
me therefore, which of them will love him most?
Luke 7:43 Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave
most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged.
Luke 7:44 And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this
woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she
hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head.
Luke 7:45 Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath
not ceased to kiss my feet.
Luke 7:46 My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed
my feet with ointment.
Luke 7:47 Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for
she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
Luke 7:48 And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven.
Luke 7:49 And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves,
Who is this that forgiveth sins also?
Luke 7:50 And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.


Who were these group of people?
They were one of the groups that emerged during the second temple. They
claimed Mosaic authority for their interpretation of the Jewish laws. The
Sadducees on the other hand represented or claimed to represent the authority
of the priestly privileges and prerogatives established since the days of King
Solomon when Zadok officiated as the high priest. The Sadducees were Levites
by tradition.
The Pharisees were a combination of Levites and the rest of the tribes of Israel.
Unlike the Sadducees, the Pharisees were an elite social group of people that
believed in the resurrection of the dead. They also believed in the Torah and the
other OT books as well as traditions that were not recorded. They held strongly
to the oral traditions of their fore fathers. They were also legal experts like the
scribes. It was not unnatural to be a scribe and a Pharisee. This group of people
were popular during the Roman rule. Their knowledge of scripture was sound.
Sadly they did not live out what they believed and knew.
Jesus says in Matt23:3, “All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that
observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not”.Jesus
was also well aware of their knowledge.
These men liked places of prominence, they liked to be seen and heard.
These are what the bible says about them:
1 They threw aside God’s commandments and made the
commandments of men and traditions into doctrines. (Mark 7:7-9).
2 They were more concerned with outer purity rather than the purity
of the heart. Jesus said that they cleaned the inside of the cup but
inside their hearts were full of wickedness! (See Luke 11:39; Matt.
23:25, 27, 28)
3 They tithed on herbs which is good but more important matters
like justice and the love for God were overlooked. (See Luke 11:32;
Matt. 23:23,24). They strained out a gnat but they swallowed a
camel. ((Matt 23:24)
4 They loved the highest seats and public greetings in the market
because they were selfish and wanted to be seen by people, to the
point of enlarging the borders of their clothes. (Luke 11:43; Matt.
23:5-10; Mark 12:38)
5 They burdened people with unnecessary traditions and did not
raise a finger to help. (Luke 11:46; Matt. 23:4)
6 They took away the key of knowledge. They blocked people from
getting into heaven and they themselves did not get in. (Matt.
23:13, Luke 11:52; John 12:42,43)
7 They said long prayers pretending that they were righteous. (Matt.
8 They talked and do not did not do anything. (Matt 23:3). They even
praised God with their lips and their heart was far from Him. (Matt.

Women in general in the Patriarchal society were regarded very low. They were
subordinate to their male counterparts.
Joyce Anderson Reed describes the harshness of the women’s social context as
When a daughter was born to a Jewish family, there was great lamenting,
for the daughter would not be able to fight for Israel or win favour with
God. The rabbis believed and taught that God favoured men only. The men
sat in prominent places in the synagogues. The men studied and read the
Torah. The women were not allowed to read or study the Torah. If they
accidently touched the Torah, the Torah had to be burnt because it had
been defiled by the woman. Women were regarded as impure. The Torah
had to be kept pure.
The Talmudic prayer cited daily by men has the words: “Blessed art thou who did
not make me a women, and it goes further to say blessed art thou for not
making me a Gentile or slave. This is misogynistic world view of the day that
Jesus had to contend with.
Sinful woman.
If being a woman was looked down upon what was the plight of the sinful
woman in our text?
By implication she was a prostitute, a women of the streets who forsook a
chaste way of life to indulge in habitual sexual activity. All of the city knew her
and her activities. Jesus knew all the more about her. The Bible does not say
much about her upbringing, all we know is that she was a sinful woman.
Being a sinful women, we can deduce the following:
1 She was the talk of the town in a scornful manner.
2 She was an outcast in society and social circles.
3 She was the object of continual insults and verbal abuse by the
wives of her patrons.
4 She had no self-esteem.
5 She was psychologically wounded, bleeding and broken. She may
have at times experience this on a physical level as well.
6 She live a life of constant humiliation and was looked upon with
7 Deep down:
a. She wanted to escape all of this.
b. She wanted to be loosed or set free from the bondage she was
subjected to.
c. She purposed in her heart to do something even if it cost her a
d. She had to meet the Messiah.


Alabaster is a kind of marble stone, more accurately it is a mineral rock. There
are two different types of Alabaster.
1 Gypsum Alabaster which is soft.
2 Alabaster Calcite is harder. It is translucent and white. It is
soft enough to be used for carvings.
The difficulty in mining the alabaster makes it expensive.
The flash was conically shaped with a long neck. I had a lid that could be sealed.
The sealing was of such a nature that the contents retained their integrity for
lengthy periods of time. The flash was used to contain expensive perfumes. The
seal was sometimes was made of twin and sealed with wax.
It is interesting to note that exposing of the contents are described differently in
the Gospel of Mark as opposed to the other three Gospels. Mark records that
the flask was broken.
The other occasion’s records the quantity used while Luke records that that she
anointed Jesus feet.

There is an important lesson that can be drawn from the manner in which the
ointment/ perfume was used. This will be discussed as we unpack each instance
of the anointing.


