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Running Head: Design Thinking


Design Thinking 2

Executive summary

The development of new concepts and products through cognitive, practical and strategic
methods is the basic idea of design thinking. The primary concepts of Design thinking had been
curated through diversified areas of research and studies across various theoretical and practical
domains. The purpose of the report is to show how DT has become an integral part in
understanding the concepts and requirements of innovation and development in a new light. The
elements of ethics and empathy had been given larger importance than the need for outcomes
and results. The need of understanding a problem and analysing it to provide a greater benefit to
the ones affected by the problem is the primary focus of developing DT skills and not just
focusing on finding possible outcomes.
Through an extensive sturdy spread across 9 weeks of lecture sessions, the fundamentals of
design thinking has been highlighted in a new way of thinking. The basic principles of Design
Thinking had been discussed through the process of design theory, the other related theories and
models, the different tools in design thinking and its applicability had been discussed in detail.
Also, design thinking skills and the use of it in solving problems in a real-time scenario has also
been highlighted to better understand the concept. Even further an action plan and a Gantt chart
has additional importance in the report.
Design Thinking 3

Table of contents


Knowledge of design thinking.....................................................................................................4

Design thinking process...............................................................................................................4

Design thinking theories and models...........................................................................................5

Design thinking tools...................................................................................................................5

Design thinking practical applications.........................................................................................5

Design thinking skills......................................................................................................................6

Research skills for design thinking..............................................................................................6

Designing the learning launch......................................................................................................6

Using design thinking to solve problems.....................................................................................7

Design thinking mind-set.................................................................................................................7

Action Plan...................................................................................................................................9

Gantt chart..................................................................................................................................12



Design Thinking 4


In the following reflective report-writing, a detailed discussion on the study of design

thinking as experienced personally throughout 9 weekly sessions, will be put forth. In
accordance with the lessons grasped and experiences gathered, Design Thinking, when simply
put, is the process of innovative methods of problem-solving. The entire foundation of Design
Thinking in the course of learning is basically the process of thinking and designing for
innovating new business models. Analysing and understanding the problems, exploring a range
of possibilities of solutions, extensively recapitulating through testing as well as prototyping and
eventually implementing through customary arrangements of complex mechanisms
(Geissdoerfer, Bocken & Hultink, 2016).
Such is the basis of my overall knowledge from the entire course taken which includes learning
of the skills associated with Design Thinking for more efficiency and creativity in business. A
reflection on personal strengths and weaknesses throughout the learning process will also be
discussed in detail. The course required extensive research on Design thinking and the various
related topics and how developing Designing and Thinking skills would aid in critical problem-
solving in business. The composition of the report is majorly done through summarizing of 9
weekly blogs and the classes attended to present a central idea on the learning approach.

Knowledge of design thinking

Thinking of an idea is easy although designing it in a structured manner is a herculean

task. That is the basic understanding of Design Thinking that I had inculcated from the course.
Thus, having a thorough knowledge of Design Thinking is a necessity when involved in a
process of innovation. The completion of the Design Thinking course could only have
progressed through the initial stages of the thinking process, the theories and models involved,
the tools of Design Thinking and the applications of each tool.

Design thinking process

The process of design thinking is the initial stage of accumulating knowledge on the
concept which was discussed in the first tutorial session of week1 and week2 blog and some
Design Thinking 5

parts of week7 (see in appendix). Not only the basis of design thinking lies in the process of
innovation for the purpose of problem-solving but the process can also be applied in the
development of new products and utilities (Black, Gardner, Pierce & Steers, 2019). In the
beginning tutorial session, I was introduced to the fundamental concepts of DT, moving on to
which the process was discussed in detail, which was an amazing experience in itself. I learnt
that there exist 5 primary processes of DT namely, empathizing, defining the problem, ideating,
prototyping and finally testing.

Design thinking theories and models

Week1 and week2 blogs were crucial in understanding the theories and models of DT as
well as the following lectures of the following weeks (see in appendix). At the start of the 1st-
week session, the introduction to DT was understood, moving on to understanding the theories
and process models of DT. Through a video workshop activity, it came to the knowledge that
there are multiple theories to explain the process of DT namely, divergent and convergent
thinking, action research, logical reasoning, philosophical worldview, learning theory and co-
creation (Oxman, 2017). Logical reasoning included inductive, adductive and deductive
reasoning in relation to the desired value of ‘what’ and ‘how’.

