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J&K Police SI Paper - 2018 1. Im the context of computing software, whieh of tho following is not an operating tem? @® Android () ios © Windows (@) Microsoft. Office @. @ * Gi) Consider the following statemonts tbout Particulate Matter (PM): Mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air, Dust from construction sites and unpaved xoads is a major source of PM in the air. Over exposure to PM can lead to respiratory disorders. ‘Which of the above statements are correct? @) © @ and (ii) only >) Gand Gii) only ii) and (ii) only @ @, Gi) and Gi) 3. Whenis the World Environment Day observed? @ ©. 21 January _ () 5 June 21+ July (@) 5% October 4. ‘The Paris Agreement on climate change seeks to (@) (b) © (@) Ban the use of hydrocarbons by 2030 Reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons Keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels All the above 5. ‘The Fourth Buddhist Council was held in Kashmir under the leadership of @) © @ o © @ Series D Ashok (): Bindusara Kunal @)_ Kanishka ‘The Border Area Development Programme is a scheme of the Ministry of Home Affairs Ministty of Defence Ministry of External Affairs Ministry of Law and Justice 3 ‘AE-18 [Turn over ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ 20. ua. AES “Among other things excavations at cLurbaranst amber ROR Me Aktinoor have proved that: @)__ Tewasa Neolithic settlement &) Tewas an inonage settlenent {© “Ttwasaburialsite _ @ _ Tewasaseciated with Baddhin Which one of the Sllowing is a renewable sure af earongy’ @) Naturals (Wind energy (© Petssleurn A) Nuclear energy’ W) Distance WW) Launinosity ‘The McMahon Line is mentioned in the content of relations between India and Nepal &) Pakistan dosh @ Bary China Annie Besant formed the Home Rule League int India based on the pattorn of Home Rule Movement in @) Beoland &)Soothand © England @ Wales Consider the fallowing st seoments abut Rabindeaatl Dagores @ He compocod a number of patriotic songs during the ‘Swadesh’ movemont, @ _ He mturmad his knighthood to condonan the brutal killing ofinnooont poople at Tallianwala Bagh. J GD He refused to avept the Nobel Prize, Which of the statements given above is’ane coenvet? @ Monty W) Gd ouly © Gdoaty @ Wand gi Sories D. Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All Rights Reserved @™ 13, The famous historical hook, " veel in Uo Muaghiaal Manpivee veins vritien by (a) Ibn Batuta Ch) Mennienis Heernivr © ALBiruni Cd) hommes Hens 14. Which one among the following was nob i fenture of Uue provincial executive sm envisaged by the Government of Indin Act, 1N8tt (a) Tho executive authority of the province was vortad in Hie Governor () ‘There was a Council of Minixtoru to ndvine the Governor (© Dyareby established by the Govornmont of Indin Act, 1019 wins wboliehed it, the provincial level @ ‘The Governor could be removed by # volo of nu confidence of the Mrovincial Jogislature 15. Which of the following statomonts about India's unoruinized sector wre true @ Labour is more in number than that in the organized sector, Gi) Job security and work regulation aro botler in unorganized sector, (ii) They are usually not org ed into trade unions. Which of the above statements is/are correct? @) @only (b) @ and Gi) only (© — @and Gii) only @ @, Gi) and Giiy 16. In India, mergers and acquisition of firms are regulated by (a) National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (6) Competition Commission of India (© Security and Exchange Board of India (@ Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion 17. Share of food in total consumption expenditure has been coming down as per capita income grew over time in last sixty years because (a) people have been purchasing less food (©) people have been preferring non-coreal items in their food basket, (© _ growth in food expenditure has been lower than growth in per capita income (@ _ percentage of the poor in population has increased over time Series D . 5 AEA (Turn over ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ 18, 19. 20. 