Prophetic Anointing. Anointing To Service
This anointing takes place about a year
before the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus.
Simon The Pharisee
Jesus was invited to a meal in the house of
Simon the Pharisee. Simon lived in
Capernaum. Some commentators try to
make this event fit into the occasion
recorded in Matt, Mark and John where
the anointing took place in Bethany.
Capernaum is a long way from Bethany.
This incident is not recorded in the other
gospels. The discourse here is different to
that recorded in Matthew, Mark and John.
At first glance we do not notice anything
out of the ordinary. But as the event
unfolds we see the lack of traditional
practices ignored by the Pharisee.
Notice the hospitality or lack thereof by
the Simon Pharisee. Simon invites Jesus
into his home so that his position in
society is garnished. He could spread
around that he invited a great man into his
home. He reluctantly acknowledged who
Jesus was. His comments if He was a
prophet He would have known proves to us that he did not fully accept who
Jesus was.
One would expect Simon being a Pharisee to execute all aspects of hospitality as
required by the traditions of the time. Simon being a Pharisee would pride
himself as a keeper of the traditional law, but this was not the case. He lacked in
all aspects as scripture relates.
A Sinner Women
A sinner woman (vs37) heard about Jesus being at the table of Simon. She was
not invited. We do not know whether it was Jesus only that was invited or
whether His disciples accompanied him to the home of Simon. It was not
uncommon for people to gather at the home where an important guest dined.
They gathered not to participate in the meal, they gathered to listen to the guest
especially if he was a prophet, teacher or a priest. The presence of the sinner
women would not be out of the ordinary. She could choose to be part of the
crowd but remain in obscurity.
The sinner women must have heard about Jesus and what He has been doing in
the area. She must have also been aware of the credentials of the Messiah. She
knew she had to be in His presence.
Many commentators say that this was Mary Magdalene out whom 7 demons
were cast out or Johanna mentioned in chapter 8 of Luke. Luke guided by the
Holy Spirit choose not to mention her name, we may not fully understand why
this is so. Maybe it was to demonstrate the all-inclusive grace of Jesus Christ to
the so called lowest of sinners. The fact that she was not named does not negate
the impact of her desire and actions. She does not ask for forgiveness, but
forgiveness was extended to her. Her actions articulated her request. This will be
seen later.
This sinner women came with her hands full. She purposed in her heart that
Jesus was worthy to receive the fragrant costly oil.
This sinner women knew that the privilege and likelihood of marriage was
truncated perhaps prematurely. Her life style disqualified her from presenting
the fragrant oil at the feet of a future bridegroom. It was customary that a bride
to be presents this oil to anoint the feet of a future bridegroom. This fragrant
expensive oil was given by the bride’s family as part of a dowry. This sinner may
have been forced into a life of prostitution due to her circumstances. She may
have also deliberately chosen this life style. Whatever the reason there was no
opportunity for her to express her joy by applying the expensive ointment. She
may have been given this flask of ointment before she went into prostitution.
She may have purchased this ointment as an investment. Whatever to situation,
this was an expensive item.
She purposed in her heart that Jesus was the only one on which this perfume
was to be applied on. She may have heard about what Jesus was doing in the
area. She recognised by the reports that He could liberated her from her sins.
She now had an opportunity to meet someone who would not judge her for her
lifestyle. This opportunity she would not miss for the world. She was going to
honour the Messiah. She purposed in her heart that Jesus was a worthy
recipient for this costly ointment. She may have said,” If I can only be in His
presence, my life would change”. And change it did. Excitement propelled her to
go to the house of the Pharisee.
She took alabaster flask. (alabastron)
She purposed within herself to go to
the house of the Pharisee to see Jesus.
She went prepared to worship. She
went with a purpose.
When we come to the house of God,
to church, what is our motivation? The
sinner women’s motivation was to
meet the Messiah who would set her
free. She was motivated by her guilt
and shame. She knew that Jesus would
set her free. That is what the Messiah
was expected to do. Isa 61:6 says,” The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
because the Lord hath anointed Me to preach good tidings unto the meek. He
hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and the opening of the prison to them that are bound,”
Do we come to the house of the Lord expecting our needs to be met? Do we
come prepared to worship. The sequence of events that unfolded at the house
of the Pharisee is life changing and challenging.
A Sinner Women’s Observation And Worship.
Luke 7:38 And stood at his feet behind him
weeping, and began to wash his feet with
tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of
her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed
them with the ointment.
When she entered the house, she stood
behind him at His feet and began to weep.
Why was she weeping? What sorrow and
guilt of sin produced such an emotion that
she wept profusely?
She came face to face with the PRESENCE
of the Messiah. She did not see His face,
but she recognised Him, perhaps by His
attire that differentiated Him from the rest
of the guests in the house. She stood
behind Him, What she saw that broke her
heart. I would like to suggest the following:
1 She came face to face with the presence of a Holy man, a sinless
perfect man, the Messiah. Her sinful life flashed in front of her as
she stood there. She knew her unworthiness to be in the presence
of the Messiah. Jesus presence reflected her sinful life without
condemning her. She displays intense grief at her sinful state. No
words could explain or articulate her grief and sorrow. Her crying
depicted her intense grave sorrow.
2 She observed with sadness
the feet of Jesus. She
expected it to be clean so that
she could apply the ointment
on His feet. What she saw
further broke her heart. The
Messiah had not been given
the correct welcome in the
home of the Pharisee. His feet
was dirty.
Driven by her love for the Messiah and her
guilt of sin she sobs uncontrollably. She did not ask for water to wash the feet of
the Messiah. This would have publically embarrassed the Pharisee.
She did not ask for a towel. The Bible says she was behind Him weeping. And
began washing the feet of the Lord Jesus with her tears.
One would ask why she was standing behind Jesus and not in front of Him.
Western understanding of dining is quite different from the practices of the
Middle Eastern culture.
It was customary for men to recline at the dinner table, which was not
positioned at the same height as ours in the Western world. The dining table
was low. Look at the picture above that gives some indication of how the men
sat at the dining table.
I have often wondered how long she cried to produce enough tears to wash the
feet of Jesus.

Michael A.Verdichhio and George Muller hold to the custom of tear bottle. An
extract from Michael Verdichhio below explains their understanding.

The Tear Bottle

While not common today, keeping tears in a

bottle, or a container, has a long history,
including during the U.S. Civil War. In Psalm
56, David mentions the tear bottle.

The custom in Bible times was to collect tears

of devotion in a container called a tear bottle.
It has great significance, so much so that when a person was buried, the
tear bottle was buried with him. They believed that any tears shed for a
spiritual cause would be rewarded by God.

Thus, their tear bottle was very precious to them. If one’s house is on fire,
the tear bottles are saved first! It was a great sacrifice for this woman to
wash Jesus’ feet with the tears from her tear bottle.