Design thinking tools

Thorough learning of DT was introduced in the first two lecture sessions itself and in
week 9 session, I learnt that tools of DT are visualization, mapping of experiences, analysing
value chains, mind-mapping, and the constant development of content, prototyping and testing.
The concept of visualization and activities of visualization was introduced in the week1 blog.
Tools of DT are an intrusive theoretical part of DT process (Elsbach & Stigliani, 2018). Journey
mapping or mapping of experiences and mind mapping was learnt in week5 blog which was a
method of ethnographic research. Analysing value chains were learnt in week 6 blog while
generalization, visualization, development of content and structuring of ideas was taught in week
1, 2, 5 while prototyping, testing, relations and pattern learning was taught in week 8 blog (see in
Design Thinking 6

Design thinking practical applications

The practical applications of the DT tools lie in the application of the skills learnt in
solving complex problems in business by analysing and understanding them and creating an
environment of shared experience with others as well (Fraser, 2019). Through the week 3
session, I learnt to build an environment based on experiences with my fellow mates and
understood the terms of subjectivity, attentiveness and empathy. In week 4 and week 5 I learnt
about the methods of identifying the problems and thinking of the possible solutions (see in

Design thinking skills

Research skills for design thinking

For the purpose of understanding the research skills required in DT, lecture sessions of
week 3, 5,6,8,9 are of utmost important (see in appendix). The key research skills required to
gain appropriate knowledge on DT is curiosity, observation, empathy, research, prototyping,
testing, ideation and assumption (Brenner & Uebernickel, 2016). Week3 lesson I learnt the skill
of curiosity which basically involves trial for improvement of existing DT protocols. It generally
arrives from creative mind-set with the existing protocols, following which in week 5 I learnt
about the skill of brainstorming for identifying those problems and finding a feasible solution. It
was done under an unstructured and free-thinking environment. Week 6 was about understanding
the skill of observation which is a necessary tool in the DT process. It was done through the
observation of a video to observe the key elements of customer experience. Empathy is a core
value of DT was learnt in week 3 which is crucial in gathering feedback on self-values. Week 8
was important in learning ideation, prototyping and testing. I learnt a few fundamental principles
of prototyping and alternative rapid prototyping by using creative materials, one among which
was sketching. Week 9 was all about identifying the main elements of assumption as DT
research skill (see in appendix).
Design Thinking 7

Designing the learning launch

The cognitive, practical and strategic tools of DT was the overall topic of learning in
week 9. In week 9 lessons, I learnt about the launch as a design thinking tool (see in appendix).
The LAUNCH cycle can be basically put under the acronym of Learning, Asking questions,
Understanding the process, Navigating new ideas, creating a prototype and highlighting and
fixing the points of failure. Design Thinking is a flexible structure to extract the maximum out of
a creative process and learning launch eliminates the stigma surrounding the terms of success
and failures that stands as a limitation to growth and innovation (Glen, Suciu, Baughn & Anson,
2015). The learning launch activity was carried out in groups where we had to analyse the given
prototype after the identification of main assumptions had been done. Used as the final tool of
design thinking, the sensibility of awareness and sense of empathy is an inevitable requirement
of DT skills. The lessons of curiosity learnt in week 3 is the second requirement of learning
launch (see in appendix). Curiosity leads to understanding the process or problem through
extensive research (Spearrin & Bendana, 2019). Navigating ideas to acquire information in order
to produce solutions is the following step of learning launch and then to create a prototype for
fixing the drawbacks.

Using design thinking to solve problems

Design thinking as a tool of problem solving is possible through the application of the
fundamental principles of DT. In week 7 I learnt that as a primary process of design thinking,
ethics, empathy and concept development is extremely crucial (see in appendix). Ethical design
thinking encourages designers to focus on values associated with humans thus helping to solve
their problems better (Tellioğlu, 2016). For the purpose of concept development, which is the
crucial part in understanding and solving the problems, it is a necessary tool in generating
innovative ideas in order to solve the issues that are surfacing while learning design thinking
(Mosely, Wright & Wrigley, 2018). The DT tools that can be used to solve a problem efficiently
had been distributed in all lectures from week1 to week 9, which mainly involves: visualization,
journey-mapping, value-chain analysis, mind-mapping, brainstorming, concept development,
assumption testing, prototyping, customer co-creation and learning launch (see in appendix). I
learnt that the main focus ought to be on finding a problem and a possible solution to it instead of
Design Thinking 8

focusing on the outcome. I learnt that before jumping to a potential solution, the problem should
be investigated in detail in order to understand the situation of the ones affected by the problem.

