TheLastSkyscraper Ingersoll Cite19

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12 Cite Winter 1987

The Last
If the top of downtown Houston's recently completed
Heritage Plaza seems like a Mayan cenotaph, the
inside, which is less than 10 percent occupied, is even
more like a tomb. Though missing tumbleweeds in the
elevators, it is unmistakably a high-rise ghost town.

Richard Ingersoll The bizarre style of the building has

caused mainstream critics like Douglas
Davis1 and Paul Goidberger to pick on it
as a symbol of overindulged
postmodernism. Goidberger claims that
"it sums up everything wrong with
American skyscrapers today," essentially
because ". . .it looks like a bad imitation
of Michael Graves hurled on top of an
equally bad imitation of last season's
work by Skidmore. Owings. and
Merrill.": Such a fashion-conscious
conclusion, however, seems to reveal
more about what is wrong with
architectural criticism than with Heritage
Project for Heritage Plaza, 1981, Kohn Pederson Fox, architects
Plaza. Has Goidberger ever stepped
inside the building, considered what it is
made of and how it was built, or what that the slump would end in 1987-1988, requirement for internal parking called
economic factors were involved? thus giving Heritage Plaza the best for a redesign, but KPF was unwilling to
Postmodernism has been a blessing for advantage for renewed demand. accept the short time limit of three
art historians eager to practice months, and Wortham returned to \us
connoisseurship, and, in all fairness to In better limes, Wortham, with trusted architect, Moe Nasr. It was
Goidberger. he has dutifully identified the Tomlinson as chief investor, had planned around this time that Tomlinson began
obvious contradictions in the building's an even taller. 80-story, project on the having financial trouble and would soon
style. But there are much more parking-lot site across the street. bail out of the project* leaving Wortham
interesting contradictions in the building's Tomlinson, who demanded (hat the without his chief tenant.
process, and an understanding of them, building have a high recognition factor,
while it might not mitigate the aesthetic lobbied for the New York firm of Kohn Nasr came on lo this precarious project
outcome, can at least help explain why it Pederson Fox to be hired. When the site with certain givens: while Tomlinson was
looks the way it does. for Heritage Plaza became available, still involved the developers wanted lo
Tomlinson's quick access lo capital maintain a KPF "look," bul wilh a
The 53-story Heritage Plaza has 1,2 allowed them expeditiously to acquire the budget of $50 per square foot, which
million square feet of leaseable office $53 million sile. At $750 per-square-foot, greatly limited the amount of steel and
space and 1,000 parking spaces. It it was the highest price ever paid for revetment material that could be used for
belongs to a set of high-rise offices that downtown property. It is indeed a choice structure and dressing. The major program
have sprung up all over the country location, being adjacent to the Civic decisions as to floor plan and envelope,
during the last six years in a spree of Center and directly across from Sam parking, the fate of the Federal Land Bank
overbuilding. The demand of the Houston Park. The new building is a building, and a decorative top (made of
advancing services sector only partially terminus to Allen Parkway and a gateway fiberglass!) to hide the antennae equipment
can explain the building boom, which is to the cfty. already had been determined and deals far
mqre directly the product of a Reagan re- the materials already struck, so that, as
election policy, the "Accelerated Cost Wortham first had his own architect, Nasr puts it: "1 felt I was renovating an
Recovery System," initiated in 1981. This Moe Nasr, who had buill his two other existing building." The 38-year-old Nasr
change to the tax law allowed developers high-rise projects in downtown Houston specializes in high-rise buildings, having
to double their returns on real-estate worked on about 75 of them for such
losses. It has led to a speculative bubble •tltflfIftill offices as Mitchell/Giurgola. I.M. Pei. and
i«i--•-:•• ii
11 M t l T l l l 11 1
in office construction with hypertrophic - Copeland, Novak and Israel. His own
consequences for the market. The tax office, which opened in Denver in 1978 and
reforms of 1986 have rescinded the policy
and eliminated favorable tax shelters in tnns • " 1 _.
began operating a branch in Houston in
1980, has built seven of them so far.
high-rise construction, making
speculative deals such as Heritage Plaza
in 1 • The two Houston buildings that Nasr