And then she dried his feet with her hair. In our Western culture, that may
sound a bit odd, but in the Bible culture, a woman’s hair is her glory. She
was indicating to everyone there that her own glory was good enough only
to wash Jesus’ feet.

Although this may be a good explanation for the quantity of tears, I am not fully
convinced that this was the case. Luke would not have left out such an
important detail. Those who agree with the above understanding also make
mention that the bottle of tears was more valuable than the perfume in the
alabaster flask.
A close examination of the text sheds more light on what happened.
Luke 7:38 and stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet
with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and
anointed them with the ointment.
The word for weeping is (κλαίω) klaio. Which means to sob and wail aloud. The
same word is used in in Matt 2:18. When Racheal wailed due to the killing of her
son. The other word of interest is brecho (brecω).This word is translated as
wash. A better translation is rain. The word also means moisten by shower. Luke
uses these words to demonstrate the intensity of her lamentation and
mourning. Tears were practically dripping from her eyes. It is highly possible that
she produced enough tears to wash the feet of Jesus. As each tear dropped on
to the feet of Jesus, she carefully spread the tears on His feet and washed His
She then proceeds to dry the feet of Jesus with her hair and then anoints the
feet of Jesus.

Here are some important lesson to be learnt:

1 A female touching the feet of a male in public may have been viewed as
an act of impropriety. Nevertheless she did what her heart prompted her
to do. She worshiped. She had to touch the feet of Jesus in order to wash
them. I am reminded of the privilege we will have to lay our crowns at His
feet. She was content with the place of humility.
2 It was shameful for a women to let her hair down in public. This was
viewed with was an act of impropriety. Letting down of the hair
down was done in the confines of the home and only for the eyes of the
husband. Her deep worship and love for the Messiah enabled her to not
to be entangled by the restrictions that culture imposed. She became
oblivious to the culture of the day. She wanted to honour the Master at all
costs. There was no towel available. She used her glory to wipe the feet of
Jesus. This for her was to most important thing to do regardless of the
ridicule of the public eye.
Are we ashamed to worship regardless of the place and circumstance?
The muslin will put his prayer mat in the middle of town if need be to
pray. Can we say like the Apostle Paul, I am not ashamed of the gospel of
Christ? Far too often we regard our circumstance more important than
our Christian testimony.
3 Kissing the feet was an act of reverence for the person feet been kissed:

An extract from Landmark Baptist Church

One of the most humiliating acts that a person can do to another

person is to kiss their feet. It requires one to bow down in a prostrate
position; and to kiss one of the dirtiest parts of the human body.
Symbolically and socially this is one of the most humble acts that a
lowly servant might be required to perform upon their master.
Because of human pride, no natural person would voluntarily perform
such an act upon another, without first seeing themselves as a popper
and as a slave before their master, to whom they owe their very
In contrast to what we just said, we should understand that one of
the greatest honours that a person could have bestowed upon them
in this life, was to have been so privileged as to be able to kiss the feet
of Jesus. Very few people recognized this honour and privilege, and
were so privileged to take advantage of it. How many of us might be
compelled to envy this woman? Our inward response to this question
is a good measure of our spirituality, beloved!

The kissing if the feet of Jesus showed:

a. The women’s humiliation. She knew her position in society.
She was looked upon by her society.
b. It showed her subordination. She recognised Jesus as Lord
and master. We have lost this. Today Jesus is just another
convenience in our lives to pull out when we need Him.
How tragic?
c. It showed the love and adoration the women had for the
Lord and Saviour.
d. It was her way of publically confessing the Lord Jesus. She
was not ashamed to publically confess her Lord by her
ACTIONS and not her words.

4 After having washed the feet of Jesus and wiped them with her hair, now
she proceeds to anoint His feet with ointment. She rubbed the feet of Jesus.
The aroma permeated the room where they sat. Every one present smelt
the effect of the perfume. Does our worship have such an impact on those
around? Even if they despise the act of worship.
Her focus was on the Lord and nothing else. We are not certain whether
she used all the contents of the flash. She may have emptied the flask of
ointment on the feet of Jesus. She chose to worship with that which cost
her much. She worship from a broken spirit.

Jesus Response To A Sinner Women.

Jesus was no ordinary man. He is God incarnate. Had this been another prominent
man, this would have been their reaction to the women knowing the type of
person she was:
1 She would have literally been kicked away. We see this so often in
Indian circles where the Dalits are treated as dogs as and less than
human. There no difference in the Middle East up until today.
2 They would have rebuked her for touching them and making them
unclean. Women were regarded ceremoniously unclean. When a
women touched you, you had to go and purify yourself.
3 They would have thrown her out of the house for breaking the
customs of the day.
The action of Jesus horrified the Pharisee. John 6:37 He that cometh to me I will
in no wise cast out. Jesus Silence and so called lack of action showed that Jesus
approved what she had done.
Jesus accepted her worship and devotion. Jesus allowed her to break all barriers
of culture without uttering a word. Jesus allowed her to TOUCH his feet, He
allowed her to wash His feet, He allowed her to kiss His feet, and He allowed her
to anoint His feet. (I would like to look at this as a prophetic anointing of Jesus)
Jesus knew far more about this sinner women that the guests of the house.
What did Jesus see?
1 A dejected women, a women in pain and sorrow
2 An outcast from society.
3 A dirty women inside and outside that was in need of a Saviour.
4 A women in desperation.
5 He saw a daughter of Abraham.
6 He saw the reason for His coming into the world. Luke 19:10. To seek
and save the lost.
7 He saw a women that needed healing of the soul. Mark 2:17, Luke
5:31 and Matt 9:12. I have come not for the righteous and the healthy
but for sinners and the sick.
8 He saw a humble women. What does j=Jesus see when we come into
His presence. I pray that I will always come with a heart of humility
and servant wood into His presence.
9 He saw a broken women.
10 Her saw a repentant women.
11 He saw a worshipping women. Her act of worship permeated the
while room. The aroma of the spikenard filled the whole place for all
to indulge in the pleasantry of the perfume. She did not say this is
only for the Lord, please do not breathe it in, no she was focused on
the Lord and Him only. The effect of her worship could have been
enjoyed by all. The Pharisee missed this.

