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VOLUME - 9, ISSUE - 10, October - 2020 • PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8160 • DOI : 10.


Original Research Paper Radiodiagnosis


Hod And Prof, Dept Of Radiodiagnosis, GMCH Nagpur, Maharashtra,
Dr.Aarti Anand India.
Junior Resident Doctor, Dept Of Radiodiagnosis, GMCH Nagpur,
Dr. Sakshi Kalra Maharashtra, India.
Junior Resident Doctor, Dept Of Radiodiagnosis, GMCH Nagpur,
Dr. Srijit Saha* Maharashtra, India. *Corresponding Author
ABSTRACT Context: Role of chest xray to aid in the diagnosis and prognosis of COVID 19 pneumonia.
Aims: To evaluate the imaging features of routine chest X-ray in patients referred for novel Coronavirus
2019 infection.
Settings And Design: Retrospective observational study in a dedicated COVID 19 hospital in Central India
Methods And Materials: RT-PCR positive patients for SARS-CoV-2 infection were evaluated. Demographic and clinical data
were recorded. All the CXR images were evaluated for the following ndings: reticular opacities, alveolar opacities (AO) alone
or in combination, consolidation and/or pleural effusion. We stratied patients in groups according to the time interval between
day of admission and X-ray imaging and according to clinical presentation.
Statistical Analysis: Continuous variableswereexpressedasmean±SDvalues.Thefrequency of the radiographic ndings was
expressed as the number of occurrences and percentage in every single cluster, compared using chi square test.
Results: A total of 486 patients were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Lung lesions primarily manifested in 40% of the patients
out of which the most frequent alteration wasconsolidations (41%) followed by AO(28%), pleural effusion( 18.5%) and reticular
opacities (11%) and more frequently bilateral (59%)with a peripheral predominance (83%).Among paediatric patients, 20%
CXR showed positive ndings, out of which the most frequent alteration was AO(54%).For the patients whose CXR was done
within 3 days of admission more frequently had AO and reticular opacities, in comparison to those whose x ray was done after 3
days of admission.
Conclusions: The most common X-ray pattern is multifocal and peripheral, associated with consolidatory changes. Chest X-
raycan be considered a reliable diagnostic tool especially in developingcountries with meagre resources.

KEYWORDS : COVID-19, CXR, consolidations, AO

INTRODUCTION: 2.2 Selection And Description Of Participants
As of August 18th, 2020, more than 21.8 million conrmed Patients with a clinical suspicion of SARS-CoV-2 infection,
SARS-CoV-2 cases have been reported globally[1]. Of these, based on referring physician's judgment, underwent the RT-
more than two million were from India. PCR test.Patients without clinical suspicion of SARS-CoV-2
infection were managed as appropriate.
Several early radiological studies analysed and described
the chest computed tomography (CT) ndings at the Patients were eligible for study inclusion if they
presentation and at different times throughout the disease 1) underwent RTPCR test for SARS-CoV-2 on nasop
course [2,3]. During the subsequent outbreak in the Western haryngeal swab or oropharyngeal swabsand the results
world, chest X-ray (CXR), together with arterial blood gas came out to be positive.
analysis and clinical presentation, in patients positive to RT- 2) had at least one bedside chest X-ray as and when
PCR, was recommended as a useful and easily available tool requisition received from the clinicians.
to support the initial diagnosis and for the subsequent For each patient, the following demographic, clinical and
management of COVID-19 patients [4,5]. Nonetheless, data imaging data were recorded:
specically addressing CXR ndings in COVID-19 are still a) age, b) sex, c) fever, d) cough, e) dyspneaf) onset of
limited [6-11]. symptoms- Asymptomatic/ Symptomatic, g) SpO2 values.