23. ‘The only Wild Ass sanctuary in India can be found at (a) Barmer in Rajasthan (b) Jaisalmer (© Rann of Kutch (@) Daman ‘Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna’ is aimed at (a) Providing LED bulb to all BPL families (b) Providing LPG connections to all BPL households (©) Providing electricity to all BPL households (@) Providing smokeless kerosene stoves to all households Apart from Costa Rica, the Olive Ridley turtles also nest along the coast of one of the ‘tates of the country which has recently issued a ban on fishing for six months to protect this endanj Which of the following is the concerned state? (a) West Bengal (») Andhra Pradesh (© Odisha (@) Karnataka Megasthenes ced India during the reign of a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya (b)- Chandragupta Maurya © Ashoka (@ Harsha The remains of the Vijaynagar empire can be found at (@ Bijapur &) Golconda (© Hampi (@ Baroda z Initially an associate of Gandhi, he left: the Congress, broke off with Gandhi and launched a radical social movement called the ‘SelfRespect Movement. The reference here is to (@) Chhatrapati Maharaj () EVR. Naicker © P.Tyagaraya Chetti (@ _Syotiran Govind Rao Phule ‘The movement that came to an abrupt end because of the Chauri Chaura incident was the (@ Wahabi movement (b) Home rule movement _ © Non-Cooperation movement (@ Civil Disobedience movement ag 6 : Series D ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All Rights Reserved @™ Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All Rights Reserved @™ AA, Consider the following « () Pho exacstive promer of Ue Unian of fndin in yest fo thie inne Mintetisr, Gil) ‘ho Pins Miniter of Di eta eb of tha Hk ab, Which of the: above sistant heart eorroet? dy iyanly (v) (only (dy Mesthue () nor (i) (%) Both G) and di) 46, ‘he provisions of the Hifth snd Hinth Hebden of the Sndin Constitution have bean made in order bo; (un) Protact the intoronts of the Hehadulod Srihos (hb) Protach Une fntarestes of Hs Minority communities the ntarenti of Ue Acheduled Casters (@) Pro @)— Protwet. the intarasts of Women and Children 46, Which part of the Indian Constitution cenhrinos the ides of a Welfare State’? (a) Proamble (6) Fundamental Right (0) Directive Principle of Mtate Podiey (i) Fundamental Dutios Which one of the following. counterios ia known as the “Sand of & Thousand Laker"? ») inkand Poland a. (a) Denmark (©) ho Netherlands wy 48, Which ane of the following, pains of glaciers and locations in not correctly matched? (a) Nubra Valley Gncier ~ — Arunachal Pradesh (b) Milam Glacier ~ Uttarakhand (©) -Bhaga Valley Glacier ~ Himachal Pradesh (@)— Zemu Glacier = Bikkim 49, The Cantal Potsto Renonrch Inatitute ix located at (0) Almora (by Bhima () Noida (i) Murshidabad a6. . 0 Series Dd ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ 50. Which one of the following gases is not responsible for global warming? (a) Water vapour (b) Oxygen (©. Nitrous Oxide.” @ Methane ts regarding temperature of an object in Kelvin scale Which of the following statement isfare correct? () _ Itcan bea negative; zero or positive quantity. (i) Itcan either be a negative or a positive quantity. Gii) It can never be negative. Gv) It can be a zero or a positive definite quantity. Select the correct answer using the cade given below: (b) Gi) and (iv) only (a) @and Gi) only @ Gvonly - © Gii) and Gv) only Graphite is a good conductor of electricity. It is because ofits 52, (a) linear structinre () tetrahedral structure (© trigonal planar structure (@) hexagonal multilayer structure 53. Which one among the following is responsible for the command, control and dporational decisions of nuclear weapons in India? (@) Nuclear Commission of India © Nuclear Command Authority (© The Ministry of Defence (@ The Cabinet Committee on Security sch one of the following Articles of the Constitution of Tadia provides that the mae shall of ene ay to any porson equality before the law or te ‘equal protection of » Ghatdiwe within the territory of India? (a) Article 14 (@) Article 12 © Article 18 (@) Article 18 5, ‘The Counter Insurgency and Junele Warfare School of the Indian Army is located at (@) Khadakvasla (®) Dehradun (© . Vairenste @ Gulmarg Series D u apse [Turn over ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ 58. ~ {a) — osteopor 61. AE-18 INS Kalvani which war commisiionod int Che Ladin Mine dn Deeamhie gO a alany (bh) Armoured Mri: (a) Airoratt Carrier () Hubmavine (Battleship Tho ‘Doctrine of Lapse! wae a potioy thal ined (9 (a) control the vebolliona in the Princely tant (be) ostand tho military alrength of the Drilinh (© wanlate tho landlord {@__ oxtond