Design thinking mind-set

The primary/core value of a designer should be in improving the future by building up

new ideas. In week 3 lecture, it came to my understanding that the mind-set of a designer in DT
should be focused on finding a solution and acting on it rather than solely focusing on the
problem (see in appendix). For design thinking mind-set the aspects of user-centeredness,
attentiveness, value of observation, failures and problems of learning opportunities, patience,
experimentation, visualization, open-mindedness, focus on current reality and mindful thinking
should be taken into consideration (Gerlach, 2018). From week 1 to week 9 lecture sessions, I
had not been adept in all the skills required but had shown considerable strengths in a few fields
of learning.

 In the beginning of the introductory sessions, the main motive was to learn visualization.
I had shown uncomfortability in visualization activity although my strength was in
curiosity to know more and participate in a new kind of activity in my academic career. I
developed my strength in courageousness, and attentiveness.
 Second aspect of the mind set was teamwork. I will be honest as I did not know the
concepts of working efficiently with team members, although after the week2 video
tutorial I gained some knowledge on the same.
 Thirdly, the core values and mindset of the designer was learnt. Prior to the session I did
not have an in-depth understanding of elements of core values that a designer should
possess although my strength, subjectivity, empathy and attentiveness was enhanced. My
curiosity helped me in applying practical and theoretical values in increasing my design
thinking skills, which has mostly aided me in better understanding of problems and how
to address and solve them for the affected ones.
 Fourthly, I analysed that my weakness was mostly related to trying to jump to solutions,
instead of properly analysing and conducting a thorough research on the foundation of
the problems.
Design Thinking 9

 The fifth aspect was understanding other’s minds. After participating in a group activity
meant to understand the working of different minds, I found my strength in the benefits
of brainstorming and personal development. Earlier I did not have an understanding
about the concepts of observation which was made clear after the week 6 tutorial.
 Through the sixth aspect of mind set, my missing strength in content development was
filled. I already held my strength in understanding of ethics and empathy although the
concept of development was my mistake. I learnt about the theoretical aspects of DT
through participation in various creative activities.
 The seventh aspect included the understanding of prototyping, ideating and testing, which
was my usual area of weakness but after attending week 8 tutorial sessions, I had a
clearer understanding of the concepts in user-centeredness and focus on reality
 The eighth aspect helped me gain my strength in understanding of design thinking and its
related processes and tools.
 The skills of open-mindedness, experimentation before conclusion and mindful thinking
had proved to be my strength, which was highlighted as the ninth aspect of design
thinking mindset.
 The comprehension of the last aspect of design thinking as per my understanding was the
ability to think out of box in an innovative and creative manner which I think is very
much essential from all aspects.

Action Plan

Action Plan gives us a reflective idea of Design Thinking for managers. The plan defines
the weaknesses that arise in the design thinking process and the solutions for that. The growth
requires reflection and self-awareness and to understand which point needs to be focused
(Indezine, 2018). The time span for the Design Thinking for managers is six months where the
weaknesses are explained and the plan, objectives and goals are identified to overcome those
weaknesses. The given table reflects the weakness and the rectification activity carried out and
the duration to complete the activity.
Design Thinking 10

Serial Number Identified Weakness Rectification Duration


1. Lack of visualization The problem that One Month

and the knowledge of arises during design
it. thinking is
identification. In
order to have a good
understanding we
need the techniques to
observe, research and
analyse the ideas. The
lack of visualization
will be eliminated if
we enhance our
techniques to identify
and observe more.

2. Inattentive mindset The mindset plays an One Month

towards business important role that
reflects us as a
person. The process
to increase the core
values and
attentiveness towards
the business will help
to build a designer
mindset towards an
improved future.