Our study aimed to evaluate the percentage of abnormal Patients were excluded out of the study if
chest radiographs at different time intervals from the day of 1.) RT-PCR results came out to be negative .
admission in COVID wards and to identify the type and 2.) Technical errors in bedside CXR images.
distribution of radiographic alterations, the correlation 3.) Previous history of radiographically signicant lung
between these radiologic alterations with Sp02 and clinical disease.
presentation and their frequency at different times throughout 4.) Antenatal patients.
the disease course of COVID-19 pneumonia.
2.3 Subgrouping Of Patients:
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients were assigned into three groups, classied according
2.1 Equipment Used: to disease severity[12]: asymptomatic/mild, moderate, or
All X-ray examinations were acquired as computed or digital severe.
radiographs using Allengers Mars 4.2following usual local
protocols- with values of mAS-8 and KV-62which are modied These categories were dened as
to mAS 15 and KV 65 for patients with large body habitus. A a. “asymptomatic” if they had no symptoms of disease
standard chest X-ray was performed in anteroposterior b. “mild” if they had mild clinical symptoms, but normal
projection or posteroanterior projection for patients who were mean oxygen saturation in resting state.
able to stand, obtained in patients at the bedside, using c. “moderate” if they hadclinical symptoms (fever, cough,
portable X-ray units in the isolation wards. diarrhoea, etc.), andmean oxygen saturation in resting
VOLUME - 9, ISSUE - 10, October - 2020 • PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8160 • DOI : 10.36106/gjra
state 90-94% The majority of patients were male (283; 59.08 %) with a mean
d. “severe” if they had one of the following spectrum of age of 37 years (±36). Therewasmarkeddisparityinmedi
conditions: severe pneumonia/ARDS/sepsis/septic shock anagebetween the three groups, manifesting as an increased
with mean oxygen saturation in resting state ≤90% age withincreased severity (p<0.001).

The patients were then clustered into three groups based on Fever (up to 80%) and cough/ generalised weakness(up to
the number of days between day of admission and the chest 61%) were the most common symptoms in symptomatic
radiography: group A (patients with chest radiographs patients. Most of them accessed the emergency department
acquired 0–3 days from the day of admission), group B within two days after the onset of clinical manifestati
(patients with chest radiographs acquired 3–6 days from the ons.[Table 1]
day of admission), group C (patients with chest radiographs
acquired ≥7 days from the day of admission. Table 1: Patient Demography And Symptomatology
2.4 Image Evaluation: NUMBER OF 67 328 84
A senior attending radiologist (with 20 years of experience in PATIENTS
chest imaging) reviewed the chest radiographs in picture
MALE 38(56.7%) 195(59.4%) 50(59%)
archiving and communication systems (PACS).
X-ray images were assessed for the presence and distribution SYMPTOMS
of parenchymal abnormalities including Asymptomatic 60(89%) 200(60.9%) 15(17.8%)
1) alveolar opacities (AO)which were dened as a hazy Fever 2(3%) 128(39%) 40(47.6%)
increase in lung attenuation with no obscuration of the Cough 3(4.5%) 60(18.2%) 18(21.4%)
underlying vessels Generalized - 38(11.5%) 4(4.7%)
2) reticularopacities(RO) weakness
3) c onsolidations which was dened as an area of Breathing 1(1.5%) 40(12.2%) 38(45.2%)
opacication obscuring the underlying vessels. difculty
4) any combination of the above three. Nasal congestion 1(1.5%) 24(7.3%) 16(19%)
5) pleural effusions. Others - 10(3.1%) 19(22.6%)

Within each hemithorax, the craniocaudal distribution of the Analyses of laboratory test results for SpO2showed
lesions was evaluated on the basis of the involvement of the downward trends from asymptomatic/mild to severe/critically
upper, middle, and lower elds. The middle eld was dened ill. Patients with severe disease tended to have more adverse
as the lung area delimited by (included between) two events including admission to ICU, invasive mechanical
horizontal lines at the level of the superior and inferior hilar ventilation (11%).
horns, respectively; the superior eld was dened as the lung
area included between the horizontal line at the level of the Among the total of 479 patients, 252 (52.6%) had at least one
upper hilar horn and the apical pleura; the lower eld was alteration in one lung eld. In 227/479 patients (47.4%), CXR
dened as the lung area included between the horizontal line was normal without any lesion. CXR showed at least one
at the level of the inferior hilar horn and the diaphragm. alteration in at least one lung eld in 75/206 patients (36.4%)
in group A, in 90/172patients (52.3%) in group B, in 87/101
The horizontal distribution of the lesions was evaluated on the patients (86.1%) in group C. The negative rate of chest
basis of the involvement of the peripheral zone only, the radiographs was 131/206patients (63.6%) in group A, 82/172
central zone only, or both. Central zones were dened as the (47.7%) in group B, 14/ 101 (13.9%) in group C.
central area within 2cm from the lobar bronchial structures as
far as visible; peripheral zones were dened as the remaining Alterations were bilateral in 150/252 patients (59.5%) and
lung area between the central zones and the pleura. unilateral in 102/252 (40.5%) (52 in the right lung and 50 in the
left lung). AO, alone or in combination with other alterations,
Moreover, the lesions were dened as isolated, when focal was present in 107/252 patients (42.5%); reticular alteration,
lesions involved only one zone, multiple when multiple zones alone or in combination with other ndings, was present in
are involved, unilateral or bilateral. 55/252 patients (21.8%); consolidation, alone or in
combination with other ndings, was present in 91/252
2.5 Ethics: patients (36.1%), pleural effusion was present in 33/252
The study plan was discussed with the ethical committee of patients( 13.1%). AO was signicantly more frequent than
our institution and as it is retrospective observational study, consolidation and reticular alteration.
the ethical approval was waived off.