tho (orritorial boundarion of the Wnglial Mah Tadlin Compieny Pho Pormanont Sottlomont of 17H intradneed (a) Poasant righta () Tho Yamindari ayatom (© Shipping vights for tho Raat Indin Company (@ __ Property rights for woman Considor the following atatomonts about Caund Alam tennis tournaments (@—‘Thoro aro four Grand Slam annual fonnia tournament, Gi) Tho first Grand Slam ofa your in the UB Open, ii) ‘Tho Australian and tho US tonenaments re played on elny enurt, rac? Which of tho statomonts given above infire corr () (Gi), and Gi) ) (i) nnd (i) only. © @only (@) Gi) and Gi) only “After diagnosis of disoaso in n porson, tho doctor ndvinen'the pationt. irom and folie ‘acid tablets. Tho porson is sufforing from is (b) anemia (qd) protein-onergy malnutrition © goitre Bernoulli's principle is based on which one among the following laws? (a) Conservation of mass (b) Conservation of momentum (© Conservation of angular momentum (@) Conservation of energy ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ 62. The temperature of water at the bottom of a lake whose upper surface has frozen to ice would be'around (in degrees Celsius) @ > -10 ) 0 @ 4 @ -4 63. Taungup Pass is a mountain corridor connecting India with (@) Nepal (&) China © Pakistan @ = Myanmar 64. Which of the following Indus Valley Civilization sites are located in India? (@- Mohen-jo-daro : (i) Harappa (ii) Babar Kot (iv) Dholavira Choose the correct answer from the following: (@) and Gv) only () Gi) and Gi) only (© ii) and Gv) only @ Gv) only 65, The pressure exerted by a 760 mm column of mercury at 0°C is known as (@). 1 pascal (®) ‘atmosphere (@ 1bar (@ 1 poise 66. ° Which one of the following hormones is essential for the uptake of glucose by cells in the human body? (a) GH ©) TSH © Insulin @ Cortisol 67, ‘Altitude sickness’ is caused at high altitude due to rial pressure of oxygen (a) high partial pressure of oxygen (>) low partial p s 3 A (@) high partial pressure of earbondioxide (© low level of haemoglobin : 18 AE-I8 Series D [Turn over ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ 68. Which one of the following statements is not correct, with respect to protection of, individuals being tried for offences? ag (@) Aconfession can never be used as evidence against the accused f (©) The accused must have violated an existing law (©. An accuséd cannot be tried and punished for the same offence again (@ The quantum of punishment must be provided in law as it existed on the, of commission of an offence a. 69. The headquarters of ‘Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the B, located at (@) Singapore (bt) Manila (©) Bangkok (d) Hong Kong: 70. . Which one of the following writs is issued by the Supreme Court to’ secu freedom of a person upon unlawful arrest? ca oct (a) Habeas Corpus ~ (b) Mandamus (©) Certiorari (@ Quo Warranto 71. Jammu and Kashmir Rifles is 2 (@) an infantry regiment of the Indian Army (0), a battalion of the Rashtriya Rifles (© the name of the Armed Police of the State of Jammu and Kashmir (@ ‘a paramilitary force under the Ministry of Home Affairs 72. Which sector currently contributes most to the Gross Domestic Product of. India? ~ (a) Manufacturing i. (b) Agriculture ©. Services @ Marine 73. . With reference to Simon Commission's recommendations, which one of the following . statements is correct? ; @) It recommended the replacement of diarchy with responsible government in the provinces i (b) “It proposed the setting up of inter-provincial council under the Home Department : a (© _ It suggested the abolition of bicameral legislature at the Contre a (@ ~ It recommended the creation of Indian Police Service with’ a provi for increased pay and allowances for British recruits as compared to Indian’ recruits ; AE-18 4 Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All Rights Reserved @™ TA. Consider the following actions by the Government (Cutting the tay r the mont xponilinns (ii) Inereas Gil) Abolishi {of economic recomion, which of the nbove nections can be considered a al stimulus” packay In tho cont part of the (by didonly (a) @and Gi only ()(, Gi) nnd Git) (Gand Gi) only Circulatory system is made of 7. (a) veins and arteries (h) lymph veniela and nodes (©) blood vessels, heart and blood ()_enpillarien and veinw 76. Alps Mountains and Himalayas a @) (a) plate owning (@) folding (© plate convection