3. Lack of knowledge This particular Two Months

and understanding weakness depends on
about the problems in the identification of
Design Thinking 11

business the problem in every

situation. The cause
of the problems must
be identified on a
regular basis to
improve the ability of
mind to think and
have a clear vision
and also have an
improved ability to
understand the needs
of the people.

4. In-capabilities to deal This weakness One Month

with the problems and requires
finding a solution. Brainstorming, a tool
that is used to identify
problems and
generate solutions.
This helps in having a
creative thinking and
increase in innovation
ideas through Design

5. Difficulties in This activity requires One Month

carrying out a a Value chain and
research activity network that helps us
to carry out the
research effectively
and know the
customers need and
Design Thinking 12

implement the
positive outcomes
with strategic
business plans.

Gantt chart

Serial No First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth

Month Month Month Month Month Month

Solving of
Issue 1

Solving of
Issue 2

Solving of
Issue 3

Solving of
Issue 4

Solving of
issue 5


It can be concluded in good terms that the concept of designing and thinking is itself very
crucial in the process of innovation and development in all fields, more or less. Though the
amalgamated theory of design thinking is informative in itself, attached to it there are different
theories and models that aid in appropriate application of the Design thinking process. The ideas
and prototypes of DT needs complete understanding in order to gain the necessary knowledge for
designing. Designing and thinking are the primary needs but equipping the mind with sufficient
Design Thinking 13

knowledge of its applicability will go a long way to understand and solve existing issues in a
more efficient way. In order to refine and rebuild the process of thinking and designing, the need
to refine designing and thinking skills, through methods of brainstorming, analysing, researching
and implementing is equally crucial. Sufficient skills and areas of expertise is needed to get
acquainted with the process of design thinking and thorough research and understanding of
human conditions are required to solve tribulations of the affected ones. Not only will
understanding and solving an issue be the primary requirement of in-depth knowledge on design
thinking but the nitty gritties of the related concepts would go a long way to create a wholesome
environment to develop personal skills.
Design Thinking 14


Black, S., Gardner, D. G., Pierce, J. L., & Steers, R. (2019). Design thinking. Organizational
Behavior. London : CRC Press .
Brenner, W., & Uebernickel, F. (2016). Design thinking for innovation. Research and Practice.
Elsbach, K. D., & Stigliani, I. (2018). Design thinking and organizational culture: A review and
framework for future research. Journal of Management, 2274-2306.
Fraser, H. M. (2019). Designing business: New models for success. Design Management
Review, 56-65.
Geissdoerfer, M., Bocken, N. M., & Hultink, E. J. (2016). Design thinking to enhance the
sustainable business modelling process–A workshop based on a value mapping process.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 1218-1232.
Gerlach, A. (2018). Thinking and researching relationally: Enacting decolonizing methodologies
with an Indigenous early childhood program in Canada. International Journal of
Qualitative Methods, 17(1), 1609406918776075.
Glen, R., Suciu, C., Baughn, C. C., & Anson, R. (2015). Teaching design thinking in business
schools. The International Journal of Management Education, 182-192.
Indezine, S. (2018). Preconference Workshop Announced: Using Design Thinking to Craft
Learning Experiences| Presentation Industry Happenings.
Mosely, G., Wright, N., & Wrigley, C. (2018). Facilitating design thinking: A comparison of
design expertise. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 177-189.
Oxman, R. (2017). Thinking difference: Theories and models of parametric design thinking.
Design studies, 52, 4-39.
Spearrin, R. M., & Bendana, F. A. (2019). Design-build-launch: a hybrid project-based
laboratory course for aerospace engineering education. Acta Astronautica, 157, 29-39.
Tellioğlu, H. (2016). The role of design models in design thinking. IADIS International Journal
on Computer Science and Information Systems, 11(2), 132-145.
Design Thinking 15


In this first tutorial session, our tutor Dr. Michael turner introduced ourselves and gave a
Introduction to the unit (Design thinking for managers) include all the assessments of this term.
He explained to us why this subject DT (Design thinking) is important and what the applications
of it are. Moreover, he defined visualization terms and explained visualization activity. At the
beginning of the activity, I am not comfortable with this task but at the same time I am excited
because I had never participated in this type of activity in my whole academic career. After
completing the activity, I am very much satisfied with this task because during the activity we all
the students closed our eyes and visualized some ideas or thoughts. In this activity, I learn
important things such as visualization helps to build courageousness, increase our imagination
power and remove the negativity of our mind that’s why we can think of new innovative ideas
that’s why visualization is the fundamental part of DT (Design thinking). In the last five minutes
of the tutorial, he gave some tips on how we can get a high score in all the assessments.

