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A. The thought that God’s people are a living building is not first found in the book of Revelation. In
the Old Testament we see that God’s people were considered material to be built together as
His dwelling place
B. The entire city of New Jerusalem is God’s building, the living composition of all God’s redeemed,
regenerated, and transformed saints.
C. The Old Testament Saints Represented by the Twelve Names of the Twelve Tribes of Israel on
the Twelve Gates
1. Every gate bears the name of one tribe. This is also a sign signifying that the gates of the city
are living people
2. The gates firstly function as the means of propagation for the city and then as the entrance
into the city
3. The Old Testament saints, the children of Israel, are the gates for the preaching and the
D. The New Testament Believers Represented by the Names of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb
on the Twelve Foundations
1. The fact that the names of the twelve apostles are on the twelve foundations of the wall
indicates that New Jerusalem is not only composed of the Old Testament saints,
represented by Israel, but also of the New Testament saints, represented by the apostles
2. The wall is for separation and protection


A. The city of New Jerusalem is built with treasures. It is built with three kinds of precious
materials, signifying the building by the Triune God
1. Firstly, the city proper with its street is of gold (vv. 18, 21). Gold, the symbol of the divine
nature of God, signifies the Father as the source, producing the element for the substantial
existence of the city
2. Secondly, the twelve gates of the city are pearls, which signify the Son’s overcoming death
and life-imparting resurrection, through which entrance to the city is gained
3. Thirdly, the wall of the city and its foundation are built of precious stones. This signifies the
Spirit’s work of transforming the redeemed and regenerated saints into precious stones for
the building of God’s eternal habitation that they may express God corporately in His
permeating glory
B. Gold for the City Proper
1. If we see the vision of the New Jerusalem built with God’s divine nature, we shall renounce
everything that does not belong to God’s nature and reject anything that does not match it.
The church today must also be built with God’s nature, not with brick, clay, or wood.
C. Twelve Precious Stones for the Twelve Foundations
1. This indicates that the twelve apostles have been transformed into precious stones to be
the twelve layers of the foundation of the city.
D. Jasper for the Wall
1. Hence, the jasper wall signifies that the whole city, as the corporate expression of God in
eternity, bears the appearance of God
2. This means that we all must speak the same thing, express the same thing, and have the
same appearance
E. Twelve Pearls for Twelve Gates


A. The Measuring Instrument

1. The reed is for measuring, and measuring signifies taking possession
2. Since gold signifies the divine nature of God, “golden” here signifies that the measuring of
the city, its gates, and its wall is according to God’s divine nature. Anything that does not
match the nature of God does not belong to the New Jerusalem
B. Of the City Proper
1. The length is the same as its breadth. The fact that New Jerusalem is square signifies that it
is perfect and complete in every way, absolutely straight and not in the least oblique
2. According to its measurements, New Jerusalem is a cube. The dimensions of the Holy of
Holies, both in the tabernacle and in the temple, are equal in length, breadth, and heigh
3. Our experience of the Holy of Holies must be constantly increasing. All the redeemed ones
may enter into the presence of God, live there, and remain there, enjoying fellowship in
oneness with God
C. Of the Wall
1. A hundred and forty-four is twelve times twelve. Twelve times twelve signifies absolute
perfection and eternal completion of absolute perfections and eternal completions


A. Built with Jasper

1. Jasper is a transformed precious stone (1 Cor. 3:12) that bears the appearance of God. This
stone is crystal clear and dark green

2. The color of the wall of the city will be jasper, dark green, expressing life in its richness.

B. Hundred and Forty-four Cubits High

1. The wall is a hundred and forty-four cubits high, and that this measure is the measure of a
man, that is, of an angel

2. It is in resurrection that man will be like the angels (Matt. 22:30). This signifies that the wall
of the city is not natural, but in resurrection

3. The principle of resurrection is that the natural life is killed and that the divine life rises up in
its place

4. A number of times, as I was about to lose my temper, I exercised my spirit to crucify my

natural man

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