2.6 Statistical Analysis:

Continuous variables were expressed as mean±SD values.
The frequency of the radiographic ndings was expressed as
the number of occurrences and percentage in every single
cluster. p values <0.05 were considered signicant.

Demographic, clinical and laboratory data of the entire cohort
A total of 486patients diagnosed with COVID-19 wereinitial
lyrecruited to this study. Seven patients were excluded from
the study because of images with poor quality. The remaining
479 patients from our hospital were assigned to three
severitygroups (asymptomatic/mild, n =290;moderate,n
=129; severe/criticallyill,n=60)and three groups based on the
day of chest x-ray from the day of admission as group A, B and
C. Figure 1: Chest Xray Showing Alveolar Opacities


VOLUME - 9, ISSUE - 10, October - 2020 • PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8160 • DOI : 10.36106/gjra
A signicantly higher frequency of involvement of the lower Table 2: Radiographic Alterations
elds compared to the middle elds and of the lower and Group A Group B Group C
middle eldscompared to the upper elds was observed (p
TOTAL ,n (%) 206(43%) 172(35.9%) 101(21.1%)
<0.01in all cases). The exclusive involvement of the central
zones was signicantly less frequent than the exclusive NEGATIVE CXR 131(63.6%) 82(47.7%) 14(13.9%)
involvement of the peripheral zones which was less than the POSITIVE CXR 75(36.4%) 90(52.3%) 87(86.1%)
involvement of both peripheral and central zones (p <0.01 in
ALVEOLAR 30(40%) 32(35.6%) 23(26.4%)
both cases). OPACITIES(AO)
RETICULAR 28(37.3%) 15(16.7%) -
In our study, in the patients having SpO2 values greater than
94% the radiographs consistently showed no abnormality or
CONSOLIDATION 9(12%) 17(18.9%) 31(35.6%)
presence ofAO/ RO in a single zone in 290/479 patients(60.5
%) whilein patients with SpO2 levels between 90-94%,the AO+ CONSOLIDATION - 3(3.3%) 19(21.8%)
radiographs showed patchy AO or consolidations in single or RO+ CONSOLIDATION - 2(2.2%) 10(11.5%)
multizonal distribution in 129/479(27%) and in patients with PLEURAL EFFUSION 8(10.7%) 21(23.3%) 4(4.6%)
SPO2 levels <90%, there was diffuse multilobar peripheral
basal involvement of bilateral lungs showing conuent In group A ,lower lung zone involvement was noted in majority
consolidations.[Illustration 1] of the patients i.e. 61/75(81.3%). In group B, the dominant
pattern wasboth lower and mid lung zoneinvolvement and
was seen in55/90(61.1%) patients. In group C, 68/87(78.1%)
patients showed involvement of the entire lung elds which
was not seen in the other groups in such high proportions.