The Disapproval of Simon The Pharisee.

Simon’s thoughts were a reflection of his view of who was in his house. He was
not fully convinced of the presence of the Master in his house, nor did he
understand the reason for the Messiah coming into the world. If he did, his
response would have been one of jubilation. (There is rejoicing in heaven when
one sinner comes to repentance). His self-righteousness clouded his judgement
of who Jesus was.
He says
Luke 7:39 Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spake within
himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and
what manner of woman this is that toucheth him: for she is a sinner.
He did not even recognise Jesus as the Messiah, He says if He was a prophet.
He must have been disappointed within himself. Did I invite a mere man into my
house and not a prophet? Did I make a fool of myself in front of my guests? This
is a man not a prophet or great man as I supposed. He may have been horrified
at what just took place. He may have been angry at the response of Jesus.

Jesus response to Simon

Luke 7:40 And Jesus answering said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say
unto thee. And he saith, Master, say on.
Luke7:41 There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five
hundred pence, and the other fifty.
Luke 7:42 And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell
me therefore, which of them will love him most?
Luke 7:43 Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave
most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged.
Jesus response to Simon is classic. Jesus does not defend His Messiah ship. Jesus
uses the method of the day to vindicate the women. A short but effective
parable of debt. He moves the focus off the women for a short while so that he
could get Simon to see beyond the obvious. Simon still did not get it until Jesus
begins His rebuke. He asks Simon to judge who will be more grateful. Vs. 43
seems to indicate a reluctance on the part of Simon to judge. He makes the
correct assessment. Jesus says wow you are correct.
Jesus by His next dialogue shows Simon that he is the debtor that owed 50
pence while the women owed 500 pence.
Jesus rebukes Simon
Luke 7:44 And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this
woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she
hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head.
Luke 7:45 Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath
not ceased to kiss my feet.
Luke 7:46 My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed
my feet with ointment.
Luke 7:47 Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for
she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
Jesus turns to the women and begins His rebuke of Simon. The focus is now
directly on the sinner women. He looks at her, perhaps His eyes meetings hers.
She did not know what to expect. She may have still been in the process of
anointing His feet or maybe she just finished anointing His feet.
Simon, the Lord says look at this women. Do you see what she had done? Are
you not aware of what she had done? Simon this was your duty and privilege to
do. Simon you have missed a golden opportunity the serve the Messiah due to
your unbelief and arrogance.
Many times we are quick to judge others for doing what we should be doing.
Who do they think they are washing the floors of the church, what are they
trying to prove. Do they wish to gain brownie points with the leadership? They
are addicts, drunks, fornicators, it is not theirs to do. They will tarnish our
reputation. Why does he or she always cry when they worship. Are they holier
tan me?
I remember visiting Bombay Teen Challenge in 2012. We went to Asagram for
the morning meeting. Asagram is a place of rehabilitation. One of our team
members preached that Sunday. Bro Stephen. Towards to end of the message
there were girls crying and sobbing on the floor. We could not understand due
to the language barrier. Why are these girls crying so much? The leaders went to
comfort them. We later learnt that these girls were victims of prostitution that
have been rescued and saved by the Blood of Jesus. They could not stop crying
because they felt unworthy to be loved by the Lord Jesus. My heart broke as I
looked. What level of repentance? The stories of these girls and boys that have
been rescued and took off the streets is heart-warming to see the transforming
power of our Saviour. We in the West have lost it. We are too complacent and
rich. We have everything, even freedom to worship, yet we are like the Pharisee,
full of ourselves, we judge the heart and motive of the next person. Remember
Jesus looks at the heart.

Stage one of the Welcome

This may have been a dialogue between Simon and Jesus. Simon Jesus says, I
entered your house, you gave me no water to wash my feet nor offered me a
towel. This was your duty. You allowed a guest, me, to enter your house with
dirty feet and to sit and dine with dirty feet. You did not perform the duty your
custom requires. (The custom was to have a male servant bring water to the
door of the house so that the guest could wash their feet. Sometimes the
servant would wash the feet of the guests. This was not done by females). This
women washed my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. She has
shown me more honour than you have.
Jesus demonstrated the act of servant hood and humility when He girded
himself and went down on His knees to wash the feet of the disciples.
Washing of feet was necessary due to the dirt that one encountered as you
would walk the streets of the city. No shoes were worn those days. All wore
sandals. So the dirt would stick onto the feet.
Simon fails in his duties, the women is commended for her devotion. Simon
Jesus says she has washed my feet with her tears and wiped my feet with her
hair. You did not even offer her water nor did you provide her with a towel. You
did not even stop her. You judged her instead. She used her best, her most
treasured possessions, tears and her hair.

Stage two of the Welcome

You gave me no kiss when I enter your home.
This was and properly still is a Middle Eastern custom. Men kissed each other on
the cheek. This was a sign of sincere affection and not sexual or sensual in
nature. It was a way of greeting that denoted acceptance. This was practiced by
the early Christians. The divide between the Jews and the Gentiles was
dismantled at the Cross and the effect of this was seen and demonstrated by the
acceptance of one another. This was demonstrated by a holy kiss. There are 4
instances in the NT where believers are encouraged to greet each other with a
holy kiss. 1 Cor 16:20, 2 Cor 13:12, 1 Thess 5:26 Romans 16:16.
It was expected that Simon kiss Jesus as he entered the house. This did not
happen. Simon disregarded the Lordship of the Messiah. He disrespected Jesus.
I am reminded of my first visit to India in 2012. Every home we entered offered
us water to drink before they offer you anything else. This was strange to me.
We enquired about this custom. (Our leader from India had to explain that we
could not drink the water for health reasons). We were told by offering water,
the host welcomes us into his home. Refusing to drink the water was insulting to
the host. Thus our leader had to explain the reason we could not drink tap
The Lord turns to Simon again and directs his focus to the women. You see
Simon, this women demonstrated respect for who I am. She did not stop kissing
me feet since the time I came into your home. You deprived me of one kiss, she
gave me countless number of kisses. She did not kiss my cheek, but my feet!
What humility, what respect, what honour she showed. Simon you have no right
to judge her.
The Lord goes on...
Stage three of the Welcome
Simon you did not anoint my head with oil.
Anointing the guest head with oil was a sign of welcome and honour. The oil was
scented. Anointing the head with oil offered some sort of refreshment. Simon
did not do this. He failed miserably in showing Jesus that He was a welcomed
guest in his house, on the contrary he showed that Jesus was an unwelcomed
guest in his home. Jesus directs his attention to the woman. Simon you see this
women has anointed my feet with an expensive fragrant oil. She has liberally
applied the anointing oil to my feet. Simon did you not smell the fragrance that
permeated your house? Oh how oblivious you are. All you see is her sin. You did
not see a sinner that needs help. All you saw was a dirty lustful person, all you
saw was a person that would make you unclean if she touched you. All you saw
was a woman that deserved to be cast out of the city. All you saw was an
embarrassment to say the least.
Did you not see a daughter of Abraham? Did you not see a woman that needed
to be set free? Did you not see a woman in need? You missed the plot Simon.