b. Ozone |i (a) Mesosphere rer is part of layer of (b) Stratosphere (a) Tropospl (0) Thermosphere Which one among the following rocks is not a sedimentary rock? 78. (a) Shale (b) Limestone (© Slate (@) Sandstone 79, Which one of the following is the largest source of electricity in India? (a) Hydropower plants (@) Thermal power plants (©) Nuclear power plants (@) Solar power plants 80, Who among the following was associated with the Hindustan Socialist; Republican Association? (a) Subhash Chandra Bose (&) Mahatma Gandhi (© Laxmi Sehgal - @) Chandrashekhar Azid Series D BS ‘ AEs [Turn over ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ an Bs 86. AE-18 the hardest part of our body? (®) Thumb nails (d) Enamel of teeth of North America is known as: @) Selves © Velde (b) Downs @ Praries The Simlipal Biosphere Reserve is located in: @ Meghalaya (>) Manipur (Assam, @ Odisha Which one of the following does not have an allotrope? @ Oxygen. () Sulphur © Nitrogen @ = Carbon Consider the following statements: ® Gi) Gi Diamond is a bad conductor and graphite is a good conductor, G*) Diamond is a good conductor and graphite is a bad conductor. ‘Which of the statements given above is/are correct? @) — @ and Gi) ©) @only © Gi) and (ii) Diamond is hard and graphite is soft. Diamond is soft and graphite is hard, (@) Steel > Wood > Water ©) “Steel > Water > Wood ©: Water >Wood'> stéel @ Water > Steel > Wood a6 )Series D. ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ (@) _Swadeshi movement Soemecis Enows ar “Ail indie War Memscial!? ®) Gmewer of indie Conecinerinn. ve been 2 part of the Preemie since Se erent ofthe freedom struggle was the 100 anniversary marextiy Of which significant commemorated? @) Chainparan Satyagreba’ fp NonCoperation movement (8) Chri Discbedience movement Series D Ww AEA (Turn over Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ Normally; the Parliament can legislate on subjects enumerated in the 93. (a) Union List : (0) State Lis » @. Financial List (@ Both Union and State List 04, What is the missing number of the series 7, X, 21, 31,48? . i (a) 21 @ 2 ©. .13 ae @ 96, An autoinobile owner reduced his monthly fuel consumption whon the price wont up, ‘The price consumption relationship is ns follows : : Price (Rts, Por litre) [ao [60 [Go | 7 : Monthly consumption (itves) | 60 [48 | 40 | 92. If the price goes up to Rs. 80 a litro, his expoctod eonstumption in Titres fs expected to be: (@ | 30 (b) 28 © 2% (@. Caimot bo dotormined 96. atest, a candidate attomptad only 10 quostions and seetnod 60% marks in oagh of tng questions. If he abtainod 0 total of 26% in tho tost und all Lhe questions enrrig! saul marks, how many questions wore thorw in tho txt? is @) 8 W110 ° © 16 @ 20 97, A fathor is nine times as old ns his son nnd tho mothor is oight timos as old as tho san. The eum of tho father's nnd tho mothor’s ago is 68 yours, What is tho ago of the son? (a) 10yonrs () 8 yours (OC years (@) A yours 98, Each of A, B, Cand D has Rs. 100, A pays Rs, 20 to B, wh : ners , , who pays Rs. 10 to ©, who got a 24 Som D, {a in cutbenh, wide ef tin Ilontng plabesnote uso stevens? cc (@) Cis the richest 7 (b) . Dis the richest : (© Chas more than what A and D havo in aggrogato (@) Dis richor than B . AES — i wo, Sories D ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ 2. Ram and Afzal start from the same point in opposi Ram always turns left and Afzal always turns stateme! directions, After each 1 km, ight. Which of the following rect (a) After both have travelled 2 km, the distanee between them is 4 kan (&) They meet after each has travelled 3 km (© They meet for the first time after each has travelled 4 km (@ They never meet 100. Two equal glasses of the same type are respectively 1/3 and 1/4 full of milk. The glasces are then filled to the brim by adding water and the contents ave then mixed. im a pot. What is the ratio of the content of water and milk in the pot? ‘i @ 31 © usa (b) 73 @ 3117 bo. A rectangular field has to be fenced on three sides leaving one of _ uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. fect, how many Soet of fencing will be required? y zi @ 9% @) 9 © # (@) 82 102. A large field of 700 hectares is divided into two parts. The difference of the areas of the two parts is one-fifth of the average of the two areas. What is the area of the ~ smaller part in hectares? (a) 385 hectares (b) 315 hectares (© 225 hectares @ 175 hectares 103. Two stations P and Q are 110 am apart om a straight track. One train starts from P : at 7 am. and travels towards Q at 20 kmph. Another ‘train starts from st 8 = and travels towards P at a speed of 25 kmph. At. what time will they meet? @ Wam. ~ () 10:30am. Z © am. @ 11:30am. SeriesD i ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ 14, 106. 