The exclusive involvement of the peripheral zones was

observed in 50/75 patients (66.7%) in group A, in 63/90 (70%) in
group B, in 17/87 (19.5%) in group C while 70/87(80.5%)
patients in group C showed involvement of both central and
peripheral lung zones.[Illustration2 and 3]

Illustration 1: Subgrouping On The Basis Of Clinical


Illustration 2: Horizontal Distribution Of Radiographic

Alterations In Different Groups

Figure 2: Chest Xray Showing Bilateral Conuent


Chest Radiography Evaluation Of Subgroups:

Bilateral alterations were present in 26/75 patients (34.6%) in
group A, in 55/90 patients (61.1%) in group B, in 69/87 patients
(79.3%) in group C; when alterations were unilateral, no
signicant difference was observed between the left and right
Illustration 3: Craniocaudal Distribution Of Radiographic
lungs. AO, alone or in combination with other alterations, was Alterations In Different Groups
presentin30/75 patients(40%)ingroupA,in35/90 patients
(38.9%)ingroupB,in42/87patients(48.2%)ingroupC. Reticular In our study, the age group of the patients varied from 5
alteration, alone or in combination with other alterations, was months to 75 years; out of which 67 patients were below 15
present in 28/75 patients (37.3%) in group A, in 17/90 patients years of age. Amongst these, the positive CXR rate was
(18.9%) in group B, in 10/87 patients (11.5%)ingroupC. 13/67(19.4%). On further subgrouping, the positivity rate in
group A was 7/45(15.5%), group B 6/20(30%) and in group C
Consolidation, alone or in combination with other alterations, 0/2(0%). AO were found in group A in 5/7patients(71.4%) and
was present in 9/75 patients (12%) in group A, in 22/90 patients in group B 2/6 (33.3%). Consolidatory changes were found in
(24.4%) in group B, in 60/87 patients (68.9%) in group C. [Table group A in 1/7 patients(14.3%) and in group B in 4/6
2] patients(66.7%). Pleural effusion was found in only 2 patients


VOLUME - 9, ISSUE - 10, October - 2020 • PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8160 • DOI : 10.36106/gjra
in group A.[Table 3] consolidations started to increase from the intermediate
phase. As compared to the previous studies, our study had a
Table 3: Radiographic Alterations In Patients <15 Yrs Of fair percentage of patients with pleural effusion, possibly
Age parapneumonic in etiology. Considering the distribution of the
Group A Group B Group C lesions on both the lungs and on the axial and craniocaudal
TOTAL ,n (%) 45(67%) 20(30%) 2(3%) plane, our results are in line with the data reported in CXR
studies and in CT studies in the literature [2,7,22,23]. In
NEGATIVE CXR 38(84.4%) 14(70%) 2(100%)
accordance with the observations of Wong et al [7], in the
POSITIVE CXR 7(15.6%) 6(30%) -
majority of our patients, the alterations were bilateral(59.5%),
AO 5(71.4%) 2(33.3%) - andin patients with unilateral lesions, no predominance was
RETICULAR OPACITIES(RO) - - - observed between left and right. The exclusive peripheral
CONSOLIDATION 1(14.3%) 4(66.7%) - involvement and the combination of peripheraland central
PLEURAL EFFUSION 2(28.6%) - - distributions were signicantly more frequent than exclusive
central distribution; with signicant differences in the
DISCUSSION: proportion of distribution according to the day of CXR from
According to WHO guidelines, diagnostic testing for SARS- admission. Peripheral involvement was seen mostly in Group
CoV-2 is fundamental, in particular, to avoid transmission, A and B while group C showed more or less a mixed pattern of
track the epidemiology, and, nally, manage patients involvement. Several studies reported a predominant,
correctly. On the other hand, due to the large number of cases although not signicant,localizationofthelesions inthelower
suspected for SARS-CoV-2 infection, laboratory detection is lobes [17,24]; our results conrm this observation and
time-consuming and may not be quickly available for all measured a signicantly higher frequency of involvement of
people with suspected infection, with a time interval between 2 the middle and lower zones compared to the upper
hours and 2 days. Therefore, we assumed that chest X-ray can zonessimilar to SARS and MERS imaging. Our patients had a
achieve the potential role of a screening test as and when the lower mean age than those reported in the literature,
need arises in countries like Indiawith high disease reecting demographic differences between India and the
prevalence but limited resources. Western countries.