At the beginning of the second-week tutorial class, Dr. Michael Turner asked about our
first blog. He cleared some student’s doubts regarding how to write the blog and how many
words can we use in the blog. After that, some students of the tutorial spoke about their first-
week blog and then Dr.Turner gave proper feedback. Moreover, he again explained some lecture
points such as what is the design process, how the design process looks like for us and how it
actually looks like, types of process models and how it looks like. After some theory topics, he
started a video. It was a workshop activity. The concept of the video was about how a designer
works with his team members. In this video, they were 8 to 9 members in the group. They all are
working on designing an instrument which is used in daily life e.g. trolley in the supermarket. In
short, the whole video was all about to think differently about people’s requirements and safety
on a daily basis. After the video, he was asking questions to individual students related to the
video. In the last thirty minutes, he gave a full explanation of assessment 1. At last I want to
write something about our tutor Dr. Michael turner. I felt amazing while attending his workshop
Design Thinking 16

because before the workshop starts he creates a friendly atmosphere e.g. He talked with all the
students in the workshop just like friends as well as shared their own experiences with us.

At the starting of the tutorial, Dr. Michael turner talks with me and other students to
builds a
Friendly atmosphere in the tutorial class. Then, he explained the core values and mind-set of a
designer. This topic is particularly very interesting for me because in this theory I learned a
plethora of terms such as subjectivity, empathy, user-centred, attentiveness like that. After that,
he gave one activity. In this activity, every student of the tutorial has to use the handout which
was uploaded into the Moodle and reflect ourselves with key terms. I enjoyed the activity task
because in this task I asked questions to myself about the rating of the value as well as a real-life
example related to the core value, that’s why during this activity, I am very curious to answer the
tutor’s question. After the activity, I felt satisfied with myself. In that activity, I learned a
designer mind-set is not problem-focused, it's solution-focused and action-oriented. It involves
both analysis and imagination. Designers’ core values are linked to creating an improved future
and seeks to build ideas up – unlike critical thinking, which breaks them down. After that, he
explained the third assessment's main topics and what is the importance of these topics in the
assessment. In the last, he defines reflective writing and the structure of reflective writing. In this
topic, I learned the purpose of reflective writing and it is to help you to learn from a particular
practical experience. It will help you to make connections between what you are taught in theory
and what you need to do in practice. You reflect so that you can learn.

Particularly this week’s tutorial and lecture class were very interesting for me because in
these both classes, Stephy Macht and Dr. Mike Turner covers one of the core topics of design
thinking and the topic is how to find or identify the problem from any situation and without
thinking about the solution. I think this is the vital topic for every manager and designer. This
topic is also important for our group based Assessment 2 because it is depending upon to identify
the problem from any type of situation. In this topic, I learned many things such as, if you want
to find or identify the problem you have to understand the actual causes of the problem and the
Design Thinking 17

need of the user who is affected by this problem. After some theory points, Dr. Mike Turner gave
one activity. The activity was related to identifying problems from the topic images and the topic
was “A day at the beach”. He showed images and told me to identify the problem from images.
This is a new experience for me because I had never done this type of activity but I am so excited
to do this activity. Then we all discuss the problems from pictures with others. I learned from
this activity that we can find or identify the problem from images as well. After that, he started a
video. This video was based on regular daily basis activities and tells us to find the problem. This
is the homework activity. Moreover, he also gave one technique for understanding the problem
and the technique is if you must understand the problem then divided into small groups and
visualize this problem using different visualization techniques. At the last, he described the
design thinking of visualization of persona. It means visualizing some person or user and
visualizing a person’s characteristics, thoughts, feelings, as well as a person’s needs and wants.
After finishing the lecture and workshop, my mind is capable of finding problems from daily
bases activity. After this week my mind-set and perspective are positive regarding the Design
thinking process and I am very excited for next week’s lecture and tutorial classes.