106, 107. 108. 109. AL-AB Hshul wont Low shop sind bought Uhinngs worthy Mes 26, 00 of nbneb 20 posias went an tavlons Une-on faveateynarebinsat, AF thi tae rites wane 6%, Moon aaah we thi total amount Chat Haabal paid for Ue tagssble teams? LM th) Ma, fh Ma 107 (dy He, 20 ’ A fruit nollor hid nome oranges, He wells 40% oranges and will bis 420 ranger, How many oranges ho had originally? (1) 660 hy 100 () 1000 (dy 1050 1 the morning, hrough how many degrees will shown’? o'clock in the sfernoun? An aceurate clock shown 8 of the hour hand rotate when the ¢ (a) 60 90 180 (360 ‘tho average of 20 non-zero numbers ix zero. Of them, how many of them may be rontor than zero, at the most? wy 0 ) 10 @ (19. ‘The angle of elevation of a 6 m long ladder leaning against a wall ia 45 degroos and the foot of the ladder is 3. m away from the wall, ‘The height of wall up to the point where the ladder is resting against it ix: 5 (a) 2nf () 3m @ 4m (d) , cannot be determined on the basis of the given information P is able to do'a pices of work in 16 days and Q can do the same work in 20 days. I they can work together for 4 days, what is the fraction of work left? () 8/5 ) 7/15 @ | 15 @ 2 20 Series D ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ 110. me sum of the present ages of a son and his father is 60 years, Six years ago, father’s age was five times the age of the son, After 6 years, what will be son's ngo? (a) 14 years (b) 20years © 46 years (d) 52 years 111. The 2020 Summer Olympics will be held at: (a) Doha () Tokyo © London (@) - Barcelona 112, The Zoji-Ia tunnel planned to be constructed under the Zoji-la pass will be: (a) | The world’s longest bidirectional tunnel , (b) _ Asia’s longest bi-directional tunnel (© _ India’s longest bi-directional tunnel @ The world’s highest tunnel 113. With which sport is Saikhom Mirabai Chanu associated? .(@) Archery () Athletics (© Weight lifting (@ Wrestling 114, Who captained the Indian team during the Women's Cricket World Cup, 2017? (2) Mithali Dorai Raj (®) Harmanpreet Kaur © Thirush Kamini @ Poonam Raut 115. Kailash Satyaithi, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, works in the field of : f (@) Women's rights @) Nuclear disarmament (© Water rights @ Child rights Series D a ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ Protection Scheme announced by the Finance Minister during et for the fiscal year 2018-19 will .ving drugs to all persons below the poverty line cial limbs to physically disabled persons of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences is located in: (>) Bengaluru (d) Chennai Be is not correct with respect to Kalhana’s ‘Rajtarangini’? of the book deals with various dynasties that ruled Kashmir (Tae (&) Tae bere was written in the 15% century (©) iewas writwn in Sanskrit (@) Jt iw en invaluable source of information about early Kashmir 319. Consider ‘Sollowing statements about Bitooin: gy vin is a eryptocurrency. Gi) It is the firet decentralized digital currency. Gi) The wyxem works as a peer-to-peer network called the block chain. Which of the above statements are correct? @) Gonly ©) G) and Gi) only © G)and Git) only @_ @, Gi) and (iii) 4%, $eltan Zoin-ul-Abedin, who ruled Kashmir during the 15% Century was also known 28 @) Bud-shab (&) Alamgeer () Jehenpanah (@) Jehangir 22 4. Series D AE-AB ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor | All RightsReserved @™ ‘Answer Question’ a1 a2 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90, OL 32 33 94 95 96 7 8 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107, 108, 109) 110. at 12, 13 4 15, 116 7 118. 119) 120 ‘Answer Question’ 41 a2 3 a a5, 46 a7 a8 49 50 31 52 53 35 56 57 58 59 Gl 62 68 65 66 67 68 Gy 70 7a 7 3 74 5 76 77 78. 79 80, Answer ‘Question 10 i 2 B 14 5 16 7 18 19 20 a 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40, ‘All Rights Reserved @™ ‘Copyright © Wani Zahoor

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