When construction began on Heritage

111 •
• designed for Wortham bear little
resemblance to each other but even less to
Heritage Plaza, which is his first use of
Plaza in 1984, it was the only major historicizing motifs in a high-rise. The
office building undertaken in Houston stepped-up top relates to some sketches he
Federal Land Bank (19291 meets Heritage
after 1982, and due to the new tax laws produced after a vacation in the Yucatan,
Plaza 11987)
probably will be the last one for a long and its incongruous position over the
time. Since 1982. the office vacancy rate (1010 Lamar and Unitedbank Plaza), do fragile reflecting-glass shaft will no doubt
of Houston has been on a steady rise, an initial study, but Tomlinson. who also gain it the sobriquet "Montezuma's
reaching 26.8 percent in June, 1986. was going to be the chief tenant of the revenge." It is a truly fine example of the
Amid such inauspicious local market project (leasing nearly half of the office inherently surreal practices of American
conditions, it is not the style of the space), insisted the project be given to commercialism, and should be appreciated
building that should seem so strange, but the much more prestigious (and costly) as such rather than condemned. Both ai
its very existence. Against all odds, the KPF. The developers, in a benign move ground level, and from top to bottom, the
developer, Richard W. Wortham III of uncharacteristic in a city that has very elements are juxtaposed in such a way as
Wortham, Van Liew and Horn, little tradition of architectural to imply transition - the building seems
miraculously found financing for the preservation, opted to save the 1929 caught in the act of metamorphosis, and
project and heroically kept construction Federal Land Bank, but the principal the most common reaction is to wonder if
going in downtown Houston to lender, the Bank of America, then it is finished. Most of the moves that
countermand signs of the city's insisted that, to maximize floor space, the resulted in this "permanently unfinished"
depression. The deal depended on two footprint of the tower fill the oblong dreamscape were more "sachlich" than
factors: the participation of oil magnate rectangle that was left over on the site. meets the eye. The pre-ordained quota of
Prentis Tomlinson and a projected, but KPF's first design, finished in 1981, was inch-thick granite cladding was distributed
unfortunately erroneous, economic for a 37-story glass box with a single as far as it would go to the bottom and top
forecast for Houston's future demand in granite facade on the north and a levels of the building according to an
downtown office space. It was predicted classicizing top. A new program economic decision: the stone rises 110 feet
from the ground and descends 100 feet rippling ceilings, rippling soffits near the
from the top because these arc the limits to elevators, and even rippling paneling in
which cranes can reach in either direction the elevators themselves. All of this is lo
before the cost of assembly doubles. There keep one from noticing the disjuncture of
is no attempt to echo the proportions or the high concave atrium meeting the low
style of the Federal Land Bank on the front orthogonal elevator lobby. These ceilings
of the building, but at the back of it had to be kept low to accommodate the
another fantastically surreal effect occurs garage ramps directly above.
with the grafting of the wall of the bank
onto the concave lobby, confounding the To avoid interrupting the open plan of the
order of the first with the second. The ten stories of parking, the elevators lo the
pedestrian plaza was meant to have a line upper floors are accessible from a sky
of pylon lighting fixtures, which were lobby, which also allows for better
scrapped for trees that soften - to the point security since entrants can be surveilled
of camouflaging - the facade. This at this level. The sky lobby, which
southern entry is pulled out in a concave eventually will include retail space, is
shape to minimize the area covered by less than grand and deserves to have a
revetment. Throughout the project the double-height ceiling (which would not
things that yield formal discord originate be too difficult to retroactively install), at
from attempts to harmonize the budget. least in the area reserved for panoramic
viewing. The office spaces, which were
Occasionally Nasr made purely aesthetic presumably designed for a large tenant
gestures, such as using darker glass with working with an open plan, are deeper
narrower mullions in the central glazing to than in most spec buildings, forcing
increase the sense of vertically and make nearly half of the offices to windowless
the shaft look less broad. The vertical positions.
(luting of the shaft steps back from the
center in a rippling fashion. This design Some evidence of the diagonal bracing of
trope establishes the ripple effect, carried the structure can be seen in the lobby, but
out in every direction, giving a nervous is not visible externally. The so-called K-
unity to some otherwise uncompromising braces are used on the two short sides
features. The granite joints of the base like bookends to make a partial tube
have been banded with rippling reveals to structure. This greatly reduced the
make the rustication look thicker. The necessary amount of steel to 19.5 pounds
southern pedestrian entry ripples inward per square foot, The structural designer,
as its portal ripples upward. The idea of Joe Colaco of CBM Engineers, who co-
the rippling reveal continues into the designed the structural system of the
lobby to a near paroxysm of jogged Hancock Center in Chicago and is a
surfaces: rippling column shafts, rippling strong proponent of cross-braced tube
window surrounds, the rippling fountain construction, says Heritage Plaza is the
(or "water feature," as it is called). only such structure in downtown
Heritage Plaza, 1987, M. Nasr Associates, architect

Houston. Despite the structural efficiency market. The building is an intriguing

and greater economy of cross-braced hybrid, and the uncertainty of whether ii is
structures, developers have resisted usnic masonry or curtain-wall unconsciously
• .I ^ - m a ,A i • • . them, believing they are less marketable reflects the economic doubts of iis origins.

• • • * than column-based structures. Al The design or slyle of the building is not
Heritage Plaza the choice of cross- what is keeping it empty, nor is its
bracing was an economic necessity that downtown location - there are dozens of
was glossed-over by its shiny veneers. other buildings in Houston, both inside and
• • • t outside Loop 610, that are likewise
Wortham's well-publicized bankruptcy unleased.4 Like most hybrids it is the last
(he filed Chapter 7 in 1986), preceded the of its species and remains a prominent
completion of the building. Heritage totem of the belief in a metropolitan
Plaza, however, was not the direct cause Houston and the upward cycles of past
of his financial demise.1 It had, in fact, markets - the last squeeze out of the tube
been sold in the previous year to the of speculative prosperity. •
c Houston-based Alfanco, Inc., owned by
Saudi Prince Abdul Rahman Faisal who
had been a partner in the enterprise from
the start and who retained Wortham's firm
as the project manager. The project that Douglas Davis, "Laic Postmodernism: The
broke him was the Humble Building (now End of Style," An In America. June 1987.
1212 Main), again with Tomlinson as a Paul Goldbergcr, " I n Houston. A Symbol of
major investor. This was to have been an Confused Ambitions." New York Times, 12
July 1987. Section H, p. 17.
innovative scheme to rehabilitate a fine Patricia Manson and Carl Hooper.
building of the 1920s while joining a high- "Developers File Bankruptcy Petitions,
rise addition lo it. It might have proven to Observers Blame Overextension in Soft
be a lesson in how to salvage Houston's Market." Houston Post. 15 August 1986.
architectural patrimony at a time when Carl Hooper, "72 Office Buildings Empty.
Study Kinds." Houston POM, 4 July 1986.
great buildings, such as the Shamrock
Hotel, are graluitously being slaughtered.

Heritage Plaza is a surreal building, a

symbol not of "confused ambitions" but
of contrary processes by which the benefits
Plan, ground floor, Heritage Plaza, M. Nasr Associates, architect of the "Accelerated Cost Recovery System"
seemed to outweigh the dictates of the

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