This week's tutorial and lecture classes are fully connected with the previous week's topic
because in week four, they talked about how to find or identify the problem and this week five is
about the process to improve our design thinking and finding a problem. For example, if I broke
down design thinking tools that can be helpful to innovate new products or ideas. He also
defined tips of identifying the problem and sharing some ideas related to this situation for
instance COVID-19 Masks. After that, he suggested one group activity to find a problem and
check the ability of different thinking minds. In this activity, first of all, every group member
takes A4 size blank paper then draws 30 circles on the paper and in three minutes, Transforms
each circle into something recognizable (planet, ball, food item etc.). Personally, I like this
activity because we collect more than 100 ideas related to DT. In this blog, I also uploaded my
personal A4 size activity photo. Then, he explained about brainstorming. In this topic, I learned
that, Brainstorming is tool design teams are using to generate solutions to address specifically
specified product issues. Under structured conditions and in a free-thinking environment, teams
address a problem by such means as questions about & quote; Why Can We.& quote ; They
Design Thinking 18

create a vast array of ideas and draw links between them in order to find potential solutions.
After the theory, he gave an activity. In this activity, he showed more than six images which are
totally different from each other. My task is to choose 2 images and somehow combine them into
a new concept (e.g. a new product, new service, new addition to the existing item, etc.). This was
a very creative and interesting activity for me. I took images of a cup of coffee and melted Ice-
cream cones. I think about five minutes and my answer was that I am personally using these cups
to serve the melted ice-cream. Then he explained about the method of brainstorming. Then he
gave one more activity that is connected to the previous one because in this activity there were
more five images and I have to connect previous ideas with these images. This activity is quite
overload thinking for me but I am excited to do this activity. In the end our tutor explained
journey mapping such as what journey mapping is, what is important of journey mapping, and
what the procedure of journey mapping is. Then, I personally apply this process to my master’s
study program. This week was very hectic for me because of many activities but I enjoyed this

After a one week break, we were back in the lecture and tutorial. Particularly, I am very
fresh and energetic to learn this week’s topic and doing exciting exercises related to the
application of the theory topic. This week, I learned about the Value chain and network,
introduction to research as well as empathy interviewing, and their five ways. First of all, he told
about why we conduct
Research and what is research. After the theory concept, my whole mind is clear about DT
researching. Then he explained two activities. These activities are related to finding things out.
In the First activity, he told me to take blank paper and draw nine (9) dots. There were two
conditions in this activity. First, one was to link all dots with 4 or fewer straight lines and the
second one was without lifting your pen off the paper. This activity wasn’t new for me because
that type of activity we have done in our childhood but this activity is very interesting for me.
My work is also uploaded below the blog. The second activity is the same but there was an
image of a cake and he tells us to cut the cake and divide among 8 friends but the condition was,
you were only allowed to do 3 straight slices to cut the cake and all pieces’ size were the same.
This activity was quite interesting to me.
Design Thinking 19

Particularly I enjoyed a lot during both activities. I learned a lot from those activities such as
practice creatively and lateral thinking, every time I come up with different solutions, Practice,
and use the ‘beginner’s mind-set’. After that Dr. Michael Turner discussed the main topic of the
day. The topic was interviewing for Design Projects. Firstly, he explained about why we have to
conduct this interview in the group, what the reason behind it is and what content we use in the
interview. In my opinion, this topic is very important for every group discussion and in any
subject. He also defines why we have to use “why” in the interview. I learned that, with the use
of five why we can easily understand reasons and problems. After the workshop our DT group
conducts a zoom meeting and creates an interview to find a problem and if anyone suggests the
problem then, one of the group members asks the other member, why this is the problem. After
the interview particularly my all the dough’s were clearly related to the problem and we all the
group members have decided one final problem of assessment 2. This activity very helps us to
decide or identify the problem. Moreover, he talked about one of the important design thinking
tools, ‘Observation’. Then he showed one video and told me to observe the video, take notes, and
identified the problem. This activity was interesting and exciting for me because in this activity, I
learned that observation is an inevitable part of any innovation or design process. If I can observe
properly, then I can find the problem very fast as well as understand the situation. In the last, he
explained the value chain and network theory. I learned from this DT tool that value chain
analysis identifies the key elements of the customer experience—regardless of their functional
alignment—to define outcomes desirable to the customer and align those outcomes with strategic
business objectives. Personally, this week I learned many things such as three Design thinking
tools as well as some theories and activities.