Jesus turns to the women and makes a powerful declaration:
Luke 7:47 Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for
she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
Luke 7:48 And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven.
Luke 7:49 And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves,
Who is this that forgiveth sins also?
Luke 7:50 And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.
Jesus looked beyond the outward appearance and saw a woman in need of a
Saviour. Jesus understood her repentance. Her saw a broken heart that need
She came in broken, she went out healed, forgiven and in peace. She came in
sorrowful, she went out rejoicing. My sins are forgiven! I am free. The master
forgave me.
Jesus never rejected the woman’s actions, why? It may be that:
A He demonstrated that women are welcomed into the Kingdom of
God and in His presence and equals to men. Women played an
important role in the life of Christ. They were the support structure
for Him. They even saw to His financial needs.
All that the sinner women was supposed to be carried out by the
men or male servants of the home. It was improper for women to
be engaged in these tasks. The women were not masters of the
home. By Jesus not rebuking the woman for doing what she’s not
supposed to be doing according to the culture of the day, He brings
her up to equality with men. This may not have been understood
nor appreciated by the guests and those present. Jesus raised to
women her prefill status. It also showed that women were forgiven
just as men. The Lord Jesus came to restore that which has been
broken because of sin in the Garden of Eden. Jesus makes a bold
statement against the cultural order of the day. He exposes the
downfall and short coming of the culture of the day.
B I would also like to make the following suggestion that Jesus knew
the type of anointing this women presented without her knowing
about it. I call this the prophetic anointing of Jesus. This anointing
was carried out in the early days of Jesus ministry. His feet were
anointed as preparation for the many miles He was to travel up to
His crucifixion. Jesus understood this. This was no ordinary
anointing. It was important enough to be included in the cannon of
Scripture. He was baptised by John, an unpopular and rejected
prophet by the so called elite Pharisee and Sadducees, at the
beginning of His ministry. He was anointed by a rejected woman to
walk the many miles of ministry.
The Lord is no respect or of persons. He accepts you just as you are. The woman
came with the correct:
A Heart. A repented heart. Broken heart.
B Motive. To worship and seek forgiveness.
C Attitude. Humility.
The letter of the law kills. The eyes of the Pharisee was blinded to the need of
the sinner woman as well as the presence of the messiah in his home. He was
left still in bondage while the woman went free and forgiven.
One wonders why the Pharisee invited Jesus into his house for a meal. When
Jesus came into to house of Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus repented of his sin. Zacchaeus
was set free from sin. The Pharisee’s self-righteousness caused him to miss the
mark for salvation. He had Jesus in his presence yet had no change of heart
How many times we have come into the presence of God, and the Holy Spirit,
but we felt nothing because we judged the speaker rather than the message. We
judge the speaker for lack of eloquence, lack of articulation, lack of presentation,
lack of homiletically structure. We even are critical of doctrinal presentation. It is
so sad, I pray that our attitudes change and respect the Word of God when it is
opened, even if it is opened by “babes in Christ”. It is the Word of God, it is the
power of God unto Salvation, and it has LIFE.
The Lord Jesus says:
Matt 21:16 And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith
unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings
thou hast perfected praise?

You see having men or women of God in your home without accepting the
message or admonition they bring, is futile. You will be just like the Pharisee.
Self-righteous and empty.
How do you respond when a man of God enters your home? Do you open your
home and offer your hospitality from your heart without any grudges? Or do you
count it a joy to minister to Gods servant even if it is offering a glass of water.
(This may be all you have to give). How do you offer it? Even a glass of water in
the name of the Lord is precious. The Lord Jesus highlighted this when he
commented on the lady with the two mites. She out gave all that put in the
money box. She gave her all.

Leaders, elders, deacons, how do we look at people. Do we judge them by their

outward appearance? Do we judge them by what the community thinks of
them? Do we embrace them as the Lord would? Sad to say, there are only a
hand full of Godly servants that would do what Jesus has done. Totally accept
the person as they are.

I am reminded of a gangster girl in Bosmont in the early mid 70’s.

She was the girl of the gang. She went to an outreach meeting in Bosmont as she
explains to us. Her attire was not conducive to a church meeting at all. A German
female missionary went and sat next to her and made her feel at home. This
went on for a few weeks. The welcome by the German lady drew her to Christ.
She accepted the Lord, went to Bible School and is currently serving the Lord in
the states. All this because one lady made her feel welcomed.
Do we do that?
Matthew, Mark and John records
the anointing at Bethany.
Are these two different anointing’s
or one anointing?
The chronology of the accounts
suggests two anointing’s.
One took place six days before
Passover and the other two days
before pass over.
One in the home of Simon the
Leper, the other in the home where
Lazarus was present. There are
differences between the two
anointing’s that are significant.
These differences will be
summarised in a form of a table at
the end of the discussion.