By analysing international literature the proportion of patients In our study, we observed that the distribution of radiographic
with abnormal initial radiographic ndings was 78.3–82.4 % alterations were seen to be having a correlation with the SPO2
in SARS [13], 83.6 % in MERS [14], while only in 33 % of cases levels, no such nding has yet been mentioned in the literature
in Korean SARS-CoV-2 related pneumonia [15], and in 60 % of that we could nd. Patients having SpO2 values greater than
Chinese patients [16]. In our series, investigating Indian 94% consistently showed no abnormality or presence ofAO/
patients, the percentage of positive radiographs came to be RO in a single zone while in patients with SpO2 levels between
52.6%.Wong et al [7] reviewed 255 CXR in 64 patients, 90-94%, the radiographs showed patchy AO or consolidations
describing the time course of the radiographicndings of in single or multizonal distribution and in patients with SPO2
COVID-19 pneumonia and reporting an overall rate of levels <90%, there was diffuse multilobar peripheral basal
negative baseline CXR examinations of 31%. However, in our involvement of bilateral lungs showing conuent consolid
experience, the overall rate of normal CXR Finding sin ations.
patients with positiveRT-PCRwas47.4%, possibly owing to the
higher number of younger asymptomatic patients in India. In paediatric patients, the CXR positivity rate was signicantly
Bernheim et al[17]reported the percentage of normal chest lower than the adult population which is in line with the milder
CT in patients clustered on the base of the timing of symptom clinical presentation in the younger population, most of whom
onset and observed a rapid decrease from 56% at 0–2 days to acquired the infection from contact with their parents who
9% at 3–5 days and 4% at 6–12 days.Clustering our patients on were positive for COVID 19. Most of the paediatric patients
the base of the timing of chest x ray from the day ofadmission, were imaged in rst 6 days of admission and the predominant
the rate of normal CXR progressively decreased from 63.6% nding was found to be AO followed by consolidation. Pleural
(0–3 days from the day of admission) to 47.7% (3–6 days), effusion was found in 2 patients.
13.9% (≥7 days). Although the two cohorts are not directly
comparable due to different selection criteria and different In fact, we found out that chest X-ray sensitivity decreased
diagnostic modalities, we observed a decreasing trend in the when symptoms appeared ≤6 days before performing
rate of negative CXR through the different time intervals. imaging technique with a value of only 43.6% while in case of
a longer course of the disease the sensitivity increased up to
In our radiographic series, consistent with previous studies, 86%.
SARS-CoV-2 was more often found in men than in women;
however the difference was not statistically signicant. In our Moreover the subdivision of SARS-CoV-2 patients according
study, the most frequent alterations wasAO,alone or in to age (≤ and>60 years) allows to establish the diagnostic
combination with other alterations, resembling the performance changes: inyounger patientschestX-rayshowed
radiographic appearance described in other coronavirus- a low sensitivity (47 %) while sensitivity increased in older
related pneumonias [18-20]. Furthermore, the distribution of patients (65%), maybe due to the presence of others
the lesions in the middle and lower elds and that of the comorbidities.
relatives paring of the superior elds are similar to the pattern
of distribution described in H1N1 inuenza pneumonia [21]. The purpose of this study was to analyse and describe the
Our results are not in line with the recent report of Wong et al. type, frequency, and distribution of CXR ndings in COVID-19
[7] because in our series too we found a higher number ofAO pneumonia. Therefore, the main limitation of the study is the
than consolidation and reticular opacities. lack of data about the specicity of the CXR ndings in
COVID-19 towards its main differential diagnoses (other viral
In the rst 3 days from the day of admission,both AO and pneumonia, interstitial lung disease, cardiogenic pulmonary
reticular alterations weremorefrequent, while after this period, edema, acute lung injury), and the lack of correlation between
consolidation came to be predominant. Consolidation was CXR and CT ndings. Our study focused on the CXR at the
less frequent than the other two alterations in the early phase time of received requisition of CXR, and the subsequent
of the disease. Our data suggest that early alterations are examinations of each patient were not considered; hence, the
predominantly AO and reticular opacities, whereas radiographic differences between the groups do not reect the


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particular CT examinations. In conclusion, our observation is
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SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia. Sensitivity can be even
higher when symptoms had started more than 6 days before,
at the expense of lesser specicity, and slightly higher in older
patients in comparison to younger ones

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