In this week's 7 lecturer, Stephy Macht and Tutor Dr. Mike turner covered the main two
topics of the design thinking process. The first one is ethics, the second one is empathy and the
last third one is concept development. In the lecture I learned about the theoretical aspect in the
tutorial mike told about the importance of the concept and related activities about this design
thinking tool. First of all, he talked about ethics and why it is important. This concept is new to
me. I learned from this topic is Ethical Design thinking is a methodology that encourages
designers to focus on human-oriented values throughout their design process. It consists of 5
Design Thinking 20

exercises, created to bring together designers, researchers, engineers, PMs, and other
stakeholders to discuss a shared ethical goal. After that, he moves on to the concept development
concept. In this concept first, we learned about some common steps used in a group activity as
well as an individual’s concept development. After that, I saw a picture. The image is all about
some different ingredients and put into a dessert (be CREATIVE) and also we have to create
different combinations of categories and/or ingredients to make innovative desserts. This activity
is very interesting to me. After 15 minutes he asked me about some answers. At that time my
answer was carrot cake with fruit salad. After this activity, he told about the importance of
concept development because this activity is based on concept development. I learned the main
thing about Concept development that is a way of generating ideas to solve particular problems.
Concepts are developed in steps, from a series of concepts to a design that acceptably
incorporates graphics and information. After that, he described assumptions testing. Previous
activity is interconnected with assumption testing activity. In this activity consider some
assumptions that you would have to test if you were to try and launch these desserts. Then he
explained about mind mapping and gave a wonderful activity. In this activity, he divided us into
groups and gave a topic “Higher education”. This activity was very interesting for me because in
this activity I think about the user and collect data after that creates a mind mapping chart. This
is not new for me but I enjoyed this activity. This activity also helps me to improve my second
assessment presentation.

At the beginning of the tutorial, mike gave some good ideas about assessment 2. After
Discussion, he told about rapid prototyping. Rapid prototyping is the implementation part of the
Design thinking process. It is a design thinking tool. He explained what rapid prototyping is and
what the importance of rapid prototyping is. I learned a very important thing from the topic. For
example, rapid prototyping means a design workflow that consists of ideation, prototyping, and
testing. It helps designers quickly discover and validate their best ideas. With rapid prototyping,
you can expect to collaborate with managers, engineers, the users themselves, and other
designers as well as I also learned some basic principles of the prototyping such as Build
prototypes cheaply, early and often, make mistakes fast; learn from them, consider prototypes as
Design Thinking 21

a means to communicate. After that, he also saw us the basic types of prototype and their
examples like early prototyping, later rapid prototyping, and alternative rapid prototyping. I also
learned some prototyping techniques such as sketching, wire framing, paper prototyping such as.
At the end of the tutorial, he gave one activity related to rapid prototyping. In this activity, he
was told to build some type of prototype of a chosen topic and maintain social distancing and
saw him in the next tutorial. This activity is a group activity and it helps me in the assessment 2
report regarding rapid prototyping.

In week 9, Mike gave a full explanation of the learning launch design thinking tool. First
of all, this is the first time I heard this type of name in the design process. I learned many things
from the tool such as the purpose of a learning launch is to learn. If you learn valuable
information, the learning launch is a success, whether the particular idea is validated or not. This
attitude of learning overcomes the stigma associated with success or failure that limits innovation
and growth in many businesses. After I learned this I am fully excited to do an activity related to
the learning launch tool. These activities were performed in groups. In this activity, we have
analysed the given prototype, after that identify the main assumptions and in the last start
planning for creating a learning launch canvas, it means what type of questions will you ask your
group, what type of individual activities will you do like that. By using this activity, I realized
the importance of this activity. This is the last tool of the design thinking subject. After the study
of the whole subject, I can feel that design thinking tools and the other DT concepts are an
important and inevitable part of any type of innovation product or service. Without a design
thinking concept, it is very difficult to solve the issues and understand the issue properly.

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