John 12:1 Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany,
where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the
John 12:2 There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but
Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.
John 12:3 Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very
costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her
hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.
John 12:4 Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's
son, which should betray him,
John 12:5 Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence,
and given to the poor?
John 12:6 This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because
he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.
John 12:7 Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my
burying hath she kept this.
John 12:8 For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not
Place: Bethany
Person doing the anointing: Mary
Home: Unknown. Where Lazarus was
Action: Anointed feet
Dried with hair
Contents: Spikenard
Objections: Judas Iscariot
Jesus comes to Bethany. Bethany means
house of welcome, house of figs. No wonder
Jesus cursed the fig tree. This area was
known for its figs. This is the place where
Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived. This
anointing may have taken place in the home
of Martha and Marry. According to Luke
10:39 this was the home of Martha. It is safe
then to conclude that Lazarus and Mary
abode with Martha. Martha seems to be the
one always serving. This is recorded in Luke,
where she complains that she alone is doing
the serving. Here the language rendering
seems to indicate that Martha was comfortably serving. Notice, Mary took and
not brought a pound of nard. The word used here is different to that used in
Matthew and Mark. The word is “lambano” (lambanw). Lambano means to
get, or lay hold of. We can conclude that the meal was served at the home of
Martha. If this is the case then the record of the anointing by Mark and Matthew
is conclusively different. There are other differences that differentiates the two
It is interesting to note that names of persons are mentioned and not the name
of the host. There may or may not be a significance to this.
It is interesting that John makes specific mention of the time that Jesus comes to
the home in Bethany. SIX DAYS before the pass over. There is some symbolic
importance of this. Many commentators draw an analogy with regards to the
Pascal lamb. The Pascal lamb was chosen 6 days before pass-over and inspected
for five days that followed. The lamb’s feet was anointed. It was made certain
that the lamb had no injuries to the feet.
A supper was made. There has been many that attended. Lazarus was not
engaged in serving. He sat at the dining table or dining mat. The scene was one
of relaxation to enjoy a meal. Mary and Martha did not enter the house, as
mentioned above this is the home of Martha and Mary.
Martha served, this time there was no complaining as before. Mary worshipped.
Mary took a pound of nard. Interesting to note, there is no mention made of a
flask or box. Mary may have had a good supply of nard and chose a portion of
her savings (Nard) to anoint the feet of Jesus. Mary does not wash the feet of
Jesus. His feet has been washed as per custom. She kneels down and anoints the
feet of Jesus. This takes place six days before pass-over, just as the Pascal lamb.
Mary rubs the ointment on the feet of Jesus. The word John uses is “aleipho”
(aliefw). Aliepho means to rub. Jesus knew all the implications of what was
happening. He knew the symbolic representations as well. The lamb had to be
brought to the home. This is somewhat different to the instruction in Exodus.
The setting was different in that all homes had lambs so there was no need to go
out to the market place to get the lamb. The lamb had to be sacrificed in the
temple. The Jews had to go to Jerusalem to perform the sacrifice. Thus the lamb
had to be bought and brought to the place where they resided. (Many came
from outside of Jerusalem).
Jesus was anointed six days before the pass-over. Jesus is our pass over Lamb.
John the Baptist said “behold the Lamb of God”. I like to see this as a prophetic
anointing. From this point onward there are many references that are prophetic
in nature. Read the chronology of events in all the gospels and you will see how
Jesus proclaims prophetic messages. I like the one of John 14:1. I go to prepare a
place for you.
Jesus did not stop Mary from touching and anointing His feet. Mary was special
to Him. Mary, like the sinner women in Luke did that which was considered
improper behaviour. It was an act of impropriety. A women letting down her
hair in public was seen in a bad light. It was viewed as a sexual advancement.
The hair of a modest women was always cropped up and never let loose in
public, especially in the presence of men. Jesus knew this, but He saw beyond
the obvious. He saw the heart of Mary.
Mary had a pure heart and pure intensions. She worshipped the Lord Jesus. She
knew who Jesus was. He is the Messiah. She honoured the Lord with her glory.
Paul in Corinthians says that the hair of the women is her glory. She laid her
glory at the feet of Jesus. How humbling this was.
The latter part of John 12:3 says the house was filled with the aroma of the
fragrant oil. The other instances of anointing no mention is made about the
aroma. Perhaps John wants to accentuate worship. John sees a worshipping
Mary. Jesus acknowledges a worshiping Mary. We are told that our worship is a
sweet smelling 2 Cor 2:15.
Mary represents a saved person that is not inhabited by her gender when it
comes to expressing her worship to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Judas does not see what Jesus saw. All he sees is in monetary terms. What a
waste of product. Judas recalls the instruction of the law givers. The law of
waste. A little perfume was allowed to be put into the basin to wash the feet of
the guest, but nard was not allowed to be used. It was regarded as waste. To
waste was against the law. Jesus rebukes Judas and defends Mary as well as the
unknown women. The occasion was not one of joyous celebration, but one of
mourning. It was in preparation for His burial. This was no joyous event.
Embalming with expensive oils was not out of the ordinary. Remember Mary and
other women went to the tomb on the first day of the week to embalm the body
of Christ.
Judas responds to what he sees. He sees waste. The waste of 300 denarii, a
year’s wages. This could be used more fruitfully by feeding the poor. Notice he
places Jesus below the poor. Judas knew that Mary choose to honour the Lord
Jesus by anointing His feet. She bowed the knee to the King of Kings. This was
supposed to be the attitude of the disciples. They were with Jesus more than
Mary. They saw first-hand the power of God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet
through all of this there was still a measure of doubt of who Jesus was. Let her
alone says Jesus. Do not disturb her, do not bother her, she choose the best.
Do we see our service to the Lord as a waste of our time and money? Is our
dilemma “why give to the Lord’s work? Rather give to a benevolent society. Is
this what we thing about the work of the Lord. Remember we cannot out give
Mary worshipped from a heart of humility. Her worship permeated to whole
room. Why did Judas not sense the aroma that permeated the room? Did he
have a cold so he could not smell? It must have been a bad cold! His mind was
fixated on materialism. His arrogance surfaced. He missed the intensity of the
moment. He missed to fragrance of worship.
How often do we miss the fragrance of worship or the impact of the Word of the
Lord due to our arrogance, our belief structure or bias or attitude we have
toward ministering believers?
I sat in a meeting where the gospel was presented and quite a few responded to
the altar call. During the message the speaker hinted that he had no bias
towards Calvinism nor Armeanism. He went on to highlight that each of us has
choices and that these choices has consequences. A fellow believer was upset at
and wrote a nasty paper defending Calvinism stating that we are either 4 or 5
pointer Calvinist. It was more important to him to highlight the doctrine of
Calvinism instead of praising God for souls that comes to repentance. How many
of us are guilty of the same. How many of us allow ourselves to relax in the
beauty of the presence of the Lord. You see our arrogance due to an inflated ego
stimulated by impregnation of knowledge makes us miss the mark. We miss the
presence of God the Holy Spirit.
Many times I have heard the following comment by men and women, “I felt the
presence of the Lord so strong this morning in the breaking of bread. The songs
uplifted me, the brother sharing blessed me, the prayers of the believers was so
beautiful, and it was like being in heaven. Yet another person who was in the
same meeting says, “What a boring meeting”, did you hear the singing, it was
like being at a funeral service. The brother prayed, I fell asleep.
What is the difference between these two groups of people? It is their
relationship with the Saviour. Being in the presence of the Lord is special.
Remember the Lord says where two or three are gathered in my name, there am
I in their midst.
Sad to say our arrogance and self-righteousness causes us to miss the presence
of the Lord. Many of our elders are guilty of this. God forbid.
Jesus rebuke of Judas was sharp. Leave her alone! She has prepared this for my
burial. Jesus allowed Mary to do what the men was supposed to do. It was the
responsibility of the men or male servant to do the anointing. Jesus raised the
position of the women to that of the men. This is observed by Jesus not rebuking
Mary. (Equality and not subordination was the order of creation). Jesus came
into the world to reconcile man and woman back to God. He came to restore the
prefill order. Man and women were to have dominion over the animal kingdom,
not man having dominion over the women. Or husband to have dominion over
his wife. He is to love and cherish her.
Jesus knew that women were going to come to an empty tomb. Jesus makes a
statement that may have confused those who were present. You do not embalm
a live body. You do not anoint a live person for his death. Jesus allowed Mary to
do what she purposed to do.
As I have commented above, I see this as a prophetic anointing. I also see this
anointing as preparation to Palm Sunday. As the lamb was anointed and set
apart to be examined for pass-over, so Jesus was anointed and separated as the
Lamb of God. This Lamb of God was presented to the people the next day, i.e.
Palm Sunday. The fragrance of the nard must have lingered on the feet of Jesus
as He paraded the streets of Jerusalem.
Mary worshipped with that which cost her much. She also worshipped in
humility. She laid her glory at His feet. I am reminded of David. He did not want
the threshing floor for nothing. He says in 2 Samuel 24:24 ‘I will not offer
offerings to the lord that cost me nothing. The women with the two mites gave
her all. In the eyes of the public it was small, but in the eyes of the Lord, she
gave the most. The value of our offering to the Lord is measured in the attitude
with which we present it to the Lord not quantity of what we bring. Cain’s
sacrifice was rejected not because it was of the fruit of the ground. His sacrifice
was rejected due to his attitude. Gen 4:6&7 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why
art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou
not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee
shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
How do we come into the presence of the King?
Matthew 26:6-9
Mark 14:3-5
Place: Bethany
Person doing the anointing: Unknown woman
Home: Simon the leper
Action: Anointed Head
Flask: Alabaster
Contents: Spikenard/Precious ointment
Objections: Disciples/some
Special comments: Broke the flask/box.

