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Name: ORINGA Wlitiams apown _ Reg no. Qoa/remi{ i124 \ps- COURSE’ AESERNOIR THERMODYNAMICS Ao FLUID PROPERTY Cope Question one: 2> Ho Explaco eae of dap ate and gue an an example of ead = Thers we et chemical» bond Webi S umiecend> | covalent bending > Bath tone acid covalent bends arise fmm the tendancy ot aloms te seek shale > conbgura uns of elcelrons- None bends: 2 athe tonite WG af el 3 fem one aterm te Per * Consider 4 ta _comnpaurd —_LYnium Flounde + __, Likum url eleckronie enfigurshion of acl). “lecser: tes one _caler= most _eleckron fe! gasna_stalele._ton el Fleanne woth cledwenic confgurahen of 9.8: F accepts tu ene eleckon from : \aWtnvam te gon halle cen aguratien of 2.8 + the “elects stable Jaltrachen _belween ta peotttel charged tos _hold_Afnem teeter FF Ais _tonnechsn Wpehoeen thd” tons 1s called an tonic \oonS + + Covalent “ben | he _tovalen : rae shart elec! + fer — axamgle__19_ the form hen of Mnyshrogen molecdes ~ Each ajorn _hhas_a_single elecken Was by—shariag a aic_ofclechrons hoo _lydragen aiken sa complete Tineic shells of tase qctuniing —, — ralos\ by * Hex -H ——> Het Queshon Two y Denw the _sbuchara| “formilas/ for the ssomess_o}_hepty,,| Dane's the yomiert b he! VUPAC = So )_Heplane _ Cha —CHa- Hack = Cig= CHa Cig > a, at = - Cite CHa = Ch, = CH=CH; «ews. Nous 2 arene f CHa CHa =C — CH2- CH. T CH 4)-_9- me'thylhexane che. = CH=CH CH Cie bn CRe 8) 22. -braatylpealane CHy- Gk = Clavel — Ch,- cH _CHy 6) 3- Ethy| pentane Cita Ct CH = CHaT7ch,- c ee cis a) 3- rmelhulhnenane > CHa-CHy-c Ha- CH- cH wey : ' 8) 9.23 Dimethy! penlane: |) ae ou sl ; Clta-CHa~ cH — - a - 9) 2.2: 8 “Trimettn i Cls- CH =¢ en. CHa Cits a Then oss 18" somes. of ockane. Drats te. wheeler chicka. —_| = _mame each: : _ D_Oclane Cats ’ Z 8) 2 methutegtane —_CCHta),CH(CHa) Clg 8) 3- Methythep ane. CHach, CH(CH,) Ctl, CHaClh iG 8) Ho Melulheptane «eee AGE, cHscucu.caleis) cHCHSt 5) _.3- Ethyl hexane ee ON, CHACHA CHL CH CHL) CHE, | 6) 2.2- Dimethylh 4 Loe. Cit, CH (CH) CH CHACHLCH | = )_-2.3- Dieetnglenane: CH, Cte (CHa) CH(CHH) CHCHaCH, - 8) 2. He Drene thuslhenane Che CH(CH,) CHaGhCCHa) CH, 4) 2.5" Denebhylhexane CHa CH(CH,) CttaCHa CHCCHACH, 0) _3.3-Pemethytherane _CHg CH CH, C CCH.) CHaCH a: 4 W) 3, 4- Brenetaglhexane_ CHg CHa CHCCR,) CHLCHS) CHLCRg. ] 12) 3-Ethyl- 3- methyl pentane CCH, C (CH Cu, COHs) CHaths. | \3)__g ~Ethyl-a-melhyl pentane CH CHa Ch (CHaca.) CH CCH) Che 14). 2,.0.9-Telm thylpenbane - CH cH Cen) C(cHi) CHa Ch 16) _@.2.4 - Trimelhlpentane (Clig), CCH, CH (CH) 4 \e)_ 2.3.3 -Timatinylpentane CH, CH, CCH.) €.(CHy), CHa CH a[ta) 2: 3. Teimethulpentane CH CH(chs) cHCcH,) cH(cH,) CHa 1S). 2.2,2,9- Telramethylbalane (CH) ,CC(CHS), 4 || Deo the shuclural formulas fer a Pristane £2, 6,10 14 -tebramethylpentadecane)- Cig tt uo | ycha. CH Ha , \ehs 4 POTS CH b). Phutane £26.10. ta- i BEN ; What isthe LEA ¢_syshon_name fo nenpenkans———_ 2 Dame pnp ss eee —~<| defwe sok git—08tamghe_af s0dhont > Meme oe ene wha al Ole te b) Acbe” conkeuins able bene a Bhat axc_Ane ae scl Heenan fete feliiy yineoren cy ‘Paran serves = Gn oHanra b) Olefhas senes = Cottan = ©) Wrolehes sie, = Ca Wan-a® - * : a) _Reatylent senei = Cythan : —— : ®)__plaptilene _senes = Co Hanae Predict _tohich one each ef the fellas ing parr below ell — howe. er 1" no ci Thus pur prdichum 1 = : a = 3 inc ba pont lemperstiae Jef 3-Mefhy El ae: s ghec_than ST a oe cok_it @. proper! \ser ef carbon alo cached “Whe Van dev Voda’ fires of altvackon { hice \n B= Metnylherane Than 2° Metlnulpentane "alae! te higher number er! | ere feu |b). B~ methylpentane and n-exrane* f = Melhulp: \ e Sbethe Jesnpecabure Srpska fo a-herane . This “67 because branche’ still enone wll_have _lninte— surface aria _campare® te te N-heane and then low being porat tempera baie +! ) N= Pentane _drel__\- Pentane- Ci rhe Loeiling paint lor pers fare ef nap Yoel of _1=fentene - Whis _is be cause w= ferlane iy not loranche land has a ‘sights sata 2 ats CompayeS_ fo _\-Pentane anf hence night beiking gaint epee sets A) _1- pentane and: amosthal=1 1: pulene dh ae 2S Q=Watry{e\-balene thas “a_lnightr—botlie fovel Tempers hy than \> pentane) These Fecaun> thé — Amdecolar_y mass aawiethy|:|- bubene lager fen tin at les ek \ 4 Wighae ling gait Jernpers heart Name the following ___comnpounds * : —~ a CH, CHSH _ Ethane tol - i) Ch, CHa Ny Ethylaming BY ci um i rua a Butansis acids a) on ~ “ ; Cyclo pentanol sy : _| e) ci, Get, | ett _ : ___ Oo Propansne- Draw the shuchiral formula fer the felony compsundt— Brohens : aes Chlore benrene + 2) Cumene : Cs Aveo, J £)_Dimethyl disutide ft 4 he Ringoes eae & a ORAN GA Vou teas pore QGP EMI 24 | ps

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