Mat 26:6 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper,
Mat 26:7 There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very
precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.
Mat 26:8 But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what
purpose is this waste?
Mat 26:9 For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the
Mat 26:10 When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the
woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me.
Mat 26:11 For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.
Mat 26:12 For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for
my burial.
Mat 26:13 Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in
the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a
memorial of her.

Mar 14:3 And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at
meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard
very precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his head.
Mar 14:4 And there were some that had indignation within themselves, and
said, Why was this waste of the ointment made?
Mar 14:5 For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and
have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her.
Mar 14:6 And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a
good work on me.
Mar 14:7 For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may
do them good: but me ye have not always.
Mar 14:8 She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint my
body to the burying.
Mar 14:9 Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached
throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a
memorial of her.

The last of the anointings occurs two days before the Passover. This would have
probably be Wednesday. See the table below for the chronology of the last two
There are subtle details that Mark and Matthew records that are interesting and
important to look at.
Both Matthew and Mark says the women “having a alabaster box”
The Greek word is echo ecw. Means to have, to hold.
This is an important detail. Mary in the book of John “took”, but here the
unknown women HAD. By implication, this women was not a resident of the
home where the meal was prepared. This women came from outside of the
home with the alabaster box of spikenard in her hand. This women is not
classified in any way. She is not classified as a sinner nor is she named. Many
scholars conclude that she is Mary, Martha sister. Some scholars put her to be
Mary Magdalene. It may very well the case that one of the Mary’s fit the profile.
I personally believe that if God wanted us to know who this person was, He
would have named her. What is important here is the lasting testimony of the
unknown women. John’s gospel does not echo the words of Matthew and
“Mar 14:9 Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached
throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a
memorial of her”.
The setting is in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper. This classification of
Simon is very interesting. There are various views as to who this person is. Some
commentators liken him to be the father of Martha and Mary, some see him as
the same Simon in Luke. Others still say he is a maker of alabaster boxes.
I personal believe he was different to the Simon of Luke. They were in two
different places. Simon the Pharisee was from Capernaum while Simon the leper
was from Bethany.
His classification as being the leper could have two meanings, either he was a
leper that was cured or he became a leper. I am inclined to believe that he was
healed of leprosy by Jesus and in appreciation to the miracle he invited Jesus to
his home to demonstrate his hospitality and gratitude towards Jesus.
Simon opened his house to Jesus company as well, His disciples.

While having a meal, an unknown women comes into the house having an
alabaster box of very costly ointment with her. She does not say a word, there is
no record of her speaking, and she just acts according to her intended purpose.
She planned and purposed to anoint the head of Jesus. The other two
anointings, Jesus feet was anointed and not His head. This difference is
important to understand to broader implication of what was happening.
Mark records an important detail, she broke the box and poured not rubbed on
the head of the Lord Jesus.
Breaking the alabaster box is only recorded for the last anointing. The other two
anointings, the other two anointings were different. The first anointing, no
mention is made of the value and quantity used. The annoyance was not that of
waste but that of being a sinner, and untouchable. The second anointing a fixed
amount is mentioned, 300 denarii. Judas was cunning and well informed about
market value of the spikenard. But here in the house of Simon the leper, the
description is different. Matthew says it could be sold for much while Mark says
it could be sold for MORE than 300 denarii. Mark and Matthew sees her offering
different. No value could be put to what she has done. The breaking of the box
indicates that she had no intension of holding back any of the perfume. All had
to be used on the Lord Jesus. Her selfless sacrifice was to be a memorial to her.
Jesus knew her intensions as well as the symbolism of what was happening.
There is a dualistic symbolism of what is taking place here.
Matthew, Mark and John are very specific as to the time of the anointings. John
puts the anointing 6 days before Passover. Matthew and Mark puts the
anointing 2 days before the Passover.
The Exodus tradition was specific. The lamb had to be chosen and set apart 10 of
Nissan and on the 14 of Nissan at twilight the lamb had to be sacrificed. This
sacrifice took place at the homes of the Jewish families. The Passover meal had
to be eaten the night of the sacrifice which makes it the evening of 15 Nissan.
This tradition changed once the temple was built. The sacrifice had to be
performed in the temple at the 9 hour. Other aspects of the tradition developed.
The lamb had to be chosen 6 days before Passover. As explained above this was
due to the enormous amounts of people coming to the Passover. The lamb had
to be purchased 6 days before Passover and declared fit two days before pass
over. The lamb had its feet anointed 6 days before Passover, and had it head
anointed two days before pass over.
As shown above the Lord Jesus feet was anointed 6 days before pass over. Jesus
was separated as the Lamb. This was done unknowingly. Mary did not know the
full implication of what she was doing. Jesus knew all too well. He accepted the
anointing. This anointing was supposed to be carried out by the men not
woman. Jesus head is now anointed two days before Passover.
First symbolism: Jesus is now declared clean and acceptable for the sacrifice.
Like the lamb Jesus head was anointed. This unknown women had no clue what
she was doing was of great and immense importance. Jesus our Passover lamb
was now ready for the process of sacrifice. This anointing took place before the
last supper.
Second symbolism: Jesus as king. Caiaphas being the high priest at the time did
not recognise who Jesus was. It was the responsibility of the high priest to
anoint the king. Caiaphas did not interpret scripture adequately. He was in the
company of the chief priests and scribes when the wise men from the East
enquired where He that is born king of the Jews is. The scribes and chief priests
answered and said in Bethlehem of Judea. These priests were aware of the
prophecies concerning the coming messiah. Caiaphas knew the scripture but did
not recognise the Lord of the scripture. His privilege was given to a women! This
unknown women did not know that she was performing such an important act.
She anointed Jesus King. Jesus knew this. Jesus had to be anointed as king in
order to die as a king. He had to be anointed as a lamb in order to die as a lamb.
Jesus was fully aware of what was happening. He could have stopped the
woman and said, you are out of order, and He was supposed to be anointed by a
priest. Remember when we do not do what God has called us to do, he will raise
up people of His choice. Do not be surprised when he raises up persons that do
not fit the profile in our eyes. Our truncated vision often robs us from Gods
leading and direction.
These women reminds me of Abraham’s servant who said, “I being in the way,
the Lord led me”. These women were in the way of Gods direction. They did
what God purposed them to do.
It is sad to see that the disciples objected to the anointing. Here again they
overlooked what was happening and looked at the material WASTE. Why the
waste. What is the purpose of this waste as Matthew states? They were
indignant, perhaps horrified at the action of the woman. They did not appreciate
the fragrance that permeated to atmosphere. The fact that she broke to box
showed to them she had no intension of holding back any portion of the
They had in mind the instruction of the law of waste. That is why they asked the
question, why the waste. What was the reason for this? What are we
Jesus interjects by letting the disciples know what she was doing. She did a good
work. She did it for my burial. There was no celebration. This was a time for
mourning. Jesus defends her and then He makes a proclamation ta=hat is not
made in the other two anointings. ”this will be as a memorial to her”.

The anointing of Jesus recorded in all the gospels highlights the following:
1 The missed opportunities of the learned and self-righteous persons.
Simon the Pharisee missed the opportunity of honouring the Lord
Jesus. We too can fall into this trap of material prosperity that the
simple things of our Saviour we miss. Judas and the disciples did not
come to the full recognition of who Jesus was. Thus they objected
to what was being done. So often we miss the fragrance of worship
because it does not fit our profile. Jesus showed that He is no
respecter of persons. All are welcomed to worship Him. He will not
turn away the humble heart and contrite spirit. Jesus deserves our
full worship.
2 Restoring women to pre-fall position. Jesus come to reconcile us
back to God the Father.
All the actions of the women engaged in was supposed be
performed by men. The men did not rise to the occasion, they were
interested on the letter of the law. Simple women availed
themselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We have side lined our
women for far too long. They were also created in the image of
God. They were created as a HELP to man not as a doormat to man.
Jesus showed respect towards the women. He did not judge them
He judged their sin and forgave their sin. He looked at the women
as children of Abraham. Let us our paradigm to Jesus way of
According to Gal we are all equal in the sight of the Lord. We are all
kings, priests and a holy nation.
Jesus has made us free, let us walk in the liberty wherewith Christ
has made us free.
3 Coherence of scripture: Scripture is without any contradictions.
What may seem contradictory, when examined by consistent
exegeses and sound hermeneutical will show no contradiction.
Jesus fulfilled all prophecies concerning Him, even when some of
these fulfilments were through the agency of women.
Let us live as the Lord intended us to live. Never judging nor imposing our limited
understanding of doctrinal imperatives. Let us relook at how we relate to others.
All of us are made in the image of God. All of us are in the need of salvation. All
of us needs the grace of God and his forgiveness.
Let humility prevail.

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